Atlantis the Lost Empire: Disney's Flawed Masterpiece

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Flying Walrus

Flying Walrus

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Atlantis the Lost Empire is one of Disney's worst-reviewed animated films, but does it deserve this criticism? In a word? no. Atlantis is one of my favorite lost films of all time.
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#atlantisthelostempire #atlantis #underratedfilms
00:00 Introduction
01:50 Production
03:56 Why it's Great
04:40 Our First Scene
05:36 Milo
07:34 Our Cast
11:02 Kida
12:45 The Heart of the Movie
15:24 Ending
16:38 Why it Flopped
18:03 Cases Against
19:05 Why I Love it

Пікірлер: 151
@DarthBiomech Жыл бұрын
Also, Audrey needing to kinck the door twice to get out of the car is probably my favorite example of tiny "They didn't have to animate that but they did anyway" character moments.
@KyleRDent Жыл бұрын
Bit of a kick in the teeth for Atlantis that people praised Shrek for being unique and going off-brand and giving us something different from the usual Disney, and then yelled at Atlantis for also not being the usual Disney fare. Like yeah okay, you went to a pizza restaurant and got a burger. But it was a damn nice burger.
@corentincursoux5852 3 ай бұрын
And I’ll never understand that reasoning.
@KiuhKobold Ай бұрын
Its a weird thing, but can somehow be explained with the own statement. Dreamworks did what Disney didn't. And with Atlantis, **Disney** didn't do what **Disney** did.
@Kiku91 Жыл бұрын
Technically Sweet WAS the first to defect instead of Audrey. From the moment Rourke shoved the king, Sweet spent time off screen tying to ease his pain (internal bleeding, god Rourke how hard ya hit him?!) and was still in the royal chamber when the scene on the bridge was happening. However in the context of the scene yes, I agree it was heartwarming that Audrey was the first in the group that was leaving.
@identity7536 9 ай бұрын
Also he didn‘t defect in the same way. He basicly did his duty as doctor and simply didn‘t stop mid saving attempt. They more or less left him behind but he was cool with it. Which is also an interesting detail. Aubrey is still the first one actively taking a stand and turning back instead of being left and not protesting
@johnypanta6208 Жыл бұрын
The reason this film didn't do well in the box office was that people back then didn't have taste. If Atlantis or Treasure Planet were released now (especially now) as 2D animated movies (or series more preferably 😎🤘) by Disney, it would have smashed it. Although I do like feeling nostalgic about both films. 😭
@AFlyingWalrus Жыл бұрын
I love both films for different reasons. And I wish I saw them growing up when the released rather than later on
@FireRevontulet Жыл бұрын
I'm afraid most people still don't have taste xD
@bredoom 5 ай бұрын
The second film of Atlantis was made up of the two episodes of the canceled Atlantis series
@reinpinebook825 3 ай бұрын
During that era until Spirited Away won an Oscar. ​@@FireRevontulet
@reinpinebook825 3 ай бұрын
​@@AFlyingWalrusAtlantis reminds me of Miyazaki. Flying crystal? Happy-go-lucky/strong girl? Steampunk?
@EgoEroTergum Жыл бұрын
Also, I never worried too much about the plot holes. I forgive a lot when magic is integrated into the plot well, and Atlantis made it clear that their magic was not only powerful, but sentient. I didn't have to suspend too much disbelief to imagine that the older gen of Atlanteans had died aside from the king, and their children had developed cave survival skills in lieu of reading and writing. I mean, the only reason reading and writing became widespread in the first place was the free time and resources provided by the industrial, and second agricultural revolutions. Before that, knowledge was oral traditions for all but the nobility. If a cataclysm destroyed all of the fields and farmlands, and left your civilization underpopulated in the ruins of a city, surrounded by water - you and your children might spend every waking moment hunting, fishing and trying not to starve. Even the settlers in early America didn't have time for Blues Clues, if you were 5 years old you woke up at 4AM and took the horses to pasture even before you had pancakes on your birthday.
@identity7536 9 ай бұрын
The old ones might not have all died and simply silently followed the kings example. They might simply have felt the same way about where all their knowledge had lead them. And chose not to teach there kids, never again to repeat what destroyed them. Almost a feeling of unworthyness and a huge amount of guilt. Sage to assume all of them Lost someone when their empire killed itself. Also the people surviving would likely have been the rich and nobles. All that is left is the immediate sorrounding of the royal palace and the smallest inner most ring of the huuge city. And in the intro you see people in expensive cloths banging their fists against the shield not getting in. So in addition to where you might have lived in the city it‘s also luck on top. Cause if you were a few dozen meters too far down the street, you died.
@NewtypeCommander 5 ай бұрын
Your reasoning is not too far off. If one studies, even if just in passing, the Bronze Age Collapse, one can see how civilizations can be brought down and things like books and knowledge disappear. To sum up the Bronze Age Collapse, it was the period where four great Bronze Age civilizations (the Egyptians, the Hittites, the Assyrians, and Mycenaeans) in the Eastern Mediterranean died out. Within the span of 50 years, writing disappeared, trade and economic activity ceased, pottery and the arts became archaic, great temples and monuments reduced to rubble, and even languages died out. Civilizations in this region wouldn't fully recover until 500 years after the collapse. I can easily see the after-affects of a civilization collapse, similar to the Bronze Age Collapse, happening to Atlantis. This would be especially true given how catastrophic the fall of Atlantis was depicted.
@leahtheanimationfan40 Жыл бұрын
I know it's a severely unpopular opinion, but I love Brother Bear, Atlantis, and Treasure Planet way more than The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin. Side note: I met Tab Murphy (the screenwriter) at a convention this year and got to hear him talk about the Disney films he worked on at his panel. It was so cool!
@38procentkrytyk Жыл бұрын
I think I'm with people who agree on two things: - There isn't enough Milo and the Crew moments to make it clear why he's the leader in the end. (also it is hard to root for him at the begining because the Academics GAVE him a chance but because of his mistake with translation they wasted tons of money and respect of people, also he is responsible for many deaths in this movie) - The lore of this movie is amazing. Thousands of years of history of already fallen civilization. More history before that. Many cultures finding Atlantis long before. So many characters, so many stories so many places to see and be amazed!!! And the movie is only 90 minutes. It should be at least 135.
@JJdaPK 3 ай бұрын
The runtime is the single biggest flaw of the movie. The movie needed to be at least 30-40 minutes longer to develop all the characters and mythology and twists crammed into the movie. I think the movie has a lot of great ideas, but they aren't well developed at all due to the desire to keep the runtime so short.
@clueless_cutie Жыл бұрын
Kida was my favorite "princess" as a kid alongside Anastasia both of which my parents bought as VHS tapes from the bargain bins. Sure, I had various Disney films and their knock off VHS tapes on hand. But you know which movies I watched on repeat it until the damn tapes broke? Treasure Planet, Atlantis, and Anastasia. All are wonderfully mature and off beat for the Disney movies of the time and I thank them for instilling the idea that I could be kick ass even if I was a woman or from the wrong side of the tracks coming of age during the Paris Hilton craze. Pure gems and yeah they're flawed, but what movie isn't? Let's appreciate them for what they are - not what they aren't.
@nostalgiaworks5999 Жыл бұрын
Anastasia wasn't made by Walt Disney Animation Studios, it was produced by Don Bluth for 20th Century Fox. Disney bought Fox, so I guess that makes her a Disney princess now, but that wasn't the case back then
@emblemblade9245 Жыл бұрын
Kida can bench press me
@clueless_cutie Жыл бұрын
@@nostalgiaworks5999 yeah, I know. But I still lump her in with princesses from childhood since she was a princess. At the age of 6 had no concept of production studios and who owned what.
@DaisyOfDeath 2 ай бұрын
I did the same thing! Atlantis and anastasia, my favorites. I could probably still quote most of both.
@LittleChortle Жыл бұрын
I think my dad bought this movie either on VHS or DVD, I can't exactly remember. Even though I pretty much had no idea what was going on because I was so young, the movie cemented my love for sci-fi/fantasy action adventure. I'm glad it gets the recognition it always deserved now - thank you for making this video!
@milofragger7 Жыл бұрын
Crystalized rourke will probably be one of my favorite "monsters" from disney. They gave us a look at how a villain's soul look like out of its both, and it was scary. Amazing movie
@teenagestacker6063 4 ай бұрын
Thinking back on it, I think this movie is, among other reasons, is why I went into the field I'm going down now, classical and history studies, and archaeology. There's just something about the setting of a lost or decaying civilization that has always fascinated me. That and always being around museums when I was growing up!
@paralleltimelines 9 ай бұрын
The culture losing it's knowledge is one thing I gradually learned was fact as I grew into adulthood. As family members, especially for children of immigrant families, so much knowledge is lost. You could counter with, but everyone in Atlantis has been alive, but even in our individual lives we forget so much over just 20 years of life, let alone thousands of years. The human capacity to remember is depressingly sad.
@Whyamiherel0l 2 ай бұрын
17:23 Love how you specifically said “in the west” But there was Beavis and Butt Head and King of the Hill- my dad loved animation my whole life ! Still was much less adult accepted
@drfoto2673 Жыл бұрын
Why does an entire civilization lose the ability to read overnight? It's not overnight, it's over the course of 3000 years, and it's likely due to a combination of factors. The old chief is likely to discourage knowledge of the past as that is what put them in their current perdicament from the start. At the same time they have also lived for 3000 years in a very isolated space and seem to have somewhat little time and little need for reading etc. How can they breathe down there? Do you not see the ample amounts of vegetation and water? Algae and seaweed can also use photosynthesis and release oxygen. The giant fish monster... I don't know, that doesn't matter too much. They likely didn't need to hide it too much if we assume they returned to whatever private dock the rich guy has that they left from. How are these people 3000 years old but also incredibly naive. Because they are 3000 years old and have spent that time in what's essentially an isolated utopian society. Also if we extrapolate the ages we see that Kida was a tiny kid 3000 years ago and now she's at least very adult looking. Compare her age appearance to many other atlanteans and it's possible that they were mostly surviving children or adolescents. Not directly explained but not too far fetched in my opinion.
@kevinpyro3008 Жыл бұрын
yeahhh gonna agree with you there.... Kida was definitely an awakening moment for young Pyro. Didn't even know I liked girls yet and boom, "you do swim, do you not?" lol
@Kaing007 Жыл бұрын
Another inspiration for the movie could have also been Stargate. The way each movie begins has some pretty consistent overlaps.
@jakemaxgross Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget Nadia: Secret of Blue Water
@Kaing007 Жыл бұрын
It's been an age and a half since I've seen Nadia, but yeah that does kinda work now doesn't it.
@jdprettynails 14 күн бұрын
Milo and Sweet even look like some of the characters from Stargate. Also the A in Atlantis looks just like the A in Stargate.
@joeskys2362 9 ай бұрын
This film failed, but I really liked it as a kid. Then Treasure planet came out then, and I liked that one but it failed. Why do people hate animated adventure movies so much?🤔
@caiasmith1341 Жыл бұрын
Atlantis and Treasure Planet being undervalued and the rise of Gritty Realism Comics movies are all evidence that people don't understand the style of or know about the pulp novels from the early 20th century
@caromatla5597 Жыл бұрын
this movie has a cult level following and i am happy to find this movie in a second hand store when i did. this movie is still super underrated and more people need to see it. it's fun, well animeted and the behind the scene's in this movie are better and have more depth in it than the modern disney sluds that we get nowadays. WATCH THE FREAKING BEHIND THE SCENE'S OF THE MOVIE WHEN YOU CAN! i am happy that i found this in a second hand store and watched it when i was younger.
@Revenkin Жыл бұрын
I love this movie. And even more years later knowing more about 2d and 3d animation. I see no flaws here
@Ghost-Toast819 7 ай бұрын
People can complain about the pacing of this movie all they want but they had a lot of content to stuff into the movie. The lore of Atlantis real and fabricated is overwhelming. And that doesn’t include the long journey of arriving to the city. Milo only spent one night in Atlantis and I fell in love with it (and low key kida )within that short time and despite everything that happens so fast there is a whole story of questions and lore that remains to be discovered. This makes the sequel a disappointment in many regards but the original was so good and could be expanded into a movie series like avatar
@hattanalshutaifi4587 Жыл бұрын
This Atlantis lost empire movie is one of my favorite Disney movies in 2000s in my childhood and it one of the best traditional hand drew and 2-D animation ever I wish traditional hand drew and 2-D animation would comeback to its rightful glory prominence and back what it used to be
@darkblue_leviathan 8 күн бұрын
Plot-hole debunk: How does a civilization lose its ability to read and write overnight?: Well, not overnight but over hundreds of years. Their civilization was destroyed, its people had to scavenge and scrap for food. The high portion of the population that needs to scavenge for food means less people will be able to do literary work; not that there was much use for now: they have been isolated from the world to the point that there was little reason to write. Combine these conditions with the fact it happened hundreds of years during which language changes and it will be very much possible to lose the written language of your culture. How can they breath down there?: The reason why there is an air pocket under the sea is explained in the movie, if your question is about oxygen: There are plants! Like a lot of plants surrounding the city of Atlantis, which all produce oxygen by photosynthesis (made possible by the light in the cave). Hide flying fish: Not that hard; its the 1910's, 1920's(?). Put it on you ship and place it in a warehouse while covered by a canvas, there are no spy satellites. Naive people: culture, and they were not that naive. Just clueless because they have been isolated for hundreds of years. Personally I don't find any plot-holes, just people not thinking hard enough. (yes I do care too much about this movie)
@HyperWolf Жыл бұрын
I remember really wanting to go see this when it came out but not being able to. My friends also wanted to see the movie but their parents refused to take them because it looked like it had too much action and might be scary. At least for me it was because my brother was a toddler and we couldn’t just leave him at home. My parents would have taken me if he’d been older and able to tag along. I might have been 5 or 6 at the time.
@lukeskywalker8543 Жыл бұрын
lol, arcanes music caught me off guard in the beginning, it's a great soundtrack.
@combatbrony6705 Жыл бұрын
I love this movie and I love the fact that your channel talks about these movies Atlantis treasure planet the prince of Egypt thank you for giving a shout out to movies I that captured my wonder amazement and joy I will admit I did find this channel searching for arcane videos though lol
@bredoom 5 ай бұрын
You see. The plan was that this movie would be a prequel to the Atlansis animation series that was supposed to follow after the movie. The series was supposed to be episodes where they go explore the misteries and myths of the world, which is where the vharacter development should have happened. But the series was canceled, and the two semi-complete episodes were rushed and then stuck together as the "second movie of atlantis". So yeh. The atlantis franchise wasnt given enough love by the community :/
@oblivionfiend2037 Жыл бұрын
Atlantis is probably my favourite disney movie of the 2d era, with the emperor's new groove as a close second, probably for the same reason's that I like the original Mummy movies- they're very fun and have cool aesthetics great enough to override the flaws. Treasure Planet would probably vi for second place if I'd seen it when I was a kid but I only watched it for the first time a few years ago so it's missing the nostalgia factor unfortunately
@Imperial_Squid Жыл бұрын
"Kida is yet another animated heroine in the growing list of reasons for why I'm attracted to the type of women that I am" I come to these videos to enjoy essays about my childhood classics not to be fucking called out like that, jesus...
@montanaminuteman Жыл бұрын
Very well done. You explained everything clearly and concisely. The anti stereotypes of the crew are my absolutely favorite thing to see in film.
@NewTypeDilemma01 15 күн бұрын
With the benefit of hindsight, one could make the case that Rourke is one of, if not _the,_ darkest villains in Disney's 2D character lineup.
@bozoforce 3 ай бұрын
Rourke, the first General Shepard before Modern warfare 2
@manbro1746 Ай бұрын
@marissam8483 Жыл бұрын
This movie was one of my favorites growing up, and I think you can put it in the merriam webster next to 'ahead of it's time', because this kind of movie would smash with today's audience. It's got some pacing issues, and plot holes, but man I love it. PS, do Rise of the Guardians next. That movie is amazing and we NEED more people talking about it
@cepho8349 6 ай бұрын
Just like Strange World smashed, right?
@jeremyneilsen1263 Жыл бұрын
Atlantis is in my top 10 movies. Have the A symbol tattooed on my arm. Love 2d animation and how different it was. Especially for when it came out.
@Eldanyveneboy 8 ай бұрын
The lost city of Atlantis is not a “Conspiracy Theory” it is a legend…
@I.Simmonds Жыл бұрын
Well it did feel more Don Bluth, than Disney. Though I do like Atlantis, and thoughts n the DVD sequal?
@user-xv3fe2xs3d 2 ай бұрын
I miss the times when they were genuinely having fun with the dubbing. Mrs. Packard in the German dub gets a mean Berlin accent and those two sharks in finding Nemo were voiced by a Bavarian comedy duo.
@jakemaxgross Жыл бұрын
I love the Persona music in the background.
@jdprettynails 14 күн бұрын
Also the voice cast were amazing! I love Michael J. Fox as Milo and freaking Leonard Nimoy as the king. Then of course Cree Summer as Kida is amazing in everything she’s in.
@ghost-fz3np 11 ай бұрын
this film is so precious to me, i appreciate this lovely video AND THE USE OF THE ARCANE SOUNDTRACK IN THE BACKROUND, ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!! thank you :D
@JoshuaC923 Ай бұрын
The 2d 3d blend was mind-blowing as a kid
@phyltybo9375 8 ай бұрын
I don't know ANYTING about this channel but the experience and the fact that it seems thAt WE WATCHED the same movie this long ago and LOVED IT!!! and then in 2023 still being ignored.... Classic Disney : Aladin Modern Disney: Kida/Milo Uber Disney : eh....Sam Witwer
@acanadianderg4035 Жыл бұрын
Despite the movie being flawed, I love it to death! Same thing with The Tomorrow War, something you just wanna turn your brain off and enjoy a good movie.
@AFlyingWalrus Жыл бұрын
I'm going through and removing as much as I can. But I'm a solo creator so it's slow going haha
@MSTKChanel Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I subscribed to your channel!
@MrJobojo100 3 күн бұрын
Also, its ironic that the bad thing about the villain was that he just wants money in the end. And the series was not continued because it wasnt making enough money.
@Iskelderon Жыл бұрын
For me, I always enjoyed it because I also love Nadia - The secret of Blue Water, an anime series that also uses the Atlantis myth to tell a science fiction story. So, in a way this was a nice bonus to further fuel my interest in ancient myths and history.
@NewtypeCommander 5 ай бұрын
Speaking of Nadia, did you know that this film got a bit of flak for having supposedly ripping off Nadia, even though both films were inspired (in form or another) by the Jules Verne novel "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"?
@CaraTheStrange 8 ай бұрын
Ive been obsessed with this film since i was an actual infant and im always glad to see others talking about it I genuinely think the characters here and in road to el dorado made me who i am today (specifically a female mix between Milo and Miguel)
@WillScarlet16 Жыл бұрын
It falls short in my mind because it has the same flaw too many animated movies have nowadays - too many characters, not enough plot for all of them. They fill the sub with all of these colorful characters but almost none of them serve any purpose other than being comic relief. That's the only thing that ruins this movie for me.
@riotwrrrwolf4590 Жыл бұрын
ooohhh I just rewatched it yesterday! They tried stuff on this one and not everything worked, but it was very original for a Disney movie
@airbound1779 2 ай бұрын
Atlantis will always be my favorite movie as a child, sad that Disney scrapped it
@ThePrelude2life 28 күн бұрын
Basically everything Disney made back when it didn’t perform it’s best are now considered classics and under appreciated like iron giant, treasure planet and Atlantis. My only gripe with this movie is that is feels WAY too short. To bad Disney be making that doodoo now.
@starlightmeditationmusic Жыл бұрын
Fantastic work my friend 👍
@Dawnslight16 Жыл бұрын
Dude I want lava whales, how'd we get jipped on lava whales
@samcochran8203 Жыл бұрын
Well, they appeared in the direct to DVD sequel, I hope you enjoy seeing Milo's little lava whale pet
@idlemindedmage6925 Жыл бұрын
Why doesn't this have more views! This is fantastic!
@nouriciolz Ай бұрын
The idea of an entire civilization collapsing over a very powerful technology in today's context it's chilling. Makes me be more sacred of AI than before.
@Crowz0xx 5 ай бұрын
The amount of influence this movie has on my stories is wack. I remember being so confused as a kid when ppl told me this movie was a flop. Like. Are we watching the same movie??
@ToaGatanuva 2 ай бұрын
There may not have been any songs, but damn, if James Newton Howard's score didn't slap hard. Really hard
@Zank069 Жыл бұрын
People dislike this movie? I watched this shit all the time as a kid
@karolinakuc4783 Жыл бұрын
Movie had lots of deaths I can immagine that some more sensitive children could be traumatized by it but I think it is a marvelous film for a ten year old
@FireRevontulet Жыл бұрын
I'm happy to have looked for reviews on this movie, I saw it when I was 7, in 2001, and I rewatched it more times during my life. I agree with practically everything said in the video and it's a shame that it didn't have more succes
@Kiyan93 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you completely! Thanks a lot for Your work 🙏
@KolkhozWoman 23 күн бұрын
I actually love the character of Kida. The main criticism I've come across is that she is passive and doesn't have agency. To me that's a traditionally Western narrative, that a princess needs to be a "girl boss", to find her voice and stand up for herself. Kida is a princess of a lost ancient kingdom, which means she's closer to being a deity than a human. We're not supposed to understand her, she's mystical, just like Atlantis is. Milo is the one who is supposed to find his voice, Kida has always had it, it's her people who have been silenced. Other than that, my main problem with the movie is the white savior trope.
@phyltybo9375 8 ай бұрын
THIS MOVIE IS A d&D CAMPAING that was out of bounds from d& rules by a FUN dm
@mr.slappii513 5 ай бұрын
I saw Atlantis and it's sequel as a kid and I loved them. I really liked the sequel and I wish that it too had people willing to defend it like this one does.
@pheonixo5458 Жыл бұрын
Joe you should watch Tron Legacy if you haven't already, I can tell by your cowboy bebop and disney's atlantis video that you would love that movie, and if I could vote Id vote that you make a video on Tron Legacy next
@jordyncovington2244 8 ай бұрын
Is some of the background music from persona?? ❤️
@oh.tobeaworm3483 10 ай бұрын
This was my favorite Disney movie as I kid and I still love to rewatch it so it's great to see people who appreciate it like I do
@Whyamiherel0l 2 ай бұрын
I love Atlantis ! Great movie and beautiful and strong Princess !
@poloshirtsamurai 5 ай бұрын
My only criticism of this movie is Audrey's character design. She's the only one without nasal ala and the only one with the weird line on the tip of her nose. So out of place. Dr Sweet is also black but he didn't have that problem.
@seankennedy1377 3 ай бұрын
Great story and cast to hold up.
@timberwolfe1645 Жыл бұрын
I am SOOOO Grateful to have had my GodMother, who had a list of movies that I could pick from to watch, and this was on that List!! I even liked the 2nd one too! Good job Disney!!!
@ggx1276 Жыл бұрын
I will just let love here, 4 the movie and everyone who love's it
@nikotsapaliaris4919 Жыл бұрын
unrelated, but I love all the botw music in the background of this video.
@jankakos367 5 ай бұрын
"House of mouse"❤😂
@skeluxainted Жыл бұрын
This movie was too good it flopped
@rosapayne5660 Жыл бұрын
I forgive all this movie's flaws, it's definitely one of my very favorites!
@andrewreynolds912 Жыл бұрын
Yea but the problem is this movie was good but what it did was copy some of the stuff of an anime secret of blue water was an old anime that was something with Atlantis and 20,000 leagues under the sea
@michaelappelfelder2221 Жыл бұрын
It didn't copy it, they used ideas decades older than the anime you mention.
@andreasandersson1336 3 ай бұрын
I realy think you might like Titan A.E. Its a movie from around the same era and it is different than lots of animated "kids" movies.
@Zylette Жыл бұрын
I LOVED this.
@chobbsyboi5065 Жыл бұрын
Stop making videos that make me cry joe
@AFlyingWalrus Жыл бұрын
But that's what I do best 👹
@damoonguy3743 3 ай бұрын
Did you know that Atlantis had a sequel?
@versi0nzero Жыл бұрын
how do i like a video twice 😭
@DarkWarden041 2 ай бұрын
Loved this movie through and through. No one will ever convince me it was a bad movie.
@ThisGuy1219 14 күн бұрын
It’s a serial but epic in scope
@Jurassic.Fan17 4 ай бұрын
I think this movie of so underrated… And, it really looked great on my 65” 4K tv!
@kathrynvincent1563 10 ай бұрын
I saw this in second grade when my parents ordered in on Netflix mail subscription in 2008-2009 and I could not help but adore this film. I couldn’t name why but I just did. Now I can via praise for characters, design, worldbuilding, and just things that make you go ooooh aaah Also Helga was a gay awakening
@mets2128 4 ай бұрын
You have disturbed zero dirt
@Chilldude-yq6qh 4 ай бұрын
Why do people think that other people hate it? My family has always liked it
@Yensid98 Жыл бұрын
I've never heard someone call Atlantis a "masterpiece" flawed or not. I had such high hopes for Atlantis when it released but walked out of theater extremely let down and depressed.I really wish it was as god as Raider of the Lost Ark, but it's nowhere near as good. There is a reason why one of those films is a still beloved and getting sequels and the other is not.
@Shatterpath Жыл бұрын
I couldn't get past the odd character look, particularly the square fingers. Which is a shame, because the rest of it is amazing. Just too much contrast of styles, to the point of jerking me out of enjoyment over and over. Alas...
@saralightgirl2468 Ай бұрын
Well my honest the movie Disney Atlantis is not Failed is cool and adventurous!!!
@dylanwatts9344 Жыл бұрын
... You guys have fireplaces?
@speerie736 5 ай бұрын
Biggest plot hole of that movie was not having me as a character commanding another submarine, for real, instead of one submarine lost we will have two, two fucking submarines lost, truly marvelous, also the movie lacks an spanish, whit a spanish you can make the ring of racism: Spain hates both France and UK but loves Italy (strong alliance whit Vinny, another fucking chad) France is hated by everyone so it's ok, nothing will change plotwise United Kingdom will get even more racism directed towards them due to the new spanish character
@GuardianGrarl Жыл бұрын
Flawed masterpiece ?? Sounds like Pocahontas...
@Zikkar 4 ай бұрын
This is one of my favorite Disney movies
@Darksson15 15 күн бұрын
This is my favorite disney movie of all time
@theGrummster 9 ай бұрын
Thumbs up given. For so many reasons. But one thing: ROAR-k. Any other pronunciation makes me cringe. 😬
@Ghost-Toast819 7 ай бұрын
I considered many of the plot holes and many of them are explainable. I like to think that people who have their loves extended so long don’t feel time the same and tho they are somewhat naive even for normal people they haven’t had a threatening group toward them in millennia, I think the naive vibe comes from their desperation rather than actual ignorance or stupidity. As far as breathing down under the ocean the movie shows vegetation so that covers that. The reading one is harder but in our society how many people know how to read English well, if this empire became too focused on war and technologies then they may have forgotten simple advancements like reading in favor of other outlets. I mean our own society doesn’t read books we watch videos and movies and in less developed countries I’ve seen completely illiterate people use voice messaging to text rather than typing it out. After the cataclysm there were few and possible no one who understood their own language enough to make out their history. There may also have been a conspiracy led by the king who seemed to think letting Atlantis fade away with the people still alive was the best love and therefore he shut down the learning of the language. There is some evidence for this too cause he was the one to “hide the crystal beneath the city to prevent history from repeating itself” and he also likely felt responsible after leading his nation into a war that destroyed their kingdom. If they had gone this route it would have made for an interesting conspiracy because it would have been routed in regret and righting a wrong rather than greed and manipulation.
@imstillhere23 Жыл бұрын
Anyone noticed how this movie resembles 1994 stargate but executing all the cliche's better?
@fren111 4 ай бұрын
Atlantis's is very the plot i don't give a shit about the Atlantians, I like the crew much more
@zam6877 10 ай бұрын
I stopped 9 minutes into this...and decided to see now... ...then I will be back 😅
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