Final Fantasy 7 Remake Toxic Fans

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4 жыл бұрын

A somewhat tongue in cheek response to the strong messages I received following my reaction to FF7 Remake. Fans of the FF7 Remake are passionately defending the game. Didn't like the story? It's your fault for not understanding it. And your fault for expecting a faithful remake, apparently. Can't we agree to disagree? This video looks at the strange culture of defending Final Fantasy at any cost.

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@Soldier1stClass 3 жыл бұрын
I was recommended this video, and I want to say I appreciate this view. I’ve personally been harassed by these people so bad. Maximilian Dood and his bullshit “levels” have made it impossible to have any type of critical discussion because you’re just referred to as “level 1” if you disagree with him. They worship him like a Final Fantasy God. If you attempt any constructive criticism, you’re met with, “Well Max said...” and it completely nullifies any argument you could ever have with these people. Do you know how much harassment I’ve suffered from them, on top of having to come to terms that I was lied to about what Remake really was? I still haven’t come to terms with it in 8 months of release. And I might never come to terms with it. My mental health has taken a nosedive this year alone, and suffering from depression anyway, it’s made it even worse. After Max and his army have made it impossible for me to even enjoy the original anymore. I tried to play it on my PS5 the other day, and couldn’t even bring myself to start the application. And it only gets worse with every Remake video I make, because I’m critical of the direction of Remake. People can’t allow me my opinion anymore. But that was never the case when I was super positive about the game pre launch. But now that I, Soldier_1stClass, don’t like it, I’m constantly harassed for being “level 1” or “not a good content creator, and that Max is better”. I loved 95% of the game, and the good changes like Jessie’s Parents, Wall Markets modern facelift, etc, I loved them. But I’m not on board with changing fundamental core themes, and just being ok with it. Because that’s not Final Fantasy 7 and it never will be. I just released a video about Aerith and why her death is so important to not only the story, but also the player. And while the video is positively received, some people are trying to say that Aerith’s death is unimportant, or they want her to live just to piss off original fans. These are the type of people we deal with now. People that only care about flashy anime moments, and don’t care about impactful and good storytelling. It’s a shame that our favorite game of all time is being turned into glorified fan fiction. Sorry for my rant lmao hope you are well.
@orion8550 3 жыл бұрын
Hey! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts here. That's a brilliant point about the various 'levels' - it shuts down any form of argument. If you don't see 'the bigger picture' of what SE are/were doing with Remake, then you are yet to be enlightened. Hmm, sounds almost cult like when I put it like that! I definitely liked a lot of the game. I did a review of the good, the bad, and the ugly of FF7R. Sounds like we agree on a lot of the same stuff. There are a lot of shallow choices in the game. But there is a proven market for shallow storytelling, which will always strike me as odd, but sometimes there's no understanding and things just are as they are and people like what they like. Anyway, glad we can share opinions this way. I'm all for chatting with any Remake fans - I just don't like being attacked for not liking every aspect of a videogame (a product), and dismissed, as you say. Hope you are well, man. It's been a tough year. Sorry to hear you've been feeling down. I try to give myself short term goals. Next will be a new video as soon as I get some time off from work! I'll check out your channel for sure!
@raulrojas9253 3 жыл бұрын
I like Max a lot, but this is true, he makes FF 7 untouchable, He said that FF 7 remake was not the best game of 2020 but on a personal level, and for him the game is, Heck he admit it that HADES or ghost of tsushima would be his game of the year but since he is a FF 7 and the remake hits all the same "EMOTIONS" he chooses the remake, wtf? And yeah his fans are insufferable, is a fucking cult and worst of all during the sephiroth reveal trailer he didn't recognized One winged angel in 1 second unlike when cloud was announced he recognized cloud in almost a mili second. My opinions have always been dismissed, so I don't bother with fandom, they are just cults, I know what I like and whatnot, if people hate me, heck I just hate back.
@tylerdurden7965 3 жыл бұрын
so true... maxamilliondood acts like he's some kind of ff7 messiah and his followers hang on his every word as if he wrote the ff7 bible or something... And if you dont agree with them, you're just not "enlightened". funny thing is, he's actually wrong about ff7 lore all the time, but because of his fame it often gets overlooked and forgiven.
@ItsSVO 2 жыл бұрын
@Aaron9 there is no world in which 7R was the best game in a year with GOT let alone a generational game and storytelling like TLOU2
@true_gamer39 Жыл бұрын
@Aaron9 sorry ever crises is confirmed to be chapters
@ori.g4mi 4 жыл бұрын
I really loved the game. So disappointed with the ending. And now everyone is telling me to suck it up and that I just "hate change". Its Star Wars all over again.
@bigbossj6995 4 жыл бұрын
@Shalashaska or they try to deflect blame off namoura on to someone else, even though he's responsible for the changes after all he is the director, directors are responsible for what is put in movies, and video games, it's their vision, Square Enix chose him, but people want to use this interview. as an argument to justify the time travel the defying fate wackiness but it only reuse already existing information about changes and expanding, no you're not going to get a decent conversation from them and they will never admit that they fucked up and secretly making a new Final Fantasy because they know the Final Fantasy 7 characters are profitable and that interview was after the game release, sure there maybe others to blame but namora is the director he's the captain. EDIT: I forgot to put this in as well I hope I'm wrong but that stuff has got me really really worried, the Final Fantasy series saved my life and especially 7 and 8.
@vincentgraymore 3 жыл бұрын
​@@bigbossj6995 Can I ask you for your opinion regarding FF VII remake these months later now that there has been some time to process? If it was so important as to save your life (and to be honest waiting for AC might have saved mine, even if the movie did not live up to expectations) has the image of FF VII as a whole changed now and can anything good come from the future? I do want to hear your opinion if you want to share.
@ronaldmaday Жыл бұрын
What hurts about Remake being a sequel was that it was good. It was a good game and very faithful in so many parts. Not perfect, but good. What I mean is, that I would have had it either be expanded yet faithful, or absolute trash. One end is what I (and others) wanted as a “remake.” The other is just trash memery like the compilation from the mid-2000s (and I’m always up for a good laugh). But 7R hurts because Square showed us that they could do a faithful, yet expanded, remake. This was literally the worst timeline (pun intended). It’d be better to have meme-trash or no remake at all instead of this uncalled for sequel. No one genuinely wanted this; not even the people praising it (because they bought and played Remake before they knew it was a sequel. They were willing to accept it as a faithful remake before they won the “expectation-subversive” lottery).
@orion8550 Жыл бұрын
Well said!
@gamingbytetv665 9 ай бұрын
It’s not a sequel ya dumb fuck. Nomura himself has repeatedly stated this, and still you clowns cling to your fanfics as if they were canon.
@89RedXIII 4 жыл бұрын
I very much agree with everything said in this video. There's nothing worse than someone who blindly hates everything about a product that obviously has quality. But there's also nothing worse than someone who doesn't question anything, someone who unconditionally embrace everything without a trace of criticism, even if it's in a constructive way. Saying that people who dislike the ending are narrow-minded is a statement that can only come from a narrow-minded person.
@momsaid 4 жыл бұрын
How can you agree that there was no clue they would change it? There's multiple interviews. And also the " dont use them in an existing universe" it's clearly a different timeline from the main one. You say there is no proof? How about them saying the main story is still canon? None of your points make any sense and haven't been refuted or arent just false
@89RedXIII 4 жыл бұрын
"change it" has multiple interpretations. If it was a remake of Romeo and Juliet, you wouldn't have them living happily ever after. It would alter the genre and it would not be a tragedy anymore, right? Pretty much the same here: some core pieces of the plot should not be changed.
@ad19999 4 жыл бұрын
It's the sunk cost fallacy. If they admit this game is trash, then the twenty three years they've spent worshipping the original and begging for a remake is all for nothing.
@Nicholi273 4 жыл бұрын
I would love to see more of your opinions on things hopefully you keep making content, keep it up.
@tobaccojacko Жыл бұрын
I like ff7 remake but that doesn't mean that people can't hate it. All of the people who dislikes the game have valid points and we shouldn't get angry and lose sleep over people who have a different opinion.
@kjh4496 6 күн бұрын
The reality is this: FF 7 has been co-opted by people with shit taste. Here we are in 2024 and Rebirth flopped 🤣
@tobaccojacko 6 күн бұрын
@@kjh4496 hahahahaha, what?
@heatrayzvideo3007 Ай бұрын
Sqaure put out an interview saying they were really dedicated to the story when they havnt wrote a good story for 20 years
@bd_bandkanon 2 жыл бұрын
honestly, there was already a rift in the fanbase-- and I'm talking years ago. I remember when I was just 15 I was being attacked and harassed by toxic FF7 fans for choosing FF9 as my favorite. Anywhere FF9 was brought up, the toxic fans would butt in just to loudly proclaim that "FF7 is better and you're all r------s for liking FF9 more", and "how could you like this childish garbage", etc. etc. I think I also remember this one guy telling me to off myself over it. Nothing's really changed aside from the steep decrease in quality we're getting from modern Final Fantasy, courtesy of Nomura, Matsuda, and all their Yes Men. Squeenix produces nothing but garbage and disappointment these days, and it's only because of their blindly dedicated toxic fanbase that they're able to get away with all this. Anyway, so I'm still on my Squeenix boycott. Haven't come off it in a whole year now and I couldn't be more content. I highly suggest it. There are so many good non-Squeenix jrpgs out there! Support your indie developers!
@Wyrd22 3 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy has unfortunately gone Disney.
@Shanyae9 2 ай бұрын
Disney won a cultural victory on Square enix
@TheIronTiger44 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly!! Exactly!!! This is what you could have won! I have a lot of people frustrated with me because I said I loved 90% of remake, but that last 10% destroyed it for me. This is a better way to explain it.
@sobored6165 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you lol. Ff7r actually had me unsub from pretty much everyone but a few who didn't speak on it. I like max but... I couldn't when it came to the beloved ff7 and his defense of the remake.
@garrybennett1163 3 жыл бұрын
My issue is that these toxic people are adamant that this HAD to happen. Who would be excited just for a classic remake? Now there are things to discuss ect. But it's completely disingenuous. EVERYBODY was excited for it to just be a remake. Just because they are happy with the direction it's going NOW doesn't mean we need to pretend we weren't busting out the seams with Joy before. And there was plenty to discuss before getting bogged down with timelines and parallel worlds that we don't know the in universe rules for so it is pointless to discuss it. And the semantics they play with the word Remake is terribly frustrating. Remake has always had the same meaning in gaming. But now we need to play these games so that Square doesn't look like liars. But at the same time consider them geniuses for using a double meaning of the word. One of which they just argued isnt what the word means. Make up your minds lol lies of omission are still lies guys. I have no idea how they plan to make an all knowing sephiroth somehow follow the same actions leading to his defeat without turning him into the dumbest villain ever. Despite what people say he DOESN'T need cloud to get the black materia. He could literally send a clone to get the keystone then to get the black materia. Then another clone takes it to him in the northern crater. He flies for God sake. Why would he lead cloud around the world, letting him get stronger and taking him directly into the path of allies that caused his downfall. Not to mention how he deals with Aerith. That has got to change. And add the timeline shenanigans to the mix. The story to make sense now has to be radically changed. But somehow it's going to follow the same beats as the OG? I would have more respect for Square if they went balls to the wall with the changes. I know I sound like I hate it all but i don't. I just hate that I'm supposed to pretend these issues aren't there. I don't blame Max either. He is just a dude having fun plus everytime he streams something to do with FF7 he gets heavy donations. I too would start a cult if they paid me to play my favourite game lol As things go I'm not as excited for the future but I'm not against it all. If I was to rate my excitement before Remake came out it would be the highest 10/10. Almost breaking mathematical rules and going onto 11 lol but now I'm at a 7. Not desperate for the sequel but I will play it. Probably pick it up in a sale. Peace.
@adamshalashaska5698 23 күн бұрын
Like the Wraith being Kadaj and friends makes the ending any better? no ofcourse not, its still a convoluted mess and it just proves the point that this was an advent children prequel instead of a remake of the original game.
@Sawngawkuh 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, there is a basis for those three Whisper entities being the AC Trio. They use similar movesets, merge to face you with a Bahamut Whisper, and one of the entity's attacks in the Japanese version is named after their AC Counterpart's weapon. Their enemy bios in the game state they're entities trying to protect the future they exist in as well. It's pretty clear that they're representing them in some fashion. A more appropriate response isn't to contest the validity of those assertions, but question why that's even a good thing, since the last thing you'd want referenced or come back in a VII Remake are those three morons. :P
@ArchAngelKnights 2 жыл бұрын
they are trying to protect a future where they die? yeh...i dont think so.....
@Sawngawkuh 2 жыл бұрын
@@ArchAngelKnights lol, That's what their bio says, though. Even though they eventually die in the original timeline, they're probably more preoccupied with ensuring their existence even happens, since any alt timeline might lead to a future where they aren't created by Sephiroth at all. From their point of view, it's probably better to still exist as dead souls that are part of the Lifestream than to never have come into being at all.
@ArchAngelKnights 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sawngawkuh dude...get real. Its obvious its cloud, Tifa and barret. It makes no sense otherwise. You defenders of this trash story are ridiculous
@Sawngawkuh 2 жыл бұрын
@@ArchAngelKnights Defender of the story? What? How is that defending anything. I don't care for the changes in VIIR either. Hell, I myself already noted how lame it is to reference the likes of AC. And no, when the devs outright name certain attacks after the weaponry of those three remnants and even allude to their ties in the Ultimania, it's pretty damn safe to say that it's very likely they're alluding to the possibility that it's them.
@jmkhm 3 жыл бұрын
I waited a year to watch any videos of those disappointed by the story changes. I did this because I knew I would come to agree with them with time, and I wanted to like their videos instead of having a negative reaction to them.
@bigbossj6995 4 жыл бұрын
Sometimes I wonder people can even tell the difference between a remaster and a remake and complete rebooted sequel, and as far as Maximilian dood he's not the be-all-and-end-all to all answers to Final Fantasy, and quite personally I find him to be overrated, I'm not going to go too hard on him, it's like people say yes to anything and if you say anything that doesn't fit their narrative then you're wrong, well I say say what the hell ever is in your heart, to me the ending represents the fact that this ain't Final Fantasy 7 this is Final Fantasy 16 with Final Fantasy 7 characters while using you nostalgia. Edit: thank you for speaking your mind
@anemoneyas 4 жыл бұрын
Max Dood's analysis consists of obsessing over a bunch of Easter Eggs that are probably meaningless and a whole lot of wishful thinking. He seems like a nice guy, but his deep dive on Easy Allies was devoid of actual substance.
@MsBlacknight21 4 жыл бұрын
​@@anemoneyas, can you tell me what was wrong with Easy Allies and Max Dood's analysis about where the story is going?
@anemoneyas 4 жыл бұрын
@@MsBlacknight21 That's what the above post does? To restate: There was no real back and forth, the Easy Allies guys just kinda sat there while Max told all these wild theories. A few were interesting, but most were completely unsubstantiated by anything in the game.
@dukey03 3 жыл бұрын
FF7R fans are somehow more toxic than the original FF7 fans haha. Good video though dude! I agree!
@KnightWolfVT 3 жыл бұрын
Recently made my own video about remake and your right fans that dislike the game or find it confusing are shouted down and disrespected just because they view it differently.
@agata_cz 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you that negative reviews are necessary just as good ones, you can’t please everyone and people will always make up their own mind. Being too much of anything either positive or negative is bad. Also I hold nothing against someone who thought about the game for some time before deciding if they like it or not. If someone like you can provide good reasons for disliking or liking the remake, then yeah I hold nothing against the review. Not only some fans are too passionate about the remake but also those shipping wars or analyses based on biased thoughts and emotions and not some deep rational thought or facts. These toxic fans are most prominent on Tumblr and Facebook and I’m so done with seeing their essays with arguments like “I don’t like x therefore it’s bad so you can’t like x either! If you like it then you are bad!”. Or “x is perfect and everyone who likes it is welcome! But if you don’t like x then you are evil!” Opinions are like asses, everyone has one, doesn’t mean they are worth listening or reading. The remake is alright, not a perfect game, some aspects of the story were alright and some weren’t. Yes I had some fun with it, but like you I was bothered about deaths being reversed. Both original and remake have their flaws. Also the fan base was already divided for many reasons, now of course it’s due to remake but before it was shipping shit and some other aspects of the game.
@orion8550 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed! I had a lot of angry messages on this and other areas where I explained things I disliked - people took it as a personal offence. I guess that's true that the fanbase has always been divided. There's always been some contrived reason to argue - human nature, I suppose.
@agata_cz 3 жыл бұрын
Orion85 I see the same issues in other fandoms as well and just literally any topic I encounter on Internet. People can’t accept the fact that someone can disagree with them. And yeah like you said they take it as personal offence, once they run out of arguments to back up their claims, they use personal attacks or insults. It’s tiring, so I try to avoid commenting or even looking at certain social media sites for stuff that I enjoy. It’s sad but spares me the trouble dealing with these trolls or immature people.
@heatrayzvideo3007 Ай бұрын
I put a positive comment but also a negative comment just in another time line. Keeping everyone happy
@sugarraydodge 4 жыл бұрын
@nashdash6404 Ай бұрын
4 years later we can see it worked wonderfully for Rebirth!
@JessBoldt 3 жыл бұрын
After playing through it, I just had a, well, a yuck feeling. Like, so close to seeing graphically amazing reshoots of scenes I loved. But it was like they kept saying, "Oh, you love this scene? This one? Well, how do you like it with dozens of phantoms and endless back and forth traveling that gets in the way?" And then the tone was just not what FF7 was for me. It came so close in spots, but it just felt wrong at the end.
@vincentgraymore 3 жыл бұрын
This is one of the things I do not understand. I have seen a lot of people say that this is FF VII and nothing has changed but in my eyes every important scene has something new and that something is specifically created to be change and different. I get how people see that nothing "really" change but the theme and reason for the whisperers are there for a reason to begin with.
@xd666xd 4 жыл бұрын
It is not a "Remake", but a "Final What-If-Scenario 7" . 🤷‍♂️ Personally, the only thing that has caused me, is that I play the original all over again; I even used the HARDTYPE hack on the PS1 version, so now I even play it occasionally on my cell phone or my PC, through an emulator! 😷
@thomk3282 4 жыл бұрын
The ending was the most Nomura thing I've ever seen. Pity they went completely Kingdom Hearts anime bullshit in the end. On the bright side they aced the voice acting, the characters, the visuals. It's so pretty looking. But unfortunately their focus were not where it should have been. Pacing, narrative, scenario, plot. The meaning of it ALL. It is definitely not a remake. I think it's an alternate version or some sort of FF7-2. Sephiroth found a way to go back in time and change destiny. I wish they just didn't call it a remake to begin with.
@memoriesneverdieband 4 жыл бұрын
or we just don't know truly what he is capable of(obviously the ridiculous supernova) or hasn't been written but we for sure can expect big changes even to his character let alone others.
@kennytendo7255 3 жыл бұрын
I really liked the remake, only thing I disliked is the padding where you had to go back in the sewers again which served no other purpose other than finding Don Corneo again. If i had to choose between the original and the remake, I would choose the original because it offers the most story content. But I am willing to choose the remake if and when the entire ff7 remake series is complete and it offers more context and content to the original story.
@anthroposmetron4475 2 жыл бұрын
The Bullseye clip made me shake with laughter. Congratulations. And you're absolutely bang on the money on the fans of characters point. Some people absolutely just want Aerith to live, Zack to live, and Sephiroth to be proven totally innocent becuz Jenova. Story is irrelevant. And they're very, very confident at the moment that Remake will indulge them on all of this, as it's what it's lead them to believe - and as things stand, I wouldn't necessarily dispute that expectation. They may get what they want. There's a reason fix-its are so popular amongst FFVII fanfiction - because the original is a very dark, very menacing, very unsettling game which has a deeply ambiguous ending. The bad guys control the planet and an even bigger bad guy is trying to finish it off entirely. The traditionally good, perfect co-protagonist is violently killed on screen and the protagonist is revealed to be a traumatised inhabitant of a false persona. Sephiroth is invested with a huge amount of standing, in power terms, mystique, getting what he wants, and even (partially, with his own distortions) being more capable of delivering the truth to the player than the protagonist. A Final Fantasy VII which is 'safe', which reassures, in which you always feel the good guys will win, where Sephiroth is the monster of the week, is not Final Fantasy VII.
@orion8550 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks!! Haha I was waiting for someone to mention Bullseye 🙂 Love your comments! Cheers for checking out the channel!
@anthroposmetron4475 2 жыл бұрын
@@orion8550 Thank you! I'm really enjoying your videos, and your comments/replies. It's all really well-done. I'm also enjoying reading other people's comments. Good to be reminded that there's a lot of people out there who feel the same way about a lot of things.
@kevinbrown8867 3 жыл бұрын
You have the best FF7R takes that I've seen online! It's like you've tapped into my inner thoughts when playing this game.
@orion8550 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks!! I have a few Remake vids - I guess I'm obsessed haha. Cheers for checking out the channel!
@kevinbrown8867 3 жыл бұрын
@@orion8550 I just binged them all last night. Cant wait for more!
@orion8550 3 жыл бұрын
@@kevinbrown8867 You legend!!!
@paulf631 4 жыл бұрын
I know the feeling I share my feelings on the ending and fans tell me it's a remake not a a remaster stop hanging onto nostalgia and except change if accepting change means praising bad writers then I'll just stick to the original And it's such a shame I was willing to give Square another chance after they let me down with Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy XV I was hoping this remake was going to prove me wrong and still prove to me that Square still had it but no they dropped the ball yet again this is why I am done with Square And sticking with atlas because persona get everything right
@vincentgraymore 3 жыл бұрын
@Shalashaska Sephiroth never died. In FF VII he is tossed into the lifestream and his body survives. Then at the end his body is destroyed but his mind survives in the lifestream. In FF VII AC he is not really resurrected, but he manages to assume control over Kadaj using the remains of Jenova. FF VII DoC ends with a cliffhanger (not really depending on Sephiroth though) leaving the FF VII world's fate on hiatus. The people that think that Sephiroth travelled back in time are either talking about the ending of FF VII OG, after AC (I think this is the biggest chunk of people, and they all base the whole premise of the remake on the single last line that Sephiroth says in AC about not letting himself be just a memory) or perhaps as far as after post credit in FF VII. They are in the general mindset that Sephiroth must succeed as in altering things during FF VII, which by no means would be a must for whatever his goal could be, and they do not consider multiple timelines detrimental to any themes or story. They think the stakes needs to be higher, and they think it is cooler that the whole time/timeline/multiverse is at stake. They also consider Aeriths "maybe" death to be stronger now because this time there is no fate (and it was not supposed to be in the OG but this mindset requires that we assume that Fate did exist that time and wanted her to die and now the party fails on their own). There is so much more stupid things when time travel is introduced but people just want Sephiroth to be "cooler" this time for some reason. He was never a 400 IQ villain but people have transplanted the developers need for subversion as intelligence for the plot and that the change in plot is because of Sephiroth, so he must be having a master plan and be capable of manipulating time butterfly effects because he could never be wrong (while in the OG he convinced himself being a Cetra, which was very stupid and wrong). There are also many people that want to avoid time travel by means of omnitemporal lifestream, reality based on memories, cycling of time or reality, or simply superimposing collapsing timelines (and all of these are still time travel stories as we can still map out a past that is different compared to another). I wish I was joking when I said that people like this. The user score on metacritic have increased by 0.1 rather than decreased (8.2 from 8.1) and to add extra salt on the wounds it is nominated for best direction and GOTY in the game awards and might win because the gaming industry for some reason seems to be going towards remakes not being remakes and how "unique" it is that this is a remake (and many critics have said that "this is how you do a remake"). Thank god it did not win the user voting award.
@lowowern 4 жыл бұрын
Hahaha! Yes max dood is a cringey fanboy. Where can I see more of your content?
@josephcoffey2175 Жыл бұрын
Man they ruined this story, it's botched already, the original story was about life and death, and moving on from it, this alternative time line characters coming back!? Why does this story need this? A remastered version would've been so much better. Ps those ghost of fate, wtf, just not good
@chimmy6922 2 жыл бұрын
A year has passed and I can say for sure that I still love this game as much as when I played it the first week it came out. It’s been a year and there’s still been vast amount of content and theories talking about the Remake. I feel like the change to making it a sequel/remake was a great idea to get people talking and reinterested in FF7. I myself am totally respectful and understand you’re opinion and dislike of the changes. To each their own. I am happy with the new content we are getting (not just a predictable remake I already know) but that is just my opinion.
@TheSkullKlownTSK 9 күн бұрын
Great video. I 100% agree. The hardcore fans are pissed off and Square is catering to these idiots. 4 years later and this video is more relavent than ever before. Im happy Final Fanatsy 7 Remake and Rebirth are not selling well. Square Enix needs to learn that they should not screw up a formula. If its not broken dont fix it Square, but nope they wanted to do what ever they wanted and expect us to jump for joy for their decision?
@NihilisticIdealist 4 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy fanboys: "Don't ask questions, just consume product, and then get excited for next product."
@SnowCoveredKK Жыл бұрын
I think the biggest problem with the remake is it’s ending point. If this game was made all in one part, I don’t think we would be having the same criticisms of the plot. I can definitely admit that when I finish the game my first thought was what the fuck are people going to think about the ending who have never played the original? You praise the music, the gameplay, the mini games, the voice acting and dialogue but you criticize the plot… The plot isn’t finished. And I think that is what makes this standalone part of the game not great if it just flowed all the way to the end of the full game I think these criticisms would probably dissipate.
@rzxwm10 3 жыл бұрын
I knew this game was a sequel since chapter 2. The sephiroth scene foreshadow sequel for me. Director saying why they want to reveal sephiroth early.....potential sequel. This was never going to play out like og
@mario-oc2if 3 жыл бұрын
Personally I like the game But Sephiroth wasn't needed The ghost people are supposed to represent the fans refusing change (Which isn't true at all) The ending was a mess and then some and that paiding was so obvious im sure someone who's never heard of the original's existence could feel the padding Also where did this other timeline stuff come from Zack is still dead otherwise the hole plot wouldn't have even started And I guess they had plans for Biggs and wedge ( most likely not well thought out ones) The main problem with the remake is that Its marketed and titled a remake
@Damageincorpor8d Жыл бұрын
I just wanted to say I loved your video, and I could not agree more! Although I am on the side of thinking they destroyed the plot as well, and the game suffered for it! I just gave you a sub!
@orion8550 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!
@Damageincorpor8d Жыл бұрын
@@orion8550 you’re welcome feel free to check out my channel! I do a lot of let’s play no commentary videos
@MrRhysReviews Жыл бұрын
I can understand the hate of the changes, but having just played through FF7 Original TWICE back to back on PS5/Switch I gotta say... MEH. I mean it's great, sure, but it isn't like it's this perfect thing that shouldn't be touched or couldn't be improved imo and now replaying Remake through Intergrade on PS5 I can honestly say the story is heading in a far more interesting direction 🤷‍♂️ I dunno, maybe it's just cause I don't have the connection to the OG (even though I grew up with the PS1, keywords being "Grew Up" though, I was probably like 4 when FF7 Launched and I was more into Crash/Spyro/Jak/Ratchet games and similar sort of stuff till near the end of the PS2 Era)
@orion8550 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the perspective. I'm all for improvements on the OG, but uprooting the story/themes was a step too far for me. I'm going to give this a like because you mentioned Jak and Daxter. Now that was one hell of a game.
@danryder6032 3 жыл бұрын
Remake is false advertising its a redux
@joshz2491 Жыл бұрын
Here’s the thing though FF7 opened itself up to this kind of thing long before the remake because of the existence of the compilation, that’s the truth of this whole thing. The moment they started expanding the ff7 universe was the moment the developers showed their hand. Hell, even going as far back as the original ending FF7 becoming polarizing in any other material was inevitable. It didn’t come out of nowhere it’s actually been building for years. Remake is just the point of explosion and that’s a hard truth I don’t see anyone talking about.
@carlsmith904 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, great commentary.
@FFFre4k Жыл бұрын
The three arbiters representing Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo is confirmed by Ultimania and the developers and the game itself. Biggs being alive serves no purpose for this game only because it was shown in the last 5 minutes of the game. Nobody knows why Zack is alive and what they will do with that so the only probable reason is that it's there for fanservice? Chapter 18 sucks major ass and the episodic format is, from the consumers perspective, the worst way they could've done it and the main reason why any of this useless bickering exists.
@stefanmccallum1052 3 жыл бұрын
Can appreciate you calling out the max doods vids. The fella is blinded by nostalgia.
@jessea9744 Жыл бұрын
I was unsure of how I felt about the changes. Ultimately I wanted the plot to stay the same. However watching him get excited was fun. After the years I have excepted It's going to change. Now I am kinda excited. Kinda.
@agenerichuman 2 жыл бұрын
I just want to say thank you for the video. I remember how toxic the fanbase of the game was, especially around launch. And you're one of the few channels I've seen call out Maximilian Dood and all his bullshit. People treat his opinions like they're gospel and they're not. He's just yet another fan who can't accept what SE has done to the game and is rationalizing their poor choices with what he hopes will be done with the series. Honestly I can't wait till the next game comes out and disproves a lot of his claims. Though I'm sure the fanbase will have yet more explanations about why he was wrong and even more rationalizations about the direction of the series.
@FragmentedR_YT 3 жыл бұрын
I could deadass see a game about throwing a tennis ball for 40 hours being interesting if done well. Maybe the character does some maneuvering that makes you think they’ll do something else, but it ultimately ends up the same way. Maybe some inner dialogue about why they’re doing such a boring task, and either the character learns from it or teaches us the value of monotony or something. Basically what I’m saying is that any idea can work if implemented or presented well. Hell, the original FF7 is mostly as amazing as it is because of the presentation. However, the whispers and Sephiroth (as portrayed in the remake) were not implemented well imo.
@SanyaBane 2 ай бұрын
Dude, it is not "ff7 toxic fans". It's "ff toxic fans". Nowadays, most of "ff fans" would eat absolutely any shit, if it will be titled "final fantasy" by their beloved company "square enix".
@lezardex6335 4 жыл бұрын
This fanbase is really toxic. one of the most agressive fanbase i ever interacted with. They don't want anyone guenine critism on the game. FF is always perfect and the only JRPG for them. That's why it sell so much. It's pretty sad. ( a Good example is Max right there ) Also can we talk about the horrible classic mode? is that really for turn based fan? Such a joke.
@MsBlacknight21 4 жыл бұрын
(a Good example is Max right there) wait wait how is max being toxic again, and I really think anyone outside of this would know who's really being toxic right now.
@rhyleymaster Жыл бұрын
The price of remakes is steep
@light-sg1413 4 жыл бұрын
The game has it bad points if you compare to the original but i did like the remake for it good game-play and enjoyable characters but for a fan of the original it a bit muck up on story for the long wait on this remake the original would have being better with a remaster of the game with the story 100% in the new graphics and new game-play but when they are going to make a remake it never going to be the same 100% game story it the same with Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 not 100% original even when Resident Evil 2 had cut-outs in parts and then we have Resident Evil 3 that take cake like but when you hear a game being a remake do not get your hopes up it be like the original story there will always be changes in them for me the FF7 remake with always be a new retelling of a original game and a new idea of a story for new fans who never play the original the remakes are what they are either you accept them or don't in the end companies only like fans for reeling money in to the companies nothing more.
@ergman85 2 жыл бұрын
I hope more videos will show on the internet like this one. Perhaps Square Enix will understand how badlly they screw this up and will manage to do something to revert the crap. Maybe special mode where arbiters of faith are totally removed and you can play the game in its integrity.
@kerryvanskonsol792 Жыл бұрын
But this video talking about ff7 fanbase mindset is toxic
@Cloud19-OG Жыл бұрын
About the toxic fans, I can say that I definately burned myself. I was on a stream from schrodingers babyseal who is a huge Remake fan but Also a seemingly toxic parttaker of the community. In the stream he read a FF7-Compilation related novel and I was listening into it genuinely. But then he started to talk about remake and how excited he was about bugenhagen in part 2 who will be explaining the stuff of part 1. Then I commented how stupid the remake was and that most fans still dont get the direction the game took and most of them will be disappointed…. Man that backfired. He even made a video to mock me 😂 lol you can watch it here:
@ItsSVO Жыл бұрын
Yeah that guys a prick, he’s a typical example of a “theorist” that starts going way deeper than the game actually is and then becomes attached to their own theory and grow an inflated sense of self importance.
@Cloud19-OG Жыл бұрын
@@ItsSVO thank you
@kerryvanskonsol792 Жыл бұрын
@@ItsSVO there just nerd and degenerate fanbase, I can't stand this ff7 fanbase, because cringe and absolutely stupid live in the basement
@KJames2345 Жыл бұрын
Lol I've had a little argument with Schrodinger Babyseal once on a Sleepezi video about Aerith dying in remake. Lmbo, if you have a opinion they hate it, they both began to argue with me, it was about the black material and the white material and Aerith death in remake trilogy, babyseal said Sephiroth needs Cloud to give him the black material to be whole again, like wtf! Cloud is a Sephi clone he doesn't need the black material if he can exist in Cloud's memory or possibly co-exist as Cloud, he is a Sephi puppet. I think Cloud giving Sephiroth the black material in the remake trilogy has gone beyond that point in the FFVII franchise it ain't a sequel as they ultimately think it is, even though I am a purist to the FFVII franchise and know the lore, I don't mind change's as it is a continuation of the compilation. People should of taken notice, when the devs said FFVIIr trilogy is part of the compilation to original FFVII they shoud of listened, it ain't a sequel. This is a game about memories, and lifestream stuff, we'll probably see a flashback of Aerith's death in part 2. The Rebirth trailer eluded to that in part 2.
@gypster2004 2 жыл бұрын
So I like ffvii remake but if someone else doesn’t, that’s okay, too 🤗 Oh and I played the original on ps1. I don’t mind the changes and I’m looking forward to part 2.
@livetorek4723 5 ай бұрын
I downloaded this free from ps plus to try it out and found myself uninstalling it after 10 minutes because it was so boring. This is coming from a fan who still plays the original to this day.
@DanGalarzaCyber Жыл бұрын
I blame Persona. Every JRPG is supposed to be a friendship/dating sim because of Persona and the plot is pesky interference.
@GooseBibleTunes 2 ай бұрын
Biggs did live in another timeline lol
@VioletLunaChan 2 жыл бұрын
Butchered story aside, I feel like I'm also the only person alive who highly prefers turn-based RPGs over the new Kingdom Hearts-y direction. And I don't get the argument of turn-based RPGs being dead when games like Persona 5 or Dragonquest 11 sold so well.
@camharkness 11 ай бұрын
You can find a lot of people insulting and threatening people who prefer action rpgs.
@renegade637 2 ай бұрын
I was wondering if anyone else felt the same way I do about FF7 toxic community. After watching this video, I see that there is. Personally, I'm not that invested in the FF series due to death being a heavy theme in the series. For example: Aerith, Tidus, Rasler, Noctis, and Lunafreya. That being said, I found Remake and now Rebirth intriguing because of how complex the story was getting. However, as I was discussing the ending of Rebirth, I found people who had no problem insulting me for having a certain opinion, saying I've been sniffing too much co-pium. At the same time, they come up with their own darker theories based on their own grasping for straws. At this point, I just try to focus on the KZbinrs who, even if we have a difference of opinion, at least they're more graceful about their difference of opinion
@orion8550 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment! It's a total minefield. I'm not a fan of Remake, but I have no issues with people who love it. I just take issue with certain fans. Thanks for checking out the video. I just published a Rebirth review a few days ago.
@jamespaguip5913 3 жыл бұрын
Final fantasy 7 remake is just filler.
@mrskye08 Жыл бұрын
It all started when fans were fooled by the word remake. 😂 As for me, I wasn't confused. I was actually happy square gave us something really worth 60$. If ff7r was plain 1:1 remake with explanded stores i would just wait for someone to upload a movie version of it. Or wait until it's as cheap as a movie ticket. Lol
@jordank9239 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for speaking the truth inb4 the ff7 fanboys find you and take down your channel
@catsandtmen 3 ай бұрын
Did you buy rebirth?
@memoriesneverdieband 4 жыл бұрын
what about the people trying to saying it's a sequel? not sure why... but I was annoyed by those thingies flying around for a good portion of the game and the little side thingy story in the train graveyard that keep you from Reaching the rest of crew fighing Shinra off lol. Maybe instead of introducing those thingies so early yet so agressivly to extend the amount of time for completion because original the midgar run as we all know was 6 hours long on average. I would have just opened up more areas around midgar to travel to like this big city shown only in cutscenes and from atop of shinra tower (in sector 5?). Overall its not that bad and if anyone wats to complain then there is always the original which I still love I just wanted to explore midgar in a new way and see everything you couldn't see on the ps1. Meaning a more in depth midgar and character arc, that's what we got and I'm very happy. its not about the money to me or being a fanboy, but I do have to admit I like a lot of the games that come from square-enix. I just can't wait till we have it on pc then anyone with the means can fix the game to there liking lol not cutscenes tho you can't mod those or get the voice actors to join in but anything is possible with unreal engine. We will see when we can look at the code more closely lol.
@aprilmaryland7128 3 жыл бұрын
Because it is a sequel... Its a story about a story bullshit
@gamingbytetv665 9 ай бұрын
@@aprilmaryland7128You’re wrong. Nomura himself said repeatedly that it’s not a sequel, but you tards think your bullshit fanfics are canon because you don’t like it.
@lordblazer 3 жыл бұрын
I dunno if it's that' clear cut. lots of people are ok witht he direction this game is going. The hardcore fans wanted it to be just like the original. Whereas, a lot of us who have the nostalgia from the original. Are ok with the current direction. In fact I bet a lot of the people who liked the Remake might be responding the way they do in a toxic manner. Simply because the Final Fantasy fandom is just as toxic as any other fandom.
@Woodzta Жыл бұрын
You say you 'dunno if it's that clear cut' while putting out black and white scenarios about 'hardcore fans'? No, I didn't need it to be just like the original. Honestly, it sounds like you don't understand the points being made. 😑
@mymanjohan5101 2 жыл бұрын
I do not agree with you, but i understand your pov and respect it. There was some toxicity on both sides that i've seen that drove me insane and toxic too, like for exemple those who hated remake, look up degrelessness's video on remake and the comments and people are absolutely terrible, calling those who liked it names and stuff. And on the other sides, those claiming that square are 100% genius no problem are also kind of annoying to debate with, especially on twitter (i mean. It's twitter tho what did i expect...)
@Grebeny 3 жыл бұрын
On FF13, I think it had a huge hate on the game because it was the first time sooo many people that didn't played FF game reviewed it. I mean srsly, the journalist that was criticizing the game in IGN wrote about him that he started playing games with WoW(that should be like minimum in 2004) and almost didn't played other games. There defensively garbage things in the game, like to feel the game you should turn off all auto-battle options that are on by default and destroy most of the that system, the progression of the characters was way too limited, but most of those were not even part of the "outrage". The story and the world were pretty much the strongest points of 13 in my opinion. For 7 I agree with all you say. Like, when I saw Tifa saying "they were in pretty bad shape", my reaction was pretty much "WHY NOT DEAD" I love all of the characters that died early in the original game, but seeing Shinra killing people from your group makes it more personal. I believe in the original game they really wanted you to experience what kind of people are your enemies. In this case they are like "can we make this game only fan service and just delete the great story telling from a game that is popular with great story telling"...
@ClaireYunFarronXIII Жыл бұрын
Most people who reviewed and hated Final Fantasy XIII were already fans of the series. Very few were new players. And no, complaints about the Auto-battle and the limitations on character progression were absolutely massive. So those criticisms were definitely part of the outrage.
@Grebeny Жыл бұрын
@@ClaireYunFarronXIII not really. A lot of reviews for example in IGN they talked about "no equipment" that was never big part of FF in the first place. "not being real RPG because there is no character customization" that was again never part of FF series. Not being open world is another strange thing, FF X was the most corridor FF game and it is still one of the most succesful and loved between fans. Even the "limiting progression" is not as limited as in FF VII (yes, the most succesful FF game ever) or FF VIII and even FF IX. The only games with less limitations are FF X and XII (zodiark edition). Don't understand me wrong, FF X have the best progression system in an RPG, but I understand why they want to run away from a system that may require 100 hours of mindless grind.
@seij0 3 жыл бұрын
The possibility to make things different (changing major plot lines or not) will allow you to play future installments not knowing for sure if some things will happen. They just wanna keep hype high for everyone regardless if they played the original.
@furrybproductions 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a big fan of both. As a fan of the original, it's made going back to it for comparisons great. As a fan of the new one, I'm excited for a change in story and I'm excited to see people who are new to the story want to go back and play the original after having finished the remake. They are each their own thing that makes the other better. I'm happy with it.
@javiersaenz1040 2 жыл бұрын
Final fantasy haven't been good since X
@propheinx2250 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like I'm the only person who actually is critical about the combat system. I'm often left thinking I'd just rather not have Cloud in my party during combat. His block is fundamentally flawed. It's bad enough that you need to wait for your attack animation to fully stop, but it also has about a half a second delay after holding the block button. I also have an issue with tying Magic and Items to the ATB. It means they both have 2 battlefield currencies required to use them. I've already acquired the items and I have an MP bar to manage my usage of them. It just creates a combat system where I have magic and items at my disposal but don't want to use them. The materia system is a bit disappointing when thinking about it. It no longer reproduces upon mastering it meaning it's no longer as rewarding to master. It seems like a bit of a misstep to not expand on the concept of linked materia slots. Why don't 2 of the same type of materia link together? I should be able to link Fire materia and Fire materia to get a bit more power out of my fire spells. It felt wrong in the original FF7 too, but I could at least forgive it due to being on the PS1 and it probably would've made it a 4 or 5 disc game due to hardware limitations. That same forgiveness doesn't apply to a PS4 remake that already feels like it's being cut off too soon. The summoning kinda sucks too. It's not as interesting to use as FFX or as flashy as FFXV and is strictly limited to once per battle and only certain ones at that. I really don't get why we keep regressing further and further from the fantastic summon system in FFX. 12 relinquished your ability to directly command the summon, 13 was at least a new concept in that the character merges with the summon, 15 regressed all the way back to just being a really flashy attack, and 7 remake went back to the 12 system where it fights along side you but without replacing your allies and giving you control over moves it uses... used by the ATB of the characters. Why not let us take command of the summon and build its own personal ATB to use its abilities? The summoning itself should be tied to either the Limit Break or at least allow the summon gage to fill multiple times but maybe more slowly and on a per character basis, not a teamwide basis. Getting a summon killed should render it unusable until a rest point or even until the end of the chapter, making the management of what summon to use a bit more complex. This would also require going back to the FF7 original way of making summon materia just another type of materia and not a special type relegated to its own personal summon slot. I know it sounds like I must just absolutely despise the combat and general mechanics but I don't. One of the issues is one I've been having with Final Fantasy in general and isn't on the Remake alone. The rest are just slight missteps here and there, but a lot of them. All in all, I'd give the game underneath the story a 3/5. It's pretty good and definitely worth your time, but could also be much better.... Except for all those times it makes you move at a walking speed or less. The meandering actively makes replaying the game agonizing. So that shit gets a 1/5.
@jb69636 4 жыл бұрын
So if you explain why you loved it you’re a crybaby but if you explain why you hate it, you’re not. I’ve seen more people crying about how bad it is. Sure people get defensive if you disagree with their opinions but don’t be a hypocrite and cry throughout the whole video while saying the defenders are crying about it. I liked the direction but I had some issues with a few scenes.
@innerguardianXIII 3 жыл бұрын
I wasn't even a fan of the classic, but I bought and like the Remake. I like how it can now delve deeper than before with more immersion and I will get the upcoming next chapters. The main thing I can't stand about the FFVII fanbase is how they want FFVII (and no other FF) to keep going and it's because they are keeping it going, fans of other FFs aren't getting much else. The moment you mention one nitpick of FFVII (or worse, say another FF is better), you're suddenly a casual that doesn't respect the majesty that is VII (yet they're being the most "Casual" of them all). They turned VII into an annoying, infamous cash cow and complaining about the milk after wringing it dry because, it's not the same as the first glass of milk. Square-Enix has MANY healthy cows with udders about to burst, but instead they're basically ordered by the consumers to milk the exhausted one. Just give VII the retirement it deserves and start milking the Type-0 sequel or the new cow on the block, XVI.
@innerguardianXIII 3 жыл бұрын
​@Aaron9 It does mix with this video though because I'm saying the Toxicity in favor of VII is unwarranted (as if toxicity ever was lol). Not even XIV gets the same treatment considering it has A HUGE AMOUNT of content and gets more new stuff a lot. I could understand them defending XIV to the point of being toxic...but no, they go for VII ever since its debut on PS1. These Toxic VII fans treat FFVII like The One Ring from Middle Earth. There are other rings that wouldn't hurt you, but no, stay with the one that turns you into Gollum. They won't even try to give a damn about the other FFs and THAT'S the problem.
@anemoneyas 4 жыл бұрын
You're taking online arguments way too seriously. FFVII Remake is made by much of the original FFVII staff and it turns out they weren't interested in just retreading old ground. I fully expect the next parts to be a completely new game that just happens to share the setting and characters with the original. Given the general quality of this remake, I'm excited to see what they do next, though also a bit apprehensive. Arguing in circles about whether it's a real remake or whether this new direction is good or bad are pointless until we see what part 2 actually is.
@camharkness 11 ай бұрын
I mean, no, they did say it was going to be a retelling. And i wouldn't say ff7 remake fans are the worst, because you cant even listen to the ost from the remake without people insulting anyone who likesit.
@momsaid 4 жыл бұрын
There was no clue? They literally said it in multiple interviews.... how in the world can you say there was "no clue"? Youre just willfully ignoring the interviews
@user-xu9pe2vh4u 3 ай бұрын
I'm a real ff7 fan I love remake and OG
@aldofernandez2013 2 жыл бұрын
@kerryvanskonsol792 Жыл бұрын
Just cry if you feel being troll by people
@gamingbytetv665 9 ай бұрын
The problem is the utter morons calling it a sequel, even though that’s categorically not true. Just cope from people who didn’t like the game. Nomura himself has repeatedly stated this simple fact, but it keeps being spread around despite being total bullshit.
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