Feminist biology: Do we need feminist sciences? | FACTUAL FEMINIST

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American Enterprise Institute

American Enterprise Institute

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@qsqua 9 жыл бұрын
Feminist Science: It's just science but without the facts.
@FlaminTubbyToast 9 жыл бұрын
its science without the science.
@reipculture7077 8 жыл бұрын
+qsqua It's horseshit.
@ghimbos 8 жыл бұрын
If it would be just that, than it would be just some "fun". Did you hear about "die Rassen-Lehre"? Or about ""die Nürnberger Rassen-Gesetze"?
@suvarenee 10 жыл бұрын
Great vid. To answer your question posed at end of video, no, we don't want a feminist lens to science. We want an objective scientific lens to science.
@conferencereport 10 жыл бұрын
Most reputable feminist critiques of biology aim to correct for existing gender bias in, for example, the language and metaphor in which biological concepts are expressed. A good source on this is the SEP plato.stanford.edu/entries/feminist-philosophy-biology/ The AEI, which produced this video, is a neo-con think tank that has a very specific agenda. This video is not an appeal to objectivity.
@holdinmcgroin8639 10 жыл бұрын
conferencereport And those feminists tend to have no grasp of neuroscience, therefore making them a poor authority on the differences between sex and gender.
@conferencereport 10 жыл бұрын
Holdin McGroin Which feminists are you talking about? Also, what neuroscientific studies are you referring to? Genuine question.
@holdinmcgroin8639 10 жыл бұрын
The fact that male and female brains are biologically distinct, free from any social conditioning. What is left to be a 'social construct' is so small compared to the vast amount of pre-determined biological hardwiring, that it's negligible. If anything, it should be the neuroscientists who tell the feminists what they're really studying (if you could call it that), not the other way around.
@josephgill3616 10 жыл бұрын
Holdin McGroin That would require feminists to shut up and listen. Not exactly their strong suit.
@kerryn6714 10 жыл бұрын
Wow, what a brilliant video. This is the first time I have watched your channel. It's fantastic to see a woman speaking some sense, unlike many of the KZbin feminists I've seen. Feminist biology? What a ridiculous concept. I think you are my newest hero! Liked & subbed.
@AEI 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you kerryn! Stay tuned for more.
@davexb6595 8 жыл бұрын
+Prune Tracy feminism gives professional victims a bad name.
@EndlessVacuum 10 жыл бұрын
It makes sense that feminists would require entirely different fields of science. They live in a different universe, of course the laws of physics and logic and mathematics are different there. The problem they're encountering is that they seem to want everyone else to pay attention.
@coweatsman 10 жыл бұрын
The Lysenko universe.
@muthesquirrel 8 жыл бұрын
Great. So instead of just creationism vs evolution, we'll eventually have creationism vs. evolution vs. femolution.
@charleecharles9812 8 жыл бұрын
+Andy Semple Femolution??? Hahaha!!!
@jdalfonso4341 8 жыл бұрын
awesome parody lol
@diamondkyle812 3 жыл бұрын
@Valelacerte 10 жыл бұрын
Men and women, despite the divisive propaganda of Feminism, have evolved to be complimentary; men and women bring different perspectives and skills to the table. In this regard, it is beneficial to have both sexes' contribution in all fields. However, there is no obligation for either sex to be involved in anything, they choose their own paths in life regardless of what some think they _should_ be doing. Given that, these days, no western woman could honestly say that they are barred from entering and succeeding in any profession, clearly the strangely termed _underrepresentation_ of women in certain fields is faulty; there is no inherent force of nature that seeks to balance the numbers of men and women in an industry, it is driven purely by choice.
@Cheapshot420420 10 жыл бұрын
yes, sexual dimorphism is quite common among mammals. despite this widely evidenced and studied fact, they STILL cling to "social conditioning" to explain differences in men and women.
@SydBaron 10 жыл бұрын
They've always ignored women in science. That's why nobody has discovered radium yet.
@MackeyDeez 10 жыл бұрын
My thing is why won't universities grow a back bone and stand against this lunacy.
@dracoeris 10 жыл бұрын
Next big discovery in Feminist Biology: by giving lion cubs gender neutral toys we see their traditional gender roles dissappear! The lionesses even grow manes cause they no longer have to conform to the oppressive beauty standards of the male lions. Score for fighting the patriarchy in the animal kingdom.
@andrewthecelt3794 10 жыл бұрын
I liked your sense of humor and think this whole notion of feminist biology ridiculous but I would like to point out one small flaw in your analogy. Females in lion prides do the vast majority of hunting already, males don't contribute that much to feeding the pride. So the traditional gender roles of lions are already the reverse of humans to a degree.
@Asha2820 8 жыл бұрын
Science should never seek to tell people what to do... simply what is. Feminism (and indeed politics) is all about telling people what to do.
@ImGoingSSJ97 5 жыл бұрын
not only that, but what to THINK, how to ACT and shit
@EdGloss 10 жыл бұрын
If feminism really means equal rights as most dictionaries define it and as supporters are very quick to point out then this should be a program for men and women where both genders are treated equally. But this is just more evidence that feminism isn't about equal right at all. Unfortunately, it's about special rights fro women. This has to change. I'm for equal rights as I hope most people are. But this program deliberately seeks to separate the sexes. Can we remotely imagine a biology program design specifically for men?
@Elsenoromniano 10 жыл бұрын
It means that. but feminsit studies sometimes highjack the term for themselves, as any feminsit feminist should adhere to every feminist theory point of view (And there are hundreds so it's impossible). We need gender equality, and we need serious studies on the complex interrelation beetween nature and nurture in gender roles, that are unbiased. I fault posmodern thinking for that.
@petermcgowan1705 10 жыл бұрын
The idea that 'true' feminism is what the dictionary claims it is, even though no (influential) feminist group adheres to this, sounds ridiculous to me. But every time I try to put into words why, I'm at a loss! Maybe the answer is similar to what I've heard feminists say about misandry: maybe 'true' (dictionary-definition-based) feminism exists, but only as a concept, like the Boogie Man. But that still leaves the problem as to why it's called 'feminism' rather than something gender neutral. So neither the name, nor how feminism is practiced, suggest it's about equal rights. Nevertheless, 'true feminism' is somehow about equality.
@Elsenoromniano 10 жыл бұрын
Means the movement that seeks equal rights for women (that's why it s called feminism and not something gender neutral), like when you say pro gay rights, it means the movement for equal rights for gays and it would be ridicoulous to claim that it should be called progay and heterosexual rights movement, And a word means what an important set of people use it for. When most people talk about feminism they do not talk about the radical kind of feminism. You could argue that nowadays it is more talked about as feminism also by enough groups of people, so it should be also included in the dictionary as a secondary meaning., but that is beside the point.
@petermcgowan1705 10 жыл бұрын
That is a good point, and it does explain the name. I suppose the problem I have is when someone points out that a feminist is advocating for something harmful to men, and people jump in and say 'but that's not true feminism.' Neither the word 'feminism,' nor how influential feminist groups operate in practice, suggest that discriminating against men, or blaming men for all the world's problems, cannot be 'true feminism.' So I suppose my real question was, how do we know what 'true feminism' is, and how do people who say that 'true feminism' does not discriminate against men justify this? Is there a third option, other than the word itself or how feminism works in practice? If you say the dictionary definition, then I go back to my point that 'true feminism' exists only as a concept, and does not exist in the real world.
@briant6669 10 жыл бұрын
Peter McGowan The old "no true scottsman" falacy. Feminists and Christians just love that one. It eliminates all the responsibility of being associated with scum.
@BosonCollider 10 жыл бұрын
Damn. The mere term "feminist biology" makes me think of Lysenkoism and the great famines in Ukraine...
@alexkillsdie 10 жыл бұрын
I would place "feminist-biology" in the same camp as "christian-science". A completely redundant paradigm.
@paszmaty 10 жыл бұрын
Now thats a very polite question there. It takes a real person to be this cool about malevolent, harmful BS of this magnitude.
@Nodrog666 10 жыл бұрын
These are the same kind of people who force UCONN to change their Huskies team logo because the original one was too aggressive. It's a sports team! It's supposed to look menacing! Why don't these universities have a spine when it comes to crap like this? They buckle at the first sign of dissent. They should be saying "There is no such thing as 'feminist biology.' It's biology. Study the theories and ideas or get out." Next thing I'll be hearing about is "feminist IT courses" because computer science in colleges don't represent women's history in computer technology. I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I needed to study gender politics to understand how to code Java or C++.
@caracaes 9 жыл бұрын
Well, if UCONN ceded to the pressure to change their logo, maybe they weren't as menacing as they were trying to look like and actually deserved to have the logo changed. /s
@nexusclarum8000 9 жыл бұрын
The big thing is, you shouldn't have political agendas shoved down your fucking throat in the education system. Especially on our children growing up before they even formed their own ideas and thoughts. It's called mind control and Stalin would be proud of these feminists. That's their business. Mind control.
@Nodrog666 9 жыл бұрын
Nexus Clarum Agreed. We should raise a generation of critical thinkers, not ideological cattle.
@SargonofAkkad 10 жыл бұрын
Women are flourishing? Sounds like they definitely need feminism.
@LokiJotunn 10 жыл бұрын
I feel the need to write this if only to voice my fears for the future. It seems that politicians have now been so thoroughly feminised that they no longer care what feminists do. They don't care that with every new feminists driven law, policy, educational course or work place agenda they push ever closer towards the matriarchy they so obviously seek. I am writing this out of genuine concern, what feminists have failed to considered as part of their underhand political grab for female dominance is the history of humanity. The subjugated have always turned against those who subjugate them. My concern is that when men do finally wake up to the political bullshit feminists have been pushing for over 40 years. The backlash could very well, whether feminist like it or not result in the first genuine patriarchy in the western world for a very long time. That might sound extreme but think about it, why would men trust women to be fair minded, equality driven members of society? Especially after they had just attempted to implement a matriarchal system heavily favouring women, while men continue do the majority of the physically hard and dangerous work. I really hope it doesn't come to that, but if feminists keep this bullshit up I seriously think men will eventually snap and say enough is enough, and if they do I doubt very much they will take it easy on those who sort to subjugate them. Peace
@pinatalalqa 10 жыл бұрын
This is amazing! I was kind of baffled by the fact that people think that most scientists are male! I'm currently majoring in Chemistry and the majority of people in my course are female! I do not personally think that anything "feminist" is required. And as for feminism in general, woman need equality and not superiority. And overall, more women like you! Well done and keep on doing such an incredible job! :)
@patrickwhite8144 10 жыл бұрын
Ideological bias is anathema to science. It certainly exists but it is not something to be actively encouraged, but rather swiftly eliminated wherever it is discovered.
@Thkaal 10 жыл бұрын
o.O? You just blew my mind. Thank you for this. When I first saw the Factual Feminist logo, I was gearing up to get ready to look up everything you said (still did so, but you seemed more bent on stating facts until the end) and lo, I was surprised that you weren't promoting this program. Thank you for this reminder that feminist does not mean dominatrix.
@andrewthecelt3794 10 жыл бұрын
R.I.P. Science 1500-2014 So now if you refute findings, conclusions or poor methodology of a feminist biologist in a publication will you be labeled a misogynist? Or asked to check your privilege?
@Aaronthegreatest 6 жыл бұрын
Objectivity in science and other STEM-y fields is a great equalizer for women. Feminists should want to preserve that quality in science. If it gets politicized, then we all lose.
@kaspervhauschildt 10 жыл бұрын
i like inteligent women like you... thank you
@mrjubbleTV 10 жыл бұрын
I was beginning to think feminist were just crazy women hating men, but it's nice to see I was wrong.
@Kanezeran 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah, see it's the bumbling mouth-breathing sexists like Sarkeesian and Greene who have turned the idea into a joke and thus undermine women's scientific ventures, choosing instead to doom women into the stereotype of professional victimhood.
@VermilionMage 10 жыл бұрын
In my opinion the entire feminist philosophy is corrupt and worthless. If you believe men and women are equal (which they really aren't, they are complimentary), you're an egalitarian. "Feminist" implies women are unfairly disadvantaged due to men, but nature disadvantages them in certain fields. Not men. Just like men are disadvantaged in certain fields, and it's not because of women. It's nature.
@Cheapshot420420 10 жыл бұрын
logical people calling themselves feminists are just too cowardly to admit that feminism as an all encompassing ideology is a sham. feminism does more harm than good, by a long shot.
@Pianomantodd1 10 жыл бұрын
Kanezeran Fuck ing THIS.
@apothecurio 6 жыл бұрын
MrjubbleTv you have to get out more
@Martialarts222 10 жыл бұрын
I had my doubts about Christina Hoff many years ago but I still followed her works, from her lectures and her noted works of literature. I was for the most part concerned that there was another women was speaking out against men, that was then. After reading about her, watching her lectures, and reading her books I know now I was mistaken. Christina Hoff is the type of feminist I would love to see more of in this world. She is an academic, a critical thinker, and doesn't rely on emotion to come to a conclusion. She uses evidence, fact and statistics to make her case. Thank you Christina Hoff and thank you American Enterprise Institute for this amazing critical video.
@goofiegoofie567 7 жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness. As an academic (although not a Biologist) this makes me cringe. Academia is about rigour and truth and evidence-based argument, all passing through peer review to add to an international conversation, not cherry-picking people for their beliefs to make up new and frankly unnecessary departments. Can we not just listen to Dr H-S and always opt for 'great scientists'?
@eran5005 10 жыл бұрын
This video actually scared me. Political gender issues and other nonsense will affect our science this profoundly in the future?? Knowledge will be rewritten to match specific world views?! I know this type of phrase gets tossed around a lot - but doing that, rewriting knowledge to fit an agenda is truly and honestly exactly what was done in "1984" by Orwell. This video scared me and it should scare every person in this world who cares about the truth and honest science as the beacons that guide humanity forward.
@eran5005 10 жыл бұрын
***** I'm not American and i am only very superficially familiar with the political sides in the U.S, so when you say "Right wing think tank" that doesn't really say a whole lot to me. All i know is that is scares me to think that people would intentionally distort human kind's knowledge so it would suit some political agenda, i don't care if it's to the right, left or any other side.
@eran5005 10 жыл бұрын
***** I see, very well then, salt added.
@Iceingbullet 10 жыл бұрын
***** We must make sure, That people no matter theyr goals uses 'Honorable tactics' to reach theyr goals. Honest Communication. For a Fun read I think you'd like Snipzor check Honest Communication amonge animals, Then try to apply it to todays social structure.
@Alyssa_Swift 9 жыл бұрын
As someone from Wisconsin, this makes me feel about as shameful of my state as Joe McCarthy.
@sciencmath 8 жыл бұрын
I take feminist biology about as seriously as feminist philosophy, which is not at all.
@issen2291 10 жыл бұрын
Subscribed. You are doing a great service for the cause of TRUE equality. Thank you very much.
@RajSingh-li4xh 10 жыл бұрын
I cannot try and comment on 'feminist biology' without the blunt urge to ridicule that phrase within an inch of its life.
@descartes2011 10 жыл бұрын
As a female, I think an area like literature could benefit from different perspectives (African-American, Asian, feminine etc). These are what make literature such a rich area to be explored. A whole university department could arise just to focus on a particular perspective. But for hard sciences as well as mathematics where answers are either black or white and the truth is out there, we need to train people with the ability to analyze the world logically. They are welcome to take seminars on "femistry" or "galgebra" in their spare time but no way should schools be teaching these courses.
@holdinmcgroin8639 10 жыл бұрын
One of the fundaments of science is that it should be objective and impartial. If you pollute it with politics, then it's no longer science.
@SpectacularName 9 жыл бұрын
What a travesty! How does making an unobjective science class benefit ANYONE?
@usmh 10 жыл бұрын
My web browser shortens the title up in the tab. I get "Feminist bi..." My mind can't register that it's supposed to be "biology".
@poggimonsipmmm4599 5 жыл бұрын
Feminist science described in three words: science without science
@Loathomar 10 жыл бұрын
Why in the world would the one science field where women are the majority need an feminist science class? I could get feminist mechanical or industrial engineering as a class, which would teach students differences in design to make a production that are more applying towards women. This might be a very useful class as mechanical engineering is ~90% male and people likely have a strong tendency to design things for them selves.
@darthfooz 10 жыл бұрын
I can actually see that as being a valid basis for a feminine centric course of study. Especially as in even the most progressive (in gender issues terms) countries(Scandinavian) the vast majority of engineering professionals to this day are male, despite efforts to recruit women into those fields.
@Loathomar 10 жыл бұрын
Really, a statement that starts in "might" is a Conjecture?!?! HOLY SHIT!!!!! Thanks CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! But yes, if 90% of people designing something are not like 50% of the target market a class going over the differences can be important. Yes, a product can be designed for men and not work well for women and there for fail at market. Engineer are paid to design shit right the first time, not to wait until the product fails at market costing a companion million. Knowing how to design a product for the whole market is extremely important. You are CLEARLY not an engineer or a remarkable bad engineer.
@Loathomar 10 жыл бұрын
***** Well no, as I would say the same thing to a 90% female class of writing students. "you need to learn how to write for men". If there is a group of people working for 100% of the population are there costumers and this group is 90% male or female, they may not know how to address the other 90%. Sex comes into play, sexism does not. Know the difference.
@maliokastos7464 9 жыл бұрын
I was positively surprised, I'm glad to find skepticism and critical thinking on the net. Subbscribed :)
@ALulzyApprentice 10 жыл бұрын
When I read about this was shaking my head so much it rolled right off of my neck.
@ggdelgado 10 жыл бұрын
Brandeis university refuses to give an honorary degree to Ayaan Irsi Ali and not a single feminist say a word, and now this? What the hell is wrong with colleges these days?
@SaneLiesbuster 10 жыл бұрын
They have become very 'progressive' !
@GregKrehbiel 10 жыл бұрын
Sure, let them do it, but mark their degrees accordingly. Not a Bachelor of Science, but a Bastardizer of Science.
@Neeboopsh 10 жыл бұрын
My fav clip from the episode of the simpsons wherein lisa pretends to be a boy so she can take normal math, because in the girls' math class, one of the questions was "how do the numbers make you feel?" and described the notion of math "problems" needing to be "solved". the simpsons is such a work of genius.
@nataliavoncina1658 10 жыл бұрын
Interesting video and thankyou for sharing. Definately food for thought but why does everything always have to be biased towards one thing or another. Shouldn't our objective be towards the betterment of all, in all that we do. No exceptions. Why must everything be used to make one person appear better than another. Maybe if we all stopped trying to be better than the other and instead, accepted our individual limitations and helped each other, we would all be in a happier place. I am not so educated as many of you and I don't know the answers to many things, but that doesn't stop me from helping or doing what I can when help is needed, within my own limits. I have physical limitations, not because I am female but due to an injury, so I use the knowledge I have and keeping my limitations in mind, find another way to solve a problem or achieve a goal. Sometimes I even have to accept that 'this time' I can't help. It makes me angry when I feel helpless, not because I am female, but because I am human. My humanity isn't more or less because I am a woman...it just is because I exist.
@Dameol 10 жыл бұрын
This video has given me hope. Lately, I have begun to equate Feminism with PETA - a movement with solid roots that ended up getting taken over by its more radical and obstinate members to the point it lost all credibility. I am glad there are still feminists who do not bring shame to the label. Thank you.
@jamiejones7325 Жыл бұрын
2018 Canada Science Curriculum policy ‘Feelings INSTEAD of Facts’ where Creationists Pushed for decades to create invoke ‘Faith before Reason’ in Science classes but failed. Also ‘official public school policy to invoke ‘toxic masculinity’. Listing over 20 ‘masculine traits’ to prohibited, punished including “violence, aggression, competition, wandering, curiosity, exploring, size, strength, power, endurance, speed, logic, reason and rationality and so on. Facial hair on male educators and student forbidden, though like military some school boards allow if grown before attending school but no longer. Dating even marriage of opposite gender spouses in same school board forbidden, illegal. Though only our husbands punished. My husbands tenure was revoked afford 25 years for refusing to swear he was a feminist. He a scientist like me. A woman teacher/coach guilty of even giving birth ti children if 11 year old student in Western Canada was able to not only teach again, but Sue his parents for child support and avoid prison time. While male born just accused, forbidden by law to defend themselves, may never teach/coach again. Many of us insisted our male spouses give up even fighting for pensions rather than risk our families destroyed by false accusation. Even though now more than ever we need both incomes just to get by. Women like me are permitted to speak at Teacher Union meetings (however over-ruled even censured) where men simply refused to be recognized, worse called misogynists and fired under ‘moral’s clause’ without pension for not being feminist. This is worse than the height of Christianity and Residential School Era. Even Nazi Germany only 20% or so Nazis. Ergo the term FemiNazi in BBC Hardtalk Interview NOW Founder and President Gloria Steinem openly admitted ‘prefering’ the new term as opposed to feminism, literally equating us with Nazis and males as Jews and undesirables. The 1969 Valeri Solanas? (Perfect feminist according to Gloria) SCUM Manifesto not only ‘recommended’ on Amazon last few years, but offered free on Kindle. End goal male genocide (culling their term) “Within our lifetime” objective for plant and animal concerns as well. She herself quoted ‘society to castrate/cut/cull all males’ acronym. Yet ALL criticism of such banned by Amazon. Commentary/feedback privileges revoked without explanation or appeal. My own husband was last ‘male born’ teacher left in local school, their excuse he cost too much being so experienced with Master’s degrees. Though the reason given directly over the phone before lawyers were to dissuade us even fighting, was feminism. The Ontario Bar is only afforded a tiny link well below bottom of new rape/sexual assault abuse felony definition “any male-born accused by any female-born of making her feel uncomfortable is automatically guilty of sexual abuse/assault rape depending upon jurisdiction.’ So they tell you not even fight back legally. Here and Google type in ‘men’s rights’ or fathers and ONLY offered exact opposite today. Where is Factual Feminist or female anti-feminist/ male rights leaders today?😢
@vegansquared 8 жыл бұрын
Christina Hoff Sommers is my hero! I clear, rational, cogent voice in a sea of ignorant, emotional loud mouths. Bravo
@VerneditheSnail 8 жыл бұрын
Based Mom is the BEST! ^_^
@Insomnolant1335 8 жыл бұрын
She's no hero. She's an Islam apologist. She has some good ideas but remember, she's still a feminist.
@Insomnolant1335 8 жыл бұрын
***** She is. But then so are you, and me, and 99% of humans. That is not enough to be a hero.
@VerneditheSnail 8 жыл бұрын
Insomnant There is no such thing as heroes.
@Insomnolant1335 8 жыл бұрын
***** Don't tell me that. Tell the OP.
@coreyayers8575 5 жыл бұрын
im glad other utubers spread your good word.. i suscribed right away.. im tired of getting forced what to think
@dautonmolko 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the enlightenment. The problem is getting bigger and is much more dangerous than meets the eye. So please people, let's think about it - doing a lot of research before making any statement is essencial for the future of Real science. Remember that what you share has great influence in your group of friends, and much much more on those who respect you and assume that you have a good understanding of the world.
@nok22m 10 жыл бұрын
"Do we need to apply a feminist lens to the sciences?" No. We need to apply a well focused scientific lens to the sciences.
@anzezastavec1361 10 жыл бұрын
keep up the good work Hoff Sommers, we need you :)
@mrblank-zh1xy 10 жыл бұрын
We need to apply a feminist lens to science like we need to apply any religious view to science.
@therealhiggsboson4350 10 жыл бұрын
See this is feminism that *is* beneficial, a feminist who instead of promoting her agenda or demean otheres actually rationally explains her side, good video and good job
@vampire9545 9 жыл бұрын
in my studies of psychology, my last year had a class on clinical practices aka therapies and the theories behind them. One such therapy was "feminist therapy", we did not go over it in class, but I read it once just rolled my eyes...though I cant recall what it said. TO GOOGLE! "Feminist therapy is a type of therapy based on viewing individuals within their sociocultural context. The main idea behind this therapy is that the psychological problems of women and minorities are often a symptom of larger problems in the social structure in which they live. There is a general agreement that women are more frequently diagnosed with internalizing disorders such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders than men. Feminist therapists dispute earlier theories that this is a result of psychological weakness in women and instead view it as a result of encountering more stress because of sexist practices in our culture" While I can understand sexist practices can induce much stress, and thus cause such disorders. I must point out, at a personality(big 5) level women are more neurotic than males. Neuroticism is a known risk factor for the above stated disorders. I find that in psychology, feminist therapy is a waste of effort as other therapies take into account "Sociocultural context" by dedault
@wjmackenzie955 9 жыл бұрын
It is always a bad idea to politicize science.
@carultch 8 жыл бұрын
For the record, "big bang theory" was term coined by a skeptic of it who made it up as a way to ridicule the idea, and that was before it became the accepted theory of cosmology. The original proponent, Georges Lemaitre, of the "big bang theory" actually called it "The Hypothesis of the Primordial Atom".
@reikorodriguez6507 10 жыл бұрын
All I can say is that I absolutely love you for this video. Favourited, liked and subscribed~!
@theoriginal42 10 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this video, and I'm happy to see a realistic feminist actually calling out "feminism" that's just nonsense. However, I found the part about the "active egg" to be a bit unclear due to wording. Once I rewatched it, I realized the "debunking" was referring to about the *narrative* of a feminist discovering the "active egg" theory, rather than the "active egg" theory itself (which is true, correct?). I got it the 2nd time, but it was slightly ambiguous to me the first time due to the quick pace of the video. Just figured I'd mention it, since you asked for feedback.
@nyimdewan3353 3 жыл бұрын
When Feminist Talks about Science: Science:Oh I... poor thing😞....
@winterFox2r 10 жыл бұрын
This. Is what I call, good logical reasoning and critical thinking and what feminism is truly about. Definitely supportive of this~ After all those illogical potshots at others who've gave researched, well thought-of facts and opinions, this gives me hope that the world won't get screwed over by irrational thinking.
@CLARlCEsotl 10 жыл бұрын
Great clip. Whilst I can appreciate the line of thinking that leads some feminists to believe that science is patriarchal and that the methods used to understand the natural world are masculine and therefore imbalanced (Germ theory, for example, which tends to view immunology as a battle field, is only half of the picture) the individual scientists (men and women) who have made extraordinary breakthroughs have done so using what feminists would call their female side - their intuition. And, what's more, freely admit to doing so. Our greatest minds often attribute their discoveries, not to hard thinking, but to passive, sub-conscious led moments of apple-dropping inspiration. Science is far from perfect and the main reason for this is not due to the methods used or how masculine the individuals are but due to interference by outside parties - investors, government etc. who seek to abuse the scientific process for their own agendas. So what we need then is a body of scientists LESS interfered with by outside political or industrial influences.
@AndrewNuttallWearsPants 10 жыл бұрын
I don't think you should call yourself a feminist. It is not constructive to use a misnomer to represent what you stand for. The label "feminist" has, as you know, been conflated with "egalitarian". This is highly problematic because when the two concepts are conflated, ideas and events are easily and frequently prejudiced by gynocentric worldviews. Moreover, logic (which has recently, and frequently, been referred to as "patriarchal") and the findings of science become subject to dismissal on ideological grounds (as you pointed out in this video). Nowhere is this more abundantly apparent in feminist theories of child rearing, as you have written. How can we possibly expect to solve equity and social justice problems when feminism is defined by "gender scholars" as somehow synonymous with egalitarianism? For example, how can we expect to benefit from learning history if we cherry-pick tidbits from history about women to support feminist ideology, while leaving out relevant and significant events and sacrifices made by men because they often contradict feminist ideology? You have even pointed out how frequently feminists uphold tacit assumptions and presuppositions about ubiquitous female martyrdom while dehumanizing men. Shouldn't the definition of feminism represent this rampant practice among feminists in order to be valid? Egalitarianism, on the other hand, does not do this. Rather, it accepts a full picture of the facts (including history) and does not restrict its understandings to "revered truth-keepers" that wear any particular label. Please, consider that when you critique feminism on egalitarian grounds, perhaps it is because feminism is something that is not egalitarian. I think if you called yourself the "factual egalitarian", it would be very helpful towards solving the problems of increasing institutionalized discrimination against males. Is it not a fair assessment to point out the barriers the feminist movement has created for males in education, for example? Is this not just one of a vast and growing list of historical evidence that feminism is not egalitarian? Why We Need Campus Men's Centres: Dr. Miles Groth at the University of Toronto
@zainabhussain9889 4 жыл бұрын
Christina Sommers earned her B.A. from New York University and her Ph.D. in Philosophy from Brandeis University, and identifies as a classical liberal who votes Democrat. Despite her insistence to the contrary, it's very clear that she's a conservative anti-feminist, given she's the one who practically created (alongside Warren FarrellWikipedia's W.svg) the modern anti-feminist cause as well as working for a Republican-aligned think tank that basically provides pseudo-academic justifications for the right's policies. It is very telling that her "liberal" tendencies are ignored by her MRA fanbase.
@christinek691 10 жыл бұрын
Whilst I do not doubt that some of the issues you raise are indeed genuine, it is also undeniable that science can be gender-biased, and examining that gender-bias is very useful and informative. It is equally useful and informative to examine racial bias and cultural bias in science. These are really important issues. Science does not exist in a vacuum, it happens in the real world of place, culture, national identity, funding, politics and reputation (etc). It is not about simple facts. Maybe this particular department is going about things in the wrong way, but there is absolutely no reason why criticism as a whole should be dismissed as frightening or worthless.
@Bombtrack411 10 жыл бұрын
Sad, but it's not just feminism that has tried this. Marxism had supposed theories of biology based on dialectical materialism. We need to keep all of this stuff out of hard science, though.
@rodrigoserafim8834 9 жыл бұрын
Never saw this before. This is way out of bounds, US has way too much money if they can afford to be wasting peoples time on politicizing sciences. Humanity needs Feminist Biology like they need Islamic Physics or Christian Math.
@nobbb890ggg 10 жыл бұрын
"We need good Biologists, not a gender driven politicised science." I would really like to have a t-shirt with that quote on it.
@SaneLiesbuster 10 жыл бұрын
@aucourant9998 10 жыл бұрын
Nothing that happens in America surprises me anymore.
@elizabethmartinez4086 6 жыл бұрын
When my mother was in college in the early 1930's, she took a chemistry course. When I was in high school in the late '60s, I did, too. As I struggled, mediocrely, with my non-watered-down chemistry class, Mom reminisced, "I didn't learn any chemistry in my college class. Professor Calhoun was sweet, but he just gave all the girls A's and never really expected us to learn chemistry." I see little difference between Professor Calhoun's knee-jerk assumption that girls can't learn chemistry and the feminist notion that girls will be put off - -and thus unable to learn -- because the notion of "macho sperm penetrating passive egg," or words like "Big Bang," or a patriarchal disregard for "women's ways of learning," i.e., the latter's preference for emotion over logic. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
@ibayibay1 10 жыл бұрын
As a man, I feel like people blame me for things out of my control.
@nataq01 10 жыл бұрын
liked and subscribed
@AEI 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching, nataq!
@nex6058 6 жыл бұрын
Now I remember why I enjoyed my logic classes so much. There were never any feminists in them.
@markdstump 9 жыл бұрын
When I'm learning science I'm not playing some dopey word association game in my head (Big Bang Theory). I only try to understand (in a mathematically precise way) the concepts behind the theories. I'm also surprised by the nerve of someone who might think she has the right to rename key scientific ideas! If one would prefer another name like "The initial event," well then one should have come up w/ the idea herself! I'm for freedom...and independent thought. But that's not what I see around the world. What is see is groupthink, emotion, dogma and efforts to control others I admit I see it on both sides: In the Middle East I see societies that are clearly masculine (where they seek to control women). In the West I see societies that are increasingly feminine (and seek increasingly, to control men). I don't believe the women have gone nearly as far in this direction, but I do believe they have passed the center line and seek to go still further.
@pieshka4509 10 жыл бұрын
But we still need femysics to figure out feminine fluid mechanics, because patriarchal physics can only figure out the privileged phallic rigid solid mechanics!
@groopsecks 9 жыл бұрын
This should sort itself out because employers aren't going to be seeking employees that studied "feminist biology".
@daniellong9035 10 жыл бұрын
Thank god there are people, especially women speaking out about feminism going too far and listening to facts rather than common myths
@keithboyd161 9 жыл бұрын
go right ahead but this course should not be listed as a science. Advertising this as a science would be fraud. It needs to be in the liberal arts category. And they should also disclose to students that their degree will not be recognised as a biology degree. other then that, women are free to take out a 50k loan if they want to take feminist biology.
@KemaTheAtheist 9 жыл бұрын
Absolutely no need for this. I've earned nearly two Master's degrees at Johns Hopkins. The first in Comp Sci specializing in Bioinformatics, and I finish my 2nd in May in Biotechnology. Males have been the minority in almost every one of my courses (20 so far), and I've had far more female professors than male ones. The dean of the biotechnology department is also a female, and all of my advisers have been female. The idea that there needs to be feminist biology is ridiculous.
@ultrademigod 10 жыл бұрын
Wow an actual feminist channel... There's something you don't see every day. Keep up the good work.
@florenciaagustina1350 8 жыл бұрын
About biology. I think that what we need is good science. That´s all. If the egg moves just tell it. If it doesn´t let´s face it. Thank you. I´m Florencia from Argentina. I love your videos.
@elementalsigil 10 жыл бұрын
What we need in science is objectivity. When you stick a label like feminism in front of something that means you expect to find different things than the plain variety. Confirmation bias is a problem that people run into when they have a reason and create a problem to match it. Good science takes a look at the problem and then finds the reason.
@joejones9497 10 жыл бұрын
Science is the scientific method. Only that.
@avoneinar5435 10 жыл бұрын
It sounds like creationism in a dress.
@aquamarinemystique 7 жыл бұрын
The "active egg" concept is true, but the one who apparently brought it to light was a feminist anthropologist by the name of Emily Martin who went on to describe the human female ovum as not merely a passive lady-in-waiting for the "macho" sperm to rescue her from certain death (menstruation) via fertilization, but as an active "sperm-catcher" which "tethered" and "glued down" whichever sperm it selected for fertilization to its outer coating (the zona pelucida) with special adhesive molecules before absorbing the sperm into itself. This concept is known as the "Aggressive Egg Summary" (discovermagazine.com/1992/jun/theaggressiveegg55), and it really shows how desperately Mrs. Martin desired to place women on a pedestal above men by transforming what is actually an innocuous process of chemical and molecular dialogue between the sperm and egg into a terrible senario where the egg is essentially made into a rapist!
@funkymuskcrat73 10 жыл бұрын
No, we don't need a feminist lens on science. We just need an objective scientific with the same approach as scientific method. Thank you again for rational thought.
@YawnGod 10 жыл бұрын
If only the school girls who were taken as slaves in Nigeria by Boko Haram were taught Feminist Biology. They would have been able to wag a finger under the noses of those slavers and say, "EXCUSE ME, sir! I will have you know that some other simian species have matriarchal societies, and our mental plasticity doesn't necessarily stop us from also having such a society as well! So you watch out, MISTER!" Feminist Biology.
@Gnomefro 10 жыл бұрын
***** [Inserts teaching of firearm usage and mandatory carry of rifles to school] Oh wait, it probably would not have happened.
@SpartanWolf222 10 жыл бұрын
What a wonderful video promoting the sciences as open fields of inquiry for men and women without having to segregate each perspective from something as simple as biology between the two sexes. I will definitely look for more videos by the Factual Feminist.
@itchynights 10 жыл бұрын
Here's why feminist biology COULD be useful: 1) Unlike algebra and chemistry, the counterexamples offered in this video, biology relies heavily on interpretation. While this is true for all sciences, describing the behavior of living organisms seems especially susceptible to bias (think Donna Haraway and primatology). 2) While there might be more women than men in the biological sciences, even in high-level programs, like PhDs, this doesn't necessarily mean a) these women are feminist, or b) if they are feminist they know how to apply feminism to their scientific practice. 3) Related to 2, biologists, men or women, learn their discipline from a tradition. If that tradition contains difficult-to-perceive bias, like subtle or covert sexism or masculinity, then these ways of practice could be inherited and reproduced. 4) Feminism is not a way of privileging women over men, or introducing "female bias"; it is, among other things, a method of critical analysis that focuses on how gender roles influence apparently non-gendered social activities, like science. Science improves if biases are uncovered and discussed. 5) If biology has been done properly, then there's nothing to worry about, is there? The feminist scholars won't uncover anything useful and the discipline will fizzle.
@TimOppenheimer 10 жыл бұрын
I love these videos, CHS is wonderfully accurate in her analyses of modern feminism.
@acausedelle1547 8 жыл бұрын
I live in Wisconsin and attend a college here (not UW, but UWGB), and on behalf of my state's higher educational system, we're sorry.
@dogishappy0 10 жыл бұрын
I could not agree more; politics does not belong in the classroom. Teach the facts, and let people decide for themselves.
@Hyperencrpted12345 10 жыл бұрын
I was thinking of the active egg thing when I was teeter tottering over if it was necessary or not, but thankfully, you disproved that. Maybe in a different world, where science is actually dominated by macho men, feminist science would be necessary. But now, since individual biases are being balanced out by the greater diversity among scientists, such a thing is not necessary at all.
@PierreRipplinger 10 жыл бұрын
When you say you're skeptical about claims of galgebra or femistry, you mean femstikal, right?
@darthfooz 10 жыл бұрын
I thought it was skepchickal
@seanlemmermann1037 10 жыл бұрын
Science doesn't care what gender an individual is, science is about pursuing truth, not manufacturing the desired result. Science is evidence of what is, not what ought. It is factually driven, not emotionally influenced.
@GoddoDoggo 8 жыл бұрын
Uh, maybe "feminist biology" could be placed in the _political_ science department and not the _science_ science department.
@beagle8boy 8 жыл бұрын
+Lynne the Trendy Tetraodontiforme It should be relegated to the junk heap of history.
@zobazoba69 8 жыл бұрын
Feminism isnt à hard or soft science. It is an ideology
@paulwary 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you, thank you! Relativist twaddle from post modernism and feminism has done immeasurable damage to the thinking skills of a generation. I had thought that is was on the way out.
@tarico4436 10 жыл бұрын
"You men and your big bang theories! Well, I never!" said a woman, swooning.
@MrSonicAdvance 10 жыл бұрын
Please could you talk about "substantive equality" as being demanded by CEDAW in one of your videos?
@kukalakana 8 жыл бұрын
Might have been needed back in the day, when (predominantly male) scientific views about female biology were coloured by prejudicial assumptions about women in general. But a lot of those stupid ideas have been whittled away over the decades by more competent biologists and social changes in people's views about women. I'm not so sure you would need it now -- and certainly wouldn't want a biology course to be run out of the gender studies department. I'm afraid that science is still coloured to an extent by social prejudice, so biologists can't afford to ignore the social sciences entirely. It couldn't hurt to learn what people from different ideological viewpoints thought about biology, which could offer a framework for understanding its history and for recognising one's own assumptions in the field. But does there need to be a full paper dedicated to "feminist biology"?? Not really.
@Zantekken 10 жыл бұрын
there needs to be more rational thinking people like this woman in power.
@holdinmcgroin8639 10 жыл бұрын
@QuantumOverlord 10 жыл бұрын
Fail. Concepts and ideas in science are independent of the author who wrote them. Great vid :)
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