I am an ex-Mormon since 1985. I was a convert in 1979. appreciate Earl's testimony & humbleness. May the Lord bless you as you labor for Him.
@thecatman4ever5 жыл бұрын
As someone who is getting ready to leave the Mormon Church I found your video very informative, thank you very much for sharing.
@bryjushumway12 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for posting these. A blessing to hear the story of someone who was able to find their way out of Mormonism and into a true saving relationship with Jesus Christ! Praise God. I have LDS family. These videos are so helpful!
@MsCarringHeart7 жыл бұрын
I also can say that I would sit in the LDS church on Testimony Sundays and hear the kids just say the same thing. It is like their being programed. I know that when I was 1st going to the LDS church I had a few people from the Bishops cancel that had challenged me to do a testimony and I then got a meeting with the Bishop on the do's and don't of what to say on a testimony Sunday.
@akg77195912 жыл бұрын
"When you're blind, you're blind. When you can't see, you can't see." That statement hits the nail on the head!
@BarbaraJoanneBJ11 жыл бұрын
May God continue to help those ensnared leave.
@2HRTS1LOVE11 жыл бұрын
God bless you, your story is fascinating and just another witness of the power of the One True God, and how He works in ways large and small to guide those who truly seek Him. I applaud your courage, I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you and your wife in this process. Please continue your work, don't listen to the attacks, often those who protest the loudest have the deepest doubts, you may be helping them more than you know.
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
Yes, I agree, it does make all the difference. Are you ready to put your whole trust in Jesus for your forgiveness of sins and allow Him to make your spirit come alive through spiritual birth? That is what it all comes down to. You must be born again as Jesus stated. If you are here to just argue and have no interest in knowing Biblical Truth then it is better that you stop commenting as you are wasting both of our time.
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
To speak directly to Earl, you can contact him at earl@exmormonfiles.tv. But to partially answer your question, yes, he regularly gets mail that tries to persuade him back into the LDS church.
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
Feelings are not inherently a good or bad thing and feelings should not be what our foundation of faith is built upon. When you examine the Bible as Holy Scripture, there is a mountain of evidence to its authenticity. The same cannot be said regarding the Book of Mormon, where there is no evidence to its origins. So in this regard, feelings do not supersede facts. Feelings are great when they coincide with fact (such as Earl reading the Book of John) but do not equate to something being truth.
@dianetzar77885 жыл бұрын
How wonderful! I currently attend Tooele Springs Calvary Chapel.
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
Message to nujac321: You have demonstrated over and over that you do not want to see the reasonable and explained truth in the Bible but rather want to hold onto man made doctrines of your church. I asked you several times if you wanted to accept the Biblical truth but instead you kept on arguing. Our ministry is for those who are wanting the truth and are willing to let go of anything that would hold them back. We are not here for endless debate as that ultimately gets neither of us anywhere.
@mckster563 жыл бұрын
God bless your teachings
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
That's why the Bible states that only a fool denies that there is a God. There is a mountain of evidence but you still have the choice to put your faith in Him or not. That is where you exercise your faith. You have faith in Jesus Christ to save you from your sins and remove all your guilt. With faith comes trust. You can't have faith in someone to do something if you don't trust them. So when someone gets saved, they put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Would you like to be saved?
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
Your Jesus has a Heavenly Mother - My Jesus is uncreated and therefore doesn’t have “parents” in that sense of the word (No heavenly sex) Your Jesus is the spirit brother of Satan - My Jesus created Satan who was cast out of heaven for believing he could be a god Your Jesus suffered for our sins in the garden - My Jesus paid for all our sins and actually became sin while hanging on the cross
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
Brigham Young: "The only men who become Gods, even the Sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy" (Journal of Discourses 11:268) Bruce McConkie: "Obviously the holy practice will commence again after the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the ushering in of the millennium."
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
Shawn McCraney's A to Z book is a great comparison. It can be purchased at hotm.tv. You can also purchase the original 1830 Book of Mormon and do some great comparisons to the modern day BOM. It can be bought from Sandra Tanner's utlm.org. She also has the 3913 changes that were made outlined in another book of hers. Of course, the Bible is the greatest book because it not only refutes LDS doctrines but also IS the Truth.
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
Read 2 Corinthians 11:4 where it talks about people preaching a different Jesus than that of the Bible. If you accept that different Jesus, it says your mind is corrupt. You need to put your faith in the Jesus of the Bible and not the Jesus that Joseph Smith came up with. It's not Biblical Christians that came up with the phrase "different Jesus". That is the Bible. We are simply trying to follow Scripture and help others to accept the True and Living Jesus out of love for others.
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement!
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
The eternal consequences for sin is death (Romans 6:23). All of us have broken God's laws. To be exact, there are over 613 laws. To escape eternal punishment, you must put your faith and trust in Jesus' sacrifice. It's faith in Jesus only and not your works that save you.
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
Your Jesus saves you only after everything you can do - My Jesus saves me completely and to the utmost, not conditional based on how many works I do. Mormonism teaches that you have to do good works in order to activate Jesus' grace. This is very much against Scripture. Jesus' grace is free to all who put their faith and trust in Him. There is nothing you can do to save yourself or earn His grace.
@driverrecruiter10 жыл бұрын
First of all, thank God another one has woken up and found the real Jesus! Amen! He didn't even use non-Mormon materials to prove the church data given is false. You can too. You will be so free without the bondage that men have put you under, none which are in the Bible, none said by Jesus (temple recommends, special under garments, tithing, handshakes to get into the highest heaven etc)
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
Your Jesus came up with a plan for earth up in pre-existence - My Jesus didn’t suggest a plan to Heavenly Father Your Jesus is a separate god as the Holy Spirit and Heavenly Father, one in purpose only - My Jesus is the same God as the Holy Spirit and the Father Your Jesus will take on wives in heaven - My Jesus will never be married except to His Bride, which is figuratively the Church
@sharrison83636 жыл бұрын
Book "GPS for the Soul - Navigation to Salvation" It answers so many questions about the Gospel of Christ as he taught to His Apostles and Disciples.
@PascalDupont561 Жыл бұрын
I find tremendous joy and satisfaction living in the true church of Jesus Christ. Making sacred covenants and solemn promises with Him is amazing. Following a living prophet is a pleasure. I look forward to my Savior’s return hopefully sooner than later. I cherish the many experiences I’ve had with Him and His love for me. Grateful He died for me !!! Carey.
@bowrudder8996 жыл бұрын
Would you do the same kind of format with Lee Baker?
@sharrison83636 жыл бұрын
A Few Clarifying Scriptures: Genesis 3:22, Matthew 5:48& 7:21, John 7:16-18 & 26-29, John 10: 14-29, 20: 17-21, Romans 8: 16-17, Hebrews 1:1-6 , 1 John 2:22-24
@greasyhandsauto-shaunbutte97266 жыл бұрын
S Harrison don’t forget Psalms:82.
@QuillonFrostbane6 жыл бұрын
@@greasyhandsauto-shaunbutte9726 a few more scriptures to clarify that LDS is really L)ucifer's D)emonic S)ociety LDS doesn't believe the Book of Mormon is really true. If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does LDS teach that Heavenly Father and Mary conceived Jesus when Alma 7:10 says it was the Holy Spirit just like the Bible does in Luke 1:35 and Matthew 1:18 If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does LDS teach that Heavenly Father is progressing which means changing and improving when Moroni 8:18 states that He is unchangeable? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does LDS teach multiple gods must exist when Alma 11:28-29 says there is only ONE God just like the Bible does in Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:6 and Isaiah 44:8? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does D&C 42:18 say that murder can't be forgiven when 3 Nephi 30:2 says that it can? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does D&C 130:3 says that God can't dwell in the hearts of men but Alma 34:36 says the He can? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why is there no mention of a restoration of the church when the Bible says in Matthew 16:18 that His Church (Jesus') will never be destroyed by any power not even the gates of hell? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why don't Mormons believe in the Trinity when reading 2 Nephi 11:7 which explains that Jesus is God, the second person of the Trinity and our Creator, not our elder brother. Other verified verses of the Trinity include 2 Nephi 31:21 and 3 Nephi 11:27 If the Book of Mormon is true, why does LDS ignore what it teaches? _Jesus is MY temple recommend because Christ does not dwell in man-made buildings_ (Acts 17:24)
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
Then you must not be Mormon. Under Gospel Topics on the LDS.org website for salvation, it states, "Through this covenant relationship, followers of Christ are assured salvation from the eternal consequences of sin if they are obedient." Did you catch that? "If they are obedient" Good luck with that. The LDS church sets you up for failure. In 2 Nephi 25:23, where it says we are saved by grace, after all that we can do. The LDS Bible dictionary says that it takes total effort on our part.
@dennispoulsen113311 жыл бұрын
I love the Christian Mormons. They are the best people I know. God bless them.
@gracebe2355 жыл бұрын
I would be very interested in how I can get some of these ‘resources’ (reading material, etc.) that you mentioned that were on hand at this meeting.
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
We may agree in the need for faith but that's about where the similarities stop. Even Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism require faith. That's not the point. The difference is who or what you are putting your faith in! Step aside from the faith you were brought up in and read the Words of Jesus in the Bible. Put your faith in Him alone! Salvation is through Him alone, not in a church or religion. Those will never save you but will wear you out, leading to misery. Aren't you tired yet?
@earlofmar79873 жыл бұрын
My biggest problem with Mormonism is their history. Once you understand their history it's difficult to understand how anyone could be duped. Brigham Young had 88 wives and around 288 children. Women were thought of as property.
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
I understand that you don't see Him as a different Jesus but the differences between what Joseph Smith said about Jesus and what the Bible says are huge. Space here limits how much I could outline all the differences, so I will give a few and put some more in another reply. Your Jesus was spiritually born from Heavenly Father - Mine was never born spiritually as He has always existed, eternal. Your Jesus is your spirit brother - Mine is my Creator, again, not created
@jumpropestairs61297 жыл бұрын
good man. the book has more truth than the religion...
@jaredlopez29269 жыл бұрын
One of the guys speaking said that Mormons want to be like Christians. When I was a Mormon I never felt that way. I always viewed Christians as the inferior ones. We were gods chosen after all. When I left Mormonism I could not bring myself to attend a Christian church even. Now as an agnostic atheist I am an active member in the Humble, TX Ward with my family.
@39chickenhead8 жыл бұрын
i get what you are saying,,, as being the choosen ones.. that is a whole bunch of junk.. insanity
@kkdoc78646 жыл бұрын
Jared Lopez I hope you have searched the truth out. Feelings are deceptive and are never a marker of truth. The Bible is the Word of God, and Jesus has warned us about Satan presenting himself as an angel of light. The LDS Church has followed the example of Adam and Eve in the garden. Satan tempted them to eat of the fruit so that they could become gods just like God the Father. It also has followed Lucifer who was cast out of heaven because he wanted to be a god. From my understanding, mormons’ entire goal is to be good enough to become gods. Enough said.
@exmormonfiles12 жыл бұрын
Well, only a real Jesus would hear you in the first place. Jesus hears anyone that comes to Him in humility and sincerity. If you are unsure that the Bible truly is the Word of God, you should ask God to help you understand. As you can read in John 1, Jesus IS the Word. You cannot separate the Holy Scripture from Jesus.
@awolLDSasap12 жыл бұрын
Hi Earl. Have you had a response from the lds church? Any complaints from Danite characters?
@allenrichardson421110 жыл бұрын
Byron, my friend, Thanks again for not surrendering as we engage in a little friendly sparring. You said that Emma renounced Mormonism? Most fault finders become so zealous, they make far too many assertions. One main problem is that they quote each other. In the aftermath of the martyrdom of her husband, Emma Smith vociferously denied spurious press reports that she had ever renounced the religion he established. This information was researched by archivist Sharalyn D. Howcroft (Associated Press writer, R. Scott Lloyd, “Emma became target of press enmity after Joseph’s martyrdom,” Deseret News, November 12, 2010, p.B2). And now she is the target of modern tale bearers. I hope we can all be a little more careful in throwing up unsupported accusations.
@Alcigexed11 жыл бұрын
He looks pretty good for 65. Everyone must seek God for himself not based on what someone else says. Most people can't even think for themselves and rely mostly on what other people say. If I remember correctly Jesus was ridiculed, spit on, whipped, flogged, laughed at and finaly killed. That implies that many people will not like truth, and even fight against it at all costs. It's very interesting to see the struggle.
@Stottl36 жыл бұрын
It's funny how they say pride is the reason the lds church shares their numbers of membership and then the pastor guy later mentions how he was gifted the ability ti preach and 90 people were baptized and saved... lol
@QuillonFrostbane6 жыл бұрын
@M@ it's even funnier when the LDS church lies and people believe it. The biggest lie is that LDS believes the Book of Mormon is true. If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does LDS teach that Heavenly Father and Mary conceived Jesus when Alma 7:10 says it was the Holy Spirit just like the Bible does in Luke 1:35 and Matthew 1:18 If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does LDS teach that Heavenly Father is progressing which means changing and improving when Moroni 8:18 states that He is unchangeable? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does LDS teach multiple gods must exist when Alma 11:28-29 says there is only ONE God just like the Bible does in Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:6 and Isaiah 44:8? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does D&C 42:18 say that murder can't be forgiven when 3 Nephi 30:2 says that it can? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does D&C 130:3 says that God can't dwell in the hearts of men but Alma 34:36 says the He can? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why is there no mention of a restoration of the church when the Bible says in Matthew 16:18 that His Church (Jesus') will never be destroyed by any power not even the gates of hell? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why don't Mormons believe in the Trinity when reading 2 Nephi 11:7 which explains that Jesus is God, the second person of the Trinity and our Creator, not our elder brother. Other verified verses of the Trinity include 2 Nephi 31:21 and 3 Nephi 11:27 If the Book of Mormon is true, why does LDS ignore what it teaches? _Jesus is MY temple recommend because Christ does not dwell in man-made buildings_ (Acts 17:24)
@Stottl36 жыл бұрын
@@QuillonFrostbane eh - I don't think all that is as funny as my original point. Different humor I guess : /
@QuillonFrostbane6 жыл бұрын
@@Stottl3 I think it's funny that the church lies about the Book of Mormon being the "Fullness of the gospel" when it actually isn't. Same style of humor you just need to observe it as such.
@Stottl36 жыл бұрын
@@QuillonFrostbane no that doesn't make me giggle like my first comment does. I like to laugh and I'm literally taking humor here. Found it literally funny :) lighten up buttercup.
@QuillonFrostbane6 жыл бұрын
@@Stottl3 I giggle each time I hear a cult Mormon repeat the mantra over and over like a rote lesson learned in school. It makes me giggle because I know they believe it despite the obvious lie they already know. I'm already quite light as I'm not burdened by the rules and regulations of an obviously false organization.
@sharrison83636 жыл бұрын
Read and Study GPS for the Soul - Navigation to Salvation along with the Bible.
@Chukartramp9 жыл бұрын
oh my goodness! what a q & a!
@deskjockie49487 жыл бұрын
In answer to questions regarding how Mormons can 'feel a witness of the spirit' and gain a 'testimony' - Joseph Smith said he had a revelation to send several of his top brethren to Canada to sell the copyright to the Book of Mormon. When they returned in failure, they asked him how the revelation could have failed. His reply was that '"some revelations are of God, some are of men, and some are of the devil". Perhaps the 'testimony" that Mormons receive when they pray is from the devil? Or maybe humans just have the capacity to delude themselves when they really want to believe something, especially when they don't have ALL the facts regarding the early history of the Mormon church. The missionaries certainly never told us that the BoM was dictated by JS putting his face in his hat. Nor did they tell us that JS had more than 30+ wives, some of them concurrently married to other men. Nor did they tell us that the so-called Book of Abraham has nothing to do with Abraham, and that modern day translations prove that Smith's 'translation' is a ludicrous farce. The Mormon church is a well-oiled organization that touches every aspect of its members' lives, promotes a good moral standard and clean living, encourages close-knit families (unless one family member begins to question the church and leaves it - then they're all for divorce and ostracism), and teaches many truths found in the Bible. These ideals, I think, are the things that many people get that 'good feeling' about when they pray. But to say that a man who deceives his wife, who lies to his people and the world at large, could have any authority from God, is just laughable. If Joseph Smith did today what he did back then, he would be stripped of his 'Priesthood' and excommunicated for adultery and 'conduct unbecoming a member of the Church'. And how could any organization that covers up the truth about its founder for over 150 years, misrepresenting the facts at best and outright lying at worst, possibly have any authority to act for God? How could Jesus Christ's church be founded on deceit? It is only by distancing itself from its early history and practices that the Mormon church has been able to continue for so long.
@dianetzar77885 жыл бұрын
And they are distancing themselves even more with the name changes. So sad. I pray they all find the real Jesus!
@stephenself73217 жыл бұрын
Virtually everything in the temple is Masonic? 1 of 4 ordinances has SIMILARITIES to Masonic acts. But they have been repurposed and the meaning of what we do there is very different. Masons also do not allow women into their temples. So if you're right, why didn't Joseph follow that?
@allenrichardson421110 жыл бұрын
Byron, my friend, Please be kind enough to show me the verse stating that plural marriage is required of anyone anytime. Section 132 briefly mentions plural marriage in a couple of verses, indicating that plural marriage is not always sinful, if it is practiced within the Lord's standards, but the bulk of the section refers to eternal marriage of one man to one woman being a requirement for the highest heaven. If you are a Bible-believing Christian, you have no problem with God's supervision over plural marriage.
@manuelsototribeofyashashak90725 жыл бұрын
Don't you need a original sample of native people, to find out what people are a certain race?
@allenrichardson421110 жыл бұрын
Byron, You criticized the LDS belief in divinization, but you didn't comment on the Biblical verses which strongly support it. Didn't you know that divinization was a cardinal belief among early Christians? The doctrine has since been changed and eliminated. Some critics argue that Biblical verses which teach divinization are subject to other interpretations. However, there is ample evidence that the early Christian spokesmen interpreted the Bible as do the LDS people. • "And how shall man pass into God, If God (Christ) had not been caused ‘to pass into man?” (Ireneaus, Against the Heretics III. 18.7, IV.20.5-6; IV.33.4) • "We were not made gods at our beginning, but first we were made men, then, in the end, gods (Irenaeus, Against Heresies 4:37). • "How then will any be a god, if he has not first been made a man? … For one's duty is first to observe the discipline of man and thereafter to share in the glory of God"(Irenaeus, Against Heresies, 4:39). • “the Logos [Word] of God had become man so that you might learn from a man how a man may become God” (Clement of Alexandria, Exhortation to the Greeks, 1.8.4). • “The soul [which is kept pure], receiving the Lord's power, studies to become a god” (Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, VI. 14). • “Many become gods by participation in God; we should flee with all our power from being men and make haste to become gods" (Origin, On the Gospel of John, 11.3,19, cf. 20.29). • “He [Christ] was made man that we might be made God” (Athanasius, On the Incarnation of the Word, 65. Cf., Oration Against the Arians, 1.11.38-39, ll, 19.47, and throughout his writings.) • "I may become God to the same extent as He became man" (Gregory of Nazianus, Orations, 29:19). • It is demonstrated that all men are deemed worthy of becoming “gods,” and of having power to become sons of the Highest" (Justin Martyr, Dialogue With Trypho, 124). • For we shall be even gods, if we shall deserve to be among those of whom He declared, “I have said, Ye are gods,' and, ‘God standeth in the congregation of the gods.' But this comes of His own grace, not from any property in us, because it is He alone who can make gods" (Tertullian, Against Hermogenes, 5). • "To make gods those who were men, He [Christ] was made man who is God" (Gerald Bonner, "Augustine's Conception of Deification," Journal of Theological Studies, vol. 37, pt.2, P. 376) • The Only Begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature so that he, made man, might make men gods (Thomas Aquinas, paragraph 460 of the Roman Catholic Catechism). • "But if thou art desirous of also becoming a god, obey Him that has created thee, and resist not …” (Hippolytus, Refutation of all Heresies, 10:29). • "We declare that the Logos of God became man for the purpose of our salvation, so that we might receive the likeness of the Heavenly One and be made God after the likeness of the true Son of God according to nature and the Son of man according to the flesh, our Lord Jesus Christ" (Appolinaris of Laodicea). • “Let us become the image of the one whole God, bearing nothing earthly in ourselves, so that we may consort with God and become gods, receiving from God our existence as gods” (St. Maximus the Confessor). • “Souls wherein the Spirit dwells, illuminated by the Spirit, themselves become spiritual, and send forth their grace to others. Hence comes . . . abiding in God, then being made like to God, and, highest of all, then being made God” (St. Basil the Great, On the Spirit). • “Every believer must, through participation in Christ, be born a Christ…He was made man that we might be made Gods" (Methodius (cited, Inge, Christian Mysteries p.357). • “The chaste man will become "identical in all respects with God" (Lactantius, about 325 AD). • “In the ‘future life’ we will be among gods…those who have become perfect…and become pure in heart…They are called by the appellation of gods, being destined to sit on thrones with the other gods that have been first put in their places by the Savior" (Clement of Alexandria, d. A.D. 215; Clemens von Alexandrien, Werke, ed. 0. Stahlin, in the series Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte, 1905-1936). • "Other beings besides the true God, who have become gods by having a share of God" (Origen of Alexandria, d. A.D. 251). • "God made man for that purpose, that from men they may become gods…They who cease to be mere men, abandon the ways of vice, and are become perfect, are gods and sons of the Most High” (St. Jerome, d. A.D. 419). “Horses sire horses, men beget men, and God brings forth gods” (Philip, 61:29:35). What say you, my friend?
@How2BecomeAChristian9 жыл бұрын
Allen Richardson Deification in MORMONISM -- The doctrine of theosis or deification in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints differs significantly from the theosis of Orthodox Christianity. In Mormonism it is usually referred to as exaltation or eternal life. While the primary focus of Mormonism is on the atonement of Jesus Christ, the reason for the atonement is exaltation which goes beyond mere salvation. All men will be saved from sin and death, but only those who are sufficiently obedient and accept the atonement of Jesus Christ before the judgment will be exalted. One popular Mormon quote, coined by the early Mormon “disciple” Lorenzo Snow in 1837, is “As man now is, God once was; As God now is, man may be.”[2] The teaching was taught first by Joseph Smith while pointing to John 5:19 of the New Testament, “God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ himself did.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 345-46). Some Mormons also suggest that discussions of theosis by early Church Fathers show an early belief in the Mormon concept of deification, although they disagree with much of the other theology of the same Church fathers, most notably the doctrine of the Trinity. The Mormons’ belief differs with the Orthodox belief in deification because the Latter-Day Saints believe that the core being of each individual, the “intelligence” which existed before becoming a spirit son or daughter, is uncreated or eternal. Orthodox deification always acknowledges a timeless Creator versus a finite creature who has been glorified by the grace of God. The Mormons are clear promoters of henotheism (2), and the Church Fathers have absolutely no commonality with their view.Theosis in eastern orthodox and the early church fathers view was,” salvation from unholiness by participation in the life of God.” en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theosis ____________________________ As we see from this ORTHODOXwiki reference, Mormon exaltation is not Christian Theosis but rather Apotheosis and Henotheism. Christian Theosis has to do with becoming more God like, NOT becoming God. Theosis in the Eastern Orthodox and the protestant sense means to be sanctified, set apart and becoming “holy”. The protestant form of Theosis is expressed by saying that as Christians, we are saved by grace through faith, FROM BOTH the penalty of sin, and the power of sin. We simply do not have to be a slave to sin any longer and through adoption as sons, we may partake in the nature of God if we “walk in the Spirit”. This does not mean however that we become like God ontologically or in position. In contrast, when Jesus says he and His Father are ONE, he is saying he and the father are ONE BEING.
@allenrichardson42119 жыл бұрын
How2BecomeAChristian You say the Father and the Son are ONE BEING. However, in his intercessory prayer, recorded in John 17, Jesus prayed that all believers could be one in the SAME WAY that he is one with the Father that they can be "one in us" (verses 20-23). That kind of "oneness" comes from the Greek word (heis), not (hen). Believers cannot be one being; but they can be one in purpose and unity.
@How2BecomeAChristian9 жыл бұрын
Allen Richardson That both references in John us the same Greek word for one is inconsequential in-light of all the scriptures that state the oneness of God, and that there is only one God. Not many. The fact is that while Eastern Orthodox early church fathers believed in a doctrine and called it divinization, they were monotheist and trinitarian to the core, not henotheist, polytheist and apotheist like what Mormonism teaches. But like with the rest of Christian vernacular you Mormons like to refine things and assign your own meanings. EO Theosis teaches that men may become LIKE God but not become A God or A little g god. Mormon exaltation is nowhere near the EO doctrine of theosis. That men can become Gods is Luciferian to the core and is for sure a Damnable doctrine of demons. Here is one of writings on the subject for anyone who is interested. ***Mormon Theosis (EXALTATION) is NOT Eastern Orthodox Theosis (God Imitation), Rather it is LUCIFERIANISM: THE RELIGION OF APOTHEOSIS*** how2becomeachristian.wordpress.com/2008/11/25/mormon-theosis-ealtation-is-not-eastern-orthodox-theosis-rather-it-is-luciferian-apotheosis/
@johnwarden192211 жыл бұрын
I will ask the same question I asked of the Mormon, if your going to make a statement as such than prove it with hard FACTS.
@manuelsototribeofyashashak90725 жыл бұрын
43 mins. In the video. " if you look up masonry", just look at my sweater. Why not just say it is mason related.?
@kkdoc78645 жыл бұрын
Drives me crazy when moderators say there won’t be enough time to answer all the questions and then proceed to waste a ridiculous amount of time talking nonsense
@awolLDSasap12 жыл бұрын
That doesn't surprise me.
@richardholmes71999 жыл бұрын
Not too sure I understand what the guy's saying around the 4:40 min mark! Mormon is more like ancient christian!
@allenrichardson421111 жыл бұрын
I met with Earl last year and enjoyed talking with him. But he seemed uneasy about trying to defend his position. We got into an email dialogue, but he soon fizzled out, leaving me wondering why he was unwilling or unable to defend his opinions.
@allenrichardson421110 жыл бұрын
***** For one thing, Earl was preoccupied with a few clarifications in the Book of Mormon between "God" or "the SON of God." Even in the first edition of the B of M, both terms are used throughout the B of M, since we believe Christ is both God and the Son of God, just as John 1:1 states. So the change made the text more consistent. Here's a brief explanation: The insertions (in 1 Nephi 11:18; 1 Nephi 11:21) make it more clear that it was Jesus Christ, the Messiah who was the son of God and who was born of the virgin Mary. That this was the meaning of the original 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon and does not indicate a theological change of any kind is clear from verses preceding the two verses in question: “…blessed art thou, Nephi, because thou believest in the Son of the most high God…and after ye have witnessed him ye shall bear record that it is the Son of God. (1 Nephi 11:6-7) and also from verses following those two verses within the same context: “… And I looked and beheld the Lamb of God, that he was taken by the people; yea, the Son of the everlasting God was judged of the world; and I saw and bear record. And I, Nephi, saw that he was lifted up upon the cross and slain for the sins of the world (1Nephi 11:31-33) “… And a great and a terrible gulf divideth them; yea, even the word of the justice of the Eternal God, and the Messiah who is the Lamb of God, of whom the Holy Ghost beareth record (1Nephi 12:18) (1 Nephi 12:18) “… and a great and a terrible gulf divideth them; yea, even the word of the justice of the eternal god, and the messiah who is the lamb of god, of whom the holy ghost beareth record (Jacob 4:5) “Abraham…in offering up his son Isaac,…is a similitude of God and his only begotten son.” (2 Nephi 31:11-12, 14-15) “And the father said…be baptized in the name of my beloved son…to him will the father give the holy ghost…thus came the voice of the son…after ye have witnessed unto the father… I heard a voice from the father, saying, the words of my beloved are true and faithful…” (3 Nephi 9:15) “Behold, I am Jesus Christ the son of God…I was with the father from the beginning…” (3 Nephi 11:6-8) “…Behold my beloved son…” (3 Nephi 11:32) “…I bear record of the father, and the father beareth record of me, and the holy ghost beareth record of the father and me…” See also (3 nephi 15:1; 18-19; 17:4; 26:2, 15; 27:13-14). All of these make it clear that in the original edition the context was that of the son of God, which the insertions make more clear, avoiding any possible confusion, and hence this does not constitute a change in theology. Earl had no comeback for that issue as well as others that followed. Want more? .
@allenrichardson421110 жыл бұрын
***** The Book of Mormon was tweaked a wee bit to clarify doctrine. No problem. I love the Bible as I love the Book of Mormon, but it, too, could use some clarification in order to avoid what appear to be contradictions. Since the Bible is our standard & guide & the common denominator between us and you, maybe a few Biblical precedents will help: (My only fear is that in order to be consistent, you may be tempted to discard your Bible because it could use some clarification, as did the Book of Mormon. Here are some examples: Does God change? Is He immutable? Gen. 6:5-6; II Kings 20:1, 5-6; Ps. 106:45; Jonah 3:4,10; Amos 7:3,6; Luke 2:52 VERSUS Mal. 3:6; Num. 23:19; Heb. 13:8; Matt 3.6, Heb. 13:18; James 1:7 • Is God omnipotent? Matt. 19:26 VERSUS Judges 1:19; Mk. 6:5; 14:36. • Is God omnipresent? Jer. 23:24--Pantheism: God is, or is in all. John 7:36; John 11:15; John 14:20. We are in Him as He is in us. John 17:11; Luke 24:57 VERSUS Gen. 3:8-9; Gen. 4:16; Gen. 11:5; Gen. 18:20-28 Acts 27:27. • Is God loving and forgiving? James 5:11; I John 4:16 VERSUS Jerem. 17:4; I Sam. 15:13. • Is God a respecter of persons? Romans 2:11 vs Rom. 9: 13.
@jaredlopez29269 жыл бұрын
Earls in it for the money. He needs a stage where many can fawn over him.
@jaredclawson1813 Жыл бұрын
Let me say "Wow" as well. Back to basics. The Lord Jesus Christ said himself that if the Church be His it will be called in His name. Olive Baptist, once again, don't even see his name on the organization, named after inanimate objects. Until you can do better than that you're wasting everyone's time.
@jamestooth200012 жыл бұрын
Read Alma 34. It speaks clearly and unequivocally of Jesus Christ, who He is and how we come unto Him. Prophets, traditions and translations are human, as is the bride of Christ. Divinely inspired at times but Human. Jesus was, is and always will be divine. Let us be united in Him.
@richardholmes719911 жыл бұрын
Only somebody who questions the falsehoods that they themselves say about the lords restored church would get back up from earl erskine and shawn m etc.
@gwenscott5355 жыл бұрын
As humans we do tend to find commeradery and back uo those we agree with in principle.
@jamestooth200012 жыл бұрын
Earl speaks of having been deceived by the lds church and its leaders yet he also says he had no real testimony of Christ when he went on his mission or stood in his calling as bishop. similarily he used to hide from his wife what he was doing when watching anti mormon tv. Those are the actions of a deceiver. A deceiver who blindly seeks to remove the motes from his lds brothers' eyes. I am glad Earl that you now have a testimony of Christ, remember that is the whole purpose of the church.
@allenrichardson421110 жыл бұрын
Byron, my friend, You criticized the LDS belief in divinization, so I sent a list of Bible verses which clearly demonstrate that it is a true doctrine. But I haven't seen you make any comment in response. I also sent you a list of statements from early Christian spokesmen on the subject. But again, no comment. No problem; take your time. I just hope you don't hit and run as Earl likes to do.
@QuillonFrostbane6 жыл бұрын
@Allen Richardson how about you hit and run away from these contradictions: The biggest lie is that LDS believes the Book of Mormon is true. If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does LDS teach that Heavenly Father and Mary conceived Jesus when Alma 7:10 says it was the Holy Spirit just like the Bible does in Luke 1:35 and Matthew 1:18 If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does LDS teach that Heavenly Father is progressing which means changing and improving when Moroni 8:18 states that He is unchangeable? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does LDS teach multiple gods must exist when Alma 11:28-29 says there is only ONE God just like the Bible does in Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:6 and Isaiah 44:8? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does D&C 42:18 say that murder can't be forgiven when 3 Nephi 30:2 says that it can? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does D&C 130:3 says that God can't dwell in the hearts of men but Alma 34:36 says the He can? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why is there no mention of a restoration of the church when the Bible says in Matthew 16:18 that His Church (Jesus') will never be destroyed by any power not even the gates of hell? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why don't Mormons believe in the Trinity when reading 2 Nephi 11:7 which explains that Jesus is God, the second person of the Trinity and our Creator, not our elder brother. Other verified verses of the Trinity include 2 Nephi 31:21 and 3 Nephi 11:27 If the Book of Mormon is true, why does LDS ignore what it teaches? _Jesus is MY temple recommend because Christ does not dwell in man-made buildings_ (Acts 17:24)
@allenrichardson421110 жыл бұрын
I agree that the Book of Mormon has been changed for clarification. No problem; it’s still true. In fact, it needs some more tweaking. No problem; it’s still true. I love the Book of Mormon as much as I love the Bible, which also needs some clarifying. No problem; the Bible is true. You have not yet clarified any of the Biblical contradictions I shared. Or would you choose to leave both books alone in order to be consistent and fair and equable? You seem to want to shift to questioning about LDS belief in divinization. Here are some Bible references for your consideration: We are to be holy, as God is holy (1 Peter 1:16). We are to be pure as God is pure (1 John 3:3). We are to be one with God and Christ (John 17:21-23). When Jesus said that he and his Father are “one,” the Jews threatened to kill him for making himself God (John 10:30-33). Christ gives us the same glory that the Father gave him (John 17:22). We are the offspring of God (Acts 17:28). The Greek word for “offspring” is genos which means descent, kin, or stock. We have the ability to become the sons of God (John 1:12; 1 John 3:2). We may judge the world, (1 Cor.6:2), just as God is the Judge. We are heirs of God (Rom.8:14-21; Gal.4:1-7). We may become equal with Christ (Rom.8:28-30), just as Christ is equal to God (John 5:18; Philipp.2:5-6). We can look into a mirror and see God and be changed to the same image (2 Cor.3:18). We are part of a family in heaven and earth (Eph.3:15) We should think what Jesus thought: that it is not wrong to be equal with God (Philip.2:5). We may be partakers of the divine nature (2 Pet.1:4). We can have the name of God written upon us (Rev.3:12; 22:3-5), much like a name tag. As we overcome, we will be granted the right to sit on the throne of God (Rev.3:21). Like Christ, the saints will reign for ever (Rev.22:5). The Bible contains many references in which God shares his name-title with men and angels (Ex.7:1; 4:16; 18:19; 22:28; Deut.10:17; Ps.82:1,6-7).
@core625910 жыл бұрын
***** That section says it's a commandment for those commanded to do it. Not everyone is commanded to practice plural marriage.
@allenrichardson421110 жыл бұрын
***** My Dear Byron, Thanks again for not fizzling out of an interesting exchange. It appears that you have some serious misunderstandings about Mormonism. We have enough problems so that you don't need to make up new ones. More on plural marriage: Section 132 does not state that just Joe can have 10 virgins, it says that any man can do so if it is done within the standards the Lord has set. Again, this is in accordance with the Bible which states that God gave David HUNDREDS of wives (2 Sam.12:8). No problem with Emma forgiving Joe his trespasses, everyone should forgive everyone else. Jacob 2 calls plural marriage an abomination the way that David and Solomon sometimes practiced it: by taking wives that were not approved of the Lord. The Bible says the same thing.
@allenrichardson421110 жыл бұрын
***** Hi Byron, You still have many misconceptions. Emma always believed Joe was a prophet. She wanted her son to succeed Joe as the 2nd prophet. She didn't go West with the others because she was exhausted and in poor health and didn't want to eclipse the influence of Brigham Young. While Joe was in prisons & jails members had been lining up at her door to ask for her advice & counsel, since she was the wife of the prophet. After arriving in Salt Lake, Brigham Young regularly sent hundreds of dollars to support her. Those who delivered the money to her would often find her out in the cold, trying to gather wood, while her non-LDS husband sat by the fire smoking his pipe. She also raised her 2nd husband's illegitimate child.
@richardholmes719911 жыл бұрын
@Ex-Mormon Files. How could the church not be true but the bible be true.
@gwenscott5355 жыл бұрын
AS a school teacher I tell you the title of books and other writings are capitalized, The Holy Bible.
@LDStothecore12 жыл бұрын
Why waste my time. Tell me what you want to know about.
@patricialampkins57656 жыл бұрын
If you think the Church of Jesus Christ is wrong why don't you just leave and stop talking about its doctrine?????
@QuillonFrostbane6 жыл бұрын
@Patricia Lampkins if you knew something was wrong, would you just allow others to make the mistake to keep following something that was false? I know this institution is wrong based on basic examples of contradictions: The biggest lie is that LDS believes the Book of Mormon is true. If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does LDS teach that Heavenly Father and Mary conceived Jesus when Alma 7:10 says it was the Holy Spirit just like the Bible does in Luke 1:35 and Matthew 1:18 If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does LDS teach that Heavenly Father is progressing which means changing and improving when Moroni 8:18 states that He is unchangeable? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does LDS teach multiple gods must exist when Alma 11:28-29 says there is only ONE God just like the Bible does in Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:6 and Isaiah 44:8? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does D&C 42:18 say that murder can't be forgiven when 3 Nephi 30:2 says that it can? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why does D&C 130:3 says that God can't dwell in the hearts of men but Alma 34:36 says the He can? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why is there no mention of a restoration of the church when the Bible says in Matthew 16:18 that His Church (Jesus') will never be destroyed by any power not even the gates of hell? If the Book of Mormon is true, ........why don't Mormons believe in the Trinity when reading 2 Nephi 11:7 which explains that Jesus is God, the second person of the Trinity and our Creator, not our elder brother. Other verified verses of the Trinity include 2 Nephi 31:21 and 3 Nephi 11:27 If the Book of Mormon is true, why does LDS ignore what it teaches? _Jesus is MY temple recommend because Christ does not dwell in man-made buildings_ (Acts 17:24)
@patricialampkins57656 жыл бұрын
He lieing you right the prophet a letter to be x fellower
@LDStothecore12 жыл бұрын
The host claims the our testimonies come from the devil. How do you know the devil hasn't influenced you to leave the church?
@LDStothecore12 жыл бұрын
So many fallacies in this video. I could go point by point if someone wants.
@LDStothecore12 жыл бұрын
The host doesn't know what the definition of cult is. It is: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents; great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work. Based on this even Jesus would be a leader of a cult.
@LDStothecore12 жыл бұрын
Now you have a ministry? To make a living no doubt.
@LDStothecore11 жыл бұрын
@LDStothecore12 жыл бұрын
The LDS Church is true.
@kevinj57385 жыл бұрын
LDStothecore yea and so was Joseph Smith a pedophile
@LDStothecore3 жыл бұрын
@@amazingbibleantiquities7221 God witnessed to me that the Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that the LDS Church is God's only true church.