Goodness, following alongside Duckling's story has genuinely got me emotional. Wholesome experiences from either innocents or as I first guessed shared traumatized events to bond over even when it's a outcast of the herd. Duckling has now multiple Acrocanthasaurus survived experience. This last one was especially dangerous, I expect the tip of his tail is bitten off or heavily scarred up, then the big bite scar on the base of his tail from the previous one. That handsome mature bull seemed to be quite shaken by the traumatic experience, and witnessing a great survivor.... it was likely comforting to the other bull, and instincts mixed with personality got him to protect and socialize with Duckling. *_Anyways_* I absolutely *LOVE* your written narration of Duckling's tale. Hopefully, if I get free time or better health point I'd love to show my appreciation of Duckling by drawing him. I assume just putting it in WWD's Art section would be good? If you don't mind me pinging you, if your discord name similar? Or if you wish to keep anonymity I guess just keep an eye on the Art section? [That is if it's okay! He is yours, so I'll respect your choice in not wanting others to draw him.]