Paul Lewis is indeed "immersed" in a sonata that I had not previously thought "profound", although it is beautiful. Many years ago it had seemed to me that when he played Beethoven, Lewis became Beethoven and now in this sonata he is Schubert.... IN CONCERT They walk in the Fortunate Isles, The ones who fashion the music: Some lucid as angels' minds, Some subtle most like Divinity's - And these are they whose breath Stirs in the strains of their music. How but by re-making - Sinking awhile the self Into the music's maker - Can streams be drawn from Elysium, Magical, clear and true? When maker, music and re-maker Are one enchanted dream, Do they smile, Liszt, Beethoven, As by the stream we linger, That flows from the Fortunate Isles? ~ E.M.R.H. 14 May 2012