Has Elite Dangerous IMPROVED since Odyssey DESTROYED it?

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Elite Dangerous Odyssey, 2 years, 15 updates later, has Elite Dangerous IMPROVED since Odyseey destroyed it?!? Was it worth returning? In this video I will discuss why I left Elite Dangerous, and more importantly, why I returned and if it was worth it.
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@Ploskkky Жыл бұрын
I was an Elite fanatic. I have been playing Elite games ever since the first Elite game, many decades ago. That is how old I am. I have been with Elite Dangerous since the Alpha and I get all future content for free, but I stopped playing 3 years ago, I think. It could have been 4 years. I used to be on the Frontier forums every day. I was a well known commander. Two of my ideas have even been implemented in the game. In my mind, FDev never paid attention to what really needed updating or improving. Instead, FDev wasted time on useless, badly implemented features, almost nobody wanted or used. We need more interesting planet surfaces, more interesting planetary features, like cliffs, caves, deep chasms, seas, lakes, and rivers of fluids, full-blown volcanism, moving creatures, planets covered in vegetation, seas of grass, mosses, lichens, forests etc. There still is no planetary mining mechanic. We also require improved piracy and bounty hunt mechanics, better scavenging, better smuggling, we need enhanced scientific gameplay. We need a good npc crew mechanic etc.etc. There is more, but I don't want to make this too long. The moment I really stopped financial support, was when they introduced fake store money. Up to then, I used to buy a lot of skins and ship mods to support development. I radically stopped after the introduction of the fake money. The only reason to introduce fake money is to manipulate and deceive you as a customer. For me this was a breach of trust, and because of it, the game started to smell bad to me. Never have I invested as much money in a game as I did in Elite, and this was a good lesson. Never again will I do so. Shortly after the breach of trust, I stopped playing completely. I was on the verge of buying a new Virpil HOTAS, and decided not to do so. This was a big decision for me, because I knew it would hinder or even block my return to the game. And I did not even install Elite again, when I bought a new gaming PC. I still miss the Elite universe, but when I see what FDev has been doing lately, the slow trickle of almost nothing, I get irritated. I can't go back to this game.
@spartansmsu93noob54 Жыл бұрын
Wow! Very well stated and thanks so much for your service to the community. I've been playing since early 2015 and I agree that FDEV has focused on the wrong things. ED is nothing more than a minimal viable product with in-game currency now. I should have quit when arx was introduced too since it's introduction the store is now FDEV's main development focus...it's disgusting!
@stevesgaming7475 Жыл бұрын
Same here, I paid a ton during the kickstarter to get alpha access and a lifetime expansion pass, but I've not played in 2-3 years and have no intention to go back, I feel they utterly lost their way and shit on the real long time Elite fans with some of their absurd decisions.
@BastianJahn 11 ай бұрын
I feel exactly the same
@haxsys 11 ай бұрын
Don't fret my friend, Starfield is upon us
@stevesgaming7475 11 ай бұрын
@@haxsys Providing my PC can run it. lol
@anodyne777 8 ай бұрын
I started playing this game roughly 3-4 months ago and can't get enough of it. 1) Best flight model, ship feel of any space sim I've experienced, it's truly satisfying. 2) Space in this game is simply beautiful, and (within limits) realistically presented. 3) The ships. They all have distinct niches, which will further vary depending on the player's skills and cashflow. 4) The customization of their performance is practically a science, especially when engineered. 5) Grind? So they say, but I've managed to get the vast majority of what I needed for engineering, made credits, all of it simply by trying new stuff I've never tried before, which has been lots of fun. I went a month before trying the SRV. I went two months before even knowing the full spectrum scanner existed. Each new thing I happen upon is a joy. 6) A feeling of mastery. Lots of manual landings, flying with flight assist off, combat, this stuff takes practice to develop the skills. Some games you win, finish and put down after completing a linear set of goals. But here there's always somewhere you could improve and for me, that's fun. 6) I haven't even scratched the surface of things like squadrons, fleet carriers, maybe even roleplay (which I'd try!), and a whole other pile of social and gameplay mechanics I haven't yet figured out much less mastered. I don't want to step on the toes of older players and their expectations, but I come from the mindset of it being a game and it will ultimately have limits; we can enjoy it or we can move on and it's fine. Offering opinions is fine too, even strongly presented (shall we say, passionate?) opinions. But as someone looking at the whole thing without all the historical baggage, I have to say... it almost seems like trashing this game and especially the devs has become... a trend (this part of my commentary is aimed at content and discussion surrounding the game overall, not directed specifically or with any ill intent toward this specific video). Why? Because the negativity generates higher reach/SEO, which echoes algorithmically through social media... because ever since Odyssey launched and had problems that's what the algorithm thinks you want to hear about (because for a while, we did!). Which now seems to evolved into this black cloud of things like... The Great Failure of Elite Dangerous! The Death of Elite Dangerous! Top 10 Reasons why ED is Dead! ED Ruined! Worst EVER mistakes!! Horrible Devs Break Everything AGAIN! Cue horrified facial expression, and absurdly extreme negative metaphors that some may find witty! Turds attract flies. Remember, the ever-helpful algorithms do one thing well: they give you more of what they think you want. And smart content creators who understand how to include what the algorithm thinks people want, are the ones who get the views. I hope older players return so they can both teach me some things, and maybe kick my ass too. But if they don't, I hope they are enjoying something else, as they should if it suits them. And it would be great if the ideas many people have stated they want, get implemented. There are legitimate concerns and complaints and I never said otherwise! As a newer player however... I think there's never been a better time to START playing Elite Dangerous. o7, CMDR Scorpio Dukat
@mightyzekken Жыл бұрын
Before Odyssey dropped, if you'd have asked most CMDRs why they wanted space legs (or Elite Feet, choose your nomenclature), they would have said "to walk around my ship." It was the Number One reason why people wanted to walk in game. Two years later... still no ship internals. I had thousands of hours in the game and a DW2 expedition under my belt (even got the mug!), but they seem so focused on the action side of the game they forgot about everyone else it seems. Unless I hear about some cool exploration and possible base building stuff being added in, I don't see myself coming back any time soon. I just want to walk around my ship, build a base out in the black, and explore. I don't want another FPS game.
@Mr.Uninvited 11 ай бұрын
starcitizen and starfield are our only chances to live inside the ships I guess, since ED devs wont care
@Lance_Arn 4 ай бұрын
You have articulated my feelings about Elite perfectly. 20 years I have played the variations of Elite and I was loving Dangerous, but Odyssey destroyed my desire to continue playing. Combat was not my goal in ED, it was the exploration. I wanted to be able to walk from my pilot seat, through the internals and walk out the rear hatch with no loading screens. But that never happened.. Didnt happen in Starfield either.. So Star Citizen Alpha still gets my vote.
@hibiscus779 3 ай бұрын
same. Ship interiors and customizability would be the only reason I would come back. My guess is they realized that this would be a ton of work and nixed it. Like multiplayer - they realized that to implement it they would have to create ship interiors and that is why they implemented the fake holo drone operator experience.
@First_Chapter 27 күн бұрын
Indeed. Frontier focused on the action side of the game likely hoping to attract "the masses"; that ploy failed but also alienated the core player base into the bargain, so lose-lose all round. Why do devs try to follow trends? It's bound to fail because the game that started the trend will dominate with players simply staying with that title, not being lured into an inferior copy.
@captaindonkeyballs 20 күн бұрын
@@First_Chapterbut the business degree people say it will work, and they know how money works, so the devs should do what they say instead of the silly players.
@FiliusFidelis Жыл бұрын
Not even sure how long it has been since I last played.. 3, 4 years maybe. I do miss a good spacesim, but it feels like whenever Frontier tries something new it either fails miserably and/or makes the game ever more of a chore. Miss the good old days when you could make the Python dance on a pinhead, when you could with a surgical strike take out the ship reactors and the ships would go with them and then pirouette onward to the next.
@tobytoxd Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the quick update!
@DawnTreader777 Жыл бұрын
Haven't stopped playing. I hope that you stay too. I am hoping that FDev will be rolling out updates to everything, work on increasing the content for in all the current play loops and adding new ones as well. More ships. More suits. More modules and weapons.
@flightassist3785 Жыл бұрын
I really dont get about FDev's decision makings; Elite was and probly still is the game with most potent foundations, it has a whole galaxy, geniusly made ship build systems with a lot of possibilities, great flight controls...but nope, FDev just decided to ruin it all...
@jessicaferguson4484 11 ай бұрын
I have recently started to get back into it. I love Star Citizen, but there is only so much of the same few game loops you can do before it gets boring. And sometimes you just want to get out in the black and explore - and not deal with people, and Elite is still the only game for that…. Today…
@JustDave_GG 11 ай бұрын
You’re not wrong Jessica!
@Stratacoustx 11 ай бұрын
This is why I still love Elite. I've been a Star Citizen backer since 2016 and I'm High Admiral there. But the it's becoming less of a space sim with actual purpose and a bathtub full of random toys being tossed in to see what the kids will play with. I rarely play anymore. I do though appreciate the focus of Elite with it's lore and focus on what it is. Granted we haven't gotten much of anything new but it at least does what it does well. And unlike Star Citizen they aren't making dumb decisions like introducing features with outdated technology even for 2023 like hand loading cargo.
@clad54130 11 ай бұрын
The only reason I bought elite in Beta was because Braben mentioned that it will be possible to do atmospheric flight on earth or in gaseous planets with thunderstorms. I seem to have read that it will never be possible
@skullboi642 Ай бұрын
i feel that. ive always dreamed of a day where planetary borders didnt exist in supercruise and we could finally freely traverse any planet of our choosing whether they be tiny little space rocks to absolute behemoths with over 1k+ atm pressure. that last part is what im truly upset about too. imagine a system where you can freely travel inside of gas giants but there would be a grind even to travel deeper for better hull that could withstand the atmospheric pressure
@gregbower245 Жыл бұрын
Cheers Dave, I came back to ED this year after about 3 years away and have had huge fun joining up with other players fighting thargoids - admittedly it took about 3 weeks to build a ship capable of entering the field of battle. The combat with the thargoids with a few wing mates can be an addictive blast of adrenaline. I'm very slowly warming to the Odyssey content but it still feels that its not really integrated fully with the rest of the game. I find the game is currently quite stable and similar in that context to many other games and plays smoothly - notably I do get some FPS drops in multiplayer combat scenarios from time to time. The time away was good and this time i'm looking deeper into the game and getting involved with a squadron and BGS which I never did before. Plenty to do at your own pace.
@ryerye3147 11 ай бұрын
I started when odyssey came out.. I got the game for 70 percent off, so I didn't feel as burned, but I understand why players feel the way they do. Being a noob was overwhelming and I basically learned as I went, things like using third party apps and wikis saved it for me; I just do exploration. I long for more variety with space stations, and I have a annoying performance issue when jumping between systems and I have a powerful PC .. other than that I find myself constantly going back for more, I've never in my adult life had a 14 hour game session before lol.. Time flies in the game, I find myself putting on some good headphones and listen to massive attack or something; basically getting lost in the world, it's fantastic, I don't care about the other games in this genre . O7 CMDR Alex Yelnah
@JustDave_GG 11 ай бұрын
Glad you love it dude. ED can be an amazing game!
@YuriChan-428 Жыл бұрын
Playing Elite Dangerous right now! I just switch the games I play a lot, so I play this for week or two, then play Minecraft for a week or two, play Need for Speed... So I never left, I just have this wild rotation of games.
@canisarcani Жыл бұрын
hiya, im a new player that just joined a few days ago and i guess i just dont have the frame of reference you guys have. i started with odyssey, and while i can say that im not particularly fond of the fps part of ground combat; some friends and i watched some start up videos and so far weve done a bit of bounty hunting, void opal mining, and weve been thargoid hunting. we havent really unlocked any engineering stuff, but weve been doing some base defense and conflict zone stuff. idk if its just because were playing together or not, but ik ive been having a lot of fun. i havent experienced any major frame drops so far, and im playing on a mid tier gaming laptop. honestly i think this one of the coolest space games ive ever played, but ig time will tell if my friends and i keep playing it.
@thomasj8965 Жыл бұрын
If You can afford, give VR a try. Then You can see the real immersion into the world of this game. But unfortunately VR is not well implemented in the FPS part. VR is like steering the ship in reality with a 3d cockpit and the real head movement. Playing it on a daily basis.
@JNellyBoi Жыл бұрын
After dealing with constant issues of always having to redo my key binds and me even saving a binding folder on my desktop didn't even help. Along with me being excited but not having a GPU strong enough at the time I had a 1070Ti, to play Odyssey and then come to find out that it was just another grind loop when I didn't even finish the grinding I had to do for my standard ships after 400 hours of paying. That was pretty much the nail on the coffin for me
@jariaaltonen6441 8 ай бұрын
Just stumbled across this video and rarely someone has put into words so many things I feel about Elite. I'm relatively new to Elite but started playing about two years before Odyssey. In spite of the heavy and af course justified critisism, I enjoyed also Odyssey to some degree. I'm really not sure why I stopped playing, but it was just before the thargoid war started happening. I liked also the battle, but the exploration is more for me. I think the grind just eventually got to me. I've been following what's happening with the war though, but what I would really like to see, is new exploration based support kind of missions to help in the war effort. We could need a new kind of material wich is only found closer to the galaxy center or something to that effect. That would make me play again, I'm on the verge starting again, but just haven't. Anyway thanks for your thoughts in your nice video:)
@DonnieDarko_831 Жыл бұрын
Me & a group of friends have talked ourselves back into the game to follow the Thargoid narrative and though it is better than when we hung the towel up, we sort of feel it won't be long before things become stale again for a while. Hopefully this is not the case but that is firmly in the Devs hands & whether they have enough gumption to think outside of their rather institutionalised box & listen to the community which, in my opinion, make this game. I had the HOTAS bug happen too but found a fix posted by the community which basically involved cleaning out all the old Bindings files except the latest one from my user profile game save, in here [%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings]. I just dropped the older binding saves into a new folder, restarted the game & all my bindings were back again.
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Nice, thanks. Will give that a try!
@user-tr6fw8yo2t 11 ай бұрын
I just got back into it. I'm loving it.
@qPlung Жыл бұрын
Glad to see you back cmdr.
@DickEnchilada Жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie. When Odyssey released, I was excited and then the state it was released in made me so mad that I got my money back and quit for 2 years and played a bunch of different games. Then a couple months ago, I... kinda got bored of other games. They were all fun, and I still play them, but little else has the appeal of exploring space, so I re-downloaded Horizons to at least get back into the black and saw Odyssey was on sale so I picked it up and I think **now** it's an improvement.
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Yeah, it is now finally in a place where on sale it is an ok buy. Full price though… still a no from me
@LMMSDeadDuck Жыл бұрын
I'm happy to see that you gave Elite Dangerous another go! I keep telling myself I want to go back to it, but free time is just so limited. =( I do have super fond memories of the original Elite and Elite Dangerous through Horizons and it'll always be a big part of my gaming history. I'll never regret that!
@gathaspar2831 10 ай бұрын
I like the core game very much and I check the news about Elite regularly, but I'm not feeling that itch to play it right now. Tinkering with my ship, customising it, making it my very own and unique is the part I like most, I would really love to see more stuff we could do with our ships.
@GeneralFaliure Жыл бұрын
I own Elite since early access, but i didn't have much play time untill about 4 months ago. Now i am spending some more time on it and i am enjoying it. I also played the original Elite, (yes, i am that old😊)
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Glad you are enjoying it too.
@iainmacvicar5858 7 ай бұрын
I started playing Elite on the bbc when it was just, well lines. I loved it then. I returned to the pre or legacy edition and was re-hooked. I stopped, eventually when I started getting the 'instance of a instance' bug on my launcher. For 4 years. Just returned and so far its been good. I have never been a fps fan but I may be on the way to becoming a convert. Early days tbf. But so far so good.
@xeticus5435 9 ай бұрын
I just came back after stopping before carriers came out. I am having fun again but it looks like their haven't been any updates to a lot of mechanics. I'm still going to play it for a bit.
@OnZeeAir Жыл бұрын
You got me thumb up Best intro ❤😊 Great job Sonny (if I understood correctly, if not, beg your pardon, froggy French guy here), again greatly done 🎉
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Hey Onzee Air. Sunny said thank you for saying it’s the best intro. You have made her day!
@OnZeeAir Жыл бұрын
@@JustDave_GG Dad should be proud. Good and great job to both :-)
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
@@OnZeeAir thanks mate. Appreciated. Will pass that on to her in the morning!
@elitedangereuse 4 ай бұрын
Great video! Happy to have you back in Elite!
@j.d.4697 Жыл бұрын
The thumbnail ship looks so cool! Some of the ship designs often make me want to try ED, and then I watch gameplay videos and instantly lose interest again. 😕
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Yeah that is the Cutter. The largest ship in the game, is a monster grind to get unfortunately. Definitely not an enjoyable ship to farm, but it is stunning.
@AbsalomIndustries Жыл бұрын
I think the Thargoid war is quite fun but as a Horizons player it's very hard to find other players to go into combat with, as most PC players who are still active, especially in the AXI, are all on Odyssey. Unfortunately we will probably never get ship interiors, which would have compelled me to pay full price for the expansion, something I never do as a rule (my max price for games is usually $25). I also don't usually do AX combat but that's because I suck as a pilot and it's really tough to do a Thargoid CZ with just NPCs. Unfortunately the new engine isn't great for performance (I have a 1070) although some aspects of it do look nicer. Alas the planet tech sucks, and I haven't been exploring at all since they merged Horizons into Odyssey engine-wise. Also the implementation of AMD FSR is terrible. The devs really need to add FSR 2.x instead of the current 1.0 implementation but we probably won't get that either with the limited dev time they seem to be giving the game. There are, like with all things Elite, some really good bits and stuff they've added to the game in the last few years, but it probably all needs a solid dev pass rework (They did address some of the more pressing community complaints WRT the Thargoid War progress at least), and unfortunately there probably aren't enough people working on the game at this point to actually get any of that done. FPS combat is terrible from what I've seen in videos but honestly that's probably the least egregious thing IMO.
@johnlenox4057 Жыл бұрын
I played Elite on the PS4 switch over to PC 3 years ago been playing ever since. I just now bought me a 2nd account of Elite
@tommysecondspace6977 Жыл бұрын
Had a hard time letting the game go after so many years playing it. But I'm over it and won't come back. Looking back I had a lot of fun over the years with the game but should have quit a year earlier. I think there is a new generation of players now, playing the game and I wish them and FDev all the best and good look for the future.
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Completely understandable mate. Every game has a time when it has run it’s course with a player.
@tbgelectr0 Жыл бұрын
Same for me...
@mrb6144 Жыл бұрын
@Soundwave142 Жыл бұрын
Maybe you just need take a break, I did. I did not count the days but I estimate it was around a month on one time I stepped away from it before I felt like playing it again. I have experienced the feeling of a game running it's course, like War Thunder for example or World of Warplanes/Warships for example, though it may not be exactly the case, I just got tired of playing it for it was not any fun anymore due to the grind as a example. If it is not fun for you anymore, then it has truly run it's course.
@damienfiche2592 Жыл бұрын
@ralfsenger Жыл бұрын
For my side, I do like E:D a lot, and loved when they introduced Horizons but still couldn't befriend with Odyssey, it might be because I'm not a friend of ego shooter style games, and somehow I always get stuck with the control of the avatar, but that's probably me
@fernandopindakk3601 Жыл бұрын
o7 Happy to see a happy CMDR coming back
@Irishdavo Жыл бұрын
Good to hear some positivity pal... I do love it and I need to see FDev show us some love as well as the game
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Yeah, let’s see what they do going forward. 🫡👍
@talex001 Жыл бұрын
I still log in every once in awhile - out in the black exploring an area where almost every system is undiscovered BUT every planet I scan still has at least 4 wreckage and or distress signals which completely ruins exploring, it seems every planet in the game has these on it and there is no feeling you might discover something new or interesting, they just don't add enough to keep it fresh for explorers, it's ice planet after ice planet with nothing interesting on them so I might look around for about 20 minutes and then I might mine for a bit to stock the carrier some as that is still fun and then it's off to something else for 3 to 6 month's - rinse/repeat since Odyssey released.
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Nice to see you back on the channel mate. Hope you have been keeping well!
@Daggre 11 ай бұрын
I put Elite dangerous down about a year ago after Odyssey didn't mature to a point where I wanted to play anything on foot. I've switched to Star Citizen and quite frankly am having a blast, especially since the 3.19 update they put out. I allowed myself to stop thinking in terms of "released" because both games (considering Odyssey anyway) had tons of bugs and I enjoyed both. Ultimately though, I feel like in Elite the ship was my character, and in SC I feel like my character rides in ships. Hard to explain but that perspective changes everything. I may crank up Elite again if they add more on-foot activities that are interesting (not FPS combat, but FPS exploration and maybe mining in caves). After seeing StarField, I may just switch to that in a few months. Lots of great choices for space games and Elite has been a huge influence on the genre even if it's approaching EOL.
@toe4635 Жыл бұрын
I’m not going back. I stopped playing when announced they would kill the Xbox version. Bought a laptop and started playing Star Citizen. I have 3000 hours on console and still chat with friends I made playing Elite, I even transferred my character over and bought Odyssey just in case! But the lack of ship interiors and the out dated graphics just put me off. The FPS Game play is dreadful, the on foot character’s just a ship with legs, shields and all! I think the game is working to a conclusion and FDev will retire it after the Thargoid story line concludes. I don’t see another expansion in the future so for those that do still enjoy it, make the most of it!
@Flyingtiger1726 Жыл бұрын
o7 Welcome Back.
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
@Underb00t Жыл бұрын
Weird, I got a Hosas and I was scared to remap the controls again that I drew up a cheat sheet to be sure. Only happened I think twice after the many updates.
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Yeah it is annoying. I need to reinstall the drivers and software to ensure it is not my pc, but am leaning towards it being ED though.. we’ll see!
@richmcgee434 Жыл бұрын
I mean, does on-foot content really matter that much if you got into the game for the flying and pew-pew dogfighting? Seems like a bonus feature from my POV, and I'd rather it stay that way rather than become mandatory to access a lot of content the way (say) ground missions are in Star Trek Online. Elite feels like its sitting in a sweet spot ATM where you can go walkies if you want (unlike EVE) but you don't have to (unlike STO). The Thargoid war has added some interesting wrinkles for the space combat side of things, I'll give it that. Your prediction of on-foot war content is likely spot on, and I would be unsurprised if we see an on-foot boarding action of the Thargoid mother ships at some point.
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Tbh, I think that would be really cool. Let’s keep our 🤞
@cardcounter21 Жыл бұрын
I've played exclusively in VR since 2016 and I've just bought Odyssey. I've yet to try it but I'm wondering if the on foot aspect works with a hotas or do I have to plug a gamepad into the PC for this?
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
I think you might be able to remap the controls to HOTAS, but personally I use a controller for on foot and SRV
@tallerghostwalt Жыл бұрын
Never left. Odyssey had a really rough start but after all those updates the game is now in a better state than it has ever been in my opinion.
@clarion-z2929 24 күн бұрын
Sadly it doesn't mean it's in a good state even in 2024
@tallerghostwalt 24 күн бұрын
@@clarion-z2929 That is a matter of taste. Even if there are problems, for me the game is unrivaled in many respects and I enjoy it immensely. That's not to say that I don't know of anything that could be improved. But as it is now, I think it's very good. Depending on which gameplay you prefer, you can of course see it differently.
@Kylesebine Жыл бұрын
Happy to pop back, like seeing an old friend. Then you realise why you left & stopped seeing them .......
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Hahaha so Odyssey not for you then dude?
@AndyM_323YYY 3 ай бұрын
I deleted my triple Elite character and started again. I'm just playing with a pimped up sidewinder and having fun. I never bought Odyssey: if I wanted to play an FPS I'd buy a purpose-built FPS.
@james2hackett870 Жыл бұрын
It needs a player drivern economy , hollow structures asteroids , and maybe caves for peeps to explore etc
@joseantonioguardiarodrigue8823 Жыл бұрын
Hi, I've been playing on console for two years on the Xbox Series X platform, and the good thing is that it is a very stable horizon game. I don't miss either the plants or the new thargoids. Little by little it will be the ax ships. So I don't care about Odyssey. Regards o7
@___Snake___ Жыл бұрын
I still play it and enjoy but i play other games (including Star Citizen which held my attention for about 6 months solid but just went a bit stale) a lot more now, and ive had breaks of months sometimes over the years but just come back when i get the itch, trick is to just enjoy it for what it is which is, dont over expect what it will be.....its a just computer game thats held our attention for years so it must be doing something right
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Good approach, and the same one I am now taking. Enjoy it will I do, take a break when I want and return when I feel the need.
@darkerriddick4996 Жыл бұрын
Not sure if this helps, but.. i have a 2060ti GTX with an MSI B550 gaming motherboard, Ryzen 5, and 16GB ram. I have nothing else installed on my PC, no other apps, just Elite dangerous odyssey. I play on an HD tv in my living room, and my fpi is set to 60fps. All my graphics settings are turned up to the max, and i have never had a frame rate issue? The game doesn't slow down or judder on foot or in stations on foot. Maybe it might be something interfering with the game?? Not being a tech geek i don't know, but just thought I'd share this.
@branjosnow6244 11 ай бұрын
If they had decommissioned certain ships and brought newer ones in now and again, that would have been enough to keep me amused, but the Thargoids just annoyed me from the get go. All they needed was an entirely new human race from the other side of the galaxy, with a new fleet of cool ships to grind for. It might have plodded along nicer, but it hit a brick wall after money became no object. I had a carrier in less than 4 months, and in 10 I had enough for another one. Then I thought what is the point after you have enough credits to buy and kit out all the ships? Money should have been a lot tighter in the game, after all money was the point of almost every grind?
@acid_rain_bow_xd9312 6 ай бұрын
I've come back recently on pç after playing on ps4 4 years ago and I'm loving the new content
@jonallsop7502 11 ай бұрын
What do you play mainly in the 2 years in-between?
@JustDave_GG 11 ай бұрын
Varying stuff really. Star Citizen was one of them (and still is). I pretty much also took a year off gaming for the most part due to work.
@semibiotic Жыл бұрын
Legacy ED is still looks and feels excellent, except, maybe, third-party tools, those still didn't yet restore their service for Legacy universe.
@The-Man-On-The-Mountain Жыл бұрын
I have been forced to quit because I haven't got a PC. That is a big issue. I understand that maybe the technology is not there yet, but I don't think so. What I think is that in Frontier they are very good at numbers and financial predictions, and they saw that the time and effort for consoles were not worth it compared to the number of PC players who would keep playing ED. They made numbers, and voilá. they decided to abandone consoles. CONTENT 2 years have passed and I'd say that more than 2/3 of that time and devs work till this day have consisted on bug fixes, not content. A content which is 90% a narrative about a Thargoid "war". No better planet tech, no better stellar forge, no new mechanics aside the FPS BS, (and don't you dare to mention ship interiors or the ban you from the forums) and a set of really absurd ideas based on grinding. For instance, the action is a thousand years in the future, but you cannot have night vision on foot by default. I can buy a pair of night vision goggles right now, in real life. But, well... we always needed an entire module for auto docking and take off, which is also absurd considering that something like that should be just software; oh, and in the year 3K we haven't got auto pilot. IN SPACE. The ship can take off by itself without auto take off module, set itself on orbit, and come back to your location and land by itself (again, without that module), but it can't do it when you are on board ¿¿¿??? In Odyssey they didn't bothered to fix all these absurdities. They wanted an FPS which was the easy way, and they did it also the easy way: the most bland, unimaginative, generic, and boring FPS ever, where the sneak is just jumping from roof top to roof top, because apparently people in this game can't have cams or something. That's not sneaking, that's lazy gameplay design. And I understand that to mimc real life, things go slow. So one day something happens, and it will take weeks of consequence scalation, ok. But this is ridiculous, 2 years and no new ships (don't! don't get me started with that!), but just the "the bugs are coming". Also, they have to nerf them to be more easy to kill. Well, not to nerf, but to allow us to easy insta kills, which takes away the challenge gamplay that AX was. I didn't like it because with no hotas and no mouse and keyboard, I have always been crap at AX, but it was a real challenge, and they took it away from so many players. Also, regarding content on space combat, another absurdity is dogfighting with anacondas, Type 9 or 10, or even the Corvette. I can't fight in a Type 10 just because I can't get of my head thqat they want me to pilot that monstrosity like an Eagle. It's an enormous ship, and only one crew member doing everything. Those ships should be fitted for allowing several fighters, either NPCs or real players, let alone the turrets, real turrets fixed, not the current sht that no one plays. But that would imply ship interiors, and again, don't mention it. They never bothered on making it more real and fun. They needed an FPS that no one asked for. AESTHETICS Aesthetically, all I have seen seems just... no personality. The buildings, the facilities, all is so generic! Sometimes I felt like I was watching the typica chinesel phone game ad. I always hated most of the ships designs, but at least they have got personality. You see an ED ship and you know that it's ED. But all the assests on foot seem so... bland. The suits, the weapons, the interiors, everything. The buildings in Horizons are amazing, they have got a really hard Blade Runner vibe (in fact I made a little video with the Blade Runner soundtrack, just showing buildings, and it fits perfectly). But Odyssey took away that illusion when you are in an installation. I am a hardcore single player who gets motivated with relaxed gamplay, like the mining on ED. I loved to do it because it had the perfect balance of fun/relaxing, and I could play it while listening to podcasts, like you would do in real life, mining asteroids while listening to music or something. Combat also, because of the same reason, even with all the grinding to make builds and all that, I think that ED is still the best at spaceships combat, very unique. So first of all, an FPS is not for me, although I love some, like Halo 1, 2, and 3, or Borderlands 1, 2, and the prequel with their DLCs, but a FPS is the last thing I wanted in ED. So liking relaxed gameplay so much, aesthetics are really important to me. I want to be amazed by landscapes and ruins and all those things. That motivates me a fkg lot. But they didn't work a bit on it. VR ... TECHNICAL Maybe they should have worked on a Cobra Engine 2 or something, I know nothing about these things, but I see some games with amazing graphics running like a dream in a normal PS4, like Death Stranding, and I can't understand what happens with ED. Although it seems to be happening to every game lately, which I don't understand, because they develop the games WITH FKG PCs! the thing is that I don't know what is the issue. I have some games that run awesome, like the mention Death Stranding, and games with much more shitty graphics, with almost nothing on screen, that make my console to almost explode, like Starsand. The frames issue has always happened to me, especially in some places like crystal shards locations, where the game was absolutely unplayable, and 16 minutes of farming resulted in a serious headache. And yep, they never bothered to fix it (I am a poor console peasant so fck me). With all that said, I'd still play ED if I had a PC. Now, there's no point on doing it, no motivation. I have done everything, all mechanics, and lots of builds with almost every ship (except the ASP scout, that flounder fish sht...), but I admit that we ED players are a strange kind. We can't stop loving/hating the game. I think that the reason is because what the games does good, it does it really really good. But I am on console, a forever broke 40 something that can't afford a PC lol, so no ED for me. And this is an opinion. We are all different, and I am glad that there are players, especially newcomers with Odyssey, that enjoy the game as it is. PS: Forgive my bad english please.
@byron_00 Жыл бұрын
I quit playing when EDO released, but since then have popped in a few times for an hour or two to check the state of the game. My FC's credit balance was critically low earlier this year, so I decided to decommission it instead of transferring more credits. As far as combat gameplay goes, (earlier this year again) it seems like FDev made massacre missions far too easy compared to a few years ago. Before starting the mission (Elite rated), I thought I was going to be out of practice and find it challenging. Instead, it was so stupid-easy that I was bored within a few minutes. I'd like to know if this is indeed easier, or I just happened to find a gimpy group of NPCs. I may revisit the game again, but the likelihood of this is closely approaching 0.
@kinglucario3436 Жыл бұрын
I remember starting in fall of 2019. I fell in love with the game from the tutorial alone. Haven't stopped since. Then I introduced horizons to a couple friends and my girlfriend. So many glorious memories. I'll never forget the hype when odyssey was announced and during it's released. Granted my gf couldn't log on for the first few hours and there were crazy bugs but that was all fixed within weeks. Now it's a clean 120 fps everywhere on beautiful graphics and 70 fps on foot. I love every moment of playing elite. Thank you fdev
@seankayll9017 Жыл бұрын
Rewind it back to the Horizons release just before fleet carriers dropped and cluttered up the galaxy, you know, when FDev were still interested in VR and the planet surfaces were amazing. I would be back in an instant.
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Yeah that was when I started, pre carrier. Very good version of the game!
@akacaniku11 Жыл бұрын
I cant wait to get back to playing elite
@harryunderhill5041 Жыл бұрын
I keep watching the updates hoping to see something that might pull me back into the game. But the small amount of content added isn't the stuff that I liked to do. Thargoid content and combat is great if that's your thing, but otherwise it's stagnant for the other play styles. The development of this game is glacial compared to the early years when I started playing and FDEVs communication policies over the years are something I keep to hand to teach people on how NOT to do communication to your player base. Shockingly bad. So I don't see anything worth my time to come back to now and I don't see anything planned in the future worth my time to come back to.
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Yeah their communication is terrible! Not sure if they have anything major planned for the game going forward, that’s the million dollar question I guess. I doubt we will see another expac though.
@drmatarkin2100 Жыл бұрын
I have it on PC but I had only just bought it on Xbox back when they pulled the plug on consoles. I bought it because I had got the Series X and wanted to play on the gigantic 4K TV. I was really looking forward the Horizons and feel like the robbed me and so I quit. I’m interested to give it a go again on Pc though.
@harag9 Жыл бұрын
I was really looking forward to odyssey, gave up at update 3... not been back since. pity. loved elite back in the 80's... I might try again next year after starfield.
@fayled_xperiment7578 Жыл бұрын
oooooooooo7 mate^^ well i already gave it a try and was mostly doing exobiology myself and regular system scanning & planet mapping back when we were waiting for SC 3.18 to drop to PU...and a bit more after finding out 3.18 was a bust and 3.19 launched^^ i'd also like them to give us more exploration related stuff. like in No mans Sky where you ahve more fauna & flora to explore...doesn't need to be on every plant, but those who clearly support life...why not?
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Yeah I think they could take a leaf out of NMS’s book and give us something to do on planets for sure. Maybe in a future update. Maybe that was the rework that they have not announced but delayed?
@RaylaRayV Жыл бұрын
Am done with it mate, SC is far closer to what i look for in ED now. But am glad your not utterly sour to it man, enjoy it while they keep the servers on lol
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Yeah overall SC is just a better game I agree. I will enjoyed for as long as I do, when I stop having fun I’ll just stop. 🫡
@spartansmsu93noob54 Жыл бұрын
ED:O is ok now. But just ok. The thargoid content is interesting but FDEV just had to add additional grind. And I agree other career options need attention. Exploration and trading are grossly underdeveloped! o7
@dragoniv Жыл бұрын
I came back after 18 months, and silly me, I forgot about the ridiculous bulk tax (I do a lot of trading along with missions, bounty hunting, etc). Did a few missions, checked on my carrier, figured maybe I do a few runs to bulk up my carrier funds. Did one quick run to make a buck and was like--did I do the math wrong? Oh...oh, that's right. That is still a thing. sigh.....and deinstalled, packed away the hotas, and back to playing games that are worth my time. I don't think I'll be back in another year or two next time.
@danielsegewitz6956 Жыл бұрын
i still play Elite and love it as strong as i did since i played the beta in 2014. Horizons is still the same awesome game. dont get why quit the game as it did not change besides graphics and performance. Odyssey on the other hand i like very much. i have a lot of fun doing missions, gathering exobiology data and doing suit upgrades.
@tigger4000 Жыл бұрын
Me too! o7
@MarkoHolic Ай бұрын
its so sad to see what happened to this game i used to play this every day then after few major fails i stop playing it was like few months before odyssey then it droped i gave it change even so i have terrible pc i never had such bad fps as i did in odyssey so i left and neven came back again its a shame since i really tryed to love this game but this game just dont love you back
@josephorr5175 11 ай бұрын
I've put ED away for a while, having been around the ED galaxy since initial pre-release. Got a little disenchanted with the required Thargoid content of late, and the lack of anything else new. For those that like the alien killing focus, I guess more is on the way. It saddens me that the basic unmistakably unique characteristic / quality of ED in space flight gaming is the REAL, huge open galaxy available for just about anything they want to create, and for the last 5 years, nothing major has been done to enhance it, expand on exploration, add new ships to explore with, or create anything NON-violent wrt space travel. It a missed opportunity that I think has doomed ED for the future. Instead going into a first person shooter focus, with clichéd killing alien monsters tells me that they were erroneously looking at Destiny and all the other FPS games out there and trying to cash in. And they had the gold mine right in their hands...our Galaxy! TY for the video and your details.
@dwsnz Жыл бұрын
It always makes me laugh seeing people record videos of on foot combat using entirely the wrong weapons for the situation. Projectiles while shields are up or at the drones. lol. The thing with the on foot combat is there is a strategy element to it, and a weapon swapping element to it. If you go in guns blazing expecting call of duty it is dumb beyond belief. Its not meant to be that. ED has many issues but the biggest issues are between chair and keyboard.
@TheGrimlean 8 ай бұрын
I’m a returning new player and right now I’d say the biggest draw back is how punishing it is especially when I get arrested for not hearing some distant npc demanding to scan me.
@s2ee77stu3 Жыл бұрын
Loved Elite, loved the squad then Oddessey just destroyed everything 😢, It had so many possibilities.. an they done nothing, not played ED since i gave it another try but the want to play is gone,
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
yeah i can understand that feeling mate. While i am enjoying my time in the game, it's just not the same and it won't be my main game again unless something drastic changes which is doubtful. It is nice to be able to jump in again if Star Citizen is having a bad patch, or a free fly event!
@malkavian2 Жыл бұрын
Just got back into the game, reset my commander so I could get a feel for any changes made and I am having an absolute blast! To be fair I rarely stick with any one thing for more than a few days so I like to bounce between bounty hunting,trade,exploration and military zones Diablo 4 is about to drop so il probably take a break for a bit but I like that I can leave elite and pop back to it when I am in the mood for spaceships
@semibiotic Жыл бұрын
Performance? They failed to fully address trivial "lighting" issue - EDO/Live graphics is still horribly overcontrasted, and it could not be fixed with settings. It's eye hurt bright in Shipyard and in the same time - pitch black in shadow asteroid ring, so rocks almost cannot be light up with ship lights. Also, contrast issue could be observed on starry skybox, all stars are equally bright in EDO/Live game (Legacy skybox is much more natural).
@IntangirVoluntaryist 4 ай бұрын
I got back in in legacy ps5, it's nice to revisit and I bought a new ship
@JustDave_GG 4 ай бұрын
I am flopping between legacy in Odyssey in VR. Really enjoying it again
@theingsinator2567 Жыл бұрын
Is it true that there arent any updates for console?
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Yes mate. I believe they have stopped updates completely
@Soundwave142 Жыл бұрын
From time to time I need to take a break from Elite. When I play again after a while I am having fun again. I do know that F-Dev is guilty of stagnation and screwing things up, but ED it still a good game. One big quality improvement is the gimballed AX weapons which is something that I desperately needed, I do have a couple of Guardian Gauss cannons to soften up Interceptors on my Krait, but the Enhanced AX rockets do work. Finding materials to get certain equipment can get annoying but it does make the player go on a adventure. I actually considerably enjoyed hunting guardian materials and roaming around in an SRV at a Guardian site, though I can get annoyed or a little frustrated at most when it comes to rarer materials, so I can say the grinding element is true in some cases. I hold Elite in a high regard for the way they implement premiums, (paintjobs etc) it is strictly limited to cosmetic items, no "premium membership or equipment" nor a "pay-for-advantage" and they to not bug you to buy ARX, you do get a fair "allowance" for actively playing the game.
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Yeah I don’t mind the ARX system that bad tbh. Entirely optional which actually makes me buy some from time to time. I would love an influx of skins though, a little slow on new ship skins…
@Soundwave142 Жыл бұрын
@@JustDave_GG Your right about the skins, I was surprised that there is not pirate skin for the Krait Mk II. (I really want that!) What's worse than slow on skins, is the ships, that is one thing that ED is stagnant on. By the way, I actually bought ARX to support their premium standard. On the subject of stagnation regarding ship interiors, I was expecting to be able to walk around the cockpit, nice to be able to do if you are making a cargo run to Hutton Orbital!
@theborgster8497 Жыл бұрын
I have no hate toward ED, just that there's nothing I've seen in the vids I've watched about the gameplay that would make me want to play it. For those that do play it. good to see at least some things are being fixed
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Yeah that’s fair enough mate. It’s not for everyone. It does do certain things better than SC and vice versa. Videos on that coming soon 😆
@adrianwilliams6577 Жыл бұрын
One of the few games I play every week, I haven't touched much of the content and mostly do taxi and the shipping of goods and that's it. I like Elite Dangerous but it makes you look for any adventures it has hidden within, no hand holding provided.
@dankurina9191 11 ай бұрын
... I'm still on the fence with this game. It looks difficult and now with the alien thing and the fact you need better ships and equipment you have to grind and be at a high level... I have a bunch of money to do some stuff however it seems like a a lot of work to get the ball rolling at my stage mainly to get into the alien fight.
@JustDave_GG 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, sadly that is the reality of locking new content behind a grind wall. Misjudgement on their part IMO
@totobill22 11 ай бұрын
Bonjour Beaucoup de limites dans ce jeu, absence de faune vraiment grave pour un jeu qui en théorie présente 400 milliards de systèmes et exobiologies assez restreinte, toujours les mêmes choses sur les planètes. Coté nouveaux bugs, il y en a un qui est vraiment embêtant : en minage, si vous manquez une charge sismique, que l'astéroide n'explose pas, il est désormais impossible de se rattraper en posant une nouvelle charge sans une crevasse car cette charge va rebondir et ne jamais s'accrocher, ce qui entraine l'abandon de l'astéroïde. Et hier, j'ai eu un autre petit problème: L'impossibilité de me rendre avec mon fleet carrier dans le système ALIOTH que j'ai pourtant débloqué et qui m'autorise avec n'importe lequel de mes vaisseaux .... Avec le fleet, je ne peut pas, tout est en rouge avec accès interdit. Bug ou autre explication? Bref, Elite, déjà bien chronophage commence un peu à être lassant et comme je ne suis pas un accrocs absolu aux jeux vidéos, il se pourrait que je retourne rapidement cultiver mon potager ...
@FrancoisDaniels Жыл бұрын
I was sad when I left Elite, but for me it was the attitude that they have towards their community that was the last nail in the coffin. They clearly don't have the same values as their players and are not interested in enhancing the features that give them a competitive advantage over other space sims. I would personally have been happy if they made improvements to celestial bodies, adding the chance of finding things in the void (crashed ships, more ruins, alien stuff). It feels like once you leave the bubble there is just nothing out there. Elite has always relied heavily on community tools and with so many of those being abandoned there is little hope for the future of this game. I wish that wasn't the case. For now I have my hope in Star Citizen.
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Great comment mate. I agree, I am out of the bubble now and there is little out there. There things that Elite does better than SC and vice versa. Videos on that are coming soon :)
@FrancoisDaniels Жыл бұрын
@@JustDave_GG Looking forward to it!
@Lucpol1986 5 ай бұрын
@@JustDave_GGBoth titles can scratch a different itch imho, however with SC features development & improvements now accelerating (especially with squadron Teams being re-deployed to persistent this year), the hope is that SC will not eclipse ED completely, so that the fans can still enjoy it.
@Boosted_Dad Жыл бұрын
I've strayed away to Star Citizen for a while. Might have to go back to elite
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
I find (bugs aside) that SC is just overall a more rounded game to play, but Elite still has it’s place, more for explorers though. I think Elite should lean more into what it does differently, AT combat, exploration, and keep up with the other aspects like mining (introduce hand mining for explorers) and trading.
@clintgibson2297 Жыл бұрын
I haven’t played elite for a while now simply because I’m just not interesting in the combat aspect of the game. What is like to see is a return to exploration and maybe even a new ship or two (not a bloody combat ship) which would hopefully renew some interest. Transgalactic exploration would be epic and guarantee the future of the franchise in my humble opinion 😊
@bear_mcpike5353 Жыл бұрын
Howdy Dave! Like you, I left ED just after the launch of Ody. There was SOOOO much potential with that, and FDev just TOTALY failed. It just so happened that SC (Star Citizen) had a free fly event at the same time, so I figured I'd check it out. I had all the bad expectations that often fly around the ED community about it being a smokin' turd, but was very happy to see that it had a lot of the feature that I soooooo wanted Ody to be. Primarily ship interiors (Sorry Alf - you're couldn't be more WRONG in telling us "we didn't really want that").. as well as more ship options and other game loops. Is it buggy as hell some time - oh yeah. But still, it gave me more of what I wanted. There was also the cost of Ody. I had the forsight to 'wait and see' and I'm glad I did. After watching the sh!t storm of a launch, I determined that the "DLC Ody" was only worth about $15 USD. Well - like you, fast forward 2 years, Steam had Ody on sale for 65% off (~$15 USD) and things had stabilized - I kept an eye on it, so being the price was more 'in-line' with what I'd be getting, I pulled the trigger and bought it. I'm finding it okay really. Would like to see more on the exploration side (have always wanted that) - I'm not interested in the whole Tharg stuff, so it's kinda a 'meh' on the current content. I can see that all the suit/gun upgrades are hella grindy - but I've always like the flight model in ED better and that lovely core rock boom is priceless (I do like the SC mining 'method' a lil more - seems more thought out and interactive). I will continue to grind out my suit stuff and then I may check the Beagle Point run off the bucket list (currently only big thing left on it at the moment). We'll continue to 'dabble' in ED and see if other things come down the pipe. o7
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Sorry I did read this and meant to reply. $15 honestly is what I would consider a decent price for Odyssey. $20 should be the usual price for it IMO. I agree on the exploration, there are things they could do with this, and maybe they have plans, who knows. I am back in SC too, and it just feels like a more rounded game overall, but I think Ody is in an ‘ok’ place now, not great, but not terrible now either. Let’s see what they do with it now.
@Halinspark 11 ай бұрын
I'm still confused about how they "can't think of anything in the ship interiors that would be worth it" in the same update that introduced spacesuits and weapons loadouts. Just give us an equipment locker to go to when we change our loadouts, and most people wouldn't have complained.
@dmen1k345 11 ай бұрын
Gwaan Dave😜 07
@andrewmiller4753 Жыл бұрын
It's a great game!
@tzeffsmainchannel 7 ай бұрын
Wow! I was expecting you to give ED a BIG thumbsdown! I watched this video because I was wondering what I'll get with Oddysee! 😋
@JustDave_GG 7 ай бұрын
So did I when I was planning the video lol
@arnaudyet 3 ай бұрын
I'll never leave my favorite game, so long it stays up, I'll do play it
@professoroak1920 Жыл бұрын
I still enjoy the game but the poor fps on foot especially in stations has killed that part of the game for me
@Zanithos Жыл бұрын
I quit playing because the game started arbitrarily crashing for no reason when I hit "play" in the menu. Idk if it's fixed, but at this point I'm just hoping that Star Citizen can finally do something and scare Fdev into making Elite more varied.
@MartinG8199991 11 ай бұрын
I think its still brilliant, a bit of a poor start, however I've still not found anything on this scale or as much fun!
@JustDave_GG 11 ай бұрын
Well there is no game at this scale anywhere for sure! Another friend has returned too!
@stevesgaming7475 Жыл бұрын
I love Elite, I've loved it since I got that awesome little black box in late 1984 for my BBC Model B. I loved Elite from the first second I loaded it and then played it to death on my BBC, Spectrum and C64. Then later Frontier on my Amiga and FFE on my PC. I truly adored the series and was so excited when the ED kickstarter came along in 2012. I dropped over £200 on it, something I would never think of doing for any other game and I'll be honest here. I've not played it for over two years now and even though I have a lifetime expansion pass, I've not played Odyssey and never will. For me I was utterly disappointed and let down by the direction the game took, long time fans who paid in a fortune to help get ED going and to steer it's direction (DDF) were ignored and the DDF scrapped from the start. I hate the direction the game has taken and the last time I played it, it was totally soulless and didn't feel like an 'Elite' game at all. My massive respect for Braben has turned into dislike. ED could have been the Elite IV we all dreamed about but no. it was butchered ruined to appeal to fps kiddies and people who've never heard of Elite. These days I play X4 and sometimes Oolite but will I give ED another chance? Nope, not even for a second. ED is the Elite I wish to disown.
@alexbenis4726 11 ай бұрын
FDEV did not listen to us, we wanted ship interiors, ship salvage missions and more ships...but we got an awful first person shooter. Not what we wanted in a space ship game!!! Now we have lots of tedious thargoid combat...Just can't do it anymore.
@Halinspark 11 ай бұрын
I actually did want an on foot element in addition to everything you said, but I wanted something that felt tied to the ships, instead of separate from it. Where you could get a group with combat SRVs and infantry and have somebody run air support. I wanted to do spec ops infiltration missions or med. evac/troop pickups, or combat supply runs. I wanted the Federal Dropship to have it's own niche as the dropship it was designed to be, rather than just being a worse Assault Ship or Gunship. I also wanted races. Mamba is a repurposed racer. Courier is made of speed. Let's just make "Go Fast" a possible career path.
@Lucpol1986 5 ай бұрын
Have spent many hours enjoying the title, but have moved across to SC and X4 a while ago now and only dip in for nostalgia purposes occasionally…
@KILLRAIN42 7 ай бұрын
I've come back and am just playing horizons because why the hell would I want to get out of my spaceship and walk around in the game about flying my spaceship. I am currently suffering through the engineer grind to get a diamondback explorer set up as a go between and a fer de lance for pve combat as that's all I've ever been interested in. I'd like to eventually go fight thargoids but we'll see, because I can't be bothered to do what's necessary to get grade 5 thruster upgrades unlocked as just flying around for flying arounds sake has little interest for me and I'm already sick of the crap I've had to do to get upgrades unlocked. I'm not a miner, I have no interest in mining, I think it's as boring as exploring is to me. I put up with robigo and Jameson crash site for encoded and manufactured and the 1500ly out systems to get full g4 raw materials with srv mining because I had to, not because I wanted to. I could have sat and waited after every combat for limpets to collect, I'm aware. If I wanted to sit and do nothing I'd just go in my backyard with a fire, least there's something entertaining and warming to watch there. I don't consider most of the things you do to help with the grind for mats to really be playing the game, and people who keep telling me to not grind it out and do it organically are basically just telling me to make it take even longer and have it be completely rng. It's a terrible system and is what stopped my interest in the game when I quit at odyssey launch and will likely be what keeps me from getting to thargoid combat.
@georgeshaw6374 Жыл бұрын
I'd go back and check it out, but as a PS4 player it was a big FU from Fdev so not gonna happen.
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
Yeah it sucks what they did to you guys
@xPAINEx_Twitch Жыл бұрын
Oddity engine needs a complete rework as VR player I'll stick with 3.8 for now
@texnorthman Жыл бұрын
I can't bring myself to fire up Elite again. I used to play it a LOT, then we got Engineers and I was seriously put off by the grindy nature of the gameplay this introduced, and the heavy reliance on random chance. For reference I got myself a Cutter before they were easy to get, so I'm pretty tolerant of grind as long as there is a clear method of progression and a feeling of control. I was excited when Odyssey was initially talked about, but the first sight of the game play had me convinced this would be utterly rubbish. Turns out I was right. Now I have jumped ship (no pun intended) and gone head first into Star Citizen. Even with all the bugs SC is (when it works) what I always wished Elite would become - a truly immersive experience where you are free to solve the challenges in front of you as you see fit. It becomes exceptionally fun when you play with a friend or two, as you can truly utilise the multi-crew and multi-vehicle aspects of the game play. So, even in the periods where SC is truly broken (like the 3.18 patch that reworked a major part of the server architecture and broke everything) I could not get myself to fire up Elite because it simply feels like a cheap imitation of what a space game should really be.
@First_Chapter 27 күн бұрын
Remember the old marketing strategy of creating a problem in order to then be able to sell the solution? Grind is created as a problem to which a cash shop is the solution.
@texnorthman 27 күн бұрын
@@First_Chapter Yeah, I remember when "The Engineers" dropped, that was the beginning of the end for me. They weren't engineers, they were a casino where you could spin the wheel of fortune with materials that were an absolute pain in the backside to source. And the buffs were solid enough to be mandatory for PvP, and very very useful for PvE. All that RNG for stat buffs put me off the game entirely. Then Odyssey dropped and I said "no thanks" and jumped over to SC completely.
@cmdrlevianova1485 Жыл бұрын
Its not a grind if you do the rhings as they come.
@wmgthilgen 3 ай бұрын
The way I personally see it, is; Odyssey will do to horizon what horizon did to ED. New player's can't miss what they have never had. Such as myself startng after the release of Horizon rather than before. Simular to the way my son has just started playing in Odyssey has never really in the two year's he's been playing, experienced HORIZON as I've done. Where as I boot in Odyssey, I utilzie more of the Horizon aspect than he, and he utilize's the Odyssey aspect more than Horizon. Together we play well, my doing the space stuff, he doing the surface stuff.
@WARRIOR_LEAGUE 8 ай бұрын
i want this on ps5😢😢😢😢
@Slick10836 Жыл бұрын
Noob question here: Can I play without Odyssey and if so, is the core game affected by these issues and bugs?
@JustDave_GG Жыл бұрын
You can still play on Horizons still which in a good state, and actually a better version of the game mate!
@pilks4k Жыл бұрын
Fdev should really just move on to another project ED3.. release the backend server stuff so people can create custom servers and mod the game.
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