這點其實Dream有解釋 當然如果他不是在說謊為自己辯護的話 “server side and client side are completely different as far as I was aware nothing had been done client side” “as far as I knew it was just basically a chat mod so far” 以這兩點來看的話 Dream是根本不會去思考他的檔案內有作弊存在的 (當然我沒有看完整篇內容,也許他在其他地方有打臉自己也不一定)
@@yuxiity7425 Thank you for replying to my command (,,・ω・,,)! And my command is trying to tell others that Dream did cheat, but the reason he didn't admit he's cheating immediately is that he didn't know he cheats at that moment. When he realized "He does cheat" this fact, it's already months after the event happened. Above are some sentences that I try to translate my command into English, but I'm not sure if there is any mistake in my comprehension and elaboration. And I have the same feeling as you that I really hope every hater can calm down and stop swearing. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)