Heather Ashton - History of Medicines Involuntary Addiction

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APRIL charity

APRIL charity

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@cynthiaennis3107 4 жыл бұрын
What an AMAZING LADY, MD, etc.!
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 4 жыл бұрын
I agree - a most wonderful, caring doctor who helped many people. Her memory will live on with her recorded and filmed talks relevant and the Ashton Benzo Withdrawal Protocol used wordwide.
@traceyrychewhite6374 6 жыл бұрын
So true! I've been on 6-8 mgs of Xanax and 10-15 mgs of Ambien, for the last 23 years! I've also been on subs since 2004. I'm still on everything. About 4 years ago, I was put in jail for 9 days. Before you go to a pod, you have to do an intake interview with a nurse. I explained that I was on these meds and more. I was taken upstairs and put into a back, corner cell. I was unable to look out on the pod to see when people were out. I was put on the pod around 4pm, my 2nd day there. I started having severe hallucinations. I was holding a conversation with a 1 winged butterfly, who was black and hot pink. There was also a family of green bug's. A mom and her babies and they were on the ceiling and had a spiderweb and they would use it to come check on me. I was so sick and Paranoid. I didn't go down to eat for 7 days and I had nothing to drink water out of. Each night my Aunt and Grandpap would come to visit me in my cell. Sometimes I would leave with them. All of my meds were at home in my purse. So in one of my delusions, we went to my house and my landlord walked in and said that I was evicted. I begged for my purse and my deceased Fiancé s ashes. He said No and said that he would be keeping all of my belongs. So, my Aunt drove me back to jail and walked me up to the cell. She would come very late at night and dress my Grandpap in a beer jacket. When you unzip the jacket, it held 24 6 packs. I was sure that the CO's were after me. This was hell. One night, I heard someone come over the intercom, asking if I wanted to shower because I had court. I thought he was just messing with me and I asked him if he was being serious. I didn't believe him, so I just laid back down. They did call me downstairs and I was put in a holding cell until the sheriff came. The hallucinations were so bad. Just for the record, I don't normally have this problem. It was only because I wasn't getting any of my medicine. I went to court and was released on an OR bond. This requires signing paperwork and providing an address. I scribbled something down and was released. I stayed at the magistrate's office for another 3-4 hour's. Finally I decided to walk down to a friend's house. I explained what was going on and what my landlord said. She let me shower and then she said, let's get in the car and drive passed my house. She said the curtains were still up and the porch furniture was there. I asked her to knock on the door and my aunt was there taking care of my parrot. I ran into my room and took my meds and felt fine in 20 minutes. I could have easily died in jail. It happens here in the United States. I tried to tell the CO how sick I was. I guess she didn't believe me. A couple of years after that, my Doctor got very sick and had to close his office. I was seeing a Christian therapist and I told her what happened. She set me up with a Dr there, who just yelled at me, calling me an addict. He cut 2 milligrams off of 6. I ended up having a seizure. I was switched to another DR from there. The are hell bent on taking me off my meds, which I won't do. I will either die or go crazy. Both of my Grandparents had Alzheimers and dementia. My mom got it very quickly. In 2016, she was driving and fully functional and very intelligent. In a year's time, she no longer knows that she has children and she refers to her husband, as the guy downstairs. So, my chances of going crazy are highly likely. I have been on these meds for half of my life. I honestly think it would be better to leave well enough alone. I know that I've got brain damage and my nervous system is completely out of wack. No body understands. I have a son, who thinks I can just quit taking them, and be perfectly fine. I'm basically bed ridden and he thinks it's because I'm lazy. I just got diagnosed with a deadly disease and I would rather go out being comfortable then to go through the sheer hell. Thank you for all you do. I just found out about you today. God bless you.
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 5 жыл бұрын
Dear TraceyI am so sorry for the distressing time you and your family have endured due to #PrescribedHarm and failure to warn people of the benzo cause dependence and cannot be suddenly stopped.Coming of benzos after being on them for 23 years does not sound practical, though I am sure Professor Ashton would support gradual reduction in dosage. She told me there are benzo receptors in the brain and of course suddenly stopping is dangerous. Hence you had a seizure. Sadly the medical profession is not educated in how drugs work and when they licenced these they did not research the dependence issues. The UK Government health committee has an All Party Parliamentary Group looking at Prescribed Drug Dependence, and this is currently stated on their web site:HomeWelcome to the website of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed Drug Dependence.The APPG will address the growing problem of prescribed drug dependence (PDD). Increasing numbers of prescriptions for addictive, psychoactive drugs are being given to both adults and children, including benzodiazepines, antidepressants, antipsychotics, stimulants and painkillers. While these drugs may help some people in the short term, there is growing evidence that long-term use leads to worse outcomes, and many patients report devastating persistent withdrawal and other negative effects. The APPG will engage with this issue by demanding appropriate services for those affected, proper training for medical professionals, reduced prescribing through adherence to new and existing guidelines, better data regarding the prevalence of PDD and more research into long-term harms associated with PDD.
@sstyblo 11 жыл бұрын
-"Listening to Patients has become a Lost Art"-
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 7 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately too many doctors have too little time. They are also lacking in education about pharmaceutical drugs for many reasons.
@michaelheery6303 4 жыл бұрын
@@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos so true..
@mechas8015 4 жыл бұрын
Gracias doctora por salvar tantas vidas! Gracias por devolver una oportunidad de vida.
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 8 жыл бұрын
Word Benzo Awareness Day will be launched July 11th 2016 bit.ly/215Trd0 This is Professor Heather Ashton's birthday. The comment below that many people owe their lives to this wonderful lady is supported by many people I know or who have contacted APRIL charity. Please support July 11th initiative by contacting your local media and drawing attention to the problems encountered by many involuntary addicts to Benzodiazepines.
@elizabethpengitore758 6 жыл бұрын
Happy Birthday Dr. Ashton. Thank you so much for your research and saving so many people from the worst symptoms. Your research probably saved my life as well.
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 5 жыл бұрын
Professor Heather Ashton is an amazing lady and her talks and withdrawal protocol have, I am sure saved many lives, kzbin.info?search_query=Heather+Ashton the link will take you to more of her wise comments. I will always be grateful for the wonderful support Heather has shown to me and my efforts to save lives.
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 5 жыл бұрын
I will pass this message on to Professor Ashton's son, who is now caring for her and I am sure she will be pleased to hear. She is only concerned now there is no one to take her place, as she has helped so many people. If you ever hear of any other pharmacologist or doctor who has the same understanding as Professor Ashton, please let us know. Many thanks for posting your message.
@TheSleuthFairy 4 жыл бұрын
@@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos Can you please help me, it means a life. Could her son ask her if she knows how to restart down regulated neurons for people who were perscribed buprenorphine/known as suboxone? My family member was prescribed it for pain, and tapered off the suboxone completely free of taking it for 1 yr & 3months; however their brain has still not returned to the normal state of wanting to live life after 1 yr. & 3mths & are very withdrawn. My family member has lack of interest in everything, while previously led a vibrant life. We are desperate to find an answer. Thank you in advance. There is no information on how to restart down regulated neurons. Would you please ask her for us?
@cynthiaennis3107 4 жыл бұрын
God, she was an AMAZING WOMAN! We need more like her! In the mean time...I suppose the torch passes to her patients who have successfully made it off these harmful drugs alive!
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 4 жыл бұрын
I agree, I personally adored Professor Ashton and had so much respect for her. She totally respected the opinions of people who suffered and did her best to help them on a one to one basis. So sad to have lost her.
@gabrielaradu2619 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kindness and dedication
@cynthiaennis3107 4 жыл бұрын
More MDs are starting to listen to their patients & the smartest ones let the Med/Psych students in to learn what they were not taught in Med School...How to take someone safely off a drug & how Withdrawal is really Central Nervous System Injury! Sad to hear of Dr. Ashton’s passing in 2019. Thank goodness for her work! What a wonderfully intelligent woman & Dr! 🙏🏼♥️ Will others step up & continue to carry her torch?!
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 4 жыл бұрын
Dear Cynthia, I have tried my best to get improvement in medical education as a student can qualify as a doctor able to prescribe with no knowledge of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. A competence to prescribe exam that is on line and not mandatory, thanks to Professor Simon Maxwell at Edinburgh University and his team of Clinical Pharmacologists. However this is not enough..If exams on how drugs work and how to recognise ADRs is not in the curriculum, we have no hope of reducing iatrogenic (treatment induced) illness.
@wendykrikke899 6 жыл бұрын
this woman is onest open and smart a light for many people who go tru this hell its so lonley ans feel so misunderstood mostly of the time im sick to dead cause of benzo last tablet still needs to come of be blessed everyone
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 5 жыл бұрын
I certainly bless her. Professor Heather Ashton is an amazing lady and her talks and withdrawal protocol have, I am sure saved many lives, kzbin.info?search_query=Heather+Ashton the link will take you to more of her wise comments. I will always be grateful for the wonderful support Heather has shown to me and my efforts to save lives.
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 5 жыл бұрын
You may not have seen Professor Ashton's withdrawal protocol. www.benzo.org.uk/manual/index.htm It may help but do not worry too much if you have reduced so much, your health I am sure will benefit from this reduction. Professor Ashton told me there are #benzoReceptors in the brain and they " were not put there for #Valium" so it may be even food you eat can trigger rebound withdrawal symptoms. It seems no one had done the research into what foods may have an effect on those receptors.
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 5 жыл бұрын
It is with great sadness, I have to inform those who may not realise, our dear Professor Heather Ashton died in 2019 after being cared for with great devotion by her family, in particular her son John. Many obituaries may be found on the Internet - www.benzo.org.uk/profash.htm Others in The Guardian newspaper in the UK www.theguardian.com/science/2019/nov/18/heather-ashton-obituary and in the USA the New York Times published an obituary. www.nytimes.com/2020/01/03/science/dr-heather-ashton-dead.html .................................................................................................................. UK web sites with official information about #pharmaceutical drugs #AdverseDrugReactions (#ADRs) #Side-effects #Interactions and new warnings : #BritishNationalFormulary bnf.nice.org.uk/drug/ AssociationOfBritish #PharmaceuticalIndustry data sheets (SmPCs) and #patientInformation leaflets (PILs) on the Electronic Medicines Compendium www.medicines.org.uk/emc Links on this site for patients and health professionals to report ADRs. You can also sign up for #UKDrugSafetyUpdates For the US FDA information on Drug safety, warning and recalls and to report ADRs go to: www.fda.gov/Drugs/default.htm For further information from #AdversePsychiatricReactions Information Link (#APRILcharity) view the web site: www.april.org.uk Twitter #@APRIL_charity Some people will tolerate a medication that others cannot tolerate. This may be due to genetic, ethnic and other differences. We are all different (look up #pharmacogenetics for example). Everyday medicines can cause #neuropsychiatric adverse drug reactions (ADRs) as well as physical harm - many of these may not be listed on the official data, it is too easy for doctors to dismiss psychological ADRs resulting in over prescribing of #antidepressants, #benzodiazepine and other psychotropic drugs. Also interaction with alcohol or other drugs may cause serious consequences, as the liver and kidneys have to disperse (#metabolise) what we put into out body and may not be able to cope, resulting in over-dose.
@EANNE1000 6 жыл бұрын
So very interesting.
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 5 жыл бұрын
Professor Heather Ashton is an amazing lady and her talks and withdrawal protocol have, I am sure saved lives, kzbin.info?search_query=Heather+Ashton the link will take you to more of her wise comments.
@ANT1714 12 жыл бұрын
miss heather ashton i have a ? im using your taper schedule 1 withdrawl from 6 mg of xanax and i am deneying to take the anti depressant just cause it could have have a bad effect on my brain i been on benzos 1 year and 7 months straight im on stage 8 right now it feels like its getting rough already and ? am i allowed to take a muscle relaxant drug like soma in moderation yess or no ? god bless you heather ashton
@dianecrofoot7955 6 жыл бұрын
Why can’ t we buy her book in US. Where can we get it!
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 5 жыл бұрын
www.benzo.org.uk/manual/index.htm the above link will take you to the #AshtonManual for #benzoWithdrawal or reduction advice compiled years ago by our own dear Professor Heather Ashton. Professor Heather Ashton is an amazing lady and her talks and withdrawal protocol have, I am sure saved many lives, kzbin.info?search_query=Heather+Ashton the link will take you to more of her wise comments. I will always be grateful for the wonderful support Heather has shown to me and my efforts to save lives.
@traceyrychewhite6374 5 жыл бұрын
@@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos, Thank you very much for sharing this information. Every blessing to you.
@kongsied4279 5 жыл бұрын
@@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos It's just sad, the problem I'm having is getting my primary care and psychiatrist to to prescribe me enough medication to follow her tapering schedule. I explained to them that I never enjoyed benzos, got addicted to them due to constantly being treated for alcohol withdrawal. These Doctors don't listen man.
@martinamartina2700 6 жыл бұрын
Says it like it is. Seems to be very compassionate regarding people being prescribed benzos. Oh. Ive personally been on Xanax since 1998. They still work. If you are to become homeless, some doctors discriminate and didnt believe anything i said. They need to be more educated on the absolute pain from withdrawing, and gut rinching and very vulnera le a person is when they are sweating and not being able to talk. My hands shook so bad i couldnt even write that i needed help from my neihbors. I was house bound and without food and im sure about dead. The DEA needs to be Educated and the doctors need to be concerned about the patient and not as focused on losing there practice because a person like myself still takes Xanax daily 3 times. Dont let a benzo hating doctor that is rude and nasty as shit put your life in danger. Not to mention the agony your going through
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 5 жыл бұрын
Professor Heather Ashton is an amazing lady and her talks and withdrawal protocol have, I am sure saved lives, kzbin.info?search_query=Heather+Ashton the link will take you to more of her wise comments.
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 5 жыл бұрын
Oh Martina, so sorry you have suffered in this way. Yes stopping the benzos is very distressing if you do not have support and are not rushed. In fact dear Professor Ashton told me it can take as long as you have been on the drug, for you to gradually reduce and possibly come off it. As we have benzo receptors in the brain and these are used to having the drug, it may not be possible for some people to actually stop, although Prof Ashton thinks it worthwhile to try to reduce the dosage. I hope your situation improves soon.
@boomerang6130 4 жыл бұрын
I heard Professor Ashton is dead. Is this true or not?
@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos 4 жыл бұрын
Sadly our wonderful Heather Ashton died last year and I attended her funeral in Newcastle England October 2019
@boomerang6130 4 жыл бұрын
@@MillieKieveAPRILcharityVideos Thanks April. I was really saddened to hear this. She did so much for us in the benzo community. May she always RIP.
@ANT1714 12 жыл бұрын
& another ? heather ashton what about takeing diatary supplements like gaba to try and boost your gaba a lil and b complex yess or no ? and i no exercise is a big thing in this but when i exercise and my heart rate goes up i get i get anxiety soo i cant really exercise soo what should i do about the exerciseing part i am depressed and full of anxiety been thru about 1000 panic attacks if u can answer this i trueley appreciate it heather and again god bless
@traceyrychewhite6374 5 жыл бұрын
I would just try to do gentle stretching. Don't do cardio exercises, because this will increase your heart rate. I know that on the channel PBS, they have exercises for the elderly, were you sit in a chair and stretch your arms and legs and it seems very gentle. I would try something like that if I were you. I hope this helps you. Every blessing to you.
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