Feeling so vulnerable right now | Life in my 40s vlog | Vlog 64 2024

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Andrea J. Severson - Author (aka JeSuisJusteMoi)

Andrea J. Severson - Author (aka JeSuisJusteMoi)

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@booksgurrsandpurrs 4 күн бұрын
Not you talking about being in your 40s! Okay, I am seated. I just quit my job I've been at for a decade because the work environment was so toxic, + I turn 40 this week. This vlog is calling to me. ❤
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
I really hope you enjoy it! I've been sitting on a lot of these feelings for a while and this is just the start about talking about it, so there will be more vlogs like this coming up. I feel like there aren't enough creators on here talking about and showing life in their 40s.
@booksgurrsandpurrs 4 күн бұрын
​@@AndreaJSeverson ​Oh my goodness I did. So much! Yup, no dating for me. I have my teenage daughter and two cats. My life is full. Comparing oneself to others is the road to mini depresh for me. You're doing great by the way. ❤
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Thank you! Comparison is absolutely the thief of joy. It sounds like you have a lovely life that many people wish for. I'm trying to focus on all the ways that my life is full as well, rather than focusing on what I feel I lack.
@christinecortese9973 4 күн бұрын
I don’t think any of us planned to be where we are right now! But you’ve got this perfect opportunity to reflect on new goals and directions. Don’t be afraid to listen to your heart. If your long term plans were to leave Arizona then set your aims to that. I’m planning to move in a couple of years myself (oddly I’m too cold here) & just slowly adjusting my affairs towards that end. And my life didn’t really start until 48, when I met the love of my life and we moved to a little cottage in the country.
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
This comment is so helpful (and hopeful!), thank you so much. You're so right that most of us don't plan our lives to go where they do. Life usually takes us in unexpected directions. I need to remind myself of that rather than falling into the trap of feeling like I messed up because things didn't go the way society made me think it would. And hearing that you met someone at 48 and fell in love and moved to a little cottage in the country is just the hopeful story I need to hear right now. So much of what we see in the media tells us if we haven't found love by our 30s we're doomed to be single forever.
@annekat8358 4 күн бұрын
I don’t often comment (sorry about that!), but this time I had to. As a single woman in my forties with chronic illnesses and no real plan for life still, I deeply felt you there. I also have no answers, I can only offer something I try to do myself every single day: find out if what you think you’re missing from your life is something YOU actually want, or if it is something society expects of you. If you want it, then maybe changes need to be made. If it’s mainly societal pressures… well. They can f*** right off :) Don’t know if that helped at all, but just know that you’re not alone - and the forties are the new thirties anyways! 💛
@Mandy_James 3 күн бұрын
"find out if what you think you’re missing from your life is something YOU actually want" YES!!! I am considering this too and have discovered some of the things I thought I wanted were really just what everyone else wanted and expected of me. One at a time I am letting these things go and reconstructing a mindset of what I actually want and what's important to me (me now, not me 10 years ago, or me when I was 20 and deciding what I wanted to do with my life). It gets easier and easier to reframe and change goals and tell the world to f**k off. Anyway, this part of your comment is SO IMPORTANT and I wanted to just highlight it and encourage others to take time considering these things too.
@annekat8358 3 күн бұрын
@@Mandy_James Hey, thank you for this lovely reply! And that part you added, about listening to the person you are now rather than the one you were ten or twenty years ago? I very much needed to hear that. Yes, plans change, and sometimes that means going back on something you always thought of as fixed. Thanks for reminding me of that
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
40+ chronic illness girlies with no solid life plan unite! We've got this Anne. Reading everyone's comments it's clear that this is more common than I thought. I really love what you say about examining what I think is missing and deciding if it's what I really want or just what society says I should have. I've already been able to do that with some things. Like, do I really want to own a house? I'm not so sure. There's a lot of perks to renting and since I don't have kids to pass a house down to it's not like matters as much. Maybe I'll change my mind one day but for now I'm ok with that one. But I need to think more about some of the other things. 40s definitely feel like the new 30s. Our generation is facing things previous generations didn't have to deal with in their 20s and 30s that had lasting impacts into their 40s like we have.
@daj4740 3 күн бұрын
I'm 59 and single. My life hasnt worked out as planned either so I can relate to what you are saying . I also lost my best friend, my Mom , less than 2 years ago. I have been blessed in many ways and I try to focus on that, but I do struggle with bouts of anxiety and depression. Hang tough and know that God loves you. ❤
@mollieanne Күн бұрын
I lost my mom too and she was my best friend. I am 55 and she left this earth when I was only 48. Hugs.
@AndreaJSeverson Күн бұрын
Reading everyone's comments I'm realizing that I'm not sure any of our lives go as we "planned" or hoped. Maybe that's the lesson life teaches us. I'm so sorry you lost your mom. I'm so close to my mom and losing her is one of my biggest fears. Sending you a huge hug. Thank you for watching and sharing your comment.
@AndreaJSeverson Күн бұрын
Big hug Mollie.
@swizzmis 4 күн бұрын
🌓I’m 61 and yes in my 40s did a lot of thinking but my 40s and 50s were better than my 30s. I really enjoyed them. Ideas will come when you least expect that will change your life so don’t be surprised when stuff just starts happening that you didn’t even intend.🤗
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
I love this perspective. Thank you so much. I really want to feel excited about my birthdays. It's such a privilege to age and to be another year wiser.
@wendysimon81 4 күн бұрын
I have experience with how anxiety robs us of so much time and energy. My ❤ is with you. I can relate to the life evaluation that happens because of age. This year I turned 50. For whatever reason, I never imagined what I wanted my life to be by now. Many paths are closed. I’ve had to be honest with myself about what parts of life are truly important to me. What is worth fighting for over the next few years? What does my “retirement” look like? Women are told they can have it all if we work hard enough. I believe that it depends on what we are willing to trade. I know you see the amazing connections you are making here. You are cared for and that is an accomplishment in this day. 😉 Thank you for sharing doesn’t feel enough. 💐
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
It's so helpful hearing so many different perspectives. I can't even bear to think about retirement, because I honestly don't think it will happen for me. But if I could ever get my writing to a point where I could live off of it, writing is something I could do until I die lol. :) But you make a good point about how we're told that we can have it all if we work hard enough. We get fed this from a young age and the truth is so much more complicated than it sounds. You can get some of what you want but trade other things for it. Or you can work hard and not accomplish the things we were told we'd get. I think this is really common for young Gen Xers and older Millennials. The future we've worked towards is so different from what previous generations had. It's better in some ways and so much harder in other ways. Thank you so much for your support, I truly appreciate your kind words.
@acollierastro 3 күн бұрын
🌕 I really enjoyed this video! In my 30s but I really feel how academia does this weird thing to life timelines.
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
Ugh, the way academia feeds into this is a whole separate video that I want to do at some point, even if I can only scratch the surface of the very complicate thoughts I have on that subject. Being women in our 30s/40s who work in academia adds a slightly different spin on the topic. Thank you for watching!
@Michelelynnreads 4 күн бұрын
I haven’t commented in sooooo long! Sorry about that. I just turned 47 and want to say I see you and appreciate you. You were literally the first YT channel I subscribed to years ago after watching your fibro video. I also have fibro which has developed into M.E./CFS. I just started my channel this year, and its creators like you who gave me the courage. Thank you for being you and for sharing yourself and your cozy vibes with us! ❤ Cheers to all the single 40+yo women living our best lives (with chronic illness) including successful careers! ❤ 🌕
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much Michelle, I really appreciate your kind words. I hope you're doing well. Congrats on starting your channel! I'm so proud of you. I'll be sure to check it out. I'm so grateful for subscribers like you who give me the space to talk through the random thoughts in my head. :)
@joselyrivera7875 4 күн бұрын
@authorkristinealyse 4 күн бұрын
not alone at all! your videos are such a comforting presence and feel like I'm facetiming a friend. I turned 35 this month but I spent 34 thinking "omg I'm going to be 35 soon" but it still feels different. 🌙
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching Kristine! I really want these vlogs to feel like facetiming a friend. That's how it feels when I'm filming. :) And omg I felt the same way when I turned 34 and 35. It hit me again at 39 and 40.
@booksgurrsandpurrs 4 күн бұрын
🌑🥮 Moon plus a moon cake ❤
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching! :)
@melissaconstantine 3 күн бұрын
🌕 Yeah, totally get it. Anxiety, writing, not being where you imagined - same
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching and commenting. Reading everyone's comments it's clear I'm not alone and how I'm feeling is very normal. I hope we can all feel better reading each other's experiences. :)
@PriDrummond 3 күн бұрын
The moon was amazing. 🌖I will be 39 in November, so I feel the same "changing seasons" feeling, especially because I plan on finishing my PhD dissertation around the same time I'll be turning 40. You are not alone; we will look back in 5 years and feel proud. :)
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
I finished my PhD in my late 30s and it was definitely a mix of emotions and a change of season of life. You've got this. And yes, one day we'll look back and be so proud. But we also need to remember to be proud of ourselves right now. :)
@PriDrummond 3 күн бұрын
@@AndreaJSeverson That is so true. But trying to think about how we are going to feel in the future might help us understand and respect our process now. PS: I'm excited to read your new book!
@writingwithvik 3 күн бұрын
🌔 This was such a resonant vlog. I turned 45 this year and it feels like a big old number in a 'now or never' kind of way. I also have those 'where am I going now' questions as I left academia due to chronic illness and I'm trying to pursue indie publishing while being ill. It's a lot. I also feel so lucky in so many ways, so get that desire not to dwell too... no answers, just thank you for sharing and vlogging x
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
45 does feel like a "now or never" birthday. Clearly we can always make a change. But my 40s feel like I'm getting older but still young enough to make some radical changes. I'm trying to see that as a good thing and not something to be scared of. Leaving academia is such a complicated thing and a topic I'm definitely grappling with. My current job feels like I'm one foot in and one foot out. It's a lot to think about. Thank you for watching and for validating what I'm feeling. I really appreciate your kind words. :)
@writingwithvik 3 күн бұрын
@@AndreaJSeverson 💖
@EmmaBennetAuthor 4 күн бұрын
Yes! I'm 44 and it's definitely a time when you reflect and things are changing x
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Next time I'm in the UK we need to meet up for coffee and a chat about all things writing and getting older lol. :)
@EmmaBennetAuthor 4 күн бұрын
@@AndreaJSeverson decaff because we're old!
@AndreaJSeverson Күн бұрын
😂😂😂 yes!
@LifeWithMJB 4 күн бұрын
Andrea, I honestly love your content. I'm past my 2nd milestone birthday, I turned 32 last February, and I was so depressed about the age. You are not alone in all of this. My husband and I joke about it sometimes. "Life comes at you fast," lol. It definitely gives a new meaning to being out of my 20s and into my 30s. I don't think I was really ready for some of my life changes, but I've been embracing all that comes with it. ❤
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! Milestone birthdays can be so exciting but also so complicated. Life definitely comes at you fast. I'm glad that you're focusing on embracing the life changes coming your way. We might not be ready and we may not be able to change them, but we can choose how we react to them. :)
@Avionne_Parris 4 күн бұрын
🌕 Trinidad has been experiencing temperatures in the 90s for the past couple of weeks and I've been dying of heat exhaustion, living in front of the fans and air conditioning just to survive. I can only imagine you in the 100s and over. My mind did think of you in the midst of my heat wave, Andrea. I feel like moving to England isn't just wish fulfilment anymore, but for your mental health :) As for the turning 44 / life in the 40s vulnerability ramble, thank you so much! I got teary-eyed several times during your speech and just wanted to reach through the screen to hug you :) I'm turning 44 this year December and I've had that same internal monologue about how much progress I've made in life and beat up myself about not "achieving enough". I wanted to get married and have kids and live by the beach, travelling with my brood all over the world. While my younger sister has two kids which is the gold standard in my house (who I love dearly and wouldn't trade for anything), I never got married, am not in a relationship, and don't have kids. I think that's why I'm stressing out about publishing a book as it will validate my existence. If I can't have a baby, at least I can have a book baby lol. This is me, raising my hand, saying aloud on the mountains of the Trinidad Northern Range and Arizona in the USA, "You are not alone, Andrea! I stand with you." I won't mind if you want to speak on these things whenever they arise as it makes me feel a bit better than I'm not a freak of nature who exists by herself, I have company and I'm okay.
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Avi, your words always make me smile. Moving to England (or anywhere colder) would definitely be better for my mental health lol! As for turning 44, you and I are going to be fine. We have to keep reminding each other of that. I feel like we all have similar feelings but it's not what the messages we get through regular media tell us, so we end up feeling like we're the only one who doesn't have it all figured out. It's why I'm so grateful for this channel. Everyone's comments on this video have made me feel so much better. I don't have all the answers but I am so grateful that you all give me this space to talk through all the random thoughts in my head. I will definitely be talking about this more going forward.
@TheCamilleNicole 4 күн бұрын
I feel you, I am 31 and when I turned 30 it was just like a scary this is not how I imaged my life and starting kind of over then was not what I had in mind. It's a really rough mental battle. You are not alone at all. I hope you get cooler weather soon ❤
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Turning 30 felt overwhelming but my life was in a different place and I was in the middle of grad school so it still felt a little exciting and like I was going in the right direction. I think some of these milestones feel scarier than others depending on where our lives are at. Thank you for watching and for your kind comment. :)
@tamzinlena 4 күн бұрын
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching! :)
@RBMish 3 күн бұрын
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching! :)
@AmyFMiller 4 күн бұрын
🌕 definitely relatable - I’m 47, will be 48 in early March - 50 is looming larger than most other milestones
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
50 definitely feels like a massive milestone birthday. I know I'll never have everything "figured out" but I'm hoping to be in a slightly better mindset when I turn 50. Sending you lots of hugs. It's scary but we're both going to be fine. :)
@kueri440 4 күн бұрын
❤ hello
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@JanelleJnewstudio 3 күн бұрын
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@AmyRThaxton 4 күн бұрын
Andrea, I'm 48 and I've been in your shoes. I had a opportunity to find a great guy, but I only saw him as a friend and he married somebody else. I regret not recognizing the signs. Since then I knew I wouldn't get married. I kind of let go of thr idea. So you are not alone. Don't give up on your dreams and if its meant that you meet that special someone, you will know. HUGS!❤❤
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much Amy. I really appreciate this comment. I don't know if I'll find someone to share my life with. It feels less likely as I get older, but I also refuse to believe that at only my mid-40s I'm over the hill and doomed to be single forever lol. I'm just taking one day at a time and focusing on the things I do have some control over, like my career and hobbies.
@EduardoRodriguez-du2vd 4 күн бұрын
I get the impression that one never stops being very vulnerable. Even when one doesn’t feel vulnerable. It’s the human condition. To be aware and capable of imagining (not always the best). Turning forty has no significance from the perspective of the Universe. It is as irrelevant as being four or eighty. The Universe doesn’t care about your age, and neither do people. Only you care about your age, and, in reality, you don’t really care either. I suppose other things matter to you, and they filter into that topic. You will surely feel less vulnerable. Good luck!
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
This is such a lovely and hopeful comment. Thank you! Being vulnerable is human and it also takes strength. I try to remember that age is a number and a state of mind. We're only as old as we let ourselves feel. Thank you for watching!
@jessicadrake3016 3 күн бұрын
🌛 Hi, new subscriber here. I'm turning 35 in November, and I relate. I was going to travel to Europe in the spring, but I'm a homeowner, and my roof ended up needing to be replaced. On top of that, I've had electrical repairs, and all this other fun stuff that comes with owning a house. So needless to say the Europe trip was cancelled. I'm also single, and dating has been a mess. I'm dating someone right now, who is older than me by a bit, and it's casual. Which I'm honestly fine with, but I still get lonely and I would like a family. However, the reality of me getting older and me wanting kids has been hard. I ended the only significant relationship I had because we disagreed on having kids, and now it's been hard finding someone who shares the same views, and has the same interests as me to have kids with. I'm not sure I can do it alone, but I've looked into sperm banks. With how much debt I am in now because of my house, I am unsure if I will ever have kids at this point. And that's been hard to think about. I mean there's still time, but I really don't know anymore. I just don't know what the future is going to look like. Anyway sorry for the long post. I will be sure to watch more videos of yours in the future!
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for subscribing! There will be more vlogs talking about these sort of topics but also lots of more upbeat ones where I'm not melting down lol. :) I'm so sorry your trip to Europe got cancelled, I hope you can go soon and that you have a magical experience. I totally relate to a lot of what you're talking about. The topic of marriage and kids is so complicated and there's so much we hear from the media and friends that just adds to the confusion of what is really best for our lives. Sending you so many hugs. Whatever happens I know our futures will be wonderful.
@lyriclovercrafts 4 күн бұрын
I always have you on my TV and have slacked on commenting…but just know I find so much comfort in all of your videos. Your voice in my house is like having a friend here with me. This video speaks to me and your words are woven into my bones!!!! I feel all the things you’re feeling. I have to say that you’re absolutely amazing. Your professional life, your creative life….and all the lives you have impacted along the way and WILL impact in the future. I think we are just about the same age and you have been such an inspiration to me for years now. Again, I completely understand and resonate with your struggles and hearing you talk about everything in this vlog is like a big cozy hug from a friend. Remember how incredible you are and how many great things you still have ahead of you. Sending love and moonbeams over Scottsdale, my friend! 🌙✨🌖✨🍂🧡 xo Amber
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for such a kind and lovely comment Amber! I really appreciate your support, as a fellow creative and a fellow AZ person. Sending you so much love right back! :)
@PagesAndPolish 6 сағат бұрын
Car parts/ car related issues are the most annoying things to have to spend money on 😂 Your description of your seasons sounds daunting. I don’t know how you deal! I related a lot to all the transitions you’re talking about here. Dealing with Ed’s illness for the past couple of years and adjusting to what life looks like now for the both of us has been a real struggle. I have times when I feel so strong and in control and able to do what needs to be done and then some days when I feel like I can’t get out of bed because it’s all too much. I do relate too to writing and KZbin feeling like solid non negotiables. I also have no answers 😅 you’re definitely not alone ❤ I agree, 45 feels like a big milestone. I’ve been terrible at commenting lately because I’ve been so overwhelmed but I’m often watching and it always feels like I’m sitting and having a chat with a dear friend. I’m so glad our KZbin paths crossed all those years ago. 🌖🌙
@EnchantedXennial 34 минут бұрын
You are not alone ❤
@wanitascreativecorner 21 сағат бұрын
I've only just found your channel. ❤ I am 52, single, never married, no kids, have health issues and lived in Arizona, Phoenix area, for 8 years, and, I have a KZbin/AuthorTube Channel where I share way too much about myself, very inconsistently. (fewer subs) You are sooooo not alone. 😊couldn't find a moon emoji😮
@EnchantedXennial 35 минут бұрын
@sineperil Күн бұрын
Dude, I'm lucky to get 50 views on a video. 1.7k would be AMAZING. But I know what you mean about not progressing, feeling stuck and out of control, like everything you do is pointless.
@AndreaJSeverson Күн бұрын
OMg, 1.7k is not normal for me! I'm not sure what's happening but apparently a lot of people relate to what I'm saying. Everyone's comments definitely help me feel less alone. Thank you for watching!
@daisyadair1164 Күн бұрын
OMGeeee, i’m so glad your channel popped up in my algorithm. 💜💜💜💜
@AndreaJSeverson Күн бұрын
Thank you for watching! I'm glad it got recommended to you.
@mollieanne Күн бұрын
The mid to late 40s were horrible for me, but that was because of peri-menopause in which now I know I should had been on HRT. But doctors were not giving it to anyone as much as they are now. but it was horrible because I was taking care of my mom with Lewy Bodies dementia that struck her at 74 and she died at 78. Then my dad was ill too and had to help him. So Yeah, very, very sucky time. My mom was my best friend so after all of this I became extremely anxious and developed health anxiety and a ton of fears about the future. I am 55 now and am better now. I was married though and my husband is my rock. IF it were not for him I would had been really in worse shape emotionally. So I am so extremely grateful for him.
@AndreaJSeverson Күн бұрын
Mollie, that sounds like a lot. I'm so sorry you've had so many difficulties. I'm so close to my mom, losing her is one of my biggest fears. Sending you a huge hug. I totally understand the health anxiety, that's something I struggle with as well and it adds to a lot of the fears I was discussing in this vlog. I'm so glad that you have such a support in your husband. :)
@pricklypear1111 15 сағат бұрын
Do you feel like you’re stuck telling yourself negative things? You seem to be stuck in a cycle of negative thought patterns
@AndreaJSeverson 15 сағат бұрын
On this particular day I kind of was. But I’m general not really. I’ve worked really hard over the last several years to break those thought cycles/patterns. And I’ve learned how to catch myself when it happens. But some days there’s just a lot on my mind that I need to get out and videos like this one are usually the result. Thanks for watching!
@inthegardenwitheveliaflore4908 4 күн бұрын
Harsh reality…. Life’s cruel in some ways…😢
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Life can be cruel, but it can also be beautiful and full of joy if we look in the right places, and that's what I'm trying to focus on.
@mariesjournal 2 күн бұрын
I'm glad youtube is recommending me some more mature content creator! I enjoy taking glimpses of the life of peope 30+ of age (because I am one of them xD). Subscribed :) I can feel your vulnerability, your words speak to me. I currently give up my job i was working in for a decade now and going back to uni next year studying psychology (hopefully). Mid life crisis is real, lol. Should've listened to my inner voice much earlier, but well - the best day to start over after yesterday is today, right? Hope to see more from you soon! Love from germany, Marie~
@AndreaJSeverson Күн бұрын
Thank you so much Marie! Welcome to the channel! Good luck going back to uni, that sounds so exciting. I totally relate to the mid life crisis, but one thing that's helping me is instead of crisis think of it as a mid life shift. You're listening to your inner voice and going in what will hopefully be a better direction for you. It's scary but ultimately it's a positive thing. Of course, I need to take my own advice lol. :) Definitely more videos coming soon.
@inthegardenwitheveliaflore4908 4 күн бұрын
Women in the workforce stills our ability to have a marriage and family… you have to decide one or the other…❤
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
I don't know that it always a case of having to choose one or the other, but one or the other definitely has to be the priority which means the other will never get the attention it deserves.
@philippamuir332 Күн бұрын
Hello i just found your channel and your video is interesting. Not sure what your issues are but yoù are most brave to publically put out how you are. I hope you have a good network of people around you
@AndreaJSeverson Күн бұрын
Thank you so much. I have an excellent network of people around me, both here on KZbin as well as offline in my day to day life. :)
@HufflepuffPrincess 3 күн бұрын
This video was in my algorithm and I randomly clicked on it, I’m so happy I did. I relate to you on so many levels. I’m 34, single, no kids, and I don’t see any of it happening any time soon. Part of me is not in a rush, another part of me wants more. But all I can do is take it day by day, and find the little joys in life that make me happy. I’m still struggling with that, but I’m getting better at it. I’ve also given up on “getting my life together”, sometimes I think life is just meant to constantly be messy and isn’t meant to be orderly. So I’ve accepted that, haha! I’m happy I found your channel, I’ll continue watching your journey as I also hope to publish my own novels someday. Sub!
@AndreaJSeverson Күн бұрын
Thank you for watching! I'm so glad the video was recommended for you. All any of us can do is take things one day at a time. And I'm trying to really prioritize focusing on the little joys in life that make me happy. And I think you're right. Life is meant to be messy. I'm slowly accepting that. Welcome to the channel. You'll find some lovely people here in the comments each week, we're a very friendly group. :)
@daisyadair1164 Күн бұрын
@AndreaJSeverson Күн бұрын
Thank you!
@michellescozycorner5318 2 күн бұрын
@AndreaJSeverson Күн бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@Mandy_James 3 күн бұрын
The 40s are just different. I turned 44 this summer and how my brain works and how I think about things has changed a lot over the last couple of years. This seems to be my season of letting go of many things--mostly the expectations I had for myself and my life that haven't turned out the way I'd planned or the way I'd hoped. Also, some of it is probably hormonal. There's a mental and a physical aspect to it. There's also a societal aspect that is hitting a lot of people lately. At least that's what I've been seeing. The world has gone crazy in the last 5 years. It's unrecognizable to me and I'm unhappy with it and don't want it. I miss living in a world that didn't insist on invading my life and my thoughts all the time. So many people I know are just feeling crushed by anything and everything right now and I feel like it's collectively messing with all of our mental health. Something's got to give but it hasn't yet. You're not the only one struggling. I feel you. Other people I know are going through it too. I wish I knew what we all should do but I don't. Sorry if this comment is a mess but my brain is a bit of a mess right now.
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
My brain is definitely working differently. The hormonal aspect of this is not helping, I totally relate to that. I also really relate to what you say about the state of the world. Everything feels big and scary and uncertain, and not just in the US right now. It literally feels like the whole world is a mess. We don't have answers right now but I'm hoping we can all keep talking about this in future videos and comment sections. Everyone's comments on this vlog has helped so much!
@Mandy_James 2 күн бұрын
@@AndreaJSeverson the comments by others in the comment section have been helpful for me too.
@indie_princess 4 күн бұрын
That full moon last week almost did me in. I felt like I was losing my mind. I definitely understand the ups and downs that come with aging and hormonal shifts and well, just life in general..what a rollercoaster. Sending you good vibes. ❤
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
I think it was more where I was at in my cycle than the full moon, but I totally relate. I'm definitely feeling like I'm losing my mind half the time lol. Thank you for watching and for your kind words. Sending you good vibes too!
@yelenamijares7821 4 күн бұрын
I'm 46 and I can relate. I'm still figuring things out too. I figured that I'm well into my perimenopause and it's wrecking havoc of my head, although instead of a messy pile, it feels like the brain itself is calcifying, it's a frightening, but apparently normal. The PMS gets worse with every passing month and I'm on the verge of running to my GYN and asking for an estrogen patch. And it does feel like whatever you do is never enough, but it is. It is enough. So let's be kind to ourselves. Let's give ourselves grace. Let us enjoy those morning walks and wonderfully warm cups of coffee and let's carry on the best we can without burden of self judgment. Warms hugs girl!
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
Omg yes, the PMS and perimenopause aspect of aging is a whole other beast that I didn't fully get into, but that's part of the monthly transition phase I was referencing. My cycles are getting so much worse and my PMS feels more like PMDD at this point. It can honestly be terrifying. I also relate to feeling like the brain is calcifying, my cognitive abilities are definitely declining in some ways, which as someone with a PhD who's always prided myself on my intelligence, that feeling is downright terrifying. I think this is something else I want to talk about in a future video. I need to see my doctor to talk about PMS/PMDD and perimenopause. But in the meantime, you are so right about being kind to ourselves and enjoying the little joys of life. Thanks for watching and for your kind words. Warm hugs back to you!
@cristincarter1 4 күн бұрын
For me, being in my 40's was my biggest transition. Hormonally speaking, big changes are happening that affect everything. My feelings about my career changed, it went from worrying about supporting our family to working about retirement. Our parents are getting older and begin to have issues, and our relationships with friends change. It's just one ball of change. We all should be emotional and it's alright. It's part of growth.
@AndreaJSeverson 3 күн бұрын
The hormones are definitely something I'm starting to really feel and it's making everything feel more overwhelming. What you brought up about worries about retirement and parents getting older and relationships with friends changing are all things I'm feeling right now.
@angiesteg 4 күн бұрын
I'm 47 so I can relate to the many challenges of life in our 40s. I watch a lot of women on you tube who are in their 20's and 30's just because there's so many of them out there. I'd love to find more good channels of women in their 40s and 50s. Thank you for sharing so much of your life and your vulnerabilities with your viewers. It's brave and appreciated. 50 is starting to feel like it's looming for me now that I'm firmly in my late 40's so we'll see how that goes. I've started telling myself being in my early 50's might actually feel younger than late 40s just because of that word early :) 🎑🌝
@emiliabolsas 4 күн бұрын
Melanie Hamlett has some good videos about being in her 40s. Most of her content is about de-centering men, which has been a cornerstone of our existence as women, especially in America. She makes some interesting points if you can handle her unpolished delivery.
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
I looked up Melanie, her videos sound very interesting! I will be sure to check some of them out.
@AndreaJSeverson 4 күн бұрын
I'm so grateful to have subscribers like you who are in their 40s and 50s (and older) who help me feel less alone in these thoughts. It's great to have so many different perspectives. The further into my 40s I get the more different it feels from any previous decade. There are so many things you don't deal with until your 40s as a woman, but then there's still things that I'm dealing with that I feel like I should have figured out by now, so my 40s have just felt very overwhelming. Thank you for watching Angie and for this kind comment.
@angiesteg 3 күн бұрын
@@AndreaJSeverson The 40's really feel like a time of change and reflection. Like you mentioned in your video, some long held dreams start to change. It can be hard, but I try to just stay as open and curious as I can as my life unfolds, especially toward the things that aren't going the way I'd like them to go.
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