God is RETURNING to SCIENCE? - Dr Stephen Meyer

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Justin Brierley

Justin Brierley

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@justinbrierley Ай бұрын
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@avitalsheva Ай бұрын
Why you removing normal disagreeing posts ? Is it too much inconvenient to read the facts ?
@Birdieupon Ай бұрын
@@avitalshevayou’re kidding, right? The entire comments section is FILLED with disagreeing posts! 🤦🏻‍♂️
@avitalsheva Ай бұрын
@@Birdieupon I am sorry but mine 2 of them disappeared. I just said that Adam and Eve story is nonsense as before they ate a fruit they didnt know what is bar and good . So how they could made any bad decision if they even didnt know what is to make a bad move ? How they could be held responsible to act badly if before they ate fruit- they were not able to know what is bad ?
@TheOtiswood Ай бұрын
@@avitalsheva "they were not able to know what is bad ?" Doesn't matter what the tree was called, God told them not to eat of it. Did they know they were doing wrong? Yes there is no excuse for ignorance of the law. That's why Jesus died on the cross and rose three days later; cause they didn't know any better.
@avitalsheva Ай бұрын
@@TheOtiswood DO you have problem with basic logic? How they know it is bad to eat it and how they know that not listen to God id BAD if they didnt know what BAD mean? If you know that something BAD will happen to you , then you can obey and you may know that not listening is BAD. But if you dont know what BAD mean than how you can do anything bad and be responsible for it ? The God sentence to them " you will die" can not be understood as they didnt know what does it mean... because they didnt know what bad mean nor what death mean ( if they would know it then they already would know what it is a BAD thing, before eating fruit)
@grootjohnmorrison4165 Ай бұрын
The Bible is the most interresting book, and once you have a handle on who Jesus is he changes you to a point where you regret your whole previous existence. To repent and believe in Him is life changing. Things make sense again and fear vanishes like fog.
@ciarahoverstreet1601 Ай бұрын
Soo true I’ve been a believer since I was very young but for the past ten years I sort of just stopped learning and yearning for gods word and wanted to just stay where I was but you can’t do that you either better yourself or you worsen yourself but 3 months ago I saw what was going on in Israel and just felt the need to read the Bible and at first in Matthew I couldn’t understand it it was going right over my head I prayed to god to help me understand and literally right after that it started making since in ways it never had before showing me things about my life I’ve never seen before the things I’ve been doin in my life I shouldn’t have been doing and since then my whole life has changed I see everything differently and I believe god woke me up because Jesus is returning for his church very soon it is the season and everyone even nonbelievers feel something going on in the world people feel the end of the world is close but it’s just the end of this age there are millions of Muslims in the Middle East converting to Christianity china has millions as well so many are having visions of Jesus and the rapture and tribulation it’s all over the devil has literally stopped hiding because he knows time is short
@MNorbert89 Ай бұрын
What about Buddhists?
@billjones8503 Ай бұрын
@@MNorbert89 Buddhists really don't believe in a God, not the one we usually think of anyway.
@eva4adam451 Ай бұрын
Very well said. We are teaching the end of an era. ​@@ciarahoverstreet1601
@stevendebernardi8291 Ай бұрын
Love your neighbor. Love yourself. No Hell No Heaven. No need for blood sacrifice. No resurrection. The Canonical Bible is not Divine. There is no “Bearded Papa” waiting to judge or reward.
@lv4077 Ай бұрын
This is just anecdotal observation but I thought I’d mention it. I graduated for medical school about 50 years ago. I knew then there was something weird going on when I studied biochemistry, physiology, chemistry ,embryology and about every other ology , you can imagine. The more I learned about the specifics of these various disciplines the more I wondered how any of this could work so seamlessly. I couldn’t imagine the amount of concise manipulation of the genetic code would be required to make the simplest stereochemical change in an enzyme as an example.Even if you knew what sequence of amino acids would be required to yield an active site on an enzyme, how would you know how to manipulate the nucleotide sequence in the DNA molecule to be able to manufacture that particular protein? Anyway, the more I learned about the more I realized how little we know and we know an awful lot. It’s just that, like anything in life the more you know the more you know you don’t know..
@gusgrizzel8397 24 күн бұрын
It doesn't always work "seamlessly". Things malfunction. Take the design of the urethra through the prostate. Not such a good design. So is aging. Not good for any animal. And we are just animals.
@FlowDeFlowDrainage 4 күн бұрын
Interesting observation. The fact is that most students learn Evolution BEFORE they learn any meaningful biology. This is deliberate as they would not accept Evolution if they understood what it was claimed to have done. Many people are so busy later they never review the Evolutionary foundations they were given so early. We can excuse Darwin as he only knew about animals and plants not biochemistry and cell biology or genetics. Anyone looking at what we know about the cell today will see Evolution for the absurd idea it is.
@lv4077 4 күн бұрын
@@FlowDeFlowDrainage I do believe in the “evolution “ of species but only as an adaptive mechanism to aid in survival .I can’t see a simplistic theory like the evolution of species as being even remotely possible but I do think Darwin,with the limited understanding available at that time ,pretty observant for 1859,saw something but he probably just misinterpreted the extent to which it could explain the tremendous diversity of species.
@FlowDeFlowDrainage 4 күн бұрын
@@lv4077 Discussion of this topic gets tricky if we don't define the term evolution carefully. Darwin saw evidence that finch beaks on different Islands change according to the food supply. This is driven by the recent climate. Some have short beaks and others long ones. But modern observations show when the weather changes the beak lengths drift back and forth. This demonstrates that both varieties are present and selection just adjusts their numbers. This is not evolution since nothing new is added. We just see selection from latent options. All the examples of observed evolution are like this.
@manuelteixeira2496 Ай бұрын
I understand the mathematical reasoning leading to the conclusion that quantum math equations need a mathematician's living mind to decide those equations necessary for the beginning of a time, space fine-tuned physics Universe. At sunset in the south hemisphere of Central Africa, I looked at the sky and was filled with immense joy: In my mind, I heard: Manuel, you are part of All this beauty! It was so magnificent an impression that I spoke loudly: I Thank You for having Created me.
@lenawagner6405 Ай бұрын
@piratessalyx7871 Ай бұрын
Looking at the diversity of life on this planet……how many types of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians, insects, bacteria, viruses etc are upon the earth, and then add how many species of plants, trees, flowers, molds, fungi etc…the number is staggering….how can all this flora and fauna come from nothing? All the elements in the universe, all the mathematical equations that add up? How can something this grand can just happen, its too incredible….there must be a grand power behind it all! More powerful than our arrogant human brains want to comprehend you think? I know “he’s” there, watching etc!😁🥰😁
@andrewmays3988 Ай бұрын
I love your honest expression of what you feel and think when looking at the sheer, magnificent beauty of the unfathomable mystery we have been chosen to live in and experience. I BELIEVE we were chosen by the same Creator of the entire universe, which I BELIEVE is infinite in space and eternal in time. Our Creator is the Holy Spitit referred to in the Christian New Testament and Jewish TANACH. More specifically, our Creator is the God of Abraham found in the Jewish TANACH. Sadly, the Old Testament found in Christian Bibles is a counterfeit version of the Jewish TANACH. Unfortunately, mankind has a long history of disobeying the Will of our Creator, who many deny even exists!!!! That kind of thinking is a symptom of a serious psychological disorder very similar to schizophrenia...where people hear and see things in their minds that don't exist in reality.😇
@JimKalpa-qd9zr Ай бұрын
"A living mind"....in plain sight, beautiful.
@weltschmerzistofthaufig2440 Ай бұрын
That's nice. Why don't you check out a hospital filled with innocent individuals suffering from life-threatening diseases and disorders as well? I'm sure you would be able to make the same conclusion!
@MicStowe Ай бұрын
No, Dr. Meyer you didn't go too long. Just when I started to feel lost you somehow managed to crystalize your profound point/argument in a way I could intellectually grasp. Outstanding work---thank you.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
@raskolnikov6443 Ай бұрын
@PageP1975 Ай бұрын
​@@LGpi314what, what? If you watched the video, the comment you responded to isn't difficult at all to comprehend. Try harder.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
@PageP1975 oh I watched pseudo scientists like Meyer too many times. Meyer has not put out his "science " for peer review for a reason. He only sells books to gullible people.
@billjones8503 Ай бұрын
I have found him long-winded & oftentimes obtuse myself. Would urge him to try to keep it simple & clear. I know the subjects are complicated-keep that for your books & when talking to other scientists-but when talking to the rank & file clarity & simplicity, though not dumbed down, is key.
@bpuryea Ай бұрын
On the random chance of producing a simple protein example Dr. Myer speaks to, even if you came up with a protein by random, what would: - Preserve it - Utilize it - Reproduce it the "What" necessary to answer these questions exist yet - all you have is a randomly produced protein that folds in a way that might be useful with nothing to contain it in order to preserve it, use it, and reproduce it. This explanation of the problem massively under estimates the totality of what is needed to produce the first life. And we haven't even touched the chemistry and laws of thermodynamics problems with abiogenesis.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
"we haven't even touched the chemistry and laws of thermodynamics problems with abiogenesis." WHAT!?!?! "what is needed to produce the first life." You should stop listening to creationists like Tour and Meyer. They are clueless. ### Role of RNA in Abiogenesis Abiogenesis is the process by which life arises naturally from non-living matter. The RNA world hypothesis is a central theory in understanding how abiogenesis might have occurred, proposing that RNA was a key molecule in the early stages of life. Here’s how RNA fits into the process of abiogenesis: 1. **Formation of Organic Molecules**: - **Prebiotic Chemistry**: Early Earth conditions allowed for the formation of simple organic molecules, such as amino acids and nucleotides, through chemical reactions in environments like hydrothermal vents and tide pools. 2. **Self-Assembly of RNA**: - **Polymerization**: Nucleotides spontaneously polymerized to form short RNA strands, with catalysts such as clay minerals aiding this process. These RNA molecules could store genetic information. 3. **Catalytic RNA (Ribozymes)**: - **Self-Replication**: Some RNA molecules developed catalytic properties, becoming ribozymes capable of facilitating their own replication and other biochemical reactions. This ability to self-replicate was crucial for the persistence and evolution of these molecules. 4. **Formation of Protocells**: - **Encapsulation**: Lipid bilayers formed spontaneously, creating protocells that encapsulated RNA and other molecules. These protocells provided a microenvironment that protected RNA molecules and concentrated them, enhancing the efficiency of replication and other biochemical processes. 5. **Evolution of Complex Replication Mechanisms**: - **Natural Selection**: RNA molecules with efficient replication abilities had a selective advantage. Over time, these molecules evolved more complex and efficient replication mechanisms, leading to the emergence of more sophisticated life forms. 6. **Transition to DNA and Protein-Based Life**: - **DNA and Proteins**: Eventually, RNA-based life forms transitioned to using DNA for long-term genetic information storage and proteins for catalysis. DNA is more stable than RNA, making it a better long-term repository for genetic information, while proteins are more versatile and efficient catalysts. ### Key Points Connecting RNA to Abiogenesis - **Chemical Origin**: RNA molecules formed from basic organic compounds available on early Earth. - **Self-Replication**: RNA's ability to catalyze its own replication made it a prime candidate for early life forms. - **Catalytic Versatility**: RNA’s catalytic properties allowed it to perform essential biochemical reactions, supporting early metabolic processes. - **Protocell Formation**: The encapsulation of RNA within lipid bilayers provided a stable environment for early biochemical processes, leading to more complex cellular structures. ### Conclusion The RNA world hypothesis suggests that RNA was a fundamental molecule in the early stages of life, playing a critical role in storing genetic information, catalyzing biochemical reactions, and facilitating self-replication. These functions were essential for the transition from non-living chemical systems to living organisms, making RNA a key player in the process of abiogenesis.
@darkeen42 Ай бұрын
@@bpuryea in what way do the laws of thermodynamics make abiogenesis less likely? You should look up some of the current scientific research into this I think they've already figured out how proteins can form themselves I mean complex chemistry is going to constantly be happening I'm not sure where you're seeing the difficulty
@bpuryea Ай бұрын
@@darkeen42 James Tour
@BrainDamagedBob Ай бұрын
​@@darkeen42You say that "they've" figured out how proteins can form themselves. Who are the "they" you refer to? Where was that published? Other than racimic mixtures of a few amino acids, I have heard of nothing that has been shown that lies on the path of naturalistic syntheses of proteins.
@darkeen42 Ай бұрын
@@BrainDamagedBob A protein that self-replicates Date: February 27, 2018 Source: ETH Zurich Summary: Scientists have been able to prove that a protein structure widespread in nature -- the amyloid -- is theoretically capable of multiplying itself. This makes it a potential predecessor to molecules that are regarded as the building blocks of life. Share: FULL STORY Long regarded as a biological aberration, amyloids are fibrous aggregates of short protein fragments. Amyloids have a bad reputation because they are thought to be the cause of multiple neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
@monicatorres4965 Ай бұрын
As a christian biologist I love this conversations! Real science points to the truth... and the truth is a person...
@Readthefineprint221 Ай бұрын
May I ask, what do you see in biology that makes you believe? Is it that our genetic code?
@vladtheemailer3223 Ай бұрын
God isn't a person.
@jjevans1693 Ай бұрын
@@monicatorres4965 Theists always have a problem with words like truth and evidence.
@laureelohnes4231 Ай бұрын
​@@vladtheemailer3223Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
@fresebhatu2457 Ай бұрын
And the truth is the Lord Jesus 🙏
@Shawn-nq7du Ай бұрын
Who would believe a book is not written from a mind, an intelligent source? No one. Yet some believe the entire universe was created without a mind. Go figure.
@therick363 Ай бұрын
A book is an artificial thing. The universe isn’t. Yet some believe they are the same. Go figure.
@mikewiz1054 Ай бұрын
A book does not evolve from atomic particles and quantum phenomena. It is a product of human consciousness. The universe is not a product of human consciousness…unless we are living in a simulation. You are obviously not intelligent because you’re not capable of complex thought. Your analogy lacks basic logic and is a pathetic attempt at comparing two mutually exclusive concepts.
@Shawn-nq7du Ай бұрын
@@therick363 The commonality is the intelligence behind both. What insane person cannot see the intelligence behind creation? That is why Einstein and the large majority of scientists are theists, increasingly so the younger they are. To believe that the universe was produced by itself demonstrates great credulity. Kurt Gödel, the best-known mathematician in recent history, was a theist; Einstein, the best-known physicist, was a theist; George Lemaitre, the greatest cosmologist and father of the Big Bang Theory, was a theist and a Catholic priest; Gregory Mendel, the father of genetics, was a theist and also a Catholic priest; and Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, the fathers of quantum physics, were theists. Francis Collins, the greatest contemporary biologist alive who worked under the last three U.S. Presidents as the Director of NIH, was an atheist who turned theist. Thoroughly convinced by the evidence from science that there is a God, he wrote multiple books on this topic. The founder of modern statistics, Ronald Fisher, was also religious. Robert Boyle, the father of modern chemistry, was a theologian, and the founder of microbiology, Louis Pasteur, was a devout Christian. On the other hand, most of the leaders of the new atheism, which purports to be rigorously scientific, generally studied the humanities, like Daniel Dennett (philosophy), Sam Haris (philosophy/neuroscience), Christopher Hitchens (journalist), Steven Pinker and Darrell Ray (psychologists), and Michel Onfray (high school teacher of philosophy). A few, like Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss, have scientific training and education. The Big Bang Theory indicates a creator, the Second Law of Thermodynamics points to God, and the Uncertainty Principle from Quantum Physics also points to the existence of a Creator.
@deczen47 Ай бұрын
@@therick363you begging the question bro
@therick363 Ай бұрын
@@deczen47 explain how so
@mariocerin4105 Ай бұрын
I once quipped that Universe wouldn't know it exists without us.
@billjones8503 Ай бұрын
Excellent point. But God always knew. My opinion anyway, though God is a reasonable choice.
@davidshaffer3092 Ай бұрын
It would not have to.
@weltschmerzistofthaufig2440 Ай бұрын
The universe had existed 9 billion years before the formation of the Earth. It had existed 13.8 billion years before the emergence of humans on Earth. It will continue to exist trillions of years after humankind's extinction. So no, the fine-tuning argument doesn't make any sense.
@johnglad5 Ай бұрын
​@@weltschmerzistofthaufig2440So you are just molecules, no purpose or cause to your existence. I don't think so. Jesus came into his creation in the recent past. You are loved by him .
@billjones8503 Ай бұрын
@@weltschmerzistofthaufig2440 How do you know of humankind's extinction friend? And how does the before & after effect fine-tuning?
@roblangsdorf8758 Ай бұрын
Justin, Randy J. GUliuzza, of the Institute of Creation Research in Dallas, Texas, says, "Biology needs a theory of biological design." He has degrees in both Medicine and Engineering and this has led him to look at biology as something that has been engineered. He has written on, "Why biology needs a theory of biological design." I think that this topic would produce a great podcast to follow this one. Stephen argued for intelligent design. Randy goes the next step and says, Let's look at biology as something that didn't occur by random processes, but required careful engineering. I look forward to hearing such a program.
@steveburris6543 Ай бұрын
Natural Selection is not a random process. It's analogous to Human selection in dog breeding....and look at that over the last few hundred years. Chihuahua to Great Dane....they can't even breed now
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
" "Why biology needs a theory of biological design."" What created the designer? "Justin, Randy J. GUliuzza' Did he publish his research for peer-review? WHere? I would like to read what other scientists say about it.
@Stupidityindex Ай бұрын
Believers have no sense of humility or shame, no morals or standards. Huckaby & other pastors endorsed Trumpism. I find that believers strike out with threats, when informed of reasoned denial, of the existence of a God outside of fiction. Atheist literature goes back to 500 BC. I suspect educated men have always known Deity as a tool of fiction, a tool of state. I enjoy the ludicrous notions of faith. Believers begin their crimes like Moses, becoming history's worst navigator, as if travel were best done with one foot in fantasyland. Believers fail to comprehend the saying of Jesus Christ which has lasted to this day. Believers are found among a gathering crowd, when Jesus Christ is alarmed by a wicked generation, those who seek the signs of resurrection. "The only sign given is Jonah" - who was a believer. He was outnumbered & murdered by other believers. Jesus Christ "hangeth on a tree" to celebrate the War of the Jews. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13 "Render to Caesar"
@jimhughes1070 Ай бұрын
@@roblangsdorf8758 I thought that's what Stephen was saying all along... In every video 🙏💯
@weltschmerzistofthaufig2440 Ай бұрын
Randy wouldn't dare to publish his claims in a peer-reviewed journal, because he knows that he's merely making baseless assertions. He's an apologist who appeals to the emotions of his Christian followers in order to earn quick money from their donations. Biology has never needed a "design theory" since the inception of evolutionary theory, and Randy knows it.
@65gtotrips Ай бұрын
@1:12:36 - It takes putting one’s pride away to being humble about God. It takes the Holy Spirit to convict you of truth and righteousness. It takes repentance, aka changing your mind about the God of the Bible; To convince an unbeliever the ability to believe God created everything. - There are many verses in the Bible talking about there’s the knowledge of God within everyone ever born; That they suppress their knowledge of God in unrighteousness.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
"It takes putting one’s pride away to being humble about God. " Which god? There have been over 4000 religions and god claims and none, zero, zilch, nada got even close to being true. Once you understand why you reject every other god's claim then you we will understand why we reject them all.
@alantasman8273 Ай бұрын
@@LGpi314 The one true God...Jesus the Christ....creator of the universe and all therein.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
@@alantasman8273 Why do you lie? Allah is the only true god. Any Muslim will tell you. "God...Jesus the Christ....creator of the universe and all therein." Mohammed split the moon in half. your jesus never existed outside of the bible. show me historical documents where jesus as son of god is called by the name outside of the bible. I'll wait.
@alfarouqaminufor3892 Ай бұрын
Stephen myer is doing some incredible work. Frank turek always asks atheists an important question “if Christianity were true would you become a Christian?” Many still say no, so it’s not about “proof” as they always claim, they hate the idea of a god, they hate the fact that they can be held to a higher standard to which they do not want to be held too. So that is why people are still denying Stephen myers incredible work. Apparently people in the comment section know more than Stephen myer 😂
@T_J_ Ай бұрын
Nice little straw man you've built there. But I have a lighter in my hand ... 🔥 If Christianity were true I wouldn't become a Christian because I don't believe in stoning people to death (for any reason); I also don't agree with slavery, genocide, substitutional atonement and many of the other morally dubious/corrupt tenets of Christian morality that Christians, in some bizarre exercise of mind-blindness, seem to genuinely believe is 𝘢 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘥. Wow. Unlike you, I won't speak for all atheists ... ... but I for one, don't hate your god, as I have no reason to believe it exists ... but I definitely dislike the character as portrayed in your theology and regard the idea of such a monster being real as nightmarish. If Christianity were proven true, I'd believe your god exists - but I would not worship it. This is the nuance that whooshed past your hemispheres without even skimming them. Something being proven real is separate from whether that thing deserves respect. Call me weird but I just don't think I'd get on well with a possessor of an eternal torture chamber. There's nothing about that I can respect.
@ivans8713 Ай бұрын
for me as kind of Christian, scienctific evidences are not issue at all. for me biggest problem for Christianity is problem of evil and suffering. There are more than enough of evidences that completely refute evolution.
@tonygoodkind7858 Ай бұрын
1. "Incredible" meaning unbelievable? Because I'd agree with that. 2. Yeah Turek's dishonest. Belief *in god* requires evidence *of god.* Yet you'll notice Turek's dishonest question sidesteps that and asks if Christianity were true would you become Christian. So Turek changes the topic from god to Christianity, and then changes it *a second time* from Christianity to becoming Christian. (After all, it's true Kim Jon Un exists, right? Does that mean you follow him? Or would you agree that knowing something is true is different from knowing it's worth following?) It should bother you that the main proponents of your worldview regularly make dishonest arguments like that. It should bother you that there's no logical argument for theism.
@T_J_ Ай бұрын
In good, er ... faith, I'm gonna assume that you aren't just presenting a vapid and asinine straw man and genuinely believe the things you've said about atheists' position on these matters. Unlike you, I won't speak for all atheists ... If Christianity were true I wouldn't become a Christian because I don't believe in stoning people to death (for any reason); I also don't agree with slavery, genocide, substitutional atonement and many of the other morally dubious/corrupt tenets of Christian morality that Christians, in some bizarre exercise of withering self-deception, seem to genuinely believe is 𝘢 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘥 than any other form of morality. I don't hate your god, as I have no reason to believe it exists ... but I definitely dislike the character as portrayed in your theology and regard the idea of such a monster being real as nightmarish. If Christianity were proven true, I'd believe your god exists - but I would not worship it. This is the nuance that apparently whooshed past your hemispheres without even skimming them. Something being proven real is separate from whether that thing deserves respect. Call me weird but I just don't think I'd get along with a being in possession of an eternal torture chamber ... if I learnt that a neighbour of mine had a torture chamber in which he abused his children I'd be reporting him to the authorities while you were, supposedly, loving him.
@ivans8713 Ай бұрын
@@tonygoodkind7858 Thinking that 4,5 bilion letters word called DNA came to existence randomly over time is more incredible than anything i have heard. You going on a beach and seeing just simple word HAHA writen on sand would never say "waves did it over milions of years" you would instantly know that somebody visited beach and was playing with sand. 2. That has nothing to do with dishonesty what the hell are you talking about. He answers question that are asked, maybe questioner doesnt like that answer thats different thing. THen he asks question of his own. He can ask from his perspective and his belief that is not changing the question. You are out of context completely. Comparing God to Kim Jon Un as example of something bad isnt really good in many ways. several are fallowing: Kim Jong Un constantly monitors you and prohibits your actions if they are against his rules. God on the other hand lets us do what we wont. So you both cry about God not being here and visible to prove himself but hate idea of God existing to tell you what to do. If God was evil planet would be way way worse. And in Christianity regardless if you beleave in it or not what is the claim?? It claims that God came to earth in human form, and was brutally killed and put on cross to rot. What does God according to christianity do here on earth among us tiny humans? Why is he willingly allowing to get tortured by us humans? well at least in Christianity God came to share suffering with us and isnt distant from problem of evil and suffering. Why would God care at all about sharing pain with us if he is evil? Think about it.
@WTFlux-lh2tf Ай бұрын
Stephen is such a gift to the ID inclined. Extremely interesting and insightful interview. Thank You!!
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
ID decline. There I fixed it for you.
@teks-kj1nj Ай бұрын
@@LGpi314 IQ decline, there I fixed it further.
@ThOperator Ай бұрын
To Thomas Nagel: I LOVE the universe where God looks after us and takes cares of our mistakes. I hope from my heart that one day you will recognize the love the God is.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
'The word God is for me nothing but the expression and product of human weaknesses,' Einstein wrote to Gutkind, 'the Bible a collection of venerable but still rather primitive legends. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can (for me) change anything about this.'
@ThOperator Ай бұрын
@@LGpi314 Watch some NDE stuff.. where people were dead for hours and even days and they were send back. They all say that material experience is nothing compared to soul experiences. And you can even check some 'big balls I'm a bad ass man' who died and were completely transformed when they come back. The truth is that we are souls who have earth experience and not bodies who have souls.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
@@ThOperator Do muslims see jesus in their NDEs? None of the studies have proven NDEs. Why do you people have to lie? Do you know what happens during NDE? Oxygen deprivation. Drugs can do the same thing. It has nothing to do with balls. "The truth is that we are souls who have earth experience and not bodies who have souls.' Ha ha. Funny. Now prove it. “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” ― Christopher Hitchens There is no evidence of angels, satan or gods. Do better next time. What else do you have?
@Robert-ct6bc 17 күн бұрын
@@ThOperator There is no soul and all experiences are material.
@Robert-ct6bc 17 күн бұрын
@@ThOperator THe N in "NDE" stands for "near".... does that ring any bells? Something in the line of...people who come bacl from "death" were never actually dead.
@BrainDamagedBob Ай бұрын
I wonder why Meyer doesn't embrace YEC. He is a formidable proponent of the ID position, I'm curious why he never seems to mention the possibility of a recent origin of all living thingsv only thousands of years ago.
@alfredoparadike4106 Ай бұрын
Because he prefers to tell lies that are arguable to semi literate people. YEC is nonsensical and can only be sold to the dumbest people. Even meyers wouldn't stoop that low.
@victorferguson874 27 күн бұрын
@@BrainDamagedBob His comment is only that he will not demean their argument.
@lewiscarey1593 12 күн бұрын
Check out Darwin's Drlimma, I think he mentions or alludes to young earth: I.e. transition from one creature, to another, ...very interesting documentary!!😊
@alfredoparadike4106 12 күн бұрын
@lewiscarey1593 lol... religion does a terrible thing to the brain. It's almost as if you guys are in kindergarten.
@jamesmiller7457 2 күн бұрын
​@@alfredoparadike4106that was a kindergarten insult
@E-SPONGE555 Ай бұрын
There is nothing more natural than the fact of an intelligent designer
@teks-kj1nj Ай бұрын
but it's not a fact. It's a baseless claim devoid of any evidence. It would be pushing it to even call it a hypothesis.
@Frakka475 Ай бұрын
Really , show me the process of creation of any world and its inhabitants anywhere by any supernatural intelligent designer
@Stupidityindex Ай бұрын
Believers have no sense of humility or shame, no morals or standards. Huckaby & other pastors endorsed Trumpism. I find that believers strike out with threats, when informed of reasoned denial, of the existence of a God outside of fiction. Atheist literature goes back to 500 BC. I suspect educated men have always known Deity as a tool of fiction, a tool of state. I enjoy the ludicrous notions of faith. Believers begin their crimes like Moses, becoming history's worst navigator, as if travel were best done with one foot in fantasyland. Believers fail to comprehend the saying of Jesus Christ which has lasted to this day. Believers are found among a gathering crowd, when Jesus Christ is alarmed by a wicked generation, those who seek the signs of resurrection. "The only sign given is Jonah" - who was a believer. He was outnumbered & murdered by other believers. Jesus Christ "hangeth on a tree" to celebrate the War of the Jews. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13 "Render to Caesar"
@Dirshaun Ай бұрын
@@teks-kj1nj I doubt it'd make any difference if we proved God existed. You would still reject him.
@teks-kj1nj Ай бұрын
@@Dirshaun Start by proving it, then I'll acknowledge he exists. But I might still reject him coz he's an a-hole. He made cancer, he made a world where it's creatures have to brutally eat each other to survive, parasites, viruses, he flooded the world killing all inhabitants women and children included. He ordered genocide of civilizations. I could go on, but no need.
@Cyllene1203 Ай бұрын
Great conversation! Pray these conversations catch fire and really wake people up to the truth and reality of what is good.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
LMAO NOPE. The more educated peole get then the more they know man-made god concept is full of bullcrap.
@Cyllene1203 Ай бұрын
@@LGpi314 LMAO NOPE. The more educated people get the more they realize how vulnerable the human mind is to cult of personality and the only freedom from that slavery is to ground ourselves in eternal truth - we are God's creation put here with a purpose.
@ArchibaldRoon Ай бұрын
Gerd Muller commenting on SM misrepresenting his presentation: "Disagreements about the theory of how evolution works, do not call the facts of biological evolution into doubt. This is where most ID design advocates make a jump in their argument that is simply not warranted. SM does not use my criticism of the standard evolution theory in the sense in which it was intended" - This does not sound like a man who thinks evolution is false.
@nathancook2852 25 күн бұрын
Yeah, ID's and YEC's love to quote mine. The people they quote mine NEVER agree with the ID or YEC. It's a really disgusting tactic.
@tonyiommi2380 14 күн бұрын
I don't think you understood SM. He never said the theory of evolution is false.
@jeffreyluciana8711 Ай бұрын
Our Lord God YHWH is a Gracious Creator God
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
Christianity is fake. It stole pretty much everything from other earlier religions and the same way Islam did with small modifications. The is no evidence of a global flood, there is no evidence that jesus as the son of god or Moses ever existed, and the resurrection was stolen from Julius Caesar's resurrection. No resurrection. Snakes and donkeys do not talk. Genesis is full of contradictions. Earth is not 6000 years old. ALL THOSE ARE LIES. People now know and leaving the religion for what it is CULT.
@johnandrews1162 Ай бұрын
Denis Noble is also challenging Neo Darwinism but still takes a materialistic position. Michael Levin’s work is doing a similar thing but also from a materialistic position. The big difference between this and that of even a decade ago is the recognition that Science is agnostic with regards to God and all other world views. This is good for both Science and philosophy because it requires the Scientist and the philosopher to acknowledge their biases as they approach their work. This can only be healthy.
@martinlag1 Ай бұрын
There is a good reason why science is materialistic. It is the study of the natural world. It can be defined as asking testable questions based on a hypothesis. This is not really a bias, just staying within the field. The God hypothesis cannot be tested until we claim God acts in the world. If God acts in the physical world, it becomes teatable, and a scientific question. Another claim sometimes made is life after death. Science recognizes no evidence and no possible mechanism. While we cannot technically prove a negative, science can say that if people have an afterlife, there is no detectable interaction in the physical world.
@SuperMrAndersen Ай бұрын
If you look at the bible from scientific perspective - you'll see that science disprove god without even trying :)
@daniangoodman-jones3931 Ай бұрын
​@@SuperMrAndersennot even close.
@clark5363 Ай бұрын
@@SuperMrAndersen please lol...elaborate
@SuperMrAndersen Ай бұрын
@@clark5363 Sure. What bible says - humans were created by evolution? The sun and stars were created after the Earth? So bible is fake, not a god's word.
@kensmith8152 Ай бұрын
The biggest problem I see today with scientific philosophy in it’s general consensus with it’s materialistic and naturalistic perspective is it’s rigidity of thought. In many ways, scientists have become unwilling to accept new ideas regardless of how well an argument is presented concerning any deficiencies in their current positions. One needs to at times to stand outside and consider a minority view to maybe see things in a different way in order to be more objective. All to often when ID or creationism is brought up, a wave of emotionalism erupted and an ad hominem attack replaces a more fruitful argument. I see this even more so with scientists arguing with James Tour. Even with all his scientific experience and knowledge, they deride him as a creationist rather than address his arguments and concerns with facts or data. I find this very telling.
@davidgreen6490 Ай бұрын
Thats absurd. If someone came up with a new theory for gravity tomorrow, the scientists would investigate it. In my opinion it is the religious people who have the rigidity of thought, because they must conform to what is in their holy books regardless of any kind of discoveries.
@kensmith8152 Ай бұрын
@@davidgreen6490 look how long it took them to accept the concept of the Big Bang theory. Einstein even went so far as to cheat with the math. Scientists are human and a lot of the time they are afraid to follow where the evidence leads them!
@kensmith8152 Ай бұрын
@@davidgreen6490: Another example of how scientists try to cover up the fact’s with false science is by the shroud of Turin. Here the STURP team had conclusively shown that the image on the artifact could in no way have been created by human means in any way, even with today’s technology. But carbon dating for twenty years supposedly had shown it to be a product of the Middle Ages. Recently the carbon dating has been falsified! The ones who did the original dating had purposely chose a part of the cloth they knew was repaired and did not do a random sample! They were paid off by Oxford university. By using the latest technology the cloth has been shown to have been made in the first century
@patienbear Ай бұрын
I wholeheartedly disagree with all you said. Science creates hypothesis, makes predictions based on that, observes the results, is willing to accept that a hypothesis was wrong (theists never do this as dogma doesn't allow it), create a new hypothesis if needed or further narrow it down and the cycle goes on. The issue is that theism or god has never in the history provided any hypothesis, has not made any predictions and therefore offers no value to science. So it's not a problem of scientists that theism provides absolutely nothing to the field to explore.
@kensmith8152 Ай бұрын
@@patienbear: How many times have scientists fudged or buried data for political reasons or to maintain their funding?! For instance, the scientists working for the cigarette companies knew for fifty years that cigarettes were cancerous and buried the data. Christian’s who are scientists I think would be conscientious in following the data and not sitting on it
@jonatasmachado7217 Ай бұрын
Dawkins' speculations don't count as scientific evidence...
@victormason6954 Ай бұрын
RICHARD DAWKINS Speculations don't have to count, he works with the evidence and because of this his speculations do count, unlike the god squad with all Thier linguistic acrobats, STILL DO NOT HAVE ONE GRAIN OF PROOF FOR THIER god. and it's MR.DAWKINS TOO YOU. 🌍💚☮️
@mruncletheredge Ай бұрын
If Dawkins is speculation, then what in the world are the rantings of a bunch of illiterate Goat Herders????
@ramigilneas9274 Ай бұрын
Meyers ignorance also doesn’t disprove scientific facts like Macroevolution.😉
@gerardmoloney9979 Ай бұрын
​@@victormason6954Atheists by their own admission are not intelligently designed. Enough said!
@gerardmoloney9979 Ай бұрын
​@@ramigilneas9274So explain the mechanism for Macro evolution and gain yourself the greatest Nobel Prize ever. Go on then, make a name for yourself!
@callumclarke1733 Ай бұрын
Wonderful interview by Dr Meyer Very intelligent Man, and Bring people Closer to God.
@markikn3183 Ай бұрын
Excellent interview, Justin.
@markoneill1768 Ай бұрын
Meyer is extremely eloquent
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
@@markoneill1768 And extremely fool.
@johnandrews1162 Ай бұрын
Nick Lane’s work on hydrothermal vents and membranes is the most convincing I have seen with regards to abiogenesis but it still makes very limited claims and is nowhere near a coherent or consistent explanation. However, Nick Lane himself, while pursuing materialistic explanation, has, like Noble and Levin, a welcome openness to philosophical positions other than materialism.
@mariemarie3614 Ай бұрын
...primordial soup 2.0
@0ucantstopme034 Ай бұрын
Dr. Meyer, yeah....Truly appreciated his new book!
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
Meyer is a pseudo-scientist that the whole scientific community rejects.
@0ucantstopme034 Ай бұрын
@@LGpi314 BOT
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
@@0ucantstopme034 Delusional.
@James-ll3jb Ай бұрын
​@@LGpi314no he's not. That's slander.
@bw3240 Ай бұрын
People and scholars in particular are so embedded in their views, they refuse to even consider another possibility. Because to do so would wreck their reputation and career. So to maintain the status quo it is easier and safer personally than to sacrifice everything they have worked toward, even though they know they are wrong.
@therick363 Ай бұрын
Such as?
@Jigglepoke Ай бұрын
@bw3240 That's why the scientific method is better than trusting the words of a book. The scientific method allows for scrutiny of their most venerated, the scriptures and their churches, mosques, and temples historically have not.
@bw3240 Ай бұрын
@@Jigglepoke science also takes leaps of faith and they end up clutching to the word of man and over time they have back tracked and changed their theories. Examples being steady state universe to the big bang, life began by a pool of chemicals struck by lightning to they really have no clue, and no proof of darwinian evolution but only darwinian adaptation. Science has great faith in man therefore science must be rewritten over time, yet the Bible has been constant for over 2,000 years.
@bw3240 Ай бұрын
@Jigglepoke the most scrutinized book in history is the Holy Bible. In my life time numerous scientific "truths " have had to be rewritten because the experts who wrote it originally were wrong. Man has no idea how the origin of life happened, science only has poor hypothesis. Putting your trust and faith into a fallible man is at best highly risky. Faith is faith, where you place your faith is wholly up to you. I have made my choice and I am at peace with it, I hope you are as well.
@Jigglepoke Ай бұрын
@bw3240 The Bible has been scrutinised, of course. Most of that scrutiny has come since the enlightenment and the formulation of the scientific method. That method has shown that Genesis and other Biblical ideas of the world can not be literal. The scrutiny improved our lives, but it was hard fought for. You obviously know how churches through the ages have treated anyone who disagrees with dogma. Even today, churches disfellowship adherents who no longer believe exactly what their version of Biblical truth is. This can include shunning from your community and family. Meyer complains about scientists having a kind of club that you'll be excluded from if you teach something contrary, but it's nowhere close to the way many religious communities shun people. Furthermore, when you read Meyer, Doug Axe, Behe... they all relished the opportunity to prove the establishment wrong. Also if they changed their minds, would the Discovery Institute still fund them? You can be at peace without bringing us back to the dark ages.
@dyvel 2 күн бұрын
What about a universe makes you think it's created just because you find meaning in it? Just like a Rorschak image - if you're looking for patterns you'll find it regardless of how random it is. Your brain has evolved to find patterns in everything.
@jlc2 Ай бұрын
You mean scientists are turning to God. Science has always been a field of knowledge and study that interacts with and interprets God's handiwork. Cheers ;)
@cliveadams7629 Ай бұрын
What utter bollocks. There is no god, if there was it would have the decency to reveal itself or science would have found it by now. You shouldn't listen to crooks like Meyers who lie for Jesus and their income.
@Jigglepoke Ай бұрын
Meyer should address what his model of life's history actually is. In detail, explain what we observe and how that fits into the Genesis account including the flood. Explain the days and order of creation. Explain how before the flood the Bible indicates all animal life including humans were vegans. Explain how an entire planet can flood.... the list goes on...
@just_me2797 Ай бұрын
I don't know whether he has or hasn't touched on those things since I have never read any of his works. Obviously this video was more of a conversation between two people rather than a structured expose on his beliefs and understandings. You mentioned the flood twice. Did you know that there is believed to be between 3 and 11 times more water beneath the surface of the earth than in all of the oceans, lakes, rivers, and ice caps combined. We are talking groundwater, because that is a misleading term. We are talking in gases, vapor, liquid form, etc. Groundwater makes up approximately 10.5 cubic miles of water. The mantle holds approximately 1-1.5 times as much as the oceans and other surface water, and the deep interior holds yet much, much, more. Obviously we cannot observe what could have happened to bring water to the surface in great magnitude over a short period of time, but just one single volcano in 2022, Hunga Tongs-Hunga Ha'apal released an estimated 160,957,451.26 TONS of water vapor into the atmosphere. I don't pretend to have the answers, but I do not just dismiss things out of hand simply because I want any of the answers to be different. I actually enjoy trying to seek answers. Peace.
@NoobDeSupreme Ай бұрын
where does it indicate anything other than humans is vegan?
@aussieman8738 Ай бұрын
It is a flat earth with a dome on top. Like the Bible says water above and below.
@NoobDeSupreme Ай бұрын
@@aussieman8738 dying on the hill of saying the firmament doesnt exist is crazy. Water below exists. The air (firmament) exists. Space is like 2/3rds water. Thats the last water space. Ive yet to find anything in Genesis that contradicts anything we have currently discovered. In addition it never even suggests the earth is flat.
@Jigglepoke Ай бұрын
@just_me2797 Thanks for your reply and for pointing out that I seem to keep on mentioning the flood 😀. When I was a believer, I found it possible to explain away almost any question with a little science, logic, and mental agility. I genuinely believed that all scriptures were inspired by God and held all the answers if we only looked deep enough 2nd tim 3:16. I realised after many years that I was, in fact, cheating as my beliefs could explain away questions and challenges, but not entire models. For example, if we are to consider the flood, that the water stored underground is enough to flood the entire planet to 15 cubics(?) above the highest mountain, what would be the knock-on effects for that amount of water coming out in such a short period of time? One of the many problems is the heat problem, but there's scores of others. That's just for the water coming out of the Earth. How about where it came from in the heavens? The Bible says it was stored above the sun and stars... that's a bit weird, right? Life spreading from the ark 4350 years ago to what we have now is a bit weird as well? How would that be possible?... There's always an answer but never a model! A model should be able to explain all of these things. That's why I believe Meyer doesn't give a comprehensive one because it simply can't be done using observation and the Bible without an extraordinary amount of poetic license and arbitrary interpretation. That being said, maybe there's truth in the Bible who knows. I like some forms of Christianity and to believe in God can be a beautiful thing.
@jimmie8928 Ай бұрын
Since scientists are convinced that comb jellies evolved before sponges. And my understanding is that evolution poses that less complex life gives way to more or equally complex life, how do we account for this underdevelopment or de evolution so early on?
@hemankhouilla2795 Ай бұрын
I see Dr Stephen Meyer : I watch the video
@tonygoodkind7858 Ай бұрын
Same. The guy's bad arguments deserve to be revealed.
@hemankhouilla2795 Ай бұрын
@@tonygoodkind7858 we're not here for the same reasons tho. Meyer is a goat in my view
@ivans8713 Ай бұрын
@@hemankhouilla2795 obviously he is Goat like lennox and other great apologetics. Our friend tony doesnt like idea of inteligence to exist, yet he likes to type on internet how he is more inteligent than us stupid belivers
@tonygoodkind7858 Ай бұрын
@@hemankhouilla2795 So you think it's good for falsehoods/unknowns to be spread using bad/dishonest arguments?
@hemankhouilla2795 Ай бұрын
@@tonygoodkind7858 I think the issue is not that as clear cut as you present it. I usually enjoy hearing to Meyer, didn't check anything tho. But one thing I do think is that a fully naturalistic view of the world is not that consistent with the world around in which we live : the "appearance" of design, the meaning of life etc...
@troycampbell7408 Ай бұрын
Your reasoning to a mind being behind our reality makes perfect sense to me but you will never convince the majority of people to believe it because as the Bible says “narrow is the way”. Most people will always reject the truth because they don’t want to be accountable to God. They want to be their own God.
@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly Ай бұрын
Exactly right.
@gusgrizzel8397 24 күн бұрын
So then we can assume if there is a god, he doesn't want us to know him.
@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly 24 күн бұрын
@@gusgrizzel8397 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Romans 1
@troycampbell7408 23 күн бұрын
@@gusgrizzel8397 actually He projected Himself into space/time and died on a cross so that we could know Him. But if you choose to turn your back to Him that’s your choice.
@gusgrizzel8397 23 күн бұрын
@@troycampbell7408 Omg. You need some help. Really.
@margaretinsydney3856 20 күн бұрын
Thank you for a most interesting and enlightening conversation.
@dohpam1ne Ай бұрын
If intelligent design doesn't explain what actually happened with the origin of life besides "God did it", and offers no predictions for things we don't already know, and provides no precise definition for, intelligence, information, design, or God itself, it's not a theory. It is a conclusion. The only thing ID seems interested in actually doing is getting people to say that God exists, and not actually adding any sort of scientific insight.
@danielcristancho3524 Ай бұрын
You mean like the hypothesis of the multiverse? The Neo Darwinists have gone from the incredible to the absurd. The more they try to strive to keep Darwinism relevant, the sillier they sound.
@mentalwarfare2038 Ай бұрын
Well, considering that God is meta-natural, the existence of God is a philosophical position, not a scientific one. It’s Stephen Myers’ job to give the available scientific evidence, typically regarding fine-tuning, to lead people to a philosophical conclusion. So yes, God is a “conclusion”, as you put it, but that’s simply the nature of the case.
@christophertaylor9100 Ай бұрын
The thing intelligent design theory is interested in is looking at the evidence without presuppositions and concluding what it best and most reasonably shows. If that's what the evidence shows, then that's the most likely scientific answer. Yelling "you can't just say God did it" is neither scientific nor rational; its close minded and starts with an assumption that certain conclusions cannot be considered no matter what the evidence shows.
@tidingsofgreatjoy Ай бұрын
Have you researched the work of creation scientists? Sounds like no.
@jimhughes1070 Ай бұрын
Sooo.... You haven't been paying attention at all? 🤔... The scientific evidence is available for everyone to look at... They're not "making up" science bro... You're condemning ID because it makes conclusions about the evidence at hand? How about the conclusions atheist scientists came to 180 years ago?... With no scientific evidence whatsoever 🧐 That's where logic is supposed to intervene! 🎉 But the religiously devout care nothing for "evidence".... They are taught that dirt " got smart", and created everything.... (Except the dirt 🤣).... And "by god" they're going to stick to their principles! 😎 The path of least resistance is always preferred by natural born liars 😉.. You go ahead and keep stacking them up... logically, you should eventually revert back to zero intelligence 🧐
@shahidmiah917 Ай бұрын
Stephen Myer would destroy Dawkins in any debate.
@mchooksis Ай бұрын
"Stephen Myer would destroy Dawkins in any debate." I somehow doubt that. Stephen Meyer's arguments are so easy to be countered. However whether or not this is true, our power or skill in being eloquent in debate has no bearing on the veracity or falseness of what you are saying.
@lozferris1719 Ай бұрын
​@@mchooksisGo ahead and counter his argument then, if it is so "easy".
@mchooksis Ай бұрын
@@lozferris1719 Its one and a half hour discussion FFS. I'm not going through it again just for you. you choose a point he's making and I will give you a counter
@aaronscheuman Ай бұрын
Very unlikely, but he does have some interesting thoughts.
@michaelcagle5938 Ай бұрын
You're correct but Dawkins probably wouldn't realize it.
@manuelteixeira2496 Ай бұрын
Love and faith come together and need two to exist. Mankind can't be alone. Abraham looking at the starry sky believed in a loving Creator and received God's Love.
@jamescareyyatesIII Ай бұрын
But it's ONLY the Christian God who is the designer, right?
@therick363 Ай бұрын
Right? Cant be anyone else
@MarkPatmos Ай бұрын
@@therick363If you want to make argument Flying Spaghetti Monster is the creator if our universe and our reality no one is stopping you
@therick363 Ай бұрын
@@MarkPatmos I’m not. We are talking how Christians act like it’s can only be their god and nothing else.
@soundwave802002 Ай бұрын
It be worth finding out one way or the other You show your bias amd lack of understanding of who the Christian god is. You should probably go research that question.
@thatguy2521 Ай бұрын
Logically there can only be one true God. You can look this up yourself. Many Muslims recently reported having dreams of Jesus Christ before converting to Christianity. This is something directly predicted within the Bible. Therefore there’s good proof for the Christian God.
@eensio Ай бұрын
Fortunately, we have discovered and learned to understand many things about nature and the world, regardless of religion.
@refuse2bdcvd324 Ай бұрын
God is a logical necessity. Rejection of God is a logical fallacy.
@vladtheemailer3223 Ай бұрын
@therick363 Ай бұрын
Nope! But we get you lie
@refuse2bdcvd324 Ай бұрын
@@vladtheemailer3223 yes
@refuse2bdcvd324 Ай бұрын
@@therick363 we get it, you would prefer to believe you are a random monkey mistake than an intentionally, intelligently designed image bearer of the most amazing being in existence, but we'll keep the light on for ya 😉
@therick363 Ай бұрын
@@refuse2bdcvd324actually we all get it’s YOU who can’t handle reality or honestly. Let us know when you’re ready to discuss things like an honest adult
@FlowDeFlowDrainage 4 күн бұрын
Many people miss the point with the concept of design. DNA does not contain information. It expresses a pattern that when interpreted builds a living organism. To see this clearly imagine a modern book written in English. Now if you give that book to someone that does not speak English the information content is zero. It is just a series of patterns. The information arises when the symbols are interpreted which requires an interpreter which we would call a mind. Imagine someone wrote out the DNA code and gave it to you. Then you were asked to read it. Why would you even thing it codes for making proteins? It could just as easily be a story about a snowman. It would depend on the rules you employed to decode it. Cyphers use this method all the time, they invent codes that can be decoded in multiple ways like hiding text in a JPEG.
@frankschattner7640 Ай бұрын
Love it all!!
@SnakeWasRight Ай бұрын
Once you produce a single experiment that shows god or how it works, then you GET to talk science and god. But we're still waiting. Thousands of years and EVERY act of god or gods has been shown to be completely natural, or has only natural aspects that have been discovered. Then theres the people who think the argument from ignorance is a valid argument. It isn't. It's a fallacy.
@claytondennis8034 Ай бұрын
By your standard, no one would ever get to propose a theory of anything. A theory is a proposal intuited by pieces of observational data and mathematical possibility, of as-yet unobserved data. A theory is the logical leap to the unproven. If you limit or don't allow data that you don't like, you're not performing science. You are spending a lot of time and money going in a circle of confirmation bias.
@SnakeWasRight Ай бұрын
@@claytondennis8034 Where did you come up with this drivel? By the standard of needing evidence, no one can propose a theory? You mean a hypothesis? I'm not sure you understand how this works, buddy. You come up with a guess, or hypothesis, then you come up with a way to test it, ie differentiate between imagination and reality, so you can see whether your guess was correct. That's called evidence. Where is your confusion? What's the problem with that standard? No, that's not what a theory is, try again. A theory is not a logical leap into the unproven. That's just nothing. The closest thing that exists is a hypothesis. And hypotheses are absolutely WORTHLESS until you show them to be correct with TESTING. You don't seem to understand that data is what shows your hypothesis (or as you say, theory) is correct or incorrect. A "leap into the unproven" is not data, it's a guess at what the data are. You seem VERY confused.
@edwardcook5282 Ай бұрын
He never left science . Science left him
@Robert-ct6bc 17 күн бұрын
He was never a part od science...'Dr' Meyer has not published a single scientific paper discussing his biological or geological claims, nor has he EVER conducted research of his own to evidence his claims. Meyer only appearance in the peer reviewed scientific literature was the result of cheating the review process to sneak a ludicrously dishonest "lit review" into a journal of biological research behind the backs of the editors of that publication. He has a long and sordid history of abusing academia and the work of actual scientists to peddle his religious agenda.
@Swinefeld Ай бұрын
Intelligent design: Creationism in a lab coat.
@wesbaker39 Ай бұрын
I think you don’t know what “creationism” means. Virtually all forms of theism are creationist.
@Robert-ct6bc 17 күн бұрын
@@wesbaker39 And everything that comes out of Meyers mouth in that regard is pseudoscience.
@lewiscarey1593 12 күн бұрын
LOVE IT!!!!!🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
@andrashorvath2411 Ай бұрын
Great questions, thumbs up for not beginning the discussion with already known facts of how someone stsrted his carrier etc, but jumping straight into the exciting territories. Great interview, thanks.
@SnakeWasRight Ай бұрын
Yeah, never mind the fact that we cant explain a single thing about the creator or how it works, or that there is precisely nothing necessary about it, or that it even exists at all, let alone what it can do, lets just use circular reasoning to say that the evidence that it exists is that it needs to exist.
@dalesherry1056 Ай бұрын
@@SnakeWasRight Kind of like saying these fossils are X amount of years old because they are in this rock strata and the rock strata is this amount of years old because it has these fossils in it?
@dalesherry1056 Ай бұрын
@@SnakeWasRight Or how about matter created itself because it knew it had to create itself.
@SnakeWasRight Ай бұрын
@@dalesherry1056 think about what you say. What about God creating itself because it knew it had to create itself before it existed? Yeah, stupid. Plus, no one thinks matter created itself. Matter is the result of interactions between quantum fields. If you dont understand the physics, stop talking about it. Either way, a god that didn't create itself but always existed, versus quantum fields that always existed and didn't create themselves. That's fine.... except there are way more assumptions for a god. And it contradicts itself because something needs to exist outside of God since God has limitations, and if you don't agree, just ask yourself if it's possible for god to make 2+2=5, or to make it good to set toddlers on fire for fun.
@SnakeWasRight Ай бұрын
@@dalesherry1056 wow, so you bought the lies of creationists, didn't you? Fossils aren't dated by the rock layer and the rock layer by the fossil. That's stupid. It's a shorthand for rhe ACTUAL dating methods that ACTUALLY date the rocks: radiometric dating. The rocks are dated by radioactive samples in the rock, and the fossils are then dated by the age of the rock. Simple as that, stop spreading lies.
@SnakeWasRight Ай бұрын
@@dalesherry1056 yeah, so you aren't educated. No, the rocks are dated by radiometric dating. Radioactive samples in the rock give an age to the rock, and thus an age to the fossils in the rock. Stop spreading misinformation. You can use a shorthand because if we already know X species always occurs in Y layer, and we know that from radiometric dating, Y layer always has the same age, we know that X fossils are most likely to be that age because they're most likely in Y layer. Of course, they could always be found in different layers, which paleontologists check for, obviously, since that adjustment is made all the time. Which you would know if you did literally any research.
@garywilson7992 Ай бұрын
First of all I want to say that I think the biggest problem is humanistically psychological in nature, which is simply biased prejudice, where someone for whatever reasons are incapable of the quality of integrity, to be willing to follow the evidence for wherever it may lead to a conclusion, and so prefer to know what’s true even if the evidence leads to a conclusion that wasn’t what the may have preferred and might even hurt. And without that quality of character, that was more powerful than a person’s biases, someone like Richard Dawkins for example, would be handicapped for discovering what’s true about anything that they had a biased prejudice towards. And it’s a psychological fact that the longer someone has believed something that wasn’t true, it is very difficult for them to change their mind, and no matter how solid and profound the challenging evidence. And such is the need for some people to win an argument, that renders them incapable of admitting that they were wrong, apologizing or saying they were sorry.
@bpuryea Ай бұрын
@@garywilson7992 As the saying goes, science progresses one death at a time!
@jimhughes1070 Ай бұрын
Integrity is everything.. 🙏
@garywilson7992 Ай бұрын
@@jimhughes1070 Absolutely, and if someone didn’t possess a good portion of integrity, and at least strived towards it, what other qualities of character could someone have that could make up for it? None I can think of anyway, other than to say, someone could be worse. And yet it’s also true, that if it weren’t for God’s grace, given the right situation, every one of us is capable of doing far worse than we’ve ever done.
@jimhughes1070 Ай бұрын
@@garywilson7992 No doubt... I forget the head count Samuel got up to when he was hacking at them false prophets... Obedient no matter what... That's the kind of integrity I need 👍🙏... Sorry I was thinking about something else when I started those phrases 🤣
@jimhughes1070 Ай бұрын
@@garywilson7992 Well said by the way... Your comments were on point and absolutely true.. 🙏💯
@valerieprice1745 Ай бұрын
It's a mistake to stay out of any trial pertaining to ID. Every trial needs to be treated like the Creator's biggest battle. If ID proponents can't count on support from the ranks, the whole thing will be doomed from the outset. Literally, failure should never be an option. Abandoning the people willing to fund litigation will exterminate willingness to try. When you need them, they will not be there. It makes the whole thing look like controlled opposition, meant to only give the appearance of resistance, while working for the enemy.
@jimhughes1070 Ай бұрын
That's a good point!!! 🎉 I think the apostles is referred to that as "good works"🧐🙏
@Dylan-kz1ps Ай бұрын
KZbin comments always show how desperate people are to avoid even entertaining a worldview that posits objective morality. People would rather be told that everything is meaningless than renounce their sin.
@daniangoodman-jones3931 Ай бұрын
Nailed it. Fear of being judged
@Sola_Scriptura_1.618 Ай бұрын
@jimhughes1070 Ай бұрын
Ignorance carries a terrible cost😢
@aue82a Ай бұрын
what sin?
@jimhughes1070 Ай бұрын
@@aue82a Any of the 10 ... 😎
@Doublebasist Ай бұрын
Does finding the ingredients for life in space offer any evidence that life is natural event that happened? Did God put the ingredients in space?
@peterwallis4288 Ай бұрын
Life may have started in a natural way, but that would not say anything about the origin of the universe.
@TrevoltIV Ай бұрын
Does finding the ingredients for a car in space offer any evidence that automobiles are a natural event that happened? Did the Ford engineers put the iron in space? You must realize that a few racemic amino acids is not even close to life. Even some homochiral amino acids would be irrelevant unless they were put together in the perfect way, as well as having many other perfectly built machines and structures to make it function as a system. You can’t get reproduction and evolution unless you have all these systems in place, you know, the systems that reproduce and enable evolution to even think about occurring. Also, I’ve taken biology classes, and they pretty much just tell you that meiosis is the driving force of evolution these days. It’s funny because meiosis is such a complicated process, it does so much work to get four gametes and those are only half of the process, wait until you get to fertilization.
@ALavin-en1kr Ай бұрын
What is likely not understood is God; Consciousness is all there is God is in space, as space; everywhere present; everywhere conscious; everywhere in charge. There is Consciousness; fundamental, mind elemental, elements; both macro and micro plus what works on them; the three forces; strong, neutral, and weak plus magnetism which is still not understood. I wish in this age of physics and forces they would be considered, and start moving away from gross materialism which without force is just inert matter.
@ALavin-en1kr Ай бұрын
There is also the question of is it all within Mind or outside; its independent existence can be questioned as well; if the way we perceive it is a play of ideas on substance; the ideas from consciousness; the substance also from consciousness.
@ALavin-en1kr Ай бұрын
It is likely that it is a projection.
@robertbeniston Ай бұрын
"God returning to science" Should it not read: "Science returning to God"? Comment about intelligent design being a non-solution [God of the gaps] That is an objection for those who do not believe God exists and do not want to consider any other belief, but if He does exist and He created the universe and life then that would be a solution, indeed the solution. If you are looking for evidence do not ignore facts because they disagree with your beliefs-you may be wrong, and the other view correct. So, unless you want to believe your belief regardless of the evidence, - because you want to believe it, you should take all views into account and look at the evidence and reason correctly.
@andrewjohnson8232 Ай бұрын
"What would it take foelr design to be taken seriously?" Honesty.
@planetdog1641 Ай бұрын
the flagella
@Robert-ct6bc 17 күн бұрын
A deigner that is nore than just faith based wishful thinging. A designer with a demnstrable correaltion with realiy.
@Robert-ct6bc 17 күн бұрын
@@planetdog1641 "the flagella" is perfectly explainable by evolution....sorry
@andrewjohnson8232 17 күн бұрын
@@Robert-ct6bc What is design? What is wish? What is thought? Are they separate from reality? If so, how?
@planetdog1641 17 күн бұрын
@@Robert-ct6bc cite
@dyvel 2 күн бұрын
With your argumentation - if you can prove that any one God of any religion doesn't exist, no God can exist. So - do you accept that Thor exists?
@dalesherry1056 Ай бұрын
I doubt anyone could in a way that would convince doubters who've made up their mind to the contrary.
@jankopandza1072 Ай бұрын
It is amazing how science is now proving God without a shadow of a doubt . Interesting times we live in
@mirandahotspring4019 Ай бұрын
No, their claim is pure pseudoscience, creationism dressed in a lab coat to look like science.
@vladtheemailer3223 Ай бұрын
Not at all.
@clark5363 Ай бұрын
​@@vladtheemailer3223maybe not out right proof, but definitely heavily implying a probabilistic favor. 🎉
@LmGpii Ай бұрын
@@clark5363 favor for what?
@Robert-ct6bc 17 күн бұрын
@@clark5363 "probabilistic favor" Sure...an ill-defined God...sorry: intelligence, which apparently is not subject to the known laws of physics, that supposingly interacts with the fabric of our reality in ways that have thus far eluded every controlled experiment ever performed in the history of science...is favored over mustly understood and utilized, demonstrably real chemical reactions. SURE buddy, sure.
@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly Ай бұрын
Stephen Meyer is a brilliant thinker; thank God for his contribution to science.
@spankduncan1114 Ай бұрын
@@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly what contributions has he made to science? The ID hypothesis can't be tested. Which necessitates it being nonscientific.
@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly Ай бұрын
@@spankduncan1114 He proves scientifically that there is design behind the universe. I trust you don’t deny that.
@therick363 Ай бұрын
@@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantlyhe did not prove that scientifically
@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly Ай бұрын
@@therick363 If he did would you be open to the facts pointing to intelligent design?
@therick363 Ай бұрын
@@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly I am always willing to listen and analyze new evidence, arguments, facts, etc etc. I haven’t heard any good ones which have caused me to change my mind/position/whatnot. But I’ll always ready for new data.
@jwonderfulsuccess Ай бұрын
Can anyone imagine what youtube will be like in the year 2100? I'm thinking life like virtual reality.
@Theprofessorator Ай бұрын
Whenever you hear someone discussing the statistics of bio-chem, take all their other claims with a grain of salt. You can't forecast odds in chemistry like it's the weather. ESPECIALLY, not in the wild where there are variables at play that we don't even know about at this time.
@cliveadams7629 Ай бұрын
Whenever you hear Meyer talking about anything, just assume he's lying because he almost certainly is.
@TheSavageGent Ай бұрын
That’s what it claims to be able to do. It’s obviously NOT how it works though. So maybe you should consider that it’s not settled as much as you think 💯
@TheSavageGent Ай бұрын
@@cliveadams7629you sound like someone who can’t debate complex ideas without calling ppl names 🤓
@ivans8713 Ай бұрын
adding more variables into play doesnt help the issue at all, it means odds are even slimmer since more factors need to get right
@ivans8713 Ай бұрын
@@cliveadams7629 you can always write a paper and publish it proving evolutionary mechanism explains creation of different species and rebuke Meyer claims. :)
@boonraypipatchol7295 Ай бұрын
HUMAN create GOD, An Atheist and a Scientist.
@v2ike6udik Ай бұрын
I hope you understand that all rulers worship lucifer, rite. incl most scientists. they know, they just find ways to decive and tortures.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
@@v2ike6udik Keep your tinfoil hat on or we can hear your thoughts.
@wesbaumguardner8829 Ай бұрын
It is about time Odin One-Eye made his way back to science.
@dalesherry1056 Ай бұрын
@@wesbaumguardner8829 Cyclops?
@wesbaumguardner8829 Ай бұрын
@@dalesherry1056 The cyclops is from Greek mythology. Odin is the Norse god.
@dalesherry1056 Ай бұрын
@@wesbaumguardner8829 It wasn't a Loki guess then.
@MarkPatmos Ай бұрын
The universe is a type of virtual reality created by God's mind? A universe designed by God so that science is possible.
@matthewstokes1608 Ай бұрын
Reality is not virtual - it is real. God created this life and the new Kingdom of Eternity to come.
@jimhughes1070 Ай бұрын
​@@matthewstokes1608exactly!!! 😎 Every goofy idea atheist scientists come up with to prove there is no God, gets some more absurd than the last! 🧐
@alantasman8273 Ай бұрын
@@jimhughes1070 It is their desperation to be relevant despite their hypotheses constantly being proven wrong.
@jimhughes1070 Ай бұрын
@@alantasman8273 And let's not forget the cash money 😎👍
@jgone4856 Ай бұрын
So no evolution? How do you explain nested hierarchies in phylogenetic trees between kinds generated from the unconstrained regions of their genome?
@cliveadams7629 Ай бұрын
@ivans8713 Ай бұрын
if you see model of a car of specific name and his next successor model which is very similar to previous one, do you say workers in factory took previous version, hammered it changed some parts and made new model, or they made it from stratch using some existing technology and few new ones? does old model desapier when new one is released?
@jgone4856 Ай бұрын
@@ivans8713 this works for constrained regions of the genome but not for unconstrained. Look into it before commenting
@1rgam3r Ай бұрын
Go read his book.
@jgone4856 Ай бұрын
@@1rgam3r Which one? The one he is promoting here doesn't mention phylogenies at all. Try again
@DrukMax 4 күн бұрын
Dr Stephen Meyer, aaaaahhhhh he seems to me like an intelligent person that just tries to convince other people because he's not sure God exists. I'm also not sure, but I accept that it just isn't logical that a God exists. Intelligent design has some much more problems then current evolutionary theories.
@andresvillarreal9271 Ай бұрын
The fine tuning argument has been debunked so many times that you cannot continue to use it in good faith. For this argument to work, you have to show that different values for the constants are even possible. Assuming that a variable can have any value and then calculating the probability of the value that it has is simply a bad use of probabilities. What is the probability that a hydrogen atom has one proton? It is a one, a dot, and after that, so many zeroes that no calculator in the world can hold them! What is the probability that someone with my DNA exists? Calculated in 1900, it is a number that is so small that nobody can ever calculate it precisely! And yet, here I am.
@martinlag1 Ай бұрын
Yes! "For this argument to work, you have to show that different values for the constants are even possible." This is a fair critique of the fine tuning argument and the reason I dismiss it too.
@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly Ай бұрын
@@martinlag1 then there is the Big Bang, life, consciousness, math the language of the universe, DNA, Good evil … Israel … Christianity … good evil..
@mputilin Ай бұрын
That sounds like a strawman to me. So if you find a piece of technology somwhere in the earth by archeologists, you can assume it evolved naturally - because even though impossible - here it is! Therefore nature can write poems, create technology, even make computers (suppose you find one)etc. And all of that, that you'd never ascribe to nature is a much much simpler version that a human brain, organism or even a single human cell is.
@andresvillarreal9271 Ай бұрын
@@mputilin You are mixing arguments. The fine-tuning argument has nothing to do with pieces of technology.
@vladtheemailer3223 Ай бұрын
​@mputilin Sure, just like they assume a rock had a designer.
@cachinnation448 Ай бұрын
Stephen Meyer is the GOAT
@mirandahotspring4019 Ай бұрын
Yet no reputable scientist takes him seriously!
@user-ee8lv5jq8m Ай бұрын
However, he’s unwilling to write a paper to substantiate his claims. I think he’s scared of being peer reviewed, because it’s just denying without evidence.
@planetdog1641 Ай бұрын
@@user-ee8lv5jq8m He would be instantly rejected like Dr. Michael Behe before him. He won't waste his time with an establishment that has their agenda and conclusion already.
@user-ee8lv5jq8m Ай бұрын
@@planetdog1641 as I said denying without substantial evidence. Which is rather deceitful.
@mirandahotspring4019 Ай бұрын
@@user-ee8lv5jq8m Absolutely! He knows it will be ridiculed!
@StephenHALL-g8u Ай бұрын
It is incredible that anybody holding a degree in biology could be an evolutionist! What you learn in studying biology is that in Nature there is an almost infinite network of life that is interconnected! How could all of it come into existence simultaneously and fit together so perfectly by chance?
@LmGpii Ай бұрын
WHAT!?!?!? What kind of nonsense is this. What came into existence simultaneously? "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you" - Neil deGrasse Tyson It is only arrogant and ignorant humans who thinks that the universe cares about them. The universe cares about the human species as much as it cared for dinosaurs.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
"God is RETURNING to SCIENCE? Dr Stephen Meyer" Big fat NO. " Dr. Stephen Meye' So you are a creationist. If Joe Rogan can make Meyers look dumbdumb then it is the end of the line. "People believe big foot exists" Joe Rogan. The whole scientific community rejects everything DI can come up with. Dawkins calls those "scientists" a disgrace to humanity.
@dalesherry1056 Ай бұрын
@@LGpi314 Please work on your spelling and punctuation if you want to be taken seriously.
@johnmalcolm2028 Ай бұрын
Noticed how you skirted articulating coherently an actual point of contention and went straight to an ad hominem attack. Brilliant.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
@@dalesherry1056 My English is just fine. ad homs do not work.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
@@johnmalcolm2028 Meyer is a pseudo-scientist that the whole scientific community rejects. I'm not ad hominem anyone. Maybe you should look in the mirror.
@dalesherry1056 Ай бұрын
@@johnmalcolm2028 Oh no, Sir. I'm not brilliant... I'm so dumb, I believe in a Creator.
@ozymandias6743 Ай бұрын
Stephen Meyer makes the exact argument a person would expect him to make,🎉 since he comes from an Evangelical presupposition to practice some science. There is zero concern amongst evolutionary biologists that selective adaptation over time accounts for the speciation of our world. Meijer dramatically overstates the "concern" amongst neo-darwinists.
@jlc2 Ай бұрын
You're kind of making his point. What I find interesting is that the Scientist with a Theistic worldview do not entirely exclude evolution as a causal agent when thinking about and when they "do" science, but Neo Darwinist may have hurt their ability to do good science in part because of their dogmatic insistence that there can't be any design but merely an appearance of design, and that they insist that there is no evidence that an intelligent mind is even a possible causal agent. The Neo-Darwinist /materialistic world view on a philosophical level might be prohibiting scientists from making sound hypotheses. It might even be hindering societal and scientific advances. Wow what a revelation. Maybe it's time to break the outdated mold. Cheers ;)
@danreach Ай бұрын
He brought receipts though. Did you attend the conference he mentioned?
@izaks14 Ай бұрын
John 14:21-23 ESV Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him." [22] Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, "Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world?" [23] Jesus answered him, "If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.
@chrismcaulay7805 Ай бұрын
There is a ton of concern as soon as you start looking at the math... The second you realize whatever you propose has to have been able to happen since the beginning of the universe, you then realize that we can calculate the expected time a process would take, based on what we have observed (or not observed) over that last nearly 150 years)... From there you realize that there isnt even 1 trillionth of the time needed for the current models to be correct. At that point you have to say one of 3 things: 1) We have the age of the universe wrong. (However we have no evidence that it is older than we think it is). 2) We are missing a key element that speeds up the process, IE our models are wrong. 3) The whole thing is non-sense made up by a guy that didnt even know there was such a thing as DNA... Ima go with not believing the mid-wit that renounced his own theories before he died, and not believing people who have worked their whole lives to try to prove the mid-wit right and hav failed for over a hundred years (this is not my conjecture, its due to the fact that pretty much every new discovery makes the process take even longer, or not possible at all)...
@cachinnation448 Ай бұрын
To say “there is ZERO concern” utterly undermines your point. You DO NOT know that with epistemic certainty. To ascribe disingenuousness to Meyer belittles you not him. Your precognitive bias is running amok, you need to rein your chimps in.
@NelsonMyers-cz1qc 24 күн бұрын
Thank you gentlemen for bringing to light very complex subject matter .
@howardhutton6806 Ай бұрын
Cult. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
@jimhughes1070 Ай бұрын
Enjoy the flames precious 😁
@jimhughes1070 Ай бұрын
I presume you prefer the cult of "smart dirt"... That "really isn't smart"... But somehow still able to produce what little brain you possess. 🧐 You should be commended for your strong faith, in your accidental brain😂
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
@@jimhughes1070 "Enjoy the flames precious" Just more delusional nonsense from religious nitz.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
@@jimhughes1070 "I presume you prefer the cult of "smart dirt"" Did god run out mud for Eve? LMAO
@juan_martinez524 Ай бұрын
intelligent design was literally debunked in court with a christian judge. look up the trial called "kitzmiller vs dover"
@roberttormey4312 Ай бұрын
No it wasn’t Debunked in a court room. Science isn’t decided in court rooms.
@therick363 Ай бұрын
@@roberttormey4312ID=god did it. Thats not scientific nor belongs in the classroom
@DennisInVenice Ай бұрын
The court system of verification of science was debunked a long time ago.
@ernestcantu6751 Ай бұрын
​@therick363 Idiot thinking=No one did it. The tide is turning, and the math is winning-period.
@therick363 Ай бұрын
⁠@@ernestcantu6751I see you’re gonna completely ignore what i said. Try actually addressing it first then say your bit. Because your blatant disrespect is showing and it fails right away
@vincentrusso4332 Ай бұрын
Ye Ol Blind Watchmaker argument.... which to me was a grand slam for the evidence for a mind, there are no Blind Watchmakers in reality.... case closed.
@ArchibaldRoon Ай бұрын
SM is completely misrepresenting the field of evolutionary biology. Please don't take anything he says on this topic as true.
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
Dawkins calls those pseudo scientists a disgrace for humanity for a reason.
@jerrymartin3965 27 күн бұрын
Explain to me what he is misrepresenting.
@LGpi314 27 күн бұрын
@@jerrymartin3965 Why don't you watch Professor Dave explains. He has the whole series of videos and explains them in detail. I'm not going to repeat it.
@LGpi314 27 күн бұрын
@@jerrymartin3965 I asked you multiple times about your education and you dodge it every time. I even put out mine.
@ArchibaldRoon 27 күн бұрын
@@jerrymartin3965 Besides getting basic Molecular Biology concepts wrong, and making incorrect claims, he is also misrepresenting what Gerd Muller said at the 2016 meeting he keeps mentioning. Gerd corrected Steve on it, but Steve is still using it whenever he's interviewed. Essentially criticizing the scientific theory of evolution, in no way disproves the fact things evolved. The scientists Steve mentioned are only debating on the details of the mechanisms of HOW life evolved, not THAT life evolved and is evolving. The fact that things evolved remains an undisputed fact.
@RLBays Ай бұрын
Intelligent Design is not a "field" in science - it's just science-sounding religious window dressing.
@shankerr484 Ай бұрын
The fool has said in his heart , “there is no God” - Prov 14.1
@RLBays Ай бұрын
@@shankerr484 If you say, 'you fool,' you will be liable to the hell of fire - Matthew 5:22
@shankerr484 Ай бұрын
​@@RLBays But those who are cowards, those who refuse to believe, they will all have a place in the lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death. Rev 21.8
@RLBays Ай бұрын
@@shankerr484 “Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me. And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.’ Matthew 25:45-46
@shankerr484 Ай бұрын
@@RLBays Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” John‬ ‭3‬:‭18‬ ‭
@jeffbetts9420 5 күн бұрын
Amazing to realise ancient peoples who wrote the Bible had more insights into the origins of life than the modern scientific community. If you believe that you must be religious. If you give the Bible greater credence than modern science you are probably very naive. Yes there are people such as John Lennox who claim to love science but denigrate science in favour of Jesus. Your choice!
@LGpi314 2 күн бұрын
Very well sad. It is sad that people in 21st century are relying on goat herders' understanding of the world from 2000-6000 years ago. To me it is insane.
@michaelmcfeely6588 Ай бұрын
All gods are fiction
@i_assume Ай бұрын
Now you bear the burden of proving it
@LmGpii Ай бұрын
@@i_assume There is no need to disprove something that has not been proven.
@philipgrobler7253 Ай бұрын
So God only exists in your brain? Got it, dunno which one of the thousands of versions of him, but no worries, yours is somehow by some kind of magic, the only real one ...
@ivans8713 Ай бұрын
yet all original religions have very big similarities almost as if they came from same place and have common ancestor (common true story) like you evolutionist like to say. Imagine claiming naturalism is true we are all bunch of pure atoms and our brain too, there is no inteligence, yet claiming that you as naturalis are more inteligent than dumb belivers! If naturalism is true, your claims and statements are nothing but your DNA dancing and non of your statements and claims can be called inteligent. Your own worldview is selfdefeating just philosophically, not to talk about scientificly.
@spamm0145 Ай бұрын
How did matter without the ability to 'think', design a brain which is capable of comprehending abstract thoughts, that the molecules building the brain are not even aware of? The human brain is the most complex object ever discovered, the number of processes that are generated between your eyes and brain exceed that of all the PS5's on Earth combined. We live in times where any person understands a pair of spectacles require intelligent design but the immensely complex eyes they aid do not. The many versions of God cultures worship is irrelevant, nor is the name they give God, all that matters is that God created all of us and to reach out and pray to him is never a mistake, there is only one God to listen to you, the one that mad all of us.
@ChristisLord2023 Ай бұрын
You could try to address his actual arguments....
@GeertKok Ай бұрын
Logically there cannot be more than 1 God...
@GeertKok Ай бұрын
Conscious seems not in your brain but existing without a brain. See NDE and OBE witnesses
@DukeSlystalker Ай бұрын
With a multiverse, there has been discussion of the inverse gambler's fallacy. If someone has a royal flush, that does not at all imply that they are playing many hands. You could be dealt a royal flush on the very first hand. There have been some pretty interesting discussions on that.
@alantasman8273 Ай бұрын
Multiverse is the biggest myth yet ....as if deep time wasn't enough. To my sci-fi does not make it so.
Ай бұрын
Please dont pull a muscle jumping through this many hoops trying to prove your opinion while completely ignoring logic :D
@sammyking9407 Ай бұрын
Sounds like you’re not used to listening to arguments and exchange of ideas?
@avitalsheva Ай бұрын
Agree 100%
@Doublebasist Ай бұрын
​@@sammyking9407 I think he is just saying good luck with the evidence.
@Doublebasist Ай бұрын
I just joined. What's the claim here, that abiogenesis was started by God?
@sammyking9407 Ай бұрын
@@Doublebasist Evidence for what?
@DiegoJPinto Ай бұрын
An unfalsifiable hypothesis returning to science? To pseudoscience maybe.
@aeiouaeiou100 Ай бұрын
Did you listen to anything that was said?
@brentcampbell459 Ай бұрын
Clearly not lol
@DiegoJPinto Ай бұрын
@@aeiouaeiou100 Yeah. Philosophically the naturalist-materialist position does have a lot of hurdles to overcome, it's been pointed out even by it's own proponents since it's inception (I'm not talking about the Dawkins type of thinker, that's popular level philosophy if it can even be called philosophy at all). However, those issues are not resolved by throwing the theory away and calling for a God of the gaps (no matter how much these guys spin it around, the god hypothesis is a unfalsifiable, impossible to test, hypothesis). At the academic level, creationism and intelligent design are still and most likely always will be pseudoscience given the impossibility of testing real evidence, not conjecture or theories based on "materialism failed therefore god". You want to read top scholars on the topics of physics, biology, science in general? Intelligent design is not a respectable position among those disciplines, for obvious reasons, and the ones that promote it are on the fringe. There's christian scientist that are top scholars? yes, but in most cases if they are good scientists they set their personal beliefs apart, recognize their faith and don't mix it with the science. Does that mean it's not true just cause they are on the fringe? No, but until they have proper science to set real bases to their claims they will be among the pseudoscience crowd. You can propose whatever you want, good luck gathering actual evidence, specially if you cannot even keep your belief bias separate.
@deschain1910 Ай бұрын
@@DiegoJPinto I think the point of this discussion is more or less that people are more and more accepting that the origins of things might always be pseudoscience by your definition, so would then HAVE TO fall under the scope of philosophy and theology.
@DiegoJPinto Ай бұрын
@@deschain1910 The idea that understanding the universe might be impossible has been an idea within philosophy since forever, and even within science it's somewhat contemplated. There might be physical or metephysical constraints that prevent us from understanding the whole of existence and its origins. I wouldn't call that pseudoscience. What definitely IS pseudoscience would be to try to pass those ideas as scientific. On the one hand saying we cannot explain it and on the other saying that a possible explanation that we cannot confirm is scientific IS pseudoscience. That's why intelligent design is not and has never been science. Philosophy is respectable by my lights, even more than science since it's foundational to science in my view. Theology not so much but only because I see it as astrology or similar, where you can study it all but I dont see anything tangible. Philosophy at least deals with values, virtue, wisdom, and since Socrates, a commitment to truth whatever it might be but always recognizing we don't posses it yet and being doubtful of those who claim to posses it in a dogmatic way.
@ronaldreeves421 Ай бұрын
This has been lifelong passion for me first as literal church of christ study as child, aetheism until 19, college study of physics, enginnering, and philosophy. Working to understand these perspectives for decades, i have a much better understanding of how these viewpoints correlate. Because of computers, information theory, quantum mechanics, science has shown basic aspects of religion, eternal life, spritual world, proof of existence of the 1 god are now possible. Also some religious concepts such as of nature of 1 god can be shown as false. In the pantheistic view of God as equal to the entire Universe, this show Aethism is the belief of God but call it the universe. Other beliefs in the nature of god are untenable such as ths common belief that god exists seperately outside the universe. Ontologically these peoples definition of the universe is not large enough. Conversely Aetheists who argue the universe is not intelligent, ignore the fact that they are intelligent and are part of the universe so therefore the universe must be at least as intelligent as humans. Eternity of universe seems to have much evidence based on quantum mechanics many worlds which imp,ies that everything that is possible happens likely defined statistically across sometimes vast distances of time and space. The metaphysical, spiritual, information aspects veiwed from aspects of emergent phenomena hint at a "realm of possibilities" the exploration of this is science. The religious view of this is called the spiritual world. It is non material but yet exists and gives form to everything we see, in computers it is ths program.
@chrisxavier1848 3 күн бұрын
The role of a mind is impossible to deny, because the conceptual always precedes the literal.
@user-hy9nh4yk3p 18 күн бұрын
The Real Being - is the Real Being ----- no one more Real - in an absolute way. Words - are dancing around - the Great Mystery. Fare thee well - in life's journey.
@lmb1931 Ай бұрын
"The sea of faith was once too, at the full and round earth's shore. Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled." (Matthew Arnold, Dover Beach, if I remembered it right.)
@LGpi314 Ай бұрын
Isaiah 45:7-I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. If your god exists then it created you evil to make itself look cool. I was looking for Krishna and AIIah. Are they partying with your jesus. I can't find any of those 3. Since you have a direct line why don't you ask. Dr. Price is correct. The existence of Christ is a myth. You should listen to Bible scholars Dr. Richard C. Miller PhD, Dr. Kipp Davis Ph.D., and Dr. Dennis R. MacDonald. on their discoveries about Christianity while studying other religions. It seems more and more that Christianity is fake and Christians are just a bunch of thieves.
@hiker-uy1bi Ай бұрын
Still waiting for the peer reviewed research demonstrating these “alternatives” to evolution….
@user-xi4jg1jw6u 18 күн бұрын
If I were a fly on the wall, what ID mechanism would I observe as regards the appearance of new species? Is it along the lines of a reptile lays an egg and hatches a bird?
@howardhutton6806 Ай бұрын
The idea of a large environment is immediately understood. It’s more than an idea. It’s a raw continual experience. You disavow existence in the larger environment/Universe at your own peril. The idea of a supreme being is a pure invention that one’s existence and functioning in the universe does not depend.
@bethevoice-rawreviews902 Ай бұрын
He's never been away. But, I understand your point. 👍
@jeremyhobson4295 Ай бұрын
I would just say God never left..
@notloki3377 Ай бұрын
the return of ID should remind the dominant ideology, whatever it happens to be, of a very sobering fact. you're probably wrong, so never remove the second most popular philosophical position.
@shawnc.madden2181 Ай бұрын
As a new student of cosmology (been at other things in depth earlier) I am very interested in this question - "Before there was matter space time and energy, what tablet were these Quantum physical equations written on?" 26:49. I am writing a paper for RTB on Gen 1.1-3 and this issue is at the heart of it. Proverbs 8.22-31 addresses it.
@ukkbiguy Ай бұрын
If God is who you say he is he can never have left!!! What you mean is people who believe the fantasy are trying to prove the unprovable.
@mutantthegreat7963 3 күн бұрын
Stephen Meyer is certainly one of the great thinkers of our time. Thanks God for him and people like him.
@LGpi314 Күн бұрын
The scientific community rejects Stephen C. Meyer primarily because his support for Intelligent Design (ID) lacks empirical evidence, offers unfalsifiable claims, and misrepresents evolutionary theory. ID is viewed as a religiously motivated idea rather than a scientific theory, and Meyer's work has not been widely published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Additionally, legal rulings, like the 2005 Kitzmiller v. Dover case, have reinforced that ID is not considered science, further solidifying its rejection by mainstream scientists.
@philipgrobler7253 25 күн бұрын
An INTELLIGENT Designer gave you only two sets of teeth, one set that you lose even before your teens, with all the accompanying agony of getting rid of these useless things from your mouth at a very young age. These are then replaced by another set that will not be replaced again and will not last you the rest of your life unless routine Human Intervention takes place in the form of a Dentist, and even then it is not guaranteed. A Very "Intelligent" Designer Indeed!!!
@gusgrizzel8397 24 күн бұрын
Not. It's clearly evolution.
@LmGpii 22 күн бұрын
Sarcasm is a good thing.
@johnmills9360 4 күн бұрын
If you leave Hydrogen in the sun long enough , it starts speaking to itself ...
@chrisxavier1848 3 күн бұрын
The design evident in the purposeful structures in the Planck era show the inescapable Mind behind it all.
@roblangsdorf8758 26 күн бұрын
When confronted with a multi verse, Sing it One Verse At a time.
@vannersp 22 күн бұрын
And now we know that the universe expands without a big bang. Not only that, the expansion rate is accelerating.
@LGpi314 21 күн бұрын
while the universe is expanding and the rate of expansion is accelerating, these phenomena are consistent with, not independent of, the Big Bang theory.
@vannersp 21 күн бұрын
@LGpi314 while it may be consistent with, it is not dependent on a big bang. The universal expansion is accelerating. If it was dependent on a big bang for expansion, gravity would see a deceleration of expansion over time. Acceleration indicates an independent mechanism is causing expansion. Further, with a universe that inherently expands, we no longer need a big bang to explain it. We also have a much better explanation for cosmic microwave background radiation than the current ridiculous one. A better explanation is stars so far away that universal expansion has shifted the red light of hydrogen into microwaves.
@vannersp 21 күн бұрын
@LGpi314 you're not understanding me. Maybe I should call you on your assertion first. With the expansion of the universe accelerating, if we assume a constant rate of acceleration (which is what we must do until we can determine if the rate of acceleration changes), there is no singularity. We end up with a vertex above 0. In order to end up with a big bang, we need to insert an inflection point, and we have no basis for doing so, other than to maintain the big bang theory - and that's speculation, not science. How do you prove an inflection occurred? James Webb is not bearing that out, with mature galaxies spotted less than 700M years after the theoretical Big Bang. Therefore, I suggest the theory is on very shaky ground. Now, that doesn't necessarily rule out the big bang theory, but it does leave plenty of room for other theories to exist, such as continuous creation and a horizon of visibility.
@LGpi314 21 күн бұрын
@@vannersp "If it was dependent on a big bang for expansion, gravity would see a deceleration of expansion over time." Read my comment again. Big Bang is just one of the theories for the origin of our universe timeframe. If you want to use it then no matter of acceleration Big Bang is responsible for the beginning of our timeframe. The idea that the universe’s expansion would decelerate if it were solely dependent on a Big Bang and gravity is based on earlier models of cosmology. However, this concept has evolved with new discoveries. ### Background: - **Big Bang Theory**: The Big Bang theory posits that the universe began from an extremely hot and dense state and has been expanding ever since. Initially, it was assumed that the gravitational attraction of all the matter in the universe would slow this expansion over time, potentially leading to a decelerating universe. - **Gravity and Deceleration**: In the absence of other forces, gravity, being an attractive force, would indeed slow the expansion. The greater the mass in the universe, the more significant the deceleration would be. ### Discovery of Accelerating Expansion: - **Accelerating Expansion**: Observations from the late 1990s, particularly those involving Type Ia supernovae, revealed that the universe's expansion is not slowing down but is actually accelerating. This was unexpected and led to the introduction of the concept of **dark energy**. - **Dark Energy**: Dark energy is a mysterious form of energy that permeates space and counteracts gravity, causing the acceleration of the universe's expansion. Its precise nature is still unknown, but it constitutes about 68% of the universe's total energy density. ### Current Understanding: - The current understanding is that while gravity does exert a decelerating force on the universe’s expansion, the presence of dark energy dominates on large scales, leading to an accelerating expansion. ### Conclusion: If the universe's expansion were *only influenced by gravity,* we would indeed expect a deceleration over time. However, *the discovery of dark energy* has shown that other forces are at play, leading to an accelerating expansion instead.
@LGpi314 21 күн бұрын
@@vannersp "Now, that doesn't necessarily rule out the big bang theory, but it does leave plenty of room for other theories to exist" And there are. Here is a short list of major theories about the origin of the universe: 1. *Big Bang Theory* : The universe began as a singularity and has been expanding ever since. 2. *Steady State Theory* : The universe is eternal and unchanging, with continuous creation of matter. 3. *Oscillating Universe Theory* : The universe undergoes infinite cycles of expansion and contraction. 4. *Inflation Theory* : A rapid expansion occurred immediately after the Big Bang, smoothing and flattening the universe. 5. *Multiverse Theory* : Our universe is one of many universes that exist simultaneously.
@oliverjamito9902 Ай бұрын
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