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PM-WANI scheme: All you need to know about Centre's nationwide public Wi-Fi network plan
This Central government's scheme is called the Prime Minister Wi-Fi Access Network Interface (PM-WANI) and is being seen as an attempt by the government to elevate wireless internet connectivity in the country
How exactly will it work? Let us see
Public Data Offices (PDOs) will be established on the lines of Public Call Offices (PCOs). These PDOs will establish, operate, and maintain only the WANI compliant Wi-Fi access points to deliver broadband services to its subscribers.
These PDOs will either provide internet on their own or will lease from some other Internet Service Provider (ISP). PDO Aggregators (PDOAs) will also be set up. These will perform the function of authorization and accounting of the numerous PDOs.
The government will develop an application which will register the users on to the network. The application will also help them discover WANI-compliant Wi-Fi hotspots in nearby areas
A central registry will be set-up which will maintain details of all app providers, PDOAs and PDOs. The registry will be handled by the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DoT).
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