And this breakdown is why I have my fear of success. There is a deep responsibility when people are looking 👀 to you for help. I now have a personal relationship with angels and still I feel like a fraud because I have so much more inner work to do. Bless you Adam! 🙏😇🙏
@SuryaaSpiritualCoaching6 ай бұрын
This is phenomenal! Loved listening to your story Adam and knowing how we’ll never drop into suicidal depression again because now we’ve learned to love ourselves 💚🙏🏼🌞
@hollyerinn6 ай бұрын
This sounds like cycles of shadow work. I've been going through something similar for a few years now. The shadows show up when we feel like we've mastered it and they've got another lesson. Best of luck on this epic journey, there's so much healing and expansion when it comes to shadow work.
@kateslay4 ай бұрын
I felt called to leave this poem here... My heart, it is torn apart Blown open with memories of the past Ones I try to conceal and hide Ones where ultimately my pride resides You see, I do not want you to know that I am unhealed and wounded For who would I be if you thought differently of me Who would I be if I where to integrate the deepest parts of me What would you think? What would you see? I fear that love would be lost I fear that you would be cross Because the man I am is not who I was Young, cocky, I let my ego decide This is a place I no longer want to reside But I feel tied Tied to my past whilst pulled to my present Which way do I go when I don’t understand the message? Do I go back? Do I go forward? Does it even matter at all? If, ultimately, by realising myself I fall I fall to my feet disheveled and worn What will you think of me then? What will you think when I bare my soul? What will you think when I tell you all? Of all the times I loved and lost Of all the different paths of people I crossed Of all the spaces and places I came to be A more fragile, broken, vulnerable version of me - - - - - She replied: For I shall love you more then than now To understand what made you proud To know your world inside and out What a privilege is that to witness and see For you am I, and I am me You see You do not need to counceal to heal In fact when you share you care You care for the healing of yourself and the world Knowing the ripple effects of stories told Lead with your heart, Trust with your gut It’s not a matter of being loved It’s a matter of being seen in your entirety So you can be free of your worry and strife Realising that you are simply part of the pie The fragile crummy pie that makes us whole In our imperfections and all! So follow the call of your heart And let it fall apart It will not lead you astray, But guide you back to a place where you can play