Рет қаралды 390,816
Higashi matsushima city suffering great damage (Day following the earthquake)
The Japanese text is followed by an English translation.
川沿いにあった矢本消防署・鳴瀬出張所は大きく損壊し、近隣の新町コミュニティセンター、県道27号線(奥松島パークライン)、東名運河にかけて、破壊された車両、流されてきた家屋や家財など...大小・大量のがれきであふれていた。(東松島市野蒜長沼地区、立石地区: 朝7:30ごろ)
藤野内科整形外科医院、鳴瀬第二中学校、のびる幼稚園など、街の主要な施設も、ことごとく破壊され、人けを失い、災害の悲惨さだけを静かに物語っていた。(野蒜南余景色地区、西余景地区: 朝8時すぎ)
午後になり、ヘリの空撮が衝撃的な映像を捉える。前日(3月11日)地震発生直後に、JR仙石線・野蒜駅を出発したまま、連絡が途絶えていた同線の下り列車が、津波により脱線し、大きく破壊された姿だった。野蒜駅から、西方わずか約700メートルの地点で、がれきに埋もれ、4輌編成のちょうど真ん中から、L字にへし曲げられ、住宅地に横転した列車...その凄惨(せいさん)な光景は全国に伝えられた。(野蒜亀岡地区: 午後4時すぎ)
Footage: Report of the situation at Nobiru district of Higashi matsushima city in Miyagi prefecture that suffered devastating damage by the tsunami. (March 12th)
The morning after the earthquake, areas around Naruse river and even the rural area 1km upstream from the estuary had been completely submerged.
The Naruse branch of Yamoto Fire Station, situated along the river had been severely damaged, and vast amounts of debris small and large, destroyed cars and houses along with household goods flowed into the neighboring Shinmachi Community Center, prefectural road 27(Okumatsushima Park Line) and Tohna Canal. (Around 7:30 am, Nobiru Naganuma Area and Tateishi Area of Higashi matsushima city)
Further down in the direction of the sea, distinguished Buddhist temple Chouonji had lost its historic main hall, and debris has commingled with the gravestones in the graveyard.
All houses within the area had been taken by mountainous waves: a building washed down entirely, exposing the foundation on its plot, or a residence whose windows had shattered up to the second floor, its interior visibly scarred by giant waves. All of which were captured one by one on the camera. (Nobiru Naganuma Area)
Formerly a place of scenic beauty, the Nobiru Public Beach was now covered in tsunami wreckage. Even the entrance signboard which served as a landmark had been damaged.
The city's major facilities such as the Fujino Clinic of Internal Medicine and Orthopedics, Naruse Junior High School, and Nobiru Kindergarten had altogether been destroyed to pieces, empty and deserted, silently indicating the tragic disaster. (Past 8 a.m. at Nobiruminamiyokei Area, Nishiyokei Area)
In the afternoon, the helicopter captures a shocking aerial image. Just after the earthquake occurred on the day before (March 11th), communications had ceased with one of the down trains on the JR Senseki line, which left Nobiru station. Now the it was visible the train had been derailed by the tsunami, left in a greatly demolished state. The train lay on its side 700m to the west of Nobiru station in a residential area, covered in rubble and bent into an L-shape at the midpoint of its 4-car train.
(Reporter appearing in the footage is Yamaguchi Hirofumi of Kansai TV)
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