Yeah, the city workers in my neighborhood were constantly mowing the grass so all the shavings would go into the ditches in the general Gandy neighborhood. I did call and explain that it turned to sludge, ut it did not get corrected for a few years. Otherwise I have seen city workers and a few neighbors too will cut the grass and use the air blowers in such a way to blow all the debris into the road on- Gandy Blvd.) The few neighbors forced it into their side streets even with pedestrians trying to pass by at the same time! Recently I have seen that has stopped for the most part. But it is a shame because for 50 years I have heard the City of Tampa talk about the road and sewer system not being able to handle the rain etc. Thankfully it has improved but with all those 1% tax increases over the decades, so much more should have been done earlier. Many of those city leaders are gone now - but we also have all witnessed the scandals and the corruption that stole the money away from it's intended use. But thankfully after 50 years and a new influx of population and the city and state's desire to continue to raise its profile, things have gotten better. Many city workers and private workers out on the roads are great people tho. So glad to see the improvements.