Have We ALREADY BEEN To ZERETH ORDUS? | Discussing The World Soul Saga W/Chat

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@Zenavesta 5 ай бұрын
Odin got the "idea" to lift the Halls of Valor up out of Ulduar from the Titans lifting the Seat of the pantheon up from Zereeth Ordus? 🤔🤔
@epiccthulu 5 ай бұрын
I have this fantasy of Azeroth manifesting like Sargeras, taking up his sword, and declaring that she will be the last titan before waging a war with us as her army
@smartflexer 5 ай бұрын
Damn Im 4 hours to late, I love your takes and predictions on the lore in WoW. I'm clicking this videos so fast, but 4 hour late this time. I live in EU so my time zone is not the best when you go live, hard to catch you going live all the time :p Keep up the amazing work Pyro, love it
@Hepsti 5 ай бұрын
The seat of the Pantheon has definitely been took off the top of something bigger. Odin done it with Ulduar. Also, we've seen so much of what the titans can do without seeing it directly. If Sargeras can subdue a world soul, the pantheon definitely can. If the titan keepers can do something, the titans can but on a grander scale with more freedom. Can't wait to see how it all plays out.
@fredmackinnon7899 5 ай бұрын
Drown also has to do with hearing right? Like drowning something out. Drown her in song or something? Since SL talked a lot about the song?
@TigernachVT 5 ай бұрын
Good variable to bring up.
@baalslayer03 5 ай бұрын
i thought about that too, like from Harry Potter : Goblet of Fire , when Harry gets the egg
@veppy4952 5 ай бұрын
Looking at the planetary body on top of the seat of the pantheon I'm 1000% convinced its elune. The color scheme alone hints at it being her. If we align the silver/purple planet (moon) we see on elunaria to elune. The one depicted on the seat is bright as fuck but its basically just white/silver with the purple sewn around it like the one we see from eulnaria, just not as bright and glowy.
@stoneguard2137 5 ай бұрын
Theres a third planet along side argus and azeroth at the seat. Look inbetween golganneth and khaz'goroth.
@3DTyrant 5 ай бұрын
If I had to guess, that could be one of Azeroth's two moons, I may very well be wrong
@jinx. 5 ай бұрын
I think we'll find her "world seed" and drowning her means dropping the seed into an ocean of azerite, the blood created by the merging of hers and sargeras'. What awakens is a new being, made of Titan and First One. Or something along those lines.
@mr.meatsoup5639 5 ай бұрын
The thrones on the Seat of the Pantheon look like an adapter added onto it, in order to share the power of the device. Perhaps Titans are too weak to control or withstand the Seat's power so they have to share it amongst themselves. Almost as it they are not the ones who were meant to use it. Without the Throne part the Seat would be like a crown.
@TigernachVT 5 ай бұрын
I agree with the actual seats being different, is a hint.
@of_valinor 5 ай бұрын
Yoo Im a duck/PSU too! Also, I absolutely think they come and our battle literally leads to the end of the story, and the birth resets everything. the sword gets used for sure.
@DataCymru1701 5 ай бұрын
I think Pyro is a Titan!
@fendronfyr7131 5 ай бұрын
@pyromancer What if the seat of the pantheon is Order's version of Oribos, and unlike Death where things come to them so it can be stationary. Order MUST go out to order life/souls before others can do so. Argus is Supposed to be their version of Arbiter.. you know more fractals and all that.
@TheDarq0n 5 ай бұрын
Holy!!! Lil bro is COOKING!!! 🎉
@KC-py5vq 5 ай бұрын
That could've been how elune has gotten around and how other cultures worship her
@MisterJasro 5 ай бұрын
I feel that Aleria recognizing it as Titan achitecture is like going to an Etruscan city and saying "oh yhea, that's typically Roman."
@SamuelBean-k2y 5 ай бұрын
They don't really do that, there's so little dialogue in these games, they wouldn't just put that in there off handedly for no reason.
@MisterJasro 5 ай бұрын
@@SamuelBean-k2y I believe it's from one of the short stories. There's a lot more dialogue outside of the game. :p
@SamuelBean-k2y 5 ай бұрын
@MisterJasro Havent read any of the books, but it's irrelevant. I would be genuinely shocked if Alleria mentioned Titan architecture in a final raid of one of the most recent popular expansions (Legion) which was well remembered for its progression through a story that people actually cared about, and for it to mean nothing. This isnt ancient Rome, this is potentially the creators (or usurpers) of the entire cosmos. The raid we're talking about is the same raid we first saw the Titans and Seargeras himself in a raid cinematic. It's not a coincidence dude 😅 it was specifically put there to leave no doubt as to the setting of the raid.
@MisterJasro 5 ай бұрын
@@SamuelBean-k2y well yhea and nhea. Like Azeroths history is created from the present to the past, but it is created to flow from the past to the present. So a lot of it is inspired through reasoning Effect and Cause and then they have to present it to the players as Cause and Effect. FYI if you enjoy lore speculations like Pyro's consider reading the short stories. They're free and they're not half bad.
@umomo1947 5 ай бұрын
Pyro's speculations have been more entertaining than whatever blizzard has delivered in the past few expansions.
@NighDarke 5 ай бұрын
Zereth Mortis. Yeah. First thing I noticed was how the designs on the Earthen stuff was the same.
@mastro241 5 ай бұрын
9:30 (ish) when you say azeroth wakes up pulls the sword from her back and wipes the titans (in my mind I thought itd be funny if she pulled it from her butt dk why) with holy fire… made me think what if shes actually ragnarok but for all things. She swings her sword and everything is obliterated but since shes now creation and destruction she gives mercy to those who deserve it and basically re makes our characters on a new world (world revamp or WoW 2) Then just i guess would disappear never to be seen again or something idk, i can only imagine her awakened form would have very little screen time to give players that ‘more’ feeling
@rl1585 3 ай бұрын
If earth mother is Azeroth, the 3 “children” should all be big players yet we really only see Elune and maybe Lo’Sho if she is winter queen. Where is Anshe? I think either “the triple goddess” is a hint that Elune isn’t just the pale lady but is all 3 children in concert or maybe there’s a major character out there that is Anshe(described as masculine and themed as light) when I think of major characters that fit that mold I can only think of Sargeras.
@TheJacob232 5 ай бұрын
So I pointed this out in the discord Abt a month ago: The Seat of the Pantheon and the Heart of Amirdrassil have some very odd similarities. I personally think the Seat is actually the Heart of Elune'Ehir that has been "Ordered" and twisted to their purpose. I highly doubt they just burned the tree after yanking it out.....I think they made a Ship outta Special Wood.
@israeltrujillo4400 5 ай бұрын
you've probably touched on something like this before but tonight I was watching my guild do razageth and she shouts that the dragons imprison what they can't control, and we all know the last titan art looks exactly like the stasis cells the incarnates were in....so maybe the titans locked Azeroth up cause they couldn't order/control her?
@drakozash8153 5 ай бұрын
I know Hearthstone art is in no way cannon, but there is a new spell, Eyes of the Earthmother in battlegrounds, and she has a blue and goldish-yellow eye (the colors of Azerite). It could just be Anshe and Musha, but I dont remember Musha being blue.
@nathaliemlromer 5 ай бұрын
Remove the floor and the Seat of the Pantheon resembles a crown of sorts too. I'm not saying that it is, but does resemble one. Look at the size of Sargeras before he's shrunk by the beam to fit on his seat on the Seat of the Pantheon. In the Sargeras video you can compare the height of the Titans compared to the mortals and also later the size of the spaceship compared to Sargeras. I'd argue that Sargeras "pre-shrink" is ten times taller than the Titans who are maybe as tall as Odyn once he revealed his true identity to us. Their height compared in the cinematic is similar to how tall Odyn was when you got him his drink during the quest in Stormheim (more or less). Yeah, maybe the Titans aren't as powerful or tall as they would want mortals to believe. If they constructed the Seat of the Pantheon from junked parts what's to say that it wasn't built from a discarded or partially constructed crown intended for someone's use. They grabbed a planet from the realm of the Order to control the crown. Found other parts to use to make it into a weapon. If you want to believe it this is what was used against the worlds where a million-million mortals were razed as Algalon stated... Against mortals the beam is deadly, causing them to disintegrate into Anima and other particles I would say. On a creature such as Sargeras it would shrink them to remove most of their power, which is fed into the machine, as in "Ordered" ... as had happened to them all. I would say it also removes their original memories too... If there's a Crown of Wills, there could be a Crown of Ordering. What better way to cause Ordering than to bind the creature associated with harmony, Elune, into what is her prison but also the prison that causes everything else to get unbalanced. I would assume that the Seat of the Pantheon is built from parts from every part of the cosmos to make it into a super-weapon of sorts...
@Pasta843 5 ай бұрын
Drowned by microtransactions and store mounts
@iv9ry 5 ай бұрын
So I'm trying to follow this correctly, Azeroth has 2 children. Mu'sha and An'she which we are thinking to be Elune and Sargeras, Sargeras is trying to free Azeroth from the prison of the Titans while Elune is imprisoned? Do we think that if Azeroth awakened that Sargeras would be reoriginated back to An'she and we would have An'she and Mu'sha as allies, along with Dragon Aspects, and other heroes to face off vs the titans?
@bamsbeyrek9728 5 ай бұрын
They used Argus' remaining titanic core energy there. (seat of pantheon argus event) We didn't straight up killed Argus, remember, there was a constellation group right where should be Argus' body. They just diminished its entire soul to "scorpion" Sargeras out of Azeroth. I love what ifs where it's due, but if you can get creative by what we've seen that happened instead of increasing the variables like that, it would be more on the grounds guess instead of f-ing crazy nothingness that make you close the video.
@franciscarlgabilan5377 5 ай бұрын
Or the could be true to Lovecraft's story. Azathoth was kept sleeping by musicians. Azeroth is being kept prisoner by life that the titans seeded or the mechanisms that they have placed (to keep her asleep). I dont think they really intended to to wake her up.
@KC-py5vq 5 ай бұрын
Of course azeorth wouldn't have a problem defeating sargeras even givin his feats. If she's, in fact, the Supreme being, that's like saying eru would have issues with defeating all the Valar.
@TigernachVT 5 ай бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if some od the Titan facilities are repurposed zereths.
@maniacmel6771 5 ай бұрын
my perception of azeroth must be higher than most because everyone argument that she cant take Form is because the world would be destroyed. Unless sh edoes what every powerful entity does which is make a Shade of herself while the world remains whole. i think we also need the Shade of Elune to help us or something we have Major wars on the horizon that were not ready for
@danieljordan8732 5 ай бұрын
I wonder, if Sargeras was made by Azeroth, what is he - her fail-safe?. Like: 'Wake me if the system starts to go wrong'.
@of_valinor 5 ай бұрын
The idea of sargeras leaving the sword for us to use would be epic, like the heart laser beam that killed nzoth, but it's us going mega and grabbing it king arthur style out the planet.
@FunTimeWithSouls 5 ай бұрын
I’ve always thought that the sword was left as a beacon. No matter where Sargeras is in the cosmos his sword calls to him. Willing to bet the Titans will try to hide Azeroth from him but the sword will call him home.
@wight4991 5 ай бұрын
Who in their right mind thought that the meme laser McGuffin was epic?
@of_valinor 5 ай бұрын
@@wight4991 i meant a cutscene that has our characters in, like that one did.
@wight4991 5 ай бұрын
@@of_valinor Quote: "The idea of sargeras leaving the sword for us to use would be epic, >like the heart laser beam that killed nzoth
@of_valinor 4 ай бұрын
@@wight4991 i elaborated, of course that whole thing was a massive let down, i just meant - it was the first time the play character was in the finale. not the concept itself, that was a bad copy paste from LOTR
@Q8Bart 5 ай бұрын
First World Tree Elun' Ahir 😉
@ChrisBavle 5 ай бұрын
Azeroth is the Clockmaker
@DataCymru1701 5 ай бұрын
I would think Zerith Ordos would be very interesting, I hope we haven't already been, would be sick to see!
@hobosnake1 5 ай бұрын
What I hope is more likely, is that the shadowlands/zereth mortis have been meddled with by the titans in some way. Like maybe in a way where they're abusing or modifying the first ones technology in the name of absolute order. I don't trust the crown of wills on the new arbiter. It was a death helm using domination magic. Now it just seems like a light helm using domination magic. How do we know the titans didn't gain control of the shadolwands during the expansion? I think maybe they finally did. Maybe Sargeras was hiding Argus away because he knew that killing Argus would make the shadowlands vulnerable.
@DataCymru1701 5 ай бұрын
@hobosnake1 You have a lot of valid points there. Maybe the entire twisting nether is a machine of sorts! It is, after all, a part of the universe, not the whole universe!
@hobosnake1 5 ай бұрын
@@DataCymru1701 I could see that being the case. They could go so many ways with it. I hope whatever we get, it's awesome. Happy that they're doing this story more cohesively over 3 xpacs.
@SinAhmen Ай бұрын
Sargaras was just chilling there in smoke on azeroth..like who knows for how long ...the way they just grabbed him was so she like is that what they did to make the well. What was he doing he had time to cut azeroth in half. How did they come back how did he kill them if they jailed him so fast why is he so much bigger than them like nothing makes sense
@Askylit 5 ай бұрын
Azzothoth was the OG outer god In hp love craft
@KelipsTavern 5 ай бұрын
Is it canonically correct to say Zereth Ordus, like has it been confirmed in-game that the cornerstone of order is called this? Because it should be Zereth Ordinis to etymologically align with Zereth Mortis (i.e. the genitive singular of the associated Latin noun).
@ScarlettSpitfyre 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, because the other names follow latin 100%. .... Warcraft has done this for years they took a name from our mythology and they let it as that or change 1 or 2 letters to differentiate... Ordus is the name of Zereth of Order.
@KelipsTavern 5 ай бұрын
@@ScarlettSpitfyre Yeah... obviously. The question was regarding the canon name because I had forgotten we actually received a list of names of other Zereths in-game. I thought we had just started naming others under the assumption that they exist (i.e. fan-made naming which would be incorrect to follow the naming schema from Blizzard themselves who DID use proper Latin for 'Mortis') Also, Zereth [Mortis] is etymologically translated as the Cornerstone/Keystone [of Death]. Vitae also follows this as Cornerstone/Keystone of Life. Zereth Lumen, Umbra, and Ordus would translate to Light, Shadow, and Order Cornerstone/Keystone respectively if we continued to follow proper Latin translation which Blizzard initially started. (Tumult is a weird decision - it's simply the stem of 'tumultus' indicating no case which kind of aligns with the nature of chaos/fel). Obviously they are not required to stick to something from reality 1-to-1, but it is weird that these nouns are different cases. It's almost like understanding word choice and how names are developed can be important to speculation...
@Maurice1765-u1k 5 ай бұрын
We dont know yet, but I think Iridikron and xalatath are our allies in the last titan
@floorboard563 5 ай бұрын
Ever since BfA Elune hasnt done anything as far as I know? They assume she let teldrassil burn to feed Ardenweald. Then we have Tyrande’s infusion fading. What if the Titans imprisoned Elune after Legion? We freed them. They grabbed Elune. Stuffed her into the seat to power it and then grabbed Sargereas. And ever since, Elune’s been absent. I may also be missremembering but I feel like Elune hasnt done anything since Legion except Tyrande’s infusion. But then again it was using the dark side of Elune or whatever, I’m reaching massively, but maybe there could be something there
@justindane5410 5 ай бұрын
Elune talked through Tyrande to the leader of the Ardenweild in Shadowlands. Elune and the Ardenweld lady are stated to be sisters. It does mean that Elune was not a Titan creation, as the different shadowlands constructs were made by the First Ones.
@floorboard563 5 ай бұрын
@@justindane5410 oh yeah of course. What I meant was that I liked the idea of Elune being entrapped in the Seat of the Pantheon.
@burtonkevin32 5 ай бұрын
Or the sword draining Azeroth to keep her asleep? Since we know his weapon can siphon power RIP artifact weapons lol
@andreoski3 5 ай бұрын
can someone tell me what is that green ball floating at start of the video
@YumanoidPontifex 5 ай бұрын
"drown her" - i'm pretty sure the umbra gang tried to drown her in umbra (the black empire), the ordus gang tried to drown her in arcane (unless the arcane energy is really her own blood, not something the titans introduced), and after watching a recent bellular video on this, i think a case can be made that both azeroth and draenor were drowning in uncontrolled, chaotic life as well, for a time. maybe whoever gets there first and can overwhelm (disrupt balance?) her with their cosmo force, it will trigger an alarm, the titan wakes and becomes a titan of whatever faction claimed her this way. i mean it's clear by now that she's being subjected to some high-level "i call dibs" game here. one more theory - what was this thing about the planet absorbing all spirit on it? you know what that makes me question? where did the spirit come from? could it be that the planet was teeming with life at some point in the distant past? can living things be farmed for spirit? step 1: seed the planet with life, the more the better step 2: remove life, this leaves behind a shitload of spirit, let planet absorb it all (feed on it) step 3: well fuck if i know
@floorboard563 5 ай бұрын
Reorigination…Eliminate all life for that spirit.
@DoftheLin 5 ай бұрын
Why does everyone get the first ones so confused? Blizzard flat out said, That the First Ones are the first of Each Cosmic force.
@fathelos 5 ай бұрын
They didn't. That was a random in-universe character's interpretation of things.
@oeheaven 5 ай бұрын
Okay guys so is this going to be like Marvel with Celestials? (In the MCU the Celestials make galaxies and grow Celestials in planets when they are born in the planet the is destroyed)... I wonder if WoW copy this... Sargeras could become a new ally in this far fetched yes but it is Chris Metzen so everything is on the table.
@DeanRogers77 5 ай бұрын
nor = crown, so Norgannon is the crown of something.... perhaps the titans fit together as 1 mega titan (similar to Voltron) and Norgannon is the head.
@FunTimeWithSouls 5 ай бұрын
@veppy4952 5 ай бұрын
Could be, or more-so a metaphorical crown where norg is the true highfather of the pantheon/titans instead of amanthul.
@Gmell12 5 ай бұрын
Bo nix to the broncos les go
@TigernachVT 5 ай бұрын
I agree with the actual seats being different, is a hint.
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