Games Workshop lied.

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@GrandRizzardofOz 9 ай бұрын
Wait a minute.... theres editions after warhammer fantasy battle 6th edition? What nonsense is this????
@grlmgor 9 ай бұрын
*Fantasy fan turns to AOS fan* "First time?"
@ryan.1990 9 ай бұрын
Idk why people act like GW gets the last word on how you, the player, plays a game in the comfort of your own home with your pals.
@BonusHole 9 ай бұрын
Idk why people think this is about playing the game. This is about being half way into a mini collection and then the other half is put out of production, having been out of stock for a month already. All the customer wants is some notice. 3 months, that's all. Then those who want the mini's going OOP can get them, GW can sell them... everybody gay. It hurts getting halfway into a collection only to find it is now redundant as it can never be completed.
@vlad78th 9 ай бұрын
Because GW games are like the Apple cult. If you want to be able to find a player easily you have to follow the trend or band wagon. If you restrict youself to play with some friends, sooner or later you'll run out of opponents as soon as a few of those friends are just bored and of course you'll miss the new shiny things. Try play a 5th edition 40k game now to see how difficult it is to not play the up to date 40k or AOS edition.
@Pikkabuu 8 ай бұрын
Not everyone has a table and the terrain for a game. So many play in a local store and it is much easier to get a game there when playing the newest rules!
@chewieknievel8439 9 ай бұрын
As an old Fantasy player and now Old World player I feel for the AOS players. That said after the lack of sympathy from the AOS players in the past I find it hard to listen to their complaining. Some are literally saying this is worse than when GW dumped Fantasy. Really? Like really? Sorry you lost a couple armies. Long Live The Old World!!
@spnked9516 9 ай бұрын
This is sorta what I don't understand. GW is the company that torpedoed the IP that built it, all because they couldn't be bothered to fix the problems with it that they themselves caused. That's sort of a massive precedent to go off of. Nobody should be surprised that GW would just cut models or shuffle factions to other games - be it for internal non-compete clauses or any other half-baked reason.
@Basil_Ghothickovitch 9 ай бұрын
The fantasy fanboys response to Age of Sigmar and 40k players has always been... legendary. But just think for a minute: no matter how much you glorify ToW, nothing will stop GW from doing something similar to your armies tomorrow.
@chewieknievel8439 9 ай бұрын
@@spnked9516 I never understood it either. They also stopped publishing their Warhammer Fantasy novels too, which were some of their best novels. They just really really wanted to push players into AOS without consideration that fantasy players may not find the aesthetic appealing or that Rank and File games are very different from skirmish games. And from the success of the Old World release they might be realizing this. If they get this right I will willing to let bygones be bygones. And I did keep about 3000 points of Orcs and Goblins in my storage that have been rebased and primed. (Too bad I sold my other armies or my other orcs years ago, but I thought fantasy was dead forever.)
@flkpnzr8303 9 ай бұрын
I have no sympathy for AOS players. When Fantasy died back then, they filled the ranks and where trained so good by GW to be the customer they want. Old Fantasy players had their armies at one point and played with them. But AOS players are just willing to pay nearly everything. Less and less figures in the boxes, higher and higher prices. And now these people wishing that Fantasy fails :D
@janekciscek288 9 ай бұрын
I mean, it's true what you say about the newest thing and renewing a game system but let's be real here. Not even video game publishers renew their stuff as quick as GW and they sell a digital product. Getting into ANY GW system requires not only a lot of money but also a lot of time and dedication. GW is acting like they sell hamburgers and are just cancelling the chilli cheese burger. No, they are destroying hobbies, gaming groups, good times together (which are rare for some) and they're even doing it in a disgusting manner. GW truly is like the nerdy Darth Vader. They're so blatantly greedy even Scrooge would be disgusted.
@DwainiacWarhammer 9 ай бұрын
I can deal with a new edition every 3 years. But canceling entire armies is faaaaaarkd.
@finnishWargamer97 9 ай бұрын
It's never too late to get into 3d printing and pirate the rules. Fuck gw in general.
@BonusHole 9 ай бұрын
I'm halfway into collecting some of the minis GW just cancelled. The money I have already spent getting ahold of limited edition minis. The time I have spent carefully clipping them off the sprue, assembling them and then painting them to box art standard. The money I have spent buying the tools and paints I need to paint them. And now the other half is never going to happen. I think GW have totally lost sight of what this industry is actually about and what is built upon. I've been a GW customer for over 30 years. All of my future projects involving them are cancelled. Too much chance they will become money sinks to the tune of thousands and thousands of pounds and weeks of my time. This is not about rules changing.
@janekciscek288 9 ай бұрын
@@BonusHole You nailed it. That's exactly what I've been trying to convey. They seem to have forgotten what kind of product they are trying to sell. I'd argue that this industry needs the immaterial (feelings, stories, ideas) as much as it needs a physical product to sell. They constantly alienate customers. I stopped caring for GW when they killed Warhammer Fantasy and even though I was hyped for the Old World I will not buy their products. I will pirate everything and if my armies need new models I'll always try to buy from others.
@janekciscek288 9 ай бұрын
@@finnishWargamer97 True. My cousin was actually planing to buy a printer.
@needmorecowbell6895 9 ай бұрын
To quote Animal House, "Flounder, you f-ed up. You trusted us."
@scatterthewinds3126 9 ай бұрын
You can't force an IP to work that is soulless no matter how much marketing you pump into it. I still doubt the longevity of AoS because it doesn't attract classical fantasy, lotr fantasy, or Sci fi players. For example if you like elves, would you play lumineth or high elves? It's an obvious choice to me.
@thelonelybolter8245 9 ай бұрын
The news ticker in this video is incredible. Enjoying on rewatch
@mid-westmusic3472 9 ай бұрын
That Sigmar Lied was a giant red flag I took little notice of.
@garrettmorgan4430 9 ай бұрын
they are the Space marines of AOS... They are trimming firstborn from the line
@Instar_nine 9 ай бұрын
Horus heresy and old world are the safest game systems around. All your units are viable
@Basil_Ghothickovitch 9 ай бұрын
Key word: SO FAR. GW is GW, if HH/ToW suddenly become more popular, GW will want to “restructure” that too.
@Pikkabuu 8 ай бұрын
@@Basil_Ghothickovitch Eh....HH has such a rapid and loyal fanbase that GW will basically chop its legs off if it starts messing with it.
@cristhianmlr 9 ай бұрын
Tbh we don't even know if Savage Orcs are coming to TOW or they are just going away for good because some people say they're racists.
@piotrjeske4599 9 ай бұрын
But things are unpopular because GW gives them bad rules. What does GW expect that new players in 3ed are going to flock to play sacrosanct, which GW nerfed to the ground? Does GW expect that people burned with one army, instead of waiting for a fix will rebuy a new one? GW is able to make most ugly of ugly midels sell great (centurions, ndk) they can make two or even three decade old models , remade in to finecrap , sell like hot cakes. And each time they do it with powerful rules. GW is not acting very smart , by saying that SCE didn't sell well enough. Who made the army mid tier? Who made it so the "only" functinal way to play was buy 4-6 extremly expensive and new dragon kits? Who made introduced sesons, which require specific army builds to work, and which can't be achived by factions GW designed.
@margaretwood152 9 ай бұрын
-(GW)- _"Gentlemen.................You're _*_ALL_*_ ÇUN†§."_ ~ Teddy Black ( Ian McShane in 'Sexy Beast' c. 1997 )
@BonusHole 9 ай бұрын
"Don't worry little c*nt kiddies - Archaon has a use for the Darkoath Savagers... so they wont be going anywhere" -Literally Games Workshop in 2024
@DwainiacWarhammer 9 ай бұрын
@ulrichmehler7943 8 ай бұрын
That one joke about the WHFB player from the 90s really hit home... 😬
@scepteredisle 9 ай бұрын
The Old World, to be fair, is going to fail. Not because of the IP, but because it was set up to fail. We need to be realistic and either accept it or fight back against GW. We're all in this together against GW. Apparently those recent plastic Savage Orcs that were just squatted from AoS are NOT COMING BACK, not moving to the old world last time I checked. BS like this is why GW are the enemy. They didn't create the IP and everyone who made GW what it is today have quit the company.
@Captain_of_Nuln 9 ай бұрын
what makes you think it's going to fail, and on what terms? they've sold out of everything despite the absurd pricing, people are clamouring for restocks and they have widened the scope of the project. As far as I'm concerned it's the best rule set so far and if they don't produce a single new item over that they have already I don't care now I have the rules and there's a ton of third party alternative minis out there.
@vlad78th 9 ай бұрын
@@Captain_of_Nuln It's the best ruleset compared to GW previous WFB rulesets which doesn't mean much. 9th age was better already. Again you trust GW to keep the old world alive and enjoyable. Wait 2 to 3 years to see how they will change everything again to make you buy more. My point is the problems of supplies will prevent too many people to enter in the old world hence it is likely the game won't remain the same long. The only thing to do is not to use a GW ruleset. Never. Use rulesets that are not changed to make you buy more but instead to actually provide a good game.
@Captain_of_Nuln 9 ай бұрын
@@vlad78th i played WAP instead of ninth age, i confess most people i've heard speaking about 9th said it was a bit dull, but i guess it's a personal taste thing. I'm not aware of any fantasy rank and flank game that's better than than WFB, not for me anyway, although it's going to vary from person to person. People are still happily playing 3rd ed to 8th ed so I don't really care if they keep tinkering with it, to be honest i'd probably prefer they left it as it is. people just like moaning.
@DwainiacWarhammer 9 ай бұрын
It’s a sad vicious cycle. It’s why I never moved on from 6th editon fantasy. Now that Old World is out though and everyone is doing fantasy again…
@stuartmurdock2873 9 ай бұрын
What do you prefer 6th Ed whfb or old world?
@DwainiacWarhammer 9 ай бұрын
They both have pros and cons. What’s good about 6th isn’t in Old World and what’s good about Old World isn’t in 6th. GW just can’t seem to make the perfect edition lol
@oitoitoi1 9 ай бұрын
That aos game tanking so incredibly badly (has cost the Frontier 60% of their share price) is a complete disaster for GW too. No developer is going to go near that IP for years, it's basically radioactive now, one can argue it's the game not the IP but no competent executive at a developer is going to take that risk. Personally I'm glad Beastmen are back in TOW, it's where that model range belongs; it was designed for ranked battles. The sigmarine models being squatted is a little funny tbh considering how incredibly obnoxious that community has been (and continues to be), and also given how lazily conceived that range is. I think it's a clear sign that they're not selling well enough for the 9 years of space marine level marketing they've received. I strongly suspect GW are pivoting more towards TOW from aos, the IP has a proven track record thanks to Total War, and long term monetising IP is their holy grail; they want to be Marvel someday.
@DwainiacWarhammer 9 ай бұрын
True. Anything Fantasy related they released since 8th edition has done well. Total War, Fantasy Roleplay etc
@Basil_Ghothickovitch 9 ай бұрын
@@DwainiacWarhammer Fake. Which community has been the most toxic and aggressive for decades? Fantasy community! Today you all want to kill AoS players (and are not shy about it) but 20 years ago you wanted to kill 40K and want it to again. And a lot of fantasy videogames has failed, have you forgotten about it? ChaosBane, Arcane Magic, Warhammer Odyssey etc. And that Total War is nothing more than milking the franchise with endless $25 DLC for a few reskins? And SEGA fired 240 SA employees, tell me more about the future of Total War. By the way, "thanks" to the fantasy community that crap under every Realms of Ruin video and on every forum. Especially “thanks” to the corrupt bastard from PC Gamer who wrote an aggressive lying article in the same spirit as you lie!
@hughmyers8583 9 ай бұрын
It's weird because AOS was already struggling. Dominion in particular seems to be their most failed product. So now GW is deleting old models in a last ditch attempt to push these new models that the players rejected. It seems like they didn't think this through.
@leeprochazka5420 9 ай бұрын
This whole "new edition every few years thing" is something totally new. You go on at the end about how it's impossible to make a good game that doesn't change, well that's news to me man! 😅 I thought that's just how things worked. And I am not impressed. It'd be one thing if they tweaked it a bit. That's not what is happening here. It feels like only a little bit is staying the same. Anywho. Loved your video. Keep it up.
@leeprochazka5420 9 ай бұрын
By the way, I was trying to get away from video games so I looked into tabletop games. Landed on AOS. We loved it. Went all in and spent a few thousand. Now I feel like it doesn't exist anymore. Dude. I went through that with heroscape. Now ironically they are bringing that game back. Just sucks. That's all.
@ClydeMillerWynant 9 ай бұрын
"This whole "new edition every few years thing" is something totally new." Warhammer Fantasy Battle: 1st Ed - 1983 2nd Ed - 1984 3rd Ed - 1987 etc We're on the 9th Edition in 40 years and there was an eight or nine year gap when it was 'dead'.
@leeprochazka5420 9 ай бұрын
@@ClydeMillerWynant yeah. I didn't know anything about tabletop games or Warhammer. Learning a lot now....
@leeprochazka5420 9 ай бұрын
@@ClydeMillerWynant sry. I meant "new to me".
@Nakai_the_Wanderer 9 ай бұрын
I still play Star Wars X-Wing 1st edition and most people I know have also never made the switch to 2nd edition. You can always continue to play the game you like, as long as the people you play them with have the right mindset and do not chase the meta too hard. I got into Old World because lots of my friends did and they used to be Fantasy players, that never switched to AoS. The rules are good as they are and I think Old World might be a game with longer lasting editions, just because the playerbase is still rather small compared to 40k and probably even to AoS.
@yeetcanyon5799 9 ай бұрын
The sucky thing is I think a lot of these models look great and I’d buy them but do to GW pricing I can’t justify buying anymore Warhammer. I play Guard you see and a box of some of the weakest infantry in the game is $60. If that box was more like $20 (like when I first got into the hobby) I could justify buying more Warhammer but unfortunately my wallet cannot contend with GW’s pricing.
@highmarshalbalian680 9 ай бұрын
What did they lie about?
@DwainiacWarhammer 9 ай бұрын
@drewbakka5265 7 ай бұрын
The old world? You mean 8th but worse I've been playing 6th and it is insanely easy to learn. Like if you understand mordheim, you understand 80% of 6th and don't need a billion models
@DwainiacWarhammer 7 ай бұрын
8th was so clunky though. Old World is much smoother. While I’ll always love 6th, it is messy and definitely has things it needs improvement on. The only things I hate about Old World is Magic… and linehammer
@colinmorgan2511 9 ай бұрын
I'm still annoyed that. Fantasy, Sigmar, Old world and Warcry don't have rules for Carnifexs. The only thingthat lasts forever are none plastic Warpspiders
@DwainiacWarhammer 9 ай бұрын
Long live the warpspiders!
@CatchFlipsidE 9 ай бұрын
Maybe I’m missing something, but AoS dropped in 2015 not 2016
@rayn619 9 ай бұрын
All of it was good, but the headlines on the bottom were the best.
@nevillebrackenreg4037 9 ай бұрын
haha welcome to the club, Oldhammer 4 ever Dwaine 😁
@Ali410000 9 ай бұрын
Or possibly Mork...
@ulimurch8781 9 ай бұрын
Now everybody looks in shock at GW... again! Let's face it: GW sucks, big time. The rules are SO bad, not even nostalgia levels them out. But every fanboi/girl buying their crap encurages GW to keep on screwing their customers. 1. Stop buying any GW stuff 2. Choose an other set of rules (there are plenty and every last one of them is better than these of GW...) 3. Actually play games and have fun.
@nathanvicary9793 9 ай бұрын
i tend to agree, the issue for me was getting games when your not playing the in thing which is usually gw games. now I'm almost 32 and have hardly any time to play so my friends and i went back to 5th edition 40k to use all of our collections the few times a year we can .
@DwainiacWarhammer 9 ай бұрын
Even when they cancel armies, you still own your models and with the right community, you can still play. My local group never stopped playing 6th ed Fantasy
@AnHourOfWolves 9 ай бұрын
Haha I love this ❤ I’m kinda the opposite tho, now that they’re gone I want to collect them all!!! Haha, no, not really, they’re too much like space marines.
@Rosvosektori 9 ай бұрын
Never played smegmar, never will... square-supremacy!
@Rosvosektori 9 ай бұрын
...and Mordheim.
@Basil_Ghothickovitch 9 ай бұрын
Your square balls are in hands of Games Workshop. Nobody will protect you from their arbitrariness tomorrow.
@Rosvosektori 9 ай бұрын
@@Basil_Ghothickovitch Indeed. ;_;
@colinmorgan2511 9 ай бұрын
Never played smegmar, never will.... Carnifex-supremacy.
@nineseven420empire3 9 ай бұрын
This your first time being Squatted? GW has been doing this for 30+ years.......
@genmuguet9994 9 ай бұрын
Par contre old world c'est claqué en terme de jeu par rapport à battle ou 9th age, enft si on veut un bon jeu sur socle carré il faut jouer à 9th age (ou rester sur la v6 hein ?)
@DwainiacWarhammer 9 ай бұрын
Je n'ai jamais joué à 9ème âge mais je ne suis pas surpris qu'un fan ait pu créer un meilleur jeu que Games Workshop haha
@animusvids 9 ай бұрын
old or new, the only winner remains GW
@Celticfish7 9 ай бұрын
GWORK 😂 If you don’t laugh then you cry.
@flavio5165 9 ай бұрын
totally agree
@morgantreeman6872 9 ай бұрын
that was funny, thanks for the video
@RaúlSimóMezquita 9 ай бұрын
@balkenkreuz2063 9 ай бұрын
🤣 Best one yet!
@ja37d-34 9 ай бұрын
lol, so true.. When do we see you back at Stos? :)
@rogueelementgaming 9 ай бұрын
Yeah dude, when you coming back in? 😁
@DwainiacWarhammer 9 ай бұрын
@@rogueelementgamingJune I’ll be ready to turn some 3d printed empire into food for the undead😂
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