This review of CarPlay is absolutely brilliant! This video has really given me a deeper understanding of the system, your description of the interface's user-friendliness and practicality is particularly helpful.
@CarPlayLifeАй бұрын
Thanks for watching and for your kind words. 🙏🏻☺️
@CrucialParadoxАй бұрын
Great videos! Thank you for giving your time to review these. Is there a ranking or chart somewhere comparing all of them?
@CrucialParadoxАй бұрын
Specifically I only need wireless CarPlay support, want the fastest full boot up and responsiveness, and GPS pass through is required.
@CarPlayLifeАй бұрын
I have my own sheet but I do not share it at the moment. Having gps pass limits your options so with that, the fastest to boot adapter with that support is this one
@davidstoeckl8629 күн бұрын
Would you prefere the Stage Sound LinkFree Adapter or the MSXTTLY Carplay Adapter? :) Thanks for the great reviews!!!
@CarPlayLife28 күн бұрын
They are very similar adapters. MXS is smaller in size, slightly faster to boot, but costs more at the time of recording.