GorillaFight◆Crying out in a scuffle. Gentaro resists Dad Momotaro. Silverback【Momotaro family

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Gorilla Life (GL Ryan) / ゴリラ ライフ

Gorilla Life (GL Ryan) / ゴリラ ライフ

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Gorilla Fighting last time : Video • GorillaFight◆Scream! A...
Momotaro took Gentaro's food, and Gentaro, not liking it, took it back. Then Momotaro got angry and ran after Gentaro.
This all makes Momotaro look bad, but in the last fight, Gentaro bit Momotaro first.
Kintaro and carrots.
This morning's breakfast had a lot of carrots, so Kintaro was frantically collecting them with both hands.
We had a visitor on the second floor of the gorilla house. They were looking at the gorilla house from the second floor while the zookeeper was explaining to them. Gentaro and Kintaro noticed this and came close by.
To lower the temperature inside the gorilla house, bamboo blinds are placed on the roof. These screens block direct sunlight and provide shade in the gorilla house.
2023/7/2 Filming date
★Let's learn about the Momotaro family: four lessons
(History of Momotaro Family)
★ If you subscribe to my channel, it will encourage me to film videos.
Thank you.

/ @gorilla-life
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Please understand that I will delete comments that are offensive to other viewers. (hateful, derogatory, abusive).
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★Community page ! ( The latest information )
★Baby MOMOTARO's video provided by Tokyo Zoo Net
(MOMOTARO, his mother MOMOKO and his late father BIJU)
★How the momotaro family spend at night ?
Watch this video please From 3:31
• 夜間開園動画(類人猿)
Kyoto City Zoo / Western Lowland Gorilla
Father MOMOTARO ♂(2000/7/3) 
He is hesitant in new situations and is a loner.
His father died before he was born, and he had never spent time with a silverback.
He had already turned into a silverback by the time he was 10 years old.
He is struggling with unfamiliar child-rearing.
MOMOTARO's father is BIJU.
MOMOTARO's mother is MOMOKO.
Mother GENKI ♀ (1986/6/24)   
She is 14 years older than Momotaro and has a role to support the whole family mentally.
She has had a tumultuous and eventful life.
She has returned to her birthplace, Kyoto City Zoo.
She had never been blessed with a baby but after meeting Momotaro,
she had two sons.
She is a very maternal female gorilla.
GENKI's father is MAC.
GENKI's mother is HIROMI.
First son GENTARO, male (2011/12/21)
He was separated from his mother Genki soon after he was born.
Genki's milk production was not very good.
He was raised by his keeper for his first10 months.
Because of this, he is very fond of humans.
His face is so expressive, and everyone enjoys watching him.
Second son KINTARO ♂ (2018/12/19)
He is just very strong-willed and independent.
He has big eyes and long eyebrows.
The way he plays a lot with his brother Gentaro makes everyone smile.
We can't wait to see what kind of gorilla he'll become!
#gorilla #Animalfights #Momotarofamily #Momotarotroop #GorillaLife
#kintaro #gentaro #gorille #gorillasound #gorila #ゴリラ
γορίλας goril горила goryl gorilă горилла 大猩猩 고릴라 กอริลลา غوريلا
გორილა Γορίλλα गोरिल्ला Горила khỉ đột ဂေါ်ရီလာ Gorilă горила گوریل

Пікірлер: 249
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
Fight last time : Video kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z3KpimeNp8R5fq8 前回の喧嘩。動画 kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z3KpimeNp8R5fq8 ***************************** Today is Momotaro's BirthDay. モモタロウの誕生日。 kzbin.info/www/bejne/onLKooGLZbOhrqs The video below is distributed by the main zookeeper No other languages subtitles but I will answer your question in your native language if you could point out which scene. 今日はモモタロウの誕生日です。 メインの飼育員により配信。
​@@ТАТАЮГ-з8ьникто никуда не пойдет.Зачем?Блогер снимает,хвалит,а деньги капают.Начнет бучу поднимать,не будут пускать в зоопарк.Что творится в семье хиоко?Для всех, всё нормально.
@davenbrandon7311 Жыл бұрын
I love it when the captions come up of someone's view on what's taking place. Please do more of those when filming. 😊
@marykelly2409 Жыл бұрын
Oh, my Rock Star is so sweet to his brother after Gentaro and Dad had some words. The action between father Momotaro 💪🐒and son Gentaro🐒 is upsetting to Kentaro. He's so like his mother Genki, 🌹🐒 he has a peaceful spirit.💫🐒❤️
@KathyJo. Жыл бұрын
Thank you, GL for speaking your mind on the situation between Momotaro and Gentaro. Things will only get more volatile and the zoo is responsible for the well-being of these animals. They either need to take steps to move Gentaro or ask for help from some of the Gorilla organizations who I am sure would be glad to help in anyway with finding a new home for Gentaro. Do the right thing zoo administrators! These Gorilla’s lives are in your hands!
@iknowheis Жыл бұрын
@johnwright9373. This is very disturbing! The lives of these precious ones should not be in the hands of those who willfully make bad decisions. I had thought maybe we could do a crowdfunding, but you have approached them and they are not interested. That is terrible. I wonder if there is a gorilla welfare activist group? Someone with authority who can intervene?
@a2Flisa Жыл бұрын
@johnwright9373 No one ever gets an answer from the Zoo, unless you are Japanese, maybe! You are not alone of having reached out to them in 🐌📫 -letters, e-mails, comments on their videos. I also sometimes feel the Gorilla Section is more secretive than some of the other at this Zoo, who showing (ok sometimes Gorilla Section also does it, to be fair) veterinary treatments, care and upgrades they do!!! But I am grateful you have tried to contact them and even offer 💴💵 to assist!
@anaelena2104 Жыл бұрын
They speak Japanese.
@sonjavandam1306 Жыл бұрын
Google; Waza
@KathyJo. Жыл бұрын
@@gregsutton2400 I wasn’t referring to other administrators, the zoo administrators at this one who are responsible for these animals in their care. ……Help would be, what I think the majority of us believe to be best for Gentaro, to move out of this enclosure and transferred to a different enclosure. That is not an impossibility. To just be resolved in thinking the zoo administrators don’t care and won’t do anything feels like enabling them to do just that, nothing.
@mapalieymartin3171 Жыл бұрын
6:10 momotaro sprinting with 2 legs like human athlete.
@敏久-f3f Жыл бұрын
どこの群れでもありがちな食べ物からの小競り合いですね。 深刻な喧嘩じゃなくて良かったです。 キンタロウが必ずアフターフォローに入ってて素晴らしいです👏🏻😊
@sumomomo-momomo-momonouchi703 Жыл бұрын
そうですね😊 好きな食べ物を横取りする「いつものモモタロウ」でした😂笑 ゲンタロウが取り返そうとしたのが珍しい! こうやって息子は成長していくんですね~👏 ゲンキが喧嘩に介入しなくなったのも、それだけゲンタロウが力をつけてきたからなのかなと💪 もう息子の助太刀をしなくても大丈夫と、母は判断したのかもしれませんね😊 私は娘しかいないので息子はいませんが、息子を見守る母の気持ちでゲンタロウの成長を見守っていきたいです👍 頑張れゲンタロウ!
@敏久-f3f Жыл бұрын
@@sumomomo-momomo-momonouchi703 以前は少しの小競り合いですごーーく心配になってましたが、皆さまが上げてくださる世界各地のゴリラ動画やゴリラの生態を勉強したりして、日常のひとコマだと安心して観られるようになりました😅 ゲンタロウの成長、本当に楽しみですね✨ 今日はモモタロウの誕生日🫶🏻😊 京都市動物園の担当者の方が投稿してくださったモモタロウの誕生日動画を観て朝から号泣してました😭 特別な1日ですね✨
@sumomomo-momomo-momonouchi703 Жыл бұрын
今、誕生日動画を見てきました~😁 モモタロウの物語や飼育員さんの想い、見応え満点でした👏 動画内の「2頭の距離が広がったり、喧嘩が起きたりするのは自然なこと。心配しすぎず大らかに2頭を見守りたいと思います。」という言葉に、飼育員さんの想いがたっぷりつまっている気がしました。😊 私も大らかに見守りたいです😁 全然関係ないんですが、以前「モモタロウファミリーが人間だったとして、それぞれどんな職業についていると思いますか?」という質問に対して、飼育員さんが「モモタロウは几帳面で手先が器用で、細かい作業も苦にならないので、職人さんだと思う」と答えていて、それを知ってから私はたまにモモタロウが「大工の棟梁」に見えるときがあります😂笑
@cologne_jasmin3046 Жыл бұрын
​@@sumomomo-momomo-momonouchi703 momomoさん、こんにちは✨ 私も今朝モモくんの誕生日動画を見て、何度見てもモモくんが いじらしくて可愛いくて胸があつくなりました。立派な体格なのに不器用でシャイなところも魅力的で私大好き❤️です。家族のために頑張るモモタロウにありがとう、、と言いたいです!大工の棟梁にみえる、の感想ユーモアがあってクスクス笑ってしまいました。 私は逆に息子を二人育てましたので、ちょっとばかりゲンキママの気持ちがわかるかな?とか思っています😅ゲンキママのほうが立派かしら? ママもぱぱも息子達も良い家族ですよね。今はとにかくゲンタロウくん頑張れ!!ですね。いつも素敵なコメントありがとうございます💞💞   この絵文字間違えてつけてしまいました。スルーして下さいませ😅
@敏久-f3f Жыл бұрын
@@sumomomo-momomo-momonouchi703 はい😊 飼育スタッフの方の想いがすごく伝わりました🥹 ますますモモタロウ一筋な私です😆🫶🏻 大工の棟梁🤣 ピッタリですぅ〜👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 腕がすこぶるいい寡黙な棟梁🦍 やばいです💦 住宅街で大工さん見つけたらガン見しちゃいそうです😂
@DavyRo Жыл бұрын
It will be really hard for Kintaro when Gentaro leaves. The 2 brothers are very close. They play every single day with each other. I know it has to happen but I honestly think it will be Kintaro who will be the most upset when his big brother leaves the family.
@SeashoreMary Жыл бұрын
@wisebarb1987 Жыл бұрын
@gorillabff1003 Жыл бұрын
The love and caring between Gentaro and Kintaro is amazing as always. That will be the hardest separation when it’s Gentaros time to leave and a real wrench for Kinny. Gentaro will feel it too of course but he will also be adjusting to whatever new situation he will be in. Kintaro will be left behind with his parents to carry on and it will be hard. 🦍♥️
@MySkinnydip Жыл бұрын
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
@MySkinnydip I appreciate the super thanks. In the video, as you could notice, it was kind of food competition . Gentaro yielded to Momotaro before but he expressed his own feeling to his father. After the incident, they we’re spending as if nothing had happened. All I am concerned about is whether they get hurt or not. At glance, it looked like they did not get hurt. From now on, the growth of physique on Gentaro is a tipping point .
@Sunshine-d9u1b Жыл бұрын
Genki knows Gentaro and Momo are to big and strong for her to intervene. Probably she also knows this is how Gentaro will learn to be a Dominate Gorilla! I really like your sub title explanations. Well done!!!
@barbaragaither4651 Жыл бұрын
Yes❤ fortunately and unfortunately ❤that’s part of growing up ❤in time to this shall pass ❤ they still are a super star ⭐️ family ❤just keep on loving 🥰 them ❤
@lga9669 Жыл бұрын
This is the first time I have seen Gentaro keep his ground. It is a good sign, as he is maturing! 😄 However I would think as he ages, he may need to split from the group soon, otherwise the fights may end up being quite serious, like Winston and his adopted son, Frank.
@livefree810 Жыл бұрын
@@gregsutton2400 thank you so much for this information, it really helped me understand more
@artofoto Жыл бұрын
@@gregsutton2400 Gentaro est trop intelligent pour se soumettre aussi longtemps
@a2Flisa Жыл бұрын
​@@gregsutton2400 This 'normalcy' of males staying 'til 18-20 y old, could you, please, reference to a peer reviewed source!?🤔
@a2Flisa Жыл бұрын
@@gregsutton2400 "The words normalcy and normality are both noun forms of the adjective normal. These words mean the same thing, but one term is much more commonly used than the other. ..." ref: yourdictionary.com
@a2Flisa Жыл бұрын
​@@gregsutton2400 I am just interested to know more about these 18-20+ years old male silverbacks, staying in their birth troops, that are just normal, according to you!
@mikodemus69 Жыл бұрын
We are living interesting times seeing these young gorilla males evolving into silverbacks. If they move Gentaro and others to other facility I hope we can still follow them and see how they grow up.
@sandrawarren7196 Жыл бұрын
What is so sad? Kintaro will grieve for his brother They are so close.
@hrisanthidimitriou1893 Жыл бұрын
I hope Gentaros stays until September. This is when I will go to see them in Kyoto! God willing!
@bellarella4452 Жыл бұрын
You are so lucky ❤ I'm sure he will still be there
@hrisanthidimitriou1893 Жыл бұрын
@@bellarella4452 I hope so!
@livefree810 Жыл бұрын
I wish I were going I would love to see them , I'd give that zoo a good what for to, lol
@sumomomo-momomo-momonouchi703 Жыл бұрын
I am Japanese. 😊🇯🇵 Thank you for choosing Japan as your travel destination. ❤ May your trip be a wonderful one. ✨ Please enjoy watching the Momotaro family in Kyoto. 🦍 Gentaro will surely be at the Kyoto City Zoo at that time.👍
@АннаАнна-ю1ф Жыл бұрын
Які горилочки розумненькі!!!
@laurieanneanderson9888 Жыл бұрын
Praying for the welfare of all the gorillas! Gentaro is my fave. Too bad there isn’t another enclosure on the property.
@ZombieQueen819 Жыл бұрын
I agree I hope the zoo does get them 2 apart before anything bad happens to Gentaro,, I love them two very much but Momotaro is so much bigger!! ❤❤❤
@ladiabla4171 Жыл бұрын
And to think that Kintaro will go through the same thing with Momo when he becomes a teen gorilla. It's very sad to think that these 2 brothers will most likely never see each other when Gentaro gets moved to a different zoo. I feel for both of them but specially Kintaro.
@MySkinnydip Жыл бұрын
Poor Gentaro! He just wanted to keep the little food he had. Doesn’t help that his dad is a young,very strong,very fast Silverback! Kinny is the steadfast little brother,making sure his big bro is ok! Love seeing Genki and Kinny relaxing under the bamboo shades!🙋🏽🫶🏽
@karlitadawson651 Жыл бұрын
Well it’s truly a sign that Gentaro will probably need to be separated from dad sooner than we would like. Gentaro is only doing what is expected at his age. The keepers will have to think of something before either gets seriously hurt. Happy Early Birthday to Momo❤
@annemariemcnamara8756 Жыл бұрын
Momo gets the food issues from his mom. Riki got to close to her food an she practically lifted him up an body slammed him. Yeah maybe some gorillas have food aggression. Glad Gentaro is fighting back, Japan really needs to get their gorilla situation figured out because it’s not fair to these young adults being denied a mate an their own young
@a2Flisa Жыл бұрын
Relived that the altercation was short today! Although - it's really time the Zoo act soon, for the familys sake, it's very stressful for everybody to live with Gentaro being an obstinate blackback soon Silverback! He seems almost as big as Momotaro now (probably more weight/muscle on Momo').
@glmoore8777 Жыл бұрын
he isnt nearly as big and strong as momo he is being taught lessons in life as gorilla,gentaro is a bratty beast with his mom,and is gna get hurt by pops once or twice,momo is a huge strong silverback and he could easily kill gentaro if he chooses to,separate them....
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
The zoo distributed a video of Momotaro on his birthday. In the video, his main zookeeper told lots of thins about hime. All is in Japanese, though. Momo is getting to learn about how to socialze more with his family. He wants to but he is embarassed because he had few experiences of spending in a troop. Anyway, he is getting much better.
@sherriepectol9324 4 ай бұрын
I am glad Gorillas have a home there in Japan. It's far better than being butchered by poachers. Great Work!!!!
@Drunkytron Жыл бұрын
Kintaro will be devastated over the departure of his brother. However, Gentaro will be a silverback sometime during the next 2 years. We have seen some zoos try to keep more than 1 silverback in the same enclosure. But fights break out way too often under those circumstances…
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
Today is Momotaro's BirthDay. モモタロウの誕生日。 kzbin.info/www/bejne/onLKooGLZbOhrqs The video below is distributed by the main zookeeper No other languages subtitles but I will answer your question in your native language if you could point out which scene. 今日はモモタロウの誕生日です。 メインの飼育員により配信。
@ЮояСакура Жыл бұрын
Кинтаро и Гентаро такие классные!Я их обожаю!!!!❤❤❤
@diana6685 Жыл бұрын
Que pequeño lugar y poca vegetación 😢 Esta familia es hermosa
@nadinelemeur1939 Жыл бұрын
Gentaro a grandi a prit de l assurance et le fait savoir a son père en ne ce laissant plus faire . Mais l intercaltion ne dure pas c est le plus important. Le lien qui unit gentaro et kintaro est beau a voir . Et de savoir qu ils vont être séparés un jour ou l autre me rend triste .😢 Comment va réagir kintaro quand il va ce rendre compte que son frère n est plus ? La est la question 😢
@faybracarlson5941 Күн бұрын
I think Genki's TOTAL focus is on eating, 24/7, lol. ❤
@АннаАнна-ю1ф Жыл бұрын
Працівники зоопарку дуже піклуються про горил!! Що ж такий голодний Момотаро, відбірає у сина їжу😢😢😢 Біднесенька Генкі, її потрібно теж лікувати, вона така Добра, Мила , Розумна.
@shayshayc3609 Жыл бұрын
That was nice of your guys. To give them shade in this hot summer. Your guys are amazing
@kinaka5756 Жыл бұрын
@ИринаГорская-ж8у Жыл бұрын
Что скажешь, Генечка взрослеет и может давать сдачи Момо... 🤗 Но я их всех люблю 🙏😍😘😘😘☀☘️🦍☘️🇷🇺
@babengka633 Жыл бұрын
hal biasa di kelompok gorila, dimana gorila remaja mulai membuat garis agar gorila dewasa tidak banyak mengintimidasi.. Sangat di sayangkan kalau memindahkan gentaro, karena gentaro ikonik (lahir dan sempat dirawat pihak kebun binatang).. baiknya area diperluas agar tidak sering bertemu/kontak
@a2Flisa Жыл бұрын
Not possible unless many many acres! Their instincts tells the young ones (also females) to find their own troop and mate and have babies and so on!!! So, we could hope though, he is put with Annie or in a bachelor group somewhere (wishfully at that empty enclosure at Kyoto City Zoo 🤞)!
@babengka633 Жыл бұрын
(nagoya) gorila shabani juga sering mengintimidasi kiyomasa dan semua anak betina.. apakah mereka akan dipisahkan masing-masing?.. >mungkin kesempatan yang baik bagi gentaro meminang diantaranya 😀
@wintergem74 Жыл бұрын
And yes the boulder & hanging tire? Momotaro’s “throne” sorta. G likes it too😊 Again something for them to focus on? I’m at a loss regarding the empty flower pot 😮
@vickiekunau5154 Жыл бұрын
I wish they could make an enclosure for Gentaro next to the current one - would that work with him so close to his family? Maybe Kintaro could go back and forth between them? Just a thought.
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
I was hoping so but I suppose that it won''t be realistic. Threre is one empty enclosure where is not far from the current one for the family. It may be used for other animals. Not quite sure, though. Or In another way, the amusement park should be demolished after being moved the ferris wheel ( It is a tangigle cultural property, built 120years ago) .
@aquarianlight1880 Жыл бұрын
@@Gorilla-LifeI was under the impression Gentaro already belongs to another zoo? Its a question of when they will move him. I forgot the name of it. Fairly updated enckisure the zoo I think has amusement rides in it as well similar to Bush gardens.
@joycereynolds671 Жыл бұрын
Sounds good. Great idea.
@wernervannuffel2608 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for alle the explanations in the subtitles. It was very interesting.
@gorillack_japan Жыл бұрын
ゲンキもゲンタロウが一方的にやられてるようなら味方についてたかもしれませんね 個人的にゴリラを見てるとゴリラ社会は好き嫌い関係なく平穏に事済ます為弱者の味方につき自然とパワーバランスを均衡ような保つような習性があるような気がします
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
@devonporter7278 Жыл бұрын
That enclosure isn't big enough for both of them. Gentaro should have sometime in a place alone or just with him and Kintaro ❤
@deemaria814 Жыл бұрын
Aww, wish they would have showed more of the fight. I know Supermom Genki came to the rescue!
@dianearsineau3439 Жыл бұрын
I hope the two boys stay together as long as possible, both will be unhappy,and may interfere with their eating. Maybe genki will interfere to keep the peace with the family.
@mariavera2884 Жыл бұрын
I could just imagine how they feel with all that fur, with the humidity to top it off!!🦍💙💕💜💋
@christine4064 Жыл бұрын
Before one of the family members gets injured I think it’s time for Gentaro to leave. It’ll be so very sad for everyone, however, safer for everyone as well. 💕
@MaddyIndia 8 ай бұрын
Small scuffle between Father and son. Nothing to worry. I hope soon the zoo will have a plan for growing up Gentaro ❤
@sonyawilson1000 Жыл бұрын
2:40 😮 Gentaro darling, that's a nice sized snack 🌿 branch you've got there 😊. 4:45 Kintaro is just as curious about visitors just like his brother Gentaro. 5:47 Yes, I am certain the bamboo shade makes it feel cooler. 6:01 🤨 Well, yes! Here we are again folks. A scuffle over yet another snack 🌿 branch. That handsome 💙 Momotaro is something else 🤭. Gentaro is certainly posturing to stand his ground though. I am proud. My baby boy is growing up 😭. As stated before this will probably be the norm around those parts in the enclosure 🤷. Momo makes a bit of a fuss with roughing up of Gentaro, but that's about it. And then everyone to their perspective corners 8:08 to eat 🌿 and all is calm again.10:01 😆 Genki: All this heat and 🔥💣 testosterone levels permeating the air has got me 😴.
@jlsherman5805 Жыл бұрын
Gentaro is like, "no sir, I'm keeping my food!"
@PrimateLady2023 Жыл бұрын
Those branches 🌿 are a hot food commodity.
@in4aeg Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for today's video. You commented a lot and expressed your opinion. I fully share your concern for the future of the Shabani family.
@Brocklesnarb16 Жыл бұрын
It’s almost time for gentaro to find his own troop!
@a2Flisa Жыл бұрын
Maybe the special visitors were from JAZA doing Inspections (although Kyoto City Zoo are not members). I thought they were, so maybe I remember wrongly, or they aren't anymore?! Or maybe the visitors were from Higashiyama Zoo and they are planning a romantic date 🦍💞🦍 for Annie and Gentaro - or a Bachelor group with her brother and Riki 🦍🦍🦍from Ueno Zoo!?
@MySkinnydip Жыл бұрын
That would be cool!
@a2Flisa Жыл бұрын
@@MySkinnydip One could always dream a little!
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
I would be sure to inform you of constructive information sometime soon as I have just carried it out ,which is relevant to JAZA and communities or groups in the US.
@emceestrange Жыл бұрын
Why are the zoo keepers keeping them in the same area? These fights can turn dangerous
@juliecaissie6530 Жыл бұрын
Oh ya , this is gorilla world not human world but i think gentaro would miss his family wouldnt he?
@a2Flisa Жыл бұрын
Yes, for a short while probably, but their instincts tells the young ones (also females) to find their own troop and mate and have babies and so on!!! So, if he is put with Annie or in a bachelor group somewhere (wishfully at that empty enclosure at Kyoto City Zoo 🤞).
@sowhat7472 Жыл бұрын
Nope, not today dad! 😂😂😂❤
@ofeliavega3746 Жыл бұрын
La decicion k tomen k sea la mas adecuada para gentaro entendi k si lo mandan con arangutanes soltero seria su ruina no se yo espero k no sea asi gentaro es muy especial desde pequeño❤❤❤pero ya creció 😊😊lo mejor para el❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@juliajohnson6022 Жыл бұрын
I hope they don’t move Gentaro any time soon. It is not time to send him off yet. Kintaro needs a buddy still.
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
Not soon.  In the latest video distributed by the kyoto city zoo, his main zookeeper latest video distributed by the kyoto city zoo, his main zookeeper made
@karenellis1200 Жыл бұрын
Gentaro looks just like his grandma Momoko❤❤❤❤❤❤
@olgaarca6423 Жыл бұрын
I don’t want to see the day Gentaro has to leave the family 😢😢😢😢
@joycereynolds671 Жыл бұрын
Than you don't care about his welfare or his happiness, because he's maturing now and needs to have his own family, just like Momo did at his same age! Momo was the same exact age when he was put with Genki. Look it up.
@dudadossantos3646 Жыл бұрын
o zoológico precisam tomar uma atitude sobre isso, as brigas estão mais constante!! eles precisam separar o Gentaro da família antes que pode acontecer coisas piores! os zoo japoneses precisa fazer um lugar para os machos solteiros
@lyncee6953 Жыл бұрын
Je pense que les responsables ,les éducateurs et les vétérinaires savent très bien à quel moment les familles doivent être séparées,ils sont compétent et connaissent parfaitement les comportements des gorilles…..mais je pense aussi que ça va être une déchirure pour Kintaro et Gentaro,mais c’est la loi de la nature….
@craiggraham3245 Жыл бұрын
I think Gentaro can teach Momotaro a few things . I think Gentaro will make a very good dad not like his dad . The zookeepers let Momotaro get away with too mush . The zookeepers here are lazy where are the carrots ?
@nicolefournel-hartery8187 Жыл бұрын
Kintaro is so attached to his brother. I pray Genki gets pregnant and has a little girl soon. Kintaro will have to learn to be the big brother and Genki needs a daughter for a change. They need to slip Momotaro some meds and teach him how to mate for more than 3 seconds. lol Poor Genki, a frurstrated wife.
@gianniconcu5247 4 ай бұрын
Hi Mr. G L I was following the discussion about the skirmishes between Momotaro and Gennaro. Have there been other cases where zoos have had to face the problem of what to do?
@Gorilla-Life 4 ай бұрын
As of now, they are calm each other. At times Gentaro shows his strength to Momotaro. Momotaro chases after Gentaro. No big issue occurs. The second ground appears to be effective to make both of them release stress.
@davenbrandon7311 Жыл бұрын
I've been thinking this for 😊 now that gent needs to find his ow 10:30 n way. Kint may be very sad for a while, but it's necessary 😊
@pingping214 Жыл бұрын
Wow I'm not watch Momotaro about 2 months, today I'm here Momotaro and Gentaro got bigger than 2 months ago!! 😮
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
Welcome back to my channel
@daveycrocket4873 Жыл бұрын
The space is too small especially for 4 gorillas.
@user-sj2qy5pq9c Жыл бұрын
0:34❤6:01 7:44 9:18☺️❤️
@Luhmardidit Жыл бұрын
@maksymlytvyn973 Жыл бұрын
This zoo please let him go Don’t worry about KZbin
@joycereynolds671 Жыл бұрын
Gentaro is too old to still be living with his mother and father. It's time for him to start his own family like Momo did at his age.
@Linda-s55r Жыл бұрын
Oh 😢kintaro love his big brother so very ❤sorry i cry so beautiful the love at then brother's 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
@sassygirl7817 Жыл бұрын
Yup, soon Gentaro will have to leave his family. I’m sure that it’ll be equally hard in both Gentaro and his little brother Kintaro.
@A1PrimeTimeMovies Жыл бұрын
Monotaro needs to beat his butt and teach Gentaro some proper gorilla etiquette !!!
@derrick9635 Жыл бұрын
Without questions gentaro needs leave ,extrodinary powerful beings .im in awe .
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
That's why the zoo will renovate a subground for Gentaro and Kintaro. Especially Gentaro The zoo will also contemplate his aptitude. Ps I donated to the crowdfunding.
@chericonnolly4810 Жыл бұрын
It amazes me every time how fast Momo is! Bipedal racing! Pretty impressive ❤! No harm no foul!! Just noise that's fine!❤,🦍
@ryanbluer6098 Жыл бұрын
Gentaro won’t be moved until Genki gets pregnant again so they have a distraction for little Kintaro or he gets to aggressive with his dad and is in danger of getting hurt.
@joycemoss1746 Жыл бұрын
I will miss big G when he has to be move but he is getting that age though❤️
@lucianaaidawati Жыл бұрын
kapan grntaro akan punya rumah sendiri , dia mulai bertengkar dengan ayah dan melawan dengan gigitan 😅 . aku tidak sabar menunggu dia bertemu pasangannya . apakah itu annie atau gorila dari luar negeri?
@liafigueiredo3708 Жыл бұрын
Espero não me decepcionar com o Zoo de Kyoto no que se refere ao planejanento para o futuro de Gentaro. Porque não comunicam com antecedência para onde ele irá? Detestaria vê-lo num depósito de gorilas solteiros, seria a sua ruína.
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
Eles não lhe dirão nada até que tudo esteja esclarecido.
@adamgrim911 Жыл бұрын
She is so frail now but still keep s on keeping on
@Jabali2020 Жыл бұрын
Kintaro says to Gentaro hey brother everythings okay i hold always to you 🥲😭
@juliecaissie6530 Жыл бұрын
Oh oh
@juliajohnson6022 Жыл бұрын
Hope Gentaro puts those baby teeth under his pillow so the tooth fairy will bring him something.❤️🇺🇸
@shontaebarre6769 Жыл бұрын
Gentaro is starting to defend himself from dad now , he tired of dad being mean to him . I’m surprised Genki no longer defends Gentaro anymore
@carmenmontesgonzalez5593 Жыл бұрын
Y a mi también me gustaría saber que va a pasar con Gentaro Kintaro va a sufrir mucho sin su hermano pero Gentaro ya está tan grande como su padre y si se pelean creo que ganará su padre porque lo veo más fuerte tienen que cambiarlo de zoo y pensar que ya se tiene que despegar de sus padres aumque creo que Genki también va a sufrir y extrañar mucho a su hijo la verdad es que es un problema espero que el zoo tome la decisión que sea para mejor de los 3 😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤
@Dimples_2 Жыл бұрын
I wish Momo would stop taking food from my Gentaro ☹️
@luciperez5669 Жыл бұрын
Mara mi entendido noto demasiado alboroto en el público demasiado con todos mis respetos tendrían que tener algo más de tranquilida❤
@tipherethespacio3489 Жыл бұрын
A Gentaro le gusta provocar pero que no lo provoquen. Kintaro siempre acompañando al hermano. 🫶 Estando en libertad, cómo seguiría la vida de Gentaro?
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
Se dice que los gorilas jóvenes de la edad de Gentaro provocan a sus padres, independientemente de su sexo. Se dice que abandonan a sus padres de esta manera. De hecho, KIYOMASA, en el zoo de Higashiyama, se encuentra en la misma situación. Lo mismo ocurre con las hembras jóvenes de gorila del zoo de Ueno.
@tipherethespacio3489 Жыл бұрын
@@Gorilla-Life Muchas gracias por responder! Sucede que estando juntos en el recinto esta familia funciona bastante bien. Al ser movido Gentaro, a pesar del temor y sufrimiento que le pueda ocasionar, tendrá la oportunidad de expandir su vida, pero Kintaro, cómo experimentará su ausencia...
@CaseyNahan 2 ай бұрын
That is the wooden crate
@pyrografix 6 ай бұрын
At some point you have to wonder, WHY is there always a screaming child at the zoo??
@Gorilla-Life 6 ай бұрын
Right. That’s a problem.
@sherriepectol9324 4 ай бұрын
I'd rather hear the sounds Gorillas make as opposed to the screaming/crying childen in the back ground. Even the Music is preferable.
@mz.mz.believe4781 Жыл бұрын
It is so sad that his father treats his firstborn son that way😢
@HerrStaale Жыл бұрын
Glad they are moving him..Bet he will get a better and greener enclosure.. Not impressed of this one..
@jadezee6316 Жыл бұрын
release these animals to a sanctuary
@Lau200_1 Жыл бұрын
Muy bien Gentaro, !! Que nadie te quite tu comida… 👏
@ГалинаКрылова-ь5и 3 ай бұрын
Животные постоянно кушают много зелени , морковь, спасибо служителям зоопарка , иногда показывают другие страны горил с маленькими детенышами , тесные клетки, стружки вместо зелени , смотреть не возможно , а у вас нормально люблю эту семью и кинтаро и Генки и момотаро .
@madalena2023 Жыл бұрын
Amo tanto gentaro..😢😢...Nem quero imaginar ver ele longe do seu irmão kintarinho..😭...Genki tem que ter outro bebê pra fazer companhia a kintarinho..😢
@ИринаГорская-ж8у Жыл бұрын
Спасибо админам канала, за субтитры на русском языке 👌🇷🇺
@racheleastwood5588 Жыл бұрын
They need to bring this family to Dubbo Western Plains Zoo it's a safari park with plenty of space or even Mogo zoo as they are just pawns here the poor things deserve better than this.
@иринамакеева-х3в Жыл бұрын
Очень люблю Генки, меня тоже беспокоит лечение ее зубов❤❤❤❤
@consuelopando9414 Жыл бұрын
Son una bella familia Gentaro es un amor pero ya es un adolescente y se enfrenta a Momotaro los cuidadores del zoológico debían ya de pensar en la creación de un lugar para los adolescentes tienen ya que hacer sus vidas Kiyosama Gentaro Momoka todos esos jóvenes para evitar problemas entre padres e hijo a
@evaarreguin-rivera1172 Жыл бұрын
Tu crees que genki va a dejar de defender a su hijo!? Y aun que le tenga miedo a momotaro pues a ella también la ha lastimado ella seguirá cuidando y protegiendo a sus hijos.
@Gorilla-Life Жыл бұрын
En cuanto a esta vez, puede que no sea gran cosa para la comunidad gorila. Si Gentaro realmente necesita ayuda, Genki irá en su ayuda siempre. O tal vez, debido a su edad, la educación de Gentaro fue confiada a su padre Momotaro. De hecho, es más probable que Gentaro y Kintaro intenten aprender las reglas de la sociedad gorila de Momotaro. Lo mismo ocurriría con otros gorilas macho, independientemente de su edad. Gentaro y Kintaro rara vez juegan cerca de Genki. La mayoría de las veces juegan cerca de Momotaro. Estos hallazgos se han realizado en el zoológico de la ciudad de Kioto.
@myrtleborodziuk7163 Жыл бұрын
She k owns he has to learn to be a man gorilla and Momo could hurt him bad if he wanted to .He is teaching him how to grow up.
@caps3107 Жыл бұрын
Where is the mother at?
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もしかして、父親モモタロウは息子の力、成長具合を確かめているのかな?。 本気では無さそう。
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