Love the video, I truly believe that if you follow your passion, it will always get you somewhere, even if it's not immediate. if you stay consistent with it and truly enjoy it, it will lead you to something great. I have also felt frustrated at times and thought I just wasted all my time and work on something. Thinking back on it wasn't a waste of time just because it didn't get the notoriety of the last one or I didn't like how it turned out doesn't mean much. Because I loved doing it. I also truly believe that it's not a waste of time if you enjoy doing it because its what makes you happy. Keep it up man!
@MortMortMortMC11 күн бұрын
Yesss preach!! I always try to encourage those around me to try to make something out of their hobby. With video creation, the highs and lows are extreme, which I believe makes it difficult for some people to stick to, but if you’re passionate about what you’re making you’ll learn from the hard times and thrive during the good times.
@derverd11 күн бұрын
You've got a great voice btw, not only was this video well spoken and thought out but you also just sound great 😃👍
@MortMortMortMC11 күн бұрын
Ahhh I appreciate that so much :) I kind of hate my voice when editing these videos😅