Written Guide: fextralife.com/baldurs-gate-3-druid-class-guide/ Map: baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/Interactive+Map Builds: baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/Builds Catch next stream: twitch.tv/fextralife 💖 Fextra VIP: fextralife.com/be-a-vip/
@a.m.pietroschek19724 ай бұрын
Healing Word works faster in combat than Cure Light Wounds does, so it IS a helpful spell for sure. 🤗
@ImpliedQuotient Жыл бұрын
One thing I didn't see mentioned: the zombies raised by Fungal Infestation can raise more zombies themselves if they strike the killing blow on an applicable enemy. These additional zombies lose HP every turn, but you can get a pretty big swarm going if you manage things well.
@johngreen5725 Жыл бұрын
Actually it's they debuff their melee attacks apply. If they die with it on they are raised.
@jordanthomas5635 Жыл бұрын
Had so much fun with this. Spore Druid also learns animate dead which you can upcast to raise three at once. Top level your can have three zombies, four spore zombies and an elemental (I usually go earth for knockdown). On high HP enemies, they were getting Opportunity attacked by my hoard and my party had advantage to shoot them. On low HP enemies they were dying in droves and rising as temporary undead. Bhaals temple got a little ridiculous.
@johngreen5725 Жыл бұрын
@@jordanthomas5635 oh you didn't read The Book.... "Dance Macabre" 😂
@jordanthomas5635 Жыл бұрын
@@johngreen5725 sadly not, first playthrough woes 😭😭😭 still have a good time though
@Fextralife Жыл бұрын
I didn't mention it specifically, but I did mention that they worked the same way more or less as the Animate Dead Zombies. I covered those in the Wizard video, describing this exact thing. Maybe I should have mentioned it in detail here.
@danielmario7138 Жыл бұрын
One of the coolest class of the game u cant go wrong having a druid in your party.Nice guide as usual thanks.
@meeqsb3521 Жыл бұрын
Druids also have a alot of ritual spells which can add a ton of utility especially for moon Druids. Right from the start you can have guidance,longstrider, talk with animals, and enhanced leap for utility and the long range heal for emergencies allowing you to get full value from your spell slots while still in wild shape 100% of the time with crazy buffs. Also moonbeam stays active in wild shape letting you cast moonbeam and then transform on your first turn for extra damage
@hittemni Жыл бұрын
Sadly, differend from dnd, they cannot move moonbeam while shifted
@meeqsb3521 Жыл бұрын
@@hittemni yeah that part is a bummer but any concentration spell can still get value so it doesn't hurt to have for choke points if you don't need all the self heal in the world
Жыл бұрын
@@hittemni can be fixed by mod luckily. Also you can get a lot of extra damage by using owlbear form and knocking enemies back into your moonbeam by normal attacks, its hillarious :D
@Deepstinkt Жыл бұрын
Worth mentioning: Shapeshift is currently bugged, if you dismiss your shapeshift your items' passive effects wont work until you reequip them, so keep that in mind.
They fixed this in yesterdays update didnt they
@Deepstinkt Жыл бұрын
@@OOZYKILLERZz did they? I havent checked the notes yet so im going to test it, thank you for the info!
@prisonmykee2595 Жыл бұрын
I would too like to know if this is fixed
@Kro-RissaVirus Жыл бұрын
@@DeepstinktPlease return with the confirmation when possible
@ltmarcos Жыл бұрын
Was this a more recent issue? I have been playing a Moon Druid since launch and have both the dexterity gloves and intelligence headband and never have to unequip and re-equip to get the correct attributes.
@daghaggmark1764 Жыл бұрын
Finally! I've been waiting for this video for so long. Keep up the good work!
@ronnguyen9876 Жыл бұрын
I wish I had this when I was on my first playthrough. Love all of your guides!
@Maljey Жыл бұрын
Conjure Woodland Being is a mandatory spell that Druids get at lvl 7, IMHO. It allows you to summon a Dryad who can Shillelagh as its own bonus action. The Dryad can also cast Spike Growth which is HUGE because its a great area of effect spell and it frees us a Concentration spell for your Druid to use. Druids have a bunch of Concentration spells, so using the Dryad for Spike Growth is awesome. The Dryad can also summon a Wood Woad. The Wood Woad can cast entangle, which is another area of effect spell. The main drawbacks of the Dryad and Wood Woad is that neither of them can jump. So they can run info pathing issues when traversing the map. It can often be fixed by taking your party to camp, and the leaving camp, but its a huge annoyance. Also the Dryand and Wood Woad are melee only.
Жыл бұрын
woodland beings and having elemental out all the time without concentration is actually bit gamebreaking and it makes druid total powerhouse :D
@coltizz Жыл бұрын
I tried Druid out recently at lvl 11 and the elementals, and wood elf you summon was extremely underwhelming. Fought against a boss that had 300 hp. And those summons you speak off had 9% chance to hit the boss and when they finally did after 15 turns they did 3 dmg lol. For context in Owlbear i did 3 strikes with 80%hit chance and they did a combined dmg of 60-70 dmg. My friend is playing a lightning sorc. He usually does water in a room then lightning, the summons spike growths removes all the water and lightning instantly. They can probably be good against when against low lvl creatures but at end game beside from the big elemental it’s just extra waisted time on using them in a fight.
Жыл бұрын
@coltizz those summons are not meant to be boss killers. They are extra bodies to soke up damage and control battlefield, apply debuffs and occasionally do some minor damage. But having two independent entangles, spike growth for free, slow areas, fire areas, frost areas.. And losing nothing actually while in owlbear form
@rafaelrigottocunha6826 Жыл бұрын
Resilient Constitution is specially good because it takes effect even in wildshape, which not only boosts the concentration, but increases your constitution by one, which helps in forms like the Owlbear which have an odd con score
@marklion250 Жыл бұрын
This channel feels like home. I remember when I was rewatching your videos over and over before and while playing Divinity Original Sin 2 and Pathfinders. Now I do the same for Baldur's Gate 3🙂
@SteinerTheShriner Жыл бұрын
Just started circle of the spore play through as a drow - I’m a noob! Wish me luck! The first 6 hours of the game sucked me in haha
@rjhemedes Жыл бұрын
I always played druids in table top games, but I found them woefully underwhelming in video games until BG3. Just the ability to speak to animals stone in the video game is do much fun. I do wish there are even more shape-shifting options because in table top my druis would shape-shifting into hummingbirds and dolphins.
@ValSeanMo Жыл бұрын
On the multi-class part for Circle of the Moon, you CAN use action surge prior to wildshape. This may seem like a waste, but combined with Fire Myrmidon, at level 12 you can on the first turn of combat - Action Surge (Free action), Wildshape (Bonus Action), Cast Haste (Action1), Move (double your speed due to haste + you definitely have longstrider going), Attackx3 (Action 2), Attackx3 (Hasted Action). The counter argument here is that you could grab the level 11 Druid and upcast conjure elemental to get a fire myrmidon, but it doesn't quite duplicate the attack actions.Also you're restricted to one level 6 slot per long rest, while action surge would recover on a short rest, so you could do this for both wildshaped fights. It's minor as level 6 spells also have other utility you give up for the combination above, plus there are other sources of haste, but certainly entertaining to pull off as a self-contained unit.
@lifes2short4bs73 Жыл бұрын
I’m lv5 on my 2nd play through as a Spore Druid. I went with one level of fighter to start with. Reasons.. Constitution saves, dual wield fighting style, heavy armor, and later down the road after I can summon my zombie army I’ll pickup action surge. 1st feat at lv4 is Dual wielder. Now with dual Rapiers, and dual hand crossbows each with 1d6 necrotic damage + Dex modifier, and any other elemental damage I can get my hands on. It’s going quite well so far.
@mikev4135 Жыл бұрын
Thanks! Great timing too, i was looking for a good video on druids to optimize Halsin and Jaheira
@BrysonBue11 ай бұрын
I have been playing a circle of spores druid,it's been very fun worth checking out
@imScottIronmonger Жыл бұрын
Been looking to play as a new character, and I think you've sold me on the Druid. Thanks! 👍 Scott 🤓🤓
@willfrillman Жыл бұрын
I’m so thankful for Fextralife. I’m currently contemplating making a build centered around Persephone, Zeus and Demeter’s daughter. 9 levels of Circle of the Land Druid, 3 levels of Way of Four Elements Monk. Focus on Wisdom and Dex, with a secondary focus on constitution. So much role-playing to be done!
@willfrillman Жыл бұрын
What would you do differently, or how would you maximize a Druid/Monk build?
@acephas3 Жыл бұрын
1. Circle of the Spores Druid multi classes well with martials after level 6. It’s still the weakest subclass in the game (by far), but it makes up for it in action economy. This subclass makes you choose between Wildshape and Symbiotic Entity. Your zombies will distract the enemy (but if they are grouped together, expect an AOE to take them ALL out at once). It’s still not clear if Polearm Master is proccing with Symbiotic Entity. If and once it does, your damage will skyrocket, and this will become the best subclass in the game, dishing out damage. Pairing it with the Sentinel feat keeps you stacking damage. If you take 5 levels of a martial, you’re gonna have extra attack out of Wildshape and extra attack in Wildshape, due to Wildstrike. 2. Circle of the Moon is the closest thing to the ORIGINAL Druid class, and you still have the standard Druid spells, which hit hard. Magic Initiate: Cleric synergizes well. War Caster and Ability improvement work well. Meaning, you can add to your spell repertoire. Put differently, you may want to emphasize more feat acquisition with the Circle of the Moon, since your melee abilities take care of themselves. Remember, your Wildshape is gonna get extra attacks. However, I agree with NOT multiclassing as your Wildshape is gonna get a SECOND extra attack. So, 10 levels of a Moon Druid and 2 levels of Fighter Battlemaster allow for the defense style, which will add an AC. 3. Circle of the Land mutliclasses VERY well after level 6 as many of the newer spells that you can choose are already Druid spells. War Clerix, Tempest Cleric, and BeastMaster Ranger work well. You still have Wildshape. 3. Bear in mind that Spores is the only subclass with an “off” button, which, funnily enough, happens through damage. If you lose your TEMP HP from SE, your spores damage is halved, you’ll lose your necrotic damage, and your character is far less potent in battle. You can still Wildshape and Chill hand, while it misses a lot, is an okay Cantrip. I found a weapon called, “The Returning Pike”, and that makes the Spores Druid MUCH more viable. There is an armor late game that helps. Thus, this class seems to be great Early game , terrible mid game, and decent late game. Most of Reddit agrees that it’s the best overall summoner in the game. Bear in mind that you can buff and help your zombies. They DEFINITELY help the survivability of the class.
@cindo721 Жыл бұрын
Which is your favorite subclass for gameplay
@acephas3 Жыл бұрын
@@cindo721 It’s hard to choose. They each play so different. Land Druids have the most flexibilty, Moon Druids pack the hardest punch, and Spores Druids are the most durable. After getting knocked out of symbiotic entity, just Wildshape. It’s like have two health pools.
@valentai_777 Жыл бұрын
@@acephas3getting knocked out of symbiotic entity then hopping straight into wildshape sounds hilarious. Would love to try it out wit a fighter class for action surge
@mischavandenburg Жыл бұрын
Hehe, "bear" in mind
@MrRyan1011 Жыл бұрын
Been waiting for this. Fextralife makes best build guides
@tygr6701 Жыл бұрын
action surge can actually be used right before wildshaping, and dueling fighting style affects myrmidons so 2 levels of fighter might be the best thing you can multiclass as the lat 2 levels for a moon druid build
@valentai_777 Жыл бұрын
This is crazy. So could you theoretically can 3 actions in one turn thx to wild strikes? I’ve been wanting to find a way to mix Fighter class wit a Druid. Mostly just cuz I liked the idea of a Druid who could use a menacing weapon like an axe😂
@johnebbers5170 Жыл бұрын
A cool trick I just found out that is technically a bug: the Armour of Moonbasking (act 3 druid armour) gives you +22 temp hp whenever you transform. If you initiate a conversation and temporarily transform out of wildshape for said conversation, you can reset the buff without using any Wild Shape Charges.
@oliveiraconfortavel3596 Жыл бұрын
Druid build from Fextralife, this is gonna be awesome!!!
@jfbaraky Жыл бұрын
I just asked myself if Fextralife released some Druid video. Thanks for the timing 😁
@Charles-sq8fu Жыл бұрын
Nice, just yesterday I was just hoping you would cover this class
@blackfalcon1324 Жыл бұрын
Circle of the spores druids legit creating the last of us here.
@Franchifis Жыл бұрын
I love Druid, I chose it for my main character with circle of the moon and use it as a tank, it works great
@Mebsuta Жыл бұрын
Druid was the first class I picked. Soon I discovered I would be getting 2 druid companions by act 2 and dropped it for fighter.
@NoahCaringella Жыл бұрын
I’ve been looking forward to this one for weeks!
@MrMeskiroman Жыл бұрын
Finally!! ❤ was waiting for this 😁
@Local_commentor Жыл бұрын
Casting thorns on the ground and waiting for enemies to gap close in you and then you trun into a polar bear and fk them up it's hilarious
@epicjn Жыл бұрын
My current build is a Spores Druid 10 / War Cleric 2, with a focus on Wisdom and Dex, Constitution being secondary since I'm not really channeling many spells, and I get a lot of durability from Symbiotic Entity and high Dex with light/ medium armor
@dr.doofenshmirtz969510 ай бұрын
Do you still get all the different wild shape animals as a spore Druid?
@epicjn10 ай бұрын
@dr.doofenshmirtz9695 Yep! Druid all the way to 10 will get you all of the wildshapes available to players in BG3 and all of the main features of Spores Druid.
@MrKingdmx111 ай бұрын
Perfect 👍 am picking Druid, my play style always been versatile, fits just right
@TheRIkkyP Жыл бұрын
I think the fact you’re cranking these guides out and not Starfield builds says a lot about the quality of both BG3 and Starfield.
@nothisispatrick6528 Жыл бұрын
This is just verifiably false. Star field has been out for a week and they have already uploaded 5 videos about. BG3 has been in early access for years so of course they have way more videos on that game
@V3x0r Жыл бұрын
The elemental shifts for CoM are super strong. They can all teleport right to their targets for multi-attacks.
@flakdampler11 Жыл бұрын
Damn they’re much better than I thought!
@angelog.8529 Жыл бұрын
I think I found a quite broken multiclass. Ranger hunter 5 Druid of the land 7 gives you access to : - Dual wielding quaterstaff and flamesword(spell) - extra attack per action - colossus slayer - haste 2 actions per turn + 2 armor class + double movement speed - spells slot up to lvl 5 and access to all lvl 4 druid spells - using shillelagh and flamesword you only use wisdom for both attack and spell casting - circlet of fire allows you to attack twice with flamesword - in total you have 6 weapon attacks in one turn - if you do not cast haste, you can also cast hunter mark - the legendary quaterstaff work tremendously well since adds more spells up to lvl 6, and can also boost flamesword Drawback: - Most of druid spell are concentration so will break haste - no access to conjure elemental - less fun factor in my opinion since most of the time the melee attack is the best option
@stanleyyelnats1940 Жыл бұрын
if you wanna stay wildshaped most of the time tavern brawler is great for that cause its bonus damage to strength based wildshapes
@ASoberBear10 ай бұрын
I turned into a bear and never turned back for some reason…
@audelotl9 ай бұрын
you can choose “dismiss wild shape” to change back to your og form
@ASoberBear9 ай бұрын
@@audelotl No I mean in real life.
@lorenzogonzalez35749 ай бұрын
You must go where the lights touch the earth then make a movie about falling in love with an old friend
@akjaq5459 ай бұрын
@@lorenzogonzalez3574 Not to mention you have to off someone's mom
@Blobby_hill396Ай бұрын
Pfp checks out.
@kromtastic Жыл бұрын
The only feat a Moon druid needs is Tavern Brawler. You will smack for insane damage as an owlbear
@lingth Жыл бұрын
If u are a Circle of Moon druid, a Gnome has Int, Wis and Cha saving throw bonus, u can set Str, Dex, Con to 10, and max ur Wis, Cha etc and get good Arcana, Perception and Persuasion checks etc, and when in combat, Shape Shfit at once..and pick Alert as Feat, and you get to start first and Shapeshift early. I feel its a good idea for a hireling druid, not sure if i will do it for a main char druid The hireling wizard is a Gnome, so can respec him as a druid of Moon.
@KnicKnac Жыл бұрын
Dash is an action to take. If druids get longstrider than cast that at the start of a day
@treorr4448 Жыл бұрын
@@strangestecho5088 How is the moon druid going to be slow? If you do what the person says you would immediately transform when combat starts or before if you think you are going to be in a fight and then you would be using your wildshapes movement.
@culpinha Жыл бұрын
I made a Beast Master Summoner Wildshape Druid, it was pretty funny (and useful).
@TheSlickmicks Жыл бұрын
I've been waiting for this class guide. I rolled a druid for my first character. Got confused. Looked for a Fextralife guide. It didn't exist. Rerolled my character and started over.
@TheSlickmicks Жыл бұрын
Little note to this. I understand it's impossible to come out with guides for all classes in all games all at the same time. But Fextralife creates the best build guides. Hands down.
@FirekingBarong Жыл бұрын
With some levels into Mage and Sorcerer you can make an army of undead friends as a spore-necromancer. Just be aware they dont group-hide... ^^
@commanderroddi7742 Жыл бұрын
I think Wood Elf Circle of the Land or Moon druid is a CLASSIC!. I focus on First WIS as my max, keep DEX and CON (in that order to favor Spell save DC, but also get constitution to maintain concentration); I tend to keep INT at 10 and STR if I can, but I often dump CHA & STR to 8. For Cantrips, I tend to start with Thorn Whip (good mele spell with range and alows battlefield control), and I pick Produce Flame (though sometimees I pick poison sparay). Spells I tend to start with are Entangle & Faery Fire (I almost always take those). for damage I tend to favor either Ice Knive or Thunderwave. For healing I do love Goodberry, but often tend to take Healing world for the 60ft range. I love the fact you can change spell list daily on druids!. I tend to favor aLand druid, though people say Moon are the best. Spore druids are interesting as a thematic choice (a necromancer type druid?) and its the way to goifyou want to go Mele, while Land is more of a caster, but druids are so flexible they can all do Mele, cast, heal, buff/debuff, etc. Moons can make a good tank. I wish we had either Star or Wildfire druids, or Shepherd druid (those are my favorite classes in DUD). Shephers are great summoners, and its fun to conjure Fey, and throw totems that boost damage, heal, and applies to summoned creatures. Wildfire druids are powerful blasters that can get in and deal up close damage as well, and deal damage with tthe fire teleportation via their wildfire spirit companion. Star druids are just Beast!. Change into either an Archer stary form for becoming damage dealer who does extra radiant damage, so you can cast your Guiding bolt, and use a bonus action to shoot a radiant arrow to deal more damage, OR go with a Challace stary form and deal an extra d8 whenever you heal a creature (to you, or any creatur you see, so now Healing 2ord or cure wounds can heal two people). The Dragon star form makes it so its so hard to loose concentration, and later on have resistance to piercing, bludgening and slashing damage. I LOVE that druid! In this game, I love the Lan Druid!. FIrst druid I ever played in D&D and now I get to play it here! :)
@fredkrawczun5554 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, the only class you could multicass with "Circle of the Moon" is Cleric. Clerics pick their domain from the start, lots of options.
@ReneIsSoCool101Yes Жыл бұрын
Barbarian is also very good with Circle of the Moon Druids as you can Rage before Wild Shaping and get the benefits of Rage. Lv 3 Wildheart Barbarian and Lv 9 Circle of the Moon Druid shouldn't be slept on as they can be very tanky, hard hitting, and durable
@DJdeliverance Жыл бұрын
Think I'll try out the moon i just had a feeling it was the best route for my play style and also interesting
@a.m.pietroschek19724 ай бұрын
Githyanki Druid, Half-Orc Rogue, or Gnome Warlock were my spontaneous ideas, but then I fell for playing as Astarion.
@mansuraliagaev4092 Жыл бұрын
Im playing as a half drow circle of the spores druid right now, and its really good. Not sure why its one of the least popular classes. Im surprisingly tanky. I would recommend multiclassing into one level of warrior to get access to heavy armor, its essential to keep concentration. Also some items/spells add necrotic and poison damage to my weapons.
Жыл бұрын
its actually best to start as fighter level 1, you get heavy armor and constitution proficiency, helps a ton for keeping your concentration (doesnt work if you add fighter later on)
@mythgaminggd8096 Жыл бұрын
I would say take 1 sorcerer for blade shield bonus fly and con saving throws
@linkdude098 ай бұрын
A note on 10 druid 2 fighter multiclass. If you use action surge and then wild shape, you still get both actions, so 2 levels of fighter is still extremely beneficial for moon druids, is just means that your first wild shape turn is likely to be your nova turn, especially with the myrmidon forms that moon druid gets at level 10
@thebatman6201 Жыл бұрын
Hey, my pc is trash and cant play bg3.. which i hate. But it CAN play pathfinder wotr! Your videos on both these topics have been extremely helpful. Thank you
@commanderroddi77428 ай бұрын
I'd go with 14 CON because all the concentration you do. LOTS of the druid spells and some of the better ones (Moonbean, Faerie Fire, Call Lightning) are concentration. Wood Elf is very good druid along with halfling and I like FOrest Gnomes. Hillarious to have little FOrest gnome moon druid switch into a bear :)
@pastrana21 Жыл бұрын
new to being introduced to your channel...i like your content :)
@Fextralife Жыл бұрын
@Mikael_Ore Жыл бұрын
Thanks so muuuuch!!!!
@Brizzle427Ай бұрын
The only multiclass I'd consider for a moon druid is a bear heart barbarian as the rage works as long as its used before wildshape so you effectively double the hp of whatever wildshape you take. Obviously theres draw backs as you can't cast spells while raging so out of wildshape the barb levels don't help much, and you loose out on the lvl 12 buffs from druid. I'd agree its probably better to just play straight druid for that but its one for consideration.
@WooBunny Жыл бұрын
Drow spore Druid is very smooth in early levels due to hand crossbows. Or any Druid. Druid MC is the best awakened. Bonus action squid powers are a amazing with Druid spells.
Жыл бұрын
true, druids have poor use for bonus actions and those illithid powers work great for them
@SaviorInTheSun Жыл бұрын
You guys really are the best in the biz! Your build guides for every game you cover are amazing! Keep up the great work!
@Ranulf13 Жыл бұрын
I like Moon druid and barb for the rage while in wildshape
@UchihaAxel Жыл бұрын
I love circle of spores. Enemies suicide by walking through spiked and difficult terrain. From there, you revive their corpses and start turning every enemy into a mindless cordyceps betch. My Wyll with eldrith blast, Karlach with crossbows and Astarion dealing with farthest enemies, is so fun seeing the enemies unable to do anything.
@macromondo8026 Жыл бұрын
Why is it this druid is more fun to play than anything WoTC has produced this year with their playtests?
@Cyotis Жыл бұрын
Thank You!
@piusnagel2121 Жыл бұрын
There is actually a really good way to multiclass moon druid... As a golden dwarf u can be ur party tank as 3lvl Barbarian wildheart/ 9lvl Moon druid. You will try to play as a bear most of the time and later in the game u can pick owlbear. In combat u can tank a lot of dammage thanks to ur rage charges. As a barbarian u also gaindanger sense, what will come in handy since u are fucking bear. i think it is a pretty cool option.
@andriikovalchuk691 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately you are losing the third attack on level 10 and myrmidon forms. By the way, owlbear form has its own rage.
@logandurand8063 Жыл бұрын
After having listened to Not Another DnD Podcast, the circle of spores is just so, so tempting even though i prefer playing both others. I just wanna be Moonshine! Is that so hard?
@playertwostart-lw8ip Жыл бұрын
It's about time
@XseleukosX Жыл бұрын
hey, thanks for the video. As always, very intersting and informativ. I'm just wondering what would be the best way to use the druid as a sort of more tanky, front-line character? I'm myself a ranged-focused ranger, with Shadowheart being a support cleric, gale en offensive-spell wizard and Wyll a melee-focused high-HP warlock-fighter. Now, I'd perhaps like to replace Wyll with Jaheira and I wonder what would be the best way to build her to fill that role without changing her class.
@Icy-_ Жыл бұрын
Well I personally look at unarmored defense/movement a bit different than most I think. The hp and dmg loss from multiclassing is one thing but as for "losing a feat" I look at getting 1 or 2 lv. of Monk/Barb as just getting a feat that increases AC. For example I'm playing as Sorlock Multiclass right now and took 1 lv. in Barb instead of another feat basically because I have ways to significantly increase my Con and with the 1 lv. I also get a significant amount of AC instead of getting an Asi for example
@Icy-_ Жыл бұрын
And yes I know that you're losing more than just a feat when you decide to do this like in my example I lose a possible new spell, I think a spell slot and you can possibly lose a class feature but you just have to cut your losses and move on, you have great gain but also great loss in this case so you just have to decide for yourself if it's worth it or not
@BlackBirdOni Жыл бұрын
Best smmoner class, 1 dryad, 2 lesser elemetals, 1 myrmidon, considering you get 2 druid companions, you can bring an own army all along 😅
@jackal242 Жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention that as of the current game Bracers of Defense are bugged for Druids and you LOSE the bonus of the Bracers AFTER you exit WildShape. You have to remove the item and put it back on to get the bonus back. This is as of Hot Fix #5, and in the game currently as bugged.
@TheLoveKing Жыл бұрын
hey Fextra just want to say I've been a hige fan of your work for ages and really love your style ❤️
@spirit-reaper Жыл бұрын
Did you know that if your human form isn't wearing armor, go 1 point into white dragonic ice sorcerer (for armor of Agathys that carries into your wildshape form) it'll increase the base AC to 13 instead of 10, then go 1 point into munk and it'll add your wisdom modifier to your AC even in wildshape form Thats easily +6 AC to your wildshape with 16 wisdom which you can climb to 20 giving +8 AC to your wildshapes
@gregoberski5897 Жыл бұрын
Love these!
@KenchiofTaichi Жыл бұрын
Question for multiclassing Moon Druid: Is it worth taking a 2lvl. dip in Barbarian for Rage and Reckless Attack?
@KnicKnac Жыл бұрын
Can you rage then wild shape in one turn? Then maybe
@Rork310 Жыл бұрын
@@KnicKnac I don't think so since both rage and Wildshape (for Moon druid) are Bonus actions. Even if one of them was a regular action you wouldn't get to act that turn without a haste effect. Seems like a poor use of resources.
Жыл бұрын
you can do it, you can rage first, attack in human form and wildshape in round 2... but I would not bother, owlbear is already absolute powerhouse and I would rather concentrate on spell instead of raging.
@ohapplesauce Жыл бұрын
You’re probably better off putting a level or two into cleric if you want to multi-class. But I think Circle of the Moon does a pretty good job by itself.
@marekw7562 Жыл бұрын
Druids are amazing... If you are not a face of the team and you have someone to lockpick. But than you shouldn't multiclass them cause of scaling issues. Very powerful super cool to play but not that versatile
@psilon6999 Жыл бұрын
i feel like they are the most versatile.. well moon druid is, because you can just ignore str, dex and con and put everything into int, wis and cha... you use wild shape for combat and normal for everything else thus meaning you have the best of both worlds, i still use astarion for lockpicking but my char for talking
@fistimusmaximus6576 Жыл бұрын
problem is there dps drops off and you have super low ac aswell as only 2 wildshapes a day. @@psilon6999
@keiranoshea6748 Жыл бұрын
They're insanely versatile, my druid of the moon is the face of the party, I use concentration spells, summon elemental before combat and then wild shape. And if I need/feel like it I have some AoE spells to throw out and some healing for the party. They are a jack of all trades but also a master of none. Still very fun though.
@fistimusmaximus6576 Жыл бұрын
subpar wizards with good summons, shame they don't have more features as very bland to play.
@VlkOndrejАй бұрын
spider web,Owlbear form and ground spikes carry my party hard....
@cozy_annieАй бұрын
question: have you made a Half-wood elf that is a druid and multiclass as a ranger?
@matthewkastner8151 Жыл бұрын
Surprised there's no mention of barbarian and Moon Druid. You should be able to rage and then go into wildshape and, if you were wildheart, have damage resistance
@sleepy_5645 Жыл бұрын
Justice for the bearbarian when
@Tall-Hobbit Жыл бұрын
The problem is you don’t get the damage increase of rage in wildshape because it requires you to use a weapon so at most you get some damage resist. Unarmoured Defense also doesn’t work since your constitution changes based on wildshape form. Furthermore It takes 2 turns to get a rage in wildshape going since you can’t rage while in wildshape, so you would have to start your rage attack somebody and then wait a turn then wildshape and then keep attacking so you don’t loose your rage. A lot of feats also just don’t work properly with wildshape. I looked this up yesterday because I wanted to play it, and got a little dissapointed as a result. In the end I decided to go 2 levels of monk and 10 levels into moon druid to get their version of unarmoured defense which scales with wisdom, a stat that stays in wildshape and unarmoured movement to get around better. This way I also get all of the wildshape forms and I am only missing a feat, feats which barely work for wildshape anyway.
@hilburnlayton Жыл бұрын
@@Tall-Hobbitdon’t you keep rage if you take damage? Seems like you could just run directly into someone to tank
@swiftroph Жыл бұрын
I don't see how this would be benificial over just staying a Moon Druid. You're gonna lose turn raging and if you go get level 3 to get wildheart, you're gonna lose a feat + wild shape : Myrmidon.
@matthewkastner8151 Жыл бұрын
@@Tall-Hobbit damn I didn't know they changed the wording/ implantation in bg3. This *is* the multiclass combo for druid in 5e
@jooyichen Жыл бұрын
Love this class because they have "fextralife" lols. Turn their HP to 0 and they just transform back into human. They have the HP of a tank and the guaranteed save to death once. Tanky.
@SilverAgeStoryteller Жыл бұрын
WARNING: CIRCLE OF THE MOON HAS NEXT TO NOTHING WORKING WITH IT AS OF SEP 7TH 2023. You are supposed to be able to control concentration spells while wildshaped, but while you can use them and maintain your concentration you can't reuse them while wildshaped, meaning only buffs work (sorta). Additionally, no reactions work except opportunity of attack so no point in taking sentinel. In regular D&D you're supposed to be able to do these things and if this is intentional, as a druid main, this absolutely sucks.
@SilverAgeStoryteller Жыл бұрын
I do want to state though, I am enjoying circle of the moon despite this. But it could be faaaaaar better.
Жыл бұрын
hi, I really recommend downloading some mods for that, it really enhances your options and doesnt break anything.
@blankface911 Жыл бұрын
So, as a first time player (of DnD as well) who chose Moon Druid, is this choice not long term optimal? I understand the other classes benefit from multi-classing and that Moon Druids arent ideal for that, does that end up haunting you late game in a way I should condider changing my Subclass over? I like the Spores as an alt but I dont want to be late game and feel like I dont know how to use my character any more because I switched.
@OrochiMuramasa Жыл бұрын
Hey when you can, could you make a Druid-spores necro vs Wiz- Necro please.
@doonkhair Жыл бұрын
Thoughts on 2 levels of cleric and the rest into moon for divinity charge ability + bless for a comp that doesn't have it?
@Stonie_Balonie Жыл бұрын
Is COTL pretty good to just run by itself through the game or should it be multiclassed? I kind of just want to run it, I’m using a wood elf.
@darklink1011 Жыл бұрын
so in bg3 wild shape attacks are considered unarmed? if that is the case then multi class with monk will be very effective.
@nicholasfarrell5981 Жыл бұрын
Is there a way to build a Druid that does a lot with insects? I have a specific character from non-D&D media that I want to try and build, but it's pretty much impossible to play without a strong focus on insects and arachnids.
@JasonBlyde Жыл бұрын
Druid would be secondary in it honestly, but a Spore Druid 4 Beastmaster Ranger 8 could potentially play as a dual wield crossbow guy with 2 spiders running around (familiar + companion) since the Spore ability stacks necro dmg on your crossbows + Sharpshooter makes it insane dpr
@nicholasfarrell5981 Жыл бұрын
@@JasonBlyde cool, thanks for the advice.
@henrikh3089 Жыл бұрын
Are druids still plagued by bugs? Primal strike and having to unequip gear after wildshape to regain bonuses?
@henrikh3089 Жыл бұрын
@@ksy5818 Would you recommend waiting to play a druid playthrough?
Жыл бұрын
yes they are still. My bugreports are now being answered atleast, so there is hope for patch 3
@nosouponhead Жыл бұрын
Druids seem absolutely OP.
@Mr.Sr.Jr.7 ай бұрын
For a wild shape druid what hair bun should I take from auntie ethyl? Do I take strength does it stack with the form base stats?
@Jerrell7321 Жыл бұрын
With Land Druid, can you pick up multiple Lands when you lvl up or would you have to switch lands entirely to access the free lvl 4 & 6 prepared spells?
@torsten4558 Жыл бұрын
You can choose a different type of land at each odd level. So you can be "land of Underdark" at lvl 3, "land of mountain" at lvl 5 etc. at the same time. You don´t switch entirely! So it it best to choose a type of land to get additional spells, you don´t have already acces to, imho. So this is different to tabletop, I suppose.
@KamiPain75 Жыл бұрын
Definitely choose by the spells you will gain. In the wiki they put a * so you can see which spells are not learned by Druids by default.
@Musubi9092 Жыл бұрын
Endless casts of the web spell in spider form
@HJ-ul1eg Жыл бұрын
How much spoilers does this include? Like I'd like a general overwiev of the class without spoiling too much. Never played DnD etc..
@TheJLAMAR23 Жыл бұрын
Do your armor and weapons and jewelry bonuses carry over to wildshape? Thoughts on a barbarian moon Druid?
@jerome6191 Жыл бұрын
Ao, that thumbnail is neat, where you find it?
@aricvinyard Жыл бұрын
What’s the main difference between half wood eld or regular wood elf for moon Druid
@ohapplesauce Жыл бұрын
You lose some proficiencies in a few skills I think. I rolled a half-wood elf because I liked the faces better, only to find out I couldn’t use bows at all. I think I was able to use crossbows, but I wanted regular bows for roleplay reasons. On regular wood elves it was the opposite, couldn’t use crossbows but could use bows.
@jarekcrossley8966 Жыл бұрын
Does rage work with wildshape?
@Fextralife Жыл бұрын
You can Rage before Wild Shape, and still have it in Wild Shape, but you cannot use it while you are already in Wild Shape form.
@keepdeathonholdАй бұрын
I find it weird that you need to stay the same class to gain a feat. That’s so odd, normal DnD it was just every 4 levels.
@princesaleia00798 ай бұрын
Druid drow ❤
@joshuahalliwell100 Жыл бұрын
What role is the druid of the spores subclass supposed to fill? I think it sounds interesting but I wouldn't know how it plays.
@ReneIsSoCool101Yes Жыл бұрын
I see it as the Flexible slot in the team. If you need a caster it can fill that role, if you need a 2nd melee unit (assuming you have a unit who specializes in melee like a Barb, Fighter, Paladin, etc) or if you need a support unit. On my multiplayer playthrough (seperate from my solo 1st playthrough) im a Circle of Spores Druid and the team consists of 1) Dual Wield Barb/Fighter, 2) Life Cleric and 3) Bard/Warlock. So I am the flex spot with casting spells, melee attacking and support depending on the situation. I dont think it's good for a new player to do that role, but if you're experienced i think thats a good role to fill!
@KnicKnac Жыл бұрын
Depends on what companions you like to run with. Like you could go Druid, Cleric, Fighter, Barb and just have two frontliners while minions back then up.
@jonasmeise6433 Жыл бұрын
How would I go about a support druid that has CC and Heal? Halsin would be a nice fit and I'd need him to support. Does Circle of the Land mix well with a Cleric?
@JasonBlyde Жыл бұрын
not 100% sure, but doesnt tavern brawler work with Wildshape? ups your DPT by quite a bit in Owlbear form if im not mistaken
@_Risa1992_ Жыл бұрын
I tried them all and still can't decide between land and spore. 😅
@blakehelms409 Жыл бұрын
So does the dark urge transformation into the slayer work well with circle of the moon druid build?