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The Geek Critique

The Geek Critique

Күн бұрын

Once upon a time, and I swear I am not making this up... the Wii was *cool*. And one of the most impressive games for that newborn console was a 3D Sonic game that, in 2007 of all years, people actually *liked*. But it sure isn't remembered that way...
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@GeekCritique Жыл бұрын
MAKE BELIEVES REBOR - I mean, uh.... hi! Don't forget that you can see the next episode of this season, covering SONIC RUSH ADVENTURE, right now if you become a $1 backer on Patreon at ! And you can see both that *and* my episode on SONIC & THE BLACK KNIGHT if you become a $3 backer! Those episodes will be releasing here on KZbin over the next two Fridays, but if you'd like to see 'em early and support the channel, that'd be MYTHS IN MIND RETHOUGHT
@TheGerkuman Жыл бұрын
Make Believe Reborn! Nixon Man, Record! Question Donuts Too!
@roxasprowers Жыл бұрын
Also let's not forgot sonic and secret ring had the mini game as a side content . And nobody wants to play that party games of secret rings .
@smashmaster521 Жыл бұрын
@keammthedemon6277 Жыл бұрын
If and when you post a black knight review you know im watchin it.
@wedchidnaok1150 Жыл бұрын
45:28 ¡Oh! Will you do Sonic Free Riders? When you'll do Sonic FreeRiders? Can you do SonicFreeRiders? I know *nothing* of that game.
@Cybershell13 Жыл бұрын
As someone who has watched an extraordinary amount of sonic related content on youtube I can safely say TGC sonic videos are the best on the site.
@GeekCritique Жыл бұрын
As someone who has ALSO watched an extraordinary amount of Sonic-related content, I know how much of a compliment that is. Especially coming from you. :D Thank you!
@BlackBlur888 Жыл бұрын
damn i guess i gotta watch it now
@mechashadow Жыл бұрын
@FiveByFive What does objective understandings even mean?
@mechashadow Жыл бұрын
@FiveByFive On the contrary, TGC's subjectivity and personalized experiences is what really makes his content unique and intriguing which includes passion so I don't really get what you mean? Like a lot of his Sonic videos speak of a time when he did let his passion override those things and through and thanks to time he gives his look back at it again, so it is more of his personal relationship to the game than really about the game itself. That's why it stands out from the other reviews of said game. It really does'nt come across as a 'objective' critical analytical review of the game at all which is why I find it hard to get where you're coming from. And I'm glad it's not that straightforward as you claim it to be tbh.
@jokx4409 Жыл бұрын
And thus, TGC got the much-deserved seal of approval for the best sonic-related youtuber of all time from the king of the fanbase himself.
@ShadowThe771 Жыл бұрын
Jason’s performance’s in Secret Rings and Unleashed are (no pun intended) night and day. It’s amazing how much he improved.
@GeekCritique Жыл бұрын
It might not have been an intended pun, but it was a good one!
@manoftruth0935 Жыл бұрын
He started in Sonic Rush and Shadow the Hedgehog, and in Sonic X.
@Janon743 Жыл бұрын
Night and day compared to the previous games and stuff?
@ShadowThe771 Жыл бұрын
@@Janon743 yep
@Janon743 Жыл бұрын
@@ShadowThe771 I’d have to agree very much
@WolfDB Жыл бұрын
"I've never even played the sequel. Do you think I should?" Yes! Absolutely. The story is great and the game just boosts up what made Secret Rings good to many fans.
@MasterMygrane Жыл бұрын
Hard agree! Black Knight personally felt like an enhanced secret rings to me, (especially if you put effort into getting good scores in the levels and don't just flop your sword arm around willy-nilly).
@ori.g4mi Жыл бұрын
I really hated Secret Rings but I have a soft spot for Black Knight. IMO its better in every way
@relaxedhoodie7309 Жыл бұрын
Honestly one of the best stories in the franchise. It has a great message. A message that helped me when my brother died this year. I love these two games. I don’t care that they get a bad wrap by critics these games have a special place in my heart. The final boss fight with Erazor Djinn in his final form. Where you shake the wii remote up and down rapidly to beat the rings out of his chest. My brother would cheer me on as I fucking swinging that remote up and down, the music playing seven rings in hand, and the badass feeling. It felt great. Sonic is and forever will have a special place in my heart. I’m never letting go of this franchise. I love a good underdog story and can’t wait to see it bloom. Made some great memories with these games. I will forever remember you Joseph.
@Eichro Жыл бұрын
Controls are just as awkward, if not more, than Secret Rings. If you can get over that, Black Knight is a treat. IMO it's better at just about everything, from levels to music to mechanics. (I don't quite remember the story tho, just a few key points)
@celesticnova Жыл бұрын
Black Knight was favorite Sonic story before Frontiers releases. And the gameplay has its flaws, but can still be pretty entertaining imo.
@Miss-Alexis Жыл бұрын
The art direction of this game, and Black Knight as well, are absolutely incredible. Night Palace should've been in Generations!
@vividcolorandrichaudio6134 Жыл бұрын
There were levels for Secret Rings and Black Knight, but they were scrapped since Generations was kinda rushed.
@rynobehnke8289 Жыл бұрын
OH my god just thinking about how beautiful Night Palace would be in HD makes we which Sonic Team would use games like this for there nostalgia reuses rather than more Green Hill and Chemical Plant.
@billydonuts4965 Жыл бұрын
Black knight was easier to control. That’s why I like Black knight and Hated Secret Rings ever since my dad bought it for me in 2008.
@MrMarinus18 Жыл бұрын
But also I think this was a needed reboot. Adventures seriously overreached itself and failed to lay a good foundation like Mario 64 did. Secret Rings stripped out all the fluff and focused on just the core of Sonic, running fast and having tight reflexes with momentum physics. I kind of think this is what the Dreamcast Sonic game should have been. Just have Sonic run through basic enviroments and focus everything on the controls and physics. Also strip out anything that doesn't work. Mario 64 has aged quite well because that's what Nintendo did. They focused on making Mario control well in 3D above all and they were very risk averse during the development. This layed a very solid foundation that future games could be build upon.
@jaydenlenzy3487 Жыл бұрын
@@billydonuts4965 Black Knight came in 2009 so how did you get it in 2008?
@the_wake_ Жыл бұрын
Hearing Sonic series retrospectives dunk repeatedly on Secret Rings actually came as a shock to me. Watching this really helped me understand the conversation surrounding it. (Yeah, I'd definitely forgot what it feels like controlling Sonic in those early levels.) I played this game right at launch, when I only had a few Wii games. That kept me in my seat until I unlocked the fun abilities and started to master the systems. By the time I'd 100%ed it, I felt like Secret Rings was one of the best Sonic experiences I'd ever had. I'd never felt like a Sonic game had given me this much room for mastery and expression. Even the best of the 2D games and the Adventure era didn't hold a candle to it on those grounds. My college roommates even gathered around to watch me use every last upgrade and tech to overcome the incredibly stringent challenges. In that way, I'd say it might even be the most successful game at capturing that central tenet of "Keep coming back; it'll get more fun as you improve." Anyway, I'm glad I'm not alone in appreciating what this game has to offer. Thanks for bringing me back to something great.
@josephbroom2856 2 жыл бұрын
Secret Rings is one of those games I'd love to see on modern platforms with some QoL fixes. There's a lot to love about it and it's definitely overlooked these days
@thatcheesy8613 Жыл бұрын
Yet they do sonic colors 🙄 I get it being exclusive to one console is bad but it makes me annoyed. They definitely only did it for it’s good review score.
@greekstyle5788 Жыл бұрын
I'd love to see both Secret Rings and Black K ight come to other platforms. There was allegedly gonna be a third game to wrap up this series set in Ancient Greece which could've been cool :(
@bookishdelight 2 жыл бұрын
Hoo boy. It begins. I was one of those games journalists back in '07 who squealed praises about this game (oh, hey, my review's still on Metacritic even) and to this day I will still swear up and down to anyone who'll listen that the Storybook Series got the rawest deal in franchise history, for so many reasons unique to its specific release period. This game resuscitated my Sonic fandom after '06 left it comatose, and your contextual cold opening perfectly showcased why (along with unintentionally _calling me out_ to an uncomfortable degree!). Gosh, I haven't replayed it in 15 years either, though. Do you think I should? :D But yeah, just about everything good it did got ganked and polished by entries to come, leaving everything about it darn near superannuated save for the RPG upgrade system (which I actually do like; I always grated whenever some internet coolguy brought out the years-long meme of "zomg you have to unlock good controls SEE SONIC WAS NEVER GOOD ajlsdhlasjdajkl;", you do actually show the unlocking issue as a valid point with your Sand Ocean segment; still, I'd kill for a refinement of the system) and Sonic's writing (which I LOVE--see also the sequel). Anyhow, really good essay! Love the usual personal, vulnerable perspective, the awesome editing (I got genuinely HYPE when the title sequence hit, between this and Rush you're getting REALLY good at those), and the thorough takes. Your penchant for fakeout-yet-still-technically-true thumbnails are starting to give me heart attacks though :D Also, saw your Patreon message, I hope you're doing well overall! See you at the sequels you haven't played yet! (also also lyrical stage/menu songs for life i don't make the rules sorry~)
@EmperorOfApathy Жыл бұрын
How is this comment showing up as two months ago when its only been three days??
@bookishdelight Жыл бұрын
I used my Stand, "Patreon Backer"!
@WaterKirby1994 Жыл бұрын
So you were 1 of those Critics who ruined the series with "Just Sonic Mentality"? Still we have to thank you guys for getting us Black Knight as that was for a long time the last great Sonic game. I miss getting to play as characters other than Sonic, & the 2010s were torture as a fan of the series. Also Sand Ocean was Eggman's Pyramid Stage in Adventure 2, you are thinking of Sand Oasis. As someone who came off from the GameCube Sonic Games, Secret Rings felt awkward. While I can forgive the 1st instance of JSM for the Isekai plot & party game mode bringing them back, I was wanting characters to return to being playable again as they were in the Adventure Era & I found myself increasingly dissatisfied until Colors & Generations killed the series for me. Instead of letting you play as our beloved cast of characters we're going to have you play as 2 Sonics & the only time you'll get to platform as them again it won't really be them, yet here have some wisps.
@bookishdelight Жыл бұрын
I never toed the party line that far, no. :D I've always been of the S3&K mentality-I always preferred my friends to be different flavors of Sonic in terms of playstyle-within context, of course. (For example, while you'll never be able to convince me that Tails in a mech was a good idea, I thought it was awesome for Eggman to be in one because it felt in character). Meanwhile, in this exact regard, Black Knight made me VERY happy. It comes down to the execution as well-I prefer SA1 treasure hunting to SA2, for example. I also quite liked Silver's and Shadow's playstyle concepts in 06, the game's utter brokenness aside. But, usually, yeah, just gimme friends with different spins (lol) on Sonic's powers and I'm a happy camper. We Sonic fans are vast and contain multitudes, myself included-but especially back in the aughts, it felt a little lonely sometimes to be a reviewer who still graded contemporary Sonic games on their own merits (even when I didn't like some of them) while SO much of the rest of the landscape kept dragging the same tired story of Sonic's "rocky transition" and leaving it at that. Felt like screaming into a void, y'know? :D
@rufio.5961 Жыл бұрын
Imagine identifying as a "game journalist"
@SonikChaos Жыл бұрын
In 2007 I spent all my graduation money to buy a Wii along with Zelda and Sonic, and actually out of those two, sonic was the first to pull me in (although twilight princess also has a slow start), I remember the homing attack feeling so satisfying and I would go back and just replay all my favorite levels over and over
@GeekCritique Жыл бұрын
You got a Wii right at the same time I did, then. And they were still really hard to find! But those early Wii days were an absolute blast.
@GamingintheAM0801 Жыл бұрын
@@GeekCritique Fellow early Wii adopter here, and I couldn't agree more. No console launch era has ever felt quite so enthusiastic as the Wii. Those first few months were magical.
@francoperalta5986 Жыл бұрын
You know the more I look at it, the more it looks like secret rings was the most influential sonic game especially for frontiers. The onrail nature of the boost games and frontiers cyberspace levels, the rpg mechanics of Sonic Frontiers, the werehog in unleashed and even generations, the red rings that pretty much every 3d Sonic since 2010 would feature. It starting to look like this game was the true source for the future of Sonic.
@mikesantos8554 Жыл бұрын
Screw Colors...Secret Rings is the one who shined the future of Sonic.
@rynobehnke8289 Жыл бұрын
Secret Rings is together with Rush certainly the most import game that shaped the play styles of Unleashed, Colors, Generations, Forces and to a lesser extent Frontiers Rush boost and Secret Rings linear design and load out (like secret Rings introduced the stomp for example) with a few carry overs from 06 (before fire souls we had Soleana Medals and those clearly became the Red Rings and 06 is what gifted us the slight being a refined version of SA2's somersault) is what formed the backbone of the boost formula. And Kishimoto for Frontiers clearly did reuse a lot of concepts from Secret Rings. Like the Squid boss light trail just like Starlight Carnicals light trail were clearly taken from the Light trail of Levitated Ruins in Secret Rings. And Frontiers got tones more of these examples like the chase with Wyvern after getting the first chaos Emerald on Ares Island may as well be a Secret Rings stage. The only other thing with this much influence (and in my opinion a bad one at that) was Colors Wii as its approach for 2d sections influenced a lot of 2d designs in Generations, Lost World, Forces and Frontiers (I think its bad because Colors used more traditional Mario style platforming for its 2d while I prefer the Rush games approach to 2d boosting) And maybe if you want to squint Generations for bringing back the exact same 3 Classic Sonic stages over and over and over again.
@martiandracula7771 Жыл бұрын
It's nice to see your perspective. You were there, so I'm really being taken through the history of this series game by game from somebody who was knee-deep in the shit when each one came out, rather than listening to someone talk about it years after the fact when they may have only just played it recently. It's also nice because I get to learn more about your own journey through this series and what it's like for someone who had and still has terminal Sonic brainrot from the very start of the series.
@GeekCritique Жыл бұрын
Hey! Sonic 3 was already out by the time I got into it! I wasn't there for the VERY start! ;) But thanks for the kind words!
@BigBoy257 Жыл бұрын
@@GeekCritiqueI like how you didn’t deny the Sonic brainrot
@MrMarinus18 Жыл бұрын
I feel the very first Sonic game should have been something like Secret rings. Something simple and focused. I think the big part of what makes Mario 64 so timeless is that it is such a focused game. It's about Mario in 3D and that was what Nintendo focused on. They didn't water it down with tons of game modes or gimmicks. Because the basic mechanics of Mario 64 are so incredibly solid they could just be build upon. Even now the mechanics of Mario Oddessey are pretty much just an expanded version of 64. Basic mechanics are timeless and they usually are the main factor determining if a game will age well or won't. I feel Sega made a mistake with all the overambition. They should have done a Secret Rings. Have Sonic run in a 3D space in a fun way that controls well and do nothing beyond that. Focus all their attention on the most basic mechanics to lay a solid foundation for the future.
@stoheha Жыл бұрын
I played it at the time, and truthfully I find this review would capture this game best if there were ads every minute that forced you to hear "MAKE THE LEAF BE BORN" for 5 seconds, but you had to click to skip them. Also, I know those aren't the lyrics, but even only renting this game scarred me for life with that stupid song.
@paris-1911 Жыл бұрын
It may not be my first interaction with Sonic, but it was definitely my first Sonic game -- front to back, start to finish. It's weird thinking back, being a child that got this game in 2007 just a short week after its release, _entirely_ oblivious to the massive shadow that was just casted over the series a short three months prior. I was right next to it the whole time, and only found about this fabled "06" sometime four years later. Not even gonna front... I spent a sickening number of hours with my family on the party mode.
@ZAND4TSU 5 ай бұрын
@donnelwaddledee965 Жыл бұрын
WHY IS IT THAT I GET EMOTIONAL OVER EVER REVIEW YOU MAKE!? Seriously, you shine a special kind of light on games that offer such a new perspective. I never wanted to touch this game before, but you're genuinely making me consider doing just that.
@SdudyoyO 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who has never played Secret Rings, but has only ever heard the complaints about the motion controls and such, it was refreshing, and somewhat surprising to hear not only that you enjoy this game, but the industry as a whole reviewed this game so highly at a time. This game released when I personally fell away from the series, and it didn't help that I didn't want a Wii until much later -- So all I really know about it is the amazing soundtrack, and the terrible controls. Thanks for giving me a different perspective on this forgotten gem of sorts! I actually want to go back and give it a shot after this video, and I may not enjoy it as much as you do, it'll be fun to at least try it out!
@komlat253 9 ай бұрын
The key it literally just being patient 😂. It's kinda sad to say but u really have to. When I 1st played the tutorial, I was so frustrated I almost gave up there. Back stepping barley worked and the tutorial took me like 20 minutes. But after I saw the EXP bar I realized what kind of game it was so decided to wait it out . Unfortunately some skills literally just make the controls better😂 but actually sonic on rails is actually a better concept than what sonic games are usually. Once u get used to the sometimes bad controls, u actually see that it is actually just better . The back stepping is the only bad point, really, but you no longer have to worry about being flung off the map and allow for better accuracy.. all in all ,it's just different but actually really good too. I just have to give it a few hours haha
@LotsOfToubleUsuallySerious 17 күн бұрын
Get used to the bad controls until you unlock quick step and H-expand
@huntercrunch94 2 жыл бұрын
It kind of blows my mind that someone who likes Roger and Jaleel White could think Jason is cringey, but you know… opinions and all that. Quality video as always, sir.
@GeekCritique 2 жыл бұрын
When I noticed that teenagers were saying about Roger the same things, often word-for-word, that teenagers had once said about Griffith, I realized Sonic was always cool, and I was the one who was trying too hard. xD
@CarbonRollerCaco Жыл бұрын
Jaleel White was NOT cringey, good sir. He was a teen then, and Sonic's a teen, and the voicework fit how Sonic was in the DiC shows: arrogant, but in an earned way. Jason was hit and miss, though he can't be blamed for Secret Rings's writing, certainly. Roger's voice does NOT work for Sonic, even today. Just a fact.
@CarbonRollerCaco Жыл бұрын
@@GeekCritique Or maybe Sonic's voice was just getting worse and worse, hm? Downfalls don't always start from glamorous spots.
@ShadowStarkiller Жыл бұрын
​@@CarbonRollerCacono, Roger is a better Sonic than Jason was. Yes Jason's delivery got way better near the end of his tenure, but we had to sit multiple games of the same awkward inflections over and over to get there. To me it was never "Jason's trying way too hard to sound cool", it was "Why is he talking like that? People don't talk like that!"
@genyakozlov1316 Жыл бұрын
​@@ShadowStarkiller I don't want Sonic to sound like a real dude. That's why I hate Boom (the show) so much. Exaggerated characters should have exaggerated voice acting, not "realistic" natural voices, as because they don't exist no voice will be realistic on them. Japanese voice actors know to ham it up in every other show, but baring intentionally cheesy outings, like the English dub of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the Western output once again shows their snobbery in dictating what is and isn't "good art" like we're back in Nazi Germany or US and USSR during the cold war. You can still take the story seriously if it's cheesy and exaggerated, as Jojo and the MCU undoubtedly prove, and Sonic Colours doesn't even want to take itself seriously, so why must the characters sound real? In Frontiers, Sonic should have sounded deeper after something sad or scary happened, not in the beginning of the game. Instead the worse the situation gets with his corruption or him freeing an eldritch god the more like himself he sounds, sounding the most depressed when he's riding the Tornado before anything bad happens. Still, at least with the somber tone of the islands that game justifys natural sounding voices, the rest of the modern games did not. Although Generations, Lost World, and Forces sound appropriately cheesy to me, so I don't know where you found natural delivery there.
@BlueTomorrows Жыл бұрын
I think if I had to nail down what makes TGC one of my favorite game reviewers, it's his understanding and emphasis on the fact that more than any other medium games do not exist in a vacuum. Personal experiences, the contemporary and modern industry, and biases all go into how a game is perceived. Often times acknowledged inherent bias and very old personal experiences can be a detriment to a review. You never want a review to become a self indulgent history lesson, or for it to feel like the criticism isn't coming from a valid place. TGC however takes what would normally be a detriment and turns it into a strength. The way he grew with this franchise is actually used as a way to comment on the way it has changed and how experiences like that have informed how we perceive these games. It doesn't feel like he's buckling to what other fans want, while still understanding how the relationship between game and player factors into a game. This review specifically feels like it tells a story of how players will treat Secret Rings and how Secret Rings will treat them. Instead of acknowledging biases and then pushing them aside, he analyzes what a game looks like with and without them. The personal touch feels like it gives much more weight to what we should expect from a game than a simple checklist of things he found good and bad. TGC's recent episodes have been some of the best yet, and I hope he continues down this direction.
@quangamershyguyyz7166 8 ай бұрын
I ain’t reading all this but I guess it’s not for me anyway.
@harmless_xd4107 Жыл бұрын
This video inspired me to replay secret rings back when you put in on patreon, and I'm surprised to say it's a new favorite, so thanks for helping me come to appreciate a game i once hated
@GeekCritique Жыл бұрын
Aw, thanks, that's always nice to hear! Especially on a game like this, I'm never really sure if my experiences are gonna relate to anyone else. So it's cool to hear they did for you!
@bitwize Жыл бұрын
This to me was peak 2000s Sonic. The controls were jank, but I got used to them in a way I never did, say, the controls of Adventure 2. A jammin' soundtrack (with a minimum of mall punk) and absolutely aesthetic levels added up to the kind of Sonic experience I'd yearned for since the Genesis days. I had seen Sonic '06 in a store, glitched through the floor of the demo level, and decided that game was a hard skip; that, compared with the atrocious Sonic Genesis GBA release, made me wonder if it was really over for the blue blur. In my mind, Secret Rings saved him. It may have saved him in the general marketplace. The name of the final boss, Alf Layla wa Layla, means "one thousand nights and a night", and was the original Arabic title of the Arabian Nights story. So he really was the incarnation of the Arabian Nights. The rat/hedgehog dialogue lines are a wordplay in Japanese, where "rat/mouse" is "nezumi" and "hedgehog" is "harinezumi" (lit. "needlemouse"). You can hear this emphasized in the voice lines: "Nezumi ja nai! HARInezumi da!" Speaking of, Junichi Kanemaru is also an English teacher IRL, and so is the perfect Japanese choice to play Sonic, who is written to come off as a bratty American kid and so has constant random English phrases in his dialogue.
@GeekCritique Жыл бұрын
Ahh, that makes perfect sense about rat/mouse versus hedgehog in Japanese, thanks! I think it fit for me because it was so reminiscent of the way Robotnik would always call Sonic a "rodent" in SatAM.
@TranscendentAzure89 Жыл бұрын
The most standout part of this video has to be how you finally nailed for me what it is about the way this game approached stylization that makes it still occupy some space in my head every time anyone goes back to talk about it despite my love and biases for those 16bit Genesis/CD/Lost World/Mania aesthetics. That and thank you so much for reminding me of the contexts for the first time Let The Speed Mend It, No Way Through, & Unawakening Float hit after either backtracking with more abilities or doing playthroughs after beating Eraser Djinn. The flow of the visuals and audio played in tandem at that point are, if I'm allowed to embellish, peak fiction. I'm almost convinced Sonic Team took the latter as an unintentional minor design commandment with them forward into the boost series too. Compare that footage of Sand Palace with the abilities early in this video to the way you build up to the main playable segments of Skyscraper Scamper Day in Unleashed or legendary stuff like Planet Wisp Act 1/2 or Terminal Velocity Act 1 in Colors and tell me it doesn't seem like they knew what they were doing.
@The_AGL_Group Жыл бұрын
Absolutely wonderful analysis. I absolutely love your historical approach to reviewing the games in the series and having an ear to what online and IRL communities were like at the time of their release. Secret Rings was my first game since my family got a Wii as our first contemporary game console and my father found it on sale at a Kohls. This game, with the addition of Sonic's entry into Super Smash Bros. Brawl, got me interested into looking further into his series, which then led to picking up the 8 and 16-bit versions of Sonic 1 on the Virtual Console, [getting Sonic '06 on the PS3 as my second 3D Sonic game], picking up Mega Collection, Heroes, Adventure DX, and Riders for the GameCube with the backwards compatibility, and then picking up the first retro console I sought out to get, a Model 1 Sega Genesis. While it was Star Wars: Rogue Squadron that got me into video games and Lego Universe that got me interested in game development, it was Sonic and the Secret Rings that ultimately caused me to become a hardcore gamer and historian. Without it I wouldn't have gotten a Dreamcast and recaptured the feeling of the early 2000s I'm so nostalgic for so much with Sonic Adventure 2: The Trial, wouldn't have gotten a Sega Saturn and import games for the first time, wouldn't have gone to Sonic Boom 2014 with my uncle, cousin, and father and heard Jun Senoue play live, probably wouldn't have gone to SDCC 2017 and hear Jun Senoue play live again, and I wouldn't have discovered internet reviewers, which introduced me to the Mega Man series, which ultimately led me to meeting my best friend, who led on to influencing my creative outlets and expression as well as meeting all of my current online friends through interconnected community circles. It's weird to say, but this jank game from 2007 without a doubt shaped the person I am today. (Also SOMEONE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIND THE E3 SONIC WILD FIRE DEMO, I NEED A CLEAN GAMERIP OF THE BETA VERSION OF "LET THE SPEED MEND IT" IN MY VEINS)
@cookiestar3069 Жыл бұрын
I knew so little about this game before watching this video. The art design is indeed fantastic. Especially the final zone!
@JustJohn43 Жыл бұрын
Another video bringing me to tears by the end. Thanks for spreading the word on this game. Listening to your retrospectives lets me know I am not alone in my tastes.
@kondzior553 Жыл бұрын
Regarding the before-credits cutscene: yes, it was a translation error. In the Japanese version he says 「つまり、七つの世界リングがあれば、この扉は開くってことだな」which more or less means "So basically, if we get the seven World Rings, this door will open". You playing with the Japanese dub made this pretty easy to check :D
@ShadowStarkiller Жыл бұрын
That's what it was? I had been assuming the cutscene was intended for if you already had the rings, and that for some reason there wasn't a counterpart for if you didn't. Thanks for the correction
@MoonlinerPictures Жыл бұрын
Welcome back, you've been missed! These videos are so great to have as part of my daily routine, I haven't even played half the games, just well-made content.
@WillieCorley Жыл бұрын
This video is a perfect example of how long-form content works for content creators who understand and pander to their target audience. I'm a huge Sonic fan who has not played this game in over a decade, so it was not difficult for me to have the attention span to watch this 47 minute long video. Good job!
@buckchuckgaming597 Жыл бұрын
As a child of the late 80s/90s I can safely say this (and it’s sequel) would have been a perfect framework for a Sonic arcade experience. I would’ve eaten this up in small bites at an arcade. An on rails Sonic spectacle platformer on the Naomi arcade board would’ve been fantastic.
@auggiebiermann Жыл бұрын
The quality of TGC videos never cease to amaze me. Love it!!
@CNightmare072 2 жыл бұрын
Good to know its not just ME whose been listening to "Unawakening Float" still! But seriously, great review. I remembered how weird the motion controls got & the weird upgrade progression system, but forgot about having to "unlock good acceleration & handling." I remember a lot of the levels, the music (duh), Darkspine Sonic, & that fantastic final boss + ending cutscene. I remember replaying stages over and over to collect higher rank rewards & Fire Souls (since that's how you unlocked characters in the awful Mario-Party Minigame Multiplayer). But your love for the series shines through & this was a great retrospective. I always appreciate how elegantly you phrase things with such passion.
@blueseclipse725 Жыл бұрын
I actually have fond memories of this game. And you are absolutely right - the atmosphere was great, Sonic was characterized extremely well, the World Rings set themselves apart perfectly... and the gameplay didn't hit its stride until you had everything available. Glad to see you back, though - and I am looking forward to the inevitable Metroid Dread critique.
@ashooaway Жыл бұрын
I just want to say thank you for posting another video and never giving up. Honestly with the world cup in Qatar (a middle eastern country) I often listen to this soundtrack whilst puppy sitting and watching the world cup because it keeps them happy
@ggdeku 2 жыл бұрын
At the time, i was one of the fans who initially was put off of the game after a few hours. I never really gave it much thought after that. This video really changed my impression of what the game was all about and the highs of the gameplay and mechanics. Of course its still really rough, but i definitely respect it more than I ever did before. Another killer TGC video!
@Kirbychu1 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, this makes me wish I played more than the first couple hours.
@Patrick-ng1vg Жыл бұрын
I remember really loving this as a kid and remember equally how much it made me really want to play the bonus levels just because they were fun (let alone finding out later you needed too for the final boss) And my god the final boss is something I'm gonna remember. Being dumb kid me had it's trouble for sure, but i didn't stop until i figured it out and the final cutscene made it sooo worth it. I really hope you follow up with black knight! I really think it helps refine the main gameplay and the story of king arthur is tons of fun!
@GeekCritique Жыл бұрын
Black Knight's in two weeks! :D
@TwilightWolf032 Жыл бұрын
39:22 Hi, Japanese speaker here. You are correct in your assumption that it was a mistranslation, Sonic says "In other words, if we have the seven World Rings, then this door will open, right?"
@GeekCritique Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the clarification!
@zoruacrossing8726 Жыл бұрын
My absolute favourite part of this video was the stage-by-stage breakdown, easily. Considering that, if nothing else, Secret Rings has some of the most inventive stage themes in the franchise, this was totally warranted. And I'm not ashamed to admit that every new stage had me remembering how it made me feel. I was HYPED when Pirate Storm and Night Palace started. I'm almost definitely gonna have to go back and give this game another playthrough after watching this!
@noobzindograuomorredorpro Жыл бұрын
have you gotten the crest of wind? it makes the game really fun to play
@MACZ2021 2 жыл бұрын
After seeing the preview for this video that was uploaded today, I finally decided to back TGC on Patreon. Figured it was long overdue with how often I've rewatched the videos on this channel. As for the video itself, another spectacular critique! It definitely makes me want to go back and play the game again cause I got to the end but never got all 7 of the rings you need to get for the final boss. I do remember the one time I played through the game I liked it plenty, but this video finally makes me understand what it was about the game that made me like it.
@RichardBlaziken 2 жыл бұрын
I'll be real, I got this for Christmas along with a few other games that year and played it for about 15 minutes before completely losing interest back then. I wasn't invested much in Sonic at that time and a game like this wasn't what I wanted. But! I am very excited to hear you discuss this one because it's one of the only Sonic games from this era I _did_ own and I wonder what it'd be like if I'd kept it and given it more of a shot. Can't wait to watch!
@LordRoto Жыл бұрын
It's great to hear you had similar feats as I did. I also remember showing off the final boss as a showing of what the wii could do. I got hyped by the end and really enjoyed the game as a whole. And yeah I still listen to most of the OST lol. Great video!
@ThelronFjord Жыл бұрын
Not even a big Sonic fan, but I always enjoy Geek Critique kino.
@RichardBlaziken 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, sorry to double comment, but I absolutely have to make it clear that I DEEPLY REGRET not sticking with this! You made it clear, it's a rough introduction and I wish I'd just made it through that because while this doesn't look perfect, there is a lot to love here. That end cutscene... _yes!_ That's so Sonic! Just like with the Rush review, I now need to go back and get this one and give it a fair shake. Thanks for this, I can't say how much I look forward to these. Can't wait for the next one. :)
@cityside75 Жыл бұрын
I'm not much of a Sonic fan, but your videos are great, this one especially so. I have this game in my Wii collection and now I'm quite curious to give it a play! Your comment on the "retro-ness" of the Wii is perfect. That era of video games feels a million miles away from where we are now.
@Burtzman20 Жыл бұрын
I haven't played again this since I 100% completed it when it first came out. This kind of makes me want to. I think there's a sweet spot in how much time you spend with this game: At the beginning, it sucks. In the middle, it's a great time. And if you try to do everything it has to offer and squeeze every bit of content out of it, getting all fire souls, gold medals, and looking for Big the Cat ...then it sucks again. And how my time with it ended on a bitter note is all I remember about it now.
@sonickreekgamer7625 Жыл бұрын
This is one of your best, no, ONE OF THE BEST general Sonic reviews I have ever seen on youtube. Great job TGC!
@littlemisseevee2309 Жыл бұрын
after seeing so many reviewers as of late I’ve realized 2 things I really love about your style 1: you arent constantly negative, and are generally positive even if you think the game might not be good 2: you do a lot of talking about how things were, how they felt, it makes it a lot easier to understand where you come from and easier to empathize too
@148840Texas Жыл бұрын
This was the first sonic game I ever played and I replayed it over and over multiple times. I've got a huge soft spot for this game and you perfectly explained what it was that I love about this game. I know my rose tinted glasses are glued to my head but this is one of my favorite sonic games. Amazing video!
@NiGHTSnoob Жыл бұрын
Josh, I want to say thank you. I was also someone that even by 2009/2010 was just assuming this game was actually crap and had seemingly forgotten all the fun I had with it. Filed away in my brain under gimmick motion controls and the glut of bad mid 2000's Sonic games. Thank you for reminding me why, despite that opinion in 2010, I still played the game through to completion and then some back when it came out. The game has a lot of problems, but there's a lot to love about it too. I absolutely adore the faux-arabian aesthetic and this game is no different, and when it nails its premise it really hits it home. It's a rough game, but one I got hours of fun out of and definitely the kind of novel and risky thing I miss from the AAA space anymore.
@itachisusanoo3689 Жыл бұрын
That first mini-paragraph is perhaps emblematic of a lot of the fanbase when it comes to the 2000s' era games, even for me as well!
@QwixLF Жыл бұрын
There are some people on KZbin that I consider as a pillar for franchise opinions and takes. Arlo for Pikmin and Paper Mario, Maximiliandood for various FGC franchises, and this very channel for Sonic. These videos are carefully considered, and of very high quality that warrants waiting for the 2 or so we get a year. By all means, keep doing what you do!
@hansgretl1787 Жыл бұрын
Josh, YOU GOTTA STOP! Through years of internet osmosis I heard nothing but bad things about this game, and yet you are REALLY making me wish I could play it... Classic Geek Critique right there. Edit: And surprisingly, Seven Rings in Hand actually slaps. I wouldn't have known, since I never heard more of it than the first 20 seconds.
@SSean1991 Жыл бұрын
Finally! Someone who actually appreciates this game for what it has to offer. Thank you for making this. I would love to see you cover Sonic and the Black Knight as well!
@KalokesMysteries Жыл бұрын
Yes! I had lots of fun with this game as a kid. Didn't know much about 06, but I felt like I needed to have a Sonic game for the Wii. It must've been before Colors came out when I heard about this game, because I ended up buying it. All I remember is how much fun it was speeding through levels like Pirate Storm, getting destroyed by the missions, and trying to figure out that finicky backstep. It all changed when someone managed to steal our Wii, PS2, and almost all the games that came with them. I don't think I had been going back to it regularly after playing through it the first time, especially after I'd gotten Colors, but now there was no chance. I was forgiving the motion controls less by then, and I wasn't in a solid spot to buy games at will. So, I left it at that. I played it on Dolphin last year, giving it another chance by using a GameCube controller setup, but I didn't get far before realizing I had other things I wanted to put more time into. Maybe I'll come back to it. I can't say I didn't have fun, so perhaps one day. Lovely critique!
@DragonRaiderX9 Жыл бұрын
So I knew next to nothing about this game prior to this video. And if nothing else, I am flabbergasted that I've never seen that last scene with Sonic and Erazor Djinn. That was so friggin' cool!
@MakeHerSquirtle Жыл бұрын
I always thought that if this game was remade into a regular 3D sonic game, it could be such a banger. The art direction is really good, the soundtrack is great the level theming is super cool, and with QoL updates this could be a gem
@gavingarza1454 Жыл бұрын
Dude this video is by far my favorite take anyone has had on Secret Rings, it's a game I have a lot of nostalgia on and I think you do it justice very well. Earned a sub for sure bro.
@ruccsacc Жыл бұрын
Imagine playing sonic 06 where the villain is called Iblis (another name for the devil) and then three months later we get sonic talking about opening the gates of hell. Wtf
@thestupidfuncrisallstodios470 Жыл бұрын
it's always nice to hear there is another person who loved sonic and the secret rings
@SumRndmPenguin Жыл бұрын
When I heard the third song's vocals I went "Why do I know these, I've never gotten past the first level of this game," until I realized that cobanermani used the song for his intro.
@forgototherpassword Жыл бұрын
So something that I don't think you mentioned: Darkspine Sonic isn't using all seven of the world rings. He only has three of them: The rings of rage, sadness, and hatred, with the others taken by Erazor Djinn. This is a sonic high on negative emotions, which is why he's more aggressive. It's something no other game gives us a chance to see, and I think that's worth talking about.
@bandicootsauce4569 Жыл бұрын
43:21 to 44:13 ...Whoa. I was actually caught off guard by how genuinely badass that scene was. Not even kidding.
@infinityheart_tm9270 Жыл бұрын
First of all… your Jordans are completely fake. Second of all… Erazor Djinn, you have absolutely no maidens. And thirdly, you haven’t even thought about buying Spotify Premium.
@TehJellyLord Жыл бұрын
I think the auto running Sonic game idea that is present here has a lot more potential that some think. Everyone brings up Sonic Dash, and yeah that’s fun, but that really plays more like a quick step section from the boost games. A break neck fast arcade-y tightly controlled and tough as nails auto runner sounds like it could be amazing. The real problem with Secret Rings is that they did not go all in on that concept, and felt the need to throw in the extra missions for padding and sections of stages where you need to stop and fight enemies. If it was all about the auto running and spectacle, it could have been this awesome, fast paced, challenging, and infinitely replayable arcady experience where you master Sonic’s movement, swerve jump and dive around obstacles and enemies, find faster paths through the stage, and completing a level as flawlessly as possible could have how you are ranked. It just sounds awesome. I really want another story book game that fully focuses on the auto runner aspect and doesn’t even let you stop. You could even have a more Star Fox styled structure where taking certain paths through the stages takes you to a different stage than what would have happened if you took the main route. It would be an extremely short game to beat, but endlessly replayable.
@codycoy2943 Жыл бұрын
I am really surprised people said good things about this game back in the day. It was awful to play at first and i put it down, and then nobody ever said anything good about it.
@trogdordecimater Жыл бұрын
This is validating. I haven't played Secret Rings since it's release but I remember loving it a TON. Especially lately though, weird to see how it isn't generally liked, I couldn't reconcile that with my own memory. Thanks for the video, it was a great trip :D
@gilles4prezudent650 Жыл бұрын
Been more than 15 years and it's only just now that I've learned that Shahra's JP voice is Mai Nakahara. A voice that traumatizes me more than anything else.
@unluckly9256 Жыл бұрын
@gilles4prezudent650 Жыл бұрын
@@unluckly9256 I'm glad someone picked up on it. Also, that's rough, I'm sorry you had to go through what I did.
@vvlaze Жыл бұрын
Wonderful video, I really do enjoy how your videos always seem to have a personal thesis to them informed by your own tastes and experiences rather than a straightforward evaluation. I think that’s why I enjoy your style so much and would love to see a take on Black Knight because of it.
@GeekCritique Жыл бұрын
Well, you're in luck! I'm releasing Rush Adventure next Friday, and Black Knight's the week after that!
@rikibdgd4764 Жыл бұрын
@@GeekCritique les gooooooo
@leeartlee915 Жыл бұрын
It’s so refreshing to here someone on KZbin admit that they both like Sonic and know, in their heart of hearts, that the games are full of massive jank (especially they later entries). Also, thank you for playing this game so we don’t have to. I’ve been revisiting older Sonic games and was dreading this release. Now I don’t have to.
@Hyperneosonic97 Жыл бұрын
It should be noted that Darkspine Sonic is not actually a transformation using all seven of the World Rings. This is a plot point you might have missed: Sonic actually only uses _three_ to become Darkspine Sonic: The red, green and purple rings, representing anger, hatred and sadness, respectively, which... is a pretty blunt, in-your-face descriptor of how Sonic is feeling at that very moment, with having a friend of his just die right in front of him and then the one responsible mocking said friend to his face. This showcases a rare, otherwise unseen side of Sonic as a character, one who can get _really_ nasty, but it takes _a lot_ to push him that far, as he not only seals Erazor Djinn inside the lamp once again, but then, according to lore, _throws the lamp into fires of the Evil Foundry,_ ensuring that nobody would be able to find the lamp and free Erazor, while also ensuring that the djinn suffers an eternity of burning. Ordinarily, this instance of _inflicting a fate worse than death_ onto somebody goes against Sonic's typical MO, but with Erazor Djinn, he proved himself an absolute monster that deserved no mercy by any metric, with even Sonic, who normally doesn't hold grudges, going so far to see him punished.
@phantomstrider 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for introducing me to "Unawakening Float." A fantastic song that's made a permanent place in my running music library. Cheers.
@kibbeh Жыл бұрын
I played this game for the first time emulating with a controller, and I was surprised on how much it gradually started to grow on me! it's a shame a lot of people think of this game so poorly, there's a lot to love here once you get past the janky controls and I think you hit on all of it really well here. it's cathartic to hear someone who sees the same things in this game as I do, hopefully this video gives some people a newfound appreciation for the game :) (also, would highly recommend anyone interested play this game with a controller if they're able to-- it doesn't fix the "going backwards" problem, and it takes some tweaking to get it feeling responsive, but once you get it right it feels super seamless to play)
@ZaffreRevolution 2 жыл бұрын
man it feels so good to be able to watch such quality content early :P i'll always have so much respect for you learning to find positives in so much of what you cover, it's incredibly refreshing. i've tried to follow the philosophy of choosing to enjoy a game rather than expecting everything to fall under your expectations, and it's just so nice to see a youtuber i really admire do the same. idk if i'll ever like secret rings, the ways it controls have just never felt right to me no matter what i do to try and get it down pat, but seeing you find enjoyment was so great because i've always loved the art direction, concept, soundtrack, and general vibe of the game. it's so creative - something i've felt the storybook series excels at if anything. this video does make me wanna give it another go tho, maybe with age will come perspective and appreciation for a sonic game approached in a different, yet conceptually sound way. great work as always, can't wait for rush adventure!
@_Snowflame Жыл бұрын
If there's anything I -- *only* I -- remember about Secret Rings, it's the special features on the official website. They updated a blog over time with strategies for specific missions and general play, and even superplay videos to show them off. The mission guides were more than welcome, and I think the official site is how I learned about using Quick Slide + Aegis Slider to bypass the wall-sidling sections. And that's just cool. Official documentation on tricks people might not ever find, that might have even looked like oversights to be polished out of a safer game. There's stuff in Secret Rings that feels like a developer found some weird shit, some edge-case in the state machine, and said "no, I'm leaving that in, and I'm building a whole mission in Sand Oasis to justify it." This one trick that the website called "The Ultimate Jump." If you use the short hop to leap at a low ledge and hit exactly on the corner, sometimes you get deflected up and start flying through the air at your full running speed. It's extremely finicky in execution. Minutely different timings and initial approach speeds will give wildly different results. This isn't a reasonable mechanic, and no one competent should design systems to be this literally chaotic on purpose; I'd bet money it emerged naturally, and someone said to keep it. The website almost admits this, but then goes on to say that it's super cool, can bypass whole sections of level if mastered, and attaches a video of a whole mission being skipped in one enormous leap. Folks on this dev team loved video games the same way I play video games. They really don't do things like this anymore. Maybe shouldn't. But we miss them.
@BlaxxShadow Жыл бұрын
I could swear you were in my living room when you got that footage of every players first Secret Rings Run. To this day I don't think I could ever enjoy Secret Rings, but you did manage to convince me that, maybe, just maybe, I'm missing out on...SOMETHING.
@Alienrun Жыл бұрын
I played this as a kid when it was new...there's no way in heck I WOULDN'T understand what made this game special at the time! Needless to say nothing in this review really surprised me, but its nice/vindicating to see you due this game its proper justice (including its a kid they just added to the "challenge" and I didn't even register them as such...but if I were to go back to this experience would most likely be similar to yours) I must admit for a little while I've been kinda miffed about the direction of your channel...purely on a subjective level. These fast few years you've slowly been making changes to how you present yourself and what you focus on. And honestly in hindsight it had more to do with my life perspective as a whole (I'm doing WAY better now tho, so I won't go into that here). In regards to you tho your new style has grown on me tho. Like I mentioned years ago back when I first found you I projected a lot of myself onto you, like I still find your Sonic 2 video to be really personal, but I can make out my perspective more distinctly from your own. So as a glean into your cultural perspective on Sonic, games and life as a whole...I see a more different person, someone who's less like me as my identity has become much more clear to me now...the parts of me that are constant (my self confidence has been really good as of late, and is in way dependent on elitism or comparing myself to others like it was...unfortunately...when I was way younger...and even when I thought I rooted it out it was still there subconciously...I guess that's part of growing up tho lol) I do think its cool that you've decided to be more meta in your videos. Even if someone who's followed you from near the start and is unfotunately too analytical for my own good (for better or worse)...can see the writing on the wall in regards to where you get your ideas from, similar patterns ect. Its all good tho, I know that these videos are take a long time to make and that you put a lot of effort into your scripts and editing ect. I'll just have you know that if I ever decide to pursue writing in any serious can bet I'll be writing my own essays on various games/media I've come to appreciate while trying my best to say unique things on them. (I've just been focused a lot on real life as a late which is why you don't see me comment a whole lot) No pressure on myself or anything, but you've been a really big inspiration on my creative side, seeing that passionate video critique not only can work and is feasible but that its somehow! Brilliant all around! Keep up the critiquin'! :D
@neetlukako Жыл бұрын
This game unironically made me a sonic fan. I got a wii for my birthday and this game and loved it - which is crazy because I already had a genesis and 1, 2 3 & Knuckles, but I couldn't beat them.
@g.u.959 Жыл бұрын
Josh, you madman. You’ve made me want to go back and try Secret Rings again. Fantastic video as always, probably one of your best. And that’s true of every new video you make! Seriously, this was great.
@lifeasjaylin Жыл бұрын
Never would I think I’d watch a video that would cause me to consider replaying this game again. Great video as always TGC
@zabiyurei Жыл бұрын
Nah replaying it on dolphin and getting a controller to simulate wii controls is probably the best experience you could possibly ever have playing this game, it truly made it such an enjoyable experience
@Jake76667 Жыл бұрын
Josh, you are the only person i know who can play a bad & stupid sonic game all the way to the end, find praises (and criticism, of course) and make a in-depth & surprisingly interesting video.
@miarose5156 Жыл бұрын
Great video! I remember this game growing up and have a slight nostalgia for it! Love your videos! Keep up the good work
@ZackL.R. Жыл бұрын
I find the seven world rings interesting as a concept. they seems like they represent the emotions the author put in into the stories and thus they essence of the world. this could be connected to a concept in literature that know as the death of the author where readers appropriate the stories and interpretation of the stories.
@rynobehnke8289 Жыл бұрын
The World Rings are certainly a cool way to give physical presents to the emotions that tie stories together. Its also a great visual metaphor to use Rings as Rings can be used to bind pages together. As a matter of fact does Secret Rings Option menu do exactly this its presented as book which pages and bound by 7 metal rings.
@friesengarett1376 Жыл бұрын
I can already see it now... The year is 2032, we finally get a sonic frontiers retrospective.. all the while the Metroid dread retrospective is long forgotten.
@lunarasteroidshideout Жыл бұрын
Your delivery is fantastic dude, the beginning and ending are exquisite. Great job man, can’t wait for the next two episodes
@paulboland6333 Жыл бұрын
Love your videos and your positivity. Actually, you are right - it is a mistranslation at the 40 minute mark. He says something like “So, it means *if* we have 7 rings this door opens.” Or however you’d like to word it.
@vps8008 Жыл бұрын
This video was so good!!!!! I grew up with Secret Rings, literally, I'm like a year older than the game. But it was also the only Sonic game I had/have. I never see anyone talk about it but I was pleasantly surprised when this video showed up in my recommended! This video has inspired me to play Secret Rings again! Thank you so much!!!!!
@wolfpack_104 Жыл бұрын
Always a joy to get a notification for a new video from this channel. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this game of which I've heard a lot of mixed views about
@ajx4 Жыл бұрын
intro hits me like a truck everytime and your outro statement is perfect
@JadeRocks_ Жыл бұрын
I've been watching your stuff since around the start of the original 3D sonic marathon, and I have to say, this is far and away my favorite video you've made to date. From your unique perspective since you were in the fandom at the time, to you actually making me feel genuinely more emotional than I EVER was playing this game myself. Thanks for helping me see an ounce of this game's potential Keep up the amazing work man
@RyanBeardy Жыл бұрын
I love your optimistic approach to this review! Secret Rings is a game riddled with hard to grasp design choices, but as with most Sonic game's there's always some charm to be found underneath!
@Furluge Жыл бұрын
6:50 Wow let me just say you encapsulated my feelings with the Wii so well. It really did sour hard if you were a longtime fan. Things went from a bright future full of potential to just disappointment that really hurt the brand and motion and gyro controls as a technology. And I was one of those people waiting in line to get one in April 2007. But a year late it was obvious things were horribly wrong. :( It's kind of like that comic meme you see all the time. Nintendo (Happy face): It plays all your Gamecube games, has online built in, we sell old games on it, and it has motion controls! Me (Happy face): Great, that'll be awesome alongside new creations and innovations in the types of top tier core games that I've enjoyed from you for the past 21 years! Nintendo: (Happy face): .... Me (Worried face): We are getting more AAA core games, right? Fantastic video as always.
@nazor1 3 ай бұрын
The comment on the menu music having a boisterous vocal track- that's how I feel about the Travel menu in SF6 World tour mode. I liked it by now it just grates.
@FormalFilmsProductions Жыл бұрын
I have so many memories playing secret rings when my friend gave it to me for Christmas. Dino jungle was one of my favorite levels, and I think you should play sonic and the black knight.
@LostSoulSilver Жыл бұрын
Secret Rings was the only Sonic game where I actively had to put the controller down and stop playing, I didn't even get past the 12 tutorial chapters. I was way more of a Black Knight guy. But I'm glad someone somewhere out there liked it at some point
@Schwarberfest 8 ай бұрын
My sister and I were HUGE fans of the sonic adventures growing up. For Christmas one year we got this game - we realized it wasn’t the 3D sonic we were used to and we barely made it past the tutorial before never touching it again. My older sister told me “oh we got the bad sonic by accident, we should’ve got Sonic (06),” but years later I realized - it was all the bad sonic
@rynobehnke8289 Жыл бұрын
As one of Secret Rings few fans I'm really glad to see a bit more of a positive review on it that actually acknowledged that the games gets a lot better ones you level up and unlock decent controls. A little something on the story. Shara's betray doesn't come out of nowhere there are subtil hits towards it all over the story. From the way Erazor talks to her when first meeting him. The scene in which Shara gives Sonic what latter turns out to be Erazor's busted lamp highly hinting that she is hitting something. And the Words of Solomon Its there just not as in your face as its usually with Sonci stories. Oh next up is Rush Adventure now that has be worried I love that game but I know many dismiss its story for Marine and its gameplay loop for the sailing.
@wisconsibility Жыл бұрын
You're retrospective videos are some of my favorite video game content on KZbin and some really solid writing. I've appreciated games I've played more or yearned for a new playthrough after watching your videos, or in the case of Sonic and the Secret Rings, you've made me want to try it for the first time in my life. I have that same jank acceptance quirk so I can respect that you had to lay that out lol...
@callmezeldaonemoartime Жыл бұрын
41:26 gotta say though, this cutscene right here in English is an absolute trip, it’s like Erazor’s VA was told to scream in pain but instead let’s out the most amazing opera yell lmao
@ntmrkd1 Жыл бұрын
One of my favorite things about your videos is the footage you have from your childhood. That clip of you and your friends camping out for a Wii was so wholesome. That was a real moment that you didn't even talk about. You used it to support the topic and not yourself. I think that is so cool.
@flutterflyer849 Жыл бұрын
This is such an amazing video, loved seeing this look at an underviewed game. And I just adored it. I always enjoy watching your videos showing me experiences I didn't know about. (Really hope you played Black Knight's English dub though. If you did play it.)
@ultralight9625 2 жыл бұрын
I am so glad you are reviewing this game, I was worried you might skip over the story book games.
@obsidianchao Жыл бұрын
This is the most 2007 ass game ever made. Soundtrack, visuals, everything. Love it.
@GeekCritique Жыл бұрын
The only thing it's missing is Saliva's "Ladies and Gentlemen."
@ShadwSonic Жыл бұрын
"Implied they were lovers at one point" Ah, no. The _idea_ is that when Erazor broke out of his lamp, to ensure he couldn't be sealed inside it again, he turned it INTO Shara. The link between Lamp and Genie still exists, but now HE'S the one with the control. And it doesn't quite come out of nowhere either, as the King skeleton guy from the last world hints at _something_ deeper than the surface. Now, am I suggesting that this automatically makes _perfect_ sense? No, not really. But it's close enough to not count as an asspull.
@shimoved Жыл бұрын
Never listened to the full version of seven rings in hand and it has been stuck in my head ever since you played it. It's so catchy
@kenn_k Жыл бұрын
always extremely refreshing to hear a different take on something like this. still haven't play this one, tbh but i think i own it? lol, might have to dig it out and give it a go
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