I was in finnish military and almost all our gear is made by savotta. The military uses the gear 24/7 for decades and sometimes its even painfull how long the gear lasts. I had cooking kit from 50s and some backpack from 60s or 70s. You can not complain about the price if you havent used some of their gear.
@mahonenk07 жыл бұрын
Yeah and the torture the gear gets in he military is just crazy!
@olliniemelainen97967 жыл бұрын
My mess kit was from 70's and I gave it a nice coat of soot once when we we're competing on how to boil water and we burned the most tarry wood ever. I kept it with the black tar smell until we had to return them. Best thing ever was opening your cabinet after multiple weeks without forest and you got that tar smell.
@aritakalo80116 жыл бұрын
mahonenk0 specially this design. Or rather it's military predecessor the Finnish paratroopers recon ruck sack. Meant for long range patrols behind enemy lines, where troops have to carry all their gear with them. Meant for dropping from airplane on parachute, heck designed to land from rather significant head without parachute etc. This is development of that design with modern touches and ergonomics from varusteleka and savotta. Made by the company who have been making for example those aluminium load bearing frames for decades for brutal military abuse and which have been torture tested to the point of soldier simply not being able to physically carrying anymore. Because whatever you save in personal gear long range patrol packs on more in ammunition and explosive charges. 10 kg AT mines or explosive demolition charges etc.
@fabianwilliams42606 жыл бұрын
i just bought a savotta jakkarri medium and it just feels good
@tfwwhennofitlitgf33006 жыл бұрын
lol your rifles are from the 60s and 70s as well
@evildead17913 жыл бұрын
Well this pack went up in price quite a bit, over 600 if anyone is wondering, great review, it looks great
@eddierodriguez72503 жыл бұрын
I’d like to see what you think about this pack now since having it for 3 years
@pnw_spicy_lorax66752 жыл бұрын
I'd definitely like to see a new review!
@MainlineIodine2 жыл бұрын
Update needed! How has it held up? Do you still think as highly of it? Have you found a better value?
@Legionnaire77772 жыл бұрын
I'm stuck between this and the jääkäri XL any recommendations please
@TitaniusAnglesmith Жыл бұрын
@@Legionnaire7777 Same.
@Legionnaire7777 Жыл бұрын
@@TitaniusAnglesmithI ended up getting the Jääkäri XL in a sale plus the XL has a lid which is removable too. 👍🏻
@Trekker888887 жыл бұрын
Funny. Lots of comments about people telling their 150$ backpacks are as good and in the same category. Well, they´re not. Like said in the video it competes with other military grade backpacks made for professionals. It might not have the appearance of a stealth fighter but that doesn´t make it bad. It´s made to last. Not look pretty on the top of your shelves.
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
Price tags have a tendency to scramble some brains. - Luke
@lordgiblets75854 жыл бұрын
Plus, someone trying to be stealthy would probably remove the bag if it's possible to retrieve it later. I imagine the large shape would stick out a bit, so I might look into some sort of camo netting system that I could jury rig to it.
@mr.stotruppen87242 жыл бұрын
They've changed the design on these slightly now. Introduced a fairly crippling flaw in the shoulder straps. The adjustments aren't made with a ladder loc anymore, but rather a double d-ring setup like you see with some belts. Causes it to slip loose if it flexes in any way due to the lack of friction. Easy fix is taping up one of the d rings, but I haven't seen this change addressed anywhere. All the reviews for the RP80 are for the initial release version, not what's being sold now.
@jamesgraham8286 жыл бұрын
I am digging the pack. The frame and suspension really have caught my eye. I do like external frame packs for the comfort level they afford.
@jakeboss26537 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love this pack, been using it on my hunting/backpacking trips this past month, and carrying my hunting rifle in the side pocket, it's an amazing pack and heaviest load using in the pack is about little over 50lbs
@psynque6 жыл бұрын
Just so you know, and my apologies on your wallet in advance, Savotta has released models with Rifle pouches and those things are an absolute treat.
@cthulhu66973 жыл бұрын
+Jake Boss Do you mean they were designed to carry 50 lbs of kit and gear or do you mean that a bit more than 50 lbs is the heaviest loads you carry on most trips? Given the size of the ruck, the metal frame, as well as the tons of MOLLE and the ability to mount the CP15 on top, I'm guessing it's the latter, as mounting some big MOLLE pouches ( like the U.S.G.I. MOLLE 2 sustainment pouches, and similar pouches ) and filling the CP15 like an assault pack and mounting stuff onto the MOLLE on that would probably give you more than 30 extra pounds of stuff, especially if you added another 100 .0z hydration bladder in the CP15's hydration pouch. What do you estimate the ruck can carry when packed to capacity ( I'm sure it's more than most people could carry, but assuming the soldier carrying it is a big, muscular guy that works out a lot, can carry huge amounts of stuff, and is trained at a very high standard )? I'm guessing 150 and more
@wimpb4 жыл бұрын
I bought one of these last year and this review helped a lot. I haven't been able to use as much as I'd like because of recent events, but a couple of notes: 1. It seems they've revised the RP-80 pack a few times, so the pack I got is not exactly the same as in the video. Nothing major, but the pack I got does not have the grab handles on the side. They do supply some straps though which will allow you to attach grab handles wherever you like on the webbing. Also the assembly instructions on their website are slightly out of date. 2. As mentioned in the video, it's not exactly ultra-light. However I can agree that it is very comfortable. I haven't noticed any chafing with the straps or anything like that. The frame keeps the load well supported. In fact once I was strapped in the frame was keeping my back straight and preventing me from slouching. Standing around with a heavy pack feels absolutely fine. I'd suggest getting some nice boots with good support to help your feet out. 3. The bag can be removed from the frame and you could carry whatever you like with the frame. As noted, the frame has a small shelf. Varusteleka also sell the frame and straps/belt separately so you could probably fit another bag to this frame if you felt inclined to. Considering that the bag is a fairly significant portion of the weight, you could probably attach a smaller bag to the frame and save on weight while keeping the comfortable frame and straps/belt. 4. Sadly, the hip belt cannot be detached and used as a battle belt. A quick detach system would have been really nice. I hadn't ever bought a outdoor pack or single item this expensive before but I don't regret it. Another option is to look at the Savotta Jaakari XL. Same manufacturer, similar size but with more features. However I do like the RP80 because it is simple and has fewer things to worry about.
@MZ-br4rh5 жыл бұрын
I bought this pack a little over a year ago. Top notch great quality! Luke thanks for the review on this one. I couldn't be happier with this investment. GREAT PACK!
@MrIlovebmw863 жыл бұрын
How do you like it??! Was it worth 500 bucks? Lmk please your opinions
@beetelgeuze6 жыл бұрын
i've built my own like that, combined a military pack with an external frame i bought second hand. super great load bearing quality !
@johnmeyers5417 жыл бұрын
Great review! I noticed this pack on another video you made and was intrigued by it. At my age (75) it is not something that I would get a sufficient return on investment, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the quality and versatility of it. Glad to see Moose back out of the shop. Keep them coming.
@hellsscoutact53797 жыл бұрын
I'm 60 and will buy one if I can.The return will come back to me the first time I use it and it carries the load and does its job right without breaking. I will pass it down to one of many nephews and grandchildren that are active out in the back country.
@jamisusijarvi6466 жыл бұрын
i think for you older guys its even more important that its comfortable to carry and doesn't break you
@Unburdened_Beauty5 жыл бұрын
Take it to the grave gramps!!!!!!!
@riccartwright56237 жыл бұрын
boy is my wife going to be pissed :)
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
Hahaha I know the feeling. You would think by now that our wives would be accustomed to our ways....but no! - Luke
@God8-O7 жыл бұрын
ric cartwright Buy her one too. Problem solved.
@riccartwright56237 жыл бұрын
I guess if you say it fast enough it sounds good buuut I don't think so :)
@River_X2_6 жыл бұрын
You should have married a Finn. Lol! My Texan husband doesn't always appreciate when I tell him I had to buy some new backpacking gear! Yep, I'm Finnish myself.
@saemushailstorm31356 жыл бұрын
Hah !
@garyorisky58764 жыл бұрын
I watched the review that you made of this pack I thought it was totally perfect for me because you thought so much of this pack I decided to buy one and I purchased a bunch of accessories with it I spent over $1,000 total with the pack and accessories and I want to say thank you very much because this pack is totally fucking awesome it looks absolutely great the way I have set it up it carries everything I need and then some and still very comfortable thanks again Luke
@billcampbell16272 жыл бұрын
I've trained with Norwegian Rangers. They are a very small and elite unit that is unlike ours here in the us. We look up to them and their high standards. They on the other hand looked up to the Finish Rangers that they worked with from time to time. Finland shares a patrolled border with Russia. Graduation is a 100+ patrol across that border. If you return, you graduate. They truly travel light and live off the land and stay undetected. That is much tougher today than it was in the 70s. Their equipment is rugged. They do not have the luxury of swapping out stuff when they are conducting operations in frigid temps way beyond the border. I only met a few and they were soft spoken and very competent men. This equipment is made at a non compromising level. When there is no way to undo a failure, cost isn't the factor that drives the train. This stuff is for the real deal. It is difficult to grasp exactly how tough the environment these packs are designed for. Peace.
@overcastandhaze8 ай бұрын
@larrykramer60577 жыл бұрын
I have too many packs already, but I watched the video just to see more of the beautiful Moose. Perfect in every way.
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
Hahaha More on Moose coming soon! It's time to make a few changes..... - Luke
@davidcruz86672 жыл бұрын
What you call grab handles on the sides are used for donning the pack, like you would with a Marine Corps FILBE pack. You have it in front of you on the ground with the frame up and the head near your feet, grab both side handles, lift up onto your knees then over your head while standing up, and the pack swings onto your back as you slide your arms through the shoulder straps. Adjust shoulder strap tightness and buckle and tighten the kidney belt, and you're done. Takes no more than two seconds, one usually. Our packs also have quick release snap buckles so we can dump it instantly.
@hangassan7 жыл бұрын
VAR-oo-stel-ekk-aw...Varusteleka...easy enough to pronounce...buy once, cry once...you get what you pay for...great review...
@jamisusijarvi6466 жыл бұрын
For us finns its easy, but you in english you can pronounce it more like a "where's my liquor?" and its quite close correct :D
@hellsscoutact53797 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the review. I love backpacks (Military). Regular packs just don't stand up to several months in the Alaskan/Washington/Idaho/Montana Bush. You do a very good job on the reviews pointing out everything. I still have my original issue Large Alice pack and frame with upgraded pads and straps with added Molie webbing from 1976. It served me well on all my deployments and missions. It still serves me today as my INCH bag.
@howardcrowe67436 жыл бұрын
HellsScoutAct hey hellscoutact what is a inch pack?
@dankjay69027 жыл бұрын
Hope all is great for you and your family Luke! Happy trails ;)
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
Everyone is doing great brother. Thanks for asking. My daughter is about to sign up for the..... I'll make an announcement soon! Hope you all are doing great too. - Luke
@crunkinthis7 жыл бұрын
Ugh thankyou!!!! Been wanting to see more of this for awhile now!!
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
Sure thing Crunkinthis! - Luke
@Tipi836 жыл бұрын
Savotta really makes good stuff, durable stuff. They might be pricey stuff but they're worth every penny.
@jamisusijarvi6466 жыл бұрын
and this one is build by savotta (i would say one of the best ones to build) and designed by Varusteleka (again i would say one of the best ones to design. They have seen all of the military stuff and used a lot of them).
@stoner84x6 жыл бұрын
Finnish equipment is the best and decigned for war. I just love all of those.
@stevemontana59744 жыл бұрын
It's $512.00 now. By the way, thanks a lot Luke for making me poor! I ordered it today along with the mini pack to act as a lid/daypack. I've watched this video over and over and I'm super stoked for this to come in so I can use it for Search and Rescue. Great video by the way. I usually end up ordering a lot of stuff that you review.
@MrIlovebmw863 жыл бұрын
Did u get it was it worth it?
@stevemontana59743 жыл бұрын
@@MrIlovebmw86 Yes, it's an extremely nice pack. Well worth it.
@puma13044 жыл бұрын
Savotta & Särmä 2 great quality Finnish products (like my school-days girlfriend Mia) Suomi, Sverige, Norge... they just make lots of good and sound outdoor equipment, and I use many (Särmä, Mora, Helly Hansen, Trangia, Marttiini, Primus, Helle, Gränsfors, Järvenpää, Optimus, Lundhags, etc, you name it)
@henrikstenlund53855 жыл бұрын
When I was in the military I had to carry a 60 pound backpack which was most uncomfortable, nothing like this. And, of course the weapon and ammo too adding 30 pounds at least. And of course the skiis and sticks. Now that was an experience to go to long marches in the snow... Thanks Luke for this one
@ossihaapala30606 жыл бұрын
In the millitary the told us to use the bottom Section for water and other heavy stuff, basically heaviest stuff to the bottom and lightest on the top.
@thomasbergbravo97 жыл бұрын
Love your channel love your reviews and honest opinions. I’ll be picking up one of these soon
@alexanderweaver91825 жыл бұрын
I can't believe I missed this review. I am a huge fan of Savotta gear. Luke, not only is this pack good looking but it's a perfect match for Moose! My warm weather pack is the MiniJaakari or Jaakari S (small) that is only 20 liters but it holds everything I need for two to three days out. A 500ml Grayl water purifier takes care of my hydration needs. I have the Finnish sleeping mat with the "wings" that suffices for a groundsheet as well to protect my Helikon Tec Swagman Roll (sleeping bag, blanket, jacket, under quilt, poncho liner). For winter I will consider this Sarma Recon pack. Presently I use a MARPAT ILBE I've had for several years and it's still in great condition. When one joins the military be expected to learn and KNOW how to assemble and disassemble your pack, your rifle, your pistol, your gas mask and on and on. You'll dream about it, believe me! As Luke says it's a rite of passage.
@Happy-dane3 жыл бұрын
I prefer this carrying system to kifaru, and I destroyed my Kifaru pack on the first heavy hunt. This will and can take it. the load lifters are definitely not high enough but you can tweak that.
@firefawnakl7 жыл бұрын
Great video and review as always Luke! Thanks for making these!
@kennywheelus68574 жыл бұрын
I dig it,I'd buy it,I'm already working on saving up for the 170 pack,I believe it's 30 liters or so,nice pack as well.
@osronn4 жыл бұрын
I have the Savotta Jääkäri XL, which is basically parent model for this one (just some small differences). It's the best thing a man can put on his back.
@Totototo-nr8dh2 жыл бұрын
Hello, in terms of confort? Good?
@Legionnaire7777 Жыл бұрын
I've got to use both these packs and I found the Jääkäri XL just a bit more better all round.
@thethinker52847 жыл бұрын
a very thorough review and very entertaining, as they say you get what you pay for.
@APBO3user7 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of the FILBE. They are both set up the same, both external frame, and both have a separated sleeping bag compartment. Bot have PALS all the way around, and both are solid color, military style packs. Both have radio pouches on the inside, and both have webbing on the bottom to attach more gear. Both have expandable pouches on either side, and both look really awesome. I think the Pros are more in favor with the FILBE though since it has a buckle lid, and attachment points for an assault pack. The FILBE also has 6 compression straps. 2 can be taken off and used as gear holders for the assault pack allowing you to strap you sleep system onto the smaller pack. The pro for the Sarma is that it looks thinner, if a little taller, and it has a frame shelf. It is also green, so it looks like more of a woods pack. If I can get the Sarma for what I got the FILBE for, then I will most certainly get it.
@Zombiehunter20867 жыл бұрын
Varusteleka needs to get that Finnish sleep roll back in stock. I missed out on the site, I snagged one of the those Swedish mess kits though. Awesome kit!
@LycanthropiesSpell4 жыл бұрын
Lamnia sells them too.
@johnmclain2504 жыл бұрын
I bought one of these based on this review (And some more research.) I should warn you that the current model of this pack has quite a few changes. (Mostly for the worse.) The top compression strap no longer exists, the water bladder compression straps are also gone, the top front connection is removed, and the back strap along the center is gone. Also the frame of the backpack now has a slightly different layout. (Not significantly different, buy parts that were curved are now straight bars, and some of the frame was also removed. (Bars down the middle) That being said, it is a good pack. Not as comfortable as this video makes it out to be. But it may be due to me being MUCH taller than this fellow, or maybe I still need some size adjusting. It is however an incredibly durable and high quality pack. Good luck finding one though, I had a 4 month wait for mine.
@Legionnaire77774 жыл бұрын
Would you say the older version is better as I was just going to purchase one, but with the things you mentioned that are missing and has been changed I'm not so sure now especially as the u.k. pricing has risen significantly too.
@tuuger6 жыл бұрын
Just got the Jämä finnish wool blanket shirt from varusteleka. Cant wait to try it out.
@elarq20037 жыл бұрын
You remind me so much of luke perry on the TV Show "Jeremiah" i even remember he had one truck just like yours!! what a great show.. nice vid!!!
@MrWmburr76 жыл бұрын
Excellent review, young man. I own a Maxpedition Vulture II, but if money were no object, this pack would be on my list to purchase.
@TheOutdoorGearReview6 жыл бұрын
I continue to enjoy this pack; truly excellent. - Luke
@americanaxetoolco20767 жыл бұрын
I’ve been wanting one of these! Having used military packs for years including my time downrange, I do want to try something different than the USMC issue packs. I have them all to date. Marines can carry 80 lbs or more. Most of that weight is ammo..I do like to hike a lot here in Northern Arizona when I get the time! New business keeps me pretty busy and slightly poor! LOL....I will give this unit some serious thought..Great video!
@sifusasdo23143 жыл бұрын
Cool Video 👍 Thank U for the Info and the Links 👍 This is a must have love it👍
@stealthvagrancy65573 жыл бұрын
Nice review man. I just ordered myself one and the wife is pissed!
@TheLimbReaper2 жыл бұрын
I've purchased several surplus items from Varusteleka in the last year or so. As of March 2022 the price for this pack: "Särmä TST RP80 recon pack Price 647.99 USD".. Ouch. Inflation and post Covid.
@Squirrel2002 жыл бұрын
Looks like a Candidate for the next jungle expedition. Extremely frame and heavy duty construction. The Amazon Destroys cheap packs in days and when you out for 6+ months with no resupply and your life depends on your equipment. You must have Gorilla proof equipment to last and carry the tools to live off the land for up to one year. When the rivers drop you can be stranded for 6 months or more and I have been there and thay still make the pack in 2022. Great video! yes I am old school and 60+ and still going , live each day to its fullest.
@razrasmos10336 жыл бұрын
Impressive pack, the sleeping bag compartment is just great. outstanding review and outstanding reporting. Now to check the cost of purchase to australia.
@TorArneHegna7 жыл бұрын
Norrøna have two military backpacks used by the Norwegian special forces in decades: Recon synkroflex Pack and Recon para ranger synkron Pack. They are bigger and constructed for loads up to 75 kg. Also more expensive, but considered top notch.
@redriverscout44047 жыл бұрын
Just curious but is that what they replaced the famous Ludwig rucksack with? Those old rucksacks probably had the longest service life out of any design with the exception of maybe the Russian veshmeshok.
@fikonfraktare4 жыл бұрын
I have a synkron 100, my main issue have been the adjustment straps that are too slippery so they glide and I have re-adjust and tighten them all the time. I don't know if it was because of that but my shoulders were killing me after a few days hiking. I have the rp80 recon pack now and have had no issues and have been as comfortable as it gets carrying a heavy backpack.
@mediclimber5 жыл бұрын
Nice pack. Looks like an upgrade to a pack that was made back in the 70's and 80's.
@cyborbot5477 жыл бұрын
Great pack Luke thanks for another great gear review..
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
You are welcome brother! Thank you all for watching and supporting the channel. - Luke
@mikem39297 жыл бұрын
hey Luke, for your and the family to do some truck camping you might want to look into a light weight aluminum cap, you can find them cheap for that year Chevy! that should have 4:56 gears and a rear locker, you can go with a bit taller tire and probably help your mileage also!
@johnanders82217 жыл бұрын
Fantastic review!
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
Thanks John! - Luke
@cthulhu66973 жыл бұрын
I would buy a Sarma TST RP80 right mow if I could justify buying yet another huge, military ruck right now, and I would attach the CP 15 to it so I can have a top lid pocket for carrying a bunch of extra, vacuum sealed ammo like I load in the top lid pockets of my U.S.G.I MOLLE 2 large combat ruck and U.S.M.C. ILBE ( I like using a kitchen/food vaccum sealer and labeling the pouches as to caliber, bullet type, bullet weight, and number of rounds in each pouch ), plus some extra stuff. That would also give me a top lid pocket with a bunch of MOLLE on it, an easy way to carry an extra 100 .oz hydration bladder, and have an easily accessible assault pack. I would also buy a Dutch Alpine Saracen, and there is a great, big military ruck that is covered with tons of MOLLE, comes with huge MOLLE pouches with room for all of the extra I want, made by Ferrino, the same people that make the Vegetato ruck Luke reviews on here, but way better
@Quantum08a7 жыл бұрын
Excellent review.
@juergenedgarmauriciooberfr27457 жыл бұрын
I already love this pack!!!!! 😍😍😍
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
I love it; thinking about my next trip now! - Luke
@jean-marcv.197 жыл бұрын
Probably the best...
@ethancrawford46223 жыл бұрын
Military grade doesn’t mean much, but I like this pack
@jamesellsworth96737 жыл бұрын
The only 'Con' I heard in the video was the price: were there other things you might have changed? I see a subscriber has issues with elasticized pockets. How did the elastic on this pack strike you?
@roryconall6455 жыл бұрын
Only thing that gives me pause is I don't see a sternum strap. How does the comfort of the shoulder straps compare to packs with sternum straps?
@pandahki5 жыл бұрын
Rory Conall Varusteleka sells this as a separate item for about 20 euros.
@roryconall6455 жыл бұрын
@@pandahki Thanks
@everythingaquariums70504 жыл бұрын
Went to a second hand army surplus and got almost the same pack 80 bucks. People hit up army surplus stores if your fortunate enough to live near one.
@allenmurray39816 жыл бұрын
8 lbs is right in line. My Eberlestock Destroyer weighs that much. But I think I'll be selling it and buying one of these. The external frame has got to be better than the internal frame on the Destroyer. And $440? That's beans for packs of this quality.
@apsynto3 жыл бұрын
It is basically a Savotta LJK Modular without the lid and with a rolltop. Great pack no doubt but the rolltop in the Savotta Jääkäri L is annoying enough (otherwise an almost perfect backpack), with a size bigger, it would only amplify the annoyance factor. Finding something deep inside it is like going caving. Unfortunately the LJK has been discontinued
@MegaMastiffman4 жыл бұрын
I’m still using the USMC ILBE Marpat ruck still great and supper comfortable at $300 even $350 I’m in but it’s just too much and it’s not assembled?? My whole ILBE kit $145 main pack assault pack bladder pack and that was brand new at Sportsman’s guide 2 3 years ago it is still an amazing pack no disrespect at all it’s totally bad ass
@jsteerenberg21336 жыл бұрын
Heey luke, realy nice pack! What is your opinion about the Savotta Jaakari XL? Would realy like to see a video of de Savotta Jaakari XL VS the Sarma TST RP80, how these 2 packs would perform in normal and rough terrain.
@user-qu7jc8ht5q7 жыл бұрын
Nice gear. Nicer truck 👍
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
More on good old Moose soon! - Luke
@francogodoy70977 жыл бұрын
Exelent backpack , amazing as well the explanation
@Beastro7775 жыл бұрын
damn, i love all the molle straps, the roll top, that thing is perfect...Only too much money lol
@K3S01L25 жыл бұрын
Its very nice to see that some ppl in USA thinks that Finnish military gear is actually as good as their own. All the Savotta products are also "mosan kestäviä" which means they are mosa proof and mosa is Finnish military slang and means new recruits. So if it can last forever in their hands it can withstand anything in the world really.
@uncatila5 жыл бұрын
I like rugged tackticle packs with webbing. I have some halikon pouches to mount.
@mclovin60395 жыл бұрын
Great company response 👍👌😂😁
@jmegown523027 жыл бұрын
Love your videos! One quick comment...from the Varusteleka web site... "Varusteleka (pronounced [Where's the liquor?])"
@iametoh7 жыл бұрын
Looks like a good pack, I like it ^^
@pinhookfishingclub4 жыл бұрын
Great review!
@steverobinson41995 жыл бұрын
If I had that kinda cash to spend I would buy that based solely on your review Luke.
@John_Burns.Crazy_Cooter3 жыл бұрын
I like that Square Body Chevy those are great
@2ndchancegeorge6 жыл бұрын
If I was a rich man....I am not...dammit. I would have bought this pack yesterday. Along with just about everything else you recommend.... damn this budget of mine...LOl. What a pack...gotta get one. Another great review brother. Thumbs up. Anybody want to by a medium alice pack for $500.00...it has extra pouches ...LOL ARGGGHHHH
@AndreMBarthels7 жыл бұрын
Buy once, cry once
@AlbionCamping7 жыл бұрын
@appalachiangunman95893 жыл бұрын
85 inches tall lol! I know what you meant man! Great video brother.
@WhispTech7 жыл бұрын
The external frame system is nice and like the fact the hip belt has molle on it but the bag style not to happy about when looking at it and the price I would expect a lot more. Take that external frame system and combine it with the bag such as the fox outdoor advanced mountaineering backpack and that would suit me better. I actually just bought the fox outdoor one, loaded it with 35 pounds of gear and it is very comfortable in which it is height adjustable, has internal frame support and just some better features and only 6 pounds for the bag. It was only $125 cdn all in as well and included a rain cover.
@highonimmi7 жыл бұрын
the only thing that gets me about some high end packs is they use black buckles on olive/coyote/tan/camo packs. surely, some green buckles were laying around some where. I am looking at their site right now....solidly made. at least these guys try to match the buckles to the fabric.
@brace-4-impact5 жыл бұрын
Honest question, would you choose Varusteleka's Särmä TST RP80 or Savotta's Jääkäri XL? I just can't decide myself but those are my options. Both are obviously great but I haven't had the chance to haul any stuff in either of them.
@rockwall19865 жыл бұрын
I was going to ask the same question
@brace-4-impact5 жыл бұрын
@@rockwall1986 I went with Jääkäri XL, did a weekend hike with carrying roughly 25kgs and I was quite impressed how effortless it was. The padding is superb and waist belt tightens easily and doesn't get loose while wearing the pack. I chose Jääkäri just because of Savotta's long history and knowing that they also make Varusteleka's backback. (which feel like modified Savotta's with Leka's own branding and pricing anyways).
@DC98484 жыл бұрын
Great review
@5ddenny6 жыл бұрын
How does it compare with eberlestock?
@garyshaimas69105 жыл бұрын
just looking a the frame it shelf ya that's a will made in the past I carried a lot of gear back in the day ya nice back pack
@BrayonBushcraft7 жыл бұрын
Great review! I like it and I'm not one to count every ounce but 8 pounds is a lot of weight for a pack without anything in it.
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
I know what you mean....it's heavy....but it's so dang comfortable that it makes up for the weight. - Luke
@Canadian_Craftsman4 жыл бұрын
Seems like hes a salesman with agenda free speech 🤣🤙
@coreytena23 жыл бұрын
How much weight is it rated to carry?
@overseeingeye5 ай бұрын
This pack would have been perfect for my aching back… But this is an old video, and this pack is presently not available - what model has superseded it?
@tomaskarlsson58644 жыл бұрын
If you pack only military graded material it will carry more than 45 lbs. Perhaps more than double or tripple that weight. Imagine the weight of a mine or other weaponsystems made to stop a tank atached and all your gear to last at least one week in the field. The Finns really know how to produce quallity products. Got to have one!!
@matthewhenry87395 жыл бұрын
Have you checked out the Karrimor sf preditor 80-130 liter?
@DreBluntz7 жыл бұрын
you made the price go up! lol damn bro!
@ShadowWolfFIN7 жыл бұрын
I have the same frame and it has been used for 40 years now. my zipper broke (after carrying +50kg stuff in it) and I begun to modify my oldie. Probably also paint job to frame. I have also deuters and other packs, but nothing has came even close to this ones versatility. Why I have others? because I got this from my father after those others :D And it has been my 1# since then... My better half mocks me about it looks, but hey it does the trick (and I don't need those weather protect bags if it starts to rain) :D
@MrTangent7 жыл бұрын
You sold me. I'll be buying one. Can you tell me if there is PALS webbing under/inside the two side pockets? I don't care for elastic pockets as they sag eventually. Would rather remove and replace with MOLLE pouch. How does the pack color match U.S. military OD Green, btw? Great review.
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
Hey there Tangent, going on memory...no wait, I have the pack in the house...brb.... No the PALS doesn't go below the side pockets. As far as the OD, it is close US military; more shiny than flat though. Cheers brother! - Luke
@MrTangent7 жыл бұрын
TheOutdoorGearReview That's great. The pocket seems sturdy enough. I have been meaning to buy some Kifaru for years but I think I'll pick this one you reviewed up instead based on your excellent review. Btw, been testing the gear that I won from you for the past few months. I gave some of it to my daughter, whom is a junior explorer and she loved it. Thanks again for your generous giveaway! Cheers. Strength and honor!
@sifusasdo23142 жыл бұрын
Also a must have 👍 Wich one would U recommend more the Recon 80 or the Granite Patrole Chief Pack ?
@Franetzky6 жыл бұрын
Sounds great, you think it would work for 7ft individual.
@crgvino17 жыл бұрын
Great looking bag and nice vid. But at that price, I want one that is already assembled.
@supadaz087 жыл бұрын
Good review, i now see more about this product... Look foward to theese test ground videos mentioned in other vids.. Ty for your time
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
Check out the Overnight adventure The High Road on my channel! Enjoy! More coming soon. - Luke
@maddmax1202 жыл бұрын
Which bag is better Savotta Jääkäri XL or this bag Särmä TST RP80 recon? They seems pretty similar but with their minor differences?
@rockcityprepper91347 жыл бұрын
I bet I can get an eberlestock plus for that price on the eBay. Lol dig it. Looks super cool. Thanks.
@TheOutdoorGearReview7 жыл бұрын
I have a lot of Eberlestock packs and while very good, comfort-wise, this blows them all away! - Luke
@markofwisconsin2 жыл бұрын
Luke, your thoughts on the Särmä TST RP80 recon pack vs the Savotta Jääkäri XL or L rucksack. I'm on the fence.
@Rohanschariot Жыл бұрын
You still like this pack a lot? I’m thinking of getting it but let me know if there is something better now. Thanks
@Totototo-nr8dh2 жыл бұрын
Between the RP80 and the jääkäri XL, whitch one is the best in term of confort ? :)
@pyhinvaeltajat67667 жыл бұрын
Do you like go outdoor in wintertime? If you do, you should try Finnish/swedish army wool jacket/trousers, or varusteleka´s own wool-things!