Here's why Rolling Stone's UVA rape story went viral | FACTUAL FEMINIST

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American Enterprise Institute

American Enterprise Institute

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@TomRNZ 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks to feminism, I'm now skeptical of any woman who says that she has been raped. Before I started researching feminism, my first reaction to hearing that a woman was raped was something like, "shit! That's terrible. What kind of a fucking monster would do that to another person?"; but now my first reaction is usually, "I wonder if she was ACTUALLY raped." And I fucking hate that. Feminism is making it harder for genuine rape victims to be taken seriously. There is no "rape culture". Feminists have created this rape culture hysteria by continually manipulating or just flat out fabricating statistics to suit their agenda and to further spread their "men are evil" narrative. You want to see a rape culture? In some places in the world a woman can be arrested for being raped and even forced to marry her rapist. How is that anywhere near what is happening in our society? Feminists. You keep this bullshit up, and very soon we may end up having a genuine rape culture, when, because of *your* efforts, no one will take rape seriously anymore.
@jackschnider5762 9 жыл бұрын
(Mic drop)
@jessejackson5293 9 жыл бұрын
PacificRimNZ The amount of women I've met that claimed to have been raped or abused makes me doubt the validity of most claims as well.
@TomRNZ 9 жыл бұрын
MrKaigene Unfortunately, most forms of feminism are dangerous, with the exception of Dr. Sommers' form of feminism. Most feminists (whether they hate men or not) view the world within a rigid ideological framework that is harmful to both men and women.
@TomRNZ 9 жыл бұрын
MrKaigene I have no problem with the idea of men and women having equal rights. What reasonable person does have a problem with that? It's the whole ideological narrative; all the "rape culture", "patriarchy", "male privilege" stuff I can't stand. I'm sick of all their collectivist nonsense; their playing fast and loose with stats and studies; their redefining of words (and refusing to acknowledge that these words have definitions that exist outside of the feminist lexicon), and their refusal to acknowledge areas where their ideology is harming both men and women. I'm not going to say that it's impossible to change these feminists' minds, because I know plenty of ex-feminists who used to be that way. But it is hard to have a conversation with them when they don't even accept the opinion of someone whom they consider to be "privileged". Facts are secondary to these people; identity politics is primary.
@ZakkuTakku 8 жыл бұрын
A sign that Lauren Southern once held up at a slut walk event put it perfectly, "There is no 'rape culture' in the west".
@infomaniac2407 10 жыл бұрын
Never "listen and believe". Always Question and Confirm
@PrinceRevolver 10 жыл бұрын
Nah, that makes too much sense.
@ryankeese4194 10 жыл бұрын
Don't forget "Trust But Verify"
@TheLargino 10 жыл бұрын
***** Ryan Keese But that requires effort.
@PrinceRevolver 10 жыл бұрын
TheLargino true. Feminist and so called "journalist" are lazy fuckers. Who needs facts when it's more fun and convenient to make shit up.
@TheodoreBolha 10 жыл бұрын
We need to be more vocal as a society about due process.
@MayaPosch 10 жыл бұрын
I have always been amazed at how readily women seem to filing false rape reports, or embrace shocking rape and sexual abuse statistics like it's proving something important or real. Even though I have myself dealt with a decade of (sexual) abuse and potentially as a child as well (there are... suspicions), I know and accept that sexual abuse and rape are exceptional things, not something which every female has to face at least once in her life. I was just one of the unlucky ones. That said, I feel a kind of putrid hatred for those women who feel that they can gain something by filing false rape or sexual abuse reports. Their despicable behaviour is directly harming women who truly did suffer through such events and who would love to see the nightmare end. To then have to wade through counter-accusations and people questioning your motives and story is then extremely traumatizing. It's then hard not to hate those selfish, despicable women who made life so much harder for you. Seriously. It's not men oppressing women. Women are doing a much better job of suppressing other women at this point already. Not to mention fragile groups like transgender or intersex individuals. It's rather sickening to think that after so many decades of feminism this is the point we have arrived at.
@superstimulatedminotaur3681 10 жыл бұрын
It's stupid because when people file false claims it takes away the gravity of when it actually happens. These people think they're helping raise awareness, when they're actually just adding to the problem.
@jackcslewis2009 10 жыл бұрын
Maybe the point is to stop viewing everything in sexuality buckets. Some women are liars, some men are liars. Some women get raped, some lie about it. It's not women oppressing women when one is actually raped. Like everything else, the lying idiots are fucking things up for everybody regardless of sex,
@caitthecat 10 жыл бұрын
I was worried I was the only one out there who is both a victim and a rape-culture-skeptic (I can't think of a better term for it, so that one will have to do.) I hate what was done to me, and because of that, I was relieved to find that instances of sexual assaults were decreasing. Why can't the people who supposedly want this stuff to end be relieved along with me when they hear these things? Are they really that taken in by these essentially fake stats? Haven't people noticed that they themselves don't know many victims of rape, or rape apologists? I know it's not because victims are still staying quiet, because more people than ever are coming forward. Many people will use the 1-in-5 or even 1-in-4 stat as proof of this "epidemic," except that those numbers are more apt to describe the situation in the Congo. Rape is still bad, no matter how often or rarely it happens, so there's no need to lie about it.
@caitthecat 10 жыл бұрын
Maya Posch It may be hard for you to keep yourself out of that mindset, but you ARE doing it, and that's commendable. You are living proof that not only can victims live normally after abuse or assault, but they are not precious little flowers that need constant emotional protection. Keep on keeping on.
@TheSharpeful 10 жыл бұрын
Maya Posch "and don't have to feel disgusted by having a body afflicted with sexuality" I dont get it :/ Could you clarify? In my book, sexuality is never a bad thing. Quite the opposite.
@arbitor365 10 жыл бұрын
It is sad that Christina Sommers is ostracized and attacked by the feminist community for daring to advocate for due process and "innocent until proven guilty." It shows you what kind of direction that movement has taken in the past few decades. It has simply gone insane.
@Tanson32 6 жыл бұрын
Sadly, the hardline feminists and those who are swayed by the "female victims are everywhere" mindset belong to a herd mentality. One of them alarms the herd, and there's a stampede of ill-informed stupidity and antics, where no one is correct except those who share the herd's opinion. And those who make a stand against this misflow of information are in the way of the stampede, and get run over without a thought. You're right... it's sad.
@namelessfire 10 жыл бұрын
When I first heard of the story, I didn't pass judgment. Innocent until proven guilty. We need to be more patient. All of this mass hysteria can easily be avoided if we just wait for facts to surface instead of following every knee-jerk reaction we get.
@fredriksk21 10 жыл бұрын
But the problem is that the radfems has pushed this propaganda that says that we basically should start witch hunts. In other words: guilty until proven innocent.
@rudyfacenda4606 10 жыл бұрын
fredriksk21 The way I see it, it's more like guilty until proven guilty unless you have like 100% prove of innocence. Even then your life is still ruined.
@PrinceRevolver 10 жыл бұрын
It's not just radical feminist, even the president pushes this shit.
@fredriksk21 10 жыл бұрын
When it comes from Obama it's just talk.
@mattmccausland5541 10 жыл бұрын
Apparently even going by innocent until proven guilty means you are taking extreme bias against the accuser.
@lucianvalsan4633 10 жыл бұрын
This case made me richer. Not by much - just 20€ - but still, it was an easy 20€. I wagered with a feminist (now ex-feminist) that the whole story is utter bullocks an it will collapse soon enough. Although she was warned by her friends not to do bets with me because I tend to win, she accepted. Last Sunday I got my 20€ and enjoyed a bottle of Russian vodka :D :D
@Mechanized0 10 жыл бұрын
Did the individual you mentioned eventually reject feminism due to this particular case or was it something or perhaps even a combination of events?
@lucianvalsan4633 10 жыл бұрын
Mechanized0 it was more like "the drop that filled the glass" thing. I've been inoculating her with non-feminist message for 7-8 months now and she was already in doubts about quite a lot of the ideological underpinnings of feminism (especially the patriarchy theory part). Presenting her how all the fembots are more than eager to defend an obvious lie was just too much :)) Yes, I'm a bad guy. I make people to be non-feminists :))
@justsumguy1210 10 жыл бұрын
Lucian Valsan let it be known that FSM is proud of you and you will be rewarded at the cheesy gates of the noodly heavens. ;)
@yosharian 10 жыл бұрын
Bahahaha. Superb.
@carter102 10 жыл бұрын
Nice, usually when I challenge feminists it ends with them screaming obscenities at me, guess your women are a lot more open minded and intelligent.
@ALulzyApprentice 10 жыл бұрын
I felt the story was plausible for sure. Yet it was filled with bias. The author was looking for a horror story. Well she got one. Turns out the horror story was her piece in Rolling Stone. I think the fraternity is owed an apology, don't you?
@dattebenforcer 10 жыл бұрын
More than an apology. That lynch mob that was harassing them and trying to tear their house down should be expelled (and jailed), and the administrators who suspended them should be fired and jailed.
@mizofan 9 жыл бұрын
+dattebenforcer Yes, because universities should uphold the principle of innocent until proven guilty and lynch mobs should be held accountable for their actions. Of course had they been rightly punished, feminists would have caused a great scandal of martyrdom
@pittland44 4 жыл бұрын
I honestly didn't buy it but I had already been through this with the Duke Lacrosse case.
@spurezurko 10 жыл бұрын
I'm from Europe and i've been noticing this campus "rape culture plague" getting mainsteram headlines in US and i've wondered, if rape was really so "normal" on campuses over the last decades, there probably would be massive drop in women students over the years... then students now mothers wouldn't let their daughters near campus if they themselves were once experiencing this "1 in 5 plague". Am I wrong here?
@petty8286 9 жыл бұрын
I attend a large university in southern California. The school, like many across the US, has recently been revamping its sexual assault policy. Recently, after an individual was accused of sexual assault, an email was sent to every student, staff and faculty on campus detailing the accusation and even included his name in the email. I was shocked that they would publicly shame someone before he was formally charged with any crime. Such a policy seems very dangerous and concerning to me.
@dattebenforcer 10 жыл бұрын
Prosecute the false accusers to the full extent of the law. They should get life in prison.
@ablationer 10 жыл бұрын
Back when I was in High school, at one point we had a bus driver which many considered strict, but really was just trying to do his job (scolding people running in front of the bus, not changing itinerary for some student who'd want to be dropped off somewhere else, etc). He was a middle-aged man with a serious and firm demeanor, some would even say unfriendly, but not once would he be late, miss a stop, or let the back of the bus sink into noisy chaos as they usually tend to do. He was just a man doing his job, and he was damn good at it. One day, a couple of girls got really mad at him for refusing to drop them off at a friends house. The next day, I overheard them seemingly make plans to get him fired, throwing in accusations of rape as a surefire way to get him into serious trouble. Less than a week later, we had a new bus driver. I asked around to see what was up, but no one knew. And those who knew refused to talk about it. That very fact alone confirmed my suspicions. I never saw or heard from him after that.
@DiogenesofSinope 10 жыл бұрын
Good job as always. This topic is finally getting some attention. Enough to make the writers of the report to come forward. Real rape cases and real violence is only stopped with real facts and data. We should continue to seek truth and real statistics to learn the real nature of those cases so that they can be adequately addressed. This way we avoid accusing innocent men and bring justice to those who have been wronged. As for what I think can help: STOP THE FEAR MONGERING. Indulging in publications like the 1 in 5 only makes women fear the system more, making them less inclined to report their cases. We should also stop the narrative that asking for the specifics in rape cases is victim blaming. If police officers and officials don't have the information necessary to asses a case we won't see improvement in the handling of cases. Speak up against rape WITHOUT blaming ALL men and without using fear tactics. Use skepticism and logic as tools, not blind acceptance and propaganda as means.
@justiceadams6623 3 жыл бұрын
@formerevolutionist 10 жыл бұрын
How about this: False accusers should be prosecuted. If I were falsely charged with a crime like rape, I would like to see my accuser wearing striped pajamas and shackles in the near future. If false accusers are prosecuted, then there will likely be fewer false accusations. I am not for punishing those who could not prove they were victims of crime, but rather for punishing those who knowingly made the whole thing up.
@1701spacecadet 6 жыл бұрын
formerevolutionist Exactly!
@heavyfrompootis4385 4 жыл бұрын
Im a sophomore in highschool but 3 years ago in 7th grade I was accused of sexual harassment for accidentally touching a girls breast while playing basketball during physical education
@nr63kish 10 жыл бұрын
That 1 in 5 rape/sexual assault was off of a survey that asked women such questions as "if they've ever had sex while intoxicated?", or "have you ever regretting having sex/sleeping with the guy the next day?" If they answered "yes" to either question, they were raped or sexually assaulted. Which makes me ponder, how many men are raped or sexually assaulted by women on college campuses every year? 3 in 5, 4 in 5, 5 in 5? Nah, not 5 in 5, there are those who stay sexually pure till they get married, and there are those who just have no luck, or looks, or are just too nervous, but I'll say somewhere between 60 and 80 percent of men are raped or sexually assaulted on college campuses today Furthermore, as bad as being raped is, being falsely accused of rape is just as bad. I should know, I've had it happen to me. Went to a festival, went back to the hotel room early was tired from drinking all day. Friends bring back a couple of girls they met at the bar whom they said could stay here with us tonight since they were too drunk to drive and had no place. Two of them go to bed, my friend the sober driver, and one of the girls. The other stayed up with my friend and me, drank way too much. She kept trying to get my friend to fuck her, and he wanted none of it. They did make out, but no. She got all pissed off, then sick, puked, passed out in the bathroom. My friend and I are freaking out, what if she has alcohol poisoning, in our room, etc. Took us two hours of pounding, going to the front desk, etc. to get the door open. Finally get her up, she's ass naked and cold so she jumps in the shower and just sits there in the warm water. I offer her some of my clothes(mesh shorts and a t-shirt I got on spring break, yes, I'll never forget it, it is a traumatizing experience being accused of rape) so she has something dry and not covered in puke to wear. A day later I get pulled off of my job by the cops for questioning, and get interrogated for 6 or more hours about why did we rape her, why dd we run a train on her, etc. Oh, no, well you didn't rape her, but your friend did. No. Come on, I've been to parties, blah blah blah. Finally went home, scared shitless that I might do 20 years for something I didn't do, my life at 22 years old is ruined, how do I tell my parents, etc. And so yeah, yes I was very very skeptical when the Duke Lacrosse thing, and the UVA thing were going down, I flat out said "BULLSHIT". I've got a few sisters who are very impressionable, so when they went to college, they believe all these bullshit stats and are feminists etc., and it drives me angry to see how colleges are no longer institutions of learning, much less higher learning, they are indoctrination camps where free thought, logic, freedom of speech, the 2nd amendment, those are the enemy and must be destroyed one mind full of mush at a time.
@Triumvirate888 10 жыл бұрын
I'm not in the "blind faith" department. If somebody comes to me and says they've been raped, I will trust them, and then verify that it's true. And if somebody comes to me and says they've been falsely accused of rape, I will trust them as well, and then verify that it's true.
@Pappybxx 5 жыл бұрын
Almost 200 subscriptions to channels and I just found out you have a channel. I admire your steadfast strength and willingness to stand your ground. Theres only 2 feminists as far as I am concerned. Yourself and Camille Paglia.
@jacobgalloway8570 8 жыл бұрын
Rape and falsely accusing someone of rape especially if convicted are equal crimes in my eyes. When a man is labeled a rapist he loses his family his livelihood his reputation and ultimately his freedom, not to mention that while in prison for the crime he didn't commit he himself may be raped. That is an evil thing to do to another human being and it's a slap in the face to real rape survivors and it makes it harder for them to come forward. Shame on those wemon, just as much shame as the sadistic men that are actually rapists. In my opinion wemon don't have penises so that's how they rape.
@WebFerret246 9 жыл бұрын
1:45 Biden's facial expression: "We both know that's bullshit, Barry."
@jimyborton 9 жыл бұрын
Wow, i saw the video, and i have to say: It was a really good video, i am going to subscrive you and i hope you upload more videos like that. Att. Jose, from Spain
@basiltheporphyrogenitus2347 10 жыл бұрын
Brilliant analysis. Thank you
@felchgrogan 10 жыл бұрын
So many women out there for whom claiming to have been raped is like a girl scout achievement badge. To not have a rape anecdote makes them feel left out - not part of the club. I recommend Huxley's _Devils of Loudun_ for a marvelous analysis of how this kind of hysteria works.
@MISTAWULFY 10 жыл бұрын
Rape culture baiting is a source of power and wealth for a niche group of influential people, that's why.
@paulcantshutup 9 жыл бұрын
This whole thing reminds me of something I read awhile back in a book on science. Basically, one of the most fundamental modes of thinking a scientist can adopt is this: "Accept no claim, unless it is buttressed by good evidence and survives proper analysis."
@JLDoctorWho 9 жыл бұрын
I don't think I heard about this until the house of cards collapsed. What I think about this is really simple. We need to reinforce innocent until proven guilty and we need many, many more feminists like you to speak out and remind everyone that 'feminist' isn't synonymous with lying drama queens who have taken over the label.
@mizofan 9 жыл бұрын
+JLDoctorWho Yes, innocent until proven guilty, There is too much lynch mob mentality, generally, not just among feminists
@thetroofteller 10 жыл бұрын
Dear Factual Feminist, I've just been introduced to your videos by TL;DR and I really appreciate what you're doing :) Your no-nonsense, fact based and logical arguments are a welcome dose of fresh air. Does it ever worry you that by using the word Feminist you might be associated (like it or not as humans we use labels) with Sarkeesian and the other 'man haters' and advocates of 'rape culture' and 'rape apologist scum' with whom you disagreed in another video? You certainly don't sound like them, but the word Feminist, for good or ill, is linked with these women. I really appreciate what you do - thank you so much. Please keep up the great work
@anberlincaligrl 10 жыл бұрын
She addressed that in her "Why would you call yourself a feminist?" video.
@thetroofteller 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks Abby :)
@roykliffen9674 10 жыл бұрын
Those students should sue the pants of the UVA and ask for 100's of millions of dollars compensation for defamation, which will hound their careers for the rest of their lives. AND demand a full, public apology from ALL the professors and officials involved in their prosecution ... not combined ... each one separate. Maybe it is time to play hardball with those insane feminists.
@sadochrist8534 10 жыл бұрын
One way to stop faulty statistics would be to get rid of feminism on campus. Religious studies isn't taught as indoctrination into a religion as usually the classes represent many religions yet "gender studies" is taught as an indoctrination into feminism, that is a double standard in the sense that feminism and "gender studies" is viewed in a specific light which it shouldn't be without a good ability to assess, criticize or evaluate any hypothesis it generates. One could say that "gender studies" is a bunch of unfalsifiable claims built upon more unfalsifiable claims and held up by "peer review" of unfalsifiable claims. There is a reason the majority of your research seems to not look at "gender studies" studies but studies conducted by third parties that have no internal interest or bias into the outcome of results.
@JusticeSoulTuna 10 жыл бұрын
Fearmongering madness...supported by the majority, no less. What a nightmare. The actual issue itself is heinous, but the conflation of circumstances and the hysteria over rape on campus doesn't help.
@SyphistPrime 10 жыл бұрын
Who would've thought people like me would watch this kind of show? The world just puts you in places you would never expect. This show is full of great quality, and has shown me that feminism still has a chance at being a great movement. Thanks for the great content and daring to argue against claims guarded by the corrupt end of the movement. I will continue to support your show.
@fiercephoenix4389 10 жыл бұрын
So I have to say, I actually decided against going to Graduate School because of the rape hype. I already have professional experience in my field, and I felt like putting everything I have earned up until now potentially on the line if some girl wants to point a finger, to spend money in place where my voice is the least effective, and the skills they give me often do not match up with the skills employers want. Besides I have people with those credentials working under me now and they don't seem to have any skills that I lack, it is easier for me to get my credentials from my current employer, and future employers will prefer this experience. When top-tier minds are actively avoiding our higher education systems, there is a problem.
@fiercephoenix4389 10 жыл бұрын
Yes you got me, *shakes head
@fiercephoenix4389 9 жыл бұрын
Tori Dee 'It's that or you're not smart enough for grad school so you're making excuses.' Wow, your reading comprehension skills suck. But I do like when people who disagree with me resort to ad hominem attacks and insults, it's like someone walking up to you and giving you a trophy that says, 'Debate winner'. Protip: making crap up about others isn't convincing at all, and really just waters down the weight of your own opinion.
@steveouk90126 10 жыл бұрын
Missing from CHS's editorial is the fact that the 1/5 stat comes from a faulty survey--and just ask any first year statistics student about the LEAST reliable means of gathering data--which equivocated behavior which didn't even require physical contact with horrific, brutal gang crimes. Add to that the survey was online, only administered at two locations and then extrapolated to the rest of the country, and we have a witch-hunt in progress--ironically perpetrated by women against men who have creepily similar standards as the Salem Puritans.
@hyperslow3810 10 жыл бұрын
Wait a second...... This is a feminist that uses logic and facts to form world views???? I think I must have died in my sleep last night.
@UncleSev 10 жыл бұрын
It's just awful that people don't investigate before yelling RAPE all over the place. I have seen and heard crazy things in my country, but nothing like this
@qazmko22 10 жыл бұрын
Another, video that just knocks it out of the park!
@BobExcalibur 10 жыл бұрын
Much as I'm glad for your contribution Christina, I can't help but notice that you glossed over the ways in which the Centre For Public Integrity report was legitimately specist and misleading. I know that it's very difficult to deliver a concise dissertation on the mistakes of a long form document such as that one (Especially in these videos, which are brief by design), but the decrying of that report's effect on popular culture is predicated on just how spurious it's findings were.
@holypicklesmofo 10 жыл бұрын
Rape culture exists, and things like this do happen. Rape is often brushed aside as the fault of the victim. That is undeniable. That does not mean that women who claim they've been raped should not be investigated, but it means they should be listened to.
@P1ay3r7 10 жыл бұрын
Gezere9 *unsatisfying sexual encounter is rape* I lost any traces of hope for the human race...
@lucianvalsan4633 10 жыл бұрын
There is no rape culture. Not in the wider society. There is a rape culture in the Democratic Republic of Congo. And maybe some US prisons. But in the general society? Absolutely not! Grow up!
@padorak 10 жыл бұрын
The thing is that when somebody is accused of something people immediately jump to conclusions about things. When I was in middle school (back around 2009/2010) I was accused of sexually harassing a bunch of girls who were in the choir. I was in choir during my middle school years, but I was not in the choir during the time of the alleged actions of "sexual harassment". Not only that but I'm gay! At least I came out about 2 years ago and looking back I'm thinking about prosecuting that middle school for defamation of character. (though that would potentially backfire, which is the reason I have not done so) It's because we as a culture always rush to conclusions without first examining both sides of the argument. It's honestly sickening to see people take such under-care for subjects like this. Things like "rape apologists", and "rape culture" are such an unreal thing it's not funny, or at least when it comes seeing them as they are today. It's all a bunch of radicals abusing the legal and social structure of our society, it needs to be stopped. Honestly Ms. Sommers you are a personal inspiration to me. Your ability to present information and clarify things in the wake of this social catastrophe is phenomenal. If you want a suggestion for another video I would love to see something like: How the problems faced by women are caused by the problems faced by men and the other way around, or a video like: Focusing on the issue of problems faced by men and women and how they are the source of each other. Again Ms. Sommers, you continue to be an inspiration.
@Soligmon 10 жыл бұрын
Simply the Best
The sad thing about this is that many people will not see the info in this video. Please help spread this information.
@IShallCallHimTaders 10 жыл бұрын
I'm getting pretty sick of the war on men.
@MISTAWULFY 10 жыл бұрын
the only way to prevent false rape charges is to eliminate the atmosphere in which false rape charges give a person fame and media attention.
@JonnyGnu 10 жыл бұрын
Remember Duke? I challenged the truth of this claim when one of my female relatives showed it to me as an example of rape culture and proof of patriarchal oppression. When the story fell apart all she could say was how this negatively affected future women rape claimants...
@TheCrowSword 10 жыл бұрын
I'm content to see these videos. I just wanted to say that, these videos are top-notch and seem fairly spot on. I have only noticed one spot in your videos so far, were I highly wanted you to go more in depth about a subject. I am marveled at the accuracy of your videos. All faith lost in the ability and possibilities within feminism has been regained for me with this. Of course this doesn't mean I may entirely agree with your opinions on every subject in every way. Nor does it mean that I respect a feminist not well researched in the same way. But then again that would be an entirely ridicules scenario. All I can say is, this was not what I expected when I came here, and it have taken me quite by surprise. I have no idea whether you will read this or whether you would care about it. But I just wanted to express this.
@PrometheanDesigns 10 жыл бұрын
Ladies and gentlemen .... We got her ... The most reasons women in the world. Tyt soundboard snippit with a gender edit, but you're seriously awesome, ladyo. Keep it up! Subscribed. :)
@beckahansen7610 10 жыл бұрын
I honestly believe this falls right along with a lot of problems in our american culture. It seems to me that, for perhaps even centuries now, society needs to have an "Enemy" or "villain" to cause a reason for people to unite. That when the enemy isn't a war or a culture, they are now must finding new things to label as evil to prove that there is a side worth being on and a group mentality to be a part of, now I have never gone to college and I'm not the most educationally learned individual but I can see when there is a Shepard to the sheep, and I want so badly for people to choose not to be sheep in a flock to be informed about all the facts. That is one of the many reason I love this series, its not asking to rise against a threat but to think about all the different sides to the story. that maybe the loudest voice isn't always right. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into these videos.
@EmceeLorder 10 жыл бұрын
Another great vid exposing the source of all this recent bumper crop of "rape culture"? This stuff is getting crazy.
@averagebloke4474 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video! What I was trying to say all along, finally some reason and logic. Thank you!
@jimmyseaver3647 10 жыл бұрын
I go to Kent State, but just to work at the offices. Fortunately, I never heard tell of any 'rape epidemics' on campus. Most I've seen are a few 'tell someone if you've witnessed or experienced sexual harrassment' posters. And I probably don't want to dig any deeper.
@MyOnlyFarph 10 жыл бұрын
Shit I went to college like many others, never once even heard a single rumor about rape.
@Meloncolliepoet 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this!
@jamesconnolly5164 10 жыл бұрын
As a man, I could never devote this kind of attention to debunking this dangerous cultish movement without people just thinking I was being silly. No, these people have a lot sway, and it should rightly alarm us. Especially when they have everybody too frightened to say a word against "equality" (which is conveniently impossible to define). Thank you for doing what you can.
@freezoneproject567 8 жыл бұрын
It's weird that no individual universities noticed that nowhere near 20% of female students were being assaulted on their campus and took the time to compare notes with other schools.
@arbitor365 10 жыл бұрын
Alot of feminists worry that this case will make people skeptical next time an alleged rape victim comes forward....... *GOOD.* Skepticism is the stance you are *supposed* to take when someone accuses someone else of a crime. Objectivity is necessary.
@stolasg3221 4 жыл бұрын
I can only thank you for this very factual video, looking at both sides. Thats sadly often not done in all kind of disputes. Thank you for being honest
@IAmMyOwnApprentice 10 жыл бұрын
I wonder if any of those protestors have apologized.
@Loathomar 10 жыл бұрын
Trenchcoat1Sword LOL, god no. The Duke team got protested AFTER the DA basically said all accusations were false. The accuser faced no charges and even got a book deal out of it before she murdered her boyfriend in cold blood. She got 14 to 18 years, about the same all three of the Duke guys would have got if her lies where not discovered.
@robrobert9541 8 жыл бұрын
As a man living in this craziness, it is such a relief to listen to intelligent rational women reject this scare-mongering with facts and logic. More and more women are jumping off the radical-feminist bandwagon, because it is becoming clear that it is all politically driven.
@CreamGoblin 10 жыл бұрын
I love your videos. You're about the only feminist I can watch, let alone agree on points in a civil manor. Please continue what you are doing, even if my beliefs sometimes disagree with you own.
@CAPUTO000 7 жыл бұрын
the clouds parted and light shone through.... so refreshing to listen to common sense for a change.
@okami4683 2 жыл бұрын
I graduated from a university in California with an Engineering degree. One of the core classes I had to take (which wasn't related to my major) was a Women's Study course. The course was exactly that, a course and not a class. We were tasked with writing essays where we would give our opinion or respond to a statement. You would get a failing mark if you said anything other than regurgitate what the 2 teachers of this course lectured about.
@FayteZephyr 10 жыл бұрын
This whole situation hurts the people who were actually raped. Which I can no longer take on faith alone that they're telling the truth. Its the same way with the sex offenders list. Like this guy: If I were in his position, I too would have just kept driving. I have 2 daughters that depend on me, as well as my wife. I can't risk the life long stigma of being labeled some type of pedophile or predator. There's also the case of the guy that almost hit a 14 year old girl, lectured her on not getting run over, and is now on the sex offenders list for life. Destroys any future he may have had. Real rapist and sex offenders (especially against children) are monsters that should be brought to justice. But justice is destroyed when the innocent must suffer to catch the guilty. All this false and sensationalized rape does the same thing. I no longer believe anyone who claims to have been raped, how could I? What this tells men like me, honest, hard working fathers who love their families; is this - 'Stay away from women, especially if they claim they're in trouble or look like they need help'. I can't afford to be wrapped up in their problems. Maybe even, just stay away from women in general. When I was younger (and I'm only 32), I would have gladly run down a dark alley to help a women or child (or really, anyone in trouble). I even used to pick up and help out hitchhikers and on more than one occasion bought them lunch as I took them further on the highway (I drove a lot back then for work, and didn't mind helping people). That time is all over. Now the most logical thing for me to do is to ignore those in need. Its just not worth the risk. I'll need to try my best to keep my daughters from college. Men seem to have figured out that most college degrees are worthless and are pursing either nothing (very viable with high taxes and easy government money - I have 2 brothers living life this way...) or they need to go into STEM or take up a trade. I'll need to have with them the talk my wife and I wish we had seriously with our parents when we were younger. Life is short, and if you want kids, have them earlier. They're more likely to be healthy, you'll have more energy, and you won't be so damn old when they get to your current age. Stay strong my fellow fathers and good men. If I ever come across you in need, I will gladly offer my help. My apologizes to women and children, society it seems doesn't want us to be responsible for you or to stand with you. I wish you the best of luck. In the mean time, my children will have both their parents, their grand parents and extended family, and anything I can to help them get ahead in life (I got one of the lucky wives that comes from an intact family, and won't have hers any other way).
@porcelainchips6061 10 жыл бұрын
A very similar case was actually featured on Dr. Phil quite recently (within the last month), wherein a woman presented a story about being kidnapped, raped and held for several days before being released. The interesting thing is that she knew, based on time stamp evidence and accounts from friends, that she had never actually been taken. It was a really interesting case because something traumatic had definitely happened to this woman; she was visibly upset and disturbed. It's just that her memory was somehow false. Both the UVA case and the Dr. Phil case make me feel like we do really need to investigate these supposed crimes before running with them. In both instances, if the women truly 'believe' their non-existent rapes happened then clearly an investigation could help to diagnosis the deeper issue which could harm them further in the future if left untreated. As strange as it may sound; not looking into the legitimacy of a rape story might in some instances hurt the victim in question more then instantly believing her.
@MadMaximus31 10 жыл бұрын
I can't remember where I read this, but some psychologist believe when we experience something traumatic, we tend to overemphasize the trauma. Being locked in a dark closet for 2 hours becomes being locked in a closet all day filled with spiders. That could have been what happened in both cases.
@porcelainchips6061 10 жыл бұрын
MadMaximus31 It's completely possible and, again, not investigating the story could lead to people holding onto horrible false memories for the rest of their life. Dr. Phil actually said on that episode; "If it turns out this never happened... Isn't that nice? If we look into this and can confirm you weren't raped then isn't it nice to not have to carry that with you?"
@apocolypseToreador 10 жыл бұрын
Just sharing my experience as a woman who's currently in college (finishing my 3rd year) and can expect to be there at least 3 years more for their major. Campus police take everything very seriously. In my school at least, all crimes reported are put on an alert service immediately after being reported so that the entire student body can be aware of any threat to them or their property. If someone committed a crime like rape on my campus, and it went reported, everyone would know that person, or if the person raped couldn't remember their name, the school would get as many details about the criminal's physical appearance as possible. We were greeted on orientation with a discussion of consent that was, despite the dramatization (as in, it was literally a play, not that it was overly dramatic) completely serious. To my knowledge, there has never been a rape reported on campus. There probably have been some that occurred, I am not discounting that, but the fact is that the chances of it happening are nowhere near the 1-in-5 statistic. Even if only half of those women reported... well, we'd know. The entire student body would. There would be constant reports. The city police would be involved immediately. This is only one university, of course, but it's one university downtown in a dangerous neighborhood, where you would think it most likely for these things to occur.
@daemon2426 10 жыл бұрын
The campus I love near has not, to the beat of my ability, bowed to this "preponderance of evidence " bs. We have our own on campus police force that investigates crimes. Rapes are uncommon and it is usually quickly assessed if the accused is lying. We had a case where a woman claimed attempted assault in a parking garage. They checked the security cameras inside and found her to be lying. She did it for attention. The community was outraged.
@ZURATAMA1324 10 жыл бұрын
Fuck this. I'm going back to North Korea. All hail the might glorious Kim Jun Un!
@TheRealMrFunny 10 жыл бұрын
I was hoping for more of a debunking of the UVA story itself, showing why the story fell apart.
@Penryn87 10 жыл бұрын
There should be a law that require journalist to attempt contact with alleged perpetrators or clearly state that that either did not attempt contact or no comment was given.
@swiminbandgeek 10 жыл бұрын
I think that with these sorts of cases should be analyzed in great detail regardless of the strength of the accusation before the acquisition becomes public theres no sense in hanging the accused in the court of public opinion before a trial even happens
@Striker775 10 жыл бұрын
if integrity is a resource, clickbait media sure is depleting their currency fast
@bar-1studios 10 жыл бұрын
And to make another point - do you recall the story of Janet Cooke, and her pulitzer prize-winning article on 8-year-old heroin addict "Jimmy"?
@toricarlini4474 10 жыл бұрын
I just know a few months back on the campus in my Hometown, University of Florida. There was a rapist and attacking woman and there was a case that a man was also attacked. I don't know all the details but it happen before this article I think.
@magottyk 10 жыл бұрын
How about an office of integrity staffed by non ideological people who investigate any charity status and think tank organisations claims, those found to be misleading the public get a suspension of, or stripped of their charity status and if the misleading claims egregious enough, disincorporated. Of course you'd need an office of integrity for the office of integrity, so maybe we'd need the watchdog to have to bring the case before an independent tribunal and present their case of why the claims are misleading.
@samchandler2527 10 жыл бұрын
At the 4:00 minute mark where the study is then taken to the Office of Human Rights, through to, threats of funding cuts, to Ms Ali's letter - speaks to the dollar incentive to adopt the new draconian rules of conduct. 3rd wave feminism is about money. Money for "advocacy research", money for advocacy groups and money for programming, and studies. Money in grants, loans and contributions - money in wages for women to organize. All doubly devastating because money is - taken away - from any detractors, dissenters or just the plain neutral as well. We don't talk about feminism as an industry or a power base but with women being more than half the voters in the States feminism as a product or service to sway votes deserves more air. Money is presence and presence means votes.
@CaptainJacksIsland 10 жыл бұрын
I keep hearing about this rape culture, but I've yet to hear anyone go into specifics on what supposedly causes it.
@TheSorrowfulAngel 6 жыл бұрын
About a year ago, a friend of mine was accused of rape. He has not raped the female in question, but both him and her were heavily drunk - she did come home to him voluntarily(Actually asked him if she could stay overnight). Despite all this, the police treats him like he already did it. A surprise visit, rummaging through his home and taking him into custody for a day. They couldn't find anything and he admitted having sex with her. Then, a month ago.... nearly a year of nothing later, police breaks into his home, rummaging through his belongings while he wasnt home and even takes his computer for evidence(Mind you, a computer he did not own until a few days before this - there couldnt be evidence on there). This is something any woman can do to any man she had sex with. And it is VERY easy to do. "Guilty until proven otherwise" seems to be the modus operandi here.
@JKOT05 10 жыл бұрын
Little joke: Woman goes to bank and and wants to deposit 100$ banknote on her account. Teller says: "This banknote is counterfeit" Woman screams: "CALL THE POLICE, I'VE BEEN RAPED"
@maeri-jodavey3565 8 жыл бұрын
It's a shame that "other feminists" don't listen to The Factual Feminist more often.
@SomethingSomethingg 10 ай бұрын
This is why I question the claim that a very, VERY small percentage of rape allegations are false because with the exception of Chanel Miller whenever there's a rape story that gets heavy media coverage it turns out to be a hoax. This case, Tawana Brawley, Crystal Mangum and the Duke Lacrosse Case, Alice Sebold, and the Hofstra University cases are all I can think of. Even Trish Meili is a bit sketchy. I don't know how you mistake one individual for a gang rape.
@BlackJar72 6 жыл бұрын
I never heard of it before -- I wish there had been more info on what the claims were and how they were debunked.
@AhidoMikaro 10 жыл бұрын
Believing is a sign of disinterest, even most of the time when it is done with "good intentions." It is like saying for some kid "He is a smart kid. He will do fine." Instead of helping the kid in some way you just do nothing, because you believe that a confused little kid or a teen always knows what is the best action to take. Fucking talk to him and help him figure out things. It is the same for everything else. You don't believe, you ask, talk about intelligently and reach together to answers, whatever they are or about.
@popcornsprinkles8071 8 жыл бұрын
I do wonder if there is a correlation between these new standards and the drop of men in universities.
@mollyocallaghan5065 8 жыл бұрын
There most likely is a correlation
@Panwere36 10 жыл бұрын
Dear Christine Hoff Sommers, You are already doing a major effort to help with this sort of thing. By being a REAL Feminist, and exposing the demagoguery and outright dishonesty involved, you are striking a blow for truth on all fronts. Thank you.
@St1kyFinguz 10 жыл бұрын
It's been reported by someone who was close to the incident that the young woman was at a get together where she performed oral sex on 4 men. Her hysterical reaction was the result of morning after remorse.
@busterbox 10 жыл бұрын
You can never just write off a claim on its face without evidence, but when I heard abot this story, I was deeply skeptical, and figured that further facts would soon come to light which would either show it to be an utter fabrication, or at least a gross overstatement of what actually occurred. Gang rape as an initiation at a fraternity? Anything's possible, but to believe something like that, I'm going to need more than one person's say-so.
@MichaelRayWegner 10 жыл бұрын
There is an extremely common narrative that is spreading across the internet that a rape victim is always right and we should always listen to them. People believe that these victims are the experts and that we should immediately arrest and send the person they identify as the perpetrator to prison. This is on the contention that if we ask the victim about the event, we are trying to blame the assault on them. I personally believe that due process is an important practice in our society that is slowly being rejected by modern day gender activists.
@zarkoff45 10 жыл бұрын
I initially thought the Rolling Stone story was heavily slanted, but that something serious had indeed happened there. Now I'm wondering if it mostly happened only in Jackie's mind.
@originalraider6249 9 жыл бұрын
as a young boy I was told the story of the boy that cried wolf..its a shame the girls haven't been told this story
@MikeTall88 8 жыл бұрын
The story defines the child as a boy after all, they can't have that.
@Captain_Draco 10 жыл бұрын
Any time an accusation is blatantly false and made with malicious intent the accuser should face the same punishment their accused was facing
@njyankeesfan 10 жыл бұрын
God, this woman is brilliant. Lone voice of reason in feminism as that movement becomes more and more insane.
@VenomWabbit 10 жыл бұрын
The worst part is people actually claim that denying rape culture is evidence of rape culture. Okay.jpeg
@sciencemile 10 жыл бұрын
Only a true god would deny their divinity!
@lucabrazi3067 8 жыл бұрын
Why is due process ignored?
@CrispyGreyMatter 10 жыл бұрын
I pledged a frat in University and this story sent up red flags. Even though my frat did /not/ haze, others did (even though I was/is illegal). Point being, that hazing is for the pledges, not some passer-by. So, a simple logic check this story does not pass. Also, given the previous stories that have been bought and turned out to be lies, it wasn't hard to not believe until some actual journalism was done. And lo and behold, same end here. Seems like the general populace has a memory the span of the life of a chronically depressed lemming...
@jediknight38 5 жыл бұрын
I know that this subject matter is nothing to joke about, but after hearing college students rant about "rape culture" you would think that there were people getting raped every few seconds as if rape was legalized.
@ChankkSaotome 10 жыл бұрын
I am not as eloquent as Sommers or so many other commentators here but what I wished to make note of as a personal fear has already been said by more than a few people here. These modern "feminists" who usurp the name of a social movement toward equal gender recognition have done and continue to do so much harm to the female gender they claim to be in support of. I was planning on noting how unsubstantiated rape claims or even calls of sexism eventually lead to a desensitization to the meaning of the word, which as a linguist is ten kinds of painful never mind as an egalitarian, and how in the future the evocation of such terms will simply lead to a "Boy who cried wolf" scenario. Well, I've already seen this exact same dismissive attitude in at least a dozen direct comments, ignoring the responses to them. This is an absolute travesty. Rape is, as I'm sure Sommers would concur, a most serious and heinous crime as well as trauma to the victims, but in today and future's societies this horror will not go unchecked because of a sexist or misogynistic culture, but because people have been driven to apathy and disbelief at the claims thereof. Even now, when I tell someone of the misogyny of certain Asian cultures, they shrug it off as equivalent to the internet bullying or trolling by 12-year-olds received by so many modern American "feminists", rather than recognizing the fear of a woman raped nearly to death and nursed back to health only to be stoned by her own family. When I talk about the sexism of courts that can view a recording of a woman being raped and dismiss the case only to let her assailant return and sue and levy criminal charges of Slander and Defamy against her, sending her, bankrupt, to jail, it is ignored because the term "sexism" has lost its value. And the fact that I even SAY these things and try to make anyone, much less the snake-oil merchants and con artists of the modern American "feminist" movement, aware of what actual sexism or, forbid they ever experience the real horror of it, misogyny is; as a man, I apparently hate all women. While I don't think any branch, even that of Sommer's academically and study supported end, of feminism can likely help end these things, shame on me for ever trying to make people aware of the ACTUAL suffering of women in the world. TL;DR: I'm an asshole because I actually give a shit.
@Starksnark 10 жыл бұрын
I am horrified at how faux journalists would slime up an incident to embellish the truth for an easy buck. Which is why journalism needs accountability and fact checkers, or reputations can be ruined by greedy writers.
@rowdycmoore 10 жыл бұрын
Then how come, when those high schoolers in Steubenveille were charged with rape, the overwhelming attitude of Americans was that girl DESERVED to get raped and how horrible it was that the extremely light sentence the boys got was going to ruin their football careers? How come when the victim in Maryville reported her rape, the town's immediate response was to burn down her home? How about when a Notre Dame coed was raped by football players in 2010, she was driven to suicide from official advising her not to report it? How about when University of Colorado football players were accused of rape in 2004, including that of a woman trying to make the team as a kicker, and the coach's response was that she DESERVED to be assaulted because she WASN'T A GOOD KICKER - and he was not fired for that????
@Godfred78 10 жыл бұрын
It's time to segregate i think... School for boys and school for girls... 2 buildings same playground. Collages? Segregate them completely... Because this shit will only get worse if we don't! I think there would me a lot of teachers who would love to teach at an all boy school. Especially male teachers... Fuck it! I know it sounds crazy, but i think it would work better for both sexes. Since our way of learning is so different. It would especially help out the boys who are loosing out in the feminist school system we have today...
@betrue9785 9 жыл бұрын
I am sure that some of these feminist you speak of have given you a hard time to say the least. Remember Susan steinmintz who wrote a report on domestic violence she stated that women commit battery as often if not more than men. She received death threats for publishing that report.
@mizofan 9 жыл бұрын
+Be True Erin Pizzey was forced out of UK for similar.
@robertfaust2079 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for clarifying the story even though I did not read it.
@jamesberlo4298 7 жыл бұрын
I wonder how at U V have come forward to apologize for their condemnation and protests ?
@bmagada 10 жыл бұрын
I was waiting for a "and then all their shit fell apart" haha
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