我退休前在卡加里律師樓做了廿多年法律助理,也在title insurance 公司做過三年。這件事最大責任是買家律師,雖然銀行也有可能有錯。最好係去亞省律師公會,Alberta Law Society of Alberta 投訴及要求賠償。最好請卡加里的律師幫你,因為文件繁愎。每個律師都有向律師公會買保險的。亞省的Limitations Period 是兩年,所以你要立刻請律師幫你做去申請賠償及 start a lawsuit for your claim,吾好等,吾好miss the Limitations Period. 你請的律師要對你付責,所以你要告你的律師。另外亞省的住宅通常不用買title insurance, 不像安省。安省朋友的意見未必正確。
There is no difference between with or without mortgage like full pay. It’s about getting a clear title. The lawyer should recommend all buyer to obtain title insurance.
@wshnus5 ай бұрын
Wish you all the best, Wendy! 💪💪💪
@LawrenceKYHo7 ай бұрын
The buyer lawyer should get a discharge letter from bank. The buyer lawyer is responsible for clear title. Don’t wait file complain with law society against your lawyer.
@skfanfanfan7 ай бұрын
@kw7177 ай бұрын
Just curious to know, could that seller have mortgage with bank A and the additional loan with bank B? Is it possible the seller lawyer got the discharge letter from bank A and not knowing the loan from bank B (so the discharge letter is not obtained)?
@LawrenceKYHo7 ай бұрын
@@kw717the bank will register a loan/mortgage to the title. If there are two banks there would be a second charge on the title. Pretty sure error and omission is on the bank. They did not calculate the proper amount or take into account of other loans that is secure by house.
@rayng11707 ай бұрын
may seek local legal advice whether to issue Third Party Notices in the case to the lawyers of the transaction, for your claims against the lawyers for damages sustained
@bearbearchu11206 ай бұрын
呢個對新買家係絕對冇保障,因為查察係查唔到, 只會見到 All Money
@silsillam7 ай бұрын
Hello, 我都係full paid買卡加利樓,online meeting簽紙,個律師同你簽文件嗰陣時佢一定有一份acknowledgement係講到明佢已經提咗你買Title Insurance跟住然之後仲要你簽名選擇叫唔叫佢哋幫你買呢個Insurance!個acknowledgement係話買Title Insurance唔係必須,但係係買來做乜,保障啲乜,唔經佢哋代買都可以自己購買等等;或者可以話呢個係保障返佢作為律師嘅免責.你check吓你個律師有冇叫你簽呢一張嘢?如果冇就可以追究返個樓宇買賣律師!第二你搵律師嘅時候應該俾個quotation你:first consultation 係咩形式? Online定in Person包幾多分鐘?然後問清楚成壇嘢大約幾多錢?包幾多次meetings咩形式幾多分鐘?第三就係我係經常性唔接受別人嘅介紹😅,因為啱佢唔代表啱我,我prefer自己打電話,問晒一連串我想問嘅問題,然之後揀自己覺得啱心水嘅。Good luck and Take care!
suggest complain BMO to Better Business Bureau.. get the proof of bank statement from the seller lawyer
@Safetrip-sb9qr7 ай бұрын
就算有錢千祈唔好full paid啊,最多比85%留返15% 銀行會好小心幫你查 and help you keep the papers of the house. That is what I heard from my friend in Canada. It is seems the system in Canada need a great improvement.
@skfanfanfan7 ай бұрын
@marklee84846 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing! This is a good lesson for buyer not to use Full Pay even if you have the $, because if you went thru another bank as a lender, they required a complete discharge on the Title before they release the $. Anyway, good luck.
Wendy, I am surprised that your lawyer did not checked with the title office. Any incumbent such as mortgages, primary or secondary should be recorded. That lead me to my dumb question, " Have you or your lawyer ever expressly or impliedly waived the discharge letter relying on the promise and/or assumption that the seller would eventually pay off his loans? If so, was it because you wanted a speedy conveyance? I hope this was not the case. Please watch out for pari delicto. Make sure you come clean when you go to the court. Good Luck
@tt98217 ай бұрын
Not sure if your MP accepts this case but no harm to try
I agree that claiming the seller lawyer insurance is the best way to resolve this as this sounds like the seller lawyer undertake to discharge the mortgage and didn’t do his job properly. It’s not about 隔山買牛or pay cash or not. Just very unfortunate. I’m a realtor in Toronto and just want to say you’ve done nothing wrong.
Sell the story to cbc broadcasting. BMO .. bad reputation for them.
@oldman43087 ай бұрын
Buyer's lawyer hands money to seller's lawyer. Seller's lawyer will give the money to seller after : realtor commission, loan to the bank, property tax(prepaid by seller if any), lawyer's fee are deducted.
@StleonardsL7 ай бұрын
All monies term, 係香港最近都有一單類似問題。 胡說樓市都有講。如果輸咗就要搞lawyer negligence
@katxu23326 ай бұрын
@TomcoPDR5 ай бұрын
Feel sorry for Wendy’s story and sad so many fail safe, failed. (Lawyers and realtors) All possible suggestions and comments on par already. I want to play devils advocate, is there a chance this was an assumable mortgage home purchase? These were quite popular to hker in 1990’s to Canada/Calgary. And that Wendy’s $700,000 price is plus outstanding mortgage?
This is just an individual case, your representation lawyer is definitely professional misconduct. It is nothing do with full pay or not, I have many friends and relatives buying under full pay. You should sue your lawyer for the consequences