Gaza War Day 268 Discussion: Running Amok

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The Anti-Empire Project

The Anti-Empire Project

4 күн бұрын

On June 18, The Baffler published an article by Mary Turfah called "Running Amok" in which Mary tried to understand the psychology underlying Israeli troops and citizens' production of trophy videos and photos we have been seeing during the war. Our therapy group (twitter handles @justinpodur, @norabf, @karaokecomputer, @rosendo_joe, @louis_allday, @alexander_avina), got together with Mary to talk through the article and use it to understand the Israeli mentality that has left us stunned for all these months.

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@PerceivedREALITY999 2 күн бұрын
76 year long apartheid, 17 year long blockade of Gaza and now committing genocide. Evil
@helenhenthorn4948 2 күн бұрын
Estimates 15,000 killed and 750,00 displaced during the first Nakba and regular slaughters almost on a yearly basis, it's clearly been an Israeli policy of continual genocide and purposely reducing the population to keep the Israelis the largest demographic population. This is not a first-time genocide, just the largest of their slaughters that in the past they refer to as "mowing the lawn".
@miked29 2 күн бұрын
Worse than Nazi Germany if you consider the amount of time thats gone by. The world ignoring it for so long. Then all the weapons testing and other evil stuff they are doing to the Palestinians. This is the only Holocaust I will teach my children.
@PerceivedREALITY999 2 күн бұрын
Instead of arming Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan; US tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education, homelessness ...
@jacksugar7220 2 күн бұрын
The US taxpayer is the tool used to feed this monstrous monster/machine..
@LeftofTube 2 күн бұрын
I've literally had people argue with me when I mention we should have Universal Healthcare in the richest country in the history of the world. The reply is: Nothing for free. Country full of sociopaths and brainwashed 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️
@Uncanny_Mountain 2 күн бұрын
Complaining about it wont fix it So what are you doing exactly by repeatedly posting the ssme go nowhere message? You cant come up with a plan or strategy???
@amaley85 17 сағат бұрын
@@Uncanny_Mountainaggressively documenting the evil that is Zionism is important because when justice calls they will be frogmarched to their trial
@BriarLeaf00 2 күн бұрын
Nora is a comrade in it for the long run. We all love her work, and to see you together is really something special. All love to the both of you.
@EsW865 2 күн бұрын
You're awesome Justin. Big kudos for your persistence and integrity.
@artillujas 2 күн бұрын
Love you to people, i needed this, literally had a bad interaction with a zionist who felt persecuted by my crocheted watermelon keychain, normal people! 😵‍💫
@jackklugman107 Күн бұрын
Endless victims as a child is murdered every 10 minutes in Gaza.. they are exhausting
@jaypie8 2 күн бұрын
Excellent discussion it brings comfort to know all of you are on this earth fighting for our future 💪
@nadilene789 2 күн бұрын
I don't know what justice should look like, but I do know that Palestinians shouldn't have to coexist with the people who perpetrated and celebrated the crimes against them.
@Uncanny_Mountain 2 күн бұрын
Demand a Party of Peace: *Govt by People's Referenda, Single Issue Citizen Initiated Referendums with 70/30 split mean Communities can vote their own laws, by Mascot Candidates or Occupation of the Capitals. Make it an annual March every Oct 14 under a single white flag* 🏳️ 🙏 copy/share #DECOLONISE 🕊️
@miss_rini 2 күн бұрын
I love you all so much. Thank you for having these conversations that seem to always be timely for what I am experiencing in my own mind.
@janiswolfgang3169 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for helping keep me sanish
@missmissy2490 2 күн бұрын
Thank you to Mary for the brilliant article and thank you all for the amazing conversation.
@pennyred6195 2 күн бұрын
Nurit Peled-Elhanan's books talk about the formation of the master race idelogy via the school system. Her brother, Miko Peled is an activist for Palestinian rights.
@justinpodur 2 күн бұрын
is that book available in english?
@Uncanny_Mountain 2 күн бұрын
there's a direct link between Scientology, Trump, and the techniques used by the right wing echosphere, who also tie to NXIVM (Elon promoted it) Epstein (Trump's bff for20+ years) and Saville, (who Brand idolised) and the Monarchy who (Shapiro and Piers Morgan defends). Tate dated Peterson's daughter and Elon went to the same Jesuit University as Trump, and Epstein hooked up Elon's brother, just like he did for Trump. Trump's lawyer Alan Dershowitz said he was introduced to Epstein by Lynn de Forrester Rosschild. Scientology is training these people in the tactics of brainwashing, basically what MK Ultra became, and probably run by the CIA, and Opus Dei, which is basically the same thing. Their principle strategy is Gaslighting. Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. It was used in Rwanda, Guatemala, Brazil, and Burma, each having ties to Mossad. Trump, Barr, Bannon, Cippolone, Gore, Guiliani, Leo, Alito, Thomas, and Barrett are all Opus Dei. Trump trained alongside Epstein and Roger Stone under Roy Cohn, who used kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of Mossad. Cohn trained under Meyer Lansky, who trained under Hoover. Robert Mercer and Rupert Murdoch are both Knights of Malta. Saville, Bezos, Gates, Koch, Rogan, Walsh, Crowder, Kirk, Fuentes, Dore, Knowles, Kulinksi, Ball, Iverson, Icke, Woods, Watson, Cernovich, Abbott, Jones, Robinson, Woods, Pool, Rubin, Peterson, Posobeic, Duke, Molyneux, Yilanopouse, Gionet, Richardson, Tillerson, Greene, Manaforte, Flynn, Ducey, Acosta, Attwood, Stone, Pence, Desantis, Meadows, Trump, Eastman, Black, Kerik, Melania, Barr, Bannon, Hawley, Gingrich, Abrams, Comey, Cuomo, Kerry, Abrams, Gore, Spencer, Blassio, Pompeo, Bolton, McCarthy, Nugent, Cruz, Rubio, Gaetz, Santos, Tucker, Gutfield, O'Reilly, Beck, Scarborough, Devos, Kasich, Mercer, Murdoch, Rosschild, Ingram, Kelly, Lake, Conway, Coulter, Huckabee, McEnany, Hannity, Spicer, Christie, Prager, Maher, Colbert, Corbett, Hayes, Biden, Harris, Fauci, Pelosi, Menendez, Pirro, Manchin, Cooper, Maddow, AOC, Newsom, Uyger, Dawkins, Hitchens, Hancock, Sitchin, Ventura, Morgan, Cowell, Farage, Johnson, May, Merkel, Blair, Cameron, Brown, Blair, Mogg, Benjamin, Trudeau, Putin, Bolsanaro, Stalin, Lenin, Tito, Trotsky, Hitler. All Roman Catholic. Special mentions (adjucants): Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, Miller, Watters, Greenwad, Blumenthal, Maté, Camp, Brand, Loomer, Shapiro, Thatcher, Bush, Obama, Merkel, Greer, Summers, Silverstein, Adelson. Greenblatt. Wexner. Also Hindu Nationalists Ramaswamy, Tulsi, Haley, Hirsi, DeSouza, Modi etc. Edward Snowden worked for Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim and was bought to us by Glen Greenwald, who now rubs shoulders with Jesuit Agent Provocateurs Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan, whose mutual friend with Steven Crowder Brian Callen is the founder of Diligence, a spook Contractor to the CIA. Julian Assange helped Roger Stone and the Trump Campaign in 2016, being the first to suggest challenging the outcome if he lost, and asking to be made the Australian ambassador to the US. Margeret Sunbyrne, the head of the Sun Worship Cult he was raised in was also protected by the CIA in the Australian Supreme Court, on grounds of "National Security" Trump paints himself Orange to represent Apollo. Aleister Crowley inspired NXIvM and Manson, and was a master of mind control, his Protege L Ron Hubbard was the founder of Scientology, which uses the same mind control tactics displayed in right wing media. They were also instrumental in Trump's conception as the Moon Child, born on a Super Wolf Blood Moon on June 14 700 days before the founding of Israel, who he gave sovereignty over the Golan heights on its 70th anniversary, and was inaugurated aged 70 years 7 months and 7 days old. June 14 is the birthday of Osiris, Known as the Day of the Pharoah. Scientology uses the same tricks as Religion and Freemasonry, including isolation through strange acts (rituals/hazing) Gaslighting and intimadation, these can also be seen in right wing propaganda. Peterson's hero's journey comes from the transit of the moon through the zodiac, which is why they're called months. Blame the victim: The strategy is to make the aggressor's feelings the goalposts, everything is oriented around their needs and approval; a war of attrition using subjective language and logical fallacies such as incredulity, which amounts to disbelief, and acting as if this belief is something the victim is responsible for. "Look what you made me do" *In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil* *>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feelings are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ unamerican etc) *>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._* *>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* by doing so they preemptively assume the role of an authority by virtue of being rude. The shock value is the whole point, it's the politics of Terrorism. *>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.* *>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly. This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology. *"What Others Say" (Appeal to Populism)* The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults, "if many believe it then it must be true" (whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "Moral Majority" Patriotism is a form of Authoritarian Communism. Other than direct contradiction and disbelief other strategies for Gaslighting include Begging the Question, and the use of Strawman arguments; refuting a reframed argument *different from the one actually under discussion* while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction. Through the exercise of overwhelming a subject with countless contradicting premises and subjective terms a game of Pigeon Chess is played to deter criticism and break down a person's defences, until they no longer trust their own feelings, and rely solely on an outside source for direction. This is clearly demonstrated in the Maga cult, and is repeated in the convoluted dogma and magical thinking of Evangelism, New Age Spirituality, Ancient Aliens, and Graham Hancock. Always alluding to a secret to be revealed, but always in vague nebulous terms and undefined benefits of a far away place with no means to verify one way or the other. "Trust me bro" Effectively they all play the same role of an Enlightened Guru with deep understanding of life matters who can solve all your problems. It's likely no coincidence Reagan emptied the mental health services in the US, over half of those in Jail and living on the streets have undiagnosed ADHD. Auyawasca and Psychotropics are also a staple in brainwashing, as is telling the target they've been brainwashed and that the Guru has the cure, right wing propaganda uses this language heavily by flipping the script and arguing they are the victims, that they're the ones being silenced and cancelled, that they oppose child abuse while also defending it, that the deep State is out to get them, when they're the Deep State and always have been. Aleister Crowley was a big advocate of using Psychotropics to brainwash, just like the CIA, Opus Dei and MK Ultra. Brand and Trump both use hand waving and holding them outspread in a "settle" gesture called pacing. They can also stare at an opponent, "asserting dominance" to put the target on the back foot and unsure how to respond. Peterson does this a lot, along with rapid fire speech, and using an insulting or demanding tone. By using these tactics as well as loaded language (Newspeak) and inference (plausible deniability) only to move the goalposts and reframe when challenged. Trump's Mentor Roy Cohn admitted to using kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of israel, and trained under him alongside Epstein and Roger Stone. Trump's Jesuit mentor was Norman Vincent Peale, a 33rd degree Master Freemason. He was born June 14 during a Super Wolf Blood Moon to Fred Christ and Mary McKleod, he keeps a book of Hitler's speeches called _My New Order_ and uses it verbatim at his rallies. The Von Drumph family come from the same place as Hitler, Vienna Bavaria, Capital of the Holy Roman Empire. He paints himself Orange to represent Apollo; the Dawnbringer of Aleister Crowley's Golden Dawn. Jamal Kashoggi's Mossad brother Adnan sold Trump a Superyacht for Russian Roman Abromavich, who was also paying Boris and Farage for Brexit. Most of israel's govt are non religious Russians.
@UTubeISphere Күн бұрын
​@@justinpoduryes, of course (plus her talks on YT) > Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education (2013). What I recall most vividly from her YT talks (also in English) is how Palestinians are made invisible, as though they did not exist, written out of history, erased from the landscape, which makes taking control (and destroying olive trees, animals), destruction, displacement, and death so much more easy. Book blurb: 'Each year, Israel's young men and women are drafted into compulsory military service and are required to engage directly in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This conflict is by its nature intensely complex and is played out under the full glare of international security. So, how does Israel's education system prepare its young people for this? How is Palestine, and the Palestinians against whom these young Israelis will potentially be required to use force, portrayed in the school system? Nurit Peled-Elhanan argues that the textbooks used in the school system are laced with a pro-Israel ideology, and that they play a part in priming Israeli children for military service. She analyzes the presentation of images, maps, layouts and use of language in History, Geography and Civic Studies textbooks, and reveals how the books might be seen to marginalize Palestinians, legitimize Israeli military action and reinforce Jewish-Israeli territorial identity. This book provides a fresh scholarly contribution to the Israeli-Palestinian debate, and will be relevant to the fields of Middle East Studies and Politics more widely.' PS I think (to recall) that she also goes into the censorship (and self-censorship) that goes into writing and redacting these schoolbooks. And if I further recall, it's linked to the education ministry (correct name?) being taken over increasingly by hardliners over the last twenty or so years.
@Crooklyn_k 2 күн бұрын
Blessings to all ❤✊🏽
@CommunistConsensus 2 күн бұрын
Why is this happening? A tolerance for political sociopathy in any societies governance. What we have now is what happens, over time, when political sociopaths are afforded adult authority in a society. A political sociopath is someone who is willing to do harm to another for the sake of opportunity, social capital, hierarchy, profit and/or pleasure.
@Uncanny_Mountain 2 күн бұрын
Apathy is worse than Zionism _"All People's have the right to self defence from Colonial rule, including armed resistance"_ UN Charter: Protocol 1 Call for Government by People's Referenda: Peaceful Encampment of our Capitals until it's installed, or run Mascot Candidates Single Issue Referendums with thresholds and a social contract means Communities can vote their own laws. A Public Authority can audit police and prosecute bad cops in our own courts. Nationalise resources and give Indigenous peoples the right of Sovereignty over them as Guardians. This can be achieved through a General Strike or Velvet Revolution, much like the Occupy movement, peacefully occupying State Buildings until a People's Mandate can be implemented. With the appropriate checks and balances, you could have a national digital forum where qualified professionals can debate the issues in a public setting without all the disinformation and bad faith antics, hatespeech etc. Any vote would need to pass the 70% threshold, with a veto or _rewrite_ vote needing 30%. The issues would be debated, the public educated, and then a vote taken. Votes that fail will have to wait a year before trying again. Any new proposal (Citizen Initiated Referendum) would have to reach a threshold of support before it made it onto the register. This would be subject to a Social Contract (New Constitution) that forbids human rights abuses and discrimination. That can be written in the same manner based on the core principles we all share. Councils and Boards could operate in the same fashion at Scale. It works in a way that obligates people to better educate themselves ( that is to use logic and evidence in their reasoning ) for a better understanding of the issues, and then take collective responsibility for the outcomes. As opposed to the divisive US v them scapegoating and bi-partisan finger pointing the current Capitalist Pyramid Scheme runs on. Enough is enough We need a Party of Peace: Government by People's Referenda, either through Mascot Candidates or Peaceful Encampment of the Capitals until one is established. Make it an annual March on Oct 14 Under a single white flag 🏳️ You can copy/share 🙏 It's about Peace and Democracy; don't give them anything to twist Done without shouting or banners, this strategy cannot be stopped once in motion It's time to #DECOLONISE 🕊️
@Reikimasterinfja 2 күн бұрын
Hi guys! nice to see you nice group of you together tonight! 🎉 I had to take a break from Gaza news for a few days and watch some old lifetime movies just to decompress my brain 😢
@Reikimasterinfja 2 күн бұрын
Excellent podcast... great articles and thoughtful discussion... Enjoy yours and Jon's insights 👍😎😁
@Shadidi2 2 күн бұрын
In between feeling for Palestinian loses, i too am trying to understant the mentality of israelis. I look at the rubble in Gaza and can't help think that there are still the remains of human beings under the rubble. Jared Kushner looks out at the rubble and sees "waterfront property" i just can't understand it.
@Uncanny_Mountain 2 күн бұрын
Which Aryan Nation with no borders and based on make believe was founded after Nazi Germany fell and began a Genocide two years after Aushwitz closed? _"I propose an Aryan/Semitic alliance in order to create a superior caucasian race"_ Benjamin Disraeli, UK PM 1890. _"But they want nothing but Palestine, because Palestine represents the geostrategic center for World Control"_ Dr Nahum Goldmann. _"Today I declare the Crusades won"_ General Edmunde Allenby 1917 upon liberating Palestine. _"the New World 0rder will be ruled from the Temple in Jerusalem"_ Ben Gurion, Bolshevik, First PM of israel _"We must put an end to anything which brings about any Islamic unity between the sons of the Muslims. As we have already succeeded in finishing off the Caliphate, so we must ensure that there will never rise again unity for the Muslims, whether it be intellectual or cultural unity.“_ George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, British Foreign Minister 1920. _"By Deceit we wage War"_ Mossad Motto _"The NW0 will begin Sept 17 2001, during Rosh Hashanah Feast of Trumpets, Resurrection of the Dead, on the First Crescent of the New Moon, in the year 6000 of the Great Pyramid Calendar, in order to cleanse the earth and humanity in preparation for his Kingdom to come"_ British Israel Foundation memo 1922. But if we talk about the Talmud it's Antisemantic Notice they use Hamas to blood libel Semitic Palestinians And Terrorism to blood libel Muslims Religious based Ethnostates are by definition terrorism They're Terrorists using accusations in a Mirror 🪞 A Hatespeech Incitement tactic used to incite a reaction they can then use to justify violence Slander Smear Slur Incite Escalate Retaliate Deny Deflect Lie Rinse and repeat: Acquire shekels It's the legal premise for criminalising Antisemitism And they know this because they wrote the laws, at the Nuremberg Tribunal It's also a capital offence, by hanging, at the Hague Makes you think 🤔
@lesliestenta3084 2 күн бұрын
Read about Narcissists. We are ruled by rich old white greedy narcissists and sociopaths. They have NO empathy for others, it’s all about them always, they don’t care at all. They also feel entitled and superior to everyone, they have no insight and are delusional.
@DanaDoe 2 күн бұрын
The way I describe the shock of the teens and young adults in my family, when seeing such atrocity is - humans were never meant to do all of these horrible things and still be okay. Here in the US a baby will freeze to death on the streets with their mother, a Black person will be shot by police, a homeless person beaten to death, and its normal daily life. Humans are not okay after generations of perpetuating structured violence, especially if they say they're okay and that everything they do is normal. And to see how seamless so many of our own peoples and neighbors absorb into that should be a reality check; these people are many of ours.
@lesliestenta3084 2 күн бұрын
Look at our violent history and how we genocided the Indians, imported slaves from Africa, right now the US is joined at the hip with the Zionists massacring innocent women and children. The Fish rots from the head down. Violence is in our DNA
@todkington6656 Күн бұрын
For zionists it's a zero-sum game but not at all for the resistance. This is why the resistance doesn't cross red lines. This kind of violence forces the question of what is it to be human upon all of us, and it's the Resistance and the Palestinian people who have the answer and are showing us the way. ❤️‍🔥🙏🏻❤️‍🔥
@CLBOO6 Күн бұрын
Love this❤❤❤ Accurate.
@Jehntosh Күн бұрын
I concur. There’s a huge gaping hole in the heart and psyche of Zi0nists. ICC/ICJ rules of law cannot be used to judge the Zi0nists…. They don’t live by any moral code of this civilization.
@Nobody-zv5lp 2 күн бұрын
Spectacular! Thank you for this therapy session with Mary Turfah! All of you bring a unique perspective into the discussion which is also informative. I would like to see an Israeli journalist, Alon Mizrahi, to be part of one of the tanky sessions as he has written extensively on the zionist psyche and the impact of zionism on Israelis. Good to see you all back !
@jylyhughes5085 2 күн бұрын
Hello beautiful friends ❤❤❤🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸✊✊✊
@KA-vr4uu 2 күн бұрын
Also a complete obsession with Iran for decades now.
@maxgurman633 Күн бұрын
A big thanks to Mary for the writing, she was a wonderful and insightful addition, and thanks to all the regulars. You are all people I not only look to for proper analysis, but people I look up to as role models for what it means to be a comrade. Your work means a lot. Your work allows others to be inspired by the new humans to waging this liberating struggle
@joanlong4183 2 күн бұрын
Thank you Justin, Nora, and gang. Appreciate your guest Mary, and will be reading her paper tomorrow. 🤍
@Shadidi2 2 күн бұрын
If they believe they are correct, why do they have to lie so much? Do they know they are lying and just trying to get away with it. Or do they not know they are lying?
@Uncanny_Mountain 2 күн бұрын
The lies are an admission to intent. Incitement to Genocide aka Accusation in a Mirror or Blame the Victim is a Capital offence, all their assets can be seized per the Nuremberg Tribunal There is no basis for a Religious Ethnostate, because it's the literal textbook's legal definition of Terrorism
@mutawi3i Күн бұрын
this is the open mic of humanity for humanity. Well done guys, thx for hosting this Justin mate.
@kalawad392 2 күн бұрын
May Almighty GOD/ALLAH/Eloh/Hashem bless and protect you guys! You guys are the hope for humanity, the anchors of this world! Your Creator sees you, and will reward you for fighting for the oppressed and weak! May you end up along side the righteous (Noah, Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, & our father Adam). You guys stay strong! Sometimes we see on your faces stress and shock! Stay strong, we need you!
@elizabethcenturionguerra6511 Күн бұрын
Thank you for the session. IT is comforting to learn that other fellow human beigns are going through this array of feelings and trying to make sense of this utter madness. I have noticed that Israelis sre not only unable to make any sense of 'the other' but also live in a state of permanent 'fear' or 'dread' of being annihilated, that it makes them extremely dangerous.
@psiloatlantis1246 2 күн бұрын
love you guys!
@Stardust23558 Күн бұрын
This explained something to me that I didn't understand about Zionists. I couldn't understand how they could be so heartless but they actually see Palestinians as less than themselves. Even in our culture here in the West it seems what is happening in Gaza is acceptable. People feel insulated as if this genocide does not affect us. People won't utter a word about it which I find hurtful and heartbreaking. When did some lives matter less than others? This is a much larger problem than just Zionism even though I believe it is the seed that has been propagated to be completely desensitized. You all are the salve of a world gone mad. Thank you for giving me hope.
@doriswelsh1223 2 күн бұрын
Thank you so much Justin for this timely therapy session! Truly an amazing all star crew 😍Thank you for bringing Mary Trurfa and her brilliant article to shed light upon the unbearable darkness. I just finished reading, "1666 Redemption Through Sin" by: Robert Sepeher (2015) makes the case for how the messianic delusions of Sabbatai Zevi in 1666 and later Frank Jacob's adherence and propagations of Zevi's immorality bled their way into Zionism. Perhaps conspiratorial ... perhaps not. In any case it also helped me to better frame the depraved / despotic actions of Zionism. Thank YOU again from my heart 💙 Be Well Beautiful Humans 💜FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸
@amoraslucha Күн бұрын
"how do we carry the weight of this depravity" "i care about their impact on the world after this and how we are going to protect the people that are still going to be on their path" that's such an important question, i had not thought of before. Thank you all so so much for this video
@naymatunc-rc6vs 2 күн бұрын
before you get ill the value of your health before you have a duty the time for yourself before you get old the value of your youth before death the value of life The knowledge of this values keep you away from doing or try to own the things that doesnt belong to you
@Rayseagate 2 күн бұрын
Great discussion. I look forward to your show now.
@norryc2379 2 күн бұрын
Excellent podcast
@lkilani 17 сағат бұрын
Absolutely loved this!!! I didn't know about these therapy sessions, but will definitely listen to more. It felt like therapy for me too! Thank you Mary for your excellent article and to everyone in the call for the amazing conversation. Fascinating and hopeful.
@asmaburney2028 2 күн бұрын
Great discussion, will read Mary's article for sure.
@gulliegulliver4546 Күн бұрын
As ever, I truly appreciate these sessions. Thank you one and all.
@user-gk7sk1ie9q 2 күн бұрын
You guys are fantastic. But as a muslim, it seems to me clear that Qassam's - and the other groups' - red lines are based on Islam. This is important and should be acknowledged, especially if we want to uproot islamophobia. Thanks, and keep up the good work!
@axShinsei Күн бұрын
Mary's article is insightful and important. This deeper discussion is beautiful. May we all move forward in exploring these ideas and understandings. Sharing this and the article all around.
@warrenriwichman9116 Күн бұрын
Excellent work Mary, and thankyou to all the panelists. Great discussion on an important issue which needs further ongoing airing please.
@mh1593 Күн бұрын
You may not read this, there's already 172 comments on this video, but I wanted to say THANK YOU for your calm and concise reporting and articulating on this topic. Thank you for all your efforts and your works outlining these events and highlighting this world. It helps us keep motivated and engaged with actions on the ground around the world. \m/
@nataliesnooke Күн бұрын
Boom. Thank you all for articulating what we so many of us are struggling to understand too! Zionism is insidious. That consciousness can manifest in this form is beyond belief.
Thank you for introducing me to Mary Turfah's work ❤
@willeizlini Күн бұрын
Hey Justin, the last 2 videos you seem quite joyful! Wherever you went seems to have really recharged you. It's nice to see! We care about your health; you do so much for us !❤
@CircaBEFORE 10 сағат бұрын
Thank You so much Justin for doing these sessions and your sit reps. I would feel very alone in the mass psychopathy without your work. You are loved ❤
@1o1s1s1i1e 2 күн бұрын
Such an interesting discussion! My thoughts on Mary's terrific article reminded me of a discussion I had with my teenage son many years ago. He told me about jumping into the Menominee River from the railroad bridge from 50 feet. At that time I was working at the hydroelectric dam four miles up river from the bridge, and when logs got stuck in the intake racks we would send them down river through a sluice gate. These logs and stumps were waterlogged and some would stay partly submerged as they went down stream. Jumping into the river from 50 feet one goes down at least six feet into the river and you cannot see if there is a submerged log so it is very dangerous. The point was would you be jumping into the river from that height if you were by yourself? He thought about it and said no. I warned him about "group think" and that people in a group do things they would never do alone, peer pressure! When you put that together with the "nature/nurture conundrum" you can see where the social group has a powerful influence on people. Thank all of you for these great discussions!
@greetandries99 2 күн бұрын
No matter what name we put on them i just do not and never will understand this pure evil. Something within yr own psyche surely has to trigger is this what you want to be? Worse than animals and how do you live with yrselves? What after? Their hatred towards anyone who doesn’t agree with them is insane
@KJSullivan4601 2 күн бұрын
Thank you all really helpful reflects a lot of the incredulous comments I've seen on social media including my own of what is wrong with these people. I am now off to read Mary's article
@mclarenfan6032 2 күн бұрын
For a second I thought that guy was wearing a Germany jersey! Thank God that wasn't the case..
@kv4302 Күн бұрын
allright chat, time to pass around the 250 bucks and "pay" each other for the therapy!
@louisallday8698 Күн бұрын
When I talk about Ahad Ha'am around 14:00, I meant to say that he was the founder of cultural zionism, not liberal zionism.
@bartvisscher2647 2 күн бұрын
The allies should have allowed the European Jews to return to their old homes after the war .......right of return
@maryfarrell9439 2 күн бұрын
The allies didn’t want Jewish refugees. And they felt guilty about the holocausts. Israel was a perfect solution for them. I don’t think anything has changed since 1917 Balfour Declaration .
@MalcolmMacPhail-mt1gt Күн бұрын
Most Holocaust survivors either emigrated to the Americas or returned to their homes in Europe much to the consternation of the Zionists. Apparently the survivors who did immigrate to Israel were not treated well, they were seen as ‘weak Jews’. Also Zionists were not among the hundreds of thousands Eastern European Jews who fought in partisan groups or the Red Army against Nazism.
@skywalktriceiam 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing this talk!👌🏼💯🍉✌🏼💜
@tracybailey680 Күн бұрын
What a fascinating and nuanced discussion. Thank you!
@johnakass3913 Күн бұрын
Such a wonderful person Mary is.
@sassythesasquatch9627 Күн бұрын
Bless for this discussion. Appreciate it y’all!!! ❤
@maryioannucci9874 Күн бұрын
My daughter told me about a performance art piece she watched, where the woman allowed people to do whatever they wanted to her without limit…..In the beginning, everyone was kind and gentle with her….. but as they realised that there were not going to be consequences and that they could do whatever they wanted…..they began to abuse her verbally and physically…. Including holding a gun to her head and cutting her with knives and stripping her naked and touching her inappropriately. Depravity is in all of us and if we are unaware of it or not connected with our own darkness and if we don’t have impunity……and but for the grace of God…..human madness will know no bounds!
@steve7236 Күн бұрын
Brilliant discussion, thank you all and special thanks to Mary!
@markgrill4774 2 күн бұрын
I loved this discussion and will read Mary’s piece tonight or tomorrow. Can’t wait. One comment on something Justin said around the 16:00 mark, about how “everything’s doubled.” Justin, you said there’s this complete obsession with Palestinians and at the same time the zios don’t think about them at all and they’re irrelevant. I think it helps to distinguish between the fictional doppelgänger “Palestinians” the “Israelis” have conjured up and REALLY believe in now after so many decades of indoctrination vs. the actual living, breathing, feeling, birthing, parenting, suffering, starving, etc. HUMAN BEINGS that Palestinians are in objective reality. The former is the other. The latter can’t be allowed mental and emotional space because it would displace the collectively “worshipped” other in a person’s mind, creating uncomfortable dissonance. You could ask Gideon Levy about that, because I feel he’s suffered that dissonance for decades. I focused on alterity and otherness in Nazi entertainment cinema for my master’s thesis. The depicted “Jew” was not a real Jew; it was a grotesque depiction of a dehumanized, deceitful and monstrous entity. I agree that the psychopathology of zionism predates the Nazis and the Jewish holocaust, but nevertheless, the zios and Nazis seem to have used a very similar approach to indoctrination of the masses. And let’s not forget about Hollywood and the legacy media in the US and the West. Look at how Muslims have been othered. And before that, Black people. The collective “we” in the imagined communities of the West can’t be spared the same scrutiny. In Canada and the US, as well as in other settler colonies, the Indigenous people/Peoples have had the very same othering done to them and it continues to this day. The “Canadian” and “American” collective identities can’t be cleaved from the dehumanization and othering of the original Indigenous inhabitants of these lands.
@pdurpan Күн бұрын
I'll thank Mary too.🌠
@finniunker860 Күн бұрын
Wow! Thanks to Mary for a remarkably well written piece. I've sent it to a paper here in Norway and hope they will consider it for translation. It would resonate very well with a Norwegian readership. Thanks also to Justin and to all you other guys for good perspectives. Love and best wishes from Oslo.
@gwendolynsimmons2080 Күн бұрын
Thank you for this important discussion! I am a Black 79 year old US citizen raised in the Jim Crow South who was raised by my grandmother, b in 1898, who was raised by her grandmother who was enslaved! They and I experience these irrational hatred and masochism of White Americans here in the U.S.! My 3rd grandmother was half white! Her White father gave her as a Wedding Gift to her Full white sister! Grandma Lucy’s sister hated her enslaved sister and subjected her to horrific torture! When I first set foot in Israel/Palestine, I recognized what I was seeing: Jim Crow/Apartheid! Humans use race, religion, tribe, caste to do this to other people! 29:03
@kamranAG 9 сағат бұрын
❤ & Respect AEP & guests. Amazing!
@wisedup20 Күн бұрын
So well written and intelligently thought through. Thank you Mary.
@1May1312 Күн бұрын
Excellent discussion with lots of thought provoking questions! Looking forward to reading Mary's article.
@HaileISela Күн бұрын
hey Justin and all, thank you so much for your being. living in germany, one often gets an almost allergic reaction to the way the "mainstream" stands with the na tional zi onists, the way media, politicians, but sadly also regular people demonize and criminalize Palestinians and anyone who asks for human rights and all that good stuff. it is a deafening cacophony of an unresolved colonial mindset which runs so very deep in "our" culture. so having you fine folks actually speaking from a place of humankindness and love is truly therapeutic, medicinal and much appreciated. i hope we soon see the day the zionist oroborous eats shit and finally ends up on the compost heap of healing this broken world. when the time comes, i look forward to travelling to a free falasteen and to get in touch with these people i have come to admire so much for their relentless steadfastness and belonging to the land, the river and the sea. and i will gladly learn to dance the dabke, which will be an honour 🙏
@pennyred6195 2 күн бұрын
I was reading about the Armenian genocide, and there are similarities in more ways than one.
@Uncanny_Mountain 2 күн бұрын
Boris Johnson's Great Grandad was Mustafa Ali Kemal The Architect Which Aryan Nation with no borders and based on make believe was founded after Nazi Germany fell and began a Genocide two years after Aushwitz closed? _"I propose an Aryan/Semitic alliance in order to create a superior caucasian race"_ Benjamin Disraeli, UK PM 1890. _"But they want nothing but Palestine, because Palestine represents the geostrategic center for World Control"_ Dr Nahum Goldmann. _"Today I declare the Crusades won"_ General Edmunde Allenby 1917 upon liberating Palestine. _"the New World 0rder will be ruled from the Temple in Jerusalem"_ Ben Gurion, Bolshevik, First PM of israel _"We must put an end to anything which brings about any Islamic unity between the sons of the Muslims. As we have already succeeded in finishing off the Caliphate, so we must ensure that there will never rise again unity for the Muslims, whether it be intellectual or cultural unity.“_ George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, British Foreign Minister 1920. _"By Deceit we wage War"_ Mossad Motto _"The NW0 will begin Sept 17 2001, during Rosh Hashanah Feast of Trumpets, Resurrection of the Dead, on the First Crescent of the New Moon, in the year 6000 of the Great Pyramid Calendar, in order to cleanse the earth and humanity in preparation for his Kingdom to come"_ British Israel Foundation memo 1922. But if we talk about the Talmud it's Antisemantic Notice they use Hamas to blood libel Semitic Palestinians And Terrorism to blood libel Muslims Religious based Ethnostates are by definition terrorism They're Terrorists using accusations in a Mirror 🪞 A Hatespeech Incitement tactic used to incite a reaction they can then use to justify violence Slander Smear Slur Incite Escalate Retaliate Deny Deflect Lie Rinse and repeat: Acquire shekels It's the legal premise for criminalising Antisemitism And they know this because they wrote the laws, at the Nuremberg Tribunal It's also a capital offence, by hanging, at the Hague Makes you think 🤔
@axShinsei Күн бұрын
Wow, this is one I will repeat watch. Thank you all.
@robertomonroe6338 2 күн бұрын
Regarding Nora's question - what will become of Zionists after Israel's defeat? - we can indeed look to history. The US and the USSR took in Nazi technologists (primarily rocketeers) after the war. In the case of the US, Nazi ideology was not very distant from American supremacism and so although some Nazis faced imprisonment or execution, others found welcome homes in CIA, NSA and NASA. Similar outcomes can be expected for defeated Zionists. The West, as a construct, is not opposed to Zionism and will find space in high and low places.
@LeftofTube 2 күн бұрын
Nazis flourish to this day in the 🇺🇸 the children and grandchildren of the WW2 monsters.
@faizaambah 11 сағат бұрын
Great show. Thank you everyone
@Emily-fw5hk Күн бұрын
Huge thank you to Mary!!!!!
@sandraa6852 20 сағат бұрын
This conversation is so didactive thank you !!
@loreleiohagan5411 10 сағат бұрын
Zeteo just came out with a documentary related to THIS. Israel’s Reel Extremism. Excellent conversation between these ideas. We’re watching, in concentrated form, a derangement that we learn about and can extrapolate to enslavers, KKK etc. Ty
@user-oe8gy8dk8f Күн бұрын
Constructive insight from each of you ,vocalising this insanity....push on 🕊🇵🇸✊️
@tarakadir9259 Күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏻 ❤ 🇵🇸🇵🇸🍉🍉
@BRICKERFORGE 2 күн бұрын
Seeing how evil people are capable of being reminds me of this verse in The Quran: Say, “Whoever stays straying, let his term be extended by the All-Merciful (Allah) still longer, until when they will see what they are being warned of: either the punishment or the Hour (of Doom), then they will know who was worse in his place and weaker in his forces. (19:75) In Islam, we believe that humans can be better than Angels or worse than animals -because of our free will. The full punishment for those who do evil is only delayed, and God doesn't forget. With that being said, Muslims are still commanded to do what is in their power to stop oppression. As stated in the Hadith: “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart - and that is the weakest of faith.”
@Uncanny_Mountain 2 күн бұрын
PARTY FOR PEACE 🕊️ Focus on the solution SIR: *Govt by Referenda 70/30 split.* By Mascot Party or *Velvet Revolution* Single Issue Referendums with thresholds and a social contract means Communities can vote their own laws. A Public Authority can audit police and prosecute bad cops in our own courts. Nationalise resources and give Indigenous peoples the right of Sovereignty over them as Guardians. This can be achieved through a General Strike or Velvet Revolution, much like the Occupy movement, peacefully occupying State Buildings until a People's Mandate can be implemented. With the appropriate checks and balances, we could have a national digital forum where qualified professionals can debate the issues in a public setting without all the disinformation and bad faith antics, hatespeech etc. Any vote would need to pass the 70% threshold, with a veto or _rewrite_ vote needing 30%. The issues would be debated, the public educated, and then a vote taken. Votes that fail will have to wait a year before trying again. Any new proposal (Citizen Initiated Referendum) would have to reach a threshold of support before it made it onto the register. This would be subject to a Social Contract (New Constitution) that forbids human rights abuses and discrimination. That can be written in the same manner based on the core principles we all share. Councils and Boards could operate in the same fashion at Scale. It works in a way that obligates people to better educate themselves ( that is to use logic and evidence in their reasoning ) for a better understanding of the issues, and then take collective responsibility for the outcomes. As opposed to the divisive US v them scapegoating and bi-partisan finger pointing the current Capitalist Pyramid Scheme runs on. We need Government by People's Referenda, either through Mascot Candidates or Peaceful Occupation of the Capitals until one is established. Make it an annual March on Oct 14. Take back the Temples under a single white flag! 🏳️ #DECOLONISE 🕊️
@MYTAccount Күн бұрын
Freedom and justice for Palestine! ✌💯
@stevejagger8602 2 күн бұрын
Excellent discussion - thank you. Please can you post a link to the discussion posted by Victims of capitalism memorial foundation.
@fylhuic1853 2 күн бұрын
concerning what Nora said : what do we do with these people when the zionist project is done. i have been thinking (and this suggestion is only applicable if the Palestinian people, all of them, agree with that) is to give them the choice to convert a jail sentence into (and let's be real : the ENTIRE IOF is guilty) x amount of labour to help clean up the mess and rebuild, and have them be confronted with their victims for at least 8 hours a day. Just something to ponder over, i am not palestinian, it certainly isnt up to me
@Uncanny_Mountain 2 күн бұрын
There is no basis for a Religious Ethnostate, because it's the literal textbook's legal definition of Terrorism It's legal to break an illegal blockade All legal responsibility lies with the illegal military occupation Incitement to Genocide or Accusations in a Mirror, aka Blaming the Victim is a warcrime subject to Capital punishment per the Nuremberg Tribunal All assets can also be seized as promoting Terrorism Trump, Barr, Bannon, Cippolone, Gore, Guiliani, Leo, Alito, Thomas, and Barrett are all Opus Dei. Trump trained alongside Epstein and Roger Stone under Roy Cohn, who used kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of Mossad. Cohn trained under Meyer Lansky, who trained under Hoover. Robert Mercer and Rupert Murdoch are both Knights of Malta. Saville, Bezos, Gates, Koch, Rogan, Walsh, Crowder, Kirk, Fuentes, Dore, Knowles, Kulinksi, Ball, Iverson, Icke, Woods, Watson, Cernovich, Abbott, Jones, Robinson, Woods, Pool, Rubin, Peterson, Posobeic, Duke, Molyneux, Yilanopouse, Gionet, Richardson, Tillerson, Greene, Manaforte, Flynn, Ducey, Acosta, Attwood, Stone, Pence, Desantis, Meadows, Trump, Eastman, Black, Kerik, Melania, Barr, Bannon, Hawley, Gingrich, Abrams, Comey, Cuomo, Kerry, Abrams, Gore, Spencer, Blassio, Pompeo, Bolton, McCarthy, Nugent, Cruz, Rubio, Gaetz, Santos, Tucker, Gutfield, O'Reilly, Beck, Scarborough, Devos, Kasich, Mercer, Murdoch, Rosschild, Ingram, Kelly, Lake, Conway, Coulter, Huckabee, McEnany, Hannity, Spicer, Christie, Prager, Maher, Colbert, Corbett, Hayes, Biden, Harris, Fauci, Pelosi, Letterman, Menendez, Pirro, Manchin, Cooper, Maddow, AOC, Newsom, Uyger, Dawkins, Hitchens, Hancock, Sitchin, Ventura, Morgan, Cowell, Farage, Johnson, May, Merkel, Blair, Cameron, Brown, Blair, Mogg, Benjamin, Trudeau, Putin, Bolsanaro, Stalin, Lenin, Tito, Trotsky, Hitler. All Roman Catholic. Demand a Party of Peace: *Govt by People's Referenda, Single Issue Citizen Initiated Referendums with 70/30 split mean Communities can vote their own laws, by Mascot Candidates or Occupation of the Capitals. Make it an annual March every Oct 14 under a single white flag* 🏳️ 🙏 copy/share #DECOLONISE 🕊️
@eddyrapide 13 сағат бұрын
Wonderful episode. Gonna go read that Baffler piece now... ❤
@melchoraslez1689 Күн бұрын
Much love to everyone ❤️
@jonahcollie8821 3 сағат бұрын
This was a really good talk thanks for sharing it
@thairk Күн бұрын
Great analysis!
@ahsenzafar8037 2 күн бұрын
@LouisLinggandtheBombs Күн бұрын
very interesting, thank you.
@mary-annemareikura728 Күн бұрын
Definition of 'run amok' If a person or animal runs amok, they behave in a violent and uncontrolled way. A soldier was arrested after running amok with a vehicle through Berlin. Synonyms: go wild, turn violent, go berserk, lose control More Synonyms of run amok.
@UTubeISphere Күн бұрын
It can be uncontrolled; however, it can also be a consciously chosen way of fighting (individual or in a group) and warfare in order to instill fear and terror in a population.
@cyberninjazero5659 2 күн бұрын
If you want to understand the Israeli mind, the book "Jewish History - Jewish Religion" by Israel Shahak is a great start. So much of Israeli behavior is simply downstream of what that book explains
@louisgaudreau1277 Күн бұрын
,great thoughts Nora
@user-kn5jr7qw7l Күн бұрын
thank you 😀
@MicheleHeath-eq3zp 14 сағат бұрын
For me, I understand it as the supremacist ideology that people are fed from a very young age. Supremacy precludes self-reflection. An overdeveolped Ego and an underdeveloped Id. Thank you, this was an excellent discussion. 👏
@nadiaezzelarab-gill8484 Күн бұрын
I remember the McCain rally, where a confused lady asked McCain if Obama was a Muslim, and McCain answered along the lines of: No, a Muslim he is not, he is a decent human being, with whom I just happen to disagree.
@paulgallop2643 2 күн бұрын
....should 'a known lovely Nora would have been part of this clever piece. Thank you.
@amdclx4635 Күн бұрын
Listening to this got me thinking of Sylvia Wynters work around the the "human"
@gwendolynsimmons2080 Күн бұрын
When I was in Israel/Palestine in 2004 on an International Quaker Delegation we met with an Israeli Jewish mother who was an organizer of a group of mothers objecting to their children going into the military! She said very clearly that they did not want their children becoming monsters! What they were trying to prevent is exactly what you guys are discussing! Palestinian youth becoming monsters! 1:04:01
@shabs6214 2 күн бұрын
@mikecg9228 Күн бұрын
very nice.
@chrisgreene2623 Күн бұрын
When the decaying legacy media distract with puerile nonsense and other useless distractions, thankfully , there are channels like yours that keep people's attention on what truly matters.
@kalishakta 2 күн бұрын
The short story Theater of war by JG Ballard has an interesting take on this kind of activity as an experiment.
@jackklugman107 Күн бұрын
The irony that relatives of the former victims are now operating the largest death camp in history.
@0xkillswitch 2 күн бұрын
"Israel" is basically Joffrey from Game of Thrones. And the US is the hound.
@mogamadgreyson143 2 күн бұрын
Good analogy.
@shoxx48 Күн бұрын
The Hound in GoT kinda redeemed himself at the end tho
@gwendolynsimmons2080 Күн бұрын
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