Рет қаралды 177
The Global Commons Forum was held on October 8, 2024. The event was organized by the University of Tokyo and RIKEN, with sponsorship from Mitsubishi Estate. Following the conclusion of the forum, an online discussion was conducted as an affiliated session with the "Global Nature Positive Summit," which took place in Australia on the same day, marking the successful end to the entire series of events.
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#東京大学 #TheUniversityofTokyo #UTokyo #理化学研究所 #理研 #RIKEN #グローバルコモンズセンター #CenterforGlobalCommons #CGC #未来ビジョン研究センター #InstituteforFutureInitiatives #グローバルコモンズ #GlobalCommons #プラネタリーバウンダリー #PlanetaryBoundary #ネイチャーポジティブ #NaturePositive #カーボンニュートラル #CarbonNeutrality #システム転換 #SystemTransformation #レジリエンス #Resilience #ヨハンロックストローム #JohanRockström #ポツダム気候影響研究所 #PotsdamInstituteforClimateImpactResearch #PIK #ピーターバッカー #PeterBakker #WBCSD #WorldBusinessCouncilforSustainableDevelopment #持続可能な開発のための経済人会議 #GlobalNaturePositiveSummit
Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo
Center for Global Commons, The University of Tokyo