To be honest, Cantonese is fun language to learn. We should not relay on government to deal with all problems. Many traditional art are extincted in China, Government can only do so much to save them. SAVE Cantonese, starts from you and me. (Fresh Cantonese learner)
@Feitou Kan 1 country speaks chinese vs n countries speak english and a universal business language. check your common sense lmao who wants to bind with you guys all the time
@gaajeon36435 жыл бұрын
@Feitou Kan 只弊力度或大咧,交流工具做到要去垄断,我谂你都唔系戆㗎????费事同你讲🤪
@gaajeon36435 жыл бұрын
@Feitou Kan 你真系长气,睇都懒得睇,咪再复我唔该,要讲教对你细路哥讲,拜鸠拜,🤗
@kakonakunn338865 жыл бұрын
@Feitou Kan 学普通话无问题,学普通话学到母语都唔识,仲认为自己母语系北话,咁就系认贼作父。英文普及北几年,重来无香港人因为学英文而唔个记得粤语,粤语亦无边缘化。而所谓既普通话推广咗仅仅三十年。广东变成点样。北方人口口声声话我地系同胞,对我地仲不如英国佬。