Good Omens || A Companion to Owls || Minisode Analysis

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@alexotor7167 11 ай бұрын
Poor, poor Azi. He is alone, among enemies. Crowley is heartbroken, but he has his plants, Bentley and bookstore (I'm sure he won't let anyone run it). And Azi... Now he only has himself ТТ_ТТ
@heathercurtis9972 11 ай бұрын
Aziraphale is alone but I thought Aziraphale has a friend in Crowley. But I wonder if Aziraphale did have a friend in Crowley?
@alexotor7167 11 ай бұрын
@@heathercurtis9972 why not?
@TheTideKing004 11 ай бұрын
​@heathercurtis9972 Aziraphale is the one who rejected crowley. Crowley was the one pleading for aziraphale to leave with him and be happy together. Away from the toxicity of heaven and hell. Aziraphale made the choice to become the supreme archangel. You're statement should be reversed. Throuout the show aziraphale has constantly and consistently said to anyone who asked him about Crowley that they were not "friends". Crowley thought he had a friend and maybe even something more with Aziraphale but aziraphale saw a promotion and took it despite knowing he is destroying him and crowleys while relationship.
@heathercurtis9972 11 ай бұрын
I was thinking Aziraphale was being a friends with Crowley. But Aziraphale was also didn’t like to kill anyone. But I am not sure if he won’t be a friend to Crowley.
@SchultzDorinda Ай бұрын
Wasn't Muriel tasked by the Metatron to watch over the Bookshop? I imagine we will see Crowley and Muriel becoming friends in season 3.
@catfancier270 11 ай бұрын
Would love Azi to tell Crowley his eyes are beautiful next season too.
@sdontiveros Ай бұрын
I thought the same thing, too.
@gsagabaen 11 ай бұрын
This is a wonderful analysis. I'm beginning to think that the version of God in Good Omens is allowing Aziraphale and Crowley go through deconstruction of their beliefs and ideals in order for them to be part of her ineffable plan. She did it once when Aziraphale and Crowley were instrumental in saving the world from the Apocalypse. And she will do it again in the 2nd Coming. The term "Everything happens for a reason." does apply to what's going on with Aziraphale and Crowley. The ending of S2 was painful, but it was necessary for God's ineffable plan. And like Job, if Aziraphale will remain faithful until the end, I'm sure everything he lost will be given back to him, including Crowley.
@JoaMaj 11 ай бұрын
I love this!
@clarestubbs9303 11 ай бұрын
YES! I was thinking along the same lines whilst watching the video! God is teaching Azi to be self reliant and trust himself and Crowley so they can properly be "On their side" ❤
@yellowsugaronion 11 ай бұрын
Yah, I was wondering if it will come out in S3 that god IS good and her plan is good, but that her underlings mess up her plan. Although, she was the one who made the bet with Satan, so...?
@janicechiaretto7082 11 ай бұрын
Love this!. It is they who are the key to Her ineffable plan! Their love will save the world. I I'm still hoping that part of this is that Crowley's real identity will be revealed as a powerful Archangel probably Raphael. It will be Raphael and Aziraphale who save us❤ Ps their names rhyme , oh my!
@purpleirken1529 11 ай бұрын
Oh my god... That... I LOVE that. Comparing Job's story to Aziraphale's- and Crowley is playing himself (Bildad). It's genius.
@palinite 9 ай бұрын
Breaks my heart that after Crowley says “…then nothing has to change does it?” you can see Aziraphale wrestle with the fact that he received more mercy from Crowley than he expected to from God. Anyway, Just came across your channel recently & having a blast going through all your wonderful videos.
@Sendarya 9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. You're quite right, Aziraphale’s reation to Crowley's kindness and mercy is just 💔
@fairywingsonroses 11 ай бұрын
Perhaps this is why Aziraphale struggles with forgiveness. I know you said in a previous video that it comes easy to him, but much of what he forgives is empty and meaningless. He doesn't understand that forgiveness is a complex process that requires the person doing the forgiving to put thought and value into what they are forgiving and why. Even with Maggie, who appreciates it, Aziraphale puts little thought or effort into forgiving, which makes it less impactful. I believe it's why Crowley refuses to accept Aziraphale's "forgiveness." He knows it doesn't mean anything because, unlike Aziraphale, he has put thought into it and has decided that it is not possible under the current circumstances. After watching this video, I believe that Aziraphale must first forgive himself before he can truly forgive Crowley or anyone else. He sees his position in that state of gray as the worst possible place to be because he cannot forgive himself for doing what he perceives as thwarting the will of God, even if he does feel that it is morally right in certain circumstances. He won't be able to move on or be at peace with himself or his new position in heaven until he learns to forgive himself and give himself the space to realize and understand that his identity as an angel is one in the same with all of these other things he has done over the course of history. He saves Job's children, not because he wanted to thwart the will of god, but because he is an angel, and that's what angel's are supposed to do in his mind. It's at the core of his angel identity. He just doesn't realize it yet.
@theonlylunchbox 11 ай бұрын
I think you make a good point about him forgiving Maggie's rent. It's easy for him to do it as Neil has said he's charging all tenants below market value for property in Soho, which is easy for him to do as an immortal entity. I also think you're right about him forgiving himself for what he believes he's done wrong by thwarting God's will.
@gintzudai2979 11 ай бұрын
This amazing, little channel has taught me more about the art of seeing the beauty and complexity hiding inside this story than the creative writing master's program I took a few years ago.🤯 I feel both horribly robbed, on the one hand, and terribly blessed on the other. 😇 Thanks so much for making these.🙏
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
That's extremely kind of you to say. I've always had a passion for literary analysis. This show just struck all the right notes to draw me in! I'm sorry the creative writing master program was such a let down. :(
@gintzudai2979 11 ай бұрын
Girl, you and me both! 😆@@Sendarya
@arkansaninva 11 ай бұрын
I loved this minisode because it shows how unflinching Azi's faith in Crowley is even while he questions God, whose side he claims to be on. They haven't seen each other for a thousand years (since the flood), but Azi has total faith in Crowley's core of goodness. He's sure he doesn't want to destroy the kids - the last time they met, that was Crowley's main objection to Heaven's actions. But God/Heaven have shown they're willing to do things that Azi would deem "wicked" while Crowley has a moral compass that is much closer to Aziraphale's own. One thing I've been thinking about a lot with this minisode is Crowley stating multiple times "I'm a demon. I lied." Does he, though? At least when he's talking to Aziraphale, he's almost like the fae, in that his words can be misleading but are always true. He longed to destroy the blameless children of blameless Job - seems like something a demon WOULD want. But then he adds "just as I destroyed his blameless goats." And indeed he does destroy them in the same way, which is not at all. He changes their forms so that they're able to survive until the end of God's bet. He tells Azi that being a demon who goes along with Hell as far as he can isn't lonely, and maybe for him it isn't. Hell is always shown crowded and grimy and loud - I'm sure anyone would want to stand apart from that. But Crowley acknowledges that Aziraphale's situation is different from his own. Heaven is already sparse and sterile and silent, so being even more separate from that WOULD be lonely. But it helps in that moment to give Aziraphale that black and white designation - "I'm a demon. I lied." It makes Aziraphale's life which seems to be getting steadily more complicated easier to swallow. Beautiful episode.
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
Yes! And it never wavers. It's his biggest gift to Crowley. Very, very well spotted. "He longed to destroy the blameless children of blameless Job - seems like something a demon WOULD want. But then he adds "just as I destroyed his blameless goats."" Spot on! He's not lying, he's twisting his words. They do lie to each other though, usually to protect each other.
@d_fnanda 6 ай бұрын
As a new Good Omens fan, your channel must be part of the ineffable plan, there's so much stuff I didn't think about while watching! I'm very excited to see what Aziraphale's journey will look like in S3!
@catfancier270 11 ай бұрын
I feel like next season will be very painful for Azi when he learns how wicked Metatron is. And he won't have Crowley there to protect him. After some hardship, he will finally become the warrior God designed him to be-a protector of Heaven itself.
@lisa_wistfulone7957 5 ай бұрын
My heart grew 3 sizes as I read your last sentence!🥹💖💖💖
@RedMagius 11 ай бұрын
Aziraphale alleviating the suffering of others by taking it upon himself to bear their suffering for them... That sounds an awful lot like... Yeah no wonder The Metatron thinks Aziraphale would be _perfect_ to direct the Second Coming hoo boy, but I'm not scholarly enough to piece that one together. And thanks for pointing out the 'You look be in the eye and you tell me' parallels, Aziraphale's not the only one suffering [I am it's me I'm in eternal pain].
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
The taking on the suffering does indeed sound like certain biblical figure who's about to be a big player in s3, ty for pointing out that parallel! (We are all stuck in The Pit of Despair until s3!)
@compubijou 11 ай бұрын
In that scene where they both are sitting looking out at the water, I always imagine both of them reaching out their inner wings to shield each other from whatever the future may bring down upon them.
@marzettik 11 ай бұрын
Another great video. So this got me thinking, and I hope no one finds this insulting but, the first time I saw Aziraphake eat human food, my mind did one thing…he’s the the angel of emotional eating. I mean what do we typically see with him doing to cope with his emotions? We see him including food and drink into it. I honestly think this makes him far more human than angel. He also takes enjoyment in the little things and works hard to protect what’s most precious to him. Speaking of previous, Crowley calls Aziraphake “angel”, and I know we all see that and think it’s a cute term of endearment, but what if it’s more? I mean Crowley knows how important being an angel is to him. What if it’s Crowley’s way of hand holding to tell Aziraphale it’s okay?
@Rhi_k 11 ай бұрын
I love this, it had never occurred to me! I really like the idea that Crowley is giving him a little of the affirmation he needs, telling him he accepts him just as he is while he figures things out 😊
@gabriellanagy4836 11 ай бұрын
@ericamacs3875 11 ай бұрын
I love this! And he does comfort eat and drink. And Crowley also supports that, he invites him to meals and sits and watches him eat.
@Jen_S_Hassler1258 11 ай бұрын
I wonder how long it took for Aziraphale to stop urging Crowley to eat something WITH him, and not just sit there and watch. I say that because I can't imagine it was very comfortable for him in the beginning and that he would and did try to encourage Crowley to at least sample something he found particularly tasty, but we've NEVER seen Crowley put even a morsel of food in his mouth. Also, I wonder if Crowley HAS ever tried food before, or if he just trusted that it's good because he'd seen humans gorge themselves on it all the time (like Azi's first taste.) I do like the idea that Crowley calls Aziraphale "angel" to reaffirm that's how he will always see his partner, but honestly, Aziraphale is suuuuch a long name. Crowley has proven to be very impatient at times, so I want to lean more towards it being his "pet name" for Aziraphale instead.
@ericamacs3875 11 ай бұрын
@@Jen_S_Hassler1258 oh it's definitely a pet name or nickname. Yes IDK I think if it was us we'd find it odd, but I think it's a bit of a thing with them.
@reptanglian 11 ай бұрын
Someone on Facebook pointed out that Aziraphale is missing a pearl in his collar. A pearl symbolizes innocence... losing a bit of his innocence here?
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
I actually was in contact with this person, and they gave me permission to use this observation. I ended up not mentioning it, because I couldn't find a good place for it, and I also noticed it's not there from the moment he exits the portal. So, he doesn't lose it during/after the tests. It's still a cool costume detail they found, though!
@jenniferdoak3085 11 ай бұрын
I’m sorry if someone else said this already and I missed it, but … it seemed so interesting to me when I realized after the crow revelations in the Job story, Crawley changed his name to CROWley. And when we later see Aziraphale’s name written it’s A Z Fell. He doesn’t use Mr. Phale; it’s Mr. FELL. I assume, since names in the Bible also sometimes go to nature, like Crowley this is his acknowledgment of the transformation he sees in himself, for all the reasons you’ve so eloquently shared! Thank you so much for your thoughtful and insightful videos!!!
@theonlylunchbox 11 ай бұрын
Someone said that Aziraphale made himself really vulnerable to Crowley in this mini-sode because he could believe that the whole rib trick thing to protect the kids was a big temptation to defy God - and that's why he says I thought they might send you, but I don't think it was, because Crowley says "I'm not taking you to hell, Angel. I don't think you'd like it." (lovely, poignant) I doubt it was a temptation to defy God because we know Hell doesn't care how things get done. I don't know if Aziraphale believed that or not, - especially since, as you pointed out Crowley stops Situs from cursing God. I do think it's interesting that when Airaphale lies, he does so "on his word as an angel" which given Gabriel's attention to detail, almost seems unnecessary - ? I liked how Michael specified what they ought to be and seemed to be were different which harkened back to the book when Azriaphale was conflicted about wanting to tell Crowley about the Antichrist and ought to tell Heaven about the AntiChrist. My favorite thing about the Minisode is that Crowley comes to offer support at this time of need and Situs puts together that he's a demon, come to check on the kids. At first I didn't think just looking into each other's face and saying the words "Tell me you Said no/ want this" was enough to connect those two scenes Job/the Confession but then I realized those two moments really distill the beginning and end of their relationship. That's it. When it started and when it started to End. Everything in between is development and growth, but now - at this point when they come together again they are going to start building something different from a new point. They'll pick up with their history, their feelings for each other and their "Situationship" i've seen it called, but I have a feeling by the time we see them together again they will both be changed by circumstances. I love that you talked about Crowley's "angel/demon who goes along as far as he can" in terms of the gray area echoing episode 4 and the "shades of gray." I hope the next minisode/ flashback you cover is 1941. I have Things to Say about it. So much love for all you do @sendarya
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
@theonlylunchbox Thank you for the very well thought out comment! I love that word, poignant. If there is one word to sum up this entire episode, that would be it. That "on his word as an angel" is a great observation, I missed that! It does back up that what all of this is about is his identity, and how he both clings to it and is willing to give it up under the right circumstances. Also, what they ought to be and what they seem to be, noting again to the audience that things aren't always what they seem to be. Situs does recognize him as a demon, you are correct! I loved the "Look me in the eye, and tell me you said no". If you add what is said right before (which I couldn't show here, copyright issues for that long of a clip) "then you tell me you want to do this....If I'm in charge, I can make a difference" Makes it even clearer about Aziraphale's deeper motivations. The start and the end, and how beautifully and they mirror each other, in the saddest way possible. I do plan to do 1941 soon! Next week or the one after. There's a LOT going on there. Each of these minisodes has multiple dimension to cover!
@theonlylunchbox 11 ай бұрын
​@@Sendaryaone thing I absolutely love about this minisode is when I realized Crowley came to find Aziraphale on the beach at the end just because he knew he'd be lonely. He hadn't been sent there by anyone. Aziraphale's deeper motivation to be on the side of good and even fix heaven are clear, and it seems crowley's motivation and desire... To be with Aziraphale are as unchanging. I'm also glad to hear someone discuss "the thing with the halo" as Aziraphale deconstructing his angel identity. I can't wait to get your take on the 1941 story.
@yellowsugaronion 11 ай бұрын
Can't wait to dive back into 1941!!
@artnotforweekends 10 ай бұрын
I love how this topic makes us think of our currently pollarised world, how doing the right thing without necessarily taking a side makes you independent and also, sometimes, lonely. But there will always be people out there who get it and who will be your companion. Crowley is the friend who is supposedly on "the wrong side" but who opens Aziraphale's eyes. Blessed are those who have a friend like Crowley!
@Sendarya 10 ай бұрын
Yes, it is very relevant in this current era!
@hannahg.8572 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video, S2E2 was the clear standout episode to me this season and I feel like it's not given the flowers it deserves often enough.
@catfancier270 11 ай бұрын
Really hope Crowley gets an audience with God next season-he has wanted one his entire existence. I would also love God to tell them She designed them as a pair.
@HuntingViolets 11 ай бұрын
"[T]wo of them a bit bratty." Yes, thank you.
@artiehartsell 8 ай бұрын
I think Crowley helps guide him through this process. The crows/goats and Crowly turning around: I'm not going to do what I'm 'supposed' to do, are you? And the question again when Crowley is going to "destroy" the children: "Are you sure, angel?" could be "are you sure you want to do this, to do something against he thought God wanted him to do. "Are you going to keep my secret, too?" "Are you going to mess this up and kill the children?" "Are you sure you want to step this way angel?"
@victoriar4637 11 ай бұрын
Well I'll be damned (it's not so bad, when you get used to it)! Beautiful, just beautiful ❤️🤩 I utterly love this, I hadn't completely understood why Neil said that was an important minisode, particularly with the Aziraphale character arc - I see now, that it really does reflect the whole of the Ineffable husbands relationship, because they meet right in the very middle - beautifully ❤ and it's Wonderful 😊. Thank you so much yet AGAIN for another Amazing analysis 💗🩷💓💞♥️🤩🤩 Btw, re. Other reflections; I rewatched S1 episodes 1 and 2 earlier today, and noticed just a little thing that I found interesting. When they go to Tadfield manor and are shot by the paintball gunner, afterwards Aziraphale talks about how heaven approve of guns when they're in the "right hands" and they "lend weight to moral argument" - and I instantly thought about him trusting Crowley completely in 1941 with the gun for the bullet catch trick, even saying that Crowley must have had lots of experience with firearms because he's a demon, and actually Aziraphale himself is the one who's used a gun "instead I get in any scrapes!". I found this a fascinating parallel 🤓
@pabulumm 11 ай бұрын
That 'look me in the eye' parallel!!! Didn't make that connection until now. I really enjoyed this video, especially as someone not terribly familiar with religion, it's great to have the significance explained so the show can be enjoyed on an even deeper level. Thanks for the hard work you must've put into this!
@Kira10955 11 ай бұрын
I learned more about the old testament from the bible from your videos than from six years of religion at school
@sprintingfish 11 ай бұрын
The mirroring is such an easy pattern for my brain to grab onto. I think, considering all of this, we're going to get some walking through mirrors - the way we saw Gabriel and Beezlebub do.
@purpleirken1529 11 ай бұрын
The ending of this minisode has always made me feel.... somber, I should say- which was probably the point. Which made it my favourite minisode of S2. But knowing how important this backstory is to how Aziraphale as a character is shaped is very interesting. I love how your videos expand my tiny brain, making see new things and question others. Good Omens is so good for that.
@agirlfromthemoon9357 11 ай бұрын
I agree with when you say that the mirroring will most likely continue in s3, at least in the begging. To me part of the mirroring serves as a way to tell us the viewers that in the 6000 years they have been on hearth not much as changed. Usually people say that history will repeat it self if we don't learn from it. To me this is it, between Aziraphael and Crowley not much as changed, not fundamentaly. Aziraphael still see heaven as the good guys, and because Crowley is a fallen angel he still puts Crowley in that box. Yes he knows Crowley isn't just that, not evil, still he puts things in boxes of good and evil and because this is what he did since the beging and is an idea that he as yet to deconstruct, History keeps on reapiting it self. To me that is one of reasons why their past and present share so many fundamental similarities.
@GingerPeacenik 11 ай бұрын
I had wondered what the title referred to! Raised atheist here, though my mom became a rabidly evangelical Baptist in my teens. "The Book of Job" was one of those Bible stories that I'd heard long before that, which definitely played a role in confirming to me that religion would never be my thing. Plus, they really thought owls were solitary? They ought to hear the parliaments of barred owls that keep us awake here in my neighborhood! And obviously never met a colony of burrowing owls. That minisode, and the bit with the Bentley (sans the plaid mountains and Loch Ness monster, which felt out of place, like one of Adam's dreams brought to life) were what partially redeemed the second season for me. I'll admit to being a bit bored for stretches, and felt that there were so many opportunities for cleaver humor and character development that were missed. The ending was an awfully radical shift in emotional tone. In most scripts, that sort of thing is built up to gradually, drip by drip, especially given the genre. At any rate, the second episode felt more like Good Omens than most of what preceded or followed it, imho. I'm guessing that since the second season was mostly Aziraphael's story, the third will be Crowley's?
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
Indeed, the owls referenced are not a very accurate view, just an old fashioned symbolic one. Thank you for sharing about your esperience!
@CPT_B 11 ай бұрын
Another great analysis! This episode was probably the most important because it showed the birth of A & C's deeper relationship - previous to this they were polite acquaintances, but after the events of this episode they began their Arrangement of covert friendship. One thing that I hope we see in s3 is Crowley not taking off his sunglasses for anyone until the first time he's face to face with Aziraphale, it'd be a bit reminiscent of how in the GO novel, Crowley's eyes aren't described to the reading audience until he's in the fire and calling for Aziraphale who he thinks has died, further reinforcing the comfort and familiarity of their relationship...though how they'll react to each other in person in s3 is anyone's guess, as there's no more source material and we're watching NG's fanfiction of his own characters at this point.
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
Completely agree on the sunglasses in s3!
@nancyrogan8985 2 ай бұрын
Once again, late to the ball, but having watched this minisode a few times, I noticed that in it and in the opening credits sequence when Job's goats are zapped, there are crows flying off in the distance! The attention to detail in this programme is truly brilliant. 💜
@BirgitPa 11 ай бұрын
Once again a great analysis. Thank you! Yes, this two story’s are definitely connected. The remembrance of the things happened to Job and his first ever lying gets Aziraphale in present time to say to Gabriel/Jim that he used to be so awful. So he really moved on. I‘m often wondering, if Crowley ever told his friend about the details of the fire execution in Heaven. Crowley was so scared when he first faced Gabriel in the bookshop, but Aziraphale on the other hand wasn’t.
@alicefoillard3331 11 ай бұрын
love your theory about the halo!! this show is sooooo full of symbolism I adore it!! lovely video as always
@greenghoul157 11 ай бұрын
Oh boy there is so much to analyse in this minisode it is nearly as jam packed as episode 6 with symbolism
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
Indeed. This only covers one, very narrow aspect of the episode. It would take hours to cover all of it!
@letolethe3344 11 ай бұрын
Loneliness and isolation--of not being known or belonging to or wanted by either humans, demons, or angels--is indeed a central theme in this world and so poignantly portrayed.
@marial870 11 ай бұрын
Great video. This episode is my favorite from season 2, especially the last scene. I was surprised when Neil recently said it wasn't originally supposed to be the last scene of the episode, because it's just so perfect. The music is beautiful and I love how Aziraphale is visibly relieved once he understands he's not going to fall. And I like the contrast with the last episode, here Crowley says he won' take Aziraphale to Hell because he wouldn't like it, which isn't something that Aziraphale considers in episode 6. Thanks for including the quote in the beginning, I was wondering where does the name of the minisode come from. And I like how you included the shot of Aziraphale eating for the first time in the section that mentions the loss of innocence. It certainly looks like a metaphor.
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
It surprised me too, which is why I had to ask Neil about it. I wonder how the episode would have been structured differently with the "nightmare" sequence instead.
@zimmyr8781 11 ай бұрын
wow you really helped me understand aziraphale a little better, thank you!!
@Jen_S_Hassler1258 11 ай бұрын
AAAARGH, I've watched this on loop about six times now, and can we PLEASE petition Amazon to make Aziraphale and Crowley plushies for us?!? I kept reaching for Azi on the screen, wanting to pluck him out and squeeeeze him in a big hug!!! Sendarya, you've done it again, this video is... is... 🤯 why aren't words *big* enough sometimes?!? Also, the owl cosmos scene... How many owls am I supposed to see? Because I think I've picked out three partial owls. And WHO found THAT?! Oh my gosh, this fandom is sooooo intense, I'm practically drowning here! (Quite happily drowning though, don't anyone bother trying to rescue me because I don't WANT to get out of this ocean!) Thank you, thank you, thank you for this mind boggling analysis, Sendarya. You are OUR Aziraphale! 🫂
@theonlylunchbox 11 ай бұрын
Is this going to make me cry? Probably. Yes.
@BytheBentley 11 ай бұрын
Your analyses of Good Omens constantly amazes me.....cheers for another job well done!!
@Allegro11Maestoso 11 ай бұрын
Excellent piece once again, Sendarya! I sometimes wish KZbin allowed us to Like not just the entire video but also single bits throughout. Thank you so much for your analysis and sensitivity
@cantantenoel 11 ай бұрын
This is so timely, I’ve been writing a fanfic about this minisode. Time to watch this video over and over and over and over and over! (And over and over!)
@rachelwoodard4371 11 ай бұрын
I swear I'm not trying to be "that person" but I have watched interviews with Michael Sheen stating that he never knows what to do with his hands. Thus, the ring fiddling makes sense. I don't know if this was directed(being told to fiddle with the ring) or his own doing(not knowing what to do with his hands). I don't know if Michael has actually spoken on this, but either way, it is a wonderful deep dive into this beautifully structured and amazingly acted character that I love and cannot wait to see again. The absolute best thing about Aziraphale is that he immediately strikes me as an old friend I never knew I had, and desperately need to protect and love because he deserves it so. Thank you for the closer looks at this amazing series and giving us all so much more to think about while we "wait and see" what comes next.
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
It's totally fine, be that person! I don't mind. It's hard to parse intentionality from general acting, and certainly I could be overanalyzing some things. But hey, that's what I do ;) Aziraphale is like an old friend, isn't he?
@rachelwoodard4371 11 ай бұрын
I love your deep dives so much. I cannot wait for new videos. I have learned so much and I'm making my own theories for series 3. Tysm for this.
@AlmightyRawks 11 ай бұрын
Aziraphale really would do just about anything to do The Right Thing.
@Angela-un8fh 11 ай бұрын
Knowing Mr. Niel is very active in responding to fans and checking the latest theory updates, I hope he's watching your videos because you deconstruct and analyze everything so beautifully! Maybe he already recognizes your username when answering you, then is looking forward to youe videos as well!
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
That would be amazing! I don't think he looks at theories though, he may check analysis. And thank you so much!
@beck4930 11 ай бұрын
Excited to watch this! You may want to correct the title card.
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
Ahahaha! Thank you for pointing that out. You have spotted my one true weakness. Maybe I'm a demon. :)
@JessicaTPeterson 11 ай бұрын
@@Sendarya Nah, you're an angle.
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
I'm a toste angle! :)
@OneRandomLeo 11 ай бұрын
You’ve done it again. Raising the bar for us all. And making me cry during a fu*%#£ing analysis video. You deserve a medal
@sassymusic77 11 ай бұрын
So I was watching this, and then suddenly get interrupted by ads, one of which says 'There will be many beautiful moments in life - this won't be one of them'. That was a bit rough I have to say! Especially when watching an analysis of the toughest minisode to process. I still watch this one with a sort of side-eye - like I am fully intruding on a couple being very intimate with one another. I find it both compelling and uncomfortable. This was a fantastic analysis though, as always!❤❤❤
@LoveIsLove4711 11 ай бұрын
One more thing: regarding your question about parallels, I keep thinking there will be a summoning in S3 in which Azi instead of saying “Avaunt foul demon!” (It turns out Avaunt means go away) summons Crowley to…something, possibly battle? I can’t decide however, whether Azi will summon him by his former angelic name, a new angelic name or a name Crowley gives himself.
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
Interesting idea! The summoning circle is still right there in the bookshop.....That would be a great parallel though!
@nashvilleohioucc596 11 ай бұрын
A thought from someone who has studied the Old Testament. At the end of this mini episode, Aziraphale and Crowley sit and stare at the ocean. In the Old Testament, the ocean is frequently (usually) a symbol of chaos. Is it possible that Aziraphale and Crowley are contemplating the intensity of chaos in the world -- and that the are no neat answers?
@supremeoverlorde2109 10 ай бұрын
I think this was my favorite episode of season 2 over all. It was a monumental one for Aziraphale's character development, and I thought it was pretty hilarious that it made fun of the Book of Job. We're not religious, but my Mom went to Catholic school as a child --- and one time when I was a kid, she told me Job's story. It always haunted me. So I thought it was fun and clever to see the story turned on its head in this way.
@samantavolpi4761 11 ай бұрын
Oh lord, I thought my love for the series was great, but these reviews surpass it!! First of all, thank you for so much detail and for allowing me to rethink each chapter. I love the doubts raised, and finding ourselves in others (Crowley's arrival before Sities blaspheme seemed key to me from the beginning!). Please keep up the excellent work! greetings from Argentina!
@LoveIsLove4711 11 ай бұрын
This is very deep, as usual, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 and will take some consideration and time to, ahem, digest. In another universe and another time, Azi would have been a “company man,” someone who, like Gabriel, towed the company line (or what everyone else said was the company line) regardless of its impact which in this case, would have meant the death of children. Azi quietly subverted the power structure with his lie. Makes me 😍😍 the angel, who at first glance could appear to be a bungler, even more.
@sumar207 11 ай бұрын
Another aside here. Have you ever noticed whenever Crowley talks about it being wrong to kill kids, there is always a little goat in the scene? They are called kids, too.
@lulu480 9 ай бұрын
I’m still catching up on your videos. I’ve been pretty much a now and again KZbin user. Certainly not now. Your videos are an absolute delight. They remind me of my university days. I was an English major and loved spending hours in the library looking at and analyzing various texts (way before having digital access to information). I still have a difficult time objectively looking at Good Omens. I continue to get caught up in the pathos of any particular moment. So your impressive knowledge and analytical abilities are something I find myself relying on.
@Sendarya 9 ай бұрын
It's a show that's easy to get caught up in. I often have to force myself to pay attention to something besides the amazing acting and story unfolding. Ha! Sounds like you and I would have been friends at university. Welcome to KZbin and the fandom! Also, thank you so much for the lovely compliment. 🥰
@jessicaancker6185 11 ай бұрын
Fantastic ideas as usual! We can go even farther, I think, in parsing the entire phrase from the Bible. In addition to “a companion to owls,” Job (and by implication Aziraphale) is also “a brother to dragons.” Given the historical and biblical alignment of dragons with both snakes/serpents and the Devil, I think we can conclude that it is this episode that establishes the brotherhood of Aziraphale and Crowley. (Hope that doesn’t sound too incestuous given later developments!)
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
True, I didn't cover that aspect, thank your for that lovely addition!
@ericamacs3875 11 ай бұрын
I really don't know how the story of Job is relevant to how this plot will play out. But I do think it's central to Aziraphale, it's when he's first tempted by Crowley and he gives in. It's the beginning of him becoming morally compromised, and as you say finding a grey area to exist in.
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
I mean, the point is that he isn't morally compromised, though. The opposite. Letting the kids die would be morally compromised.
@ANutterwitch-wq1gj 11 ай бұрын
@@Sendarya if that's the case (and I hope you're right), then God in this Universe is NOT about obedience, but about growth. And if THAT's true-- and Azi "isn't morally compromised"-- then Crowley probably isn't either. Yes-- caveat-- we don't know if Crowley did anything beyond "ask questions". But if that's all he did, that could not have possibly been enough to damn him; not compared to Azi straight-up lying to thwart the will of God. Again.
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
Well, since Good omens IS a deconstruction, and not a copy from out world, I think that would make sense. But, as the plan is by definition, ineffable, it's almost impossible to guess Her motives. All we can see are the results, and make our best guesses!
@ericamacs3875 11 ай бұрын
@@ANutterwitch-wq1gj Neil Gaiman has said that Crowley isn't reliable about his fall. So I'm assuming we will find out..
@ALeXZVaMpYRoCkZ 11 ай бұрын
I was sooo waiting for this, you talking about this beautiful minisode that I consider one of the most important episodes of Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship, but I recently (2 days ago) finished Our Flag Means Death and it was devastating, I cried even harder than when I finished GO. I don't feel emotionally strong yet (i even abandoned the internet for this last 2 full days to mourn), but let's do this. I know your analysis will be amazing, as usually. ❤ I also hope this gives me some little hope I desperately need.
@Ladyalice467 11 ай бұрын
First if all,, thanks for this, Sendarya. I know I asked you what the title meant, a few weeks ago, not being terribly bible-literate. So now I know, I love that you've drawn out the themes of the episode, finding companionship and a comforter, and how sad that A and C lose both by Ep6. And the wonderful poetic passage from Job: 'I am a brother to dragons, and a Companion to owls: My skin is black upon me and my bones are burned with heat ....' I can't help but hear that as a fallen/ falling angel. But who?
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
It might, indeed, also be either foreshadowing or referencing Crowley in his fall. Very good observation! I'm glad this video helped you understand the title of this episode. It's a beautiful passage, and this show really does turn it into a beautiful meaning as well.
@zippykatherine6005 11 ай бұрын
I feel like you deserve a phd in Good Omens film analysis
@chuchuchie 11 ай бұрын
Word of the day: Chiastic Structure!! Thank you for that literary tidbit. 😍 Also, this alaysis brought a lonely tear to my eye and a solemness to my heart... I love how you are able to help people articulate their feelings. Now, I realize why I love owls so much. 💜
@Skywmel 11 ай бұрын
Omg this analysis is such a great video to watch for me personally I was having a hard time understanding the relationship between Crowley and azi throughout the both seasons especially season 1 cuz you could see they're friends but also some romantic hints but at the same time you weren't sure about it and with season 2 and the ending I was a lot more confused it's like I had to watch the kiss scene at least 6 Times and then I had a little understanding of this whole situation,but seeing your video genuinely helped me understand it better and this one was just awesome I love the hidden information in each ep!!
@visitjessiechan 9 ай бұрын
I thought when Crowley asked Azi if he's sure and Azi said he's quite sure, Crowley was asking if Azi really wanted him to save the children against the godly plan (because angels were'nt supposed to intervene), and when Azi said yes Crowley went ahead and saved them. But I like the other interpetation, Azi showing his faith in Crowley making the right choice and not going through with killing the children, saying he's quite sure the children are safe with Crowley
@briesoleil 11 ай бұрын
I would love to see a breakdown of the chiastic structure in s2!
@tokyoterri 11 ай бұрын
I am learning so much from your analysis!🙌🏾
@lizjo7213 9 ай бұрын
I was struck by Crowley changing his name and thought about this...Crows are considered spiritual creatures spread across many cultures...thought to represent death,misfortune, and illness but also rebirth, self-refection, intelligence, loyalty, transformation, and positive change...some also consider them to be messengers that are capable of existing between both worlds...they represent spiritual law, the universal wisdom that the physical world must integrate...
@Art-ifishl_Intelligence 11 ай бұрын
Another pinning to the wall in Season 3 please and make it a "proper" one this time lol
@teresagustafsson3527 11 ай бұрын
I really love your deep dives into the meaning of the episodes. I'm ashamed to admit that when I watched the first season quite a while ago I was completely oblivious to all the signs about Aziraphale and Crowley. But having re watched everything a couple of times and I can't believe I could miss them. Now I want to know everyting :D
@jimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 11 ай бұрын
In the scene where they talk about shades of grey, there are 4 flames. This refrences the 4 of wands for me, a promise of good times ahead and even marriage. Hope this helps 🔥 Thank you for mentioning the tarot
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
Well spotted! I will add that to the possible tarot references. Thank you :)
@jimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 11 ай бұрын
@@Sendarya, ou're welcome. Looking foreward to it
@jimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 11 ай бұрын
Oh and four candle chandeliers also have a meaning
@Miriam-eb2iu 11 ай бұрын
😮 To put all this before thought and psychological touches into the story is ingenious! So in my opinion the 3.season had already been be able to know what has to be put into season 1 and 2, so season 3 makes sense and wraps everything up!
@Angela-un8fh 11 ай бұрын
him slowly destroying his angelic identity throughout the series seems like a big hint of a possibility aziraphale becoming a human at the next season as "punishment" by heaven for whatever consequence he may receive
@cimi1272 11 ай бұрын
Amazing analysis as always Sendarya. Loved the new perspective you brought
@Rhi_k 11 ай бұрын
On the tarot theories, I believe there are eight wands on the counter in the magic shop in the, best seen when Mutt is telling Aziraphale he can't go to the meeting. Also the skeleton in 1941, death maybe? I know nothing about tarot outside of a few obvious ones as my mum is very into it, but maybe there is a set for reading in there somewhere.
@macabretessa 11 ай бұрын
thank you so much for the effort you put in all your videos!! i can spend hours watching them!! some even got me thinking all day about theories and details I didn't notice when watching the first time! keep it up with the fantastic content and points of view
@TrueYellowDart 9 ай бұрын
I love very scene from the Owls minisode. Greater plot be damned - I’d watch an entire series that’s just Az and Crowley traipsing through the Bible and history together.
@JessicaTPeterson 11 ай бұрын
I'm getting more out of your analyses than I did out of watching Season 2. I'm going to continue learning from you, then go back and rewatch S2 and see if I like it better. I am a fan of the book and loved the original season.
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
That's very kind of you!
@arleney56 11 ай бұрын
This is a fascinating look at the minisode. I’ve been obsessed with it since I’ve seen it. I really appreciate your breakdown and analysis. All of your videos are excellent.
@foziart1325 4 ай бұрын
I so strongly relate to Aziraphale as someone who has grown up queer (and suspected autistic) in the church, existing in this lonely grey area with a strong desire to good and a certain discomfort every Sunday, not knowing if I can be saved from things that may or may not be sins. Becoming your own person and working out who you are with your own values instead of fawning and taking on other peoples belief systems has been incredibly tough, and I can't wait to see how Neil chooses to portay it for Azi in season three. I already appreciate so much how Aziraphale's faith has been portayed in the series and I love to find a character I can properly relate to :)
@luizalabouriau863 11 ай бұрын
Another wonderful Video, thank you again for such an intelligent analyses with food for thought! ❤ An unrelated (more or less) topic: Maybe it could be interesting to do an analysis of the opening animation(s) at some point. I think there might be some things to discover there - for instance the gravestones (there was one with Adam’s name (!) on it and some text I couldn’t quite read) or the husbands flying-dancing in outer space and creating a small planet… Anyhow I’m exited to see what comes next and wish you a lot of fun with you excellent work! 😊
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
The opening credits have a crazy amount of stuff going on. On my list for sure!
@luizalabouriau863 11 ай бұрын
Wahoo! 🎉
@marinacomerma921 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your amazing analysis! There is so much to think about! Keep making your great content, I always look forward to it! I’ve become obsessed with this show, and thanks to you, I realize the amount of effort and details that goes into the show, and your analysis. Excited for the next one!
@theonlylunchbox 11 ай бұрын
One thing we don't talk about enough is Crowley convincing Aziraphale to try to kill Adam the AntiChrist because for all his protest, Crowley telling him Not even one life, to save everything, and Aziraphale saying he didn't have to kill children, heaven shouldn't have blood on its hands and that he shouldn't have to do the dirty work because he's the nice one - despite all of that when Crowley tells him to shoot Adam he takes the shot - he IS willing. It was just Madam Tracy that made him miss. Another part his his "good" angel identity he's willing to risk or abandon when he thinks it is worth it to save all humanity.
@ldkick3 9 ай бұрын
I would love it if you went back and did Season 1 videos also, especially repeating themes and references.
@Sendarya 9 ай бұрын
I do hope to do that, too! We've got 2 years or so, I'm sure I will. :)
@chimenanydrawsstuff7107 11 ай бұрын
amazing analysis :)
@maizie9454 11 ай бұрын
im hoping next season has azirophale admits hes no better than crowley, and not holier. . az is always telling crowley that crowley fell ... for what az did he should have fallen too..
@Annoyingwerewolf 11 ай бұрын
Thanks, thanks, thanks beautiful, I love it from begging to end ❤
@delfinal7560 10 ай бұрын
Those analysis are so good
@OhJohanna 11 ай бұрын
Hello, I love your videos! I had a few random thoughts on the swords & skeletons in the magic shop since you keep mentioning them... Based on a lot of the symbolism that's used in the show, I saw this through more of an art history lens. I'm absolutely not an expert on this but hear me out. In classic art, skulls and skeletons were used to represent our mortality, the transient nature of our existence on Earth specifically. (this has lots of potential meaning for what happens in the show). Biblically, swords represent the judgement and/or the word of god (i.e. separating good and evil). The way the swords are positioned in the frame, though, remind me a lot of the 7 Sorrows of Mary, (A quick google image search should show you what I mean). These are the sorrowful events she suffered due to being the chosen mother of Jesus, and in a lot of art they are represented by swords through her heart, as prophesied by Luke 2:34-35. I know there are technically 8 swords, but in the only shot that shows all 8, one of them is covered up by a sign, and the tarot card interpretation just doesn't fit here for me... If the sorrows of Mary are at all related, it's interesting to me that Aziraphale should be the one in the final frame to be pierced through the heart, like Mary, because he is the one who is going to suffer from the will of God... Oh, and the swords are the first thing Aziraphale goes for when they walk in! Why is that? ...that's it. Just some thoughts. Thank you for all your do!
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
As an ex-Catholic, this should have occurred to me, but that was long time ago. This is a really interesting idea, I'll look into it, and thank you for sharing! It'll be funny if I have to mention this one still frame in every video for a month, because there are so many great ideas about it out there!
@Istg12347 11 ай бұрын
777 views “you know how god loves 7s “ :))
@vickiewilliams5570 11 ай бұрын
Great analysis, thank you
@rociobelengargiulo8697 11 ай бұрын
Lovely video❤!! I'm a new follower from Argentina,love your analisis and theorys,i watch your videos with automatic translated subtitles❤❤❤hug fan
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
I do hope the translation is working well! And thank you :)
@Annoyingwerewolf 11 ай бұрын
Yes it does
@letolethe3344 11 ай бұрын
I have a probably very "out-there" theory--or two, really, though parts of them could exist simultaneously. One is that Crowley and Aziraphale are really, together, God. That either accidentally or deliberately (by the most powerful angels who wanted to silence God and control heaven) somehow She was split in two and the resulting two beings lost their memories (or had them wiped) and were kept mostly powerless. Their miracle performed together was hugely powerful because together they make up a deity. My other theory is that it is really the angels whom God is testing, not humans--to see how angels handle power over much more frail creatures and how they organize angel society. When She sees it becoming so power-hungry and heartless, she feels only A and C pass the test of remaining free-thinkers and compassionate beings.
@kreestenkreesten 11 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@Annoyingwerewolf 11 ай бұрын
@schubertuk 11 ай бұрын
Love the video, total agree with your main points. The only slight question I would have is did Aziraphale really take on Job's suffering? Job suffered exactly as God intended - Job did not know that Crowley & Aziraphale were working behind the scenes to help him. The only material difference is that Job gets his original children back after the suffering has meant to ended anyway. Aziraphale 'mirrors Job's suffering' is perhaps more apt? But I do agree this is crucial to Aziraphale's growth as an Angel that has a problem with blind obedience. Equally as series two amply demonstrates, this journey is far from over yet, and Aziraphale has perhaps quite a long way to go yet, he still clings on to the ideals, wants to obey, thinks it is right/divine to obey, and perhaps has a niggle that there is something wrong in himself when he fails to obey, and Aziraphale still seems to think that Crowley needs to atone too.
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
Thank you
@Temptation666 11 ай бұрын
As always. I am impressed
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
Thank you :)
@Miriam-eb2iu 11 ай бұрын
Quick question: even explained I don't understand what chiastic structure is and what mirroring is? Sorry
@Sendarya 10 ай бұрын
Sorry, I should probably give a more detailed explanation in one of these videos! It is essentially where the first half a story goes in reverse order for the second half. So you get a pattern like abcdcba. It isn't necessary for the entire story structure to be like this, though Good Omens does it both in the overall structure, and in episodes or even minisodes as well.
@leslieshepherd9045 11 ай бұрын
You have to find your own path, and no one can show you the way
@Fientje108 11 ай бұрын
I had another thought when watching this minisode, one that I haven't seen anyone point out before. When Aziraphale lies about the three children being the new children of Job, didn't he save Crowley's life instead of the lives of the children? I believe this because first of all the three children don't seem to be in danger anymore. Heaven already won the bet (Job is getting his rewards), so it won't be necessary (and kinda exceptionally cruel) to still kill his children. Besides, Gabriel says earlier that "They are the good guys, they're not killing anyone." This statement would kinda be ruined if they still killed the children in the end. Crowley (Or Crawly or Bildad the Shuhite at that point) is in my point of view very much in danger. He stands in front of five angels (six if we included Aziraphale) and he just thwarted both Heaven and Hell. (I have no idea how none of the Angel realized he was a Demon, btw. xD) If Aziraphale had ratted him out and even if Crawly managed to escape that certain situation he would still be in a lot of trouble. I don't think either Heaven or Hell learned the truth in the end since Crawly said "That he's not going to tell anyone." They both should be alright, as long as the secret stays between them. I also like the idea that both we (as the audience) and Aziraphale like to believe Aziraphale lied to save the children. In that period, so early in the relationship of Aziraphale and Crawly, I feel like it would be easier for Aziraphale to say he did it for the children, instead of Crawly. Since the story is told from Aziraphale's perspective, we as the audience also feel like Aziraphale lied for the children.
@AnninaBlub 11 ай бұрын
First, thank you for videos. Love them! ❤ Don't know, if someone asked that yet, what's about the two puppets, when aziraphel and crowley enter the magic shop? One has red hair, one bright hair. Is it a hint?
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
@bee2068 11 ай бұрын
Companion to owls started out as my least favourite minisode but now I’ve had tome to reflect on it and think deeper it’s by far my favourite!! I find that final scene so poignant and romantic
@elizabethmcglothlin5406 10 ай бұрын
I always saw it as God being tempted to torture his servant.
@Mgh-wn6ho 11 ай бұрын
Hi, can I ask you for a way that I can connect you? I have a theory that I want to share with you ( I'm new and not much in the Fandom... so, I didn't know that you're discover them? but it's about why metatron choose aziraphile ( I hope writing their name correctly )
@Sendarya 11 ай бұрын
@Mgh-wn6ho Hello. You can contact me at this is my business email you can find in the contact information here on YT. I look forward to hearing from you1
@heathercurtis9972 11 ай бұрын
I don’t see why he can’t have a friend in Crowley. I hope Aziraphale does have a friend does.
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