👇🏻【讨论问题】👇🏻 1.如果你曾经有接种疫苗重度副作用症状,但却查不出什么疾病和敏感病例,强制接种政策实施,但你的选择权应该被剥夺吗? 2. 政府强制人民接种疫苗,却要人民自行承担风险,这样合理吗? 【Discussion 】 1. Have you ever had serious side effect without knowing to have any allergies and/or disease after vaccination? Would you agree with the deprivation of your freedom of choice if vaccination is made mandatory by the government? 2. Is it reasonable for the people to take the risk of vaccination themselves or should the government share the risk with the people who is forced to vaccinate in the event the government make Covid-19 vaccination mandatory. ----------- 我们欢迎观众一起讨论本期的内容,但也希望观众能共同维护言论自由精神,营造理性交流环境,不发表任何人身攻击、鼓吹种族主义、宗教仇恨、煽动、诽谤与造谣等留言。 如违反以上原则的留言皆不代表本频道立场,且会在未通知的情况下被移除。 Ⓒ平行空间//ParallelSpace