Hearthstone Heroes of StarCraft: Is Blizzard's $5 Price Increase Fair?

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Hearthstone Mathematics

Hearthstone Mathematics

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@EnterHacker 6 күн бұрын
Hearthstone is really fun at lower ranks non-competitive.
@taserrr 6 күн бұрын
Fun is entirely subjective, you mean you prefer more low level janky decks, perfectly fine.
@IncubiAkster 6 күн бұрын
I only put in like an hour or two a month and get most of the ranked rewards, the game really is not that competitive, can keep up with rewards quite casually.
@redfiend8746 6 күн бұрын
Even at lower ranks there's boatloads of S-A teir decks.
@fffanatikos 6 күн бұрын
Hearthstone is fun at lower ranks only if you drop your mmr really low. Otherwise i see no difference from bronze to legend you see exactly same players-decks.
@randomguy9084 6 күн бұрын
Hearthstone is most fun at low legend, because you can't drop out of legend so plenty of people play meme decks, and also the people in low legend are hearthstone nerds who can have the dust for meme decks and not just the best cheap decks. HS is not P2W its P2 play the fun decks
@dvides89 6 күн бұрын
Unfortunately Dora’s views are much more coherent.. They have burnt through goodwill too much and now it feels of the same trend of making super expensive cosmetics, reducing engaging rewards,and continue killing what gave flavor and hype ( board designs, cinematics, lore)…The game feels as being desperately trying to milk who remain instead of expanding to a bigger community….
@francisedwards8786 6 күн бұрын
Nobody mentioned boards until they got rid of them lol. Complaining for complaining sake. Sure maybe it would be nice for them to reduce prices.
@cowabungaitis9319 5 күн бұрын
@@francisedwards8786 Keep living in cockoo wonderland if you think removing content leads to lower prices. And no one mentioned boards because we took them for granted, i guarantee you that most people spend the opponents turn messing around with the board, especially new players
@francisedwards8786 5 күн бұрын
@@cowabungaitis9319 And by that logic new players will have multiple boards already to interact with and we will still get 1 board a year. If you’re gonna cry about 2 boards, jeez. 😂
@patt5085 4 күн бұрын
Same as Overwatch. I have zero doubt some are playing Marvel Rivals out of spite.
@vincentp.2280 6 күн бұрын
The cards from the miniset require support cards from the miniset. However the number of support cards are lacking. I agree with Dora.
@zeleros4027 6 күн бұрын
I agree in that a restrictive design actually makes the mini-set more playable than past ones. It has more coherency in its mechanics than testing out random things or throwing one to two new cards into the mix that support a specific archetype. However, much of what is discussed in this video is very broad conceptually, and ignores the specifics of the mini-set itself. Yes the mechanics are restrictive and compact helping the set synergize with itself, but at the same time with the limited card pool that restrictiveness prevents the set from actually being good. Zerg as a faction makes absolutely no sense. The cards are mainly pay offs for having a board full of Zerg, but at the same time the faction has no support to flood the board outside of the singular card of Zergling. Instead, the faction has value tools. Spawning Pool and Queen are generating cards to play later. It's not much of a "swarm" based strategy if the deck can't make a board until the late game. The hyper restricted nature of the design is counter-productive here. A card like Hydralisk would no doubt see play if it didn't specify Zerg minions. Death Knight had Infestor to buff Zerg but again has so little Zerg to summon. Viper is annoying, but to maximize its effect you'd already want a board set up. The Lurker might see play after rotation because it props up Zerg but isn't reliant on it. And then there is Warlock that we can essentially say didn't even get cards this mini-set since they are that bad. How is Zerg winning the game? Which is my exact question for Protoss as well. Their identity is Mana cheating, which is annoying, but what are they working toward? People were worried about Druid at first, but whats the plan? Get our an Immortal? A single big minion thats going to be removed instantly and do nothing? Or the Carrier to have some interceptors attack? Wow, what a payoff. Colossus is meh? Requiring to cast Protoss spells in a set with very minimal spells for the pay off of dealing a bit of damage is pretty garbage in todays day when people are getting one shot regularly. Priest is the only one that has something, where Mothership is at least generating so many bonus things you can start to say that you are actually playing Protoss cards. Terran is the only one of the three that has anything resembling logical. The faction is based on the starship, so its utilizing the expansions mechanic. However, it is only giving it to 3 classes that didn't have it prior. The Faction is focused on multiple starship launches which is different and gets around the main weakness of the mechanic which was MC effects. However, the tiny 2/1 starships are random through their generation and it will be difficult to build a starship that does exactly what you want. This is also still a really slow mechanic which has a hard time competing with the immense lethality of the modern game. Completely ignoring the outside factors, the mini-set looks atrocious, likely the worst designed one we've ever seen.
@prayinghermit 6 күн бұрын
12:15 You are wrong, not only mage, but also Priest got no starship synergy which actually make me quite sad as starship priest was a half-meme deck that I'd like to have some support. Also the cards in the mini-set are straight up weak, no matter how you look at it. #Dora_marry_me
@wiedzmiarz 6 күн бұрын
Go for her man!
@redfiend8746 6 күн бұрын
Feels like the class choices for the factions contradict the GDB themes for each class. I get that the factions "make sense" in terms of "class identity", but they don't really gel well with what the classes are doing with the sets that aren't getting rotated in a couple of months.
@dracoblizzard7944 6 күн бұрын
While Ashes of Outland is known for bringing insane powercreep, it also marked the point where HS directly started introducing archetypes into the game. Librams were the first cards to directly mention other cards within their text, and we have gotten more effects like this since then. Now we have an entire mini set dedicated to strictly defined archetypes. Seems the community is very divided on if archetypes are good for the game or not, as a Yugioh player (a game totally defined by archetypes, there are no non-archetypal decks in the metagame), I really don't know which one is best. On one hand, archetypes are extremely fun to play as they bring different gameplay from any other deck and usually have clear goals to pursue. On the other, they limit deckbuilding to the point where it morphs into something else entirely. At least in Yugioh, deckbuilding does not really involve considering what cards are worth putting in your deck anymore. It's mostly about deciding how many of each of your archetypal cards you can include, then you fill the rest of the space with a few cards from an extremely curated pool of staples, and you're done. Deciding on these ratios are still really important, but it's definitely not the same as building a deck in classic HS where you had to piece together a win condition with whatever cards were available.
@girahimeslord6103 6 күн бұрын
For the impact of the mini set i see nothing good coming out of it...Zerg will be an all in aggro ball with absolutly no chance to survive into late game... Protoss will only bé played in wild with guff ... And terran is a shiny mec warrior in disguised...
@taserrr 6 күн бұрын
Idk, starships are one of the few great win conditions we have, design wise. It's not a stupid otk and it adds value later on. Hard to evaluate how protoss and zerg will perform because they didn't get that many cards. I think most zerg decks only have access to like 9 zerg minion cards.
@whoeveruwantittobe 6 күн бұрын
Honestly I thought they were going to do the miniset for 3000. 2500 feels more managable.
@reitifoh 6 күн бұрын
2500, 3000 makes little difference to me, I've been unable to use shop for nearly 6 months now, got over 4000 gold saved up, only thing I CAN buy is areana runs Dx. Last mini set I had to install hearthstone on my wife's laptop JUST to access the shop!
@girahimeslord6103 6 күн бұрын
The f2p is worst than ever it's honestly a nigthmare with the power Creep it's impossible to have competitively viable deck every season without playing something bucks or playing every day several hour...
@HearthstoneMathematics 6 күн бұрын
If you are active, you should have enough resources for at least a few of the best builds. But these opportunities directly depend on your resource gathering strategy. High dynamics in the meta game definitely complicate things.
@jtrain9926 6 күн бұрын
I'd argue f2p was way worse at launch through Ungoro. Good luck even getting an epic let alone a legendary, you get no packs a week too!
@girahimeslord6103 6 күн бұрын
@HearthstoneMathematics the main problem is that the game as not enougth thing to farm for invested f2p player will being to grindy for casual player... He is in a strange midle between casualy accessible and hardcore farmer ! I dont really have Time to make all the qu'est during my day because of a taking job and i know some Friend of mine who is not interested in the game because the gameplay loop feel pointless without long thing to farm other than some menningless achievement... A thing worsen by the now pointless collection. They were saying with the challenge of obtaining every card from an extension without buying pack with real money and obtain the achievement with the cool skin but now it's pointless to... Si combine that with the growing ressemblance with magic without having the tool to stop your oponent out of your turn with key word like charge and you got a really bad expérience for grinder and a misérable conditions for casual player and player like me who dont have hour to spend in the game...
@TheJiminatorHS 6 күн бұрын
The f2p for the last 2-3 years has been the best its ever been.
@taserrr 6 күн бұрын
Huh? It's basically impossible to NOT have a viable tier1 deck every season. Period. What are you wasting your resources on man? If you simply play casually and complete 4 weeks of weekly quests every expansion, meaning only 1/5th of all weekly quests, you can craft yourself a top tier 1 deck EVERY single expansion. There's always a budget aggro tier1 deck that goes for 2-4k dust, which is easily achievable. Hell, I as a returning player got reno highlander warrior for free, worth 17k dust. I'm not sure what you're doing wrong, but you have to be really bad at managing your dust/gold if you can't even make 1 tier1 deck every expansion whilst still playing casually. Don't craft anything the first week, don't craft crap you won't need, and prioritize your meta deck first.
@Gushik 6 күн бұрын
Don't understand why Blizzard thinks that fans are stupid :(
@clockdragon515 6 күн бұрын
The thing Hearstone is losing is coherence. It feels like each time a new release of cards is only for that specific release. Mechanics that do not return, synergies that only work on specific minions in the same set and the overall flavor of the game that is all over the place. There's too much for too little fun ...
@PenitusVox 6 күн бұрын
Yeah I have a hard time getting invested in mechanics and keywords that're just going to be thrown out with the next expansion. What's wrong with Corrupt? Are there no possible ideas for Inspire?
@M31Andromeda 6 күн бұрын
The game has always been like that for its whole 10 years of life. I mostly agree, but from another perspective, that volatility can also open space for new mechanics and bring some fresh air regularly. Imagine if they decided to keep all mechanisms so far, it'd be a nightmare.
@dragonslair951167 5 күн бұрын
@@PenitusVox They've kept plenty of keywords around, if the keywords are interesting enough to justify it. They just keep the ones that work and toss the ones that don't. Discover, Dormant, Lifesteal, Reborn, Rush, Temporary and Tradeable were all introduced long after the game's initial release. But to answer your questions: Corrupt requires you to play off curve, and hold cards in your hand for way too long. The majority of Corrupt cards were slow and weak, especially by today's standards. Inspire is incredibly mana-inefficient, and the effect had to be insanely powerful to compensate- only a handful ever saw play, for good reason. Titan is a version of Inspire that actually works, and what they were originally going for when they designed it- an "activated ability" you could do instead of attacking.
@clockdragon515 4 күн бұрын
@ of course the core game is still there and new additions are always needed to keep the player base interested. But there's a fine line between releasing nothing / the same stuff and going full new stuff every 3 months. There's no adaptation phase, no will to blend the new stuff with the old and very little support for the new stuff that will always fall into the void because they didnt stick too well to the wall so why try to improve them ? Of course its not always like that and they are execptions but thats how i feel about it. there's always 2 - 3 cards from certain sets that stick around but the rest is forgot about.
@jarlfisk 6 күн бұрын
I haven’t played for like 4-5 years I think . Was coming back because nothing new has come out that made me wanted to play. Was thinking paying for this expansion so I could try some new meta decks. But after seeing how dead HS is getting and still how greedy blizz is and how they still treat the whales, I’m 100% not going to return. Same with wow / classic. Endless bots and shit and they do nothing + they want money. NO thx! Good video as always 😊❤
@blbmnm5939 5 күн бұрын
i thought the same when i learned the new price... 1 extra rare and 8 commons dont make up the price difference, anyways ty for the content
@melkartpl 6 күн бұрын
Typically, i made 5-8 new fun decks, now i play with only 2. This is real problem with current meta.
@DavidSmith-cr7mb 6 күн бұрын
used to own every card and played with all the decks, mostly my own homebrews. I have dusted that collection by now, been about a year of watching to see if HS is worth playing again... leave now, whales left
@TheCheezusCrust 6 күн бұрын
since its a special mini-set crossover, i find the increase acceptable, that being said, if next years minisets cost 2500 but dont have the increase in card count, i will not be happy also this is my favorite hearthstone channel zeddy used to be, but yall took the lead in my love
@paulleimbach3198 6 күн бұрын
I would love a surprise announcement of extra legendaries. Hear me out: where are tassadar, zeratul, abathur? Would be sick. But i’m probably just huffing hopium
@jtrain9926 6 күн бұрын
Its hard to compare this miniset to others for value because the tribe and keywords are so narrow, if the "zerg" or "protos" cards arent good the whole set is bad.
@levestdracir 5 күн бұрын
100 eur 3 signature cards. These prices are out of this world.
@CrimsoniteSP 6 күн бұрын
I hope the meta changes at least slightly. I wouldn't say it's bad per say, but it's very one-note. You have several classes but nearly all of them are running very similar decks with mostly the same legendaries. Although I actually was able to break into Legend for the first time using a deck that apparently has no representation on HsReplay, lol. Hand Buff Death Knight, using Death Growl to spread tempo Deathrattles like Terrible Chef and the 6 mana summon an 8 cost. It had roughly around a 75-80% win rate, which was more than I expected.
@guillaumecadars4937 6 күн бұрын
i agree with dora, just beacuse it's starcraft doesn't explain the increase of price, and hs politic is catastrophic right now (expensive cosmetic/skin) and the multi class card mecanic is the same as gadegtzan nothing new here just a disappointment
@joshlentini9520 6 күн бұрын
i am affraid that the estrictily isolated nature of a crossover miniset will make this very bad, if the strategies dont work, well, too bad, there wont be more zergs, protoss and terrans in the future, and if they are too good depending on the classes it will be the same complains as before, because i am sure that if there one that will work is protoss, and surprise...its mana cheat again.... About the price i think the increase is horrible, that in adition to the less exp quests and the 250 replaced for 5 packs at the start of the rewards track..yes i will insist, that was made on porpouse to make less flexible resources and here it can be seen the result The lack of a board of a trailler feels really bad, not only because it makes it lack sustance but because the replacements are...more absurdly priced cosmetics, like, people can say what they want about flare, but if there is something i gotta agree with him is that HS sells for 60 buck cosmetics that in any other game at best would cost 20, but since they gain enough its okay to sell a skin at the same cost of an old AAA game, everything is PAY PAY PAY, who cares about the price and if we charge 50 bucks for "a little bit better than a gif" skins, whether portraits, signatures or diamond cards, and lastly about the hated mechanics, yeah i agree, and i want to add that blizzard is contradicting its own words when it comes to direction of the game, and Bob plus this Miniset are a proof of that
@SlayersGaming 5 күн бұрын
Hea4thstone is no longer casual friendly. Every match is against tryhards
@bernardojimenez2138 6 күн бұрын
If you dont look at your product as gold , everyone will look it as poop. A cinematic was expected for this to be great but it was too expensive
@synchronium24 6 күн бұрын
Will future minisets also be this size/cost? Or is it a one-time thing?
@Max-qd2lf 5 күн бұрын
All these years, it's amazing to see your dedication to this game! Not sure if you are really a group of people or just one guy, but I really admire your work❤
@marleonka. 6 күн бұрын
If we're talking stricly cards and not exact dust value, Its like 130% of the cards for 125% of the price. It's not too bad
I did think it was a bit of a rip off cos it was only a few more rares and commons, but tbh yeah I'm not planning on disenchanting them so its the same amount of cards to use whether they are gemed as commons or epics. It's only a bad deal if you're buying the miniset to dust it.
@marleonka. 6 күн бұрын
@@DISTORTEDNOISE Yeah, when we're talking usable cards, its not as bad. Considering most Epics are less useful than most Commons and Rares. If you keep them until their rotation, you usually get more mileage out of them. It's not a perfect deal, but it's not awful
@TL-fz4yr 6 күн бұрын
I am a huge Starcraft fan, and I really hope they come back or add a few more faction cards maybe for rotation. I've played Hearthstone since its release and know the power creeps an issue, but we're already there, and I 100% agree they could have given more and charged less considering how narrow this mini-set is, and unless they make significant changes and/or add more later, I'm collecting the set, and probably done till rotation(I'll farm the gold rather than give another dime for such a lame set, and the most annoying part is I was looking forward to this since its announcement, saving gold just to hear I'm still 2000 short... and for a few more common and rares... wtf). I'm putting my proposals on KZbin channels I follow cause I hope their voice and reach could go further than mine. Zerg Rush, for all zerg factions, 5 cost spell that summons 3 random Zerg minions and triggers their Battle cries and Deathrattles. Zerg are supposed to swarm and in this metta that often ends by turn 5-9 you need some powerful midrange cards. Warlock Zerg feels like a bad joke, make the Ultralisk a 7-8 mana rusher with cleave. Make Consume able to hit any location, they already usually super powerful and impossible to play around. More of the Zerg cards should be shared amongst the Zerg faction, specifically Banelings, and Roaches, to increase the Zerg power levels, The Devourer would make all zerg super scary and competitive but even Dirty rat can backfire... If they aren't swarming early, they're not gona last against the OTKs of Protoss and Terran. I want Charge on the Zealots removed, perhaps adding rush and divine shield. Protoss should get something similar to Zerg but different, perhaps Mass Recall, costing 7-10 since their mechanic is mostly discounting, but the spell should add any protoss card(or minion if you want to keep control of power level) played this game back to hand. I also like the idea of perhaps summoning Dragoons(Protoss unit) for each Protoss minion destroyed this game, perhaps they could deal two damage to minions at end of turn and they could be 3/4s to mirror Zealots. I wish the Faction cards could convert Starships into their respective Leviathan and Spear of Adune forms to match Terran Battlecruiser, super cool idea and another missed opportunity. I feel Zerg needs a Beast tag for more synergy with existing cards. Protoss could grab the Draeni tag, but that thought seems risky...
@hesitanthero713 4 күн бұрын
The first mistake was making this a cross over mini set, and not an actual cross over Expansion in which new cards could be added to the newer pools making the cards usefulness themselves longer lasting. As it stands these cards will be fun to play with for a while; and by next year will go the route of Galakrond in relevance.
@Sorra1-Mods 6 күн бұрын
i must say no. Because the mini set had no future. It only work with itself and it will never come new Starcraft cards. also when i understad it correct. When new comes what i didnt think it needs maybe 3+ expansion that a new Type of minion really work. Look ad dranei. didnt really work after 1 expansion. Undead is older and is not the best (only in death knight what is a undead hero). Also the price increas is not fair and only shows greed in this case. Specificly the cards are shit and mostly not good XD
@DavidSmith-cr7mb 6 күн бұрын
im just sitting here watching, thinking in my head about how if the miniset is good, EVERY SINGLE DECK WILL BE SC themed. BORRRRINNGGGGGGG.... NO BALANCE NO THEME, NO FLAVOR ITS HEARTHSTONE!!!
@snarky751 6 күн бұрын
Its about dam time. I am so looking forward to this set, huge sc2 fan. This set has more cards than previous sets and i'll be paying w gold so i don't really care how much it cost. Can't complain about free.
@angor111 5 күн бұрын
Your last video made me realise hearthstone in not a game for me anymore. Too much pay to win advantages are added to the game. I was doing all quest for entire expansions, playing like 20-30 games a week and barely got to craft many decks. Each expansion i can not create fun decks & meta wining decks. So i end up with the most cost effective deck that is highly probably agro so its not verry interactive and fun. Battlegrounds also got another pay to win more mechanics, so rip. Arena would be the only playable mode, but that is also not.. balanced enough. Same 3-4 classes are faced in most matches, being again meta defiant, not that much creative and unique, more like discover discover discover ( # DK hero in arena is awfull to play versus). This made me quit the game after playing from ungoro expansion. Got part of all expansions, never all of it or most decks. Thanks for the analytics
@martinez92100 6 күн бұрын
I liked it when the end of the year miniset reintroduced some keywords. big miss
@Bad888Max 6 күн бұрын
dual mode or dual boot mode needed - so we can play at the same tima for example twist and battlegrounds or ranked wild and arena and so on. thx
@Whiterasputin 6 күн бұрын
Porco dio, i totally missed the increase in price with Gold, this Is the last mini set i'll ever buy
@TheJiminatorHS 6 күн бұрын
@@Whiterasputin its 11 more cards than normal. Its totally reasonable
@Whiterasputin 6 күн бұрын
8 commons and 3 rares, it's Just being greedy, like when they increased the Number of legendaries in an expansion (MoTLK) without increasing the odds or decreasing the cost of a pack
@steinerdrei 6 күн бұрын
Its the first Mini-Set I do not intend to buy. I think the cards are very week as there are very few cards for each faction but they need those for the synergies
@mythsealaes2206 6 күн бұрын
as a small whale(i own all cards in wild, + some popular cards in golden) i think blizzard needs to increase the value of packs at certain point. if you buy both preorders with around additional 30-50 packs (funded by gold) i have entire expansion on day 1. after this point the bundles that say extra value are only extra value for blizzard since i have all cards. next problem is signature cards - they should not be in packs rather only available in shop along with diamond cards. and blizzard should make them part of 2 bundles 1 standalone and 2 bundled with varied packs(expansion varience) since you might have already completed this expansion but missing cards from other expansions. also you should reduce the number of signature cards at the expansion launch - release new signatures at every major patch based on meta so you are providing value to the players and they have a reason to buy these signatures. next is the problem of predatory heroic brawliseum. blizzard is doing this to deplete resources of gold. because hearthstone doesnt have a gold sink. but there is easy way to implement one - mercenaries, they should be ressurected. how to do this: 1) every pack contains new mercenary you dont have. 2) after collecting all mercenaries you are getting a missing skin and more renown. 3) after having all skins the amount of renown in packs will exponentialy increasing - as does the cost of upgrading you mercenaries past level 30. do note the removal of mercenary coins. and there should be option to use renown to level up to level 30. also i would love to see rework to arena reward scheme - gold is given in multiples of 50 with cards and packs. i would also intoduce a monthly quest for wins in ranked standart,wild,twist,arena for a signature/diamond legendary of your choice.
@miltonlost138 6 күн бұрын
I was actually concerned that the miniset would only be able to be purchased with real money. I guess they realized that the commons and rares would be easy to get in a handful of packs due to duplicate protection, so only whales would spend money.
@aquilescaigoyo533 6 күн бұрын
I was wondering, its is my imagination or the reward track give me less gold this time? Like for example, when reaching 100 level i think last time you need 1200 points to get a level (101 to 102 in this example)... now i need it 1350 points. I would like an opinion. :V
@2mikedean 6 күн бұрын
what about diablo. I think they should bring him back to hearthstone.
@domadormodor2457 6 күн бұрын
Eu sinceramente acho esse aumento de preço um golpe em má fé, para o ano de comemoração de aniversário da Franquia o mínimo que eu esperava era o preço ser o mesmo, já que o aumento não é visível o suficiente.
@TheMrYadrian 6 күн бұрын
2000 gold for 32 cards. 2500 gold for 49 cards. It means that for 16 cards you pay 1000 gold so you don't pay more for the same content but for more content. The only drawback I see is that these new cards are 'factions specific' which means they won't support the future cards in the next sets, e.g. protoss cards won't support 'druids of the flame' miniset in the next expansion.
@darkestknowledge991 6 күн бұрын
Would it be profitable to buy 2-3 factions separately for 1200 gold, and a mini-set separately for 2500 gold? From the point of view of dust and future nerfs.
@HearthstoneMathematics 6 күн бұрын
This is very, very individual. If you really need dust for crafting and you want to get a predictable amount, then this may not be the worst option. But you should remember that buying dust in the game is the least profitable thing. You will get more conditional benefit if you buy packs that have a chance to find useful cards.
@darkestknowledge991 6 күн бұрын
@@HearthstoneMathematics Thanks!
@АбросимовВладиславРоманович 6 күн бұрын
it's so false that perils miniset brought only dungar druid and bsm, omg. Robocaller spawned 888 rogue, sharp shipment created weapon rogue and it's a lot more i don't remember
@ЯрославМоскаленко-ц2ь 5 күн бұрын
As time goes on, I feel more and more like Dora. I don't really play hearthstone anymore, since I've tried every archetype I was interesed in. I feel like the game is heavily rng based, but not in a good way, where either of players know the outcome (as with old Yogg, and good old times), but in a way, where whoever plays their strongest cards on curve - wins. My friend is still excited about every change devs provide to this game, and that makes me sad, why can't I enjoy it too.
@DoppelsodnerIII 6 күн бұрын
I feel like the intentions in this miniset set are good, trying to not to launch cards suitables for any deck. Dispite some classes like Warlock receive a big piece of sh&/%
@DavidSmith-cr7mb 6 күн бұрын
games gonna be boring af
@Masterwikie 6 күн бұрын
Zeddy and others are questioning the quality of the set and i for the first time am thinking in to buy the golden version only because StarCraft
@toondemaere3080 6 күн бұрын
Shure but let's be honest it looks like a very fun set, everyone is going to buy it (either with gold or money) even if it is overpriced. So this was actually a very smart business decission. It will pull Starcraft players to HS and vice versa and will peak interest again. Heck even I started to check SC out again. It's also not the biggest most disgusting greedy move they ever pulled, it's acceptable. True true bring the boards back. Remove twist and bring back duels. Then I would be truely happy.
@DavidSmith-cr7mb 6 күн бұрын
you mean it got all the tourists to remember they have other games? cool, fair-weather customers reminder to be fair-weather. I hope sc and hs both fall on their face, this gimmick is a money suck and Im sick of it. all I want is for them to balance the game and stop selling us wins
@caro5788 6 күн бұрын
The rising costs don't bother me as I still open mini-set cards via packs I've saved up then craft the top performing cards I'm missing
@RickRichard-s6t 4 күн бұрын
500 more gold for full pages of cards from a mini set is kinda worth it
@porovaara 6 күн бұрын
the reversion for quests in november is a win for more casual players. if you only play a day or two a week now it is much easier to compete your weekly quests. what they should have done with this reversion was increase the payout of daily rewards to make up for the difference because that way super casual, casual and more dedicated players all get more coins.
@ASConviction 6 күн бұрын
Game cost is why I stopped playing. I was going to comeback for the crossover since I still play starcraft but the bad cards and expense increase.... I won't be playing.
@ProjectMathesar 6 күн бұрын
The real frustration is gonna come when the $5 bump in price becomes permanent
@karlbergman5678 6 күн бұрын
As a sc2 player, it just seems like scum. They're adding this shit in a desperate attempt to rake in more money by raising the prices to squeeze the most out of the fanbase of a game they have abandoned long ago for no good reason. I was excited but between everything from incorrectly named cards, awful cartoony art, not using old voice lines, and boring and just awfully designed cards that are barely useable it's become clear that they don't give a shit and couldn't even be bothered to pour a drop of quality into it. It's almost amusing how bad it is. The entire protoss factions is based on reducing the cost of units, but there are like TWO FUCKING PROTOSS UNITS a class can use at once, what a joke. Go play Legends of Runeterra instead.
@DavidSmith-cr7mb 6 күн бұрын
look, minisets have always been a scam: they split the balance schedule so HS only has to release one or two patches each rotation ideally (see how thats gone, LAZY DEVS), and the minisets now serve to powercreep their own sets (remember big spell mage this last year? hah!) You would need to PAY ME to beta test this miniset. no way in any hell would I be paying money, what. a. scam!!!!
@JustaSmilingHedgehog 4 күн бұрын
I miss the GNG and TGT times
@MrBender-ib2yd 6 күн бұрын
Tier-A games cost as much as the bundles they sell. If you are trying to loot folks atleast make it cheap.
@TicoDK 6 күн бұрын
currently I'm 2 months without even opening battle net
@dariuszchmielarczyk2590 5 күн бұрын
Thats like the story with the slowly boiling frog. I guess that this price will remain for future minisets but here is little twist, in 2026 they will raise price again, 3k gold for miniset.... EDIT: Dora is absolutely right and she's no afraid of speaking the truth. Blizz is doing opposite of everything that comunnity want, giving us more toxic cards instead of mechanic that can prevent stealing or destroing starships, increasing prices and giving more useless cards for our collection and list goes on. Chinese players got almost whole collection of cards for free, rest of the world can buy highly overpriced year of the pegassus bundles, like wtf?
@maciejkolorowy3340 5 күн бұрын
So my decision to throw this game to garbage was on point. There is no reason to play it, even my beloved arenas ( played this mode few years straight ) turned to unbalanced shitfiesta. No changes to class power whatsoever up to this day. Biggest failure pretty much
@toenail8840 5 күн бұрын
Sadly after all the recent blizzard promos and the $90 bruto, this isn't a surprise . Microsoft has to pay that insane buyout loan back. Buckle up. It will only go downhill from here.
@Lukz58 3 күн бұрын
each path hs become worse and worse cards are 2x stronger than some years ago and hp points are same ... and blizzard is so greedy same thing for diablo 4 dlc it cost 80% of the price for full game ...
@moosiem8209 6 күн бұрын
HS is circling the drain
@connoraYQR 6 күн бұрын
@flacometal3275 6 күн бұрын
I agree with Dora (maybe bc crush XD)
@DavidSmith-cr7mb 6 күн бұрын
how many whales are left?
@alexchopov 6 күн бұрын
ховайтесь, хлопцы! ТЦК за углом!
@TimTim3000 6 күн бұрын
Its called inflation and not unique to Hearthstone
@AndresTorres-hy9pv 6 күн бұрын
I dont care, I just play battlegrounds ;D
@francisedwards8786 6 күн бұрын
The mini set looks fine and there’s a lot more playable than usual. Do you ever stop complaining?
@Kazusa. 6 күн бұрын
wtf is this price?????
@metavisiongaming 6 күн бұрын
@Aykasoyo 6 күн бұрын
wtf is this price?????
@TheJiminatorHS 6 күн бұрын
11 more cards than a normal miniset, a slight increase was expected.
@DavidSmith-cr7mb 6 күн бұрын
not an excuse, minisets used to be included with main release and made the game unironically better. minisets split the balance schedule and incentivize powercreep, to the detriment of the consumer. I should be getting paid to beta test this miniset.
@TheJiminatorHS 6 күн бұрын
@ when were minisets included with mainsets?!
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