He Who Moans: Doctor Who Reviews: Every Moffat penned episode from 1999-2013

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@harrietamidala1691 9 жыл бұрын
"I think Moffat is more focused on being clever than actually being fun." You nailed it right on the head my biggest criticism of Moffat, even though I do like him.
@greghawkins59 4 жыл бұрын
Idk I think the result is the opposite, his failure to be clever is smoothed out by how fun the episodes are. This isn't without exceptions obviously.
@AJSZodiac Жыл бұрын
Sherlock in a nutshell.
@seamusburke639 8 ай бұрын
@@AJSZodiac Hell, DRACULA in a nutshell! Anything that didn't make sense in that series can be chalked up to, "Moffat wanted to be clever."
@thoughtfulpug1333 Жыл бұрын
"I know this runtime looks daunting..." I laugh at that as I constantly watch hour long analysis/breakdown/reviews in the current day & age.
@geoffp326 8 жыл бұрын
I think the grossest thing Moffat has ever done was to turn the Brigadier into a flying cyberman.
@carucath97 8 жыл бұрын
It doesn't even really make sense because as someone who hadn't seen any Classic Who at the time (which would have been most of the audience) we don't know who the Brig is (just that he's Kate's dad). So when they show him as a Cyberman, Classic fans may feel insulted and New fans would probably not care (I remember not caring at the time, I probably would now because the Brig is awesome 😉)
@connorshelton9535 8 жыл бұрын
And then the Brigadier flew off into space never to be seen again. Could've at least pissed on his legacy even more by making him a Cyberman companion for Series 9. Or better yet, find Sergeant Benton, Mike, and Harry Sullivan in order to convert them. Cyber spinoff anyone.
@matthewdavison2622 7 жыл бұрын
Glad they didn't make Sarah Jane a cyberman, that would be extra insulting
@satum__ 7 жыл бұрын
The Brigadier is a beloved character, and Cybermen don't fly!!
@evonne_okafor 7 жыл бұрын
Geoff P Found that REALLY fucking insulting when I found out what happened to the Brigadier
@StefanTravis 8 жыл бұрын
Moffat can write one brilliant story per year. He got the gig on that basis, because he _did_ write one utterly brilliant story per year. The gig involved writing six stories per year. Someone didn't quite think it through.
@UnchainedEruption 8 жыл бұрын
Stefan Travis Moffat has written absolutely brilliant stories and it is very, very rare that any of his stories suck. The only bad things he's written are Hell Bent (which still has some merit to it), The Snowmen, The Name of the Doctor, and The Time of the Doctor. You could also argue Day of the Doctor could have been better, but it was okay. Everything else was pure genius.
@StefanTravis 8 жыл бұрын
Karl Hiramanek I didn't say his stories suck. I just think they're rather mediocre - when he has to crank them out to schedule. By comparison, most of Russell T Davies output _does_ suck, IMO. But he wrote Gridlock, which (again, IMO) is rather good.
@UnchainedEruption 8 жыл бұрын
***** I completely disagree. I like Russel T Davies. Sure, most of his finales were basically just rehashing the Daleks and the Master, but they were really good. The Series 3 finale and Series 4 finale were absolutely amazing. No matter how much I rewatch them, they always blow me away. Even though Series 1 and 2 were awful, the finales were pretty good, probably the best part of the season (discounting every Rose moment). The fans make it out to be that you HAVE to be either in the classic group, the Davies group, or the Moffat group. I enjoy all 3. I don't always enjoy them; each creator/era has some exceptions that are terrible, but on the whole the show is generally great due to the fact that it can basically create a whole new show every few years. Most tv shows only last a few years before they start to suck, but in Doctor Who, the entire show regenerates, not just the titular actor.
@MuchWhittering 8 жыл бұрын
Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon feels like there's an episode missing in between. It seems like most of the plot advancement happened in between the episodes. There's definitely a sudden jump. I do have to disagree about Angels Take Manhattan though. The plot holes ruin it for me.
@VikingSword23 10 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I found your videos. This one in particular spelled out how I feel about Moffat's era, hitting every point necessary. I can't wait to see your Series 8 reviews. Keep up the excellent work!
@Stubagful 10 жыл бұрын
cheers James
@ginge641 2 жыл бұрын
12:25 Nah, even that Doctor would've done exactly this. 9 brought a lethal failsafe to his meeting with the Nestine, let Cassandra die, was happy to let the Gelth get blown up, had Mickey fire a missile at Downing Street and was willing to wipe out the entire Dalek fleet. 10 killed the leader of the Christmas Invasion aliens, sucked an army of Daleks and Cybermen into the Void, drowned the Rachnoss Queen, gave the Plasmavore over to the Judoon, sentenced the Family of Blood to eternal torment, froze a group of Weeping Angels in place forever, etc etc. And then we have 11, who gave Prisoner 0 to the Atraxi, wanted and was planning to blow up a Dalek ship, and dropped an army of Weeping Angels into a crack in space and time. He has always been the man who'll turn to darker measures when presented with an enemy like that and who will not hesitate to wipe out a race of monsters if they present an active threat to the human race. To take issue with what 11 does to the Silence is to miss the point of "I never would". It's not that he'd never kill. It's that he'd never kill out of malice, anger, or revenge. This is why him shitting on the Meta Crisis Doctor makes no fucking sense. 10 himself would've done exactly this had Meta Crisis not been there.
@sophiegallinger8004 9 жыл бұрын
You're a lot nicer to Moffat than I am these days, but when you got to Night of the Doctor I agreed with every single word you said. McGann gave the world a masterclass on stepping into the Doctor's shoes and owning the role in only 7 minutes.
@DeplorableMinecrafter 3 жыл бұрын
It probably helps that he had already played the character for Big Finish for several years, but The Night of the Doctor still makes me mourn the non-existence of a McGann television run.
@seamusburke639 8 ай бұрын
If you look past onscreen appearances (of which there are only three), McGann has one of the longest tenures playing The Doctor. He's got it down by this point.@@DeplorableMinecrafter
@sixstanger00 9 жыл бұрын
Reasons The Big Bang didn't make sense: a) River Song states that the consequences of The Doctor flying the Pandorica into the explosion will result in his erasure from existence. b) If A happens, then the entire ending makes ZERO sense: - No Doctor ever existed, so Earth should be in ruins - No Doctor ever existed, so River Song shouldn't exist to be at Amy's wedding. - No Doctor ever existed, so Amy shouldn't recognize any cues like "bow ties" and "braces" because The Doctor donned this costume AFTER his first encounter with Amelia, and since he never existed, the original encounter didn't occur. - No Doctor ever existed, so no TARDIS was stolen from Gallifrey to get stuck in the form of a blue police box. Thus, the diary Song gives Amy as a gift should not look like The Doctor's TARDIS. - No Doctor ever existed, so no explosion ever happened, so no need for Doctor to fly the Pandorica....(PARADOX.....again) - Amy remembers back into existence someone who was stated to have never existed to begin with. How does Amy "remember" something that never existed? - The ending to this story effectively "undid" the cause for the cracks, so how does one appear in "Time of the Doctor?"
@baybarsedturner2 8 жыл бұрын
+sixstanger00 The events still happened. It's just the memory of them that is erased. Similarly with the universe being rebooted. The explosion still happened. That is why the timelords were able to create a new crack. It should be noted that the Doctor and his companions were able to remember ALL of it, so it all really happened.
@sixstanger00 8 жыл бұрын
baybarsedturner2 *_The events still happened. It's just the memory of them that is erased._* Incorrect, on so many levels: In _"The Big Bang,"_ just before The Doctor pilots the Pandorica into the exploding TARDIS, Song explains to Pond what the consequences will be: _"All memory of the The Doctor will be erased. He will have never existed."_ If The Doctor never existed, then there's no "memory" of him to recall. He never existed. But even if I grant you your incorrect explanation, if only the memory is wiped from existence, then how could Amy "remember" him? No memory EXISTS. Likewise, how could The Doctor know when Amy is remembering him? In _"The Hungry Earth,"_ The Doctor explains to Pond that anything touched by the light emitted from the cracks (you know...the cracks caused by the exploding TARDIS?) is "erased from existence." This is how Rory is killed off. In _"The Time of Angels,"_ several members of the Church are more than forgotten - they disappear from existence altogether. If only their memory was erased, why did their physical bodies disappear as well? Why didn't they return to camp and Pond simply wonder who these strangers are in uniform? *_The explosion still happened._* Again, a total contradiction. According to the 2 part finale, IF the explosion is allowed to run it's course, it would destroy the universe (and in fact, at the cliffhanger ending of _"The Pandorica Opens,"_ IT DOES.) So if the explosion "still happened," why hasn't the universe been destroyed? *_It should be noted that the Doctor and his companions were able to remember ALL of it, so it all really happened._* No, they didn't. Not Amy nor Rory remembered ANYTHING about The Doctor until Amy "remembered him back into existence," which we've already established as being a total incoherent mess of a resolution. That's saying nothing about the fact that even after The Doctor returns, Amy & Rory remember the explosion, despite it never having occurred according to the story's own internal logic.
@baybarsedturner2 8 жыл бұрын
+sixstanger00 OK... On the memory thing. At the end of Flesh and Stone Amy asks the Doctor how is it that she can remember everything that happened if the Angels were wiped from existence. The Doctor replies that she is a time traveller so it alters the way that she sees the universe. Later that is how Rory is reconstructed from her memory and so it the Doctor. Clearly Amy did remember something from her previous adventures she just had difficulty recalling it. The universe hasn't been destroyed at the end of the Pandorica Opens, the earth still remains. The alliance of Daleks and others are not destroyed, they are turned to stone. This is supposed to be the echo of their previous existence so they still exist in some form. This cannot be the case if they were wiped from existence entirely. Also, Amy still had her wedding ring in the previous story, so Rory did exist as well. To recap: The crack only destroys the memory of the person, not their deeds. The Doctor mentions this somewhere in series 5, I think in The Pandorica Opens itself. A time-traveller can remember but perhaps at different levels depending on their exposure to it. The Doctor tends to remember every detail (also see Journey to the Centre of the Tardis), the companions don't, and often require their memory jogging. The thing to understand is that a recurring trope in Moffat's work is the unreliability of memory and its relation to time travel. If time-travel changes reality every time it happens (which it must) then the only thing that is real is the experience of the time traveller. However, if the past is changed when we travel in time then how can our memories of the past be reliable?
@baybarsedturner2 8 жыл бұрын
+sixstanger00 Or to put it more simply, the crack works like one of those Soviet era airbrushings. If one of Stalin's henchmen fell out of favour with the regime, not only would the man be killed but he would be airbrushed out of all of the photographs of the era. There would just be a gap where he used to be. History would have been changed, but his objective causal effect of his deeds would remain.
@sixstanger00 8 жыл бұрын
baybarsedturner2 *_At the end of Flesh and Stone Amy asks the Doctor how is it that she can remember everything that happened if the Angels were wiped from existence._* Then why did it affect her differently in _"The Big Bang?"_ In the episode you mentioned, there was no period of "not remembering" the events; she remembered them all immediately following the erasure. Further, affecting how you see the universe and producing something IN IT from memory is black and hot dog stands. *_Later that is how Rory is reconstructed from her memory and so it the Doctor._* Rory wasn't reconstructed from Amy's memory. I can't count how many times I've had to explain this bloody point, because the episode makes it blatantly obvious: Whoever constructed the Autons in Roman dress also created a "Rory" Auton because they were all created from objects in Amy's bedroom - the Roman army from a book about the Roman Empire, and Rory in Roman dress because he's in a photograph wearing such an outfit. The people who created them didn't know that "book Romans" and "Roman Rory" were two entirely separate things; they just needed an Auton army, based it on Amy's Roman book, and Rory happened to be pictured in her room wearing Roman dress. Nothing appearing at Stonehenge was "taken from Amy's memories" directly. Which of course, brings up a shit load of other plot holes: If Auton Rory was made from Amy's photograph, how can he remember dying in _"Cold Blood,"_ and how could he remember who The Doctor is? The photograph was obviously taken *_prior_* to the events of _"The Eleventh Hour,"_ so Rory wouldn't have met The Doctor yet. *_Clearly Amy did remember something from her previous adventures she just had difficulty recalling it._* This CANNOT BE TRUE if you subscribe to the explanation that, "all memories were erased from existence." Why is this simple logic so hard to grasp? Without memory of something, YOU CANNOT REMEMBER IT. *_The universe hasn't been destroyed at the end of the Pandorica Opens, the earth still remains._* So what? This doesn't help your case. All it means is that by your "the explosion still happened" explanation, Earth should be the only planet in existence. Which by the way, is still full of holes: The Doctor explicitly says that the reason Earth remains is because it's the most current location for the TARDIS, and thus the eye of the storm, so to speak. He stresses that they WILL be erased too, if the explosion isn't stopped. So once again, you're just cherry-picking bits of the story and twisting them into some sort of narrative - one that only holds water if you flat out ignore other parts of the episode, as well as contradict your own logic. a) The explosion was said to destroy the whole universe if it was allowed to run it's course. b) You claim the explosion still happened. c) Therefore, the universe should have been destroyed, but it wasn't. (And by the way, the reason it wasn't goes back to the Pandorica erasure - The Doctor erasing himself from existence means no TARDIS was ever stolen from Gallifrey TO explode.) *_Also, Amy still had her wedding ring in the previous story, so Rory did exist as well._* Once again, flat out ignoring parts of the narrative to fit your shaky attempt to patch these gaping plot holes. The ring was removed in _"The Hungry Earth"_ and placed in the TARDIS, so it was cut off from any affects to the time line. It was in the TARDIS when Rory was erased. *_The crack only destroys the memory of the person, not their deeds._* Rory was engulfed by the crack and physically disappeared. More than his memory was erased. Three members of the Church were engulfed and disappeared. And while we're at it, how come the light didn't affect Prisoner Zero when he escaped through it? How come the light didn't affect The Doctor when he reached in to grab a piece of the TARDIS? Plot holes, plot holes, plot holes. Series 5 wasn't half bad until Moffat totally mucked up the finale. *_A time-traveller can remember but perhaps at different levels depending on their exposure to it._* Once more, you CANNOT simultaneously claim that, _"only their memories were wiped from existence,"_ and then explain the finale with, _"the companions don't, and often require their memory jogging."_ THERE IS NO MEMORY TO EFFING JOG!!!!!!!!!! The memory of The Doctor, by your OWN LOGIC, *DOESN'T EXIST.* How the actual mother of Rassilon can someone *_remember_* something they never had a memory of to start with?! *_The thing to understand is that a recurring trope in Moffat's work is the unreliability of memory and its relation to time travel._* No, the recurring trope is his inability to write a consistent narrative and a story that remains internally consistent. This was only his first season. I could go for days on _"The Angels Take Manhattan."_
@LibraGamesUnlimited 8 жыл бұрын
One thing I will NEVER understand is what is the point with the War Doctor? Why not just have the 8th Doctor be the one who fought in the Time War instead of adding a secret, hidden, Doctor? Was it because, as the video says, they have something against the 8th Doctor or was it so he could run out of regenerations so he could get a new set? What was the point?
@carucath97 8 жыл бұрын
It would have been some nice irony too - one of the nicest and sweetest Doctors being the one who had to fight in an unspeakable war. (I mean the 9th Doctor was created to be a contrast to the 8th Doctor not the War Doctor)
@LibraGamesUnlimited 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I don't know what the point was.
@DarthRushy 7 жыл бұрын
Apparently, Steven Moffat couldn't imagine the 8th Doctor in the Time War. Make of that what you will.
@LibraGamesUnlimited 7 жыл бұрын
DarthRushy I've heard that before but, as I understand it, the books aren't considered cannon so the only cannon appearance of number 8 was that made for TV movie which gives us nothing to work with in regards of how he would've handled the Time War. Not sure what he was basing his thinking on, exactly.
@DarthRushy 7 жыл бұрын
Chris McWilliams That's exactly what he based it on. Something about his Byronic good looks and kindly attitude making him incapable of fighting in a war. I find that a very short-sighted and unimaginative opinion, but that was it.
@jackflemons5197 10 жыл бұрын
Great review to be fair, I'm not a huge Moffat fan but this is quite balanced which is refreshing, always enjoy your vids. Keep up the great work!
@DonoughMurphy 10 жыл бұрын
I think Moffat was and potentially can still be a good storyteller, but what I believe the main thing he is lacking is a filter. Moffat is a bit like crude oil he needs to be refined to get any results. My evidence to support this: Hardly anyone had a problem with Moffat's scripts under Russel T. Davies' tenure as show-runner. Say what you want you want about Russel's "Doctor Who" you may find bland, uninteresting and drawn-out stories, but you will rarely find a story that doesn't make sense. This was due to Russel's insistence on heavily editing his scripts before production. This is were I think the problems with Moffat's episodes stem from, now that his is in control it looks like he is giving the audience the first draft to his stories and the fact that he doesn't listen or take on board any criticism further strengthens my theory that he sees no problems in his scripts and therefore sees no point in editing them before shooting an episode. This isn't the only problem with him as show-runner but this to me is the main one and I would strongly recommend to him or his script editors to revise his scripts before making the episode.
@matthewdavison2622 7 жыл бұрын
One major proof of this is Heaven Sent and Hell Bent. Heaven Sent was a brilliant story and probably the best story Moffat wrote since Blink. Hell Bent was one worst episodes of Doctor Who and make me wonder if no one read the script before going into production.
@sleepysera 7 жыл бұрын
As far as I remember, RTD said he never touched Moffat's scripts. Which, to me, shows that the problem lies with how much time he is given. He seems to write brillant (or at least pretty good) scrips when they are just for one or two episode stories, but given the freedom to ramble on, it devolves into lack of logic, tons of forgotten plotpoints and all empty promises.
@magiv4205 6 жыл бұрын
HaichaoTeaLover Exactly. Russel may not have touched the scripts themselves, but since he wasn't showrunner, Moffat was forced to fit his stories into the current continuity, without the freedom of bullshittery and dumb cliffhangers for shock value and empty promises that he conveniently forgot to address once the season finale came around. He was forced to write a complete story, from start to finish, and to have all the major points wrapped up in the SAME. EPISODE. He didn't have that limit when he was showrunner, and that is what ruined his writing.
@peterthompson1989 6 жыл бұрын
@@magiv4205 Yeah moffat is a lot better with standalone stories. When you think, strip back Blink and you get a simple story really and it works because it is self contained and wouldn't work across a series. And that's my problem with the silence arc, it tries to outdo blink by doing a much longer version across multiple series becoming a convoluted mess at times. I always feel moffat is trying to outdo himself constantly and making clever complicated stories. When he goes back to something simple at heart its amazing
@tarponpet 4 жыл бұрын
The Daleks in the alliance while odd... made sense if you consider that... they themselves believed the end of the universe would be their doom, and if it's one thing the daleks do more than killing... it's trying to outlive everyone.
@DarthAzabrush 4 жыл бұрын
List of Species the Doctor has comitted genocide on The War Lords (by proxy of calling in the Time Lords) The Vardans The Cybermen and Daleks (repeatedly, pity it never sticks) The Vervoids (Where we learn that genocide is only article 7 of Gallifreyan law so there are at least 6 crimes considered worse by the Time Lords)
@markandresen1 6 жыл бұрын
And you're right about the show being the most beautiful-looking show on TV...undermined by the number of disappointing scripts.
@archive9796 7 жыл бұрын
Mr S "Stubaful" Hardy. I do feel at the end of this year 2017 we need an updated video on this as Moffat will have left and The Capaldi era has hugely warped Moffat. Thank you A loyal fan
@bloodrunsclear 8 жыл бұрын
I didn't know he wrote Curse of Fatal Death. I loved that one XD
@BadWolf117Returns 9 жыл бұрын
i hated Night of the doctor because i agree with you- Mcgann would wipe the fucking floor with the other doctors in Day...he would have made it enjoyable
@DarthRushy 7 жыл бұрын
I can totally imagine John Hurt's lines spoken by Paul McGann. He would've utterly owned the special and he deserved it all the way.
@matthewdavison2622 7 жыл бұрын
To me Day of the Doctor feels like a 10 year anniversary of the Nuwho accidentally aired 2 years early. It doesn't feel like it's celebrating 50 years of the show.
@evonne_okafor 7 жыл бұрын
BadWolf117Returns Agreed that Paul SHOULD had been in Day of the Doctor.
@evonne_okafor 7 жыл бұрын
DarthRushy I think that there SHOULD been space for both IMHO.
@evonne_okafor 7 жыл бұрын
Xephix Kinder felt like that. Only Sir John and Tom came away with any reputation.
@jordangreen9201 7 жыл бұрын
I am right there with you on the matt smith speeches! It drove me nuts!
@doctorwhonewsandviews878 4 жыл бұрын
According to Moffat, The Big Bang has a double meaning in that it was during this period which River was conceived.
@carealoo744 4 жыл бұрын
Holy-crap; This has almost as many views as your Chibnall video that was your most-popular video before! More and more people are watching your videos now! That's awesome! I don't mean to overstay my welcome with this comment, but I just want you to know that I sincerely appreciate you. I swear I gain about 5 brain-cells every-time I watch one of your videos, and you're a Big part as to what got me interesting in film-making. I hope others have the same experience.:)
@daniledrake4137 2 жыл бұрын
A fiend of mine has said "Writing something complicated doesn't automatically mean is well written". Oh totally agree with everything you said
@acorn1014 7 жыл бұрын
Wait a minute. There were Cybermen in A Good Man Goes to War?
@TIMELORD327 7 жыл бұрын
For me the only reason I love Day of the Doctor has very little to do with the script, but at the time I was new to who, and I went to the cinema to watch it. At the time, it was really the first time I was surrounded by people who loved the same thing I did and it was such a great collective feel. Also moments where people cheered stuck out for me. It's more the memory of watching it than the actual story that I appreciate.
@emair97 7 жыл бұрын
Cmon, Tennant's era, acting and stories are generally solid
@jplegend98 7 жыл бұрын
Tallboy683 love and monsters,fear her, end of time. Most of the rtd era is shit.
@BH-98 6 жыл бұрын
joshua powell 4 out of 60 episodes. That’s a good majority 😂
@ShelledHandle 6 жыл бұрын
joshua powell If we took the 3 worst Moff era stories and compared then to the 3 worst RTD era stories then Moff would lose hard tbh
@therook6198 7 ай бұрын
⁠@@ShelledHandle wrong. Love and monsters, fear her and lazarus experiment are far more embarrassing then Lets kill hitler, into the forest of the night and Kill the moon.
@Kiraya 5 жыл бұрын
Going from "YEAHHH!!" to "meh" sums up my journey with Russell T. Davies' seasons if I'm honest.
@ishaandw 5 жыл бұрын
I still enjoy parts of his worst episodes and most other writers don't have that in most episodes. His writing also made me enjoy the uniqueness of doctor who. Also. I like his episodes more than I should but I still love them. You kept listing out some of my favourite stories of doctor who ever and saying that they're mediocre.
@ElManReborn616 6 жыл бұрын
The Time of The Doctor is an all time favourite of mine XD. It's mostly because Doctor + children, but still
@joelmole3157 7 жыл бұрын
I might as well cite my opinions on the Moffat episodes: The Curse of Fatal Death: A funny and well-meaning parody of all the silly things about Doctor Who. Good for a laugh. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances: A very well characterised horror story with one of the most horrifying creatures in Doctor Who. The Girl in the Fireplace: Very imaginative and the chemistry between David Tennant and Sophia Myles is stellar (I ship them more than the Doctor and Rose) Blink: I mean... come on! It's Blink! What more is there to say that hasn't been said already? It's a great piece of television with a clever plot and terrifying villains. Time Crash: A nice nostalgia tour with a much welcomed return from Peter Davison Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead: Maybe not as well constructed as his previous works but it's still very imaginative and both are the two episodes that scare me the most. The Eleventh Hour: Succeeds in the Herculean task of winning us over to the Eleventh Doctor and then some. A very exciting thrill-ride. The Beast Below: For me, Moffat's first dud. A weak plot that wastes very good ideas and the whale stuff was tedious to sit through. The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone: Part 1 was a thrilling, action-packed horror story that is the Aliens to Blink's Alien. Part 2 let the series arc take control and it lessens the impact of the Angels as a result. That and it was boring. Solid overall but ends on a low note. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang: Both episodes were satisfying to watch as season enders and exciting and emotional as episodes on their own right. The Doctor's Pandorica speech is a highlight for Matt Smith. A Christmas Carol: Best watched around Christmastime as it's drenched in the Christmas spirit. It's lovely though with imaginative ideas, great performances and possibly one of the best scores by Murray Gold. And yes, the Christmas spirit is strong with this one. Space/Time: It's fluff. That's all it is. You can skip this one and miss nothing. The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon: The plot isn't very well thought out but the episode still wins for sheer entertainment value and it's scale is impressive. Also the only time the Silence are a credible threat. A Good Man Goes to War: The definition of epic. I love how the Doctor is portrayed as a dark legend here and Matt Smith knocks it out of the park. Love that he loses this one and the final reveal didn't bother me as it made sense. Let's Kill Hitler: And the downfall begins. What could've been an interesting episode about Hitler proceeds to ruin River Song's character for me by completely warping it beyond likability. The robot powered by tiny people was pretty neat though. The Wedding of River Song: This episode had me until River Song drained the weapons from her astronaut suit. What started as a very somber story about accepting death with a very touching tribute to the late great Nicholas Courtney turns into a dull exposition dump which has a very stupid ending that still bothers me to this day. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe: No Moffat... just no. You can't get away with something this childish... you just can't. The only good bit was the end scene which was genuinely emotional thanks to the fantastic chemistry between the Doctor, Amy and Rory but the road there was boring and obnoxious. Asylum of the Daleks: Oh dear... at least the episode looks gorgeous and Oswin was fun. But crikey was this a mess? The Daleks did nothing, the Amy and Rory subplot was a massive waste of time and that ending still infuriates me to this day. The Angels Take Manhattan: Why do people like this one again? The Angels were wasted with the Statue of Liberty being just... ugh, the plot makes little sense, it's boring and the ending could've easily been averted. Dammit Amy and Rory deserved better! The Snowmen: I keep hearing that Richard E. Grant was good in this... why? He literally has the same facial expression throughout this episode! On top of that, the episode was boring, the titular monsters did nothing and it was kind of grim which is what I didn't want for a Christmas special. That and it commits the cardinal sin of wasting the talents of Sir Ian McKellan. The Bells of Saint John: It was okay. The pacing was a lot better, the direction is gorgeous and the ending was strong but Clara failed to be interesting and some plot elements come into play just because (such as rycbar password debacle). The Name of the Doctor: Jesus this one drags! It's just people droning on and on about this supposedly awesome upcoming event that's about to happen. Plus, it's just a bit to grim for me to enjoy it. That final reveal was pretty awesome though and the resolution to Clara's arc at least makes some sense even though I couldn't care less. The Night of the Doctor: Paul McGann is awesome and the BBC should really consider bringing him back! 8 minutes isn't enough! The Day of the Doctor: For the most part, it's okay. The three Doctors work really well together but the Zygon subplot doesn't really go anywhere and could've been edited out. Then the last 20 minutes happened and suddenly I felt proud to be a Whovian with really well placed fan service and a somewhat satisfying conclusion to the Time War. Plus I may have made a head shaped hole in the ceiling when Capaldi showed up. The Time of the Doctor: Okay so the awesome event that The Name of the Doctor heavily teased was not awesome and instead was a gigantic mess with a premise that's way to big for a one hour special, clunky exposition and some truly awful jokes. The regeneration scene was well handled but by then, the episode lost my interest. Deep Breath: Way too long but otherwise it's a solid introduction to Peter Capaldi. You just need to get past the bit with the dinosaur and you'll be fine. Listen: A bit up its own arse but I appreciated the experimental and ambiguous nature of the episode. I still can't figure out the plot of this though (if it even has one) Dark Water/Death in Heaven: Gets off to an okay start with Dark Water but then goes completely off the rails with a tasteless attempt to discuss death, wasted Cybermen and a plot that makes little sense. Not the worst but far from the best. Last Christmas: The lighting is gorgeous, Nick Frost as Santa is fun if a bit out of place and the monsters were genuinely creepy. But Jesus is this repetitive? It's like Moffat ran out of story half way through the episode and meandered about until he finished his script. The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar: Oh this could've been so interesting. Just remove half an hour, Missy, Clara, the Daleks, the tank, the medieval setting and the cringeworthy moments and you have a somewhat interesting dive into the Doctor and Davros' relationship. Just a shame that those aforementioned elements REALLY drag this story down. Heaven Sent: A hauntingly beautiful portrayal of grief with some truly unique ideas and emotionally devastating moments. Contains Murray Gold's best score to date. Hell Bent: *Repeatedly smacks head against the wall for the amount of stupidity in this episode* HOW COULD YOU MESS THIS UP THAT BADLY MOFFAT???????!!!!! This is Moffat's worst script in my eyes. A laboriously dull pace, a waste of Gallifrey and the Time Lords, some universe breaking ideas (the extraction chamber anyone?) and a massive middle finger to both the character of the Doctor, his arc and the excellent ending of Face the Raven and Clara Oswald. The Husbands of River Song: Yeah River Song is an idiot this episode but it's good lighthearted fun and I adore the ending for giving us a satisfying end to River's story arc. The Return of Doctor Mysterio: As stupid as the premise is, the episode isn't that bad. It has some funny moments and good character moments but it's otherwise your standard Doctor Who episode. Kudos for having the balls to make this Christmas special non-Christmassy though. The Pilot: The plot's a bit too light with a weak monster but as an introduction to Bill, it was very well done! Well done for not making her a pain in the arse Moffat! Extremis: The mystery is well constructed and even though it's obviously set up and it gets a little convoluted at times, it's a strong episode that got me excited for what came next (shame about the other two parts though). World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls: Okay so it's clear that World Enough and Time is the stronger half with some really unique world building, devastating moments and it made the Cybermen scary again. However, that's not to discredit The Doctor Falls as that episode has some really strong character moments and it's genuinely sad at points. A bit of a shame about Bill's resolution though.
@carealoo744 4 жыл бұрын
You know, if Moffat never screwed up, we would have never gotten He Who Moans. I guess some good comes out of everything, huh? :)
@mahfuzurchowdhury2765 6 жыл бұрын
I agreed with almost everything, aside from the Day of The Doctor. I've always loved that episode.
@alexwylie2459 10 жыл бұрын
When I was listing Moffat episodes The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe was the ONLY one I completely forgot.
@ThomasSpychalski 9 жыл бұрын
***** That is up there for me, saw it once on broadcast, never had the desire to watch it again lol. But for me, Delta and the Bannermen is the worst ever.
@herbivarsawus4359 9 жыл бұрын
I agree about Beast Below. Really loved it and still do.
@rjmorrison7039 6 ай бұрын
Would be fascinating to see this updated with the moff returning now lol
@SuperWolsey 10 жыл бұрын
Day of the Dogs Dinner really broke me in not in a good way. We didn't need John Hurt (regardless of his legendary CV) to serve as an obvious band-aid for Eccleston refusing to return nor for Moffat to sort out the regeneration limit (and counting RTD's greatest mistake, Handy) in the most idiotic and obnoxious manner so who comes after him wouldn't be able to be the one to do it. The day after the horror I saw in that special didn't sink in until I played The Light At the End to wash out the pain but I found myself in tears midway with the realization that yet another "Gee, Aren't I Cleaver and Brilliant?" writer (Grant Morrison's 7 year run on Batman being the other) ruined another thing I loved dearly. I've not watched a single Classic episode nor read or listened to the new audios in the nine months since Day (save for two occasions that were Dark Eyes 2 and the recent 7th Doctor/Bernice Summerfield box set) knowing that Moffat took a dump on everything just to be brilliant and win more awards. He (and by association, the BBC) stabbed 8th Doctor fans and Big Finish (the crew and listeners alike) in the back by having 8th act a deserter and to end his life just so everyone can be distracted by John Hurt (while taking the mick out of 9th and his fans) after five years of reference to the Time War and 8th's part in it (the IDW comic The Forgotten showed 8th during the War) . Not only that but cheated the three men who really wanted to be in the special to honor their time on the show: Davison, C. Baker, and McCoy. As I once said in my review on it in my blog, those three deserved better as does Paul, Matt and Jenna (leaving David out because he'll do anything good or crap) Day was a horrible excuse of a Anniversary Special and one of the worst Who in any medium in my book. As much guff I given Zagreus over the years for that infamous line that declared the books, audios, and comics separate (that got overrode by three releases that nailed that line in the coffin), I'd sooner re-listen to it and re-watch Dimensions in Time before ever seeing Day of the Doctor ever again in my household. This fan doesn't forgive nor will forget the atrocity that was committed in 2013. Keep the videos coming, Stuart!
@Stubagful 10 жыл бұрын
Cheers Kory :) Yeah as much as Zagreus wasn't exactly that great, the difference between the two is at least Zagreus is interesting. Its unexpected, different and so bloody mad you had no idea what it was gonna do next. One minute Davison is a mad scientist priest, next Sophie Aldred is a militant talking space duck. Day of the Doctor by comparison just didn't exactly feel...well...special. How on Earth Doctor who magazine voted it the best episode in the show's history is beyond me
@DOWSOE 10 жыл бұрын
you said it !!!!! I pick The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot and Adventure through Space and Time over Day in a heartbeat
@Jaywalkerflow 9 жыл бұрын
kory stephens Nicely conveyed. I appreciate you bringing up Morrison's run on Batman. GREAT example. haha
@SuperWolsey 8 жыл бұрын
*****​ and people though everything Gallifrey centered around the 80s was a turn off.... Next up, Chris Chibnall cremating the show's corpse with his own bullshit. But after Moffat molests it one more time before the homegoing
@SuperWolsey 8 жыл бұрын
*****​ You're talking to someone who'd happily rewatch The Twin Dilemma or for another anniversary season level "Fuck you!" example in Power Rangers Megaforce as a whole before ever clapping my eyes on Day of the Dogs Dinner or Hell Bent ever again. Even Big Finish fell victim to the Moffat menace in doing River Song and War Doctor audio books to where I'm now divorced from them. It'll take a full blown reboot to reverse the damages Moffat caused
@Witzke231 3 жыл бұрын
I think the Silence's connection with lightning is from the US's first encounter with aliens being knocked down to a weather balloon. Also, freak electric storms or something.
@nightowl8477 7 жыл бұрын
12:27 yeah but he does it with a massive smile on his face
@HuntmasterMagic 10 жыл бұрын
Personally, I don't feel like current Who deviates enough from "random alien planet with alien stuff" or "random place in the UK between 1800 and modern day with alien stuff". Give me more stories set in the proper past; the Pompeii episode tried to do that but sadly fell a bit flat. I'd also appreciate a little less "generic alien villain of the week" stuff, though I appreciate that is a bit harder to do with the current set-up and the moving away from storylines. Moffat also has that annoying tendency to stretch storylines that are fairly ropey to begin with across many year's worth of seasons, and since they rarely have good payoffs all that does is annoy me.
@Stubagful 10 жыл бұрын
***** totally agree there. I see what he's trying to do, its kinda like how comic books instigate huge story arcs that span entire years, but the difference is its a TV series which requires a lot more planning and forethought which is why story arcs were usually quite small in the classic show, and its clear he didn't have time to give it the forethought he needed so he'd spend all this time teasing us and keeping us watching specifically to see the payoff, but he hadn't given nearly as much thought to that payoff
@Whovan 6 жыл бұрын
In day of the Doctor at the end where all the doctors are at the cloud thingy, why were there not two tennants?
@dickripper6049 10 жыл бұрын
Day and Time of The Doctor both feel like Moffat desperately attempting to crawl out of a corner he backed himself into. He can write a good cliffhanger, but disappoints when it's time to pay the piper. If he thought out his plots instead of making it up as he goes, he really could pen some great stories.
@Pcwarmachine 8 жыл бұрын
One of my biggest problems with Moffet's version of the Doctor Who universe is that it is so tiny. Yes I know there are budget reasons why new aliens and such can't make weekly appearances. But please... stop making the year 5000AD/CE where everyone has time travel abilities and all the known races are in each others backyards. The 20th century Doctor Who universe at least took us to new worlds and such. So yeah SCALE is something that seems to be a problem with some people writing sci-fi. Much like JJ Abrams didn't get that the New Republic would be a GALAXY sprawling collection of worlds where destroying a planet and some moons (or a bunch of planets in the same solar system) could not in ANY WAY actually cause the downfall of a GALACTIC republic. The magic that is Doctor Who is that he has the ability to walk into his box, press some buttons and work some levers and go anywhere.... anywhere in the entire universe. And of course at ANY time in the universe. They seem to forget that small wee bit every once in a while.
@DarthRushy 7 жыл бұрын
The Republic hasn't fallen. Just the government has, which the First Order plans to usurp.
@Freak80MC 9 жыл бұрын
I agreed with you on mostly everything except with two episodes. With "A Christmas Carol" I very much disagreed with you as I thought that was one of the best new Who episodes that have aired so far, though that may be because I don't have much exposure to the christmas carol stories as I don't really watch Christmas related movies that often. And with "The Time of The Doctor", I thought that was such an amazing end to the 11th Doctor's era as it tied everything together perfectly for me. So all in all, Moffat can be a great when he really tries, but I think it was a mistake to make him the head writer as he only ever shines when he is given limited amounts of episodes to make as then he can actually create amazing episodes with a lot of thought and care put into them.
@stabbyfree 6 жыл бұрын
The one thing Moffat is really good at is regeneration, even if time of the doctor was bad Matt Smith regeneration was fantastic
@gorby1984 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I’d just rather have a series following Paul McGann then series 12
@CelticPred1997 9 жыл бұрын
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances - I don't think the ending was cheesy. I think it was lovely. The Girl in the Fireplace - I don't think the stereotypical Moffat women came before River Song. Madame de Pompadour has a sort of relationship with the Doctor, but she is an interesting enough character otherwise for her to not just be another Moffat woman. Blink - I don't have any specific complaints with the episode. It has the whole cyclical story thing that has been done a bit too much now, and doesn't exactly make sense but it works. I think it's a good episode. It's not that great, in my opinion. I think it's been solidified as being considered such a good episode mainly because a lot of non-fans saw and liked it, which made the fans like it more (that's how it's been in my experience anyway). Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead - The only thing I dislike is the moment at the end where it turns out that Donna's husband was real but he loses her. I just find that quite sad. The Eleventh Hour - Well it's bad enough that I haven't bothered rewatching it (or the rest of Moffat's era) since. I will at some point in hope that my opinion changes. But unrelated to story, the CGI in that episode is the worst of modern 'Doctor Who'. How does it manage to be worse than 2005 CGI (not that that's bad)? The Beast Below - I sort of liked it at the time. Something I'd like to point out though, not about this episode as such is that 'Kill the Moon', I felt, tried to copy 'The Beast Below' in the whole moral decision thing, and it did it a lot worse. Time of the Angels/Flesh and Stone - It was alright. I'm not really keen on the Angels being anything more than the simplistic great enemy they were in 'Blink'. A big issue I have though is that the Angels are stone when not being looked at, in part 2, and we also see them move. That would have been cool for other villains but not for the Weeping Angels. 'The Descent' - Certainly not one of about 3 good horror movies made in the last 20 years. There are so many. And granted I had 'The Descent' on kind of in the background, but I didn't like it. 'The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang - Firstly, I'm not sure how the Doctor's speech is in any way relevant to the Tenth Doctor's sad face. Secondly, I'm sure any one of those spaceships could have quite simply fired some kind of laser and obliterated the area, thus killing the Doctor and friends. A Christmas Carol - I highly dislike the very basis of it; the fact that it's a 'A Christmas Carol' version. But I did find it unique enough to enjoy it somewhat. The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon - I think it is a bit tedious, yes. But there are a few scenes I quite like. I'm not sure what's wrong with the Silence shooting Blue lightning. What else could they do? I never even thought about the genocide being out of character. But yes it is. "coward any day". Asylum of the Daleks - It has problems, but for some reason I like it. I don't have any issue with the Amy and Rory sub-plot. That's just a little bit of extra plot for me. And in reference to the Oswin twist, it wasn't predictable. You predicted it; fine. But others didn't, because it wasn't very predictable. The Angels Take Manhattan - I like it overall. It has some pretty big issues but it's good overall. The Snowmen - The villain plot is awful, and the ending very silly (just like so many of the Moffat era episodes). But Clara is just so great in this episode, that I really like it. It's definitely not the best Christmas Special. It's the best Moffat special though. Or at least my favourite. Hmm, 'Last Christmas' was very good though. I'm not sure. It's better than 'A Christmas Carol', 'The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe', and 'The Time of the Doctor' at least. The Great Intelligence was so dull in it, I found (as was he in his later appearances). The Bells of Saint John - meh. One thing I'd like to say though is that I really don't like that Miss Kizlet turns out to be someone who was kidnapped as a girl and is now lost. That was just pointed out as a matter-of-fact type thing, and then just left, adn I thought that was too sad to just do like that. The Name of the Doctor - Truly awful. I abslutely hate it. A number of plot holes, and it isn't even concluded. It is my second least favourite episode before... The Day of the Doctor - Way too many plot holes. And the War Doctor was done terribly. Thank you for being the only person who reviews it and dislikes it. I wouldn't say, like you, that I couldn't get into it. There were bits I like, but overall I just... ugh, it's awful. The Time of the Doctor - For some reason, as with Series 7 part 1 including 'The Snowmen', despite its bad points, I like this episode. The last line though, with the Doctor looking into the camera - Ughghhhhh. People do still obsess over the Tenth Doctor's last line, and no-one criticises the Eleventh Doctor's last line and look into the camera.
@PatrickCervantez 10 жыл бұрын
That was a really interesting video, Stuart. After watching your videos, I'll admit, because of you, i kind of now realize that I got into Doctor Who originally because it was a bit of explosion porn. New Earth and Gridlock aside,the two proper episodes that i can remember clearly were Fires of Pompeii and Journey's End, mostly because of said explosion porn but I digress. Like you, I enjoyed Eleventh Hour, Beast Below and Night of the Doctor, although I did enjoy the Christmas specials more than you (Time of the Doctor excluded... the rest we'll just say because I'm American). All your points make a whole lot of sense, and I can see why you've become frustrated with Moffat. Aside from the specials, I missed a good majority of Matt Smith's first two seasons, so I can't form as educated an opinion on them as you, I do remember more from season 5 than 6, I didn't care for Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, I barely remember The Lodger or Vampires of Venice... and I think I may've saw Victory of the Daleks, But I'm not sure. Besides Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon, I only saw Closing Time and Wedding of River Song. By far, I do like Season 7 far more than the general demographic. I liked most of it bar Power of Three, Bells, Hide, and Nightmare in Silver. I am more optimistic about season 8 because it sounds like Capaldi seems to have more control, but I'll just have to wait and see. On an unrelated note, I am glad to hear that you've reassessed your thoughts on Bells of St. John... although I'm still probably more critical of than, progress has been made. lol
@Stubagful 10 жыл бұрын
Doctor Who has always had that explosion porn aspect to it. Look at Remembrance of the Daleks for example, sooooo many explosions :D Plus they were all practical effects I'm probably more jaded about Moffat because I was a really big fan of his earlier work and hyped myself up far too much by the time season 6 came round. Its not like I think his recent work is bad or badly made I'm just unenthusiastic at this point
@PatrickCervantez 10 жыл бұрын
I see what you mean... and that was back when they actually blew shit up! I understand what you mean about being jaded about Moffat. The one story I really like that he wrote in Season 7 was The Snowmen. I liked that story a lot mostly because of how he wrote Clara... it wasn't as shallow or one-dimensional (at least to me) as modern Clara. She had that kind of wide-eyed wonder Victoria Waterfield had at the beginning of Tomb of the Cybermen when seeing the TARDIS for the first time...
@PatrickCervantez 10 жыл бұрын
Now that i think about it, the scene did kind of remind me of the opening shot of TotC..Wow.
@TwoCentReview 7 жыл бұрын
It's good to see someone dig into "The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe". It is probably the worst Doctor Who story I've watched.
@peterthompson1989 6 жыл бұрын
I know this is an old video and i agree with most of everything you said as usual but I've always been a massive fan of a Christmas carol and thought it was usually highly rated but most on here don't seen to be a fan. Obviously we all share different opinions as the world would be crap if we just agreed but i always felt that episode had a magical feel to it. Maybe thats the issue as its unusual. It had moffats timey wimey stuff without being over complicated, helped by the fact it was a standalone episode. It also felt fun. The christmas specials have always been fluff but i felt the balance was right in this, and had more substance than usual. The wardrobe one though, lets not talk about that
@ender7278 7 жыл бұрын
I have to say, Day of the Doctor broke me. It didn't feel much like a celebration. It felt like an ordinary episode that just so happened to have a couple of extra doctors and some easter eggs. I suffered through series 8, though I hated almost every bit of it (I liked Time Heist, though). I eventually left the fandom altogether for a few years, but now I'm back.
@archive9796 7 жыл бұрын
It must feel like you left a house which the back room was on fire but manageable and now it's just a charred ruined burned house
@markandresen1 6 жыл бұрын
Misreading the byline as 'every Moffatt panned episode...' brought me here.
@Mike-fy7em 10 жыл бұрын
I respect your opinion... But I just gotta say I completely disagree.. A Christmas Carol was brilliant writing and I love about 95% of everything Moffat has done. I will admit I wasn't that big a fan of Asylum Of The Daleks and at first The Wedding Of River Song (Which I ended up really loving after my 3rd watch through the series). But mostly I love his work. The thing with Moffat is he appeals to a different nature than what RTD did. Some people dig it and others don't. But I will say RTD had some pretty horrible scripts! Farting aliens? Really? A overly long bloated finally episode for David Tennant (Which I still admit I enjoyed). I just love what Moffat has done with the series! He has brought it into the 21 century with everything from the productions value to the overall appeal. If it wasn't for moffat then the huge amount of people here in the US wouldn't even know about Doctor who. But I do think Series 5 was the best by itself but I like series 7 more just based off of the specials added on.
@Stubagful 10 жыл бұрын
To each his own :) He did appeal to me a lot more than Russell did, loads of us Classic Doctor Who fans were more into what he was doing than...yep the slitheen, wow they were a bad move so early on. I just felt really letdown after loving his earlier work as much as I did, might be partly my fault for raising my expectations. I will agree I respect the work he's done building the US audience for the show though, and yeah the production value has rocketed through the roof, Moffat's era looks bloody magnificent, the people he's got on board do stunning work. I just can't really get into some of his more recent scripts.
@quinnsinclair7028 7 жыл бұрын
That was a lot kinder to many of his episodes than I would have been in his place. Personally both the episodes in which the Weeping Angels reappeared were unforgivingly disapointing because they broke the established rules of the monsters and to me at least killed any sense of them being scary. Which to be honest Moffat seems to have done with the two most famous DW monster races, the Cybermen and the Daleks. On a related note the Daleks are a race so xenophobic that in the Series 1 finale the knowledge that their organic components had been reverse engineered from pure Dalek DNA but used human DNA as raw material drove them all insane. Yet despite this they now assimilate other lifeforms into humanoid Dalek hybrid things without any sort of problem.
@arifakyuz7673 3 жыл бұрын
Odd that the daleks would go insane from such a thought, considering they did just that in Revelation of the Daleks
@codyw1 9 жыл бұрын
I liked all his stuff up to and including the series 6 opening 2 parter (even Beast Below is "okay") but then he lost it. His stuff in the last three years is just terrible.
@TheClockworkNewt 7 жыл бұрын
Moffat is BBC's personal Michael Bay.
@mr.barcode3186 7 жыл бұрын
And now for my brief analysis of every Moffat-penned Doctor Who story ever: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances; fucking terrifying! Excellent plot, great side characters, and some great twists. 9/10 The Girl in the Fireplace; it wouldn't be out of place in a Disney movie, but I feel that this one doesn't suit Doctor Who. 3/10 Blink; very overrated. Yes, the plot is clever, but I don't find the Weeping Angels all that scary. 7/10 Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead; very good. Excellent debut/swansong for River, and a great plot with the computer and the Vashta Nerada. 8/10 The Eleventh Hour; phenomenal debut for Smith's Doctor. The plot is a little basic for a Moffat script, but it's a great post-regenerative story, and it sets up the story arc of Series 5 rather well. 9/10 The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone; very atmospheric. The Weeping Angels are beginning to become convoluted, but at least they're still threatening. Overall, quite good. 8/10 The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang; Probably the best Matt Smith story. Very fantastical, excellent plot with the TARDIS exploding... the only problem I have with it the ending; so, the Doctor gets wiped from time and space, and then Amy just wishes him back into existence? Wtf?!? 5/10 A Christmas Carol; bad. Ripoff of the Charles Dickens novel, and ignores some basic science. Plus, WAY too fairy-tale-ish, even without the Dickens ripoff. 2/10 The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon; a strong start for Series 6. Very good plot with the Silence, and the Doctor's "death" is very well handled. 8/10 A Good Man Goes to War; not bad. The sudden introduction of the Pater Noster gang is kind of shoved-in-your-face, and the River Song reveal was one of the cheapest Doctor Who twists I've ever seen. But the plot with the Headless Monks is alright. 6/10 Let's Kill Hitler; yeah, don't like this one. Controversial title, unnecessarily complicates River's timeline, and the Doctor being poisoned wasn't that well done. 3/10 The Wedding of River Song; Stupid. A weak and cliche ending for Series 6. Makes no fucking sense even now! 1/10 The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe; yeah... no! First Charles Dickens, now Narnia? Seriously? 1/10 Asylum of the Daleks; worst Dalek story of all time. I've written about this elsewhere. 0/10 The Angels take Manhattan; Horrible. A weak exit for Amy and Rory, and ruins the Weeping Angels forever. 1/10 The Snowmen; I think Moffat wrote the script for this one after someone dared him to shoehorn the words "doctor who" into an episode as many times as possible. That and the emotional defeat at the end aside, it's OK. 4/10 The Bells of Saint John; Not sure what to say about this one. It wasn't bad, but not good either. 5/10 Name of the Doctor; How much continuity can one guy fuck with? 0/10 Day of the Doctor; THIS is what they're making for the 50th anniversary?!? 1/10 Time of the Doctor; rushed, too many references shoe-horned in, and a great potential plot wasted. 2/10 Deep Breath; worst post-regenerative story ever! 0/10 Listen; again, *STOP FUCKING AROUND WITH LORE MOFFAT!!!* 0/10 Dark Water/Death in Heaven; worst Cyberman story and worst Master story. 0/10 Last Christmas; why does everyone think this one was so clever? The plot was literally 'it was all a dream'. Plus, why did Clara return? 2/10 The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar; great character work, but I hate HATE *HATE* the fact that they tried to fuck up Dalek lore. 5/10 The Girl Who Died; a weird mix of entertaining and existential. 5/10 Heaven Sent; absolutely phenomenal! Delves into the Doctor's psyche, and shows off Capaldi to the best of his acting abilities. 10/10 Hell Bent; worst Doctor Who story of all time. Makes "Doomsday" look like "Power of the Daleks". 0/10 The Husbands of River Song; not bad. A fun Christmas romp, and rounds off River's character nicely. 7/10 The Return of Doctor Mysterio; poorly constructed plot, blatant Superman imagery. 3/10 The Pilot; not a bad opener for Series 10. Introduces Bill nicely, but the villain was a little weak. 6/10 Extremis; honestly the best episode of the Monk Trilogy. A total ripoff of "The Android Invasion" but that aside it was OK. 5/10 World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls; the best Cyberman story since Silver Nemesis, a great character piece for the Doctor and the Master, and Capaldi's best performance by a long way. 10/10
@Timothan 8 жыл бұрын
I swear, the only Doctor Who Christmas special they ever show here in Australia is The Doctor the Widow and the Wardrobe. It ruins Christmas for me every year.
@sleepysera 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with most but not the Christmas Specials. Was utterly bored by the snowmen but absolutely loved the sparkly Narnia-style forest and this particular, bittersweet take on the Christmas Carol story. I'm sorry, but during Christmas, I'm sappy and emotional and want to feel touched. I don't care if that means things are a bit sappy.
@JamesPlaysGames95 10 жыл бұрын
i can understand the daleks having the alliance in the pandorica opens. last week, i watched Day of the daleks and it makes sense they work with the Ogrons, because they are a dumb race to do the dirty work. then the daleks just kill them when finished
@rhysjonesmusic6064 9 жыл бұрын
The Curse of Fatal Death - Great The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances - Bad The Girl in the Fireplace - Okay Blink - Okay The Eleventh Hour - Okay The Beast Below - Okay The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone - Good The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang - Good A Christmas Carol - Okay (Only because of Katherine Jenkins) Space + Time - Bad The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon - Good A Good Man Goes to War - Good (Hate the cliffhanger) Let's Kill Hitler - Great The Wedding of River Song - Good The Doctor, The Widow & The Wardrobe - Amazing (oops I love it) Asylum of the Daleks - Great The Angels Take Manhattan - Amazing The Snowmen - Good The Bells of Saint John - Bad The Name of the Doctor - Bad (Clara's timeline was just no) The Night of the Doctor - Amazing (Paul McGann is just wow) The Day of the Doctor - Bad (Fucking bullshit, the only thing that was good about it was Tom Baker & a picture of Sarah Jane at UNIT) The Time of the Doctor - Bad (Meh, hate Clara, hate the regeneration but I like Clara's gran) Bad = 6 Okay = 5 Good = 5 Great = 3 Amazing = 3 Basically Moffat's episodes were average or good until Clara came, she's a fucking douchebag and I hate her so much. Worst companion ever. Moffat can't write for shit.
@DarthRushy 7 жыл бұрын
Empty Child bad, Eleventh Hour okay... Asylum great??? Manhattan AMAZING?!?! What is this list?!?
@Roggoll 7 жыл бұрын
YES shoutout to a A Muppet's Christmas carol, fucking best adaptation of that story ever! That gets a like and a sub just for that.
@ojwh1933 8 жыл бұрын
Why is Moffat answerable for everything in his era? I don't agree nor disagree; I just don't really understand the amount of control he has. What are your issues with 'Blink'? I've only watched the Eleventh Doctor's era once so far but I wasn't a fan of 'The Eleventh Hour'. I think the introduction to Amy and the Eleventh Doctor was great but the villain story was quite "meh". The CGI is also the worst of modern 'Doctor Who' (for some reason) in my opinion. Not exactly a fault of the episode but I'm also not a fan of story arc's that consume the series (as opposed to a more subtly, RTD-styled story arc) and opening stories that end without concluding, so you have to wait until later to find out what's going on. I'm not sure whether the crack arc does make sense but I don't understand it or whether it simply doesn't make sense given the various explanations and alterations to it. 'The Beast Below' - I basically agree. It is somewhat unbelievable in places but I like the political message and thought it was interesting overall. Something in particular that annoyed me about it though was that Amy seemingly knew the Doctor was a kind old man when it's just her second story. I mean I guess that could be explained actually by the fact that he was an imaginary friend to her and she's sort of known him for ages. Still, her description of the Doctor seemed like one someone who'd been travelling with him for longer than that would give. It was rather intuitive regardless of her to project that upon the whale. Of course had this been a later story it wouldn't have seemed right maybe for Amy to have chosen to forget. 'The Time of the Angels'/'Flesh and Stone' - I'm not keen. At the time I preferred the second part but I don't really like either because they mess with the weeping angels. They were brilliant in a 'simple but good' way originally. That simplicity was lost here as they were made convoluted and it didn't really make much sense at more than one point. In terms of the image idea, people looked into the eyes of the weeping angels in 'Blink' and there was no problem there. And in the second part, Amy has her eyes closed yet the angels are still. It was said to be a reflex thing them becoming stone. Surely they'd know that they weren't being looked at. They can see after all. We also see a weeping angel move its head... slowly. a) When they're stone they shouldn't move. That is their defensive state that if they could move from, the resolution to 'Blink' doesn't work. b) The movement was slow. The weeping angels are meant to be very very very very quick. That would have been a creepy moment for another villain, not the villain that's threat is in the fact that it's super fast. 'The Descent' is also not one of about 3 good horror movies made in the last 20 years (in my opinion). 'Attack the Block', 'The Ring', 'Insidious', 'Saw', 'Dead Silence', 'The Babadook', '28 Days Later', 'I Am Legend', the 'Scream' movies, 'The Cabin in the Woods', 'Evil Dead', 'Don't Be Afraid of the Dark', 'Pan's Labyrinth', 'The Blair Witch Project', 'The Sixth Sense', 'The Omen' (2006 - while a remake it does a better job than the original which I find dated. People who say the remake is terrible are incorrect in my opinion. It's just not original). Regarding the speech of 'The Pandorica Opens' well a) I'm not sure what that has to do with the Tenth Doctor's emotional bits but b) I found it silly. Any of those spaceships could've simply fired a laser or whatever and killed everyone there.
@kbg12ila 7 жыл бұрын
I haven't really liked any of Moffats who. (With him as showrunner)
@archive9796 7 жыл бұрын
At all?
@kbg12ila 7 жыл бұрын
79.03.13 Well I liked it all before he started as show runner and then I only really liked a couple episodes here and there but I never really liked what he did with the show overall.
@morningcoffeecat2271 7 жыл бұрын
kbg12ila Same, I like some of Capaldis' episodes but I didn't like any episode in Matt Smiths run (not due to Matt Smith, he's pretty good. Just the poor writing)
@jasonpaulbaker1 9 жыл бұрын
here is my personal rating list of all moffat episodes/stories (including series 8) :) i've listed each as either fantastic/great/good/average/poor/bad/SHIT the curse of fatal death - fantastic the empty child/the doctor dances - fantastic the girl in the fire place - great blink - fantastic time crash - great silence in the library/forest of the dead - fantastic the eleventh hour - fantastic the beast below - good the time of angels/flesh and stone - great the pandorica opens/the big bang - split rating: 1st half = great, 2nd half = bad a christmas carol - SHIT space/time - poor the impossible astronaut/day of the moon - good a good man goes to war - average lets kill hitler - SHIT the wedding of river song - bad the doctor the widow and the wardrobe - bad asylum of the daleks - poor the angels take manhattan - great the snowmen - great the bells of saint john - great the name of the doctor - great night of the doctor - fantastic the day of the doctor - great the time of the doctor - average deep breath - fantastic into the dalek - fantastic listen - fantastic time heist - great the caretaker - great dark water/death in heaven - fantastic last christmas - great i do like steven moffat, he has made some of my favorite episodes, 3 of them are in my top 10 best, however he has also written some of the worst episodes as well, 6 within my top ten worst, "a christmas carol" is the episode i hate the most. he seems to be back on his feet in series 8 in my oppinion, hopefully it'll continue in series 9
@lyork4929 10 жыл бұрын
I think there is a steady downfall of quality in stories for each sow runner as parting of the ways was better than the end of time, except for JNT......
@IdontknowwhatImdoing539 6 жыл бұрын
I don't mind girl in the fireplace, but honestly it would be 100x stronger if it had the relationship form between Mickey and Madame de Pompadour (a kinda bad choice for the sexy mistress thing as she and Louis XV were genuinely in love and she didn't enjoy sex in the slightest, causing their relationship to evolve into a deep and complex friendship with her arranging for Louis to have one night flings while she remained the official mistress, but eh, I can go for it) instead of the doctor and Madame de Pompadour.
@RettinalView 9 жыл бұрын
I agree with every doctor but 10 Possibly being okay with Genocide because if you watch Bad Wolf and Parting of Ways even though 9 is the PTS Doctor and he is always upset about losing his people and committing Genocide of the Daleks....... but the minute they come back in Parting of Ways and in Dalek of Season 1 he tells them "Why dont you finish the Job, WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE!" or " .....just to finish off I am gonna wipe every last stinking Dalek out of the sky" so he is okay with Genocide including wiping them out with a giant exploder thing, but the only reason he doesnt do it and becomes a "coward" is because he doesnt want to kill the people, if he didnt have to kill the people then he would easily press down the pump and kill every dalek, also it shows because he is perfectly fine with Rose killing all of the Daleks, so....... that means The Doctor is perfectly fine with Genocide of a species except Humans and his own.... maybe beecause 9 is so okay with it thats why 10 is not and hates death but idk.
@DarthRushy 7 жыл бұрын
This whole anti-genocide thing doesn't make much sense to me. I get that the Doctor doesn't like *killing*, but getting pissy over the Daleks in Journey's End is a bit ridiculous. Actually, even in Genesis, it annoys me. He's killed loads of them and never feels bad about it(right from their first story in 1963), but now that he has a chance to end the whole thing, nope, their civilisation is too important!
@carealoo744 9 жыл бұрын
i honestly enjoyed space/time. i had to watch it like 9 times before completely understanding what was happening. and yes the jokes weren't very appropriate for 4 year olds, but i liked the idea. i like the story. and since they were mini episodes, watching it over and over again took the same amount of time as watching a 25/45 minute ep
@carealoo744 9 жыл бұрын
+carealoo744 i also liked time of the doctor. i just thought it was too fast paced. like Votesaxon07 said, if it was a 2 parter with part 2 being a new years day special it would have worked
@GanjaCatGaming 10 жыл бұрын
ok so my opinions on Moffet's stories SPOLIERS! If u cant be bothered to read through the long ones I understand but please read my thoughts on Day of the Doctor, I love hearing what people think of how I would have handled "fixing the time war" yes its a stupid idea in itself its just how I would have done it Curse of the Fatal Death: Best thing he ever did Empty Child: Beautiful (I even loved the ending because of what it meant to the Doctor at the time) Girl in the Fireplace: a bit overrated but I really enjoyed it Blink: second best thing he's ever done Silence in the Library: see Girl in the Fireplace Time Crash: fucking brilliant every second but 5th not realising the TARDIS looked different annoyed the shit out of me The Eleventh Hour: well Im of the opinion that almost every single "new Doctor's first story" is utter shit (Twin Dilema, Time and the Rani, TV Movie, Xmas Invasion, Rose etc.) but honestly, this one? not that bad, enjoyable, not great but pretty good. Beast Below: same as you, but i would never watch it again because too silly and the scene surrounding the reveal/ solution of the problem brought me to tears. Time of the Angels: 1st part was a fantastic build up to a horrible pay off in the second that ruined most of my love for the weeping angels and replaced it with the fear that they were going to become a milked villain that would appear too often and get over complicated for the sake of making their appearences seem like something new. Pandorica Opens: again 1st part was a fantasic build up, loved it all but the Daleks being involved (cmon Moffet u already used them once this year u didnt need to again u fuck) 2nd half was fucking dreadfull, hated it. Rory's involvement alone was the only reason i sat through the whole thing because I fucking love Rory he's one of my fav companions along with Donna and Ace, oh and that fucking paradox solution for the Doctor escaping i have always dispised that as a plot point in sci fi Xmas Carol: *sigh* for fucks sake Space/Time: *sigh* for fucks sake Impossible Planet: good, really really fucking good, tho i fully agree with the Silents woooo and Davros hands being stupid and ruining them a bit. A Good Man Goes To War: pretty damn good, thoroughly enjoyed every minu- wait what? the baby is River?!?! U FUCKING CUNT MOFFET I WAS FUCKING ENJOYING THAT PLOT LINE WITH THE BABY AND I WAS HAPPIER THINKING RIVER WAS A FUTURE COMPANION FROM THE FAR FUTURE EARTH OR EVEN BETTER ANOTHER PLANET GOD FUCKING KNOWS WE AINT SEEN ANY NEW INTERESTING HOMELANDS FOR A COMPANION SINCE THE FUCKING 80S U FUCK, U FUCK, GAHHHH Let's Kill Hitler: *facedesk8 *facedesk* *facedesk* *FACEDESK* P.S. fuck u moffet u lazy fuck Wedding of River Song: i really should watch it again before commenting but right now i dont care to, all i remember (literally, i dont recall a single clip from ur video) is SPOILERS the Doctor was really a shapeshifting robot with a real tiny Doctor inside, i thought that was shit and River whispering some crap in Amy's ear so she new the Doctor was alive, i also remember thinking at the time that that was shit but like I said I really should watch it again. Narnia: really? really moffet? wtf?! what the actual fuck?!?! STOP USING OLD XMAS STORIES AS DOCTOR WHO PLOTS U LAZY FUCK, i typically hate xmas specails of anything, except sitcoms that actually do something cool so when i heard DW would be doing xmas specials i was pissed off but i never let them bother me, but this one... this fucking episode. fuck u moffet u lazy fuck. Asylum of the Daleks: same as u again. FUCK U MOFFET U LAZY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Angels Take Manhatten: oh christ, oh fucking christ, ok, initial idea: really good, minus the fucking Liberty Statue (too far moffet u lazy fuck), execution: shit although I did like the idea of Rory getting caught by an Angel and Amy deciding she wanted to be with him so let one take her, i actually love the idea and the scene itself moved me to tears it was fan-fucking-tastic Gillian's best ever fucking scene in the whole show but, really? an angel just pops out of fucking nowhere and grabs Rory when no ones looking? or thats how i remember it, i would love to know where the fuck that angel came from. But i thought it would have been 100x better if an Angel had caught Rory just before the resolution to the problem during a bit of the action and Amy spend the rest of the time being distraught begging the Doctor to save him to then decide to do what she actually did. it would have the entire experience better for me and i feel an Angel taking Rory during the actual plot, while theyre trying to get away from a bunch of angels or something would have grounded the show a bit more. The Snowmen: I have only enjoyed 2 xmas specials, this and Runaway Bride (mostly just cos Donna) didnt think it was great i just quite enjoyed it, plus I actually somewhat enjoyed Clara in this one and was looking forward to the Doctor FINALLY having a companion from a different time-- wait what?... she?... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK U MOFFET U LAZY FUCK!!!!!!!!! Bells of ST John, like Wedding of River I really need to watch it again, i dont remember a single thing whatsoever Name of the Doctor: Moffet, Im getting sick of ur shi-- oh wtf? Grandfather? Shorty? Teeth and Curls? White Hendrix? oh my, if Clara wasnt on screen I might cry. if it werent for the fact that its Clara who is the one to do what she does this would be one of my favourite episodes, literally ANY other companion would have made it much better, even Rose, fuck Id even take Astrid, he may have a hateable personality but at least he has a personality (mostly) Night of the Doctor: 3rd best thing he's ever done Day of the Doctor: really moffet? are u fucking kidding me? ur supposed to be celebrating 50 years of who not forgetting 42 years (dont give me that ooh look its 4ths scarf shit or all the pointless references mostly only in the 1st 2 mins that can barely be seen anyway crap) and retconning, buttfucking and digesting the other 8. Peter Davison should have been in this, think about it:- He would have done it, he actually asked to do it and BBC and/or Moffet said fuck off, his doctor would have made the world of difference, given us a new way to look at the time war (sort of) from the Doctor's perspective, imagine being shown ur future and ur future is doing what the Doctor did, 5th (being The Nice Doctor) would straight away have said "No, i will not commit this act there must be another way" and he would go on to argue with 10 and 11 trying to find another way when they think theyve thought more than long enough and decided there was no other way while War thinks about which side of the coin to bet on, if you catch my drift, theres more i would have done differently thats just what i really thought was worth mentioning. all in all I enjoyed it, as an episode, it has issues but i cant help but enjoy it. that being said its a horrible shitty excuse for a 50th anniversary special, fucking Name of the Doctor would have been a better one. Time of the Doctor: well... its not the End of Time, almost there but not quite.
@Stubagful 10 жыл бұрын
*applauds* I think you just outdid my video :) I used to be as angry as this (mostly after Day of the Doctor came and underwhelmed my face off, definitely agree the past doctors arguing over his decision with the present ones, especially Davison fits with that really well, it would not only have been feasible, which Moffat likes to make us think it wouldn't have been, it would've been a better way of bringing closure to the terrible chapter in his life without undermining everything the doctor and ostensibly the show had gone through) At this point though I'm just tired and bored by the endless hype machine he builds around the show to distract us from its plethora of problems. His ego outstripped his talent a longarse time ago and now he spends a lot more time on exploiting the zeitgeist surrounding the show than he does on actually sitting down and writing it
@GanjaCatGaming 10 жыл бұрын
+ Stuart Hardy i was gunna include my thoughts on deep breath (spoiler free obviously) but i thought that wud be a bit much. yes i torrented the black and white leak, i fugured it wudnt matter as i tend to hate doctor debut stories and yh im glad i did watch it actually if you wanna hear my thoughts on it im happy to tell you
@GanjaCatGaming 10 жыл бұрын
***** i was gunna include my thoughts on deep breath (spoiler free obviously) but i thought that wud be a bit much. yes i torrented the black and white leak, i fugured it wudnt matter as i tend to hate doctor debut stories and yh im glad i did watch it actually if you wanna hear my thoughts on it im happy to tell you 
@Stubagful 10 жыл бұрын
The Dev Yeah a general yay or nay would be fine, leaving out spoilers would be great thanks so anyone reading the comments can keep spoiler free if they want to :)
@GanjaCatGaming 10 жыл бұрын
***** I hated it, it was awfull from start to Doctor settling in himself, the ending to The Doctor and Clara's part of the story was alright but then the episode had another ending that completely buttfucked and ruined the one part of the episode that i loved, and i loved that part deerly
@alexwylie2459 10 жыл бұрын
The alliance makes sense to me, as if the Universe were destroyed there'd be nothing to conquer, destroy or fight. Although why there were Silurians there I never got.
@jamesquinn6662 7 жыл бұрын
no I'd say Moffat is a pretty terrible writer who's had a few one off successes, mainly blink and the empty child. From that god awful Jekyll series to how he writes Sherlock to his stint as show runner of Dr who it baffles me that anyone can like his work. When you have to reboot the universe in multiple occasions you're doing it wrong. His writing feels like the writing your expect from someone who exclusively breathes their own farts. I could go on for hours about how he butchered the classic Sherlock stories. Let's just take a look at how Sherlock is basically a wizard because let's face it Moffat isn't smart or clever, he writes Sherlock as being this near omniscient wizard because to dumb people geniuses are indistinguishable from wizards
@GanjaCatGaming 10 жыл бұрын
hey man, hope you see this. firstly thanks for responding to my comments (youre the 1st), sorry i wrote so much, yh i do that and i just watched your review of Closing Time and it (somehow) gave me an idea for a cybermen story that i would love to see made and I wrote it all into a comment on the video because i would love to hear your thoughts on the idea, i say this here on your most recent video in case you dont look at comments on older videos.
@Stubagful 10 жыл бұрын
Oh I don't have a problem with people writing loads, I'm just neurotic when it comes to responding. I spend ages drafting and redrafting response comments in my head but since I'm usually really busy on a daily basis, quite a lot of the time I'm far away from the computer by the time I have a response in mind and forgotten it by the time I get back (hope that doesn't sound douchey of me :s)
@michaeltaylor4375 6 жыл бұрын
Closing time is a terrible cyberman story because it's not disturbing, doesn't take the villians seriously, and has a pg rating.... (butchering a human being and making them a cyborg...all the great cyberman stories have been BORDERLINE child friendly.....) All cyberman episodes should induce uneasyness and nightmares. If Chibnall doesn't get this, i'm done...
@officialbritman8150 5 жыл бұрын
As disgusting as Time of the Doctor is, I still think the worst thing is that it wasn’t called Silent Night
@PoissonVisageStudios 9 жыл бұрын
The Curse of Fatal Death - Brilliant The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances - Very good, just not really my cup of tea The Girl in the Fireplace - Amazing Blink - Phenomenal Time Crash - Great Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead - Overrated. Good parts, but not great The bit at the end of The End of Time - Terrible dialogue The Eleventh Hour - Brilliant The Beast Below - Boring The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone - Very good The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang - Starts off pretty damn good, then turns into a mess A Christmas Carol - Brilliant Space / Time - Good The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon - Very good A Good Man Goes to War - Great Let's Kill Hitler - Bad The Wedding of River Song - Awful, a terrible end of the story arc The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe - Abysmal Asylum of the Daleks - Except for awful continuity and the divorce subplot, pretty good The Angels Take Manhatten - Some good scenes, but overall okay at best really The Snowmen - Surprisingly good The Bells of Saint John - Good, but a bit underwhelming The Name of the Doctor - A bit disappointing, but with a fantastic montage The Night of the Doctor - Brilliant The Day of the Doctor - Phenomenal The Time of the Doctor - A disgraceful end to Matt Smith's Doctor Deep Breath - Brilliant Listen - So bad that I feel like I've wasted 45 mins of my life when I watch it Dark Water / Death in Heaven - Not good. Very weak plot and with many bad points Last Christmas - Pretty good, but nothing special To conclude, Moffat is starting to get less and less original and has overstayed his welcome. He needs to leave.
@Calum_Chrystal 8 жыл бұрын
I just think Day of the Doctor is a pretty enjoyable episode (that's probably because of David Tennant more than anything else).
@clarissaallan 7 жыл бұрын
I found it enjoyable, it just doesn't make any sense, and I didn't like the fact the 8th doctor gets so shunted aside.
@thresholdofdave 9 жыл бұрын
I think you're being generous. I can't say I've enjoyed anything since Moffat took over except the Day of the Doctor and that was fanboy hype.
@geoffp326 8 жыл бұрын
I tend to agree with almost everything you say, and I don't think you are being cynical. I totally agreed with you on Day of the Doctor. Moffat just doesn't seem to care about wrecking dramatic impact and character development as long as he can score a cheap shot.I totally lost track of the whole Amy/River Song arc, and the sad thing was that I didn't really care. The only story I genuinely love from the Moffat era is Cold War, and of course he didn't write it.
@happydays9997 10 жыл бұрын
A very balanced appraisal of Moffat's episodes and very enjoyable to watch. My own opinion is that Moffat overall has not done too badly at all. Yes, his episodes without the baggage of being show runner are superior. However, I would still say on balance that his episodes when show running are better than those of RTD when he had the same job. It is understandable is it not that quality will decline slightly when you have other facets of a job to look after. Yet Dr Who has steadily built in to a global phenomenon under his stewardship and I think it continues to be generally strong and compelling T.V. If one compares Dr Who to other long running t.v series after 8 seasons most have run out of steam and many episodes are fillers. Who is stronger than ever. Well done Moff.
@Stubagful 10 жыл бұрын
Happydays999 I definitely respect the efforts to broaden the global audience, that and the productions values have skyrocketed, and yeah I do understand he has more facets of the show to look at now, I just have a hard time getting invested in some of his more recent work. I'm not sure if maybe its a cultural thing and depends of what sort of TV you tend to watch, as I know quite a lot of people who were casual viewers under Russell who've fallen away from the show since season 6
@tomkenning5482 7 жыл бұрын
NO YOURE WRONG RAH RAH RAH also I have never kissed a girl
@GanjaCatGaming 10 жыл бұрын
hey Stu, just discovered ur channel a few days ago, watched quite a few of ur DW vids, honestly man I dont know if u do it to be funny or what but ur nowhere near as harsh a critic as u make urself out to be. I watch full time for a living critics like Diamanda Hagan and Nash and they are far far harsher than u, personally thats why I enjoy u lot, i find it hilarious especially as a life long DW fan, btw u shud check out their vids if u havent heard of then. Nash is a Jesus impersonator who used to do in depth follow along reviews of bad classic who stories and Hagan reviews bad new who, she is so harsh and hilariously complains about so much that her review of The End of Time was nearly as long as The End of Time, you will enjoy every minute of it tho i garantee. keep up the good work man and dont be affraid to really let rip ewvery once in a while.
@Stubagful 10 жыл бұрын
+The Dev hi :) yeah, s'true I guess. I think I've mostly been conditioned into thinking I'm harsher on nuwho than I actually am, Moffat's era in paticular because I was part of camp Moffat for so long where any criticism no matter how small against our lord and saviour is supposedly trolling, an attitude which as an aspiring writer I find really annoying that Moffat endorses. Big fan of the mistress, mostly for her main series of reviews and yes I've seen her scarily in depth end of time review, doubt anyone can ever outdo it. I like Nash too, I watch WTIWWY occasionally, will have to check out his doctor who stuff
@GanjaCatGaming 10 жыл бұрын
+ Stuart Hardy ah cool beans, yh i dont watch his main show as podcasts bore the shit outa me but ive seen most of his classic who rerviews, i couldnt find them on his main site but theyre mostly all on That Guy with the Glasses
@GanjaCatGaming 10 жыл бұрын
***** ah cool beans, yh i dont watch his main show as podcasts bore the shit outa me but ive seen most of his classic who rerviews, i couldnt find them on his main site but theyre mostly all on That Guy with the Glasses
@russelltietjen4407 3 жыл бұрын
Snuggly Moffat Time
@greghawkins59 4 жыл бұрын
Man you really do moan
@slumdogjay 3 жыл бұрын
I liked his time as show runner but agree there were a few clunkers in there. I would welcome him back with open arms though after seeing the state the show has become under Chinballs.
@garymurden6146 9 жыл бұрын
Day of the Doctor failed in a lot of people's eyes due to the lack focus. Multi villain stories are harder to pace and it showed in this one. I thought it was ok, but Light at the end was better in every way. The banter in that drove the story, rather than slowing it down.
@thezigster331 10 жыл бұрын
So with that, how'd you enjoy Deep Breath?
@charliedawson4877 6 жыл бұрын
Idk, Girl in the fire place is probably his worst pre 2010 story. The wierd fetishism of the Madame is a little off putting, and I hate how the Doctor has a romantic interest in her.
@LibraGamesUnlimited 8 жыл бұрын
What bugged me about the Christmas Carol episode was the whole thing about how, suddenly, isomorphic controls don't exist. They have always existed in the series and now suddenly, they don't.
@DarthRushy 7 жыл бұрын
What are you talking about?
@LibraGamesUnlimited 7 жыл бұрын
DarthRushy At the end of the episode it was said that the isomorphic controls wouldn't work because the guy (forget his name) had changed so much the control didn't recognize him. The Doctor then tells him that there is not such thing as isomorphic controls and proceeds to stop the machine. Not only does that make the whole episode pointless but the concept of isomorphic controls goes all the way back to the original series so suddenly saying they don't exist is really silly.
@DarthRushy 7 жыл бұрын
Chris McWilliams I'm reading the transcript of the episode, and no, he never says that. He says that Kazran's father would never have programmed it for the man Kazran is now, and then they ditch that plan entirely to use the sonic screwdriver halves to resonate the woman's singing voice, which calms the clouds.
@LibraGamesUnlimited 7 жыл бұрын
DarthRushy Granted it's been awhile but my memory was the Doctor saying there's no such thing as isomorphic technology which is blatantly silly since it's been used since the original series.
@DarthRushy 7 жыл бұрын
Chris McWilliams False memory then, because he simply doesn't say anything of the kind. Maybe Matt's motor mouth got you.
@lesserwhovian6700 9 жыл бұрын
I have no shame. I kinda enjoyed the Wedding of River Song. I didn't find it too confusing, hell , I thought The Big Bang was more complicated. I didn't think that the episode had to tie up all of the plot points. And even if I did, I would have been distracted by the episode, cause its just completely bonkers. That alone should give it some sort of merit. But I'm still annoyed that Madame Kovarian never really got her comeuppance. I mean, surely she would eventually find out the Doctors not dead?! Overall, I enjoyed it myself, but from a critical standpoint I can see its flaws clearly. 7/10
@GanjaCatGaming 10 жыл бұрын
also sorry but i cant help myself from chuckling at ur intro everytime cos of the bad font usage, ive gathered ur of the opinion that the cosmetics of the video dont matter for shit its what u say thats important hence why u dont bother to make the title card look good, if that is the case then i find it even funnier.
@Stubagful 10 жыл бұрын
lol, yeah you can totally tell these videos are made in a hurry :p free time to focus on the aesthetics of my videos is really not my area of expertise
@ribbonrei 7 жыл бұрын
the day of the doct-ugh is p much my opinion on it. 13-yr-old me was fascinated w/eight for a variety of reasons and i was so disappointed, especially when i rewatched it without the hype of the actual day. meanwhile, i could marry night of the doctor i stg.
@thewhovianwithasmallcollec7319 6 жыл бұрын
One thing about moffat I like is he never follows his own rules (hell bent looses memory of clara twice upon a time doctor can remember clara!)
@TheDailyCrumb2 10 жыл бұрын
i want to do a graph now
@funsickus 9 жыл бұрын
i actulay love all of moffats storys
@clarissaallan 9 жыл бұрын
If Moffat wants to compete continuity can he please explain what happened to Ace?
@razzledazzle7776 8 жыл бұрын
She gets a mention in the SJA saying she now runs a charity.
@clarissaallan 7 жыл бұрын
And in the comics she dies, so who knows.
@ansambel3170 7 жыл бұрын
my problem with moffat is that everything is about the doctor. to prove my point lets review titles of the last 10 episodes reviewed... [insert generic ambiguos term] of the doctor! - ta da DA!
@exexpat11 9 жыл бұрын
+1000 Spot on review. Moffat is too diluted. He needs to stick with Sherlock and Who and not be writing 7 other things. Oh, you just described every Hollywood screenwriter. "Fell asleep on a keyboard. While drooling, rolling his head. Result, Transformers 7."
@yanmoistnado504 7 жыл бұрын
Don't apologise, I know some people cant take 'Who' criticism but It really needs some because it is continuously poorly written.
@spacepenguins8939 7 жыл бұрын
14:11 I know you didn't mean to but isn't that the point of the silence
@amyclarke41 8 жыл бұрын
Actually that isn't cynical , cynical is cold and hard, you seem quite human about the views you have , moffatt actually in bits quite good but i get it he rushes it out and over writes it same with sherlock series 3 and the new year special , no heart really
@amyclarke41 8 жыл бұрын
+amy clarke well not clear
@amyclarke41 8 жыл бұрын
+amy clarke My fave is blink as it scared me and quite simple for moffatt , eleventh hour was actually simple and funny yes funny for a saturday afternoon, same with beast below though matt's and amy's connection didnt twig with me
@amyclarke41 8 жыл бұрын
+amy clarke second the 50th but it might have been casue it was 50th
@philadelphiawhovian5641 7 жыл бұрын
why people get mad about 11 tricking the silence into ordering their own deaths in impossible astronaut/day on the moon is nonsensical to me. not only had the doctor committed genocide before in classic who, but the 10th doctor committed genocide! literally, with his doctor, there is a blindspot, bc he did commit genocide in the runaway bride, when he did drown the racknoss children to death at the end 10 did what 11 did, but on a worse scale bc those were kids. not gonna lie though, i'm different than the populace. I actually really like the time of the doctor. still though, great video!
@MakiPcr 7 жыл бұрын
I like 11, 10 and War interacting in Day of the Doctor; and.... no wait, that's about it, that whole episode is stupid
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