hi! I was just wondering how you determined the frequencies of sine wave by the phase jump in testbench, if there are any formula or some references, I would be very appreciate! thank you!
@FPGARevolution Жыл бұрын
The phase resolution is fixed in this IP and the total number of steps is 2*PI or 51,472. The equation for synthesizing the exact frequency is Fout = (phase_jump * sampling_frequency) / 51,472 so plug in your required Fout and tune the two parameters in the numerator accordingly.
@bachur63065 ай бұрын
hey, why do you make 1.3.28 and not 1.2.28 fixed point from multiplying two 1.1.14 and why do you increase the integer part of the number by 1 each time sum index increases? second questions, how do we know that we can only cut the oldest bits at the end? thanks in advance
@ngocmanprocoder Жыл бұрын
could you show me the way to integrate it into SoC System (qsys or platform designer), please? Thank you so much.
@skywalkerluke-7705 Жыл бұрын
Hi, how did you generate coefficients values in hex format and i want to generate 2khz frequency, what changes should i do.
@dillanrainerpereira8069 ай бұрын
Thank You
@GauravKatiyar-yi8ro8 ай бұрын
module fir_tb(); localparam CORDIC_CLK_PERIOD = 1250; // Clock period for the CORDIC at 800 Hz localparam FIR_CLK_PERIOD = 1250; // Clock period for the FIR filter at 800 Hz localparam signed [15:0] PI_POS = 16'h6488; // Positive PI constant localparam signed [15:0] PI_NEG = 16'h9878; // Negative PI constant localparam PHASE_INC_150HZ = 122; // Phase increment for 150 Hz signal at 800 Hz localparam PHASE_INC_400HZ = 326; // Phase increment for 400 Hz signal at 800 Hz reg cordic_clk = 1'b0; reg fir_clk = 1'b0; reg phase_tvalid = 1'b0; reg signed [15:0] phase_150Hz = 0; reg signed [15:0] phase_400Hz = 0; wire sincos_150Hz_tvalid; wire signed [15:0] sin_150Hz, cos_150Hz; wire sincos_400Hz_tvalid; wire signed [15:0] sin_400Hz, cos_400Hz; reg signed [15:0] noisy_signal = 0; wire signed [15:0] filtered_signal; // Instantiate CORDIC for 150 Hz sine wave generation // Ensure cordic_0 is defined or imported in your project cordic_0 cordic_inst_150Hz( .aclk(cordic_clk), .s_axis_phase_tvalid(phase_tvalid), .s_axis_phase_tdata(phase_150Hz), .m_axis_dout_tvalid(sincos_150Hz_tvalid), .m_axis_dout_tdata({sin_150Hz, cos_150Hz}) ); // Instantiate CORDIC for 400 Hz sine wave generation cordic_0 cordic_inst_400Hz( .aclk(cordic_clk), .s_axis_phase_tvalid(phase_tvalid), .s_axis_phase_tdata(phase_400Hz), .m_axis_dout_tvalid(sincos_400Hz_tvalid), .m_axis_dout_tdata({sin_400Hz, cos_400Hz}) ); // Phase sweep for 150 Hz and 400 Hz sine wave generation always @(posedge cordic_clk) begin phase_tvalid
@HaramiBalak-h2w2 ай бұрын
Hey can you make matched filter using verilog code . Can you plz help me . Its not available anywhere on internet
@ArjunRam-pr5yb9 ай бұрын
please can you tell how its actually cofficient convert into hexadecimal value? it will be very help for me
@sbhtkfxph44445 ай бұрын
hy, how can i get the coefficient numbers? there is easy way to know them?
@hightlightlol2106 Жыл бұрын
Hi, how could you know exactly where to put those peplined sum_0, sum_1, sum_2 and sum_3. What will happened with those sum when you increase the tap number? If you have any document about how to put those sum registers together, I would be very appreciate!! Thanks
@FPGARevolution Жыл бұрын
Good curiosity, the RTL was put together straight from the brain without any intermediate document so don't overthink regarding documents but let me elaborate on what's important. Where to put the sums depend on your pipeline architecture. In this demonstration, the pipeline ensures each multiplication or addition would have no more than two terms so if you look at all the product terms, each pair would then get summed and this drives the sum chains resulting in one sum at the end which is the result of the convolution. When you increase the tap number, you would have more product terms so you would just need to make sure in the first pipeline stage of the summation all product terms are included and paired up then in subsequent pipeline stages, you continue to break down those sum terms until you end up with one.
@NarutoUzumaki-hu2rp Жыл бұрын
Hi, which windoing method you used to generate coefficient values
@FPGARevolution Жыл бұрын
@NarutoUzumaki-hu2rp Жыл бұрын
@@FPGARevolution thanks
@NarutoUzumaki-hu2rp Жыл бұрын
Hi, how did you convert decimals coefficients in to 16 bit hex.
@阿才-f1x Жыл бұрын
love you
@GauravKatiyar-yi8ro8 ай бұрын
module fir( input wire clk, input wire signed [15:0] noisy_signal, output wire signed [15:0] filtered_signal ); // Declare the loop variable here, outside the always block integer i; integer j; // Coefficients for 5-tap FIR filter //reg signed [15:0] coeff [0:4] = {16'h04F6, 16'h0AE4, 16'h160F, 16'h0AE4, 16'h04F6}; reg signed [15:0] coeff [0:4]; initial begin coeff[0] = 16'h04F6; coeff[1] = 16'h0AE4; coeff[2] = 16'h160F; coeff[3] = 16'h0AE4; coeff[4] = 16'h04F6; end // Delayed signals for the FIR filter reg signed [15:0] delayed_signal [0:4]; // Multiplication products reg signed [31:0] prod [0:4]; // Accumulation stages reg signed [32:0] sum_0 [0:2]; reg signed [33:0] sum_1; // Delay line and pipeline the noisy signal always @(posedge clk) begin // Declare the loop variable outside the loop delayed_signal[0]
@AnkitPandey-w8e4 ай бұрын
Could you please provide this code
@MATHSBLAZE07 Жыл бұрын
Getting error “module cordic_0 not found “please help
@FPGARevolution Жыл бұрын
There's a step starting at 05:28 for configuring the cordic ip that you mentioned missing.
@GauravKatiyar-yi8ro8 ай бұрын
fir_tb.v module fir_tb(); localparam CORDIC_CLK_PERIOD = 1250; // Clock period for the CORDIC at 800 Hz localparam FIR_CLK_PERIOD = 1250; // Clock period for the FIR filter at 800 Hz localparam signed [15:0] PI_POS = 16'h6488; // Positive PI constant localparam signed [15:0] PI_NEG = 16'h9878; // Negative PI constant localparam PHASE_INC_150HZ = 122; // Phase increment for 150 Hz signal at 800 Hz localparam PHASE_INC_400HZ = 326; // Phase increment for 400 Hz signal at 800 Hz reg cordic_clk = 1'b0; reg fir_clk = 1'b0; reg phase_tvalid = 1'b0; reg signed [15:0] phase_150Hz = 0; reg signed [15:0] phase_400Hz = 0; wire sincos_150Hz_tvalid; wire signed [15:0] sin_150Hz, cos_150Hz; wire sincos_400Hz_tvalid; wire signed [15:0] sin_400Hz, cos_400Hz; reg signed [15:0] noisy_signal = 0; wire signed [15:0] filtered_signal; // Instantiate CORDIC for 150 Hz sine wave generation // Ensure cordic_0 is defined or imported in your project cordic_0 cordic_inst_150Hz( .aclk(cordic_clk), .s_axis_phase_tvalid(phase_tvalid), .s_axis_phase_tdata(phase_150Hz), .m_axis_dout_tvalid(sincos_150Hz_tvalid), .m_axis_dout_tdata({sin_150Hz, cos_150Hz}) ); // Instantiate CORDIC for 400 Hz sine wave generation cordic_0 cordic_inst_400Hz( .aclk(cordic_clk), .s_axis_phase_tvalid(phase_tvalid), .s_axis_phase_tdata(phase_400Hz), .m_axis_dout_tvalid(sincos_400Hz_tvalid), .m_axis_dout_tdata({sin_400Hz, cos_400Hz}) ); // Phase sweep for 150 Hz and 400 Hz sine wave generation always @(posedge cordic_clk) begin phase_tvalid