Core engineer is super fast to level, I rocketed myself to 80 with using a rifle, mobs simply melted.
@malicemischievous3753Ай бұрын
I played so much with the core engineer that I started missing it when i switched to mechanist. It was really enjoyable to complete core story from 1 to 80 and 2 expansions and getting 250hp . I really enjoyed it a lot
@blastmanutz7798Ай бұрын
@malicemischievous3753 I miss engi and especialy toolkit every time I play any other class. The level of adaptability to literally every situation is imho unmatched. Need stab? Sure. Need projectile hate? Sure. Need mobility? Ain't nothing better than scrapper. Need teleports? Mech's got you. Need heals? Med kit is amazing. Need alac? Yep. Quickness? Yep. Revive tool? Scrapper smiles with gyro. Melee dps? Yep. Ranged? Sure. Condi, power dps, hybrid damage? You bet. Spear is amazing in engi. Stealth reveal is unmatched among other classes. Utility is great. Underwater dps is amazing in scrapper for aquatic fractal for example. Need stealth? Sureee. We have it all. :) Maybe only guardian comes next to this flexibility.
@djhoerauf8 ай бұрын
great guide, good amount of details without going in depth and love the build links!! please make more great videos. and i agree i had no problem leveling. quick kills with rifle and some grenades'. guess "your mileage may vary" but dont let the video take away from your wanting to level one up.
@frustratedsquirrel3 ай бұрын
Engineer will make you feel smart and develop carpal tunnel in your fingers. Unless you play Mechanist, in which case you'll seem like a smug kindergartener with a helicopter parent.
@joshuaherring96747 ай бұрын
I slightly disagree with using a booster. I can only HIGHLY recommend NOT to use a booster if you’ve never played Engi. 🤷🏼♂️ Worth the experience to learn kit swapping and face rolling the keyboard
@xezzee4 ай бұрын
Or you roll Li Mechanist and learn to use kita on that. You can use six weapons with Turret instead of Kit. Mace 28k, Rifle 30k, Pistols 32k, Hammer 33k, Sword 34k and Spear 34k ❤ To learn Kits take Mechanist, Set Commands on auto-cast and play either 1 Power Rifle Mech with Grenade Kit. Rotation 27257 / 27247 / 2727 based on cooldowns. 2 Condi Pistols with Bomb Kit. Rotation 27237 / 2727 based on cooldowns. Either build should hit 30k easily. You can also add rest of the skills in The rotation when you can do The main rotation easily. Rifle 3450 and Pistols 3490 ❤
@papajek126 ай бұрын
I have decided to come back to GW2 to check on the new expansion. For that I have made new engi and oh man… cele mech with shortbow is immortal. I can even kill legendary mobs almost not loosing HP… mech is taking damage for me and I heal it and buff it :) As for simple dps build for strikes or fractals I go as power holo or power mech with sword and shield and still manage to do 30-33k dps and I know it is not good but it is FUN
@xezzee4 ай бұрын
Engineer is one of my favored professions to play with Elementalist. I would love to write an essay about it so I will summarize the 50 page essay to one short point: Mechanist has THE easiest Low intensity builds for PvE end game by dropping the Kit for a Turret. Rocket Turret on Power builds and Flamethrower Turret on Condi builds.
@furettodaguerra12689 ай бұрын
slow? leveling with grenades/bombs is pretty fast bro, leveled one to 80 in a day spamming dungeons only, which isn't even optimal
@matthewshelton95738 ай бұрын
Dont even need kits any more, rifle does great damage on its own. Engi is a blast to level in the current game, pun 100% intended
@Steam-machine19999 ай бұрын
@wurstkonig36219 ай бұрын
since when does damage translate to leveling speed? when was the last time anybody ran around killing mobs for exp? if ever. also some skills in meta builds are picked for their toolbelt skills, the main skill sometimes isn't even in the rotation. details: healscrap doesn't use bow. it popped up since it was new but it's shit. it's still played with mace/shield for regen/vigor + leap/blast finisher + prot uptime + cc. shortbow is a meme. also nobody uses rifle except for less than a handful very specific encounters in raids. on any pdps build apart from holo hammer is the way to go.
@xezzee4 ай бұрын
Rifle is like 4k dps loss... You still do 30k dps in Power Mechanist when dropping The Kit for Rockets Turret 😂 Mace was 28k, Pistols 32k, Hammer 33k and both Sword and Spear did 34k so Rifle is not horrible as people claim. These are the Low intensity variations of Mech dps build using all weapons ❤ Honestly Rifle If great for any PUG under 50kp and you should learn to use better weapons before you hit 100kp for sure 😂