Gaheris as the Angel of Death

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In an Andromeda AU episode, the Unconquerable Man, Gaheris Rhade fills the roll of Dylan Hunt. This is a clip from it posted for an example. No money was made off of this.

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@darkalman 3 жыл бұрын
If this one episode proved anything is that Rhade would have made a great leading man for the series.
@robkemp598 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely, Steve Bacic is a better actor than Kevin (although it's a pretty low bar) and Rhade has a better back story, constantly having to prove himself over and over that he's honest in his quest to restore the commonwealth and redeeming his past sins. And he has a better haircut 😅
@teejaylecapois9741 Жыл бұрын
Gaheris Rhade is the unconquerable wise man personified
@reedallen4613 2 жыл бұрын
What I absolutely LOVE about this episode is that 'big-bad-tough' Tyr is NOT only intimidated by Gaheris, Tyr is actually AFRAID of Gaheris. As tough as Tyr is, Gaheris is s from the Commonwealth BEFORE 'The Fall'. And for ALL his skills/abilities as a Merc, Tyr was STILL too STUPID to recognize the sidelong glance that Gaheris gave to Tyr initially (when Gaheris asked Tyr "you WANTED something?") was essentially a warning that basically/essentially said "be VERY careful about what you say here", and yet Tyr was UNABLE to understand the subtle meaning of that particular look. NOT to mention the fact that when Gaheris said "OUR people?!?" the expression on Tyr's face basically says "OOPS! I think that I just MAJORLY fucked up". And awhile back I thought of a 'what-if' triple threat match-up putting Tyr Anasazi vs Gaheris Rhode vs Ismael Khalid, but then I IMMEDIATELY realized it would come down to Gaheris vs Ismael (because as tough as Tyr is he WASN'T trained by the Commonwealth), and so the question comes down to: how long before Ismael DESTROYS Gaheris? Yes, Gaheris DOES have the advantage of youth on his side against Ismael, BUT Ismael has DECADES of experience on his side. If Tyr Anasazi had tried to take on EITHER Gaheris OR Ismael in OPEN COMBAT then Tyr Anasazi would be dead BEFORE he even knew it. And yet ANOTHER thing I absolutely LOVE about this what-if alternate timeline episode, Tyr seems to have a defective memory. At the VERY BEGINNING when Tyr FIRST talks to Gaheris, Tyr says "if you were going to kill me you would have ALREADY done so". To me, this is UNDISPUTABLE PROOF that as bad/tough as Tyr is, if Gaheris TRULY wanted Tyr dead then Tyr actually WOULD be dead and Tyr KNEW that. And ANOTHER PERFECT EXAMPLE of how Gaheris put Tyr in his place was when Gaheris said "our people" the FIRST time and then made a simple and slight head movement, all the while NOT taking his eyes from looking DIRECTLY into Tyr's eyes, and STILL that slight head movement Gaheris makes REMINDS Tyr of just how OUTMATCHED he would TRULY be if it came down to a fight between the two of them. And yet ANOTHER thing I absolutely LOVE about this 'what-if' alternate timeline scenario is how in order to GUARANTEE that Gaheris's timeline remains intact is for Gaheris to KILL (or essentially MURDER) well OVER 100,000 of his OWN PEAPLE. My opinion is unlike Tyr, Gaheris exemplifies what a Nietzian actually SHOULD be. Just my own personal opinion anyway
@HoLeeFoc 2 жыл бұрын
I loved Rhade's final words to Tyr: "You know this better than anyone" (referring to the betrayal and extermination of Tyr's Kodiak pride by the Drago-Kazov pride)
@alexreilly6121 Жыл бұрын
I had another thought about that just now...That could have meant you are just another betraying Nietzschean.
@HoLeeFoc 6 ай бұрын
@@alexreilly6121 When all was said and done, the Nietzxcheans were human at their very core.
@Aileil 8 жыл бұрын
I really liked Captain Hunt, don't get me wrong. But Unconquerable Man made me think about how it would be if Rhade were always the captain of the Andromeda, and I think I would have been at least as happy to watch that show as the one that was actually made. He was a fascinating character and the crew dynamic could have been developed really well. That said, I loved the show the way it was too.
@Taospark 7 жыл бұрын
His points alone on the nature of being a Nietzschean brought a lot to the show's ethos and backstory.
@roccoricigliano2853 5 жыл бұрын
Hell yeah, Rhade was my favorite on the show and it's this episode is too dope!
@reedallen4613 Жыл бұрын
While I mostly agree with you dude, I personally believe that Ismael Khalid was MORE of an example of what a Nietzian should be than Gaheris was. If it had ever come down to a fight between Gaheris and Ismael, then my opinion is that Ismael would win. YES. Gaheris actually DID have the advantages of youth and agility on his side, but with that being said however Ismael had several DECADES more actual combat experience on his side. Notice how I DIDN'T mention Tyr, and that's simply due to the fact that BOTH Gaheris AND Ismael could kill Tyr at ANY time if they wanted to, and Tyr wouldn't be able to do ANYTHING to prevent it. Just my own personal opinion anyway.
@s-094cam5 Жыл бұрын
How is it that despite having the same actor and (mostly) same writers, Gaheris was far, FAR more complicated and interesting than Telemachus despite only getting like 2 and a half episodes worth of content over Telemachus' 2 seasons?
@Aileil Жыл бұрын
@@s-094cam5 I would guess it was because they were writing his character to fit the plot points they wanted to hit (goodness knows why, the plot kind of went crazy about that time), rather than writing their plots to fit the players they had running around.
@warrenreid6109 3 жыл бұрын
Rhade and tyr are great together. Having not one but two neitzian warriors on the crew was gold.
@jwiese100 2 жыл бұрын
If you wanna get technical there are actually three including Beka
@Hammerhead137 Жыл бұрын
If only Tyr had stayed.
@mbpaintballa Жыл бұрын
@@jwiese100 oh thats right, isn't she technically the matriarch?
@seanbraley2772 Жыл бұрын
Nope Beka is genetically engineered and mother of they’re people she’s not one of them
@nudegamer6496 Ай бұрын
​@@seanbraley2772actually, from my understanding you're both correct AND incorrect at the same time. Here's what I mean: it's absolutely TRUE that Beka was merely an average Human, so OBVIOUSLY she WOULDN'T be considered 'Nietzian'. With that being said however, it's also OBVIOUS that as the 'Matriarch' all the Nietzians would hold her in the SAME respect as they did Drago Musevni (the Patriarch). So while NOT being Nietzian herself, as the ORIGINAL 'Matriarch' Beka would have still been regarded as Nietzian, at least as far as being one of the 'Progenitors' of the Nietzian Race goes. At least that's my own personal opinion anyway.
@christopherg2347 3 жыл бұрын
Gaheris was a Rogue, trying to do a Paladins job. Dylan Hunt was the Paladin.
@FG-bn3qq 11 ай бұрын
Good old WoW
@9751matt 10 ай бұрын
Quite ironic considering the Original Gaheris from Arthurian legend tried doing a Paladin's job even though he never liked being a loud Paladin.
@phoenixrivenus9270 Жыл бұрын
The way Rhade viewed his own racist people as... Inferior. So true once a racists really view their ideals. "We were supposed to be warrior poets who roamed the stars, bringing civilization. Not those that prey upon the weak and kill each other for sport!" They did betray themselves.
@JnEricsonx Жыл бұрын
He wanted his people to be well, all Captain America, such as it is.
@davidkelly4210 Жыл бұрын
The crazy thing is that's exactly what they were until the uprising. It'd be like the Vulcans suddenly going Terran Empire on the Federation. Having a race of poets, explorers, diplomats, artists, etc. suddenly go on a genocidal rampage was so unthinkable they defeated a 3 galaxy empire that outnumbered them 500:1 in 9 months such was the element of surprise they enjoyed. But the Battle of Witchhead broke them as completely as it did the Highguard and in the ensuing tribal warfare they got so caught up in their fights for supremacy that they they loss the civilizing elements of their culture and became pure warriors. I'm sure people pointed it out but they'd have been dismissed as Kluges and ignored and anyone (who mattered) from their own ranks would have been trapped in the same 800 year echo chamber so wouldn't see it.
@descendinguniverse666 2 жыл бұрын
what a powerful moment, he basically summarized everything that`s wrong with Nietzscheans, it`s also clear that Tyr in fact felt the same, just couldn`t admit it
@reginaldshort8486 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. There was no way Tyr could refute that. Not even Tyr was above his ppl flaws as his goals were to re-establish his pride and take revenge on all the other Prides after that. The end goal was for his Pride to rule over all others and possibly those he viewed as lesser races after that.
@davidkelly4210 Жыл бұрын
@@reginaldshort8486 I feel that his view changed after he saw the Commonwealth Dilan dreamed of actually come to be, especially after his own people signed on. Subro actively sabotaged his character after taking over the EP position so while that's not how it played out on screen, that's also when the show went to shit.
@zeokingsilver 6 ай бұрын
not out loud anyway
@scatterthewinds3126 4 жыл бұрын
This is in my top 3 of favourite episodes of the show. A brilliant writing idea.
@Egobyte83 5 жыл бұрын
Rhade is so strong in this scene. The one man that can rightfully put Tyr in his place regarding knowledge and expectations of the Nietzschean race. His idealistic view of the Nietzscheans, a view most likely shared among his Majorum pride as a whole, was for their race to guide the universe with a firm hand, not crush it with it. Just goes to show that the inherent pettiness and lust for dominance of the human race can't be bred out of our genome, no matter purely physical improvements.
@reginaldtyroneshort 4 жыл бұрын
Egobyte83 I agree. Tyr was my favorite character on the show but he rarely acknowledged his people’s’ shortcomings and held strongly to his belief of genetic superiority despite the fact in the end the vast majority of the prides were slavers, pirates and people who saw committing genocide to accomplish ones goals as acceptable. They rarely United in an alliance unless for survival and quickly turned on each other at the 1st opportunity of self gain.
@Pathfinfer11 3 жыл бұрын
Nothing and no one is perfect. For the concept of perfection is a dead end. To be perfect is have no purpose to exist for everything has been done, said and existed. This is why the Nietzschean people in the end failed. They strove to achieve a concept that in the end is impossible to achieve growing in arrogance as a side effect.
@Martin_von_Koenigsberg 3 жыл бұрын
@@reginaldtyroneshort it seams a kodiak pride as a true overcommers these basic human instinct..what if a tyrs father lived....he will be proud of his son?
@Martin_von_Koenigsberg 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pathfinfer11 strongly disagree..
@reginaldshort8486 3 жыл бұрын
@@Martin_von_Koenigsberg couldn’t really understand your reply but the Kodiak in my appearance were more soldiers than anything else. They didn’t make any political/military alliances through marriages like the Sabra/Jaguar or the Drago/Katzoff prides but chose to trust the words of others. I assume Tyrs’ father would approve of his combat and survival skills but disappointed he never overcame the inherent weaknesses of their pride. Using the Commonwealth as a shield to protect himself and his son, seeing if Beka as an enhanced human could produce strong offspring, building a financial and intelligence network that would be accessible only to him and eliminating all future threats.
@brandonbennett2815 5 жыл бұрын
Probably the best speech in the show. Rhade in one fell swoop gives the Nietzscheans their identity and destruction. "Living gods"
@Martin_von_Koenigsberg 3 жыл бұрын
Rhade is a bit dreamer as a dylan .. tyr is personification of can it be if things went different..
@zeokingsilver 6 ай бұрын
@@Martin_von_KoenigsbergYep he dreamt of his people building a mighty empire and becoming something great. instead, they fight amongst themselves and destroy everything even each other. And has second thoughts about what they did.
@Martin_von_Koenigsberg 6 ай бұрын
@@zeokingsilver we might mimic them with our basic geneseed just follow the idea
@zeokingsilver 6 ай бұрын
expressing his grief over what he did and how it all went south he dreamed more but his people let him down
@williamr1088 4 жыл бұрын
Angel of Death i guess that is almost the same as God of War. it's funny because Steve Bacic played Camulus the God of War in Stargate SG1.
@Haldinyar 7 жыл бұрын
Cheesy on the outside but so insightful if you dig deep (as a show).
@Robert-hz9bj 2 жыл бұрын
One thing I truly admire about Rhade's pure, Nietzchean philosophy is that he holds their entire people to the standard they all claim to believe in, but truly don't. Superior ability should not just breed superior ambition, but a superior NATURE of ambition. To conquer, enslave and plunder? These were typical, BORING ambitions of a lesser-breed. Something humans had been doing for thousands of generations. Nietzcheans were supposed to have greater ambitions, to embrace a philosophy that would encourage them to use their strength and power to desire things above the pettiness of normal human nature. To discover that, despite all the ability they had been gifted, they simply succumbed to the lesser-impulses and greeds all humans had struggled with for their entire existence? I can only imagine how great his disappointment was, how soul-crushingly depressing it was to discover how tragically HUMAN the Nietzcheans remained at their core. All that strength, all that potential, and they ended up as little more than a species of glorified mafia dons...
@isaackellogg3493 Жыл бұрын
As the Great Philosopher once wrote, “Man is a bridge between Beast and Overman.” The Nietzscheans, as Overmen, should have stepped off the bridge and broken trail in the untrammeled wilderness beyond, not fallen backwards onto the bridge and started racing back and forth.
@davidkelly4210 Жыл бұрын
Dylan once made this point to Tyr. "Nietzcheans once pursued enlightened self-interest. At some point, they forgot the enlightened part."
@s-094cam5 Жыл бұрын
​@@davidkelly4210actually it was Rhade talking about this to the hologram of Dylan (or Rommie) when the Sabra were blackmailing groups to keep them from joining the New Commonwealth. "Nietzscheans used to say we act out of enlightened self interest. The problem with Bolivar and his ilk is they've forgotten the most important word: *enlightened.*"
@alexreilly6121 3 жыл бұрын
I came for the rant at the end and I still love it ;]
@Hammerhead137 3 жыл бұрын
It would have been nice if he had survived after Dylan shot him.
@djorovicwolf 12 жыл бұрын
Go Rhade!
@KageNoTenshi Ай бұрын
Love how Gaheris can dominate tyr
@JnEricsonx 5 ай бұрын
This guy sending some Mass Effect Wrex vibes
@Airwolf10002 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t fully understand.Why didn’t Gaheris Rhade try to survive and rebuild The Commonwealth together with Dylan Hunt?When he jumped back in time,he knew exactly when Andromeda is going to get stuck in time because of being too close to the black hole.He could’ve either said to Dylan,that he doesn’t know anything about The Nietzschian Uprising or he could’ve not confronted Dylan at all and survived that moment,until Beka and others pulled Andromeda from the edge of the black hole.
@descendinguniverse666 2 жыл бұрын
He also had to meet Telemachus Rhade since actions in both timelines were basically the same, that would be interesting
@reedallen4613 2 жыл бұрын
In my opinion there's one simple reason why: 'timeline continuity'. In every sci-fi show I've watched created by Gene Roddenberry, there were ONLY two timelines: the 'Prime/Real' timeline and an 'alternate/mirror' timeline (case in point being the 'Mirror Universe' created by Gene Roddenberry FIRST shown in the Original Series episode Mirror Mirror). So in BOTH versions of the show, the 'Prime/Real timeline' AND the 'Alternate/Mirror' timeline depicted in this episode, the ONLY differences are whether either Dylan OR Gaheris dies as well as how events play out as a result. Just my own personal opinion anyway
@theyux1 Жыл бұрын
Because he came to believe Dylan was the right man for the job and he did not trust himself to not impose his will on Dylan (as he did in the first episode). I think it was Tyr that actually convinced him. Tyr was capable of self reflection but kept drawing the wrong conclusions. I think Rhade realized this was likely true about himself. Its the classic problem with self confidence it needs to be matched with self reflection and humility or it turns to arrogance and hubris.
@zeokingsilver 6 ай бұрын
@@theyux1yep he meant well but his choices tend to not be the best and while he tried he saw that Dylan was the better choice
@arielg7000 3 жыл бұрын
Cool man
@kirakendrix Жыл бұрын
Which episode season number ?
@s-094cam5 11 жыл бұрын
I regard Rhade's views on his people similar to that of Christianity.
@warlordqueekheadtaker7960 6 жыл бұрын
S-094 Cam and the ISLAM or any other 😒
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