God the Creator!

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The Bible Channel - Discover the Bible!

The Bible Channel - Discover the Bible!

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#Christadelphianvideo #Bibletruthandprophecy #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #Christadelphian Description: The Bible has a simple explanation of the beginning of creation, that God created all things with a purpose in mind. In contrast science teaches evolution, but contrary to popular belief, evolution has some major flaws requiring greater faith to believe in it than an infallible creator.
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Bible Truth and Prophecy, - Welcome to our channel run by the Christadelphians Worldwide to help promote the understanding of God's Word to those who are seeking the Truth about the Human condition and Gods plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it.
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Read a variety of booklets on-line concerning various key Bible subjects.
Bible Truth & Prophecy is a remarkable on-line tool for establishing just how far removed from the teachings of the Bible mainstream Christian teaching has become.
End Time Prophecies are interpreted using the Bible, not man made ideas or notions.
Key Biblical subjects such as the Trinity, Devil/Satan worship, Holy Spirit Gifts & much more are all dealt with extensively from the Bible's viewpoint and not man's.We will demonstrate how Christian beliefs have become corrupted, and reveal the 'Truth' as taught by the 1st Century Apostles.

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@fangaluka123 6 жыл бұрын
The scientific method demands that it admits that it does not know everything but will not fill in the gaps with guesswork or blind belief.
@joshuajwebb 6 жыл бұрын
This was a very good video. Thank you.
@tiranadurresi5977 6 жыл бұрын
@mtrishalovely6101 6 жыл бұрын
The realities in the bible do not come close to the complexities of everything you see in the Earth,or beyond. There are many books out there from ancient times and it is important to research as many as one can in order to make better sense of the story of Humanity. There is so much more understanding about ancient civilizations from times past that have been made myth. This is the very issue that promotes ignorance in people,keeping them trapped in perpetual stupidity and preventing them from thinking of the unbelievable past, the people and animals that were here,and how this all came to be,its not as simplified as its been made out.
@leonmaliniak 3 жыл бұрын
LOGICAL ARGUMENTS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF A CREATOR GOD For those of you struggling with the concept of the existence of a CREATOR GOD and who do not want it rammed down your throat with the BLIND FAITH approach of religious fanatics, perhaps this logical line of reasoning will help you make a more informed decision…one not based solely on blind faith alone but based also on the FACTS and the evidence that we do SEE. Speaking as a TRIAL LAWYER of thirty years and accustomed to always relying upon the BEST EVIDENCE, and speaking as an experienced ALT medicine researcher, I have studied the arguments for and against the existence of a CREATOR GOD for many years and from the perspective of various scientific disciplines. There will still be some element of BLIND FAITH involved but this opinion is also based on INCONTROVERTIBLE, UNDENIABLE and IRREFUTABLE FACTS. HERE IS WHAT I MEAN I have examined the EVIDENCE of the complexity of our magnificent DESIGN OF LIFE, and I see a machine with unlimited capacity for self-repair and maintenance and with numerous back-up and FAIL SAFE systems. Our design of life has a HARD DRIVE, a set of detailed programs called DNA and a built in factory which can manufacture materials that we need from scratch. The “ evolutionists “ want me to believe that this just developed by itself? Are they kidding? Instead, based on my observations, and borrowing an expression from my thirty years as a trial lawyer, I came to the conclusion that; From the PREPONDERANCE OF PROOF and on the BALANCE OF PROBABILITIES, it is much more LOGICAL to conclude that our DESIGN OF LIFE is the work of a CREATOR GOD or an INTELLIGENT DESIGNER and the product of an INTENTIONAL design rather then just the result of RANDOM chance and the mere passage of time. For example, when you examine our INNATE IMMUNE SYSTEM, one of TWO such systems that we have, the other being the ADAPTIVE immune system, you learn that it takes on average twenty (20) separate and distinct chronological chemical steps, executed in perfect SEQUENCE, to illicit even one immune response. If a major system, like the LYMPH system fails to eliminate lymph fluid in its normal way, it is backed up by a hidden fail-safe system which we are not even aware of and which will kick in and allows LYMPH to excrete through the skin. Recently we discovered another program hidden in our DNA which we were unaware of whereby the body cleanses itself of pathogens and even cancer cells when we go through an extended FAST. This has been dubbed AUTOPHAGY, it has won a NOBEL prize for it’s discoverer, and it raises the prospect that there are other such wonderful programs hidden in our machine which GOD has installed into our hard drive and software which only come into play in emergency and special circumstances and which we have yet to discover. Just look at an anatomy chart of the structure of our MUSCULAR system. You have multiple over-lapping layers of muscles criss-crossing at different levels and at different angles, each pulling in different directions and having a specific action and a role in movement. I want some evolution theorists to explain how the SUPRA-SPINATUS muscle developed according to the principles of conventional “ evolution theory”…evolution theory is sheer and utter NONSENSE. It makes no sense that such a complex DESIGN OF LIFE is merely the result of RANDOM CHANCE. If you said this about any other manifestly magnificent design structure… you would be called BRAIN DEAD. The evolutionists’ THEORY about random chance acting over long periods of time, which is still an UNPROVEN theory, is as ridiculous as the suggestion that if you put a bunch of monkeys in a room with typewriters long enough then eventually, over a long enough period of time, they would also produce the complete works of SHAKESPEARE ! What do the “evolution” theorists want us to believe? That a bolt of lightening hit a primitive pile of doo-doo four billion years ago…and BINGO…eventually here we are? This is patent NONSENSE and violates plain COMMON SENSE. The MAIN arguments in the theory of EVOLUTION are so fragile and tortured that they can be dismissed with numerous arguments, but this following simple argument is more than enough; If EVOLUTION alone explains our existence then how come APES are still swinging in the trees? There is no valid or convincing answer for this FLAGRANT CONTRADICTION within that “ theory ”. Saying that we “ split “ off from a common ancestor would still not explain why the other ape line did not build skyscrapers before we did. As President Lyndon B. Johnson once said; “ You cannot SUCK and BLOW at the same time”. Either we “evolved” from the more primitive APES or we did not. The fact that APES still exist or that they did not build skyscrapers before we did…cannot be explained by this theory. There are MANY, many more such contradictions, caveats and exceptions pitched by this unfounded theory of evolution but this is enough by itself to discredit it. Finally, my overall message is that; We are no longer primitive camel drivers or sheep herders and we can accept the possibility and probability that the CREATOR GOD is an actual, real and physical being in whose “ image we were made “, as it says, and not just some imaginary, intangible or mystical entity. GOD’S GREAT DESIGN OF LIFE SHOULD NOT BE INTERFERED WITH One of the main consequences of this perspective about the origins of our design of life being the work of a CREATOR GOD or INTELLIGENT DESIGNER is that mankind should reconsider the way the mainstream medical community deals with catastrophic illnesses and cancer and the constantly newly emerging pathogens like the COVID-19 virus which has baffled the medical community and paralyzed the entire planet. The obsession with toxic drugs, burning radiation and slashing surgery is a flagrant and INEFFECTIVE failure. We should consider looking for a new and paradigm shift in the way we deal with these diseases and try to explore new ALTERNATIVE sciences which do not interfere with some of the very elements of this design of life that GOD gave us to protect us and eventually look for ways which just provide it with a little help it needs to work at it’s optimal potential. It is mankind’s divine duty and privilege to try to find better ways to deal with these illnesses and cancer and pathogens, like these new viruses, and stop what I call the WANTON SLAUGHTER of so many of GOD’s children of all ages where millions of people die every year because of the current primitive state of knowledge about this design and methods which interfere with it, which should be an embarrassment to our medical community. One such non-intrusive and non-toxic ALT science is that of DR. RAYMOND ROYAL RIFE who back in the 1930’s cured many diseases and killed numerous pathogens and virus using only RADIO FREQUENCY to destroy them. His methods were proven so obviously effective in a controlled clinical trial at USC in 1934 where he cured 16 out of 16 terminally ill patients, 14 with Cancer and 2 with Tuberculosis, that the A.M.A tried to buy shares in his company. When RIFE refused, the A.M.A. banned his method, and prosecuted doctors using it. Unlike other wild and unproven “ conspiracy “ theories about suppressed secret CURES, these groups ended up in a COURT battle where all of this evidence is a matter of public record. Efforts to revive the science of RIFE and his methods have failed to date because they have not EXACTLY duplicated his ORIGINAL work and have not used his original killer frequencies or the other elements of his treatment protocol. This is what we should be exploring along with various forms of OXYGEN therapy, WHICH have also been proven effective…which is an initiative which I am relentlessly working on trying to make into a reality as my way of trying to serve the CREATOR GOD. I hope that these arguments help some of you to finally resolve this issue and to accept the LOGICAL conclusion of the existence of a CREATOR GOD…and if so, then welcome to the team !
@leonmaliniak 3 жыл бұрын
logical arguments for the existence of a CREATOR GOD For those of you struggling with the concept of the existence of a CREATOR GOD and who do not want it rammed down your throat with the BLIND FAITH approach of religious fanatics, perhaps this logical line of reasoning will help you make a more informed decision…one not based solely on blind faith alone but based also on the FACTS and the evidence that we do SEE. Speaking as a TRIAL LAWYER of thirty years and accustomed to always relying upon the BEST EVIDENCE, and speaking as an experienced ALT medicine researcher, I have studied the arguments for and against the existence of a CREATOR GOD for many years and from the perspective of various scientific disciplines. There will still be some element of BLIND FAITH involved but this opinion is also based on INCONTROVERTIBLE, UNDENIABLE and IRREFUTABLE FACTS. HERE IS WHAT I MEAN I have examined the EVIDENCE of the complexity of our magnificent DESIGN OF LIFE, and I see a machine with unlimited capacity for self repair and maintenance and with numerous back-up and FAIL SAFE systems. Our design of life has a HARD DRIVE, a set of detailed programs called DNA and a built in factory which can manufacture materials that we need from scratch. The “ evolutionists “ want me to believe that this just developed by itself? Are they kidding? Instead, based on my observations, and borrowing an expression from my thirty years as a trial lawyer, I came to the conclusion that; From the PREPONDERANCE OF PROOF and on the BALANCE OF PROBABILITIES, it is much more LOGICAL to conclude that our DESIGN OF LIFE is the work of a CREATOR GOD or an INTELLIGENT DESIGNER and the product of an INTENTIONAL design rather then just the result of RANDOM chance and the mere passage of time. For example, when you examine our INNATE IMMUNE SYSTEM, one of TWO such systems that we have, the other being the ADAPTIVE immune system, you learn that it takes on average twenty (20) separate and distinct chronological chemical steps, executed in perfect SEQUENCE, to illicit even one immune response. If a major system, like the LYMPH system fails to eliminate lymph fluid in its normal way, it is backed up by a hidden fail-safe system which we are not even aware of and which will kick in and allows LYMPH to excrete through the skin. Recently we discovered another program hidden in our DNA which we were unaware of whereby the body cleanses itself of pathogens and even cancer cells when we go through an extended FAST. This has been dubbed AUTOPHAGY, has won a NOBEL prize for it’s discoverer, and it raises the prospect that there are other such wonderful programs hidden in our machine which GOD has installed into our hard drive and software which only come into play in emergency and special circumstances and which we have yet to discover. Just look at an anatomy chart of the structure of our MUSCULAR system. You have multiple over-lapping layers of muscles criss-crossing at different levels and at different angles, each pulling in different directions and having a specific action and a role in movement. I want some evolution theorists to explain how the SUPRA-SPINATUS muscle developed according to the principles of conventional “ evolution theory”…it is sheer and utter NONSENSE. It makes no sense that such a complex DESIGN OF LIFE is merely the result of RANDOM CHANCE. If you said this about any other manifestly magnificent design structure… you would be called BRAIN DEAD. The evolutionists THEORY, which is still an UN-PROVEN theory, is as ridiculous as the argument that if you put a bunch of monkeys in a room with typewriters long enough then eventually, over a long enough period of time they would produce the complete works of SHAKESPEARE ! What do the “evolution” theorists want us to believe? That a bolt of lightening hit a pile of doo-doo four billion years ago…and BINGO…here we are? This is patent NONSENSE and violates plain COMMON SENSE. The MAIN arguments in the theory of EVOLUTION are so fragile that they can be dismissed with numerous arguments but this following simple argument is more than enough; If EVOLUTION alone explains our existence then how come APES are still swinging in the trees? There is no valid or convincing answer for this FLAGRANT CONTRADICTION within that “ theory ”. Saying that we “ split “ off from a common ancestor would still not explain why the other ape line did not build skyscrapers before we did. As President Johnson once said; “ You cannot SUCK and BLOW at the same time”. Either we ‘ evolved’ from the more primitive APES or we did not. The fact that APES still exist or that they did not build skyscrapers before we did…cannot be explained by this theory. There are MANY, many more caveats and exceptions pitched by this unfounded theory of evolution but this is enough by itself to discredit it. Finally, we are no longer primitive camel drivers or sheep herders and we can accept the possibility and probability that the CREATOR GOD is an actual, real and physical being in whose “ image we were made “, as it says, and not just some imaginary, intangible or mystical entity. GOD’S GREAT DESIGN OF LIFE SHOULD NOT BE INTERFERED WITH One of the main consequences of this perspective about the origins of our design of life being the work of a CREATOR GOD or INTELLIGENT DESIGNER is that mankind should reconsider the way the mainstream medical community deals with catastrophic illnesses and cancer and the constantly newly emerging pathogens like the COVID-19 virus which has baffled the medical community and paralyzed the entire planet. The obsession with toxic drugs, burning radiation and slashing surgery is a flagrant and INEFFECTIVE failure. We should consider looking for a new and paradigm shift in the way we deal with these diseases and try to explore new ALTERNATIVE sciences which do not interfere with some of the very elements of this design of life that GOD gave us to protect us and eventually just provide it with a little help it needs to work at it’s optimal potential. It is mankind’s divine duty and privilege to try to find better ways to deal with these illnesses and cancer and pathogens, like these new viruses, and stop what I call the WANTON SLAUGHTER of so many of GOD’s children of all ages where millions of people die every year because of the current primitive state of knowledge about this design and methods which interfere with it, which should be an embarrassment to our medical community. One such non-intrusive and non-toxic ALT science is that of DR. RAYMOND ROYAL RIFE who back in the 1930’s cured many diseases and killed numerous pathogens and virus using only RADIO FREQUENCY to destroy them. His methods were proven so obviously effective in a controlled clinical trial at USC in 1934 where he cured 16 out of 16 terminally ill patients, 14 with Cancer and 2 with Tuberculosis, that the A.M.A tried to buy shares in his company. When RIFE refused, the A.M.A. banned his method, and prosecuted doctors using it. Unlike other wild and unproven “ conspiracy “ theories about suppressed secret CURES, these groups ended up in a COURT battle where all of this evidence is a matter of public record. Efforts to revive the science of RIFE and his methods have failed to date because they have not EXACTLY duplicated his ORIGINAL work and have not used his original killer frequencies nor the other elements of his treatment protocol. This is what we should be exploring along with various forms of OXYGEN therapy, WHICH have also been proven effective. I hope that these arguments help some of you to finally resolve this issue and to accept the LOGICAL conclusion of the existence of a CREATOR GOD…and if so, then welcome to the team !
@olivegren6174 7 ай бұрын
Thank you
@sajisnair9354 Жыл бұрын
But it's lord Krishna 😊
@cindychristman8708 4 ай бұрын
Creation isn't the problem, it's the Creator. "God"- is vaguely defined. The Bible says "Elohim" created, some say Marduk created, or it could be Yahweh, it could be Jesus, it could be a deistic god , it could be a god of other cultures, it could be highly technologically advanced aliens, it could be something/someone we're not aware of. Who decides? Who is correct? I don't know how to interpret your holy book--I'm told to interpret it literally, others say it's allegorical, still others say it's the story of "God" and his two marriages, some say it's a manual for how to live your life (B-I-B-L-E Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth), etc. Maybe some say I'll come back and revisit it when all you Christians have made up your mind. In the meantime, if Yahweh is Jesus and Jesus is Yahweh, I'm out. Even if Yahweh/Jesus created the world, I could never worship and adore that psychopath.
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