Dragonhold Patch Notes Review - 5.2.0

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@sly2076 5 жыл бұрын
I really don't understand why they even have a PTS. Zos gets feedback from hardcore players then they completely ignore it.
@Goblinew 5 жыл бұрын
Shane they listen to the casuals that’s why
@AntiMagik 5 жыл бұрын
Cause they are inbred fucks
@iAM_B4TM4N 5 жыл бұрын
James North lol
@Requimatic 5 жыл бұрын
@@Goblinew how exactly do they "listen to casuals"? There is next to nothing "hard core" in this game, so you even using that term to begin with is laughable and says quite a bit about yourself. vHM Trials get pugged daily, save for the latest content.. and it will be, too, before the year is up.. with minimal requirements, no less. Max CP, gold equipment, and can parse above 50k on a Trial dummy? Are you Discord able? You're in! That's really all it takes in this game. Of all the MMORPGs on the market currently, ESO has the LEAST amount of "hard core" content of any I've ever seen. Even those garbage Korean-based MMORPGs have harder content than ESO. The entire game is casual and shallow. If you aren't capable seeing that, I don't know what to tell you. The hardest thing in the game right now, that I'm aware of, is obtaining the "God Slayer" title.. which I think now 5 groups of players in the world has. Everything else is a literal faceroll if you're even remotely familiar with the mechanics. You don't even have to do vHMs for gold accessories any longer. So since I doubt you're one of those people with that title, I'm not sure what you think isn't casual in this game. 😂
@Goblinew 5 жыл бұрын
Requimatic there is a lot of casual stuff in the game. I’m not saying there isn’t. Most of the stuff is pretty casual. If you’ve played the game for many years as I have, you will see content has slowly but surely over the years progressed it into this format. I remember when going into Imperial Sewers killing a xivkyn at Vet 16 was somewhat of a challenge. You couldn’t really steamroll through content like you can now. If you haven’t seen the constant dumbing down of the game overtime, you haven’t been paying attention. I mean damn, no need to get so offended. I will explain though...They listen to casuals who bitch on the forums about shit that doesn’t even need to be changed because they are trash (most of which are probably questers). Not my fault or the games fault people don’t take it as serious as some other people. A lot of changes happen to keep and entertain the casual fan base. They had a rough time at launch partially because they were trying to sell this hardcore MMO that didn’t really fit with the Elder Scrolls fans. So they had to shed back a ton of stuff, one of the biggest changes being One Tamriel. Also, they do this to continue to make money as well as gain new players, I don’t blame them for that, I just don’t think new players and casuals should control the future of the game. I’m still curious as to why you got so butt hurt over my comment. Go get some help if you need it. You seem like you need it....
@dottzgaming 5 жыл бұрын
You have alot of the same frustrations I do. I just have no idea what ZoS has planned for combat, and why they're spending the time on the things they're choosing to spend time on. I just want a roadmap or something telling us what they're thinking, because as of right now, it feels like dart board balancing
@RatusMax 5 жыл бұрын
The change to Dizzy Swing was alright...the SUPER nerf to DoTs make no sense... It's like increased it 2X then reduced it 4X...does that even make sense?
@ethanward3912 5 жыл бұрын
I dont agree with the cc taken from dswing.. its honestly an unreliable cc due to the difficulty landing one let's be honest. But my thing with it is that they are taking from gameplay. If this goes through there will be no more knocking people off walls or cliffs in melee combat. People may think "thank god" but think about it. They took dk leaps to walls and chain pulls, templar javelin knock backs n such. They are making for very bland pvp game play. Just a stale hit each other no worries of terrain. Just boring game play. They are taking from game mechanics. Just make a cool down for the dswing cc. Solved. I dont get shy people have an issue with it. It's the easiest skill to conterplay due to its clumsiness. If your getting wrecked by it you probably suck at pvp sorry but that's the truth. If your one of those guys saying "oh I have 40k resist but they destroyed me" then you really must suck at pvp. Or the guys who rely on heavy dots like come on lol play any other big mmo or bdo and win with your dots lol you won't. The dswing nerf kills stamsorc hard. The only class without a spamable or dot. The cc from streak is all fucked and the let for stam is absolute garbage aswell as the new bound armaments both skills must be double bared or your double casting all the damn time.
@ThomasTDlrk 5 жыл бұрын
On my stam dk, my degeneration DoT damage from mages guild deals more DoT damage than my noxious and it has 28m range AND is a HoT. This combat team is clearly on crack. They even lumped dk dots in with the reverted changes to DoT damage and had to be reminded that they shouldn't. All the sustain issues don't need a passive.. they need to lower the cost of abilities and be done with it.
@Craigryley 5 жыл бұрын
I'm wanting to come back to the game but everyone is complaining about the game, do you think you can tell me what the current problems are with the game.
@ThomasTDlrk 5 жыл бұрын
changes cater to new players and cash.
@Hexys 5 жыл бұрын
1:45:00 Thank you! This is exactly what we need
@peneloppebonmeme3826 5 жыл бұрын
The only thing wrong with this mentality is the lack of abundence in terms of group crowns. In Cyrodiil I only ever see maybe 3-4 leaders at any given time leading zergs. 12 man groups require more leaders which could dissuade more people from playing who just want to be led.
@The_Sap_Lord 5 жыл бұрын
PeneloppeBonMeme I’m certain this would only incentivize people to rise up to run groups. People like winning. This change could push the current leader to crown grooming, creating new leaders and education the overall player base. Too some degree at least.
@kalgrave497 5 жыл бұрын
i been saying shit like this for fucking ever, its like who the hell do they have on their server team ?
@mdwesquire 5 жыл бұрын
When Gilliam had a KZbin channel he would go on about making diversity by giving all the classes the same skills....and here we are.
@labmonkey01 5 жыл бұрын
Gilliam's addition to the dev team has been a disaster.
@PeepThisJutsu 5 жыл бұрын
"Diversity" lol
@juanthestabber 5 жыл бұрын
"Why would you create a major and minor buff system, then put in a set with a unique buff?" "Why would you nerf fortified brass then put in a set that gives weapon damage and resists?" I think you know why. ZOS Mantra is "Always Push New Content" Nerf the old, buff the new, rinse, repeat.
@grieverff8ff9 5 жыл бұрын
Personally i found these patch notes helpful. it helped me to decide that i need to find a new MMO.
@zelosXIV 5 жыл бұрын
😂😂 love it
@coryr9099 5 жыл бұрын
It’s really nice to see someone passionate enough about the game to give critical feedback when need be. I’m so tired of watching other content creators who are so far up ZOS’s ass they will not call something what it is. I literally heard one say that “this is what we do we adapt and overcome”. To me that is the mentality of the oppressed, we are not that we are paying for a service that should be fun, engaging, and fucking work properly.
@xXRueMorgueXx 5 жыл бұрын
Someone at ZoS HQ has OCD. All skills do x damage, cost y amount and last z seconds. "Balance."
@PvMstevo 5 жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I've been thinking. Making everyskill the same with a different visual is not balance. And this approach is a very basic misunderstanding about how you balance an mmo
@InternetSupervillain 5 жыл бұрын
Fire Gilliam.
@iPOCK3TS 5 жыл бұрын
He should do payroll his math skills are a1
@ryang142 5 жыл бұрын
Fire wheeler as well.
@skullfox2607 5 жыл бұрын
ZOS lost their vision years ago, now they buff/nerf random without thinking.....
@lonestaronestar1845 5 жыл бұрын
All down hill sense one Tamriel
@CelticStone 5 жыл бұрын
I have spent more time watching Lord Fengrush than I have playing the game in the last month. Says it all really.
@kevinnoneya9095 5 жыл бұрын
3 years ESO sober for me.
@worldpieceofmind2965 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah that youre a loser. Thats what it says.
@iamcatjesus999 5 жыл бұрын
The Chimeri King I’d stick my hand so far up your ass you’d become my puppet.
@UziSaysHigh 5 жыл бұрын
The Chimeri King you sound like a pve’r
@jole5468 5 жыл бұрын
here we go FengF 4 hours of patch notes this is gonna be good
@iceman1880 5 жыл бұрын
"I don't mean to be toxic, but I've hated them from day one!" Yep
@miikaposkiparta9093 5 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work,great intelligent arguments!!! Zos needs to hire you as a pvp lead consultant and the game would be fucking stellar on pvp
@MiIIenniuM 5 жыл бұрын
Time for this team to change the job. This is going to be the death of ESO as i loved it.
@rainmaker6456 5 жыл бұрын
I haven't played ESO since like 2016 yet I still come and listen to the king's speech when it uploads. Hail from Pennsylvanian King Feng. Nice to see you speaking the truth yet again. Doing the lords work for the ESO community.
@carlandrews6337 5 жыл бұрын
Isn't it funny How Gilliam the pleb joins and it all goes to shit 😂😂😂
@knightslayer6161 5 жыл бұрын
Carl Andrews it’s more of because he’s making everything all too good.
@carlandrews6337 5 жыл бұрын
@@knightslayer6161 like fuck. He's a pleb. Like most of these players. Leave it to the DEVS you're gamers not developers. This is what happens when you hire a biased gamer towards one class. He's clearly a templar main
@knightslayer6161 5 жыл бұрын
Carl Andrews if you watch his stuff still up on his channel he’s a big nightblade guy.
@shermdog6969 5 жыл бұрын
I stopped playing 3 months ago and cancelled my sub. It's a bummer because I love the game but it's fading.
@milogamingtech7091 5 жыл бұрын
I quit this game 5 month ago after supporting it ever since it drops on ps4. It's the best decision I've ever made because now am enjoying my backlog of games I have saved up over the years. Zos have no vision for this game.
@KevinMcLaren71 5 жыл бұрын
Solo queue is the best idea ever. I’d like to see a free for all mode, with 8 solo players. Every man for himself
@alexis1156 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with 90 % of what you say, but i do not think that cp has as much effect as you may think, it is strong, but not as bad as many people make it out to be, especially in pve. Also, i refuse to believe that Gilliam had a hand in this, there's just no fucking way.
@warsorcerer 5 жыл бұрын
Thank god this wasnt a long video....
@brianlapoint545 5 жыл бұрын
Eso has banged us with no vaseline for so long. I am gonna give this Archeage Unchained that has revamped and took all pay to win out of this version.
@AntiMagik 5 жыл бұрын
Ahhh i forgot about that.. how is it?
@brianlapoint545 5 жыл бұрын
Got like a October 15 release. You can prepurchase the 25 bucks game now tho.
@brianlapoint545 5 жыл бұрын
Eso has just let me down which is sad for such a phenomenal potentiality of a game
@MrMongoose30 5 жыл бұрын
Took like a year off from this game fuck I missed Feng patch notes but danm fun catching back up. Glad you hanging in King.
@JoshuaZinewicz 5 жыл бұрын
Feng patch notes should have it's very own category on Twitch.
@ImmuneCrown 5 жыл бұрын
I remember playing eso solo or with friends/family, now i just don't know wtf I'm looking at. Lol
@chewbaccasaw5232 5 жыл бұрын
Pooh Bear do your friends play with poo a lot?
@MrTadfortitude 5 жыл бұрын
Fengrush, I'm just going to be completely honest here. This is no BS.. Your commentary and feedback starting at 1:40. Needs to be made into a freaking hardcore to ZoS. I get that you can come off like a prick. Frankly, I've been off put by it myself in the past. But today. In this video. You won my respect. I get that ZoS too may be off put by the brash nature of your commentary sometimes. But what you said today. The time you took to passionately outline such brilliant ideas. It deserves for those who love this game to get behind it. We need a campaign of players on all platforms, the forums, KZbin, Twitter, in game within guilds, everywhere it can be shared. We need EVERYONE to zerb the crap out of ZoS with a link to this video and the time stamp "1:40". Please God let it begin here. Everyone get everyone you know in the game and even who don't play for all I care. To share the link to this video with the hashtag #SaveOurGameStarting@1:40 #ListentousStarting@1:40 #BrashHonestTrueStarting@1:40 #SOSzenimaxStarting@1:40 #YouCanFixThisFengCanHelpStarting@1:40 #KillTheZergHealTheGameStarting@1:40
@deathlord9288 5 жыл бұрын
Very true about imperial city it was so much fun during the event.
@gnice42 5 жыл бұрын
7:48 I’m gonna have to stop you right there Feng. Knocking a Khajit out of the scene would be implying dizzy swing had a cc😁😁
@nate6856 5 жыл бұрын
ZOS is a mess rn. Constant nerfs and buffs and no improvement to performance. Too much focus on crown store.
@chisasa9509 5 жыл бұрын
Especially that critical factor that Anything worth a Shit is bought with Crown Gems. And you can't buy gems with money. You get trash and recycle it into 2 or 3 gems when a mount costs 400. Crotch deves.
@chrisxl5152 5 жыл бұрын
Haven't played this game in 2 years . Still watch fengrush patch notes every time 💪
@stayalfresco5422 5 жыл бұрын
Ahaha, same dude! 🤙
@michaelrasputin2048 5 жыл бұрын
Omg. What is going on with this game? It's so frustrating.
@drdeath8179 5 жыл бұрын
Feng rush for the combat team LETS GOOOO
@LegacyKillsz 5 жыл бұрын
Josh rogacs have you played against feng ? Because he literally plays the same way he complains about
@nickclark6236 5 жыл бұрын
The new sustain set. Read that again, it says "you gain a persistent stack". There is a monster set that is similar the Storekeeper set, you gain stacks when you block on that one.
@andretheseal9837 5 жыл бұрын
Can agree more. Buffs and healing inside groups only. I think other skills like RR that only hits a couple people is fine. Any AoE buffs or healing should be group only though.
@LegacyKillsz 5 жыл бұрын
I love everything your saying but why when you play you do everything you fight against ?
@rcosgrove11 5 жыл бұрын
Do you still stream? I haven’t seen anything from you for a while
@DestoRest 5 жыл бұрын
i agree with pretty much every point made. thats why i had to quit : /
@pete6300 5 жыл бұрын
I've been playing for 3yrs and I think I'm done. This year has had zero continuity. The performance is garbage and getting worse.
@mdwesquire 5 жыл бұрын
"I don't mean to be toxic, but I've hated them from day one!"
@matthewcolquhoun8486 5 жыл бұрын
2:41:33 I have entered the twitch matrix
@trottersindependentgaming3028 5 жыл бұрын
Imagine not listening to a guy who breaths eso aka feng
@ThatGuy0113 5 жыл бұрын
"When shitty guilds are bringing out 4 groups" 😂😂😂 I'm fuckin dead. U got me to sub from 1 sentence
@iPOCK3TS 5 жыл бұрын
I keep waiting to hear u say "you know what grinds my gears"
@RafaFlores1000 5 жыл бұрын
If they update the `activity finder` like the one from WoW from nowadays, it would be one the most amazing things that they would have already done.
@trottersindependentgaming3028 5 жыл бұрын
Hey that's nerfs dizzy the skill where you need to be next to an enemy good idea hey buff snipe the skill done from 28 metres away from stealth
@GandalfTheSilver 4 жыл бұрын
On my stam sorc I run 5 medium fortified brass (capped resistances at 33k w 3k crit res) with New Moon Acolyte. I get all of my sRecovery from passives + drink at 1750 sRecov. I swapped to NMA from Spriggans (used Spriggans for years) and slotted Ransack for major fracture to [over]compensate for the loss of 1700 pen (my pen is now more than double than it was with Spriggans). I get 5K weapon dmg buffed with 1750 sRecov and 33k stam. (Keep in mind that 5K WD is with a whole other 5 piece that gives absolutely 0 dmg stats). I knew it would be strong but holy shit, this set makes spriggans 100% obsolete. Especially if you have other sources of pen. I don't even feel the increased ability costs. I went into Cyro solo and killed a trio of nightblades because my heals and dmg are too strong. I went into bgs and I can literally use 1 dizz+light+execute anyone not in heavy. I stopped playing because it bothered me that my opponents had to deal with the aids that is NMA. I wouldn't want to deal with that. I executed some poor guy for 17K. He didnt even have a 17K health pool. The downside on ability costs needs to be higher. Like 8% or something, testing it to make it so it actually feels like a downside. This set is absolutely overtuned as it is now.
@gaborfabian3967 5 жыл бұрын
Senchals suty is on the player using the set, its even in the set description.
@victorcontreras5703 5 жыл бұрын
I’m front barring that New Moon Acolyte set. That’s that new good good
@sad10promo 5 жыл бұрын
1:45:25 ya know... why don’t they just put major defile back in the game as a mechanic I play black desert now anyways, but maybe eso could get me to come back if they rebalance I come back to these videos to see if it’s gotten better But it only gets worse...
@thedivineavenger8454 5 жыл бұрын
New moon acolyte is a very good set but 5% more cost? Compared to Molag Kena, it gives almost the same weapon-spell damage but the cost for molag kena is increased by 20%! Also, spell strategist set ads 500 spell damage at no cost at all! Isn't time for ZOS to decrease cost for molag kena from 20% to 10%?
@pbccottons 5 жыл бұрын
2:06:29 Yeah it is a business, ESO Plus is also a business, and people who PVP subscribe to play the game made by this business. Even though it doesn't have a $30 pricetag in the Steam store (IC) it still can be a driving factor for whether or not a lot of their playerbase comes and goes. Letting faults in your game go unchecked eventually effects the game as a whole.
@bakubaku6204 5 жыл бұрын
What?! ... I am liking this game less and less now. I usually don't hate the patch notes this much. I took a break a few months ago and have been playing every few days now. Wanting to get back in but now I think I could just straight up quit feel okay about it.
@Joblesscloth 5 жыл бұрын
This video won’t load for me wtf
@lokeyS-yo2vo 5 жыл бұрын
Feng-MDK wow nerfs, sucks dood. Feng-Sorc "5k cost! *anurism*
@porkchopcreative18 5 жыл бұрын
I don’t have time to watch the whole video right now, can someone tell me if they are still beefing colossus?
@neophyte7817 5 жыл бұрын
Never seen Feng so pissed at a set of patch notes :(
@game_breaker367 5 жыл бұрын
Gotta love the sledgehammer approach ZOS takes...
@knightslayer6161 5 жыл бұрын
Lot of game devs never know where there focus should be. At this point it should be All hands-on with performance, polishing and improving new and old animations and effects of the game. Just take an entire year doing just that.
@jorahgarrison2594 5 жыл бұрын
Make every district of Imperial City have a different effect in each area. My ideas range from increase base stats by (x) in Arena District. While being in Elven Gardens all enemy npcs are of decent boss level with the District boss being able to infect you with a Spider curse to where you start to deteriorate and turn into a spider ( gains a negotiable small skill line ) and only within that zone until you die to either an enemy npc, player, or other spider. That’s just the some of the ideas I have along that line, hell even a district where it’s free for all pvp with strong but not past vet dungeon level enemy adds attacking on sight.
@jacobherd6079 5 жыл бұрын
When are you gonna start dropping awesome builds again bro id love to see a necro build from you!
@instincts831 5 жыл бұрын
You said that right those temps are badd azzes lol
@dillonbernard6814 5 жыл бұрын
Will there be a part 2?
@hippoloki1965 5 жыл бұрын
I was a hardcore pvmer with nightfighters, the main attraction, semp way, etc.. and I remember the patch that drove everyone away in the endgame world was when they removed the champ point system for skill cost reduction all the way back when morrowind was released. Somehow i feel like that change all the while ago still affects combat nowadays. I miss the old combat back before homestead, morrowind, etc.., but I had to stop playing hardcore in early 2018. It was sad, because I met some great people, just like you feng, and the thought of just leaving them because of issues within the game and issues irl was heartbreaking (honestly). I still follow this game and see what happens nowadays, and all I can say is that I'm glad i'm not grinding every other month to max out a new BiS build that'll only last for another 2 months because of the sledgehammer nerfs and buffs they implement. This game is heading in a bad direction, and I hate saying this because this game practically saved me during high school (2014-2018), and seeing this game go in the wrong direction is like seeing your childhood best friend go down the wrong path in life. I hope they listen to you feng, because you really know what needs to be changed.
@xskippysticky5092 5 жыл бұрын
I hope they would add area taunt
@kingchile106 5 жыл бұрын
I win button = templar . I lose and get clapped = other classes.
@davidk.98 5 жыл бұрын
16 18 i think its nice for mag dks, they also have to close the distance
@dem0n1k 5 жыл бұрын
LOL. I don't really even care about changes in ESO but your reacts are hilarious dude :D
@AuroraTheAvali 5 жыл бұрын
at the very start about the templars being op af with DoTs i literally tried to tell my pvp friends how fucked they were but they didnt believe me had some guy use 3 DoTs then spam jesus beam and there was pretty much nothing i could do i was already low once he put them on me since they just tick so high currently
@kevinnoneya9095 5 жыл бұрын
They don't care about long term players, they just create a rotating door of players. Come buy, spend money, leave. It's actually a great way to cash in on people. They got me for a few years. No performance updates, still not returning. Thanks for the video it was spot on. I like the healing thing.
@SCP--106 5 жыл бұрын
I don’t understand why zos have the pts when they don’t even listen to the players.... and you can clearly tell Templar’s are their favourite class, we need more people like Fang rush to work on the zos team like honestly they’d make the game perfection 😢
@microwavesupport9327 5 жыл бұрын
ZOS balances the game more and more for just pves cuz most people who play ESO are pve players. They should have 2 skill lines for PVE and PVP contents, like a lot of other mmos.
@deathlord9288 5 жыл бұрын
I completely agree with your views on bgs it’s exactly why I hardly play bgs now it sucks ass when I’m put against a meta group and my team inexperienced.
@doomderxeso2537 5 жыл бұрын
My idea on groups In PvP I think they should cut the ap cap per player in the group so if it's a 12+ man group you shouldn't get ap. But there's a problem with that people will just group in to 3 groups of 12 that's the problem with that idea Fengrush. Zoe is killing the game and then they trying to bring it to life but in fact there makeing it worse.
@davidk.98 5 жыл бұрын
Its right Fengs idea wouldnt Stop zerging, but it would fix the lags and the healing power, so less Player can achieve more against larger groups
@ThomasTDlrk 5 жыл бұрын
On my stam dk, my degeneration DoT damage from mages guild deals more DoT damage than my noxious and it has 28m range AND is a HoT. This combat team is clearly on crack. They even lumped dk dots in with the reverted changes to DoT damage and had to be reminded that they shouldn't. All the sustain issues don't need a passive.. they need to lower the cost of abilities and be done with it.
@what-about-mike83 5 жыл бұрын
Because even thou they want classes to play each role dk gets ignored because they clearly want it to be a tank only hence why blood is still based on missing health and why instead of doing something gd with wings they just turned it into another generic skill!
@drdeath8179 5 жыл бұрын
You’re dealing with player who are highly emotional 😭
@gangshit5523 5 жыл бұрын
134:30 combat and abilities oooh boy he says
@daledelatte9607 5 жыл бұрын
Instead of adding new broken stuffs, or breaking existing stuffs, why don't they fix all the damned bugs that have been going on forever?! I swear to God, why do I even have a mount I can never use in Cyrodiil? The f'n combat bug is so freaking maddening!! And for God's sake, please fix the stupid streak bug again. I'm so freaking tired of streaking and locking myself down for 5 seconds! Sorry, didn't mean to vent but I'm paying for a subscription to a broken game and they just ignore their feedback
@fromthisposition7125 5 жыл бұрын
Solo queuing is for gladiators, agree with all you say there, having a high mmr in this game just means you come up against teams more often. It needs to be separated, it gives no incentive to get better if you ultimately queue into a group spanking.
@iAM_B4TM4N 5 жыл бұрын
From this position you shouldn’t be able to group que at all
@a.s.k.paranormal5391 5 жыл бұрын
Hey, you playing PC/NA DC? If so you got another set of followers! Ps. We'd like to see Sypher, Deltia, and Alcast to join us. GO DC!
@KingKuroTV 5 жыл бұрын
As a solo magplar main for the last 4 patches i am a bit offended :(
@lapinlogic6267 5 жыл бұрын
ZOS balance philosophy be like. Employee of the Month (Soul Trap). >The Next Month. "Sorry Soul Trap, we are going to have to make you redundant"
@MarcosPic1982 5 жыл бұрын
It is called "standardization". They started not long time ago with a few skills and now is like they want to apply everywhere... But OOOPS!! DKs are also in the bag! And we forgot that DKs identity is put pressure with dots! But you know what? Fuck it, we give them a spameable skill similar to other skills to fix it with another"standardization". In a few months all classes will be basically the same but with different things
@nelson_rebel3907 5 жыл бұрын
You're way overbiased on stam despite the fact that stam performs universally better in open world than magic ever will. Have you forgotten Mag Dk, Magplar are melee based with none of the advantages of stams reduced costs? Increased burst? I mean what the fuck dude. Multiple weapon types for stamina build variety exist (unlike for magic who Only have staves) and complexity and skill lines assosiated with them, ranged and melee executes, gap closers that have the same range as ranged damage spammables, universal HoT that doesn't require an entire weapon type (vigor), universal executes, the only ultimate in the game that allows players to ignore resistances, 100% biased mechanics for CC break tied to stamina meaning all magic has to invest in stamina at some level, stam players do NOT need magic and if they run out it doesnt mean they'll get CC'd and die because they cant move. Theres also the fact stamina is universally 25% cheaper across the board to all abilities. Stam has universal access to Major evasion 25% reduction to all AoE. Couple that with literally just the psijic passive for any psijic ability slotted thats a free 55% reduction to half the magic classes in the game. I mean come on. Stamina also is universally higher damage. Despite the fact that this so called "range advantage" is a lie because all fights in open world happen with 15 meters or less on keeps and stam has higher ranged damage abilites than mag via snipe and ballistae ult. I mean I can list about a dozen other things that stam has an advantage over magic on for open world and solo play. Group settings are the only thing mag has ever been better at than stam. And thanks to necros wardens and skill changes to stamina versions guess what? That has also now gone to stamina
@nelson_rebel3907 5 жыл бұрын
And please, PLEASE mention shields lmao I cant wait.
@JohnDoe-pe1op 4 жыл бұрын
None if this is true
@nelson_rebel3907 4 жыл бұрын
John Doe How is any of that not true? Thats ALL factual gameplay mechanics.
@nelson_rebel3907 4 жыл бұрын
John Doe If fact I wrote an entire of review of just WHY stamina is better ESO is fairly tilted in benifits to all stamina players via damage, cc mechanics, natural mititgation levels from armor, and ability costs, in doing so with sets and mechanics performs universally better than all magicka based players. All magic classes are generally forced into melee in pvp because of limit of range on most skills, class range abilities and nature of pvp objectives and win condition area controls required in pvp with none of the advantages of stamina's reduced costs, Increased inherent burst from sets and armor buffs and natural mitigation of stamina from armor and CC mechanics and roll dodge costing stamina exclusively. It's across the board for almost every category that stamina is just generally better in every area and is why stamina feels so much better because of them all in combinition with one another, especially in open world cyrodill in conjuction with a better array of weapon selections, bar space without requirements (like vigor, but magic has to run resto staff for a reliable and equal heal over time) and usually have the most applicable passives that synergize the best with their damage combinations in pvp and pve for killing people and thing off. Multiple weapon types exist for stamina build variety and utility to make up for each of the class specs and makes up for the specific class lacking in some areas or passive strengths (unlike for magic players who ONLY have staves that scale with their resource and spell damage that dont help cover class weaknesses) or lack of universal skill access to things like executes and powerful dots or defensive skills with debuffs attached to weapon skills which gives far more flexibility, and skill lines with powerful passives several additional passives associated with stamina players being able to do ranged and melee executes, gap closers that have the same range as ranged damage spammables, and the best universal HoT in the game that doesn't require an entire weapon type (vigor from alliance war which is stamina only) not to mention the only ultimate in the game that allows players to ignore resistances with burst damage attached to it is Onslaught on 2hander weapon ultimate, a Stamina based weapon and stamina attack. And probably the biggest kicker is the 100% biased mechanics for CC break tied to stamina meaning all magic has to invest in stamina or heavily into defense, stamina players do NOT need magic and if they run out of magic it doesnt mean they'll get CC'd and die because they can't move, making stamina the most valuable resource in the game, they have the sustain, mitigation, and weapon type advantages for ensuring that they aren't locked down this way. And because of; armor values, armor passives, and the power of major evasion from medium armor shuffle/elude skill stacking with class passives and active passives from skill lines like psijic order for major protection or sets that provide major/minor protection, Stamina builds almost exclusively have WAY more protection passively (around 65% damage reduction not tied to armor value to almost all damage sources) than both heavy armor and WAY more than light ever will while having far higher damage. There is also the fact stamina is universally 25% cheaper across the board to all abilities due to the way ZoS (combat team) has ability costs balanced, which doesn't even make sense given how much an advantage stamina already has. Stamina also is universally higher damage via armor passives and sets which not only affects damage but ALSO their healing making them better self healers especially with Vigor being the strongest Heal over time AND also the most accessible without sacrificing an entire skill bar for weapon choices and passives like magic has to sacrifice to use a restoration staff and passives just to get a reliable HoT that isnt even garunteed to heal themselves. Then there's the fact that this so called "range advantage" for magic is a fabrication because all fights in open world cyrodill, battlegrounds, and imperial city happen with 10 meters or less because of the limit of range on skills, proximity of objectives in any pvp area, and the necessity of close range objective controls required to win and fights within keeps is almost all melee range and stam has higher ranged damage abilites than magic via snipe, poison injection and ballistae ult. And most, if not all, gap closers instantly negate the advantage of range on any magicka class. And that is not even in consideration of the magicka classes that are MELEE but get NONE of the cost and utility, and damage advantages of stamina. I can list about a dozen other things that stam has an advantage over magic like onslaught for stamina players, and no magicka equivalent, or major evasion for stam on medium, but no direct damage reduction for light armor, on any class for open world and solo play. To put it simply its just not fair. Group settings are the only thing mag has ever been better at than stamina. And thanks to necromancers and wardens and skill changes to stamina versions on old classes guess what? That has also now gone to stamina. *My suggestions to FIX this imbalance lie in the existing battle spirit buff/debuff.* •Use battle spirit to reduce ALL major and minor buff and debuffs 15% and 8% respectively. So that stacking them with armor mitigation and blocking isnt making effectively immortal all damage builds on any class wether stamina or magick and force players to choose in a build. Stamina is notoriously tanky because of ridiculous percentage damage mitigation modifiers stacking with Shuffle and elude with their already inherently high damage and mitigation. AoE damage makes up half of the magic classes in the game and since AoE and dots are already weaker than direct damage, its just a spit in the face that stamina gets an auto 25% further reduced damage safety net against magick damage. Paired with normal mitigation and healing from stamina and major or minor protection stacked with block, stamina take far less damage from magick players especially open world in cyrodill. •ALSO to balance out magicka with stamina, allow magicka to have a magicka morph in the light armor skill to reduce direct damage in a major evasion like category instead of a shield that lasts the SAME amount of time as shuffle with a secondary effect. This would give a tic for tac parity in the armor skill effects between the two. •Consider Adding a Melee magic weapons that compliments magic melee fighters and finally gives access to weapon execute skill for magic characters along with passive synergies to compliment this style since several magic classes ARE melee only on skills. Staves are not sufficient and heavy attacks are slow and cumbersome along with being range and a skill line thats more dedicated to PVE than having any useful PvP passives and skills like stam has for all its weapon skill lines.
@biscuitman5388 5 жыл бұрын
Bruh years later I come back to this man cause I miss em and there’s still heavy rants. Does this game not improve? XD Move to Arceage Unchained bro
@kingofdaedra 5 жыл бұрын
if you dont play on PC you wouldnt know this but Lord Feng actually only plays in 24 man groups in which they all are snipe splamming nightblades. who wouldve guessed it....
@DoGmAnGuY1758 5 жыл бұрын
If they'd just think about how they nerf/buff things they could do themselves miles worth of favors. When a skill is "overperforming", hit the part of the skill that's overperforming and not the whole thing. What about it is overperforming? The damage? The cost? The utility? Whichever it is hit that part of the skill, not all of the above until it's proven necessary. When your decision making process on how to change things is wrong the actual changes themselves are going to be miles off the proper mark, like these patch notes. Also about IC I had the best PvP fun I've had in months during the event and second any and all attempts to make Imperial City more appealing.
@Ohmagawdjr 5 жыл бұрын
I genuinely believe you would be a huge streamer if you decided to give WoW a try. You have more personality and charisma than all those guys put together. Although i do understand moving to an already existing game with dozens of established streamers would make the competition difficult, and is a gamble most can't afford. In that case we're gonna have to wait for that lord of the rings mmo to come out in a couple of years(hopefully?) to finally see Fengrush take his talents and his orc army elsewhere. ESO is a dead game for content creators/streamers, and it's obvious these devs don't know what the hell they're doing. The game is not going anywhere.
@what-about-mike83 5 жыл бұрын
Would require him to press more than one button constantly to dmg, not sure feng can deal with that pressure lol
@kgarrett4859 5 жыл бұрын
You fuckin rock some real truth
@arconada 5 жыл бұрын
I'm getting Neverwinter flashbacks...
@asgeirkvitvik6685 5 жыл бұрын
New Moon Acolyte - "not alot of thought went into this one" .. isnt that ZOS MO at this point? :P
@mage9798 5 жыл бұрын
Fengrushhh brooo. Upload again. I miss you :/
@Inscydeus 5 жыл бұрын
7:35 I want to see a Khayeet.
@enlightenednomad8807 5 жыл бұрын
why is this guy not on the combat team?
@MarcosPic1982 5 жыл бұрын
Queues are not long, but it is true you're being matched with premades and that is destroying the experience. They don't show you who are premade and I ask myself why they don't? MOBA games show you. What are they afraid? If I play Solo Q and I play against a team that has 2, 3 guys as premade then I want the same in my team. I can live with that.
@godbrand3052 5 жыл бұрын
I prefer the old bubble over this new version
@nopenottoday8490 5 жыл бұрын
We NEED our dots for PVE. If they nerf dots like this, eso will be on life support
@loretoo7138 5 жыл бұрын
Just one here: Boom baby!
@skepticeso8676 5 жыл бұрын
New Video bro? Stam sorc
@MomsSpaghetti2x 5 жыл бұрын
Weird how sypherPK and king Richard branched out to other games that aren’t dead and toxic... and then their channels blew up? 🤷‍♂️💯
@matthewstenning7261 5 жыл бұрын
IC was an amazing expansion and was so much fun when they did the event. I still go there every day but not sure why. They could add new armour sets, skins, weapons exclusive to IC to encourage people to play there. Dailies are not enough. I try and group up but like you say there's noone there, and cyro is just a zerg mess. I think if they don't change anything significantly in terms of groupings and adding significant improvements to PvP I'll be unsubbing because having to change your build every two months, constantly have to farm transmutation crystals etc is not fun, but it's ZOS' way of extending the life of the game without adding anything new.
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