全球最險惡的白紙黑字:The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement was issued on August 18, 1988. The Islamic Resistance Movement, also known as the HAMAS, is an extremist fundamentalist Islamic organization operating in the territories under Israeli control. Its Covenant is a comprehensive manifesto comprised of 36 separate articles, all of which promote the basic HAMAS goal of destroying the State of Israel through Jihad (Islamic Holy War). 哈瑪斯在成立政權的 Covenant (勉強稱憲章) 白紙黑字主要宣言就是動用所謂 “聖戰” 把以色列猶太民族徹底消滅。The modern interpretation of existentialism and survival「現代生存主義」的詮釋:生生滅滅,不生則滅,無生何來存?教 我(猶太人) 如何不滅 他(哈瑪斯)。假設有黑幫聲明或已採取行動要滅你門,做瓜你全家,你會點做?你講吖!
@treepeonies01 Жыл бұрын
歷史不能變(雖然歷史紀錄可大肆修改),但可做假設,假如不是西方帝國主義入侵中華和日本文明,今日的唐人女子,肯定仍愛紮腳(女為悅己者容),日本還是武士幕府時代。為什麼需要不厭其煩地 complain about Colonialism (1492-1999)?🧐(西方殖民地時代 Colonialism 不也是給偉大的中國人送來了 Communism 嗎?)*1492:哥倫布;1999:澳門 中國女性紮腳,約始於十世紀的五代後期,大盛於明清,直至民國初年,似乎山西地方仍有此千年陋習,習此道的,大家閨秀佔大多數,否則難有如意郎君😮😊。