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@JohnB-mo4kq 2 жыл бұрын
Normal-elite: Pick cat, find lightning pewpew gloves, clear everything with miasma. Reincarnation+: Pick cat, get pew pew gloves, fire offhand, roll elemental gemini, clear everything.
@EveryLittleBitCounts 2 жыл бұрын
biggest factor for me for consistent r8 clears was getting familiar with bird. He takes 75% damage to his armor from normal damage compared to cat's shield/hp bar and 50% less damage from lightning. Great mobility. Very low reliance on ascensions for damage. It is very easy to get a permanent effective invincibility setup running by late act 2/early stage 3 and from then on you are able to completely disregard everything. Prioritize gigantic leap, regen hit 1, his damage reduction after leap, and then fully equipped. Then you can go for an all or nothing/last stand setup if you're able to. Oppressor is nice for early game, but can be a pain to maintain especially with those pesky chests in act 1 that cost hp and having buns wasted to armor. He can very reliably get through act 1 if you play patiently and take advantage of his ability to restore armor on pots. I prefer to pick oppressor up later if offered and instead like gambler or occult booster. Just one good boosted scroll can be enough damage to get you through a run. And a lot of the non damage ones are nice too. Ostrich rider, devils covenant, etc. Gambler is more consistent but honestly bird has very few bad ascensions so I usually don't feel the need to run it. I like craftsmans inheritor or jackpot if offered to me in act 2 to make sure I can get my element share setup online asap and after that the game becomes a faceroll. Field proficiency is a great option as well if neither of those are available since the reduced leap cooldown helps maintain his invincibility. If you're able to pick up all or nothing once you have either regen hit 1 (or level 2 if you're less familiar with him and don't have any points in damage reduction after leap), then last stand can be activated with your leap giving you significant damage reduction/rof and moderate damage increase that is essentially up permanently. If you have 3 points in the damage reduction after leap where it restores armor when you take damage, that will restore the armor consumed by all or nothing. With a few points in gigantic leap and a few points in the ascension that gives you damage and -leap cooldown after kill, you are basically permanently invulnerable. Especially if you have any points in damage reduction after leap. I had a 15 game solo r8 win streak on bird and I only used duplicate weapons 4 times. He has a lot of freedom with weapon choice too which is very nice. I'll have runs where I only get a few points in any damage ascensions and have zero issue whatsoever killing things. I would say a porcupine with a few decent damage inscriptions (preferably NOT the -accuracy after kill one, it sucks to use) with a fire offhand is the most consistent if you are ever starved for good weapons. Usually at least one or two porcupines pops up during a run. Element spread porcupine is auto win. You can use a lightning offhand if you want but combustion's damage potential is much higher and you'll probably struggle a bit in act 3/4 trying to use miasma, and you will be dealing 50% damage to health bars compared to if you had a fire offhand. Honorable mention to the scroll safety measures. you can take damage to armor and dash and it will restore your hp first and then if your hp is full it will restore armor instead. very very nice with oppressor and with joggers it gives you a HUGE safety buffer regardless of if you run oppressor or not
@drakkenmensch 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the great tips, finally beat nightmare mode for the first time using the Crown Prince armed with a fire gauntlet and a combustion build!
@magnusberge 2 жыл бұрын
Whenever i play coop, i allways bring the Cat, hes grenades (seem to) have a 100% chance to apply decay to the targets, i feel hes the best support character.
@Shadowkill301 2 жыл бұрын
This was super helpful to get me over the hump I was at. Couldnt get farther and couldnt figure out which skills i needed to get better at
@dinkasaurus8243 2 жыл бұрын
extra note for new players: manipulation (fire + shock) does not work against elites or bosses BUT if you can spread the elemental effects to other enemies (gun inscriptions or the scroll elemental power gives you this ability) then putting manipulation on a bunch of enemies at once makes clearing normal rooms a JOKE. especially if you're also applying miasma... that means the enemies are taking massive damage while also not shooting at you. what's not to like? :) that being said, miasma and combustion are definitely the stronger fusion elements.
@juliusc2000 2 жыл бұрын
Another build that i'd recommend to go further up in the difficulties is the mortar hail of bullets bird where you can just focus on defensive ascensions and hail of bullets to destroy every enemies close range with the mortar which is a reaaally great weapon to play with this ascension since you will never lack ammunitions and will rarely have to reload along with the additional damage and lucky chance of the free shots which will represent the majority of your shots. The mortar also procs the victory rush ascension easily for another huuge increase in damage. Just try to avoid any scroll or weapon upgrades that increase the size of the magazine since it's just a downscale of the build with hail of bullets (advanced depot being the worst possible scroll for this). Just look after the oppressor blessing in reincarnation and field proficiency helps a lot the scaling of the build through damage with lucky shots and survivability through the jump cd reduction. As for gemini combinations, just try to find an elemental mortar and share elemental effect with another elemental weapon (to get either miasma or combustion) because it just scales the damage so much with every character as explained in the video. This build obviously has less dps potential than a mortar dog build but the bird itself has so much potential defensive layers that it is by my opinion way more beginner friendly. P.S.: the biggest downside of the build would be that hail of bullets is a bad ascension for the dps check phase on the final boss but with sufficient upgrades on the weapon and other good dps ascensions, this shouldn't be that much of a problem
@guybrushthreepwood8174 Жыл бұрын
For me the biggest thing was figuring out how to throw my smoke grenades at the ground so that they always explode on the enemies and don't bounce around. From there I pretty much just make sure I always have a shock weapon. And then usually I'll try to go for something fire. But the smoke grenades plus shock is enough to kill A lot of the stuff
@cunihinmangihin2215 2 жыл бұрын
While most of the characters are moving on to R3, this betch ass glass cannon BUNNY stuck on R2 no matter what build I've made for her. Most of the time got one-shot from either the ship or the snake
@580lightning 2 жыл бұрын
Ele Maestro is the best Remnant to choose by far ? followed by Smogbomb Zone or maybe skillfreak?
@Kraanox 2 жыл бұрын
Very nice guide
@WyattUTFT 2 жыл бұрын
The easiest mindless win build I've found on lower difficulty is a decent rainbow + wait for good. Even better with crit gemini. Just run around holding down mouse 1 and win
@logs495 2 жыл бұрын
Why isn't elemental rage better than pyrodominance and acidominance since it buffs damage for all elements?
@chszr8433 2 жыл бұрын
Same question I was asking…confused me a little bit.
@TheOriginalMako 2 жыл бұрын
Tier 3 of pyrodominance is SIGNIFICANTLY more dps than any other ascension the cat has
@EveryLittleBitCounts 2 жыл бұрын
because its the same bonus if you're using a fire or corrosion weapon (which you should be because combustion is far and away the best damage overall if you are able to identify good weapons) and doesn't have the INSANE level 3 bonuses that the dominances have. The 120% additive damage isn't really that important in the grand scheme of things. Additional info, the dominance damage bonuses are only applied based on the damage type of the weapon you are firing. If you have a corrosion weapon sharing element with a fire weapon, it will not receive any of the bonus fire damage from pyrodominance. Not having to waste time throwing grenades and auto applying hex smoke/slow to everything you attack is extremely nice from acidom 3. but its more of a quality of life thing when you compare it to pyrodominance 3, which is absolutely INSANE because of the level 3 effect. tl;dr with a fire offhand and pyrodominance 3 your combustion will deal 600% of the triggering hit damage against health bars. to explain further: The element share gemini is a little wonky in that the offhand damage type modifier is applied to combustion's damage despite the fact that combustion should not be subject to any modifiers and normally is purely calculated off of the damage of the hit that triggers it. for example, if you are using a fire weapon with a corrosion offhand gemini to it, and attack an enemy health bar (not shield or armor), it will deal 150% damage on any hits against that target (using the strongest of the two shared elements against the target like normal), but the combustion damage will have the offhand damage type modifier against the target applied. So the combustion will explode for 150% damage of the triggering hit instead of the expected 200% damage due to corrosion's damage penalty versus health bars (75% of 200%). Conversely, if you have a corrosion weapon with a fire weapon offhand, your combustion will trigger for 300% of the triggering hit against health bars (150% of the expected 200%). That's a whopping 100% effective bonus in damage using a fire offhand over corrosion offhand versus health bars because you're going from dealing 75% damage to 150% (2x as much). So, with pyrodominance 3 and a fire offhand, your combustion triggers will deal 600% (SIX HUNDRED PERCENT) damage against health bars. Do not forget you can trigger combustion twice per hit with the element share gemini since each element effect has its own separate chance to trigger each hit. That means every attack can potentially receive a 1200% multiplicative aoe damage boost with pyro 3. Without pyro 3, the 600% you deal is still great. but doubling that already huge multiplier easily makes pyro 3 the strongest single damaging ascension point you can take. another takeaway here is that it is always best to try and use a fire offhand for triggering combustion. On cat that is pretty easy. on other characters its a bit more difficult but generally for anyone else that you're going for a combustion build, using a corrosion offhand means combustion will deal half as much as it would if you used a fire offhand instead (against health bars at least, which is most bosses and a large portion of the dangerous monsters in act 3 and 4. so corrosion weapons are much stronger for the mainhand if you don't have grenades to rely on. fortunately there is an abundance of high % element effect chance weapons available and quite a few good corrosion weapons (porcupine is a monster). On cat you can run double fire or corrosion/fire, corrosion is marginally preferable if you find a good corrosion weapon since it gives you extra damage versus armor, but fire/fire is perfectly viable. I would never go fire/corrosion on cat since your combustion damage will be impacted so heavily against most of the important damage you need to be dealing.
@logs495 2 жыл бұрын
Ah, so it's more about getting it to tier 3. That makes sense. Also thanks for the in-depth explanation, gakpad! I've been playing this game for a long time and never knew it mattered which weapon was in your main hand vs off hand
@nicklane607 2 жыл бұрын
Nice stache bro.
@whoinvitedapoorv 2 жыл бұрын
What are your favorite weapons while using cat?
@TheOriginalMako 2 жыл бұрын
Fire tower, Pupil, Dual Fang, and Crimson Firescale
@nelsonray5109 2 жыл бұрын
i already do all of this and i still lose lol.
@EveryLittleBitCounts 2 жыл бұрын
get good with bird. prioritize gigantic leap and then any defensive leap ascensions (regen hit 1 > steel armor 1+2+3 > regen hit 2 if you're not getting steel armor offered - regen hit 3 is useless and if you have steel armor 3 regen hit becomes defunct) try to get at least 1 point in fully equipped when you're offered it and then if there are no other defensive ascensions available. if you have at least one point in regen hit and then at least one more point in steel armor or regen hit 2, you can take all or nothing if offered. it synergizes with last stand, and regen hit (or steel armor 3 if you're lucky enough to grab it) counteracts the armor consumption component. i will then pick up last stand if there's no other defensive ascensions i need since the damage reduction/rof is huge and uptime is basically permanent. I tend to prioritize fully equipped 2 before last stand since the duration increase from level 1 to 2 is a huge deal. Then I prioritize last stand over fully equipped. Other damage ascensions I take only when there's nothing better. One point in hail of bullets opens up mortar builds if you have nothing better to take, I avoid taking level 2 or 3 unless there's no other damage or defensive options that are useful to me. One point already gives an effective 75% reduction in ammo consumption for mortar which is more than enough to sustain its otherwise high ammo cost. other than those, I prefer close combat and then victory rush unless I already have found my end game weapon and know that I will be able to utilize victory rush with it. If you have no other options, defensive cleave can be alright to keep your armor up in emergency situations. As a last resort, the leap damage/cooldown reduction on leap kill can also be alright but it only helps against lanterns really. The one that makes cleaved targets take increased damage is a multiplicative boost but in my experience it is rare that you will find yourself in a position where you can utilize it without going too far out of your way to be worth bothering to spend the effort. Can be nice for the movespeed off of lanterns but i tend to kill lanterns with leap. weapons wise, a corrosion weapon with a fire offhand is ideal. fire with corrosion offhand is acceptable but your combustion will deal half as much to health bars as it would if you had a corrosion mainhand and fire offhand (i explain why this is in my reply to the comment asking about why elemental rage is not as good as pyrodominance or acidominance). if you get a good fire weapon offered to you don't let that stop you from taking it. ultimately it all depends on whatever is offered and a fire weapon can always still be better than a corrosion weapon for your mainhand weapon. porcupine is always reliable as long as it has a few decent damage lines. +element effect chance on hit and/or element spread are both what I look out for in particular. i avoid the -accuracy on kill and -effective range inscriptions when possible. a fire or corrosion illusion is always a viable choice. elemental power and merciless combo are the two most important damage scrolls you'll want to be keeping an eye out for. either one of them can carry a run. If you're newer to bird, gambler is probably your best option for first blessing. Oppressor is great but requires a bit of micromanagement to your hp which can be difficult in the first act when you do not have many ascensions yet to help manage your armor to make sure your health stays up. You'll want to try and save the chests that cost hp for when you have buns available and since you will pick up buns to heal armor if your health is full that can make maintaining the oppressor bonus more challenging than it already is. Craftmans inheritor or jackpot for the 2nd blessing are always solid picks. your goal is to be able to get your element share setup online as soon as you find a viable weapon for it. hopefully early on in act 2. After that, the game becomes a breeze. I would try to avoid relying on miasma as it is worse for bosses and struggles a bit in act 3 and 4, but if you arent finding anything you can always resort to a miasma setup until you hopefully find a better weapon to be able to use combustion with. general tips, try to break pots with leap between rooms early on to keep your armor up. they're basically little buns if you can save them for when you need them. which is most relevant in act 1. Leap staggers so it will interrupt attacks from longbowman/arsonists/bandit shotgunners/flamethrowers. you are also invulnerable while leaping so you can use it to dodge heavy attacks from dangerous monsters and bosses. you can leap onto an explosive barrel and it will not damage you but you will still restore armor off of them. Leap cooldown is reduced by basically 50% if you don't hit anything with it, so it can be used creatively to kite enemies such as the elite spearman or elite flamethrower and also is great for getting around the map faster. armor takes twice as much damage from corrosion as an hp bar does, so corrosion enemies are extremely dangerous to bird. make sure you kill the orbs. leaping onto an enemy with an orb over its head will destroy the orb, and you can also cleave them if close. if a corrosive enemy gets their aura you will want to avoid them at all costs and either damage them from afar or wait out the duration before going in to them. those are run enders.
@bananaman8206 Жыл бұрын
im stuck on normal
@SoulsGamerHD Жыл бұрын
xD he is saying words like nightmare and stuff. I struggle on normal..... maybe fps games simply arnt for me
@krazykingkush420 11 ай бұрын
I personally like the bunny the best.
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