GW2 DPS warriors have been over nerfed: The WvW Crisis.

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Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

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@marshal8358 7 ай бұрын
Anet: "Just play willbender" Also, lmfao with that Moa statement of them running rampart and spreading terror xD
@Scientist_Albert_Einstein 7 ай бұрын
🤣🤣🤣 I tough about that statement because as everyone knows, thieves love to tag the moas and use them to stealth; also the will blenders love to use them as teleport targets to boost their movement. The moas enter combat and start attacking the non-stealth player. Its funny how people are so focused on the fight that they forget about the moa running rampant and spreading terror LMFAO. Their damage is 1k+ so if they manage to hit you for a few hits, that is a win for the thief also the moas can CC.
@SomeGuy-uc2pg 7 ай бұрын
It's okay. I hear Anet is working on another mount skin that cost $20. That'll fix it : )
@ironmarshmallow1440 7 ай бұрын
Anets idea of "Balance" involves buffing Celestial Willbender and Harbinger until the entire god damn player base is covered in Willbenders and Harbingers with fights either taking longer than god took to create the universe or ending with you getting 1 tapped so quickly that the neurons in your brain haven't had time to fire and notice the red numbers and floating condis hovering above your head before you're downed. They somehow managed to take the best engaging factor of their game (The Combat) and make it stale, boring and repetitive. You'll start to roam and see the same classes using the same builds with the same stats over and over again and just give up even trying to play. Boomer take, But Gw2 was better without specializations. They don' fucked it up!
@SpiritOfTheHeretic 7 ай бұрын
SPB with Dagger/Axe + Hammer is what the cool kids run and would make the Harbinger run when it realizes you have a hard CC available every two seconds 🍆
@ricardosantos555 6 ай бұрын
Follow this guide. (joke) 1st step choose: Willbender or Harbringer 2nd step choose: Cele gear And now it's all fine, you can do 1v3 harb, and you can burst more with cele willy then full zerker warrior, + you can run more then flash it self, and sing the music of M.C. Hammer - U Can't Touch This. What players don't understand is Anet changed the name of this game, was called Guild wars 2 untill 2020, after that they changed the name to Cele Wars 2. Alot of ppl quit the game because of this last 2 years changes cele gear and etc. There' s some rumors if you play full zerker warrior vs 2 cele harb and win, you insta gain the title God of WvW. Even the game Return Of Reckoning, have better balance patches than gw2
@Spacedwarf124 7 ай бұрын
Warrior main here as well Azteca. I look forward to the day that many of those classes are nerfed and the excessive output of Wb's and Harbs in particular are reigned in. Sadly, in order to do well against them I've been forced to join in on the madness with my own warrior - have been running a variant of hybrid zerker for a few years now. I wish I could go full grievers, however. I miss the days of glassier, but higher skilled builds :/
@acquydongnai8418 7 ай бұрын
4:23 The fuking EOD advertisement logo glow up right after that 700dmg arching slice. I think Areanet sent you a message.
@SolemnGW2 7 ай бұрын
LOL excellent nature documentary
@boblob3509 4 ай бұрын
Meanwhile willbender gets aegis protection blind and every other boon under the sun for days along with massive dps at the same time 😂😂
@denrizza 7 ай бұрын
It is sad when other classes play WARRIOR better than the warrior does.
@vydoll 7 ай бұрын
You are wrong, Moa's has been buffed
@ruggsguildwars2 7 ай бұрын
I'm a little confused, you used the auto attack as your guide for balance? Zerker is still one of the top DPS builds and part of the meta in WvW. Maybe in roaming it's a little underpowered, I can't speak to that, but try scorched earth or arc divider against a zerg in Berserk.
@Scientist_Albert_Einstein 3 ай бұрын
Look at the damage logs at the end of the video, that will tell you how nerfed warrior is. The auto attacks just show how bad warrior damage is against these classes that have permanent protection, food, and trait damage reduction. Without doing anything, these classes get a permanent -40% to -70% damage reduction. On top of that, warrior damage has been overnerfed. So, the 500 damage auto attacks on a moa with no protection is a measure of "standard" normal damage. HOWVER, against classes that have protection, damage reduction from food and traits, this 500 damage is reduced according to the formula: Damage reduction on auto attacks: 500*(1-0.33)*(1-0.10)(1- (any other source of damage reduction)) Example: protection + food = 500*(1-0.33)*(1-0.10) = 301.5 This translates to a damage reduction of 39.7% or 40% Now, lets add all the other bullshit damage reduction from traits, conditions. lets use the weakness condition that the necros spam every few seconds. =500*(1-0.33)*(1-0.10)*(1-0.50) = 150.75 This translates to a damage reduction of 69.85% or 70% As you can see, anyone with access to these BS mechanics can passively reduce damage from 40% to 70%. And when you combine this with a class that deals no damage like a berserker warrior, then you get the numbers shown in the logs at the end of the fight. Its simple math, not rocket science! The "balance" team at ANET are a bunch of monkeys that have no idea how to balance a game.
@thestonedmango 7 ай бұрын
its sad that warrior got over nerfed just because ppl is too stupid to dodge
@siqsa9607 7 ай бұрын
Meanwhile you have Holos dealing 30k damage with overheat (no exaggeration) and Willbenders oneshotting everyone with 0 commit because they can just shadowstep away. Honestly just play Revenant, it is busted, any spec.
@Nefrassio 7 ай бұрын
4:15 hits non crit arc on a cele harb with max carapace and prot ... *why do I do no dmg*
@leragw2 7 ай бұрын
i think u need to l2p
@Esufer 7 ай бұрын
all i learnt from this video is that moas are in fact harbingers
@xecor4450 7 ай бұрын
4:15 The harbinger is celestial so 1600 toughness + he had full 30 carapace stack so 600more toughness + i would assume -10% dmg food. And on top of that you have 0 might and you didnt crit. You should be glad you didnt hit for even less. You cant trade blows with necromancer while they are in shroud. CC when he doesnt have the shroud5 and elite cd anymore and go for arcing slice. Also use rampage its just better. I understand the power warrior is not the best atm but there is a lot to learn on your end too. Ngl make the necromancer and experience it. If i have to give an opinion about harbinger, it is the most manageable broken build to fight against. Its funny how nobody talks about catalyst broken builds. In a 1v1, Catalyst is the god tier, second would be willbender and rev builds and like harbinger would be 7-8thth spot after all the thief and ranger broken cele builds. But in small scale willbender is just broken because the power damage is too high and defensive cd too low followed by catalyst because of insane resustain and spewing perma all boons and heavy power+condi damage in aoe every second.
@thejangofficial 7 ай бұрын
Hi brother, good to see you here, anet still dont understand what is a warrior, what they looks like and what its they job on a MMORPG? One year ago i have a cool Melee build, i didn't know what other classes could do but i did a fun build (a build i like to play and having fun playing), i uses build calculators and did my build, 😂 was great times, but anet forced me to learn about other classes and be a better player nerfing our mighty class, now i use my Melee fun builds, with not enought damage, not enought mobility and not enought sustain to humiliate meta classes with meta builds like a real male testosteroned warrior 👊😤👍
@Scientist_Albert_Einstein 7 ай бұрын
hey jango, yeah anet balance team is clueless about what a warrior should be. Warrior has gone down the drain since 2020 when they nerfed the warrior CC and its damage.
@yzc6708 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, all these warrior elite specs don't really help either, that's why I only play core warrior. If I won the fight, good. If I lost, hey I play core build. XD.
@Elemental278 7 ай бұрын
Using harbinger as an exampe really killes your argument, did you try to play anything other class power vs harbingers? You will have a really bad bad time...because the spec is busted as hell, especially the death traitline variant, do not come and claim that warrior does no dmg while using one of the two most busted/broken/classes in the entire game. With the correct set up, it's very hard to bring down a warrior played well, and this goes for anybody not using a loser monkey spec like harbinger or willbender. Is warrior in the right spot desired by war mains?no...ofc not but the last time war mains were happy we had rampage spammers doing 10k dmg per boulder, the truth is that warrior is balanced and does really good dmg with the right sustain against anything else that it's not a harbinger or willbender
@Scientist_Albert_Einstein 7 ай бұрын
🤣🤣 "the truth is that warrior is balanced and does really good dmg with the right sustain against anything else that it's not a harbinger or willbender" That's a good one! What a beautiful joke you have there! Any warrior can do damage to an enemy IF AND ONLY IF the enemy does not have damage reduction! The problem here is damage reduction AND the overnerfed of warrior skills. Go fight a diviner geared ranger, elementalist, or any other class that can spam and have a 100% uptime protection AND also apply weakness at regular intervals. Using simple math, they can get PASSIVE damage reduction as follows: -33% from perma protection, -10% from food, -10% from traits, AND -50% regular interval weakness. So, using basic math: Passive damage reduction = (1 - 0.33)*(1 - 0.10)*(1 - 0.10) - 1 Passive damage reduction = -0.46 Passive damage reduction = -46% damage reduction Now, what happens when you include the weakness at regular intervals in the calculation? Damage reduction at regular intervals = (1 - 0.33)*(1 - 0.10)*(1 - 0.10)*(1 - 0.50) - 1 Damage reduction at regular intervals = -0.73 Damage reduction at regular intervals = -73% This is simple math and we have not taken in consideration all the other damage reduction in the calculation such as armor, and auras that reduced damage for another -10%, carapace, traits etc.... Imagine having a -46% damage reduction just by playing any class that can spam protection and even have that damage reduction go as high as 73% reduction at regular intervals. Your joke is quite funny! Nice one!
@Nino-bu9mj 7 ай бұрын
htat harb weakness spammed ur ass tho lol
@Scientist_Albert_Einstein 7 ай бұрын
Not only weakness spam, he had protection and damage reduction buff, traits and food. There is no reason why a necro should have protection boon, they are weakness spammers and protection boon is just over power on that class. The math equation is as follows: damage reduction = (1 - 0.33)*(1 - 0.10)*(1 - 0.50)*(1 - 0.10) - 1 Damage reduction = -0.73 Damage reduction = -73% This is a lot of damage reduction and with traits and toughness gear, the damage reduction can even be 80% damage reduction or more. This is absurd and its way out of balance!
@negrusbayres37 7 ай бұрын
Anet Nerfed .. alot in wvw .. Sadly .. in some way they killing wvw mode .. Well anyway hope we can roam again Azteca ! =) Cya ! allways fun play whit you ! =)
@JustLorina6 7 ай бұрын
Try going on zerker mode..... Its still hitting 12k aoe
@Scientist_Albert_Einstein 7 ай бұрын
Sadly, that is not true, the warrior was nerfed recently and now berserker F1 deals low damage you can see at 3:41 the damage is 2929. But before, the neft warrior was dealing 25000 damage and here is the video
@JustLorina6 7 ай бұрын
Yeh but thats without entering zerker mode​@@Scientist_Albert_Einstein
@Scientist_Albert_Einstein 7 ай бұрын
@@JustLorina6 Are you a warrior main? Do you know what berserker mode is? 3:41 shows it, 2929 damage with F1 and before it was doing from 10000 to 25000
@JustLorina6 7 ай бұрын
​​@@Scientist_Albert_Einsteini meaaaaan It just shows that you hit 3k on a full cele probably trail with 3k armor dmg reduction food and death Magic....
@JustLorina6 7 ай бұрын
​@@Scientist_Albert_Einsteinso basically you dealt 3k to a Guy with lets say 70% dmg reduction
@kickazz8987 7 ай бұрын
Guyz.. join me in pvp :)
@jakeh762 7 ай бұрын
Last fight was a bad example though cause any noob can win a 1v1 when playing a cele harb (and somehow think they are the best players in the game 😂). But anyways, I play roaming power spell breaker fairly often on WvW and don't have too much of an issue. Yeah the damage has definitely been reduced but it's still useable, arcing slice is a gamble of how much it's gonna hit for though 😅, could be 1.5k or could be 7k haha!
@Scientist_Albert_Einstein 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, the necro on last fight had one busted build, there are a few of those builds which we shall not name or people will abuse them. The ones that are easy to kill are the ones who do not know about such builds. The last fight showed exactly why power warrior is not viable in WvW, 600, 800 and 100 damage on the logs is a clear example of this.
@22Americaneedssaved 7 ай бұрын
Omg, my main is the warrior and it's terrible! I'm so frustrated with the game. And Fractals are boring! I said it... I'm sick of KZbinrs acting like fracs are fun... Anet doesn't want a huge gaming community its obvious
@xecor4450 7 ай бұрын
did u try the staff weapon that came 2 days ago? its for support, could be good.
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