Гимн Хорватии / Himna Republike Hrvatske - Lijepa naša domovino / national anthem of Croatia

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Lijepa naša domovino (с хорв. - «Наша прекрасная родина») - государственный гимн Хорватии, национальный гимн хорватов.
Текст основан на четырёх (из четырнадцати) строфах опубликованного в 1835 году стихотворения Антона Михановича Horvatska domovina («Хорватская родина»). Музыку написал в 1846 году Йосип Рунянин.
Песня передавалась из уст в уста. В 1861 году её записал и обработал для четырёх голосов дирижёр Ватрослав Лихтенеггер, и в 1864 году она была опубликована.
С 1918 по 1941 год первая строфа текста была вторым куплетом гимна Королевства сербов хорватов и словенцев и Королевства Югославии (включавшего также фрагменты сербского гимна «Боже Правде» и словенского Naprej zastava slave). В 1972 был принят в качестве гимна Хорватской Социалистической Республики в составе Югославии и сохранял этот статус до распада страны в 1991 году.
Оригинал Перевод
Lijepa naša domovino,
Oj junačka zemljo mila,
Stare slave djedovino,
Da bi vazda sretna bila!
Mila kano si nam slavna,
Mila si nam ti jedina.
Mila kuda si nam ravna,
Mila kuda si planina!
Teci Dravo, Savo teci,
Nit' ti Dunav silu gubi,
Sinje more svijetu reci,
Da svoj narod Hrvat ljubi.
Dok mu njive sunce grije,
Dok mu hrašće bura vije,
Dok mu mrtve grobak krije,
Dok mu živo srce bije!
Наша прекрасная родина,
О храбрая земля милая,
Древней славы наследство,
Будь всегда счастливой!
Ты мила, как и славна,
Мила нам ты одна,
Мила, где ты ровна,
Мила, где гориста.
Теките, Драва, Сава, теките,
И ты, Дунай, сил не теряй,
Синее море, миру скажи,
Что хорват свой народ любит.
Пока его нивы солнце греет,
Пока его дубы буря вьёт,
Пока его мёртвых могила скрывает,
Пока его живое сердце бьётся!
Lijepa naša domovino (Croatian: [ljêːpa nâʃa domǒʋiːno]; Our Beautiful Homeland) is the national anthem of Croatia. Often simply referred to as Lijepa naša (Our Beautiful) in Croatia, it is a phrase widely used as a metonym for the country.
The original lyrics were written by Antun Mihanović and first published under the title Horvatska domovina (Croatian homeland) in 1835. In 1846, the Austrian composer Josip Runjanin (1821-1878) composed the music for Horvatska domovina. Runjanin's army bandmaster Josip Wendl adapted his music for a military brass orchestra.The original form of the melody is unknown because the original has not been recovered to this day.
The song was scored and harmonized for a male choir by a teacher and organist of the Zagreb Cathedral Vatroslav Lichtenegger in 1861, and after that it started to be performed as the Croatian people's ethnic anthem. The title "Lijepa naša" has been applied since that time. The original text has 14 verses. Since then, a few minor adjustments have been made to the lyrics.
The song was not immediately adopted by the Croatian Parliament as the national anthem. In 1907, the Association of Croatian Singing Clubs requested the parliament to do so but received no response, even though the song was used as the state anthem in unofficial capacity at ceremonies, including the 29 October 1918 session of the parliament when Croatia formally dissolved its ties with Austria-Hungary.
Between 1918 and 1941, segments of the Croatian national anthem were part of the national anthem of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and it was unofficial hymn of Croats. During the World War II, in the Independent State of Croatia it was also used as state anthem, albeit with some modifications to the lyrics. Croatian Partisans were also using it, for example during ZAVNOH sessions.
The song officially became the state anthem of Croatia through amendments of the Constitution of Croatia adopted by the parliament of the SR Croatia on 29 February 1972. It was confirmed by constitutions of 1974 and 1990, when its lyrics were slightly modified, and by the Coat of Arms, the Flag and the National Anthem of the Republic of Croatia.
Lijepa naša domovino (često tek Lijepa naša), himna Republike Hrvatske od 1991. godine. Njezine početne riječi čest su metonim za Hrvatsku (Lijepa Naša).
Ubraja se među malobrojne miroljubive himne jer veliča ljepote domovine, a ne poziva na borbu ili otpor kao himne-koračnice (pr. Marseljeza).
Zagrebački pravnik Antun Mihanović, jedan od pjesnika hrvatskog narodnog preporoda, napisao je domoljubnu pjesmu Horvatska domovina koja je postala temelj današnje himne[2] - od 14 kitica uzete su prva, druga, pretposljednja i posljednja. Horvatska domovina je objavljena 14. ožujka 1835. godine na naslovnoj stranici desetog broja književnog lista Danica, koji je tada bio nositelj književnog preporoda.

Lijepa naša domovino,
Oj junačka zemljo mila,
Stare slave djedovino,
Da bi vazda sretna bila!
Mila, kano si nam slavna,
Mila si nam ti jedina.
Mila, kuda si nam ravna,
Mila, kuda si planina!
Teci Dravo, Savo teci,
Nit' ti Dunav silu gubi,
Sinje more svijetu reci,
Da svoj narod Hrvat ljubi.
Dok mu njive sunce grije,
Dok mu hrašće bura vije,
Dok mu mrtve grobak krije,
Dok mu živo srce bije!

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