Hanafi • Maliki • Shafii • Hanbali | Ep. 4 | Debunking Madhab Myths with Dr. Shadee Elmasry

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Safina Society

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Episode 4: Why 4 Madhabs & the differences between them - This video answers questions regarding why their are only 4 Madhabs and what differentiates between them.
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@alhassangangu4357 2 ай бұрын
I asked one shaykh i used to study with in Libya why only 4 madhahib survived, he said it was a "qubuliyya" from Allah سبحانه وتعالى abd that the truth of tge religion of Allah lies within these 4 madhahib and not outside of them. He told me pick any of tge 4 madhahib and you are on the Right Path.
@theemirofjaffa2266 28 күн бұрын
@alhassangangu4357 What he said is correct
@samataragon 8 ай бұрын
Love the production value! Islamic content is the most deserving of the finest quality
@this582 8 ай бұрын
Now your comment is deserving of liking. May Allah reward you and increase you in goodness
@v1nc3nt_bl4ck4 7 күн бұрын
@TheBoujiman Ай бұрын
Probably the clearest explanation I came across about the 4 madhabs and their differences.
@abdulrahmanmuhammad2497 2 ай бұрын
I am in hanafi madhab. Shaikh, thank you for clarifying the differences! May Allah bless you 🤲
@adam.bashir 8 ай бұрын
Sheikh, you should do a whole series on comparative fiqh. It was interesting to get a glimpse into actual substantial difference between the madhahib in usul.
@UnderBaseBeatz 8 ай бұрын
Very interesting..first time hearing about the differences in methodology between the four schools..
@Mustafghan 8 ай бұрын
Fantastic series! Very helpful for new Muslims and even born Muslims alike.
@Ummmaryameesa 8 ай бұрын
After reflecting on this for a very long time as I’ve been learning little by little, it think it’s also fair to say all of the madhahib have also benefited from one another in some way, correct? Since Imam Malik and Abu Hanifa did get together towards the ends of their lives and had some good discussions/debates. And Imam Shafi’i was a student of Imam Malik. And Imam Ahmad was a student of Imam Shafi’i as well as the student of Abu Hanifa, I believe Abu Yusuf . And once the ahadith were all collected and compiled all four schools do utilize this, even if in the very beginning in Iraq they didn’t have access to all the ahadith, since there was so much fabrication going on, once the Sahih collections were compiled, and all the ahadith authenticated, and as all four schools continued to develop, they all utilize all this. They only differ in approach, like how you just mentioned, I.e., which is worth more, an ahad Hadith or qiyas, etc…. To me, it does make sense to take the practice of the people of Madinah into account more than ahad ahadith. And also the ‘urf. Especially since an ahad Hadith would probably have been abrogated in many cases or simply an exception, especially with many sahaba towards the end coming and going, traveling back to their people to give dawah and whatnot, they didn’t necessarily catch as much knowledge as the sahaba, the senior sahaba actually who stayed in Madinah, and who had been with the Prophet salAllahu’alaihi wassallam for decades such as Umar R.a. and Ayesha ra. At the same time it’s not a this one is right and this one is wrong type of scenario. There’s so much beauty in all four madhahib, it’s all Islam, and this was how Allah swt willed for fiqh to be preserved until this day. And the foundations are the same in all four. They only differ in the furoo’. Sorry for the essay 😅
@sherifayantayo2873 8 ай бұрын
Assalamu aleikum, since you’re convinced of the maliki madhab’s method you should start taking classes at safina society to learn your religious practices according to the school.
@nasserfirelordarts6574 8 ай бұрын
Lovely explanation, I'd always "kind of" understood this but your formulation of it was simply stellar!
@Ummmaryameesa 8 ай бұрын
@@sherifayantayo2873yes I already do Alhamdulillah:) can’t wait for the 14th iA
@Ummmaryameesa 8 ай бұрын
@@sherifayantayo2873oh yeah but actually I haven’t taken Maliki Fiqh before. At least not live
@reflection5057 8 ай бұрын
"they have the same foundation" is an overstretch of imagination! The hanafiya do not consider that Hadith can add to the ruling of the Qur'an Whereas, all the other three consider that it can. Likewise, in Maliki fiqh, the consensual action of ahle madeena is equivalent to sunnat-e-mutawatirah, whereas, it is not the case with other three!! Add to this the current day ulama of these madhaahib who are mostly Ash'ari or maturidi and according tot them the entire corpus of the Qur'an and Hadith is dhanni i.e. conjecture!!
@UmarIbnRocha7114 3 ай бұрын
Watch out for the "Tesla Madhab" Jazak Allah Khair Shiehk for the clarification.
@convinced_muslim 2 ай бұрын
This is the biggest thing in Islam which confuses me a lot. There should be a complete and comprehensive series on comparative Madhabs for young Muslims who are striving for authentic knowledge as they are unable to do on their own!
@reflektnow 8 ай бұрын
MashaAllah top quality production! love this series
@fatumasiraj3988 8 ай бұрын
The highest islamic quality production ☪️💗💗
@jack-xf8qm 8 ай бұрын
Keep them coming
@awaisjamil9956 8 ай бұрын
Can u do a similar series on aqeedah and tasawwuf?
@TXBornAndBread 8 ай бұрын
Would love to see more in depth content comparing the methodological differences between madthabs
@csmith3248 29 күн бұрын
Also I think the School of fiqr which the current caliphate followed at that time was a reason for the spread of the 4 schools For example the Hanafi school is dominant in Asia because the Uthman Turks ruled the ummah and preferred the Hanafi school
@SeedsInFertileSoil 2 ай бұрын
For example, Imam Abd al-Rahman al-Awza'i rahimahullah who is buried in Beirut, Lebanon.
@Ummmaryameesa 8 ай бұрын
Very interesting summary
@kazitinyislam 8 ай бұрын
Assalamwailakum can you go over why certain regions have certain madhahibs such as Yemen being mainly Shafi, Mauritania being Maliki, Saudi being Hanbali, and Indian Subcontinent being Hanafi?
@sar_performance_nutrition 4 ай бұрын
Depend on how Islam reached them. E.g. Islam in South India spread from Shafi’i-following traders going there, so South India is Shafi’i. Also rooted in the travels of students from each of the 4 imams.
@PolatBarkinPekbak 4 ай бұрын
BārakAllāhu Fīk Ustāḏ 🌹
@jack-xf8qm 8 ай бұрын
@sjh3099 8 ай бұрын
I want to know about the Ibadi’i of Oman. I have a friend who is Omani and I struggle to understand how they differ
@IbnAlMubarak-iu5ux 4 ай бұрын
They have Aqeedah differences where as the four imams here is Fiqh not Aqeedah ibaadis are not Sunnis
@CallTo_Islam 14 күн бұрын
@@sjh3099 I am ibadi, we focus more on Quran and less on hadith, for example when the Quran says the transgressors will be in hell forever, we believe it. Whereas Sunnis do not believe this and say their sinners will eventually go to heaven.
@mikemiranda1282 8 ай бұрын
This is so problematic I don’t even know where to begin
@sar_performance_nutrition 4 ай бұрын
Could you still begin though? I’m intrigued about what you found problematic.
@mojo9692 8 ай бұрын
out of interest, can someone list the initial 11 madhabs
@talhanajib2519 8 ай бұрын
I can try to list of few. Like madhhab of imām awzā'ī, imam sufyān al-thawrī, imām layth bin sa'd رحمهم الله
@sunayssan2190 8 ай бұрын
zahiri too @@talhanajib2519
@mzasoof 8 ай бұрын
The mazhab of the Tafseer Imam Muhammad Bin Jareer Al Tabari, Imam Dawood Al Zahiri revived by Ibn Hazam.
@IbnAlMubarak-iu5ux 4 ай бұрын
The four that survived are Malik Shafi’I Ahmed Abu Hanifa The 7 that died Layth ibn Sa’ad Awzaai Sufyan al thawri Ibn Jarir al tabari Abu Thawr Dawood al Dhaahiri Al Hassan ibn Salih And Allah knows best
@obiwan9576 5 ай бұрын
We should say 5 madhabs because Zahiris are coming back.
@thundel6152 2 ай бұрын
They don't use qiyas tho
@DHUL_QRNAIN 4 ай бұрын
Qualifications of a Mujtahid A mujtahid must have the following qualifications: Mastery of the Arabic language to minimize the possibility of misinterpreting Revelation on purely linguistic grounds; Profound knowledge of the Quran and Sunna and the circumstances surrounding the revelation of each verse and hadith, together with full knowledge of the Quranic and hadith commentaries and control of all the interpretative techniques discussed above; Knowledge of the specialized disciplines of hadith, such as the assessment of narrators and the matn (text); Knowledge of the views of the Companions, Followers, and the great imams, and the positions and reasoning expounded in the textbooks of fiqh, combined with the knowledge of cases where a consensus (ijma‘) has been reached; Knowledge of the science of juridical analogy (qiyas), its types and conditions; Knowledge of one’s society and public interest (maslaha); Knowing the general objectives (maqasid) of the Shari‘a; High degree of intelligence and personal piety combined with the Islamic virtues of compassion, courtesy, and modesty. [Ibid.]
@waqashussain9264 8 ай бұрын
Ma sha Allah clearly outlined the differences.
@MotorWorld-v8y 5 күн бұрын
Ahlul Hadith manhaj
@3ffy_ 8 ай бұрын
Why does Shaykh say ‘Malik’ & not Imam Malik?
@CallTo_Islam 7 ай бұрын
It’s just shorter to say
@freduklernas3637 8 ай бұрын
Title is given by Allah only.. Other titles are given by .... Humans .. One can call someone doctor and somebody else might call same person Super doctor or specialist ....
@batosato 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the explanation but it does not answer why ijtema beyond the four school in not allowed. The imams of the four school proposed their own framework but did they all rejected each others teaching?
@thundel6152 2 ай бұрын
Rejected might be harsh word but rather they stood with what they found more strong like imam shafi didn't did rafaydain when he prayed in imam Abu hanifas mosque even though he was of opinion to do rafaidain.
@batosato 2 ай бұрын
@@thundel6152 this difference in opinion has led to further polarization of Islam. There is no need for four schools.
@thundel6152 2 ай бұрын
@@batosato who said there are 4 schools only rather these are four condensed schools that survived , no madhab solely relies on one person.
@thundel6152 2 ай бұрын
@@batosato and differences of opinion are from times of sahaba so how can u reject them rather they are mercy on us
@batosato 2 ай бұрын
@@thundel6152 who told you that sahaba had a difference of opinion? The books of hadith have given us this impression. Sahabas saw and heard the prophet, how could they differ from the prophet message?
@arandomhandsomeman7725 8 ай бұрын
In the beginning u said the 4 imams came after end of first 3 generation and some came at end of the 3rd generation. Actually all of them came in the 3 generation. Only imam Ahmed came in the end of 3 generation. But all of them were of the the first 3 generation.
No. Imam Abu Hanfifa was of the 2nd, Imam Maalik of the 3rd, Imam Shafii was right after but not of the first 3
@arandomhandsomeman7725 8 ай бұрын
@MUHAMMADSAIMSIDDIQUI-yl5ns A salaf is sahabi, tabi and tabi tabieen. Imam Abu hanifa saw sahaba in young age. mam malik and imam shafi and imam Ahmed saw tabieen. If u saw a tabi ur a tabi tabeen. That makes all 4 from salaf
@maalikserebryakov 7 ай бұрын
@@MUHAMMADSAIMSIDDIQUI-yl5nsa generation is about 100 years, since thats generally the longest a person from a generation lives.
@hurdygurdy1734 5 ай бұрын
@@maalikserebryakov A generation is not generally considered as 100 years, just as right now we are not in The Greatest Generation now which were people who were born between 1900-1925. Imam Abu Hanifa (d. 767CE), Imam Hanbal (d. 855CE), Imam Malik (d. 795CE) and Imam Shafi'i (d. 820CE) clearly shows that they did not come 300-400 years after the Prophet (saws).
@fulaan1 3 ай бұрын
@@MUHAMMADSAIMSIDDIQUI-yl5ns no Abu Hanifa was not of the 2nd he was of the 3rd
@freduklernas3637 8 ай бұрын
The Holy Quran .. The Words of Allah Swt to Mankind.. There is Only One Creator .. All Humans are Creatures and Slaves Of Allah... No humancannot and should be put on Same Level as Allah Pak...
@talhanajib2519 8 ай бұрын
Ahnāf accept weak hadīth over qiyās.
@maalikserebryakov 7 ай бұрын
ahnaf accept only Hadith of Abu Hanifa Qur’an and Sunnah are secondary sources in this fraud madhab
@NK-vd8xi 8 ай бұрын
It seems odd to say the Malikis consider the Qur'an and Sunnah to be equal authority. Since whenever the Malikis have a stance on an issue at odds with the other schools, more than the Shafites and Hanbalites they will use a verse or principle in the Qur'an to back their position, whereas the latter mentioned schools will more often point to a hadith.
@maalikserebryakov 7 ай бұрын
Imam Malik was one of the leaders of Ahl al Hadith. You must have learned usul from that dalit Zakir naik
@NK-vd8xi 7 ай бұрын
@@maalikserebryakov Ahl al Hadith in the classical sense, not the sense it's used today. Ahl al Hadith of today are happy to take an a7ad hadith and use that to make exceptions to Qur'anic principles, whereas the Malikis and Hanafis do not.
@obiwan9576 5 ай бұрын
​@@NK-vd8xi Shafis, Zahiris and Hanbalis do that too.
@thundel6152 2 ай бұрын
​@@maalikserebryakovdalit? Why such language bro have some manners
@user-jg8eh8fw5z 5 ай бұрын
Haddiths are not equal to the Quran. No madhab would make that claim.
@randomperson4845 4 ай бұрын
You misunderstood what is meant by this. The Qur'an is obviously far superior than hadith since it is kalamullah. He is saying that the ahlul hadith would take the Qur'an and hadith as equal in sources for ijtihad. Think about it, the prophet would obviously not contradict the Qur'an and his teachings are from Allah. As the prophet's teachings are from Allah then it goes without saying that it is (in a general sense) level with the Qur'an. That being said it is not so black and white and there are more complications to hadith that are taken into consideration that are not present with the Qur'an, such as how widespread it is and how authentic it is. Allahu alam.
@sar_performance_nutrition 4 ай бұрын
Not equal in WEIGHT. But equal in practice essentially, i.e. the hadiths are a means of actioning the Quran’s wisdom. The Prophet pbuh was referred to as a living Quran, so the latter 3 madhabs viewed the hadiths in that light as they had access to more of the hadiths and sunnah traditions in practice- acknowledging that the way to enact the Quran’s wisdom was to follow the words and deeds of the Prophet pbuh.
@MotorWorld-v8y 5 күн бұрын
Ahlul Hadith manhaj
@kamranhussain578 8 ай бұрын
Can you please give some background on the American w.d. Mohammad movement? Are they part of the 4 Sunni madhabs or do they have their own version? We here in 🇬🇧 heard about the newark New Jersey imam who was recently gunned down outside the masjid which is linked to the w.d Mohammad movement.. but we don’t have much info on who he was and what he stood for? Jazakallah
@dtrep6216 8 ай бұрын
Imam WD Mohammed did not ascribe to a madhhab. He thought there should be a new one. I don't think the younger generations think like this so much. Some of their young leaders are taking classes with other Muslim teachers.
@kamranhussain578 8 ай бұрын
@@dtrep6216 yes I have done some reading up on w.d Mohammad and seen that he was involved in someway with the ahmadiyyah community who are actually non muslims.. very strange.. his father Elijah as we know made statements of kuffar.
@kamranhussain578 8 ай бұрын
That’s good to hear that they are sticking within the 4 schools bcos anything else is heretic! @@dtrep6216
@dtrep6216 8 ай бұрын
He guided people away from the deviance of his father and the "nation". The nation actually used an Ahmadi english translation quran. This may be because the translation benefitted their view that someone can be a prophet later. Imam WDM didn't believe in that but maybe felt some connection?@@kamranhussain578
@Millathunmain 8 ай бұрын
Can someone tell me name of all 11 madahibs and the scholars after whom they were named apart from the 4 madahib?
@sapientiaeclavis9244 8 ай бұрын
I want to know them too
@aminam9594 7 ай бұрын
This is maybe not helpful but goodgle can help u at least with the basicss
@Millathunmain 7 ай бұрын
@@aminam9594 apart from the main 4 I know Tabari, Al-Awzaa’ee, Sufyan At Thawri, Dawud Al-Dhahiri and maybe Abdullah ibn Mubarak had their madahibs which means I know of 8-9 madahibs can you tell me the last 2-3?
@maalikserebryakov 7 ай бұрын
@@Millathunmainyou clearly Googled these lol no way you knew about them
@kampongboi18 5 ай бұрын
There were 13. But only 4 remained.The other 9 were 1.Hassan Al Basri 2. Al Awzai 3.Sufyan Al Thauri 4. Al Layth Ibn Sad 5.Sufyan Ibn Uyainah 6.Ishaq Ibn Rohuwih 7.Abi Thur 8.Dawud Al Zahiri 9.Ibn Jarir Al Tabari Although Ibn Mubarak had differences with his teacher Abu Hanifa, he's still pretty much a Hanafi in tariqa.
@zaidmuhammad6343 4 ай бұрын
A man must be insane to say Ahadith are equal to the Quran. Nothing is equal to Allah's direct words.
@csmith3248 29 күн бұрын
That depends on how you view hadiths, the ahulul sunnah believe that the sunnah of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, his words and actions are also revelation from Allah, The Hadith are the transmission of narration that preserved the Sunnah, so that’s why The Quran and Hadith are equal in authority because both are revelation from Allah
@zaidmuhammad6343 29 күн бұрын
@csmith3248 thanks for sharing your understanding of it. When sahih hadith so often contradict the Qur'an, you can only conclude that the hadith are unreliable.
@temper1337 12 күн бұрын
@@zaidmuhammad6343 What's your background in hadith studies to make that claim? Why should I take your word over scholars that were experts of the arabic language and spent their entire lives studying and analyzing the hadiths? It's like taking medical advice from a random person instead of a doctor that studied the matter and was approved by a ruling board. Just for example, many hadiths were abrogated and don't apply anymore. These hadiths all existed during various points of the quran being revealed through it's period of 23 years. Hadiths can be sahih but may not need to be followed anymore. We can see abrogations within the quran itself too. Alcohol for example wasn't prohibited in the quran until later. At first it was allowed but only discouraged, that doesn't mean the quran contradicts itself.
@zaidmuhammad6343 12 күн бұрын
@temper1337 I've read the summarized sahih books cover to cover and compared it to the Qur'an. Too many contradictions to the Qur'an, lots of disrespect to our Prophet, his family, and also Prophets of the past. The rulings don't align with the Qur'an including punishment for adultery (look it up). Hadith also contradicts itself. The Qur'an is perfectly preserved and no contradictions.
@zaidmuhammad6343 12 күн бұрын
@temper1337 Remember, we live in a world where Muslims have to go under some sect such as Shia, sunni, deobandi, sufi, wahhabi, ahmadi, or even any of the 4 madhabs under sunni islam. You think Allah and his messenger wanted us to be separated? Many mainstream scholars don't stop this, instead encourage these made up schools of thoughts etc. These scholars who follow this just don't know any better except what was passed down while the Qur'an says don't blindly follow your forefathers. I'm happy with the book of Allah on its own.
@theghazalianway 3 ай бұрын
Can someone tell me if the zaidi fiqh is reliable...
@SafinaSociety 3 ай бұрын
It is not
@theemirofjaffa2266 28 күн бұрын
It's a Shia sect, and Shias are not muslim
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