いつもご覧くださりありがとうございます☺️ 先日の動画もたくさんの方にご覧いただけて とても嬉しく思っております。😌🌿 皆様のあたたかいコメントが日々の励みとなっております。 感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。✨ まだお返しできていないコメントもあります、遅筆で申し訳ございません💦 少しずつお返事させていただきますね。 疲れた心がゆるゆるとほどけて行く。 一人で過ごす時間は、自分にとって大切なものです。 皆さんは、どんなひとり時間を過ごしていますか? Thank you for always watching ☺️ I am very glad that many people saw the video the other day. 😌 🌿 Your warm comments are encouraging. I'm full of gratitude. ✨ My tired heart is healing. Spending time alone is important for you. How do you spend your time alone?
@SimplementeAnna3 жыл бұрын
🌻Good Morning 🌻 ❌⭕️Hugs and Kisses⭕️❌ Thank You! For sharing.. ANNA
I love watching you cook dear Futaba 😍 I also enjoyed seeing the streets .. Thanks for everything ❣️ 🙏 💐 ✨ 👍 💞
@futaba-3 жыл бұрын
I am so happy that you always enjoyed it! 😻 ✨ The time to face the cooking is full of happiness.😌🌿 Also, I would like to introduce various scenery of the town of Kanazawa.✨