Helloween - Interviews 1987

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@muhammadnoorbinrohani39 3 жыл бұрын
Micheal Kiske is the best power metal Lead Vocalist in the world.
@300sl5 3 жыл бұрын
No he is the worst with his nerving vibrato voice 👎
@hgflima 2 жыл бұрын
@TheTrooperMB Жыл бұрын
@@300sl5 why the fuck are u even here
@rebesanchez5771 3 жыл бұрын
My amazing Ingo Schwichtemberg he always gived a beautiful smile, I always miss you when I see or hear Helloween my favorite band 🎃 Ich liebe dich Ingo I always pray for you🙏
@ThePsmaster69 14 жыл бұрын
long live Ingo... R.I.P
@leaschmidt8130 5 жыл бұрын
So, I translated the interview into English. However, I did keep some of the comments when everybody was talking at the same time out. I'm also definitely not calling this a "perfect translation" so feel free to improve or add anything by writing a reply to this comment. *First Interview* _Ingo starts singing_ _„_ _Helloween_ _“_ _,_ _then everybody else joins in_ _._ _After this Ingo starts singing_ _“_ _in the Musicbox_ _”_ _which is again repeated by the other band members in canon_ Weiki: Yes, so you’re watching the Musicbox now, and that, yeah... _Lots of chatter from everybody including some production and direction calls before we cut to the actual interview_ Annette: After a long time of waiting they are finally here with me: Markus, Michael, Kai, another Michael and Ingo from Helloween! I’m pretty sure, you all know them. Your LP Keeper of the Seven Keys is doing very, very well. What number was it on the Media Control charts again? 15? W: Well, at the moment... It started at 15 and it’s going up and down to about 22, so we don’t know the exact position ourselves. A: Yeah, but that’s awesome for a new band and then also from your genre... Which reactions did you get from abroad, what country has reacted the most? W: Until now the Americans and Japanese have reacted the strongest, because we also just made a contract over there about six LPs and the contract is already signed and sealed, so in that case you can say that those reacted the most. A: Do you plan on going over there and just in general: What is your opinion on the US? Do you have the feeling that you absolutely want to go there, or do you have some... Kai: Well, we’ll have to see, right? A: Michael is nodding. Michi: I absolutely want to go there. The weather is always so bad over here. A: The weather is always bad here, oh well then,... K: I think the weather will be better, but we’ll have to see. We’ve heard a lot about the States, let’s see. W: Maybe other things than the weather, too... A: Yes, maybe the fans will be cheering louder, who knows. (W: Who knows...) I heard a statement from you, I don’t know who of you said it or whether you actually said it but it kind of said that humour was the best method to differentiate yourself from other heavy metal bands. How is that effecting you and how do you try to use that specifically in Helloween? K: That is mostly felt by the fact that we are generally really goofy. A: I could already feel that as well, by the way. K: But we’re not really in the mood for that today, because... M: ...we didn’t get that much sleep. K: We are a bit tired, yes. That’s the stress, you know. A: Yes, I also notice that you are speaking a bit more quietly than you probably would act on stage, that could be true, right? K: Yeah, right, yeah, yeah. W: ( _loud into the microphone_ ) OF COURSE NOT! Bibbidy! Markus: I mean, if I didn’t have my instrument, I would also be very quiet. W: Normally, a bass without an amp is very softly, can’t hear it. And if he didn’t have his bass you wouldn’t hear him. A: We did a heavy metal poll recently, I told you about it earlier, you ended up on very high places and in general you have very... K: Thank you, thank you!! A: For a new band, you’ve got lots of success. Did you experience any changes... Mk: Except for the bassist, thank you! A: Yes, I’m sorry, I forgot the bassists, but I’m sure that if we had made a bassist poll you would have certainly ended up quite high. W: Bassist are interchangeable anyways. Mk: Us?! I beg your pardon? A: No, my question was: Did anything change for you through the success? (W: No) (Mk: Yes) That you probably didn’t expect like that, right? ( _some chatting in the background_ ) W: Yes, we are asked a lot more stupid questions now, and we also don’t remember how we came here and that’s how it is basically... A lot more bustle about the whole thing. But it is a lot of fun. A: I just wanted to say that you probably shouldn’t mind that so much (W: We wanted it.) You wanted that, right? M: Oh, no we don’t mind that. K: I mean, sometimes when you’re asked the same question for the one-hundredth time then you’ll just (W: “Why don’t you tell us something about the band’s history...”) start to not respond to it seriously but more go pfff... Mk: I have also learned that I sometimes don’t know who is actually interviewing me. ( _background chatter between Michi and Kai_ ) A: I’m called Annette and I do Hard & Heavy and the Musicbox and I hope that... Mk: That’s alright, but a lot of times I just don’t remember who’s talking to me. A: Now, you all became successful musicians but what would you have done, if you hadn’t had success as musicians. ( _Michi says something_ ; Mk: Yes, I would’ve said that, too!) I think you have to talk into the microphone, otherwise they can’t year you, you have to point the mic at him... M: Then we would be unsuccessful musicians. A: Well, did you do an apprenticeship, tell us! Ingo: An apprenticeship, yes, I started doing one for an office clerk, but I always knew that that wasn’t the thing for me. A: Oh, let’s continue, I’m really interested in that. Hey Michael stop snorting and tell us, did you do an apprenticeship. M: I started an apprenticeship to become a metal worker but I stopped after half a year. K: Well, I started to study law but eeeeeh... A: Hm, brooding... W: So, I did my Abitur ( _exams similar to A-Levels in UK_ ) and then I did my community service ( _obligatory if you didn’t want to do military service until general conscription was abolished_ ) and except for that, I only hung around lazily. ( _Some comments from the band mates, I’m to lazy too translate them, if you want you can translate it and write it in a comment_ ) Mk: Well, I did a butcher apprenticeship and finished it successfully. Good, that I didn’t continue doing that. K: He was in the top ten of the butcher’s poll. W: Nowadays, he slaughters his bass. Mk: They also call me ‘The Knife’. A: ‘Markus, the Knife’ Look at that, you can put these up, those Helloween figures. We’ll raffle them and I’m glad that you brought those and yourselves. And we thought of a question that is really easy. Helloween is normally not written with an ‘E’. The word Halloween written with an ‘A’ (K: But with...?) Ha ha, that’s not the question, the questions is: What does it mean, this word, in America. W: I can explain that, it’s... A: Stop!!!! Shhh!!! Otherwise you’ll win these Helloween figures and then it wouldn’t be any fun anymore. (K: Shall I write “Helloween-creeps excluded”, but with my name) Yeah, we can talk about that later. The guys will sign them later, but now we’re going a bit faster. Here’s the address: 44 Schellingstraße, 8000 Munich 40, write to the Musicbox with the keyword “Helloween”. So, what does Halloween mean in English or what is it in the US? Thank you for coming... ( _chatter from everybody_ ) W: Bye! Mk: Have a very good evening! W: Fade-out!! Part 2 as a reply because otherwise I'll break KZbin ;-)
@leaschmidt8130 5 жыл бұрын
*Second Interview* Interviewer: One question to you guys, from Helloween: Kai, will you also be pissed tonight? K: Eh, no idea, we’ll see. Iv: Awkward silence. K: No, we don’t drink, we don’t drink. We don’t drink any orange juice, no. Iv: And we also have to say, you’re on tour at the moment. Now officially welcome to the studio, Helloween. Well, how should I put it, finally Hard Rock from German grounds again. K: You could say that, yeah. Iv: I mean, it’s about time, there have been several gaps in the last years. What are you saying about your success? I probably should elaborate for those of you who don’t know that much about the German music scene. We’ve got the Charts, the Top 75 which are created weekly, of the singles and one for the LPs. And I got a real shock two weeks, because you guys were on there in an instant and it was inconceivably high. (K: Yes.) Can you explain that. M: We somehow sold a lot of records in very short time and that was really awesome and we were all very happy and now uh... I: Yes, and a lot of people had prophesised it to us during the production and now it actually happened and we’re really happy about it. Iv: But normally it’s really difficult to do that, and I have to dig at the beginnings a bit and ask about the past of Helloween. How long are you already existing? I: Seven years. I mean in this line-up with our new singer only half a year... K: Helloween in itself, three [years]. I: Yeah, with the new name and stuff, and there were obviously other line-ups before, you know how it normally is. Iv: Now don’t argue about who started which group when. (M: I think seven sounded better.) Seven is already quite a lot but with seven I’d have to say ‘Such success only after seven years, how did that happen?’ K: Yeah, it’s better if we say ‘We have existed in this line-up for half a year’, and then the people are like ‘What, such a success in half a year, that’s crazy!’ Iv: That’s exactly the point that I can’t really comprehend, I mean I would be swept off my feet. I mean, everyone goes into the studio and makes a record, but not everyone suddenly appears in the charts. K: I mean, we have become quite experienced musicians over the time. I have been making music for about 10, 11, 12 years. And over time you get a bit of a feeling for what’s good. We also don’t make the music to sell records or how the people would like it the most. When I write a song I primarily write it for myself. M: Or when you’re just in the mood for it. Iv: I have noticed something about your record: There are at least two songs that are pretty long. (M: Long?) Those are songs that go over the 4 minute mark and more towards five or six minutes. M: We’ve got one that’s thirteen minutes long. That would be Halloween Iv: How does that happen? Is it the fun, that you’re saying it’s conceived that way, or.. M: That’s the ideas. So he writes the song and we’re like “This could go there and that could go here” and then the thing just gets that long. K: It just happens. When I sit down and write a song it’s going to be short or it’s going to be long, you don’t know that beforehand. And the more ideas I’ve got and the more I’ve got a will to put something in there, I put in there and then the thing just gets that long. M: And it normally is the case that a song is too long, it’s usually too long. And then there are pieces like Halloween that you just can’t shorten and the others are shortened as good as possible. Iv: So it’s not that you say ‘we’ve had a lot of gigs and we noticed that if we start improvising at that point the crowd really freaked out, we’ll do that on the record as well’ K: No, it’s less improvisation and more completely thought through and that has to be that way, we’re less of an improvisation band. But it all comes from improvisations in the band’s basement and you get your ideas from there. Iv: I mean I still can’t really comprehend it. Helloween is somewhere around twenty in the charts and Cinderella on number one, those are slight differences, right? Every band member: Yeah, definitely. Iv: How are you feeling there as a pretty straight rock band in the middle of soft singers. K: It’s pretty funny. I: Yeah, it’s nice. I think we topped off Frankie Goes to Hollywood who was like 15 and that was a pretty nice feeling, although I don’t want to say anything bad about Frankie. Iv: Frankie is a good point, what idols/influences are you having? Stupid question I know, but I’m guessing it’s not Kiss. M: No, not Kiss. I, for example, listen to nearly everything. Iv: Nearly everything? (M: Yeah, really.) So you’ve also heard the number one? M: Cinderella? No, i don’t even know them. But they’re not that [popular] in Germany, right? Iv: They are the Number One in Germany... I: The band Cinderella or the soundtrack of that movie? Iv: The soundtrack. K: Oh, don’t know that either. M: I don’t know, I really don’t know them that much. Iv: Well, that’s okay. M: But I really listen to everything, really everything Iv: What about you, Kai? K: Well, I don’t know. My past has been about Slade, Sweet and Deep Purple and all of that stuff. Also listened to Punk for a while, then came something else... And now I would say that I’m pretty flexible regarding what I listen to and we don’t really have direct influences. Earlier you had some influences but now we’ve got somewhat of an independence, so that we don’t really go after influences, but instead do the thinks that we have in our heads. And that comes from a thousand different influences. Iv: Of course. And you are pretty independent, like, there’s not a lot of intervention from the production side? K: No, we’ve got a producer - that would be Tommy Newton from Victory, which is actually also a good band. And he’s not really the producer who sits down and says ‘You’re going to do this and this and that’, but we work together, so that’s really super teamwork. And of course, the more people, the more ideas. We got lucky in the sense that we got him who can put himself in our situation and think along the same lines as us. Iv: We need to wrap this up soon. One question that’s important while you’re already here: You’re on tour at the moment, you’re not only in Munich. Maybe you could tell the people what you can still remember, you normally don’t know all the dates. Tonight you’re in Munich, we can already say that. K: And then tomorrow will either be Regensburg or Heilbronn. Or the day after tomorrow will be Heilbronn. I don’t know it that much. But after that is, I think, Vienna and... I: Zurich, so obviously a few abroad... K: Zurich, France... I: And then in Germany: Bochum, Bremen, Herford, Osnabruck are the concerts that we sadly had to cancel because Michi had a cold. K: Because the idiot _(_ _points to Michi_ _)_ had to get himself a cold Iv: But they’re being made up now. I: They’re being made up now, end of April, I think 27th to 30th. Iv: Alright, I’m sure you’ll get the current dates from the press of when Helloween are going to play. For the people from Munich: Tonight in Munich, Alabamahalle is something we can also say. What time does it start? K: Uh, Overkill, the opening act, start around eight. Overkill. And we will go on stage around quarter past 9 to half past 9. Iv: You told me earlier that it’s sold out. Everyone: Yes. Iv: Is it still worth going there? Everyone: Yeah, of course. Iv: Helloween also sounds good from outside. K: Uh no, but you could ask us for a backstage pass. Iv: Yeah, but now imagine that later 500 people will stand at the door saying ‘we want a backstage pass, you said we could come’ K: Well, that obviously doesn’t work. Iv: That would be problematic. I’m wishing you all good luck for tonight. (K: Well, thank you!) If it’s sold out the atmosphere will definitely be explosive. Have fun, guys. I would really like to play a clip of yours but that’s a bit to tight. We’ve got something else that also goes a little bit in the same direction. Mr Gary Moore with Wild Frontier. Hope it helped you :-)
@Starlight71171 5 жыл бұрын
Lea Schmidt thank you for translating this 🙏🏻
@clavesseptem7223 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I've been dying to know what's being said and my German skill is still terrible.
@ojodipikir5722 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks you for your hard workkkkk...👍👍👍
@coloneltrumpman 3 жыл бұрын
@@leaschmidt8130 thank you very much!
@garethsavin4464 2 жыл бұрын
Just love these guys. Everyone of my mates in secondary school that was into metal had their favourite band and no one had the same band,I bought the Walls Of Jericho album on cassette and that was me done! Helloween became a huge part of my teen years and now I’m in my 50s I still love them so much. Thank you so much and I really hope I get to see you guys in Brixton in 2022,if I do I will die a happy man. Love and peace to all members past and present and to Ingo,you were a beast behind that kit,you will always be remembered as the best drummer in Helloween (in my opinion)
@MichaelHolmgaard 7 жыл бұрын
Even back then, you could see that Weikath & Marcus would stick together to the end -Good friends right there :)
@GMLFree 16 жыл бұрын
I think Kai Hansen is the most mature and serious about music at this point in time.Many thanks for posting.
@harimulyana3326 8 жыл бұрын
Kai is happiest man,,,,always
@astraeareminiec669 7 жыл бұрын
this was long before Kai started to have health prpoblems& grew tired of the touring
@ojodipikir5722 3 жыл бұрын
Until now...👍👍👍
@kackdackel9170 3 жыл бұрын
@@astraeareminiec669 what kind of health problems?
@83RockaRolla 11 жыл бұрын
They were asked what they would be if they hadn't become successful musicians (Kiske replied "unsuccessful musicians"). Ingo and Kiske were apprentices (Ingo to become a clerk and Kiske a metalworker but quit after half a year), Markus a butcher, Kai had started studying law, and Weiki said that he's done Abitur (similar to A levels), community service (as a young male in Germany you have to either do military service or community service), apart from that he's only been lazily hanging around.
@astraeareminiec669 7 жыл бұрын
whihc is a typical thing for a leo to do
@muhammadnoorbinrohani39 3 жыл бұрын
World best double Lead Guitar in the world.
@carloslerma9030 4 жыл бұрын
@jesuscamacho9794 3 жыл бұрын
34 años de esta entrevista,2021 siguen vigentes a excepción de Ingo qepd.Grande esta banda hoy todos juntos dando alegría y llenando de poder a sus fieles seguidores.Sus giras juntos y el orgullo de haberlos visto 2017 y 2018 en arena ciudad de México. Larga vida a la calabaza Helloween.
@xxbubu 15 жыл бұрын
@demonianray 16 жыл бұрын
I barely understand a few words I've learned in my basic german class, but weiki is the hardest to understand, he talks like he has a banana stuck in his throat XD.
@tumbamarch89 Жыл бұрын
Dieser Hamburgerdialekt ist einfach zu geil!
@y2killian 11 жыл бұрын
@NotAWarPerson 15 жыл бұрын
@Fandanimus 16 жыл бұрын
Ab Minute 8.35: "Da sind zwei Lieder drauf, die sind ziemlich lange, die Stücke gehen teilweise über 4 Minuten." Gott sei Dank gibt es heute so viele epische Stücke. Über 4 Minuten ist heute absolut Gang und Gebe. Es gibt also auch Dinge die sich positiv verändern :)
@xredeyes 12 жыл бұрын
Weikath and Markus are the best friends
@astraeareminiec669 7 жыл бұрын
would that mean that Weiki & Kiske are the worst of enemies?
@muhammadnoorbinrohani39 3 жыл бұрын
Helloween is the world best power metal band in the world.
@ojodipikir5722 3 жыл бұрын
Salam dari indonesia broo,...happy happy HELLOWEEN
@dreamhealerr 7 ай бұрын
and gamma ray
@MarioPrega 17 жыл бұрын
Translation: Interv. with Anette: They talk about german chart entry (15.place), about the bad weather in America, humor in Heavy Metal, her studies+jobs, what means Halloween in US. Past/ History of the Band. The question of the interviewer is: "why the songs are so long? (more than 4 Minutes) 5 or 6 Min.!" The musicer hear all stuff of music. Talk about the Tour. They start live after Overkill.
@KatyaReminiec9399 6 жыл бұрын
Michael Kiske looks as if he's bored
@acaMMfakjea 13 жыл бұрын
In the second interview... 3 titans of Helloween...
@EckhardKain 16 жыл бұрын
oh man I'd like to have one of those pumpkin-man thingies
@Luksuri 14 жыл бұрын
now im glad i did study german =)
@yoututeddy 12 жыл бұрын
I think they said it right. I don't speak German, but that doesn't matter:P
@haenggi78 14 жыл бұрын
Dieses Interview ist einfach geil..erinnert mich an meine Jugendzeit..Muss es immerwieder schauen. Es ist Jammerschade, dass die Band in dieser Konstelation nicht mehr existieren kann. Da haben sich ungemein talentierte Metal Musiker gefunden. Ich bin überzeugt, die hätten noch immer eine riesengrosse Fagemeinschaft...Die wären aufm ähnlichen Level wie Maiden..R.I.P Ingo
@MariaPereira-zr7gx Жыл бұрын
I love helloween
@schnell1304 11 жыл бұрын
I'm from Germany :D
@hanakookanah 5 ай бұрын
@muhammadnoorbinrohani39 3 жыл бұрын
Markus Grosskopf is the world best master Bass Guitarist in the world.
@s21xa 16 жыл бұрын
kai's hair rules haha ;)
@noraMaiden 16 жыл бұрын
ingoooooooooo te quieroooooooooooooooo
@Mailrobot 16 жыл бұрын
Look at Kai's hair!! :) That woman doesn't look bad. Wonder how she's doing ;)
@sofiastrauss6156 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Helloween and special my saint colleage Michael Kiske sweet memories by Sophia Strauss composer ♥️🇵🇹🇩🇪❤🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃
@heikoklein8892 Жыл бұрын
Ingo R.I.P. 🌻🤘😔
@hastobe303 15 жыл бұрын
I can understand some of it, actually. But as soon as Weiki starts talking I get totally lost..
@Robozgraggi 16 жыл бұрын
The beginning was funny! xD
@G0NZAL0666 14 жыл бұрын
buena entrevista ..que humor mas negro de weikath luego que tenga un tiempo le pongo subtitulos
@totallyasimpsonjunki 15 жыл бұрын
i wish they showed subtitles. The only german word i know is cheeseburger.
@MetalAlvaro11 15 жыл бұрын
@TheBaskerman 14 жыл бұрын
no se arrojo al autobus se tiro al metro y fue el mejor bateria de todos los tiempos siempre imitado
@crackisback 16 жыл бұрын
yeah.kiske rockin' sweatpants,jeans vest and a scarf!fucking awesome!
@altinkond 16 жыл бұрын
does anyone happen to know where I can find the hoody that kiske wears?it's so cool but I can't find it anywhere!PLEASE ANSWER!
@turboneger2160 16 жыл бұрын
youre damn right!
@Robozgraggi 15 жыл бұрын
So sieht er auch irgendwie aus! ^^
@archaengel 16 жыл бұрын
loool...very nice video...Ingo ich liebe dich *___*
@MikeLuisCozinheiro75 5 жыл бұрын
I wonder what they think today when they see this. I wish I could tell them personally how much they music made part of my life.
@flor897 13 жыл бұрын
I knew I shoul've studied German :/
@RainyHime 13 жыл бұрын
dunno why but here Kiske and Hansen look like two little hobbits to me xD
@altinkond 15 жыл бұрын
damn I wanna buy michael kiske's hoodie!Does anyone know if I can find it somewhere!!!??? Thank you.
@henriklmao 2 ай бұрын
Weiki also looked like he's 90yo back then. He doesn't age anymore 😂
@ML3298 12 жыл бұрын
no ablo aleman pero este pinche grupo es uno de mi epoca yeeeeeeeaeaaaaa
@sofiastrauss6156 Жыл бұрын
Keeper of the seven keys part One and two best album all of times by Sophia Strauss composer ♥️🇵🇹🇩🇪🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃
@altinkond 15 жыл бұрын
man I want kiske's hoodie so baaaad!!!is there any merchstore I can order it from or something???cause I cant find in anywere in the web!if anyone knows please answer!!thank you...!
@Jerseyboondocks Жыл бұрын
Well I don't know German but I just watched the whole interview and I can understand some of it anyway lol
@turboneger2160 14 жыл бұрын
man the girl is so damn beatuiful...
@astraeareminiec669 7 жыл бұрын
kiske really looked bored there Kiske .**** thinking *** " how the hell did i get myself into this?"*****
@Nitrlul 14 жыл бұрын
Translation is on comments page 16
@bauchen891 15 жыл бұрын
続きです Weiki(アホの子風に)ぼくわー、大学入学資格試験受けてー、基礎的なことを勉強してー、それからは怠けてましたー Markus肉屋の職業訓練をしっかり終えたよ weikiの発言の聞き取りは自信ないです
@JuanBetto 15 жыл бұрын
helloweeeeeeeeeeen!hahaha 1:44 Hansen face hahaha haha these guys are so funny
@evscoffe6772 5 жыл бұрын
Please...picture band helloween and families
@CarloNassar 2 жыл бұрын
I know someone else (Lea Schmidt) made a translation, but could we have captions in this video? Also, this comment was typed at a time when the video doesn't have any in case someone replies at a time when the video *does* have them.
@StentorMetal 16 жыл бұрын
wijin, wijin, trajin, trajin, majin, majin, HELLOWEEN ES LA PINCHE MAMADA Y SE ACABO EL PEDO
@KarlVeca 14 жыл бұрын
spanish subtitles please
@bauchen891 15 жыл бұрын
weikiの発言の訂正。 大学入試資格試験受けてー、Zibildienst(兵役の代りのボランティア義務)をしてー、それからは怠けてましたー です。
@NikodemusNikodemus 14 жыл бұрын
@metallihorsemen I don't think his German is complicated...he talks just as the others, too
@Playinmeguitar 17 жыл бұрын
i didnt understand a fucking word still i fucking love it rock on!
@FlashFWD 15 жыл бұрын
cheeseburger??? and (und) schnaps? (for ex) here a few words, what you must to know in german: :) Schnaps, bier, mädchen, küssn, hübsch... and the most important: Ich möchte eine zimmer für zwei person. :))
@ryokucha81 12 жыл бұрын
@dragonkhanrider 15 жыл бұрын
subtitleees!! xDDDD
@Mikau-gb8uo 7 жыл бұрын
on Helloweeeeeeeeeen Kai was way out of tune (sharp)..
@benji506 14 жыл бұрын
i don't understand a shit but the movie is so god
@tonygeraci 16 жыл бұрын
subtitles, please!!!
@berni17c 12 жыл бұрын
subtitiles plz
@SpotlightKid86 16 жыл бұрын
Hahaha that's really funny :)
@tammysyl 14 жыл бұрын
Gosh! At least subtitles in English, please!
@ThePsmaster69 14 жыл бұрын
@turboneger im agree the gril is beatiful !!!!! xD WTF they are saying???? any subtitles for this??
@Mailrobot 16 жыл бұрын
lets thank the gods commercialism hasn't taken over ALL the world yet :)
@daic04 16 жыл бұрын
XD!! hahahaha!! LMAO Helloween rlz
@hetipozo 17 жыл бұрын
@rdevil25 15 жыл бұрын
to bad i dont know german!!!
@bauchen891 15 жыл бұрын
インタビューアーもしHelloweenが成功してなかったら、何になってましたか?ていうか何か職業訓練とかやってたでしょ? Ingo事務員の勉強をしてたけど、あまり性に合ってなかった。 Kiske専科の教師になる勉強を始めたとこだった Kai法学部に入ったとこだったけどゲホゲホ
@josefranciscomejiahernande2854 3 жыл бұрын
I Saw this línea up at the Anza theather in Anahaim ca. Whit leathwewolf & Armored Saint!!! I'm a 53 old fart! Still on metal! Till the Bitter end!!!!!!🇲🇽🖕♠️🛠️🛠️🏴⛓️🤘☢️☠️🔗⚙️🖕
@dude420face 14 жыл бұрын
someone add english subtitle
@Bitteulze 14 жыл бұрын
Translation please ?
@021Sweden 15 жыл бұрын
what are they saying ???? helloween kicks some balls :P great fucking band
@eazye519 7 жыл бұрын
I want kiskes shirt
@streetwarrior31 15 жыл бұрын
really, I tought it was chinese....thanx anyway
@POWERSLAVEYGW 16 жыл бұрын
hmmm... im not sure im fluent in german.
@lucasbrentano 17 жыл бұрын
heey! put a legend in english or portuguese! pleeeeaase!!! xDD
@PawelRus 16 жыл бұрын
Could someone translate it into english?
@athernica 16 жыл бұрын
wer deutsch kann is klar im vorteil
@pmedicRN 17 жыл бұрын
Who is the interviewer?? She is HOT !!
@gammarayaldumetal85 14 жыл бұрын
bueh no saves si eso es estar al pedo eh jajaja xD
@soildash 17 жыл бұрын
WTF??i dont understand a shit they say
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