So, what's your tool of choice? If you're in the market for tractor attachments, then we'd love to help! We sell and ship all over the country! GWT Stump Wrecker: Dirt Dog Rear Blade: WANT TO SAVE MONEY? CHECK OUT THE GWT DISCOUNT CLUB! Use code GWT at any of the vendors below and you will save cold hard cash :) I will also get a commission for the sale, so it's a win-win-win! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT 247PARTS.COM 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT ITC QUICK ATTACH! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT JU FAB WORKS! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT 511 DESIGNS (CUSTOM GRILLS): 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT TRACTOR PTO LINK! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT YARD GLIDER! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT MUDD'S CUSTOMS! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT ON TRACTOR FLOORMATS! 10% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT OUTBACK WRAP! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT ON HYDRAULIC SAFETY! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT ON SELECT PRODUCTS AT SUMMIT HYDRAULICS! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT LUBE SHUTTLE! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT ON PROTERO DUMP SYSTEMS! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT ON SWEEP-ALL SWEEPERS! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT MILLER TIRE! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT BIG TOOL RACK! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT HEAVY HITCH! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT KBC TOOLS! 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT TRAC SEATS! *Discount codes cannot be combined with any other promotions, offers, or deals! **I choose to sell some products through 3rd parties instead of stocking items myself. Know that I will receive a commission if you choose to purchase through certain links. Thank you very much for your support! This video is for entertainment purposes only. Good Works Tractors (Good Works Lawn & Power, LLC) cannot be held responsible for content found in any video. Always reference your owners manuals, use extreme caution, and proceed at your own risk.
@roblawrence94952 жыл бұрын
I did the same comparison myself unintentionally. Started digging a shallow ditch with a BX23s backhoe and got frustrated with the speed. Switched to the 8' bucket on my M100 and knocked it out in no time. Anything deeper than about 1' and you are limited to the backhoe, though. I have put a couple hundred feet of drainage lines in using the backhoe and it works fine for that, but when it came time to bury 4000' of water line at more than 18" depth, I rented a dedicated trencher. I shudder to think how long it would have taken with the backhoe.
@DKSorg8 ай бұрын
Angled Blade = Think like a Knife cutting... You Cut with the HEAL to the TIP. Point Angled Down... Furthest from Tractor... Spill Pile Exits Quick...Kicks it Quickly to the Outside... Last Two Passes How you had it... Flat Path with Spill pile Centered until the end.
@barelystablefarm71512 жыл бұрын
For the backhoe, no need to keep getting off the seat to move the tractor. Just raise your front bucket and your outriggers and "push" yourself forward with the backhoe. Works perfect on flat ground, no need to even move from the BH seat. Nice to see a 2025R... nice machine!
@agprostephen2 жыл бұрын
You beat me to it! It's great too because there's no guessing. You push the tractor forward as much as the backhoe can go set it down and get back to work.
@barelystablefarm71512 жыл бұрын
@@agprostephen Exactly!
@cjoshem2 жыл бұрын
Was going to say the same thing.
@chomp79272 жыл бұрын
came to say the same, can be much faster that way
@doughoist2 жыл бұрын
Sorry, I see you beat me to it. Should have just liked your comment and moved on.
@ericcrockett4792 жыл бұрын
When using the rear blade whichever side is tilted down, that corner needs to be angled at at least a 25⁰ angle forward so the blade pulls the material out of the ditch
@cuper42958 ай бұрын
Absolutely. It also shears instead of cutting--less horsepower required and cleaner cut.
@NSEasternShoreChemist Жыл бұрын
I'm jealous of your nice soil. LOL. Where I live, there's masses of rocks everywhere. I do have a toothbar, which helps a bit. One way to remove stubborn rocks which works (and is totally not an OSHA violation) is to jam a bucket tooth under the rock, tie up the controls with a bungee cord to keep the pressure on, then help the tractor out myself with a long prybar. Bonus: leave tractor in 1st gear, low range so that it's constantly pushing forwards and doesn't let the rock fall back into the hole it came out of.
@BTarpley8055 ай бұрын
Jeremy Renner probably doesn't approve this particular method.... Stay safe out there!
@deanbarr57402 жыл бұрын
I'm impressed with your stump bucket techniques Courtney. Of all the small ditch demo's you showed us, I believe the stump bucket was the most effective, well the backhoe is the best. But, if your budget is limited the next best solution might be the stump bucket. Good video buddy.
@GoodWorksTractors2 жыл бұрын
Haha, thanks Dean!!
@shadowulf2 жыл бұрын
And my thought is, stump bucket paired with a blade, one could have a lot of pipe/conduit in and covered in a short time
@philliptanner5313 Жыл бұрын
@Good Works Tractors what kind of soil were you digging through? Looked fairly sandy. I'm looking at getting a Stump bucket for doing a long drain and future trenches but wondering if I can push it through clay. I have a 35ish horse kioti and a 90ish hp skidsteer.
@stevensaxon8888 Жыл бұрын
@@GoodWorksTractors a 3pt single bottom plow works great too.3pt root ripper works for a narrow width hole for electric & water lines.
@steinbierz4 ай бұрын
@@philliptanner5313 I have the same question. Living in the Houston area, it is all clay, or as they call it down here, gumbo!
@fredcarlson57752 жыл бұрын
Two of them to me are ditches and two are trenches if you want to ditch the front loader and back blade make a beautiful ditches for runoff, the stump bucket and the backhoe make a good trenches for laying pipe or cables so it depends on to me what your goal is in the end
@court23792 жыл бұрын
I just had this scenario last weekend. I dug a 700ft long trench about 16in deep with a little backhoe for the purpose of draining water to another side of the property. Sandy clay soil, no rocks, orchard grass sod on top. It took me about 10hrs (plus 6 more moving dirt around to dam off the source to run into the ditch). Key to that time was not getting on and off the backhoe. Left the tractor in neutral, and pushed it forward with the backhoe. With all the vibration I was quite sore after so many hours in the seat.
@TelescopeJunky2 жыл бұрын
You are so lucky good sir to have boulder free ground. 😁 Great video as always!
@randallquiring95252 жыл бұрын
By turning the rear blade cutting edge forward more than you did the spoil will exit the trench instead of piling some in the trench. Similar results can be had by off-setting the blade which angles the cutting edge. I farmed for many years and became quite comfortable with our rear blade.
@haroldwoods541 Жыл бұрын
yes the blade would have cut better and much quicker.
@JH-ms3ny Жыл бұрын
My tool of choice for narrow trenches for electrical, irrigations, and shallow drain lines has been using a single pallet fork in the middle of my fork frame.
@Ratheon10752 жыл бұрын
I wish I had that nice soil to dig into. That is a factor to be considered when choosing the attachment. In my hard rocky soil that flat edge loader bucket is digging nothing. With a tooth bar perhaps but then it is nowhere near as clean. The scraper blade would also not fair very well. I could see the stump bucket being effective and I know the backhoe can get it done. All digging is not the same and a trench or swale in two different locations may require 2 different attachments.
@Bierstadt542 жыл бұрын
@tracksoneverything40852 жыл бұрын
Hard to beat the front end loader if you have the space, but the Gwt Stump bucket is still on my list of attachments I want a soon as I can get down to you. Good comparison of options to do the job.
@GoodWorksTractors2 жыл бұрын
I hear ya. The regular old front bucket works really well, but is pretty darn slow. Trade-offs for all of them!
@tracksoneverything40852 жыл бұрын
Definitely slower, I think the best all around considering speed and space is the Stump bucket for sure. I bet you could get pretty smooth ditches with one of you had a little practice time with it. Maybe a flat bolt on front edge for ditching in softer ground could work well.
@jacobbush22132 жыл бұрын
great comparison video. someone else may have mentioned it but another way to dig a shallow ditch maybe one of the quickest and easiest is a middle buster plow/potato plow however you refer to it. works great for it
@joebarrett98302 жыл бұрын
Once you use the front loader bucket and have the length large enough for the tractor to get into, Once the rear wheels are in the "ditch" then basically you have the angle you need to use the loader bucket to cut the remainder of the ditch on both sides and can drive down the ditch instead of cutting into the ditch from the side. Good video though. I kind of thought the blade would be a disaster. What about a box blade, maybe give that a go in another video if you have more options to compare later. Tilt the box blade at the 3 point arms and drive away. Same principal as the grader blade but more stable and not flexing as much.
@TheBrushcutter2 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same with the bucket, I've done it. But on the back blade, idk what was going on there. My back blade can be rotated in both the horizontal and vertical planes. As a commenter stated earlier, this arrangement allows the blade to function almost like a plow. That makes drain work along the ¾ mile road on my property go a lot faster than any method demonstrated here. Most times a single pass along each side of each swale will get it done. Or, it did until feral hogs were released in the area. Nothing ruins a pasture faster than hogs. Amazing how much damage as few as a single boar can do in a night's time.
@theElderberryFarmer2 жыл бұрын
How about a couple-three passes with a subsoiler? I'd think that can make a ditch deep/wide enough for putting in a wire or pipe. No good for anything much wider than that, but still a good option for laying a wire or a water pipe.
@GoodWorksTractors2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, could definitely work to lay wire or skinny pipe.
@JP44SU2 жыл бұрын
I've see folks attach a pipe to the back of the subsoiler to carry the wires down! Usually with my subsoiler the soil is completely collapsed back where it came from, just loose. Also in my rocky soil it would be extra tricky
@kdegraa2 жыл бұрын
This video shows one way to do it.
@ncm554492 жыл бұрын
Good comparisons!!! Again.... Great job showing a range of ways to get the job done!! Thank You!
@MacBailey2 жыл бұрын
My backblade will turn near 90 degrees to be nearly straight with the tractor instead of perpendicular as normal. It could basically be uses as a single bottom plow in that configuration and it cut a pretty good drainage ditch I needed, without pulling too hard on the tractor.
@kenlee50152 жыл бұрын
Wow, that stump bucket worked wonders for little money. Looks like a good tool for sprinkler lines or electrical.
@rodzimmerman19799 ай бұрын
Thanks, I'm new to the Tractor life and I am learning from this type of thing. I have a 4 series tractor with a loader, bucket, and a back hoe. I also have a fork skid steer and a Grapple. Next two Implements I want are a rear blade and a Stump bucket.
@kdrltd Жыл бұрын
A three point “trencher” works really well too
@gregkliethermes1123 Жыл бұрын
I was watching the video on 4 ways to dig. When ever I use the rear 3 point blade to cut a ditch you should angle the blade at as if you are grading with it. Adjust the leading edge closest to your tractor. It will work like a plow cutting a better ditch and will be easier to control.
@leestovall2936 Жыл бұрын
Great vid to show the differences. Good job. Although I own a backhoe, this has shown me the usefulness of the stump bucket for speed and keeping ditch shallow (e.g. underground utilities)
@markhall34342 жыл бұрын
I have this rather large "Shovel" that fits securely onto the fork lift attachment. The long forks add a ton of leverage. Dig the ditch sideways, move forward to dump, stay out of the ditch. Have to manually clean out the ditch by hand, but can rather easily dig a ditch for drainage pipe (6"). I use on a small ASV track loader. Good results for the relatively low cost. This shovel can be clamped to the bucket or fits on closely spaced forks. Forget the bucket clamp method..
@cdayejr2 жыл бұрын
I love all of your videos thank you for sharing I wish it was that easy up here. Total different animal in the mountains of Colorado lot of rock and very hard soil
@BackyardMaine2 жыл бұрын
I'm planning to make a shallow ditch with wide soft edges so I can mow over it. Just enough to drain water in the spring when snow is melting and the ground is frozen holding water. My back fiend looks like a pond in March.. I think I'll use the tiller first and then the loader. U was thinking the back blade would be the best tool but maybe not. Great comparison!
@woodyholland98652 жыл бұрын
While watching this I was seeing which way would be easy to mow. Looks like the FEL would be best to cut.
@madcow5x52 жыл бұрын
I had to trench out for an electrical run to my shed and the stump bucket was great. I had limited space to move around. I made the choice at the time of tractor purchase to forgo a backhoe and I regret it almost daily. If I wanted to buy one now it would be a year wait...
@Willtrailer2 жыл бұрын
Hey Courtney, I find that a middle buster works best in these situations
@kurtthompson33902 жыл бұрын
I think that nice crisp backhoe hole just can't be beat.
@dancrimmins107 Жыл бұрын
Came back to this video after buying a stump bucket. It would be great if there was some sort of "sled" type attachment you could bolt on to that stump bucket, like an "Edge Tamer" for regular buckets. Seems like you could put the loader in float mode and the bottom of the stump bucket would stay above grade. Then you could just set the depth of the ditch with the angle of the bucket. ?
@jamesyates51912 жыл бұрын
Thanks Courtney for a great comparison. Since I have some much sandstone around my property I didn’t choose to get a backhoe but with the FEL with tooth bar, your stump wrecker and my rear blade I’m happy. For laying pipe or conduit in the ground the stump wrecker rocks.
@tomrunning357 Жыл бұрын
What a great side by side comparison, looks like tractor size is in the mix as to the available options.
@bradw33132 жыл бұрын
Good practical video…I have two existing swales that need refreshing and a 3rd I need to add. Each about 125 yards long. I have a box blade and was thinking of tilting and dropping the far downside ripper to help bust it up. Other option is my straight blade, but it needs adapting for the top hook on quick hitch…also have an old single middle plow but that would involve follow up with the blade. Reckon I will be experimenting myself….I have a manual gear and all the back and forths would make for a long day. I like the look of the straight blade for what I need though.
@frankjones5283 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your video`s. I wouldn`t mind having a stump wrecker for a variety of jobs but I just bought a shovel that mounts on the bucket. I have used the bucket with a tooth bar for digging a trench for a drain tile which wasn`t too bad. We`ll see how this shovel works.. I`m sure it wont outperform that stumper. I don`t have a quick hitch on the front.
@earlyriser89982 жыл бұрын
Courtney, I loved this. I have a blade and bucket, and box blade, and land plane. I have tried all 4 to edge my driveway and the bucket and blade work best. The blade is crucial to get my druveway shaped. My blade can offset so I don't have to drive in the ditch. The comparison was great. I need to do some trenching around the new house we are building and the stump bucket looks like a great compromise. Gets deep enough and then easy to back fill and clean up. Or I could rent a mini-ex for a few days ?
@adamstone61232 жыл бұрын
Bucket looks like the cleanest...nice video!
@GoodWorksTractors2 жыл бұрын
@07HDFatboy2 жыл бұрын
I like that you can use the root cutter to dig trees for holes!
@kenwilson36892 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video, very helpful. I'd like to see some work in harder soils. Not all of us get the luxury of working in wet oatmeal. Nothing but a backhoe is realistic in most harder or even rocky soils.
@egbertjanemmens54322 жыл бұрын
How aboit just an simple 1 blade plow. that makes a nice trench, is fast and you can use him also for seed bed preperation.
@martinstrickland3192 жыл бұрын
Middle buster makes a good ditch/trench especially if you take the time to clean the spoil piles on the side.
@waynederby46842 жыл бұрын
If you want a swale the bucket is you most efficient choice depending on soil type & area available. For a ditch the backhoe is the most efficient depending on need & propose of the ditch. It is taken the the difference between a swale & ditch are understood.
@GoodWorksTractors2 жыл бұрын
Please explain in layman's terms...the top results on the internet that I was going to post don't give a clear explanation of the difference between a ditch and swale. Thanks!
@waynederby46842 жыл бұрын
@@GoodWorksTractors A swale is it is a shallow channel with gently sloping sides. A ditch is a long narrow channel dug in the earth. Other words without gentle sloping sides. Anything else please just ask & I'll try to be helpful.
@henrymorgan39822 жыл бұрын
1. Stump bucket 2. Backhoe 3. Front bucket. 4. Rear blade. That's how I come out.
@spenceryoungblood12352 жыл бұрын
Based off my potential uses, the stump bucket was the clear winner for me. I gotta have one!
@nospam3409 Жыл бұрын
You need a 42" version of that stump bucket so it can trench 36" deep.
@rmcjr52062 жыл бұрын
I love my backhoe (an old industrial model, not an attachment) but it takes a lot of practice to be really good with it. At least I suspect it does, because I'm still terrible at it.
@Totalyrediclous9982 жыл бұрын
I like the stump bucket. Thanks for the info. If I wanted to use a backhoe I'd rent a small excavator. Just seems faster. No on/off machine to move down the ditch
@bruceaplin2 жыл бұрын
Great Video, Great explanation. Educational. Thanks !
@kennycurran69382 жыл бұрын
I wonder how several passes with a potato plow would work? Great Video's Courtney and crew. Thank you for your time and effort!!
@stickersb1236 Жыл бұрын
I used mine to trench for 6" drain pipe and my experience has been mixed. It does a great job at breaking up the soil in a straight-ish line to come back and dig by hand or pull material out with a rear blade or FEL. the two problems I have is 1, the mold board for my cat 1 middle buster (potato plow) just isn't tall enough to curl dirt all the way out of my trench and 2, if you have any play in your 3 point setup it will make the plow off track. I will probably only use it to bust up hard packed soil or tear off sod in the future but as a trencher its unreliable.
@somethingabouttractors2412 жыл бұрын
Great video I wish my ground were that nice and soft!
@Liledgy100 Жыл бұрын
Take a 6”x6”x3’ angle iron, chain bind it to your front bucket and you’ve got a nice tool to tench in pipe, wire, etc. Pretty much free.
@ciphercode22988 ай бұрын
I like the way you think
@williamlaird21362 жыл бұрын
I am not sure if the video was in real time or not but it seemed to me the stump wrecker was the quickest for the money. Did you actually time the finished ditch for each one? GREAT video. Answered many questions.
@NinjaKid2502 жыл бұрын
For a wide swale, 3 passes with the tiller side by side, scoop out the middle with FEL then smooth the sides in. Makes it very easy to mow in/through. I have 260 backhoe and its too much fun to do utility ditches any other way
@NinjaKid2502 жыл бұрын
I should add, very impressed with the stump bucket in all the videos I’ve seen so far
@WhisperingWildMarketFarm2 жыл бұрын
Same here! This is how I make my swales.
@MrDerek19871987derek2 жыл бұрын
I like just hearing the tractor a lot more than the strumming of the guitar music usually have
@mlevesque30222 жыл бұрын
As far as simple swale, the tiller works really good. Chew it up, use the bucket to clean it out. Keep going until you get to desired depth. I did a 8inch to 2 inch pitch with a tiller.
@georgewhite57812 жыл бұрын
you dont get all that clumping either
@MrDerek19871987derek2 жыл бұрын
Backhoe all day long I absolutely love mine one of the attachments on the back of the tractor the most
@gordonstewart43782 жыл бұрын
Another great video. Thanks. I was wondering if your space was limited could you not make a pass with a rototiller then follow along with the front end loader, scooping out the tailings? This would also have the benefit (after a while) of being drive over. I haven't tried it, but in theory it might be a solution.
@markstearns29802 жыл бұрын
I use my box blade for ditches, because that is what I have and it works well. Adjust your three point so that it is on as steep of an angle as you can set and then work one side of the ditch at a time. A couple of passes each way usually does the trick.
@anvilsvs2 жыл бұрын
I was amused to see that you're using a Dirt Dog blade in Kalamazoo. We have friends there, but I live about 20 miles from Dirt Dog who are based in Commerce GA. I have 8 of their attachments for skid steers and tractors. Good people, good equipment. As I have a MF 165 tractor with the same blade you're using, Case 580 backhoe and Bobcat T870 with stump bucket I can comment on what you're doing. You have very easy soil conditions. With North GA red clay you would not even scratch the surface with the blade. A 12" bucket on the 580 can dig about 2-4" at a pass when the clay is dry. The Bobcat is most effective, but the ditch will be narrow.
@blackriflemensorganization61392 жыл бұрын
Great info here! Question: Is there a 3pt implement that can dig a trench about 2 feet deep? I'll be using a '49 8n to do the job. I'm laying 4 inch pipe to attach my rv to my septic tank. Thanks in advance for your insight! Happy New Year!
@woodystube1000 Жыл бұрын
3 point subsoiler. Done!
@josephsierra72952 жыл бұрын
Hey Courtney. This was a very good comparison of implements being used on the same task. I can see each having their advantage (visibility, control, accuracy, footprint, speed, etc.) Kinda depends on your application/need and budget for sure. I am sure you know, being on a straight line and flat area (wouldn't do this on a highly sloped area), you could have moved the backhoe along without having to get off it by raising the stabilizers, rasing the bucket (you'd have to turn and reach at it) and pusingh off with the hoe arm. Not sure how feasible that is with the new hoe design, but I can do it well with my old hoe (seems to be a Mustie1 joke in there somewhere). Thanks for sharing!
@GoodWorksTractors2 жыл бұрын
Haha, yeah I thought about showing that movement technique in the video...however, sometimes I just think about the safety sallies who will comment and decide not to showcase some things!
@josephsierra72952 жыл бұрын
@@GoodWorksTractors True dat...we'll say for ya though..LOL!
@hubertbauer45712 жыл бұрын
My way to dig ditches is using a single-plow witch i can turn arround. Plow into the soil and straight forward. Easy, fast and cheap. Greetings from Bavaria (Germany)
@justinlane12872 жыл бұрын
Hi Courtney I think you need to lengthen your top link and angle your rear blade and it will cut a much nicer ditch you need to angle it so it will carry the dirt out of the ditch much like how you angle a snow blade great video for demonstration
@justadbeer2 жыл бұрын
I have a stump bucket, (and hard rocky ground) and unless you're in super soft ground as in your vid it will be a tough go.
@easttexasengineering34892 жыл бұрын
I had the same issues with the rear angle blade, they tend to make a huge mess. I had the room so I ended up using the front end loader like you did in the first run. However yours looks pretty damn perfect!!! The problem with rear angle blades on tractors is there is no down force, so they tend to bounce around.. great video again.. stay safe.
@oldschoolrepairshop28662 жыл бұрын
What about a one bottom plow depending on how deep you need to go that work
@GoodWorksTractors2 жыл бұрын
Definitely could, I just didn't have one with me to test out for you guys.
@davidevans5252 жыл бұрын
I use my 2 bottom plow to break everything up and the front end loader to clean it out.
@MrFlintlock7 Жыл бұрын
Very useful video! Thanks a bunch!
@TomsDIYShop2 жыл бұрын
It may be due to a lack of experience on my part, but it seems the front end loader option would be ideal if your goal is to preserve the sod. I used my backhoe for a 200 foot trench to bury network lines between my shop and the house and the yard near the house is still showing the scars!
@chomp79272 жыл бұрын
Situation like that you're just using the wrong tool, for simply laying wire best bet would be to use a subsoiler and feed on the run, minimal damage and done in one pass as long as there are no giant obstructions (which would be an issue for any of these methods so not fair to count that against only one)
@TomsDIYShop2 жыл бұрын
@@chomp7927 100% agree and I tried that route. The soil in an area where I was running the line was so hard, the subsoiler would not stay under ground. I tried modifying the angle, but that didn’t work. I didn’t have any additional weight I could add to it, but I think it would have just broken due to the hardness of the soil.
@chomp79272 жыл бұрын
@@TomsDIYShop well yea in a situation like that everything would have a hard time, although in my mind I think BH then would have been your next best choice so at least you had the tool for that
@JS-we2gc11 ай бұрын
Video looks to show an area very receptive to any tool. What would be the best tool for an area that is very rocky under the top layer of soil? Sometimes considerably sized rocks.
@bonsukan2 жыл бұрын
I’m impressed with the stump bucket. What RPMs are you running the tractor for this type of work? Dave
@johnpyle80272 жыл бұрын
I like the stump bucket results! I've never seen one used like that! Maybe the most versatile for this comparison. How come no one lifts the tractor completely off the ground with the bucket and the leveling arms anymore?
@jvin2482 жыл бұрын
Another option is a three point dirt scoop / dump bucket. I'm using one for trenching, bought used. A low cost option if you don't have a loader bucket on your utility tractor.
@shawnmack702 жыл бұрын
Man that stump bucket would be great for prepping cobblestone edging. I just did 400’ with a backhoe but that stump bucket could have save a ton of time!
@strizzy2392 жыл бұрын
Buckets great for clean rock free dirt. Hit one single even relatively small one and can’t go any further. Even hard packed gravel say on a dirt road is basically impossible. A tooth bar will help a bit but they just aren’t designed for digging. Great for moving the material after its dug lol
@RieckFamilyEnterprises2 жыл бұрын
Middle buster is my go to for swallow digging
@brandtjustsayin2 жыл бұрын
I wish I could use my front end loader in that capacity on my little hobby/hunting ranch in Central Texas. But embedded rock is NOT a friend of a front end loader. Maybe using the backhoe followed up by bucket to create the slope would work. But soft, easily cut/manipulated, rich, soil is not prevalent where I'm at. It is VERY rocky on both my ranch and my 3/4 acre urban yard and home here in the San Antonio TX area. I do like the final finished product of the front end loader ditch though. Looks great!
@brettblack70492 жыл бұрын
@@Spongebobby43 yep. A nice toothed cutting edge help a lot in rocky soil. I just dug out 10 yards of 3-8" rocks that were an old pile off a field, they had been spread out and were embedded into the ground. I used my little kubota b2620 with a toothed cutting edge(it bolts on and I do not remove it) andnit worked like a charm. I would have had a hard time with the larger kubota L3800 I have as the bucket is smooth and it will just roll over rocks.
@KUBBI7488 Жыл бұрын
im impressed with a stump bucket !
@OldGuyGolf2 жыл бұрын
I use my tiller and then the front-end loader to pick up the loose dirt.
@philmccole43092 жыл бұрын
Stump bucket or loader bucket and then a pass with the back blade will get you a nice v shaped trench for drainage. Unless you live in Vermont, where the rocks complicate things a bit.
@BitCounter2 жыл бұрын
A shorter back blade might have had an advantage over the longer one.
@clicknstack13982 жыл бұрын
I've gotten pretty good results using a middle buster. Wish I could afford a backhoe for sure. :)
@timsawyer74432 жыл бұрын
Courtney and/or others, if using a bucket to create that ditch like you did in the video, would attaching a tooth bar help, or would it in some way hinder? Might it get in the way? Could it get damaged by using it like that? Or would it really enhance the bucket's ability to dig in and scoop up the turf and dirt?
@GoodWorksTractors2 жыл бұрын
Hey Tim, I think if it was really hard, then it would help dig through. However, it would not provide nearly as clean of a finish. Perhaps could do the "dirty work" then pop the toothbar off after that for more of the smooth finish?
@timsawyer74432 жыл бұрын
@@GoodWorksTractors makes sense -- thanks.
@robertpayne27172 жыл бұрын
I once used a troybilt rear tine tillar and a flat shovel to put a 220 volt electric underground cable in a long side a carport concrete slab... i tilled then shoveled out the the loose material then would rinse and repeat untill I got the proper depth...
@kallanmonteer95192 жыл бұрын
Can you use a one bottom plow to dig a 18 in ditch. Wanting to put in a 12 in culvert
@davidknapp244 Жыл бұрын
using a sub soiler along the ditch line first really makes digging with the front bucket easier.
@wolfpack41282 жыл бұрын
That is going to be a tough spot to hunt. Either lots of screening or use it as a destination plot and put a smaller plot back in the woods a little ways so you don't spook the deer into being nocturnal. Thanks for the comparison.
@tsafa2 жыл бұрын
That soil does not have any rocks in it. The results with the front bucket and rear blade would be a little bit different in rocky soil. The machine with the rear blade also has to be a lot bigger in order to get the same results. Anywhere I dig I'm going to have 8-inch rocks so the rear blade and the front bucket are going to ride over it, instead of dig into it. The stump bucket is the most economical and will get good results in rocky soil. You also have the benefit of being able to keep moving rather than being stationary. The annoying thing is when working in mud and the front tires want to follow previous tracks, it's hard to aim the point . The backhoe is the best option for deep hole in a small confined area. If you have to do a lot of moving then it becomes a pain continually repositioning. That's why the stump bucket is a better choice for small jobs and shallow holes. If you have to do a lot of deep digging you're going to wish you had an mini- excavator instead of a backhoe. Most people with tractors normally don't have to do a lot of digging so the stump bucket is the better choice. Especially true when you factor in that most of the time you want to have other things on the back of the tractor and it is a pain to remove the arms and install and remove the backhoe. Good video.
@chickenhawkfarmstead84787 ай бұрын
Withthe backhoe cant you put in neutral and use the backhoe to cral it much faster then getting off smd moving the tractor ever few mins
@daveb55402 жыл бұрын
Hummm the front loader is only useful for nice soil like in your demo, hard rocky soil would be very difficult. The stump bucket seems the most user friendly and and would work in more difficult soils. Your style of trench (steep sides vs. shallow sides would also be a key factor as well in determining what to use. Best advise... get them all so you can have the right tool for the job :) :).
@dancrimmins107Ай бұрын
How do these compare to the Ditch Box you've featured lately. Looks like a good tool?
@GoodWorksTractorsАй бұрын
The Ditch Box is the easiest to use, but if you needed a deeper ditch, it couldn’t provide beyond its design. And it’s essentially a single purpose tool. But it is awesome at what it does!
@JDubbsadventure2 жыл бұрын
A single potato plow works awesome for small ditches
@GoodWorksTractors2 жыл бұрын
For sure!
@CT_Yankee2 жыл бұрын
Soil conditions matter. Can't see many rocks where you're at. Try that test in my corner of CT and you'll find the backhoe is probably best, followed by the stump bucket. Backhoe is a PITA 'cuz ya gotta keep moving the tractor, but it can deal best with the nuggets one has to deal with. Personally - I'd go rent a trencher with a wide cutter if I had a lot to do. Or maybe a small Kubota excavator.
@ragcell2 жыл бұрын
Odd that you never included a couple _really_ helpful attachments for making a trench line: the sod buster and / or middle buster attachments. These would create a straight “pilot” trench, particularly for the stump wrecker. Additionally, the two 3-point hitch attachments, mentioned above, are great for laying an electric line or water line. They are inexpensive and worth way more and have greater utility than their cost. One other point is that you are fortunate you live in an area with “real” soil that can be tilled / plowed / trenched. Where I live, a small tractor backhoe is useless: soil is too hard (too much clay) and rocky. To trench, one needs a “real” backhoe, i.e., a Caterpillar tractor.
@GoodWorksTractors2 жыл бұрын
It isn't odd. I stated that I used tools I had out there in the field with me.
@madman4320002 жыл бұрын
Since I have the BH guess I'll use that, but a triangular ditching bucket would be better with it. For a square trench BH gets the nod, for a ditch I like the loader bucket.
@stephenoverstreet98982 жыл бұрын
I’m I think you forgot about the cheapest solution of all (except for the bucket on the front of course, if your tractor came with a loader). A middle-buster. I am excavating land to increase the size of my pond. I am using a middle-buster to create ditches in the ground, and then after a few passes I use the front bucket to scoop up the dirt. $300 for the plow. Pretty cheap.
@GoodWorksTractors2 жыл бұрын
Didn’t forget. As I mentioned, I used the four tools I had in hand.
@misterb10802 жыл бұрын
As mentioned below. Angle your angle blade when digging a ditch so it cleans out the ditch as it digs. Still waiting on a 3 point ditch digging tool. You can do it Court
@aarontulin75682 жыл бұрын
3 point Pto Trencher is my answer - Frontier DT1136
@juddsonafelt87792 жыл бұрын
Do you have a 4 ft. rear scrape blade available for a 2380?
@wingman84472 жыл бұрын
I like the bucket too if you have the room. I like that if you’re careful you can preserve the turf to reapply later if you need to. But in reality I want them all. The backhoe is too expense for my needs. If I need one I rent a mini excavator. If I need a long deep trench I rent a trencher. Thank you.
@GoodWorksTractors2 жыл бұрын
Agreed with it all!
@silverbackag97902 жыл бұрын
Something to be said for having it around when you need it. Rather than hooking up the trailer, going to town, loading up the equipment, chaining it down, driving back, trying to meet a deadline to return it. Or maybe you only have an hour or two worth of work at a time.
@ErieRadio2 жыл бұрын
Fastest by far is a middle buster or a one bottom plow. With the plow… pull one direction and come at it again in the same furrow… leaving what might be described as a “dead furrow”. Makes a fast decent shallow ditch. Sides can be cleaned up with the front loader and with the front loader it can be fashioned into more of a swale if that’s what you want.
@RockyX132 жыл бұрын
Great video! My wife and I just got a 3E series with the 370B. We are slowly learning, but have a question for you. Are these supposed to be really twitchy? Ours jerks when going side to side/left and right. It seems much faster and harder to control than the other functions/motions. Our dealer doesn't know very much about backhoes as they don't sell many. Any guidance or opinions would be much appreciated!
@WhisperingWildMarketFarm2 жыл бұрын
My new off-brand back hoe is quite twitchy as well, mildly terrifying (took my thumbnail off when the control stick caught it when dropping the BH off the subframe). Curious to hear a major brand unit is similarly endowed, Id assumed it was a cheap control valve on mine. Nothing like the buttery smooth factory FEL with 800hrs on it.
@brettblack70492 жыл бұрын
Lower the engine rpm a bit. As the unit gets broken in the hydraulics will get smoother.
@kipcudd72532 жыл бұрын
Just wondering why you get off the tractor when you move the tractor forward with the backhoe. Lift up the stabilizers first then the front loader then use the backhoe to move forward. Try it !