Exploring the new Skirmish Format for L5R

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@njames6305 4 жыл бұрын
Love this, great to see you guys going back to L5R. I hope you do at least 1 more stream with the game making decks to get a real experience.
@PharaohofAtlantis 4 жыл бұрын
L5R is how I found this channel. I really like the game and have no idea what Skirmish is; I'm excited to see.
@deckofsomethings5320 4 жыл бұрын
I have always wanted to try it but it just seems so convoluted in its play, netrunner seems tame in comparison. How have you found It?
@PharaohofAtlantis 4 жыл бұрын
@@deckofsomethings5320 I've never played Netrunner, so I can't speak to that. But L5R is 100% a "deliberate" game, where there are a lot of decisions are any given time. There is a lot going on. Though I find it's put together in an elegant enough way, and because of how much I like card games, it's very fun. I've only played with people who already knew how to play, or that I've played a lot of other games with. It's probably not a good game to start people out with. Though there was a fair amount of rule checking when first playing.
@deckofsomethings5320 4 жыл бұрын
Ok thanks for you input.
@Rhadagar 4 жыл бұрын
It is great to see L5R content on the channel again! Hopefully we will see more in the future.
@seanferguson6728 4 жыл бұрын
Your comments about the original design of the game are well taken. It's worth noting, though, that in addition to creating the skirmish format, Tyler (the lead designer) has also recently gone through the rules for the stronghold format with a fine tooth comb and streamlined things considerably. It's still a heavy game, but does run more smoothly. It might be worth it to take a look at those changes to see if your opinion of the "full" version of the game is improved. (L5R is also what originally brought me to your channel and podcast, which I really enjoy, especially the in-depth discussions of the industry)
@crad1899 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe it's just me, as I'm a new guy and just getting into the game, but it feels like that "heaviness" is what is drawing me to it. Whether it's Gloomhaven, Pandemic Legacy, or Arkham Horror, I really love a game with substance. I think the skirmish system actually takes aspects away that are drawing me to the game in the first place. Where is a good place for a new player to get caught up on errata and changes?
@mattmazzullo2194 4 жыл бұрын
The Fantasy Flight website will always have the latest rules changes and general info. That’s probably gonna be the best first place to look.
@Kurufinwe_Fayanaro 4 жыл бұрын
1:30:26 100% agree with this whole conversation on KeyForge! It should have had online at launch, and I've been asking about it since release. A few weeks ago on the most recent Crucible Cast, when they said they don't have plans, in the midst of _everybody wanting to play online and this golden opporunity_ , I knew KeyForge was done. With their direction focusing on tournaments and ignoring online and kitchen table play, KeyForge will be relegated once again to "just another card game" and won't rise up to stand out. It really could have rivaled Magic except for regular people. It's really disappointing.
@Kurufinwe_Fayanaro 4 жыл бұрын
"FF f'n G" hahaha
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
Had no idea they said no plans for online play. There's no way the cost of developing that side of the app isn't worth it - or at least that would have been the case earlier in the life cycle. Maybe now they see numbers we don't.
@dicehands 4 жыл бұрын
Wow I didnt know about this either but that suckkkks. Keyforge is amazing but I find it hitting the table less and less. Would love to get back into it with a PC or mobile version. They spent all that time making the LOTR digital version when they should have been focusing on future releases, not games that came out years and years ago that people are kinda done with.
@clarewalker245 4 жыл бұрын
Guys, I hope someone from FFG watches your channel and takes notes: you provided the kind of quality advice, for free, that companies pay consultants for. Your discussion at the end of the video on how to rehabilitate the competitive LCG was brilliant---a structure in which the packs and cycles legal for tournament play is limited and constantly changing. With this format, new players don't have to spend $1000 to be competitive, established players can keep all the cards in their collections, knowing that eventually they will cycle back into play, and all players enjoy the freshness of a new "meta" every few months. Netrunner had some "home-brewed" formats that used this concept. For example, in the months after the release of the Revised Core Set, my store had "Core-Tara" format, which used the Revised Core Set + all the packs from the Kitara cycle as they were released. It was new player friendly, still engaging to the veteran players, and refreshed every month as the new packs came out. I have no idea if L5R is healthy or in decline, because it died quickly at my local store. But this would be a good way to revive the game that would require no money for additional development. As you say in your remarks, all FFG has to do is release a PDF detailing the new structure. . .
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
It really seems like a simple solution would solve a lot of problems, but it would require investment in OP awareness beyond prize creation.
@MrKikke2 Жыл бұрын
I like a lot of this mode. BUT I miss the strongholds, so I had an idea: when one player has lost 2 of their 3 provinces, reveal his strongholds, and add its +X to the strenght of your last province. There is NO need to destroy your opponent's stronghold, you just have to destroy his last province, but with +strenght and the ability of his stronghold. This makes the final turns more climatic, and still use the strongholds somehow. Also a catch-up mechanic.
@Big_Dai 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting! I quite liked the original version of the game, and never thought it was too complicated (aside from knowing what each Ring does, which weren't really a thing in the original L5R + that unnecessary favor mechanic that makes the winner win more).. Seeing the comments and opinions on it, I now see why the game failed (aside from finally dying from its LCG cycle). This *Skirmish mode* feels like the exact same thing, stripped out of parts that probably create an unbalance not accounted for in design (as we quickly saw with cards becoming useless). These seem hastily done and without thought. It just tells me that FFG did something that didn't work, and didn't know how to fix it (when it was already too late). I'm sad because there's a lot of mechanics to love from L5R overall.
@danielcrowley5277 4 жыл бұрын
Super excited to see this! I've definitely wanted to get into the community, and have watched quite a few of your older videos. I'll have to get another subscription with you all to stay current.
@Kurufinwe_Fayanaro 4 жыл бұрын
20:57 start I've been psyched for your coverage of Skirmish! With Speed and Rush Duels in Yu-Gi-Oh, and now Skirmish in L5R, these companies are realizing how outdated and convoluted their dueling games are.
@Kurufinwe_Fayanaro 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah that game is dead, man. Only old guys play it and when those old guys die, nobody will care anymore except "investors" with nobody to sell to with stories about the glory days when their lottery tickets were in hot demand.
@nathanaelhunt8109 4 жыл бұрын
I think keyforge is really done well in streamlining their game with their standard rules. I ended up giving up L5R to play keyforge because it was so much easier and way more fun.
@frederick123 4 жыл бұрын
I must say, I do hope, that you'll do a podcast episode on lige cycle of LCGs, because end of the stream conversation was amazing, spot on analysis. I think, you really hit the nail on the head with suggested rotation of new and random old cycles. That would solve so much problems for many LCGs. Even now, I live in the capital city, and there's three of us, that continue to play L5R. We can almost forget about any tournament, as it would be like five people total.
@MaNU7908 4 жыл бұрын
The same I thought. I think FFG should hire them as advisors, or at least listen to what they have to say about it. The problem of the competitive LCG has been there for a long time, and they look like they dont know how to fix it, since nothing has changed, and they refuse to take the good bits of that other more successful games are doing. Like Magic with their Commander decks, that come prebuilted and are able to put up a good fight against competitive decks. Like those, release once a year, a clan pack for every clan with reprints of cards released on that year, include some full arts, and people could point a new player who has just one coreset and say, buy the deck of the clan you like the most and come and play
@socaltrojan286 4 жыл бұрын
This is my first time watching L5R skirmish mode. I like some aspects of it, in which it is a quicker game for sure and you are able to play multiple games within a few hours vs. The standard playing and you are still playing one match. I have been wanting to get back into L5R recently. Since Marvel Champions is delayed by two months with Black Widow pack. I have fallen behind. I only have the first complete set of the Imperial Cycle and two packs from the Elemental Cycle and the Scorpion Clan pack. When you see what is out now, it feels overwhelming trying to keep up with it. I am willing to give skirmish a try, but I'm also interested in playing their multiplayer mode.
@LeeGutsy 4 жыл бұрын
I'm sad, I love the idea of L5R, don't wanna see it die
@Greyman-bb6er 4 жыл бұрын
Ten seasons and a movie! Never enough l5r content
@socaltrojan286 4 жыл бұрын
I would love to see new tokens for L5R if there is enough interest for you guys to develop them. I do want the rings as well, the work you guys put into them looks amazing. High quality of work, well worth it. Maybe for the holidays boys. ;)
@socaltrojan286 4 жыл бұрын
Oh before I forget, Steven your question of how does Crab win. Well there is a reason why Crab, Lion, and Unicorn do not have any cards on the banned list and why they are not among the top list at worlds. :)
@OB1Ken1 4 жыл бұрын
100% agree with the comments about capitalizing on the "living" aspect of the LCG model. L5R is a story-driven game and yet, pack after pack, very few of the cards actually tell a story! We’re two years in and only a handful of characters have evolved from their core set incarnations. The story feels very low impact if you aren’t seeing it physically printed on cards or in the rules. A second, minor, quibble is that I think they also whiffed on the execution of province cards. They could have been used to really give players a sense of what Rokugan (the land, the setting) is like - even having the artwork go through seasons or suffer damage after wars, etc. and really make every clans’ physical territory feel distinct. Instead we got cards like "Shameful Display" .... In what way does that card represent the physical territory I’m supposed to be defending/conquering? A real missed opportunity for world-building imo.
@clarewalker245 4 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with this assessment. As you say, how is "Shameful Display" a "province?" How is "Meditations on the Tao" a "province?" What does "breaking" a province even mean? Do they mean "conquering" the province? If so, why not call it that in order to give players a more concrete feel for what they are actually doing during the game? If the Provinces actually represented physical locations, players could keep in their minds an evolving "map" of Rokugan. It also would be interesting to put the Provinces face up at the beginning of the game. After all, in a real battle or a real diplomatic mission, warriors and courtiers would presumably know where they are going! Also, Zach expressed his dislike for the fact that there are two decks in the game. In a way, it's actually worse: the province row is a third "micro-deck" that a player must build. It would be a lot easier to conceptualize this process if the provinces represented actual locations rather than abstract concepts---and they could be clan specific. That is, the Lion player chooses from a set of locations in Lion territory, the Crane from Crane territory, and so on. Like many others, I also discovered Team Covenant through their "Learning L5R" series. I enjoyed the game and managed to figure it out even though it was my first experience with a competitive card game. But after an exciting Fall 2017 launch at my local game store, the game fizzled out and died. And, because the game is such a huge time commitment, I can hardly ever find a kitchen table opponent---not when there are faster, less mentally draining games to choose from including Destiny and Netrunner (RIP!!) and now Ashes! . .
@lystic9392 3 жыл бұрын
How do you think they could have incorporated a sort of 'living' feel to the game? I have read about the CCG predecessor and how it used player tournaments to determine how the story unfolded. With limited information of ongoing events distributed to players of certain clans. That seems high maintenance... or... impossible to maintain that level of interaction with a preferably long lasting LCG. But I love your idea of the seasons. They could have had 4 periods, or seasons, in which certain cards were replaced by their new seasonal versions. (You cannot play cards that are out of season in a deck?) That way, you can also play summer tournaments or autumn tournaments, i.e. go back to previous states of the game so that those cards are not simply 'lost' to time. It would make deck building more challenging in a game that is already complex to build decks for. But that could have told a bit of a story. Aging characters, swapped allegiances, decimated or corrupted regions, different weapons and strategies per clan or on the field. Kind of like a L5R CCG Lite when it comes to the story element.
@MuttnchopPiper 4 жыл бұрын
I think the LCG model should transform into the Prebuilt Deck game (PDG) model. Let’s take L5R as an example, take each faction and build let’s say 2 Decks each in a core set, then every 3 months release 1 new faction deck with a new mechanic for each faction. All decks can be played as is, because they are competitive, or you can break them apart to deck build. This way, 4 years down the road you could buy any deck, or number of decks without feeling like you have to purchase 4 years worth of product in order to be competitive.
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
Love this idea.
@MultiKarmacharger 4 жыл бұрын
Balancing such a thing would be a nightmare I imagine, and a lot of the appeal of card games is being able to build your own decks so you can change your ability to fight other kind of decks. I imagine it could work well for some kind of L5R online product, though, if each deck is given enough story and character, but as an alternative for LCGs I don't see it working.
@Outrun-et1wj 4 жыл бұрын
The good part about it is: you can do you idea with the current LCG cards, balance them around, make the decks, publish them. If it's fun to play, people will pick it up and play. That's how skirmish got started.
@socaltrojan286 4 жыл бұрын
Zack I like your idea of having a champion as a substitute for a Stronghold for skirmish mode. FFG I hope you are taking notes.
@crad1899 4 жыл бұрын
Just now getting into the game, and living in the Tulsa area. How healthy is the L5R community in Green Country?
@felizpanda 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like if this was meant to be just a fun thing thrown on the website they wouldn't have gone through the trouble of templating another rulebook. That Learn to Play looks like it's supposed to come with something.
@solodragun 4 жыл бұрын
3:16:36 funny, at the beginning of this vid, I was thinking you guys should try to feature some content with Mage Wars. That is a game that features both complexity and some complication, but doesn't feel OVERLY complicated imo. Really enjoy Mage Wars. Don't get to play it enough.
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
The full spellbook thing is really cool.
@Muhd_Akmal 4 жыл бұрын
Wish you guys played more L5R skirmish. Its a better format that should have launched with the game.
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed its a better format, generally.
@deckofsomethings5320 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Zach, wondering were you got that container you store your Champions tokens in? It looks nice.
@gurtana 4 жыл бұрын
Team Covenant, so it's been 5 months since this video - how has skirmish worked out for you? Any more thoughts on it?
@thulsa_doom 4 жыл бұрын
Hello guys. I used to be a L5R player fthe a time it still was a CCG (stopped playing it in 2001). I'm new to this LCG format (really new, just bought the standard pack 2 days ago haha). I couldn't watch the whole video yet, but... would like to understand something about the LR5 community nowadays: even though it's not a CCG, do people normally trade cards? Having to buy a whole set because of a couple of cards only seems a bit painful.
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
With the LCGs, trading and the like isn't very common.
@MaNU7908 4 жыл бұрын
Man that last half hour of talking about how fix the competitive LCG was gold. I just got 3 cores after seeing you live and watching your intro videos. I like how deep it is, but there is almost no video content about it outthere. I think like you said, FFG really needs to improve and learn from what magic is doing well. Magic has many flaws, but they are still there because they release sets on the clock, all players know for sure when next sets are coming out three or six months in advance, no delays, no problems. One of the most successful Magic products of all time are Commander decks. Decks people can just buy and play the game fairly competitive while still be able to improve them over time. I think that, to give a great impression with the coreset, they shouldnt have tried to fit 7 clans in with one offs. A coreset with a fully builted deck (All playsets of 3) of just Crane and Lion clans whould have been great, and if players want the other clans, sell them on clan packs. In the end, the cost would be very similar, but the impression in the costumer would be much better. Being able to experience a full product, also with some of the changes of the skirmish format, like dont make provinces a deathtrap, just something that gives a light bonus to a player. Flip up cards when you refill the provinces, so you can play more characters if you get stocked, or just to be able to target certain cards from an opponent
@Outrun-et1wj 4 жыл бұрын
I would love to see more content about l5r on youtube.
@Big_Dai 2 жыл бұрын
Mmm, there's more to Magic than just releasing new sets. It's a more straightforward game (hitting each other) that can be played in very different ways (be it pauper or super competitive, plus the multiplayer aspect gives it a lot of life (not to mention Commander, which arguably gave Magic life after failing a bit). L5R is NOT a game that offers this versatility.. period.
@mitchellkopitch 3 жыл бұрын
New to L5R, really appreciate all the L5R content you guys make! I gotta ask though, where did you get the game mat you are playing on?
@PKEgaming 4 жыл бұрын
Question: for Dragon Clan, can you still spend fate to unclaimed rings?
@camillemerkt7134 4 жыл бұрын
Pretty cool. You can also build up complexity slowly. After getting used to this simplistic mode I would add the stronghold. Also for Phoenix it was such a big deal for them to claim extra fate off of rings to really get them going. First game seemed real bad since they have fate hungry characters while Unicorn can still swarm on little fate.
@rorydoconnor 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for creating this video. I watched it yesterday before finally playing a few games with a friend last night. I much prefer skirmish to stronghold. My personal bug is that you only see a tiny portion of your deck during the game. And while I lost both games due to honour loss, I really enjoyed playing.
@MaNU7908 4 жыл бұрын
I think it needs to be tunned and balanced. Obviously the oroginal game wasnt designed around that format. I would definetly flip up the cards of the dinasty deck when you refill, so you can see and have the option to play more cards each game. Just having 3 options feels too little of a choice. I wouldnt remove provinces, I would redesing them, or make them format specific and set them face up since the begining so a player can decide where to attack first, and dont make them have deathtraps, just small upsides for the owner or bonus for breaking them like you said. They two had great ideas about how to fix them
@yhomedandreldurangomontoya3408 3 жыл бұрын
I have a question how many cards must be a deck
@aher5875 4 жыл бұрын
Are you going to play more Skirmish in the coming weeks? I really enjoyed the stream yesterday.
@foyoGames 4 жыл бұрын
Has simplifying an l/t/e/ccg ever brought it back to life? Artifact is coming with a 2.0 & probably mobile version.
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
Can't think of an example - but they're also very rare.
@foyoGames 4 жыл бұрын
@@teamcovenant well, probably 1 more dead lcg
@solodragun 4 жыл бұрын
I bought the core for L5R not long after it released, opened it up, rifled through the cards, then read through the rules... then put everything back in the box, and as of yet, I've still not played a game lol. This looks like a version I would definitely be willing to sit down and play and possibly get really into, and with enough familiarity, even get into it's original format eventually. Stronghold version, to me, is a perfect example of the distinction between complexity and complication. You can have complexity that adds interest without being unnecessarily complicated. I feel like Stronghold, though having great and wonderful complexity, which can be highly enjoyable for some I'm sure, suffers from being overly and unnecessarily complicated.
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
Completely agree on that one.
@OsirisLocke 4 жыл бұрын
This is an interesting fix. My buddies and I will try it since we have cards. However it is hard to have any faith at all in FFG in this space outside of their cooperative games. Your video and viewer comments offer many great ideas for competitive LCG style formats. The problems can be solved... but we need a new company to come along with the desire to do this style of game and OP right.
@nihildomini 4 жыл бұрын
I just want something; anything to compete with magic. I would like to walk into a game store and see people playing a variety of games (that arent based off of childerns cartoons). I feel like the only person in the world who gets emotionally drained after nothing but Commander all day. I was really hoping l5r would be that alternative,.but honestly the one person I got to try it wasnt interested after our first introductory game. This skirmish format might help, but it feels too little too late. I honestly dont know why they didnt bring back the storyline tournaments and leaned into the hype of what made the original game special. I dont imagine getting to make an important story decision is more exhilirating then winning a Pro Tour, but its probably almost as exciting in its own way.
@tercoil 4 жыл бұрын
i'd really love you guys to do a bit of deck building and give skirmish another go. I'm sure ya'll still have a reasonable l5r collection collecting dust
@mattmazzullo2194 4 жыл бұрын
I love a lot of the ideas in L5R, but as a whole the game just hasn't been able to really grab ahold of me, despite how much I've wanted it to. I've been thinking a lot about Skirmish since I watched this video (fantastic work as always) and while I do agree that it's an improvement over Stronghold, the format still feels incomplete to me. I suspect that the biggest reason for that is the significantly reduced card pool combined with the 2-copy card limit. Therefore, these are some changes I believe would improve Skirmish without adding too much complexity: 1. Change the card limit from 2 copies per card to 3 (a return to the Stronghold rule). 2. Add a 4th province (also a partial return to Stronghold). 3. State that an unbroken province is always considered unrevealed, and a broken province is always considered revealed. You could simply say that in the Skirmish format, the two terms are the same thing (unbroken = unrevealed and broken = revealed). I think these small but deliberate changes would drastically improve Skirmish without interrupting the desired flow and pace of the game. In addition, I thought of a possible fourth alteration that might help as well. Instead of Imperial Favor being an easily forgettable +1 bonus, perhaps it could instead simply be represented by giving the player who wins the Favor a bonus Fate or Honor token (similar to dominance in AGoT LCG). This would be much simpler to execute and remember during the game, but I worry that an extra Fate might be too strong, or that an extra Honor might not be strong enough, so I'm keeping this rule as a "maybe" for now. Anyway, this went on for a lot longer than I intended. Lol if anyone made it to the end, thanks for reading! Please feel free to share your thoughts. I might try to throw together a couple decks with these rules and see how they play.
@mattmazzullo2194 4 жыл бұрын
Also, I would add the role-restricted cards back in (element/seeker or keeper only). I suppose they took them out thinking they could be a speed bump for new players, but the complexity that's removed from the deckbuilding process isn't worth the potential fun it takes with it, imo.
@mattmazzullo2194 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, after reading about the developer's thoughts on why they took out the role-restricted cards, it makes a lot of sense why they did. I'm taking that one back. Lol
@chibiraptor 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: there are 30 different options for declaring a conflict. 3 provinces times 2 types times 5 rings.
@Victor4sN 4 жыл бұрын
Anyone have a link to the subscription they have to support these videos?
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
teamcovenant.com/product/covenant-content-membership Thanks so much for asking.
@PKEgaming 4 жыл бұрын
I played 10 games last night, this is amazing. So so so good. Get sloppy and losing from honor is quick, the ability to win off of honor is easier to secure if you hold back. And breaking the provinces is much less complicated, and at the end of every turn, you can recall what happened. Really happy!
@mrhill1172 4 жыл бұрын
Do you guys have any plans to play the new Enlightenment Format for L5R?
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
No idea what that is!
@mrhill1172 4 жыл бұрын
@@teamcovenant www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/legend-of-the-five-rings-the-card-game/products/clan-war/ www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2019/10/31/clan-war/ images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/14/38/14389410-6aef-493d-892c-52541dcad892/l5c28-online_multiplayer_rules_v2.pdf
@hectorbarreda7510 4 жыл бұрын
Hey guys I really like your videos, I watched this video in its entirety (took me a few days because it's so long). I just wanted to request if you guys can arrive to a salient conclusion, weather Skirmish is worth it or not. You guys would talk about disperate topics in between games, I'm still not sure if you guys recommend Skirmish or not? Or what your opinion about it is? Thanks a lot.
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
We'd say that Skirmish is the preferable form of the L5R LCG for us.
@iggyeo6458 4 жыл бұрын
how is L5R? is it a good replacement for Android: Netrunner? i miss that game so much.
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
Not sure we could recommend any game as a replacement for A:NR. L5R is a solid game though - Skirmish is an improvement for us.
@socaltrojan286 4 жыл бұрын
Yes in skirmish the providence are not flipped over, thus have no reveal action or response. So any abilities that require such action have no effect in the game now.
@jeremiahw9755 3 жыл бұрын
I like the skirmish format as a quick entry point, but the appeal of L5R is the complexity and weight. Just personal preference. But all points are valid about it being an entry point...it feels like the "League of Legends" of the card game world.
@kingxerocole4616 4 жыл бұрын
We need to try this mode to justify purchasing 2 core sets and 5 expansions. L5R is easily our most disrespected game. It has sat on the shelf for years, which is a shame and I can't exactly explain why.
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
Because it's absolutely beautiful!
@Robloner123 4 жыл бұрын
Basically, git gut at standard l5r game. No, honestly skirmish is a great format for beginners.
@stephencollins5667 4 жыл бұрын
What do you guys think about your main character is always out but you have to use resources to gain it's ability? That way you have to decide between getting minions out to attack or having the ability of the hero pumping up one character that you can then afford.
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
That'd be a fun mechanic to explore.
@socaltrojan286 4 жыл бұрын
Well in the core set has a lot of cards that are restricted and or banned. So the investment of owning 3 core sets of L5R as new players isn't recommended. Well that's my opinion. I bought all 3 back at the games launch.
@ArdulacBlue 4 жыл бұрын
To be competitive, 3 cores are still required. For casual play, it is much less of an issue but roughly half of the cards in a given player's deck are from the Core Set in top competitive play.
@clarewalker245 4 жыл бұрын
Found this link to a solo version of L5R somebody cooked up. It's on the Imperial Advisor website: imperialadvisor.com/2020/09/10/scorpion-clan-coup/ I'm going to try it! It sounds fun! . .
@spetz911 4 жыл бұрын
They should just take the all the great art and make a new game which combines all good parts of KeyForge, Marvel...
@mattsully5332 3 жыл бұрын
I haven't made it very far in yet, but I'm getting really turned off by the constant complaining about the original game rules, which have no bearing on this format. I fully agree they were difficult to parse, but if you're making a video to showcase the good new thing they've done, shouldn't you be focusing on that good new thing?
@teamcovenant 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, and also explaining why this format exists can be helpful.
@mattsully5332 3 жыл бұрын
That's fair. While I thought you covered it pretty well with the initial conversation about how the game wasn't getting new players because the barrier to entry was just too high. I'm probably just sensitive to it because I've spent over a year (in life, not gaming) constantly reminding people to stop talking about how it used to be, focus on how it is. Focus on what the new person is actually going to get.
@miserebear2113 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly I lost all faith in ffg with their lcg model. Especially after what happened with call of cthulhu.
@DrugsForRobots 4 жыл бұрын
Why? I notice you have Gem Ghastly as your profile pic... I wish ffg would've gotten ahold of vtes and gave it the NetRunner treatment...
@lukebagdarrel 3 жыл бұрын
Coming in a year later... This version Def feels zippy. Friend of mine was turned off by the original complexity so this would get him to take a look at it. I prefer the complexity personally but agree with the comment that it could use a solo or an automated opponent mechanic. Much like their last expansion Under Lu Fengs Sahdow
@thereal4579 15 күн бұрын
That hair is .... Just cut it
@vilainn6 4 жыл бұрын
So you promoted the game hard at the start with Tutorial and other videos and now you are trashing the game?
@teamcovenant 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting framing, but no, we'd disagree.
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