Key Points: 1. Evolutionary Programming Concept: Opposes the idea of encoding everything in binary, emphasizing the use of natural representations. 2. Population Structure Change: From matrices of zeros and ones to vectors representing real solutions (numbers, neural networks). 3. Advantages of Natural Representation: - Better performance, as there's no need to encode/decode from binary. - More efficient optimization landscape control. 4. Differences from Genetic Algorithms: - No constraint on representation. - Genetic algorithms often involve encoding solutions as strings of tokens. 5. Fitness Landscape Smoothness: - Importance of smooth fitness landscapes for optimization efficiency. - Introduction of Fitness Distance Correlation (FDC) as a measure of smoothness. 6.Embryogeny: - Development from genotype to phenotype. - Distinction between space of solutions and space of actual solutions. 7. Mapping Genotypes to Phenotypes: - Importance in optimization of complex solutions like robots, cars, etc. - Different mappings result in different fitness landscapes. 8. Reasons to Use Non-Trivial Mapping: - Reduction of search space. - Better enumeration of the search space. - Improved constraint handling. - Compression, repetition, adaptation. 9. Challenges in Evolving Embryogeny: - Bloat (solution becoming too large). - Epistasis (complex gene interactions). - Excessive disruption of child solutions. 10. Importance of Inheritance: - Ensuring that child solutions inherit sufficient information from parents. 11. Conclusion: - Understanding the complexity of representations and their impact on optimization. - Link between the space of genotypes, phenotypes, and fitness landscapes.
@itsmemario129811 ай бұрын
can you please upload a video showing EA in real time applications like earlier you used a simulator to show things like Simulated annealing and Tabu search, it would be really good to see EA that how it processes data in real time
@Maciej-Komosinski11 ай бұрын
The online demo app allows you to select "Evolutionary algorithm", adjust its parameters, and even customize the fitness function.
@itsmemario129811 ай бұрын
Thanks again!@@Maciej-Komosinski
@itsmemario129811 ай бұрын
this is really good, By the way is this WEBGL?@@Maciej-Komosinski