Forge World is dead. What now?

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@Kirioth 4 ай бұрын
#ad Thanks to Warmag for sponsoring this video! You can find the new extra large Snippy Sheets here:
@clinch4402 4 ай бұрын
I really doubt the efficacy of this magnet technique, how have you found it? It seems to me that a small, sharp knock would be enough to send miniatures flying around inside the box. Is that the case?
@Dumbmaster1 4 ай бұрын
Worth noting that Warmag no longer ships outside of the UK, at least that's what their customer service told me two weeks ago, they were hoping to go back to international again if possible though
@jasonh.7661 4 ай бұрын
It is real shame that FW is no more. The Imperial Armour series was great and really added an additional level of depth and storytelling to 40K. I remember when I went to Warhammer World back in 2005 when I was in the UK on a student exchange program and I really wanted to get an Eldar Phoenix Bomber but they were out of stock. The FW guy at store at WW told me he would phone the guys on the factory floor and have them cast me one for me to swing back by and pick up before taking the train back to London.
@jonscott6459 4 ай бұрын
It’s a real shame they didn’t redo the Macharius in plastic, instead of the Rogal Dorn.
@Deadjim17 4 ай бұрын
100% The Rogal Dorn looks soooo bad compared to the Macharius. I've made it more paletable to my eyes but yeah would still rather a Macarius. Mortian Tank though do a model that fits the Rogal Dorn and looks more Macharius like though
@horriblypink 4 ай бұрын
​@Deadjim17 its the Turret, to be honest, l saw it swapped with a Mortain Minis Turret, which is Forge World style and it already looked way better. It's just too bubbley and doesn't fit the look of any previous vehicle.
@jamesespinosa690 4 ай бұрын
@@horriblypink I like that it doesn't fit the look of what came before. I like the diversity of design. It's a galactic empire. I've been waiting for more variance in the guard for decades now. They have different flavours of infantry, why not different flavours of armour? I like that it feels like a Sherman on steriods.
@CMTechnica 4 ай бұрын
@@jamesespinosa690that’s the issue with it. The Dorn is the most generic unit in the Guard range. It’s a Tamiya M4 Jumbo with extra steps. That’s beyond lame, it’s lazy.
@CMTechnica 4 ай бұрын
Definitely a shame they didn’t do the Macharius, especially since the workings for the plastic Malcador was happening, just not publicly announced until recently (and now they’re available). And since they’re pushing the Death Corps of Cringe so much, why not the tank they made famous, lorewise? Shameful, really. The consoomers in the Imperial Guard will slurp up this unfinished and lazy excuse of a tank because we haven’t had a proper 40k guard update, just an infantry refresh. The Dorn is the laziest thing I’ve seen from them in a long while. And Squats came back.
@graefx 4 ай бұрын
FW is from when GW was a hobbiest company run by fans. It was meant for people that wanted that next hobby challenge. Now GW is ultimately run by bean counters and not by people who just love the play. FW for its challenge and unique space doesnt fit into that new model of churn and max profits. And center piece models have now moved into the realm of how can we squeeze the most money out of people. I miss it was just about toy soldiers and just wanting to make cool stuff. We've come a long way from when White Dwarf had scratch build tutorials.
@poshboy4749 4 ай бұрын
Ahh I see forge world kits weren't badly made, full of cracks, bubbles, and warped to hell - they are a challenge for experts.
@calebbarnhouse496 4 ай бұрын
Forge world may have had a point a long time ago, but the fact is forge world hasn't had a point, it's even more overpriced and uses some of the lowest quality materials, and lowest quality production care, forgeworld is just bad
@imthelizardking 4 ай бұрын
maybe people just don't want to pay 300% more for models that come out of the package broken?
@bdog6160 4 ай бұрын
Lol when GW was run by hobbyists it nearly failed, now we have a functional business able to supply our plastic crack addiction and yet we complain still
@calebbarnhouse496 4 ай бұрын
@@bdog6160 almost like reasonable people don't suck dick for companies that price gouge them
@ArhainHainar 4 ай бұрын
This all ties in with the fact that gw stopped selling super glue
@BittermanAndy 4 ай бұрын
GW superglue was complete rubbish anyway.
@hankwest5662 4 ай бұрын
GW sold super glue? They still sell plastic glue. Never seen citadel super glue though
@Daemonforge666 4 ай бұрын
BUT they sell Metal minis and resin minis, which are not forgeworld models.
@guleri 4 ай бұрын
@@hankwest5662 It was a thing, came in really small tubes and was a lot "harder" and more expensive to use than other brands.
@kristianjensen5877 4 ай бұрын
Fun fact, some err... reproduction sites still offer OOP Forgeworld kits and kits that are currently out of stock on the GW webshop, essentially making them a better a Forgeworld than current Forgeworld. An uhh... enthusiast entrepreneur having a better "Made to Order" service than GW, a triple-digit multi-million corporation, is just really, really sad.
@Notorious_G.O.O.S.E 4 ай бұрын
Oh no who would do such a thing, what are these sites so I can best avoid them
@thanksskeletor4812 4 ай бұрын
@@Notorious_G.O.O.S.Enice try James, I will never betray my Chang
@rafindeed 4 ай бұрын
@@thanksskeletor4812 I made i joke once in my circle that my seller already named his kids after me because i spend so much in his store.
@jamesreed2888 4 ай бұрын
​@@thanksskeletor4812I get why people are hush hush about these sites so Mr workshop doesn't send a cease and desist, but how are people supposed to find out about these deals?
@WardenOfTerra 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, and enjoy acquiring cancer from the toxic industrial resin that they use. Play a VERY stupid game, and receive a very horrible prize.
@ba_commander 4 ай бұрын
I was spending about £200-300 a year on forgeworld before the legends changes... now I'm spending nothing.
@darkhighwayman1757 4 ай бұрын
I bought sanguinious and I'll probably not get anything else.
@cabe_bedlam 4 ай бұрын
The weird internal politics and "companies within companies" keeps me constantly surprised they can ever get anything done and still make any money.
@rickyburtrand7818 4 ай бұрын
They don't even want to support 2 - 6 year old plastic AOS models. Think you've called this right and Forge World is going the same way into Legends where models go to die. I think there will be a point somewhere down the road where they say a model has a plastic kit or it doesn't get made any more other than maybe titans.
@Irokenics 4 ай бұрын
Elysian Drop Troopers being dropped was the day forge world died for me
@klaykid117 4 ай бұрын
They truly lived up to their name. They were dropped
@Irokenics 4 ай бұрын
@@klaykid117 I'm dead 😂
@rustyshaklford9557 4 ай бұрын
I'm sure STL scans are out there somewhere.
@jamesstewart7784 4 ай бұрын
"you can still use FW in your games" - assuming your playing at games workshop and they allow you. I've been to a few stores that refuse forge world models to be played because "we can't sell them and they're not in the proper rules"
@sympylpyq634 4 ай бұрын
One thing that annoys me about forgeworld stuff going away is that... not all of it was actually weird, strange, or super specialist, and lots of forgeworld stuff actually filled really useful, cool niches in the armies that they're a part of. For example, I play Eldar - and while there are tonnes of things which very much fit into that "big cool weird centrepiece model that you only own to show off", like their titans and the really big forgeworld tanks, two units stick out to me as just a normal part of the day to day Eldar roster - The Hornet and the Shadow Spectres. The Hornet is just a fast, light tank that fills a niche between the Falcon chassis tanks and the Jetbikes/Vyper, and the shadow spectres are no more niche or weird of a concept than, say, Warp Spiders or Swooping Hawks, and fill some important niches in the army quite regularly. I bring my own Hornet to games regularly, and it doesn't feel off or weird - it just feels like an ordinary and honestly very fluffy and lore-friendly part of the Eldar range that has the curse of being cast in resin for some reason. There are tonnes of other factions which have important holes of their roster plugged by Forgeworld - for example, see everything in Custodes. It would be a shame to remove these kinds of units for the sin of being made of the same material as titans and weird tanks nobody buys.
@davidfeline5850 4 ай бұрын
Have a pair of Hornets and a pair of Lynxes. Both are just great fun to use. Really worried none of them will be available after our Codex drops...
@ens.8365 4 ай бұрын
My mother recently passed and specifically left me a little coin to treat myself since we had no money growing up. Im fortunate to finally get a bunch of fw but now will never get to use them much. Horrible timing with no telegraphs on whats stayiny or going
@towelpartypanic 4 ай бұрын
Im sorry for your loss
@TheMichaelb44 4 ай бұрын
I will be cautiously optimistic as I was confused as to why they didn't make the arvus lighter in plastic when they made the smaller legio imperiallis in plastic
@NeumaghAnon 4 ай бұрын
Warhammer is just becoming something that isn’t for me anymore
@Fufu0117 4 ай бұрын
I'll buy your models
@Deadjim17 4 ай бұрын
Been thinking it myself for the last year or two. No major releases, other than specialist games stuff and just constant churn of things slowly going out of stock to no longer for sale. The dropping of the DKoK Vanquisher and Demolisher tanks and going out of production is what prompted me to start my DKoK army and grab a few of those tanks before I never could again as they'd always been a dream army.
@acefromspace5843 4 ай бұрын
Some of the best models are FW resin. Tau is an example that is now being hit with the changes with the Riptide variants going to Legends 😢
@AndrewMcColl 4 ай бұрын
And yet FW resin almost always seemed subpar to the resin you got from other companies. As for the models, the ones that appeared in Imperial Armour never seemed to get the same amount of balance as those in the main 40k books (go go corporate silos!), so it's not surprising that the resin battlesuits were always more popular. I don't recall anyone ever raving about the stories behind them, just that they were 'better' than the usual variants.
@MortenWill 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for informing me that i have the option of, when asked how I carry transport my minis, to simply answer "Beans!"
@AK-tl2nm 4 ай бұрын
The video is primarily focused on selection opposed to nature or the products. It’s worth considering how hand made resin models are very long in the tooth now. In a time when CAD allows for impossibly detailed kits that actually fit together the detail appeal of hand made resin simple isn’t there. We’ve also seen a significant number of these kits remastered in plastic including the malcador. While I am sad to see Forgeworld as a testbed go, the resin models themselves are of little appeal these days.
@calebbarnhouse496 4 ай бұрын
The resin models could still have a niche, low run numbers that exist primarily to fill out the universe, things like civilian vehicles, civilians, and similar stiff, but only if they had high quality resin and casted it correctly, rather then selling the lowest quality product as if it was made of gold by a master sculpture by hand
@mcpw2004 4 ай бұрын
My personal biggest hope is that we’ll see at least some of the popular kits transferred into plastic, because plastic is just so much more enjoyable to work with compared to resin for me
@91Caesar 4 ай бұрын
There is a distinction to be made between former FW kits that were produced with use in 40k/WFB/AOS in mind and the FW kits that are used in the more specialist games. GW has basically split into two distinct studios, a 'Main' studio handling 40k and AOS, and a 'Specialist' studio handling everything else. Forge World basically became the specialist studio, and they don't want the content from either studios cross-contaminating for accounting reasons. GW wants to know that when you buy a Contemptor Dreadnought you're using it for HH and not 40k, so they can assign the sale to the Specialist studio and more accurately gauge how well HH is going. This is why Beastmen are leaving AOS. They don't want to have a range that straddles both the Main studio and the Specialist studio. So the games like MESBG, The Old World, Necromunda etc etc are safe (provided they continue to sell enough to justify their existence), where as the old FW models that existed as supplementary models for 40k are on the chopping block, unless they are relevant to the HH (which most aren't).
@onlyMetalisMusic 4 ай бұрын
Sad but probably true...
@mogwaiman6048 4 ай бұрын
Forge World isn't dead. They make all of the resin miniatures for the specilaist design studio games.
@Cruxxy21 4 ай бұрын
I love the imperial fliers, maybe they can get a redeployment into imperial agents…
@The_Blackshield 4 ай бұрын
Custodes are crapping themselves right now.
@metasuperfamily 4 ай бұрын
Moving many of the cool and good Tau models to legacy is not cool.
@JPBArchery 4 ай бұрын
I'm not sad to see it go, Heresy 2.0 moving so much from FW resin to plastic was what kept me in the hobby and allowed me to get into heresy as 9th ed 40k pushed me away quick. Having the bulk of the army be more affordable and easier to build or convert has been huge. FW hasn't really had an exact purpose for a while now. I can see where the Imperial Armor books/campaigns of old would have been a fun time in the hobby offering more niche units, models, etc but since they've moved away from that kind of thing for quite some time it doesn't make sense to keep the two separate anymore. Incorporating it into the same ecosystem and slapping the "expert resin kit" label on it was the most logical move. I dont think everything "needs" to be moved to plastic...the HH faction characters, units and upgrades in resin are fine, same goes for the super heavies, etc. Now if we can get breachers, recons, destroyers, etc in plastic to round out the infantry that'd be great...
@jamesbrunton9507 4 ай бұрын
Pretty sure the description used to say "Forge-World Resin" which I presumed was to differentiate from "Citadel Finecast Resin". Checked a few products and that wording is gone now.
@jeffreysort7219 4 ай бұрын
Don’t worry, they’re still jacking up FW prices though.
@keggotht9323 4 ай бұрын
Just wanted to say I love your outro music, I often wind the video back a bit for a second listen
@noprobllama9747 4 ай бұрын
I feel bad for Tony Cottrell. He built up forgeworld I believe, to be cancelled or pushed aside is disrespectful.
@crisismethodactor 4 ай бұрын
He’s in charge of Specialist Design Studio, he’ll be fine.
@GrimrDirge 4 ай бұрын
I know a lot of long-time hobbyists love Forgeworld, but I am glad to see it go. So many great sculpts that could have and should have been done in plastic have languished under FW's insane price scheme. There is no need for FW. Everything they do can be done better in plastic.
@N0isy665 4 ай бұрын
Evidently not the Death korps infantry, tanks sure.
@CMTechnica 4 ай бұрын
@@N0isy665fuck the Death Corps
@Mr_Waffle. 4 ай бұрын
If GW wanted you to have those kits in plastic, you’d be able to buy them in plastic. If FW didn’t exist the models wouldn’t exist full stop
@WardenOfTerra 4 ай бұрын
I just hope that GW creates them in plastic. I don't want Titan's or flyers to disappear. The sense of awe that the FW models brought in the old campaign books is timeless. 'The Taros Campaign' book is amazing. Far too much emphasis is being put on competitive play nowadays, so it's sapped the love out of the hobby for a lot of people. GW needs to get Tony Cottrell back.
@DamBrooks 4 ай бұрын
I liked the resin miniatures more than the plastic ones that GW now expect the same price for the resin ones were. They were the best Blood Bowl miniatures and I was hoping to get myself the Troll Hag in resin as well…. How I love it when GW makes my decisions for me 😟
@lachief237 4 ай бұрын
FW was weirdly ‘mainstream’ in Warhammer over recent years. Back in the day it was all esoteric weird bits intended for narrative games and not receiving balance support. It was actively hard to get hold of outside the UK. With the internet it became widely available and a lot of enthusiasts seemed to hold it to the same standards as the core ranges (which isn’t something the sales could justify in an already bloated roster). I’m not convinced it should ever have been part of the ‘tournament legal’ scene. Short-run specialist games or narrative special items was a niche that made some sense.
@hannahleith52 4 ай бұрын
The closure of Forge World was inevitable once they started releasing the base game of Horus Heresy in plastic. No matter how much better resin is than plastic in general the main problem Forge World has had since day dot is the QC issues that they still can't fix. And think about it if the ones they sell as bad as they might be are still the 'acceptable' ones how many in each run of a mould are so irreparably bad to be completely useless, better to change to plastic yeah it might cost them a few hundred thousand quid in tooling per mould but it will have a much lower wastage rate and better profit margins as time goes on.
@calebbarnhouse496 4 ай бұрын
It was inevitable long ago, you can bet your ass the reason forgeworld sucks so much now is GW wanted to milk them for every penny before they killed them, plastic is just a better material for everything except ultra low production runs, which basically means production runs that make then lowest returns because of the higher cost to produce, and the cost to pay the sculpture are spread out onto much fewer scales, so then the company ads and additional tax to customers to pay for the luxury of buying there cooler products available, (if they actually worked ad advertised)
@kylethomas7473 4 ай бұрын
I have noticed a lot of the Forge World models go out of stock really quickly
@lMrJackl 4 ай бұрын
I'm glad fw is being merged back in. I think the reason fw products aren't popular is the cost and difficulty of assembly. Gw seem to be gradually redoing fw stuff into plastic, and if they start updating the rules to those models and including them in codexs, then maybe people will start buying and playing with them more.
@karlff7 4 ай бұрын
I'm now genuinely concerned for rules support being dropped for FW resin Necromunda characters and Blood Bowl star players 😥
@jayko-mayko2285 4 ай бұрын
I got into Warhammer around 2022 and was a little confused by what Forge World was but it didn't take much to figure it out as high-end luxury version of Warhammer. Shortly after, I couldn't find the website anymore and was even more confused. I think there should be a luxury version for those who are really into a specific faction or limited edition versions that make it a little more special. *shrugs*
@killerkriegsman85 4 ай бұрын
This worries me Krieg/ Titans/ imperial armour feel under threat from disappearing from resin glad I got mine while it was still forgeworld
@beanman853 4 ай бұрын
it feels like titans aren't getting removed but the stuff which you could use in 2k 40k are
@MalfunctioningAndroid 4 ай бұрын
Thankfully they all survive as recasts with infinitely better quality and lower price. :)
@jeffers1985 4 ай бұрын
​@@MalfunctioningAndroidtotally agree, 3 years of mad price increase on resin killed FW, think one year was 20% uplift. Killed my hope on a falchion
@VIPOdyssey176 4 ай бұрын
I remember going in to forge world (living in Nottingham means dropping in was easy as WW is my LGS) as an 11 year old and the pewter eldar harlequins weren’t on the shelf and the geezer behind the counter was like “oh give us an hour we’ll whip up a batch for you” and gave me a free ticket to the museum whilst I waited. 45 mins later I had literally brand new made for me 16 harlequins and I was chuffed. That’s how I’ll always remember forge world, the people who were the ones you’d go to for specialist and if it wasn’t there they’d make it
@Orannis01 4 ай бұрын
I think the legacy of FW was that the resin was expensive compared to GW plastic 20 years ago, and the rules for the models were often unbalanced. The newer FW stuff ended up being cheaper than GW plastic kits and the rules were always overpointed for what you got on tabletop, like GW didn't want to support them.
@vortex594 4 ай бұрын
It's sad. My Tau stuff managed to dodge Legends this edition, but this might be the last edition it survives. But because this edition is so damn bad, I'm skipping it, which means I'm not even getting this likely last chance to actually play with half of my army...
@pads-zr9ln 4 ай бұрын
The mecharius is now a plastic kit so it's safe ISH for now, they need to keep on tip of the rules though, legends is over coated
@timmcgrath8742 4 ай бұрын
I see a Birthday Massacre poster! I saw them live a few years ago in Scotland. Brilliant band. Absolutely love the song 'Red stars'.
@christopherplummer1299 4 ай бұрын
FW offered some unique units and subgroups for use in 40k. It is sad my krieg have been changed so much from their imperial armour days. And my Red Scorpions have lost any uniqueness they had from the other space marine chapters.
@CaptainChazz 4 ай бұрын
As a Custodes player I am hoping we get a big plastic refresh soon probably as part of the HH range
@freakazoid8426 4 ай бұрын
Reporter: "What had you decided to make more and more decisions, to become a greedy company who doesn't care enough for the fans anymore. GW: "Money, Fred, lot of money for me and the shareholders."
@guleri 4 ай бұрын
I think that Forgeworld as a unique thing went away when the website was integrated into the regular Warhammer range. And as more and more of the former resin kits gets made into plastic, Forgeworld will keep going into the background until GW finally decides to remove it ompletely. However, I do think that there is still a market for some of the resin miniaures, so hopefully whey will not stop making them as there aree some big models that I don't think ever will come in plastic.
@seanuh60 4 ай бұрын
Calm down. They are clearly making nearly everything from forge world in plastic. If something is obscure enough it will probably leave. But a macharius is probably coming. Who would have predicted the solar tanks. Most are redundant kits the others were low sellers I believe. In time they will make everything.
@40KWill 4 ай бұрын
A soon as you see limited orders on your model, sell it unless it's just a hobby project
@darrenbarlow1826 4 ай бұрын
Durkhari Tantalus in plastic pls, I don't fancy trying to put that together in forgeworld resin
@killroy1117 4 ай бұрын
British people saying “beta” sounds like Lois Griffin saying “Peta”
@AM_RUS 4 ай бұрын
New people coming in will immediately leave when they see a price tag on FW kits
@waynegoddard4065 4 ай бұрын
I main grippe is when I bought Curze he didn't come with helmet option. Gutted.
@MichealIkruhara 4 ай бұрын
I think you have the causality backwards; they're not discontinuing kits because they're not interested in supporting the rules, they're dropping rules for models they're not interested in producing. The ROI for resin is always lower than plastic, and the large resin models like tanks and titans don't sell well so their ROI is worse. It doesnt make business sense to produce them. I feel that Forgeworld was always a labor of love for the staff that ran it, like the old metal guard regiment minis, but they're pivoting away from that as a company. I wish more of those kits would be remade in Plastic but logistically theres too many to remake them all, and some of them are simply too niche to be worth the investment of remaking and stocking them. I just hope GW keeps doing MTO for old forgeworld kits like they did earlier this year.
@RequiemWraith 4 ай бұрын
Already missed out on getting a Dimachaeron and a Malenthrope, guess I need to pull my finger out and get the Tyranid ones I want!
@meeszijlstra5426 4 ай бұрын
Damn, Warmag doesn't seem to ship outside the UK. Or at least not to the Netherlands where I live. I've had the magnetic sheets transport solution in mind for a while now, just never found a place that sells them for a good price. I'll have to hope the product takes off and can be sold internationally in the future too.
@ruslanhoncharenko2179 4 ай бұрын
I think FW will continue to exist by making those big characters/monsters/vehicles. Anything else gonna be relegated to plastic, I hope some removed stuff would eventually make a comeback.
@lightarisen8430 3 ай бұрын
I don’t mind that forgeworld is vanishing. I think it’s criminal that’s it’s up for sale one day for hundreds of dollars and vanishes over night without a word or warning with no returns.
@azamonra 4 ай бұрын
I think this was inevitable since FW always sat in a nebulous place in the game to the point that some GW stores didn't allow their use in game. I didn't even know FW was an official GW thing till a couple of years ago. It was to specialist, to disconnected from the game and resin as a material is just a pain in the arse to work with.
@simonmiller5351 4 ай бұрын
i am in the process looking at my FW ork kits and looking at ways to kitbash them into codex units, eg grot tanks into killerkans, big trakks into trukks.
@DawnstealerGaming 4 ай бұрын
Looks like my hierophant just became a bit more rare
@BTTFF 4 ай бұрын
As someone who picked up 40k at the end of 8th. Forgewworld was confusing.
@StigPrice 4 ай бұрын
I got 2 grav tanks and 2 venetari units. If they move those to legends I'll cry.
@kitwood4610 4 ай бұрын
Cries in Chaos after over £1000 of my resin tanks went to legends at the start of 10th edition. Gone are the interesting tanks, forced onto boring predators.
@nameisbad 4 ай бұрын
I'm happy we are getting away from resin, there's so much problematic stuff to consider with it, from those who ignore the safety requirements to the fact it's expensive, sometimes got bubbles or warped. When you see a youtuber get a manta, a 1000+ £ model and it's warped, if they'd do that to a big KZbinR, how much less do they care about you. screw forgeworld.
@joshuacrosby4042 4 ай бұрын
I bought the Minotaur this year. Zero regrets
@Belly6815 4 ай бұрын
Its been quiet for a while, the way GW is hacking back major ranges i can't see how they won't gut it. They need to adapt to the 3d printer revolution that is going to overwhelm them if they don't adapt.
@voultronix761 4 ай бұрын
I just want the heresy special troop models to come in plastic. I dont want to buy $300 40k vehicles that should be cheaper cause theyre plastic now.
@grampawerewolf9832 4 ай бұрын
Forge World - dead to me when they nerfed Knarlocs - Manta no.134, T'au N'dras sept, hunter cadre 'Ard Impact. Buy your resin whilst ye may...
@Daemonforge666 4 ай бұрын
received some newer old world resins in ForgeWorld branded boxes, seeing this legacy keep popping up FW was never in a codex, always weird rules put out by ForgeWorld so i don't get the hurt when its not in a codex. Forgeworld was in the day the place to be if you wanted to add some spice to your army, or wanted something nice as a centre piece item for your army, (yes in the day had to ask permission to use with friends etc)
@soupordave 4 ай бұрын
I'm new to the hobby and already hate resin minis. I hate that some of the best looking Heresy stuff is in resin. If Forgeworld has to die so that we get more of these kits in plastic I'm all for it. I'm just afraid a lot of the old resin kits will just be dropped and never converted over.
@AMegaByteYT 4 ай бұрын
I do wonder what non lamens stuff is affecting all of this; plastic production prices and tax and future productions. Is it too optimistic to hope that this is a long drawn out method of just making more niche plastic kits?
@SWIFTO_SCYTHE 4 ай бұрын
Tyranid Hierophant, Harridan, Hierodules Scythe and Barbed did survived... but not Dimacheron, Malanthorpe, Stonecrusher, Mieotic Spores, Winged Rippers...
@lightarisen8430 3 ай бұрын
Too bad those Hierodules with both versions died a week after you posted this 😢
@jesse-kz8ru 4 ай бұрын
If they prosuced all their FW minis for necromunda in plastic i would by them. Since its resin and $$$ im not buying them
@johncolvin2754 4 ай бұрын
Was forgeworld not metal only kits for a very long time hence forgeworld?
@JayJapanB 4 ай бұрын
Always resin
@darkhighwayman1757 4 ай бұрын
FW was a ton of overpriced minis. I wish I had the hobby budget to spend 90 bucks on 5 minis
@kuroshine 4 ай бұрын
Itd be so cool if they dropped official STLs to buy gor oldnout of prod forge world
@DetectiveLance 4 ай бұрын
Reeeeaaally glad I got that Blood Bowl werewolf ahead of time now
@AlexJaneway 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, not looking forward to loosing all my FW units. If they make them in plastic, great, but lets face it, if it isn't imperial the chances are slim.
@johnbruce4004 4 ай бұрын
That was a disappointingly thoughtful video. I share your view that FW is slowly slipping below the corporate waves. At about the same speed as Titanic in that film
@adrianjorgensen3750 4 ай бұрын
Forge World was always that stuff that I wanted but couldn’t get because, A super expensive, and B living in Canada there wasn’t anyplace to buy it except online. Pity to, as I always wanted it.
@colonelturmeric558 4 ай бұрын
Im not massively sad about it going, it was extremely expensive and often things weren’t in stock, and with my recent boycott of first hand purchases from gw and retailers i am even less interested. BUT, i am sad to think that many units will be going to the warp in favour of the , in my opinion, soulless new direction of 40k. I also feel bad for people who DO like FW models, and feel their pain as i did when the masters of the chapter and the old space marine commander disappeared from reality. If fw had been cheaper, i might have been tempted once upon a time to grab some HH knights cenobium and inner circle companions to use in 40k
@hobblesofkarth3943 4 ай бұрын
I need more titans kirioth.
@davida138 4 ай бұрын
It's just a fact of life. Anything really cool won't last. There are too many jealous and petty people out there who see it as their life's mission to destroy greatness because they themselves do not have the talent to achieve it.
@tyvb 4 ай бұрын
"Ha ha, of course everything will be supported." -GW.
@F0RS00TH 4 ай бұрын
As a mostly Blood Bowl player, I do not particularly care. Having GW making updated teams and players is nice, but the hobby does just fine without them.
@goldleaf9909 4 ай бұрын
I have been trying to get as much fw stuff I can but most of the stuff has been oos for a while and none of it has been put in legends yet. (Looking to grab all a the guard tanks I don’t have)
@josephrigley8974 4 ай бұрын
Its their own fault, they have been mishandling forgeworld since its inception and the prices are frankly ludicrous.
@zombiepainter2169 4 ай бұрын
I’m just counting the days until we get a plastic warhound titan… 🤤
@nepoleon92 4 ай бұрын
I assumed that forge world being put onto the same website as GW would mean the models would be more common because the people who don’t know much about it can see the models next to their plastic regular ones. I hope that it doesn’t all go to shit, I don’t really play the games so rules don’t bug me but I very much understand that being total bs to those that do play. Also I find it funny that when you were thinking of Forge World games you said all of them except Old World lol
@MC-el2us 4 ай бұрын
GW proper got jealous of FW when 30k exploded. How to defeat them? Integrate them.
@vengeancegauloise6049 4 ай бұрын
I just bought a fucking cobra man, this is abysmal..
@bilbobaggins8962 4 ай бұрын
Baffling that they didn't just switch strategies with forge world and 'made to order' models. Buy a bunch of printers, scan the ranges, ditch the molds and enjoy the profit. Silly. We'd have better quality with 3D prints too
@kellinbray5347 4 ай бұрын
3D print and scratch build. GW doesn’t need our money anyways, that’s what now. Let the emperor fall from his throne.
@guardiansparks 4 ай бұрын
A thing i see you failed to mention is the fact that a lot of forge world kits are retining with the old world ranges being released. Also the fact that its the forge world team that are desining and produsing ethe plastic kits for herasy and old world. Forge world is still very much a thing its just a branding and simplifying thing on gws end to make it less confusing for a newcomer to the hobby. What i think is actualy happening is that gw is making it so that fw is focusing on spwcilast games as well as old world and herassy. As well as removing most if bot all if the fw stuff from aos and 40k. Esentialy making a hard devid between the citidel and fw teams
@lordalpharius5928 4 ай бұрын
I don’t think they’ll touch much of IG stuff
@Bobamelius 4 ай бұрын
IG stuff has been disappearing from FW for years and years.
@dilbob454 4 ай бұрын
Ngl bought Warmag recently and yeah its actually pretty fucking good ngl.
@snarkymcsnarkface1863 4 ай бұрын
The printer goes brrrrrrr and cares not what GW does.
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