Everquest - TLP - Class Ranking in Kunark!

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The Brit Canuck Plays

The Brit Canuck Plays

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@WesleyWyndam-Pryce Жыл бұрын
Cleric is S or A. If you're going to rank Warrior primarily on raid usage and is an A, Cleric is every bit as up there.
@adamb306 Жыл бұрын
Well just after posting a novel on the classic tier list I saw this one. Kunark is harder to build a tier list around than classic where obvious S tiers like SKs and Enchanters are so broken compared to others. From a raid perspective I'd make the following changes: Shaman -> A SK -> S Necro -> S Druid -> B Bard -> B Wizard -> A Mage -> A Again this is from a high end contested OW raid perspective. I will be overvaluing DPS, raid mobility, and threat generation constantly because frankly that's what wins. For obvious reasons SKs and Wizards move up. Unholy is a ludicrous amount of damage and along with HT brings them below the kings of kunark the monk, but still S tier for me. Wizzies again for raid mobility and lure smooths out their damage profile allowing for more consistency than they saw in classic where they are more feast or famine. The addition of the threat meter really allows these classes to shine. Where Monks/Necros/SKs can FD wizzies always had to play it slightly safer than needed. Now that they can visualize exactly where they are on the threat meter it should open up their playbook to be more aggressive. Necros. This one depends on the persistence of the EE bug. IF it continues the addition of a 1500pt unresistable tap can't be overlooked. Not to mention the other options (rez, charm, etc) make necro POTENTIALLY the best class in kunark. We will see what happens on Oakwynd, my guess is it stays in. Mage moves up, coth. Really if they only have that single spell they're more valuable than just about every other class. The ability to warp a raid from ent to encounter without clearing is invaluable. With melee rising bards have to come up as well. They're on a similar trajectory to shamans (though a bit behind). Druid, mobility. Plus all the reasons posted on the previous video. We still arent in the era of Cheal rots for the super high end raiders, the first will likely be on early AoW kills. This keeps druid heals more relevant. Shaman moves down only because they have yet to hit their zenith. Its already almost here and there is a great case to be made for shaman being S tier. My one holdout is still their DPS. While it improves over classic until they get Ancient bane off vulak they aren't quite the monsters they will become. One more xpac until the best class in the game ascends its throne.
@Nelliesss Жыл бұрын
Two comments. First, I would suggest to break this up into three (solo, group raid). Cleric would be D in solo, B in group, S in raid. etc. Second, only grade I completely disagreed with was bard. They are still good pullers even without fade (speed, pacify). They open doors so you don't need to bring a rogue, which becomes important in kunark. They mezz, charm, buff, melee dps, levitate, run speed, melee buff and MANA regen. I dont think you mentioned mana regen. And they are one of the easiest ways to walk onto a raid force because their buffs are so good and only group wide, so raids want one per group. Otherwise, I thought all your other grades where spot on. Except for rogues. You should make an F category and put them there.
@reevesterling9500 Жыл бұрын
Though its true Shaman and Monk dominate Kunark, the rest of your list is a bit confusing. It cant be a grouping tier list or you would have chanter and rogue at S tier. It's not a raid tier list or you would also have warrior, wizard, bard and cleric at S tier. Solo S tier is Shaman, Enchanter, Necro, Druid and epic mage. There's no planet where Bard is C tier, they are great at solo, grouping and raiding. Rogue is low aggro #1 group dps and #2 raid dps.
@markt4814 4 ай бұрын
The rankings of Mage, Wizard, and Necromancer are what you would except from an average player that plays with casual guilds. Good players playing a necro make necros S tier in Kunark, Mage A tier, and Wizard B tier. Cleric are either A or S tier. I think the ranking of tiers should specify whether the class is being played by a good player, average player, or bad player.
@sterlingcampbell2116 11 ай бұрын
Enchanters are S. Clerics A, Rogue B (positioning is almost never an issue). Warriors C at best
@gnomebrewing 5 ай бұрын
Yeah i was going to say positioning is never an issue and if the tank(s) are ping ponging its still easy to adjust before the backstab timer is up again.
@Erekai Жыл бұрын
[Cries in Paladin]
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
Pallys have been great for the 0 percent Rez
@Erekai Жыл бұрын
@@TBCNexus I mean, once Kunark launches I'm not gonna be tanking bosses anymore and I'm not gonna be showing up on the parse, so what else am I supposed to do? Combat rezzes it is!
@iZealot Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately Paladins don't start to shine until PoP when they become the best group tanks and CC class. Also good pullers from 65 with the root.
@ryanallensterner Жыл бұрын
I feel like us Pallies are there for the emotional support.
@montanafreedomhomestead3949 5 ай бұрын
Paladin is at least B good tanks. Raiding is meh anyways bunch of min/max tryhards.
@Joshthegamer8600 Жыл бұрын
Bumping Clerics down a tier because they are easy to box is a really odd take....
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
I think I’ve been burnt from people that box them really badly!
@Joshthegamer8600 Жыл бұрын
@TBCNexus That happens, but someone maining a Cleric as a healer can't be beat.
@Keromimi Жыл бұрын
Yeah. This is very confusing. Its as if you're describing why they're so effective, and then give them a strike for that effectiveness. Odd choice.
@sunareekaewnat8967 3 ай бұрын
Enchanter is S-Tier without question. No ENC lasts 1 minute on LFG and every single Chardok group is built around an ENC with the exception of one camp on the way to herbalist where you can almost always pull singles.
@FirstNameLastName-okayyoutube Жыл бұрын
A group that knows how to stun effectively Akon higher level stuff and risks lower crowd control response time with better results. Paladin enchanter cleric it's pretty sick
@saschaparakenings5200 Ай бұрын
Problem with shammy is, that you need only 1 slower in group. And when it comes to mob control, the chanter is far better. So shammy is best for group stuff, chanter for safety and raid.
@ACriticalGeek 3 ай бұрын
Given the group paradigm of charmpet or bust, their ability to control loose charmpets, paladins are right up with sks in group tanking.
@justinsellers9402 3 ай бұрын
I could never understand why the devs did not put in a line of self heals for Paladins for early game. Even if it was not as good as the standard heal, having to swap to target yourself is a terrible mechanism for a tank.
@ThisIsQuarty Жыл бұрын
Druids are SOOO good... but people don't know, which makes them bad. (Any class that has you sat in LFG for 3 hours, sadly cannot be a B+ class).
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
I remember your Druid escapades on mischief and Yelinak
@reevesterling9500 Жыл бұрын
They aren't good because they directly compete with Shaman's. Druids only excel at solo and even then they don't compare to Shamans.
@RedfinPike 3 ай бұрын
What is this "autoskill" you speak of?
@gnorley 4 ай бұрын
If you’re broke as hell mage is always my first character. You don’t need to buy food, drink, bags, light source, invisibility, you can bind, great group utility, solid nukes, group hand outs, magical daggers to pets and a personal tank everywhere you go
@garrykindred1022 4 ай бұрын
Ok, I was trying to follow along and could understand many of your points but cleric as a B? Have you setup raid groups? Did you look for a cleric or a SHM to keep that group viable? You allocated one of your clerics. Have you setup an xp group? Do you start an XP group with /who all shaman or /who all cleric? Shaman are godly but they are a class I will sub a dps slot for or a CC slot. If you were looking at solo or molo I could see the B ranking but without other qualifiers? I feel like your cleric rating was to trigger the neckbeards to respond in the comments. If so, that was a sweat approach. I never post comments and I did here.
@TBCNexus 4 ай бұрын
Iol it was a while back I made this but don’t get me wrong they are an absolute necessity , but during kunark I find them incredibly tedious to play so much I can effortlessly box one and be as competent as someone at the keyboard ! Maybe I should have clarified my measurement standards at the start !
@randylothrop975 5 ай бұрын
Enchanter. Base through Planes of Power are absolutely SSS tier.
@saucybiscuitsngravy4798 4 ай бұрын
I really wish I knew how powerful enchanters were back in the day, I would have main'd one instead of a splitting my time between a warrior and necro. =p
@pey7777 Жыл бұрын
I disagree with dropping enchanters down to A because they get too many requests for buffs in raids. If anything that just means they're clearly very desired lol
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
the problem is the amount of enchanters that quit.. has to be a very high attrition class
@TheMorpher80 Жыл бұрын
Is this the place i rage saying you are wrong?
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
I do like to be educated!
@gladeous4161 Жыл бұрын
Enchanters should easily be S. Just imagine a raid without one.
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
The clarity, charm and haste are so needed but they’re pretty dull to raid on! Group gods though!
@bobbyzig3879 3 ай бұрын
Doesn’t want to rank a class as well because it’s easy to play/box..
@Fatalwan Жыл бұрын
Cabs Here! Great vid bud, kunark gonna be great
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
Hope so!
@Sentinel04 5 ай бұрын
When he said "button" it sounds like "bu'on"
@Stifford123 3 ай бұрын
ive played a 4 group of tank, bard, druid, shaman on many tlp servers now and I can tell you that druids better healers than shaman..
@Will-mv3ol Жыл бұрын
I wonder how many will race change to Iksar? Or start new in the field of bone (great leveling area)
@Erekai Жыл бұрын
Iksar Paladin incoming!
@k.r.5400 Жыл бұрын
While I was watching this video, Lord Gimblox popped. So if you could just put out a commentary video or how to video every day from now on? Do you have much experience on GINA? I'm trying to figure out how to make a GINA trigger that will track spawn timers for me. I think it would work to have a hotkey that I can press when a PH dies that would start a timer in GINA but I cant figure it out.
@ThisIsQuarty Жыл бұрын
(Just some random thoughts) As long as you're OK pushing a button... You can put /timer 1000 into a macro and it will count down in-game, like a skill cooldown. Or for GINA you might... /say Timer 1000. And use that as the trigger? But I don't think you can variable the duration, so you'd have to make a separate trigger for each length of spawn time you were tracking.
@shivur5073 3 ай бұрын
He really put paladins and druids in the same tier lol
@ehliaskarim1520 Жыл бұрын
I know a ton of people on TLPs like to play necros because they can hit a cyclops or hill giant with envenomed bolt and farm like crazy but now with the first to engage mechanic maybe they aren’t seen as so overpowered
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
yeah definitely not you have a chance to win as long as you are the first one!
@darkwulf2k Жыл бұрын
Ranger IMHO do not really take off til Luclin/PoP once they get Trueshot + Endless Quiver. Overall good list. Druid is fun, and what I am playin on Oakwynd, cuz i wanted some soloability
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
Will say I remember rangers being decent on lady nev in tov as they can range the aoe
@darkwulf2k Жыл бұрын
@@TBCNexus oh most definitely, when i raided on uh, i forget which TLP, i literally shot the last boss of NTOV from the other side of the bridge. Ranger range with bow is disgusting lol. TS just makes their dmg so good.
@vc3928 Жыл бұрын
With Avatars of Change no longer being account wide, what would you say is a great class specifically for raid alt, in terms of what has the highest demand with the lowest competition? I'm leveling a bard as a second character because I thought it would be the most in demand for that, but your ranking is making me reconsider. Like you said, everyone already has many cleric boxes.
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
oh i totally wouldnt base a character choice from my ranking! i know people that have 4-5 of the same class on their account that way they can swap gear between them! for raids main bards are great!
@billsharp7698 Жыл бұрын
ok TBC...whatever class your putting on the top, I'm going to start one! (if I don't have it already) Make it a good one! hahahaha.
@ehliaskarim1520 Жыл бұрын
Played an ench on Yelinak last year and yeah your description of raid life was accurate. Very labor and focus intensive and high pressure, endless tells for clarity. It’s rough but it’s an important job that I found fun though tedious
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
Very true! no restroom breaks for you! C + haste plz.
@Anasyn_Nysana Жыл бұрын
Feels like you’re trolling your community on the “D” ranking for Rangers. People might actually listen to you and not accept the class or play them. Way too many good reasons to have them especially inside a group.
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
I’m playing a ranger main now, I know I can tank, dps and clutch heal but Definitely feel under powered I think until luclin though , as ever I can only base these off my own experience!
@reevesterling9500 Жыл бұрын
Ranger is absolutely D tier, they are worse than monk in almost every way. Druid spells are only useful in the higher levels. Rangers entire spell list won't make up for lack of feign death, let alone far less damage and less tanky. Every group has an abundance of snare and root, so they don't even bring that.
@Anasyn_Nysana Жыл бұрын
Ranger - Epic with slow is very good during off peak hours. Rangers can tank also during Kunark for most groups. They add a lot of utility with snare and root. More outdoor areas where Rangers can also pull more often then classic. DPS in groups is just fine for the added utility they bring. I don't see how you list Rog in C category and place ranger as the only D class.
@Anasyn_Nysana Жыл бұрын
@@reevesterling9500 Nobody said rangers are better than Monks in the Kunark expansion. TBC is playing a ranger. He said he got a lot of messages about listing a class at a low tier during his classic video. It's the reason why I said it feels like he is trolling his community to start a debate by only listing one class in the D ranking. I've played a ranger in multiple TLP's during Asian time slot and I can't tell you the amount of times the ranger epic slow has been the only slow for groups during that timezone for groups.
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
@@Anasyn_Nysana im looking forward to maining a ranger in kunark!
@2008redsi Жыл бұрын
Weapon shield is kunark. Great for pulling vs
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
Weapon shield can be a good speed bump!
@RonOnTheWay Жыл бұрын
Forgot bugs in Seb for Druid
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
i much much prefer chardok, just dont let the druid get a haste on their pet!
@darczee1 Жыл бұрын
Loving the Bazaar music 😊
@RedfinPike Жыл бұрын
This stings as a pally, but to be fair our dps is horribly low, which translates to low threat generation also.
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
I’ve been including pallys in the tank rot in classic! Even had a pally give out a Rez while tanking and maintained aggro!
@rooster6115 4 ай бұрын
I am sorry but this might be the worst tier list I have ever seen. So much wrong with this its not even funny. Smh...
@thevoid5868 4 ай бұрын
agree - shaman is nowhere S tier in kunark. besides the slow he sucks in every aspect. warrior besides raid is the worst tank and im unsure about the rogue. epic 1.0 prolly the best weapon in whole kunark. it is velious where he falls of due to lacking better backstab weapons.
@spig3547 Жыл бұрын
Top 10 dps on all ToV raid fights in Kunark last server. It's not the class, it's the player.
@TBCNexus Жыл бұрын
That’ll be velious! Next class ranking in a few months!
@spig3547 Жыл бұрын
@@TBCNexus oh god yea my bad. It's been too long.
@sterlingcampbell2116 11 ай бұрын
Nonsense... It's class and player. No amount of skill will make a ranger out dps a rogue or mage. No amount of skill makes Wizards generate mana fast enough to sustain DPS. Class is hugely important.
@TBCNexus 11 ай бұрын
@@sterlingcampbell2116 rangers are good on lady nev as they can outrange the aoe , but then it’s /autofire and go do something else for 20 mins
@spig3547 11 ай бұрын
@@sterlingcampbell2116 you sir are wrong. There are some classes you will struggle to beat but you should never be far away, if you are, well you don't know the class, you don't know what items you're meant to have and you've basically wasted your time. Rangers are strong in the right hands, yours aren't those hands apparently
@ogjuggalo4671 2 ай бұрын
If a cleric is so easy to box because their heals are op then that should make them s homie
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