If clothes design from local Chinese designers then u can be proud of china, designed by foreigners, Italian, French... U are only advertising for foreign designers, 中國的恥辱 as if china designers not up to mark, put your own country china to shame, 還說什麼國母 有如中國人到外國隨地吐痰 可恥 再有浪費 中國人民辛苦賺來的血汗錢 卻用來美化一個女人 真無恥 一個人的高貴 不是華麗的衣服顯出來的 而是一個人的人品 行為 內涵 深度.... 真膚淺 沒用 如果能從平庸而 顯出高貴的氣質 那才可稱 真正的高貴 拭目以待
A little cutie blessing fan! China famous singers performances to salute their prestige, fruitful Peaches and plums all over the Era professor, composer, and teacher, Jing tie ling, singingalongs generations and generations